SFR template National Statistics 240815

School Workforce in England: November
SFR 21/2016, 30 June 2016
The total number of full-time equivalent (FTE) teachers working in state funded schools in
England has continued to rise. In November 2015 there 456.9 thousand FTE teachers.
Between 2014 and 2015 the
total number of FTE teachers
increased by 2.0 thousand
(0.4 per cent) from 454.9
thousand FTEs to 456.9
thousand FTEs.
The FTE number of teachers
in all nursery/primary schools
has risen by 4.5 thousand
(2.1 per cent) on last year.
The FTE number of teachers
in all secondary schools has
reduced by 2.5 thousand
(down by 1.2 per cent).
Changes in teacher numbers
over time mainly reflect
changes in pupil numbers.
Between 2011 and 2015 the rate of entry into teaching has remained higher than the
percentage of qualified teachers leaving the profession.
Percentage of FTE Teachers
9.0 8.9
The total number of FTE
qualified entrants to teaching
has increased from 44,900
(10.3 per cent) in 2014 to
45,810 (10.5 per cent) in
Over the same period the total
number of FTE qualified
entrants leaving teaching has
increased from 42,050 (9.7
per cent) in 2014 to 43,070
(10.0 per cent) in 2015.
qualifed teacher entrants rate
Contact: Email:
qualified teacher leavers rate
Press office: 020 7783 8300
Public enquiries: 0370 000 2288
1. The size of the schools’ workforce (SFR Tables 1, 2a, and 2b) ............................................. 4
Key changes between 2014 and 2015....................................................................................... 5
2. Teacher flows (SFR Tables 7a, 7b and 8) ............................................................................. 6
3. Deployment and characteristics of teachers and other schools staff (SFR Tables 3, 4, 5
and 6) ............................................................................................................................ 7
Teachers with and without Qualified Teacher Status ................................................................. 7
Gender of school staff................................................................................................................ 7
Disabled school teachers........................................................................................................... 8
Age of school teachers .............................................................................................................. 8
Ethnicity of school staff .............................................................................................................. 8
Full and part-time working amongst school staff ........................................................................ 9
4. Teachers’ pay (SFR Tables 9a, 9b, 9c and 9d) ......................................................................... 9
5. Teachers’ qualifications and curriculum taught (SFR Tables 10, 11, 12 and 13) ....................... 9
6. Teacher vacancies (SFR Tables 14 and 15) ...................................................................... 10
7. Teacher sickness absence (SFR Table 16) ................................................................. 10
8. Pupil teacher ratios (SFR Tables 17a and 17b) ................................................................... 11
9. Teacher retirements and out of service teachers (SFR Tables 18 – 23) ........................... 11
10. Accompanying tables ........................................................................................ 12
11. Further information is available .......................................................................... 13
12. National Statistics .............................................................................................. 14
13. Technical information ........................................................................................ 15
14. Get in touch ....................................................................................................... 15
Media enquiries ....................................................................................................................... 15
Other enquiries/feedback ......................................................................................................... 15
Contact: Email:
Press office: 020 7783 8300
Public enquiries: 0370 000 2288
About this release
This statistical first release provides the latest information on the composition of the school workforce employed in
local authority maintained nursery, primary, secondary and special schools and all primary, secondary, and special
academy schools and free schools in England.
The release is based on data collected from schools and local authorities in November 2015 as part of the sixth
annual School Workforce Census. Data on independent schools, sixth form colleges and further education
establishments are not included.
The census collects detailed information on teachers, teaching assistants and other non-classroom based school
support staff. The SFR includes statistics showing the time series of school staff numbers by grade/role and by school
phase. It also provides detailed characteristics data on school staff e.g. their age, gender, ethnicity and whether they
work full or part-time.
The SFR also includes statistics on teachers’ salaries, qualifications and sickness absence levels. Plus, for a sample
of secondary school teachers, statistics are published on the curriculum subject taught, whether teachers have
qualifications in the subjects they teach and the hours spent teaching by subject.
In addition, the SFR includes statistics on the number of teaching vacancies (and by subject for secondary schools)
and the number of teaching posts that are filled on a temporary basis.
The quality of data in this release depends on schools correctly completing their returns. Each year we review the
process to consider what additional validation checks we can build into the collection process to help schools, and
how we can supplement the data schools return with other data we hold to improve the data quality.
In this publication
This statistical release contains time series statistics on the number of teachers, teaching assistants and support staff
employed by state funded schools and local authorities in England. It also provides details on teacher and support
staff characteristics and deployment, teacher flows, teacher pay, teacher sickness absence, teacher qualifications and
curriculum taught, as well as teaching vacancies and pupil teacher ratios. These tables are contained in (Excel .xls)
In addition, there are statistics on teacher retirements and out of service teachers in (Excel .xls) and school level
statistics (with LA and Region summaries) in the underlying data (open format .csv and metadata .txt)
The accompanying quality and methodology information document, provides information on the data sources, their
coverage and quality and explains the methodology used in producing the data.
We are changing how our statistical releases look and welcome feedback on any aspect of this document at
Contact: Email:
Press office: 020 7783 8300
Public enquiries: 0370 000 2288
1. The size of the schools’ workforce (SFR Tables 1, 2a, and 2b)
Table 1 shows how the how the size of the workforce in schools has changed since 2010 – when the
School Workforce Census was first introduced. In November 2015 there were 1.4 million people
(headcount) working in state funded schools in England. This comprises 503.0 thousand teachers, 13.1
thousand occasional teachers (on contracts of less than one month), 387.6 thousand teaching assistants,
462.2 thousand school support staff and 46.3 thousand additional third party support staff.
There were 150 schools (0.7% of all open schools) in the November 2015 census that did not supply
usable data and estimates for these schools have been included in the following figures. Further
information on the estimation for missing schools is contained within the accompanying quality and
methodology information document.
Table 1: Composition of the schools’ workforce (headcount):
England, 2010 - 2015, thousands
Third Party
Source: School Workforce Census 2010 - 2015
The majority of teachers work full-time and the majority of other school staff work-part-time therefore
headline figures are usually presented in terms of the number of full-time equivalent (FTE) staff members.
FTE figures are not available for occasional teachers or agency/third party support staff and FTE figures for
school support staff were not available for 2010.
In November 2015 there were 957.8 thousand full-time equivalent (FTE) school workforce employees
(classroom and leadership group teachers, teaching assistants, school support staff and auxiliary staff)
working in state funded schools in England. In FTE terms, 48 per cent of the schools’ workforce are
teachers, 27 per cent are teaching assistants and 25 per cent are non-classroom based support staff.
Table 2: Composition of the schools’ workforce (full-time equivalent):
England, 2011-2015, thousands
Total Fulltime
Source: School Workforce Census 2011 - 2015
The latest statistics continue the trend of previous years where the size of the school workforce is
increasing due to increases in the number of teachers, teaching assistants and school support staff. The
increase in total teacher numbers is focussed in the nursery/primary sector. Births in England have been
broadly rising since 2002, leading to increases in primary-aged pupils from 2010. Between 2015 and 2024,
pupil numbers in maintained nursery and state-funded primary schools are projected to increase by eight
per cent and pupil numbers in state-funded secondary schools are projected to increase by twenty per cent.
State-funded secondary pupil numbers started declining in 2004 and are projected to continue to decline
until 2015. Since then the increases in primary pupil numbers have started to flow through into secondary
schools, with secondary school pupil numbers rising now for two consecutive years. See link:
Key changes between 2014 and 2015
Between 2014 and 2015 there have been increases in the total number of school staff working in schools;
from 942.0 thousand FTE staff in 2014 to 957.8 thousand FTE staff in 2015; an increase of 15.8 thousand
FTEs and a rise of 1.7 per cent.
Within these increases there has been a rise in the number of primary school staff and a small decrease in
the number of staff working in the secondary school phase.
Overall teacher
numbers have
increased further, by
0.4 per cent, between
2014 and 2015.
The total number of FTE teachers increased by 2.0 thousand; from 454.9
thousand FTEs in 2014 to 456.9 thousand FTEs in 2015.
Within the nursery/primary phase, the total number of FTE teachers
increased by 4.5 thousand; from 215.5 thousand FTEs in 2014 to 220.0
thousand FTEs in 2015. This represents a 2.1 per cent increase.
Within the secondary phase, the total number of FTE teachers decreased
by 2.5 thousand; from 213.4 thousand FTEs in 2014 to 210.9 thousand
FTEs in 2015. This represents a 1.2 per cent decrease.
Overall teaching
assistants numbers
have increased
further, by 3.1 per
cent since 2014.
The total number of FTE teaching assistants has increased by 7.9
thousand; from 255.1 thousand FTEs in 2014 to 263.0 thousand FTEs in
Within the nursery/primary phase, the total number of FTE teaching
assistants increased by 8.3 thousand; from 166.2 thousand FTEs in 2014
to 174.5 thousand FTEs in 2015. This is a 5.0 per cent increase.
Within the secondary phase, the total number of FTE teaching assistants
decreased by 1.6 thousand; from 53.9 thousand FTEs in 2014 to 52.3
thousand FTEs in 2015. This is a 3.0 per cent decrease.
Overall school
support staff numbers
have increased
further, by 2.6 per
cent since 2014.
The total number of FTE school support staff (including auxiliary staff) has
increased by 6.0 thousand; from 232.0 thousand FTEs in 2014 to 238.0
thousand FTEs in 2015.
Within the nursery/primary phase, the total number of FTE school support
staff increased by 3.8 thousand; from 101.3 thousand FTEs in 2014 to
105.1 thousand FTEs in 2015. This is a 3.8 per cent increase.
Within the secondary phase, the total number of FTE school support staff
decreased by 1.2 thousand; from 102.4 thousand FTEs in 2014 to 101.2
thousand FTEs in 2015. This is a 1.2 per cent decrease.
Further information on the size and composition the schools’ workforce can be found in Tables 1, 2a, 2b, 3a
and 3b of the statistical first release. In particular, Tables 3a and 3b provide a detailed breakdown of the
staffing numbers (teachers in 3a, support staff in 3b) by school phase and school type. These tables show
the balance of school staff in local authority maintained schools and academy/free schools.
As the number of academy and free schools increases and the number of LA maintained schools reduces
this affects the distribution of school staff between school type within the primary and secondary school
More academies…
In November 2015 there were 5,410 academy schools. This is an increase
of 796 compared to 2014 when there were 4,614 academy schools.
Academy schools accounted for 41 per cent of all schools at the time of the
… means more
academy teachers…
In November 2015, there were 184.6 thousand FTE teachers in academy
schools up 14.5 thousand or 8.5 per cent from 170.1 thousand FTE
teachers in November 2014.
… and more teachers
in free schools…
3.7 thousand FTE teachers were employed in the 303 free schools in
November 2015. This is an increase of 1.1 thousand FTE teachers
compared with the previous year. In addition, there were a further 1.0
thousand FTE teachers in University Technical Colleges and studio
… and fewer
teachers in local
authority maintained
In November 2015, there were 267.9 thousand FTE teachers in LA
maintained schools down 6.0 per cent compared with the 280.2 thousand in
November 2014.
… and fewer centrally
employed teachers.
As more schools convert to academy status the support required from local
authorities diminishes. In addition, many centrally employed staff worked in
pupil referral units which are now standalone schools. These changes have
resulted in the continued decline of centrally employed teachers; from 4.7
thousand FTE teachers in 2014 to 4.4 thousand FTE teachers in 2015.
2. Teacher flows (SFR Tables 7a, 7b and 8)
The total number of FTE qualified entrants to teaching has increased over time from 38,300 in 2011 to
44,900 in 2014 and 45,810 in 2015. As a percentage of the stock of qualified teachers the teacher entrants
rate has also increased over the same period; from 9.0 per cent in 2011 to 10.3 per cent in 2014 and 10.5
per cent in 2015.
The number of qualified entrants in any one year includes newly qualified teachers, those teachers new to
the state funded sector and those returning to teaching after a break. In 2015, newly qualified teachers
accounted for 55 per cent of the total qualified entrants, 31 per cent of entrants are returners and 14 per
cent are teachers new to the sector.
The total number of FTE qualified leavers has also increased over time from 37,890 in 2011 to 42,050 in
2014 and 43,070 in 2015. As a percentage of the stock of qualified teachers the teacher leavers rate has
also increased over the same period; from 8.9 per cent in 2011 to 9.7 per cent in 2014 and 10.0 per cent in
The number of qualified leavers in any one year includes teachers taking retirement, those taking a break
from teaching (e.g. maternity leave, secondments) and who may come back as returners in a later year and
those leaving the profession (both these groups are in the ‘out of service’ category). Between 2011 and
2015 the FTE number of teacher retirements has decreased (from 13,330 to 8,820) and the FTE number of
out of service teachers has increased (from 24,330 to 34,250). In 2015, out of service teachers accounted
for 80 per cent of the total qualified leavers and retirements accounted for 20 per cent.
Teacher retention has remained broadly stable since 2006. The percentage of teachers that are still in post
one year after qualifying and starting a job has remained static at 87 per cent. Table 8 shows the
percentage of teachers that are still in post each year after qualifying and entering service. For example,
the percentage of teachers that were still in post three years after qualifying and entering service was 75
per cent, a small decrease on the previous year’s figure of 77 per cent. The percentage of teachers that
were still in post five and ten years after qualifying and entering service was 70 per cent and 61 per cent
respectively. 50 per cent of teachers were still in service 19 years after qualifiying and entering service.
3. Deployment and characteristics of teachers and other schools
staff (SFR Tables 3, 4, 5 and 6)
The size of the schools’ workforce is such that the characteristics (gender, age, ethnicity etc.) of its
employees changes very little between consecutive years.
Teachers with and without Qualified Teacher Status
The percentage of qualified teachers (those with Qualified Teacher Service) in all state funded schools is
95.1 per cent; a decrease from 95.5 per cent in 2014.
The total number of teachers without QTS increased between 2014 and 2015; from 20.3 thousand FTEs in
2014 to 22.5 thousand FTEs in 2015. This represents an increase in the percentage of FTE teachers
without QTS; from 4.5 per cent to 4.9 per cent in 2015. As reported by schools the percentage of teachers
without QTS that were working towards gaining QTS had also increased; from 15.0 per cent in 2010 to 19.2
per cent in 2014 to 20.0 per cent in 2015.
The percentage of FTE teachers that do not have QTS varies by school type. 3.1 per cent of teachers in all
nursery/primary schools do not have QTS; compared with 5.9 per cent in all secondary schools.
Within the nursery/primary sector, 2.8 per cent of FTE teachers in maintained primary schools do not have
QTS. This rises to 3.9 per cent in primary academy convertor schools, 5.3 per cent in sponsor-led primary
academies and 12.5 per cent in primary free schools.
4.8 per cent of FTE teachers in maintained secondary schools do not have QTS. This rises to 5.3 per cent
in secondary academy convertor schools, 9.4 per cent in sponsor-led secondary academies and 10.3 per
cent in secondary free schools.
Gender of school staff
Almost three out of four school teachers are female and four out of five school employees are female.
The percentage of full-time equivalent school staff by gender: November 2015
73.8 per cent of FTE
teachers are female.
84.8 per cent of FTE
primary school teachers
are female and 62.4 per
cent of secondary school
91.5 per cent of teaching
assistants and 82.0 per
cent of support staff are
Overall, 80.1 per cent of
all school staff are
The percentage of female teachers has increased over time. In 2010, 72.9 per cent of full-time equivalent
teachers were female and this percentage has increased in each year. By 2015, 73.8 per cent of full-time
equivalent teachers were female.
Disabled school teachers
Schools are asked to provide information on the number of teachers that record themselves as disabled.
However, only half of schools provided information on disability in the November 2015 census. The
information provided suggests 0.5 per cent of teachers are disabled, however, this may not truly reflect the
real position given the large amount of missing data.
Age of school teachers
One in four teachers are under 30 years of age and nearly one in five are over 50 years old. On average
teachers in primary schools are slightly younger than those in secondary schools.
The percentage of full-time equivalent school staff by gender: November 2015
28.4 per cent of FTE
teachers in nursery and
primary schools are aged
under 30. For secondary
schools the figure is 23.1
per cent.
54.7 per cent of FTE
primary school teachers
are aged 30 to 50, in
secondary schools the
figure is 59.2 per cent.
16.9 per cent of FTE
primary school teachers
are aged over 50, in
secondary schools the
figure is 17.7 per cent.
Between 2010 and 2015 there have been increases in the number of younger teachers and decreases in
the number of older teachers. For example, the percentage of full-time equivalent teachers that are aged
under 30 has increased from 23.0 per cent (in 2010) to 25.1 per cent (in 2015). Over the same period the
percentage of full-time equivalent teachers aged between 30 and 50 has also increased from 52.9 per cent
to 56.7 per cent. The percentage of teachers aged over 50 has therefore reduced; from 24.1 percent in
2010 to 18.2 per cent in 2015.
Ethnicity of school staff
The percentage of teachers (where details are known) recorded as White British has decreased from 87.5
per cent in 2014 to 87.0 per cent in 2015. The percentage of head teachers recorded as White British was
93.4 per cent (a small decrease from 93.7 per cent in 2014).
Over time the percentage of teachers recorded as White British has decreased, from 88.9 per cent in 2010
to 87.0 per cent in 2015. Teachers from ‘Other White Background’ (3.7 per cent), White-Irish (1.7 per cent),
Indian (1.7 per cent), Pakistani (1.0 per cent) and Black Caribbean (1.0 per cent) backgrounds are the next
largest groups of teachers.
School support staff have a similar ethnic breakdown of staff with 86.5 per cent of all non-teaching staff
recorded as White British. 86.4 per cent of teaching assistants were recorded as White British. This is a
small reduction compared with 2014 when 86.6 per cent were recorded as White British.
Full and part-time working amongst school staff
The majority of teachers work full-time and the majority of other school staff work part-time.
In November 2015, 77.3 per cent of the headcount total number of teachers worked full-time and 22.7 per
cent worked part-time. The percentage of part-time teachers has been increasing from 21.5 per cent in
2010 to 22.0 per cent in 2014 and 22.7 per cent in 2015.
In 2015, 27.2 per cent of female teachers worked part-time compared with 9.0 per cent of male teachers.
Part-time working amongst female teachers has gradually increased; from 25.7 per cent in 2010 to 27.2 per
cent in 2015. However, part-time working amongst male teachers has decreased between 2010 and 2014
(from 9.3 per cent to 8.5 per cent) although it has increased in the latest year (to 9.0 per cent in 2015).
Primary school teachers are more likely to work part-time; in the latest year 26.1 per cent of all
nursery/primary school teachers worked part-time compared with 18.2 per cent of all secondary school
Most school support staff work part-time; in the latest year 85.4 per cent of teaching assistants worked parttime. Whereas 57.0 per cent of school support staff and 92.5 per cent of auxiliary staff worked part-time.
4. Teachers’ pay (SFR Tables 9a, 9b, 9c and 9d)
The following statistics show the average (mean) salaries, in cash terms (unadjusted for inflation) received
by teachers who were in post in schools that were open on census day in November 2015. The School
Teachers Review Body recommendation was for a 1 per cent increase in teachers’ pay which is reflected in
the latest pay data for teachers.
Comparisons between years are given but should not be used as an indication of teacher pay awards. This
is because they do not compare like for like. For example, in each year many teachers retire and are
replaced by newly qualified teachers. The older teachers, many of whom will have been in the leadership
group, will have been on higher salaries than those who are new to teaching. In addition, within each year a
number of schools open, close and/or convert to academy status. This makes comparisons between years
for the different school types/phases difficult.
In 2015, the average (mean) FTE salary for all full and part-time teachers was £37,800 – an increase of
£400 compared with 2014. The average salary varies for teachers in primary and secondary schools and is
higher for leadership teachers compared with classroom teachers.
For all full and part-time classroom teachers the average FTE salary was £34,600 this is £300 pounds a
year higher than the equivalent figure for 2014; £34,300. The average salary for all full and part-time
leadership group teachers was £56,900 in 2015. This is £400 higher than in the previous year when it was
The average FTE salary for all full and part-time classroom teachers in LA maintained nursery/primary
schools was £33,400 compared with £31,800 for equivalent teachers in primary academy schools. The
average salary for all full and part-time classroom teachers in LA maintained secondary schools was
£36,800 compared with £35,500 for equivalent teachers in secondary academy schools. Similarly,
leadership group teachers have a higher average salary in secondary schools than in primary schools. The
average salary for all full and part-time leadership group teachers in LA maintained nursery/primary schools
was £53,600 compared with £53,900 for equivalent teachers in primary academy schools. The average
salary for all full and part-time leadership group teachers in LA maintained secondary schools was £62,400
compared with £62,700 for equivalent teachers in secondary academy schools.
5. Teachers’ qualifications and curriculum taught (SFR Tables 10, 11, 12 and 13)
The majority of teachers, 97.3 per cent, hold qualifications at degree level or higher – this includes those
with Bachelor of Education degrees and those with a Postgraduate Certificate of Education. This is an
increase on last year where the equivalent figure was 96.6 per cent. Part of this increase is due to
improvements in the number of teachers for whom we have qualifications data.
The information collected on teacher’s qualifications can be combined with the timetabling information
provided by a large sample of secondary schools (representing 73.6 per cent of all secondary school
teachers). The following statistics are therefore based on teachers and teaching that takes place in
secondary schools only.
Tables 11 and 12 show the headcount number of teachers in November 2015 that are teaching each
subject and the percentage of those teachers that have relevant post A-level qualifications. The total
number of teachers teaching English Baccalaureate subjects (maths, English, sciences, history, geography
and modern foreign languages) is 145.4 thousand – which 64.2 per cent of teachers. In terms of proportion
of lessons taught, 59.3 per cent of all lessons taught were in English Baccalaureate subjects. This is a
small rise from 57.8 per cent in 2014.
Table 13 shows the percentage of lessons taught by teachers with relevant post A-level qualifications.
These percentages are all up on the previous year, although part of this rise may be due to improvements
in the number of teachers for whom we have qualifications data.
6. Teacher vacancies (SFR Tables 14 and 15)
In November 2015, there were 730 vacancies for full-time permanent teachers in state-funded schools, a
rate of 0.2 per cent. The teacher vacancy rate remains low and has been around one per cent or below (of
all teaching posts) since 2000.
In addition to these 730 vacancies, a further 2,870 full-time posts (0.8 per cent) were being temporarily
filled by a teacher on a contract of at least one term but less than one year.
Revisions to the vacancy statistics
The annual School Workforce Census counts the number of vacant teaching posts in each November. The
information published is provided by schools as a school level count. The 2015 census collection and checking
exercise identified a number of schools with far higher vacancy rates than expected. After contacting the schools, it
became apparent they had provided vacancy data for the whole year rather than just the census period. These
schools had provided their vacancy return in 2014 on the same incorrect basis.
Within this release a revised estimate for the total number of vacancies in 2014 has been included. The impact of the
change is to reduce the total number of vacancies for 2014 from 1,030 to 780. This has changed the vacancy rate for
2014 to 0.2 per cent (from 0.3 per cent). For the same reason the total number of temporarily filled posts for 2014 has
been revised down from 3,210 to 3,160.
7. Teacher sickness absence (SFR Table 16)
In the 2014-15 academic year 56 per cent of teachers in service at any time during the year had at least
one period of sickness absence compared with 55 per cent in 2013-14. For those teachers taking sickness
absence the average number of days lost was 7.6; lower than the 7.9 days lost during the previous year.
In previous years (between 2000 and 2013) the percentage of teachers taking sickness absence has varied
between 55 and 57 per cent. However, the average number of days taken as sickness absence has been
falling slowly; from an average of 9.9 days in 2000 to 7.6 days in 2014/15.
In 2014-15 a total of 2.22 million days were lost to teachers’ sickness absence which is higher than in
2013/14 (when 2.21 million days were lost) but lower than in all previous years (2000 to date) with the
exception of 2011/12 (when 2.19 million days were lost). The total number of days lost equates to an
average of 4.2 days lost for every teacher. This is the lowest rate seen over the period from 2000 to
8. Pupil teacher ratios (SFR Tables 17a and 17b)
The pupil teacher ratio is derived by combining teacher numbers from the November School Workforce
Census with the pupil numbers from the following January School Census. In 2015, the pupil teacher ratio
was 17.4; this is the number of full-time equivalent pupils for each full-time equivalent teacher working in
state-funded schools in England. The pupil teacher ratio for all schools has increased by 0.3 percentage
points from the 2014 position (17.1) and is higher than the previous three years where it was static at 17.2
(in 2011, 2012 and 2013).
Between 2011 and 2015 the pupil teacher ratio in nursery schools has steadily increased from 16.2 to 18.8.
During the same period there was little change in the pupil teacher ratio in maintained primary schools. It
was 20.5 in both 2011 and 2012 was 20.3 in 2014 but then increased again to 20.4 in 2015. The pupil
teacher ratio in primary academy schools has increased from 20.8 in 2014 to 20.9 in 2015. Across the
entire nursery/primary sector the pupil teacher ratio is 20.5. Again, there was very little change as this is the
same ratio as in 2011 to 2013.
Within secondary schools there are fewer pupils per teacher than in the nursery/primary school sector – a
pupil teacher ratio of 15.3 compared with 20.5.
Between 2011 and 2015 the pupil teacher ratio in all secondary schools has steadily increased from 14.9 to
15.3. During the same period the pupil teacher ratio in maintained secondary schools remained static,
changing very little, from 15.0 to 14.8 in 2013, to 14.9 in 2014 and 15.1 in 2015. The pupil teacher ratio in
secondary academy schools has increased from 14.8 in 2011 to 15.4 in 2015.
9. Teacher retirements and out of service teachers (SFR Tables 18 – 23)
The following statistics on teacher retirements and out of service teachers use the administrative data that
is collected as part of the Teachers’ Pension Scheme. Statistics are provided showing the number of
teachers retiring from state funded schools in England in each financial year and the reason for doing so.
Plus, statistics are provided showing the number of those qualified teachers that currently are not in service
and those with no current recorded service.
The latest data, for 2014-15, shows the total (headcount) number of teachers taking retirement is 15,760.
This is lower than in 2013-14 where the number of teachers retiring was 17,130 and it continues the
downward trend from the peak years of 2010-11 and 2011-12 when teacher retirements were at 21,000
and 20,600 respectively.
53 per cent of those retiring in 2014-15 did so through as they had reach their retirement age, 44 per cent
retired early (some with actuarially reduced benefits) and three per cent retired through ill-health.
The percentage of teachers retiring early has remained around the 42 per cent figure for the last ten years.
The main change in the trend has been the reduction in those retiring through ill-health. The current
percentage of teachers retiring through ill-health (3 per cent) is substantially lower than the historic figures;
where it was 11 per cent in 2004-05 and over 25 per cent throughout the 1990s. Consequently, a higher
percentage of those teachers retiring do so at their relevant retirement age.
The current number of qualified teachers aged under 60 (and not in receipt of a pension from the Teachers’
Pension Scheme) that have worked in state funded schools in England and were not employed as at
December 2013 is 227.1 thousand. This is lower than the equivalent figure for the period ending December
2012 when there were 230.9 thousand teachers out of service.
These figures will include some teachers who are working outside of the state funded sector or in education
sectors in the other UK countries. Some teachers do return to service in the state funded sector.
In addition, there are currently 107.9 thousand teachers aged under 60 (and not in receipt of a pension
from the Teachers’ Pension Scheme) that since qualifying have had no recorded service in a state funded
school. Some maybe in service outside of the state funded sector or in education sectors in the other UK
countries. Some newly qualified teachers with no service will enter service in the future (delayed entry). For
example, the latest figures show there are 7.5 thousand teachers that qualified in calendar year 2012 that
have no recorded service. The figures published last year for those qualifying in calendar year 2012
showed 9.8 thousand with no recorded service.
10. Accompanying tables
The following tables are available in Excel format on the department’s statistics website:
Table 1
Full-time equivalent teachers and support staff in state funded schools: 1995, 2000, and
2005 to 2015.
Table 2a
Head count of full-time, part-time and full-time equivalent number of teachers in state funded
schools by sector and grade or post, 2010 to 2015.
Table 2b
Full-time equivalent number of teaching assistants and other support staff in state funded
schools by sector and grade or post, January 1995, 2000, 2005 and 2010, November 2010 to 2015.
Table 3a
Head count and full-time equivalent numbers of regular qualified and unqualified teachers
and occasional teachers in state funded schools by qualification status, gender and sector, 2015.
Table 3b
Head count and full-time equivalent numbers of teaching assistants and support staff in state
funded schools by qualification status, gender and sector, 2015.
Table 4
Full-time equivalent number of regular teachers in state funded schools by sector, grade,
gender and age, 2015.
Table 5
Percentages of the head count of regular teachers in state funded schools by sector, grade,
gender and ethnic origin, 2015.
Table 6
Percentages of the head count of teaching assistants and support staff in state funded
schools by sector, grade, gender and ethnic origin, 2015.
Table 7a
Qualified teacher entrants and wastage in state funded schools by sector, gender and full
and part-time status (headcounts), March 2005 to 2011, November 2011 to 2015.
Table 7b
Qualified teacher entrants and wastage in state funded schools by sector, gender and full
and part-time status (FTE), November 2011 to 2015.
Table 8
Full and part-time teachers by year of gaining qualified teacher status, who were in service
the following year and the percentage recorded in service in state funded schools in England in each year
Table 9a
Full and part-time regular school teachers in state funded schools by salary, sector, gender
and age, 2015.
Table 9b
Full and part-time regular classroom teachers in state funded schools by salary bands,
average salary, sector, gender and age, 2015.
Table 9c
Full and part-time regular leadership teachers in state funded schools by salary bands,
average salary, sector, gender and age, 2015.
Table 9d
Full and part-time regular head teachers in state funded schools by salary bands, average
salary, sector, gender and age, 2015.
Table 10
Head count of regular teachers in all state funded schools by phase, grade and highest level
of post A level qualification, 2015.
Table 11
Head count of teachers and number of hours taught by subject and key stage to year groups
7-13 in all state funded secondary schools, 2015.
Table 12
Highest post A level qualifications held by state funded secondary school teachers (head
count) in the subjects they taught to year groups 7-13, 2015.
Table 13
Hours taught in a typical week to pupils in years 7 to 13 by highest post A level qualifications
of the teacher teaching the lesson, 2015.
Table 14
Full-time teacher vacancies temporarily filled posts and rates in state funded schools by
sector and grade, 2000 and 2005 to 2015.
Table 15
Full-time classroom teacher vacancies and temporary filled number of posts and rates in
state funded secondary schools by subject, 2010 to 2015.
Table 16
Full and part-time teacher sickness absence in state funded schools, calendar years 2000,
2005 to 2009 and academic years 2009-2010 to 2014-2015.
Table 17a
Pupil:teacher ratios and pupil:adult ratios in state funded schools, 2000, 2005 to 2015.
Table 17b
Pupil:teacher ratios and pupil:adult ratios in academies, 2012 to 2015.
Table 18
Teacher retirements from state funded schools 1,2: Type of award by gender and year,
1989-90 to 2014-15.
Table 19
Teacher Retirements: Type of award by last known sector of service, grade and gender,
Table 20
Retirements from state funded schools: Type of award by gender and age on retirement,
Table 21
Retirements from state funded schools: Type of award by gender, year of retirement, new
and current awards and average benefits awarded, 1998-99 to 2014-15.
Table 22
Qualified teachers out of service aged under 60 who were previously in service, by last
known sector, calendar year of last service, gender and age, 2014.
Table 23
Teachers with qualified teacher status who have never been in service aged under 60, by
calendar year qualified, gender and age, 2014.
11. Further information is available
School, local
authority and
regional figures.
School level school workforce data is available within the additional
tables published alongside this statistical release. The school data
contains a range of information for each school following the same
themes as set out in this document. It also includes both local
authority and regional level summaries.
The total number of teachers in schools will not sum to the LA, region
or national total. This is because the LA and region totals include
those employed directly by LAs and the national totals include
estimates for missing schools.
Statistics on teacher
retirements and out
of service teachers.
The additional tables also include the latest statistics on the number
of teachers who have retired from service and those who are out of
service. This information is derived from data that is collected as part
of the administration of the teachers’ pension scheme.
Want previously
published figures?
The publications relating to the 2010 to 2014 collections can be found
at the following link:
Want these figures,
related to
8 school level school workforce indicators are included as part of
each year’s School Performance Tables. The indicators include FTE
and headcount statistics for the number of teachers, teaching
assistants and school support staff, the average salary of teachers
and the pupil teacher ratio.
School level school workforce data from 2015 will be included in the
next set of tables to be published at the end of 2016. For the latest of
School Performance Tables visit:
Want data for Wales,
Scotland or Northern
The School Workforce Census only collects information from schools
in England. Education in Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland is a
devolved matter for the Welsh, Scottish and Northern Irish
Governments. For information for Wales, Scotland and Northern
Ireland, contact the departments below or access their statistics at
the following links:
Wales: or
Scotland: or
Northern Ireland: or
Teacher training
Statistics on initial teacher training and the annual survey of newly
qualified teachers can be found at the following link:
12. National Statistics
The United Kingdom Statistics Authority has designated these statistics as National Statistics, in
accordance with the Statistics and Registration Service Act 2007 and signifying compliance with the Code
of Practice for Official Statistics.
Designation can be broadly interpreted to mean that the statistics:
meet identified user needs;
are well explained and readily accessible;
are produced according to sound methods, and
are managed impartially and objectively in the public interest.
Once statistics have been designated as National Statistics it is a statutory requirement that the Code of
Practice shall continue to be observed.
The Department has a set of statistical policies in line with the Code of Practice for Official Statistics.
13. Technical information
A quality and methodology information document accompanies this SFR. This provides further information
on the data sources, their coverage and quality and explains the methodology used in producing the data,
including how it is validated and processed.
More technical information here:
14. Get in touch
Media enquiries
Press Office News Desk, Department for Education, Sanctuary Buildings, Great Smith Street, London
Tel: 020 7783 8300
Other enquiries/feedback
Neil Ross, Education Standards Evidence and Dissemination Division, Department for Education, 2 St
Paul’s Place, Sheffield, S1 2FJ.
Tel: 0114 2742190 Email:
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obtain permission from the copyright holders concerned.
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About this publication:
Enquiries: Neil Ross, Education Standards Evidence and Dissemination Division, Department
for Education, 2 St Paul’s Place, Sheffield. Tel: 0114 2742190.
[SFR 21/2016]
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