Jan. 27, 1948. H. w. LINDSAY ` 2,435,181 BREATHING :[NIDICATOHA - Filed D60. .18, 1945 SL,W/fPoYxUEd/v 1N VEN TOR. Patented Jan. 27, 1948 „ 2,435,181 ÄUNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE 2,435,181 BREATHING INDICATOR Harold W. Lindsay, Redwood City, Calif., assign or to the United States of America, as repre sented by the Secretary of War Application December 18, 1945, Serial No. 635,741 ' 4 Claims. (Cl. 177-311) 1 2 The invention described herein may be manu factured and used by or for the Government c-f the United States for governmental purposes, without the payment to me of any royalty thereon. This invention relates to breathing indicators or apparatus which will give some indication at a remote point that a member of the crew of a bomber or other large aircraft in _flight is ceas ing to breathe through his oxygen mask. On 10 placed by some other visual indicator emitting no light rays, in the event that the conditions of the flight necessitate a darkened aircraft, or numerous occasions during the present war, per sonnel in aircraft have died of anoxia or an-oxemia or for other causes, without knowledge of the other members of the crew that they were in distress. A breathing indicator may save many lives as effectual measures usually may be taken _to restore respiration, provided the other mem bers of the- crew are apprised of the danger in suñicient time. an electric lamp IIl is in a circuit including leads II, I2, I3, and I4, a battery or other current source I5 and the contacts I6 and I1 which the switch 9 short circuits when in closed position. Obviously, if the bellows is moved suñìciently, switch 9 will close the circuit with each exhala tion and open it with each inhalation, thus caus ing signal lamp I0 to light up and go out at cor responding times. Lamp IU may of course be re Y it may be replaced with an aural indicator. f' Also connected to battery I5 is a circuit in cluding lead I3, a conductor I8, heating coil i9 and a lead 20 which is connected with lead II between lamp I8 (or other indicator) and switch terminal Il. With this arrangement, coil I9 will carry current whenever the lamp circuit is closed by switch 9, and thus the coil will be heated in termittently. A bimetallic arm 2I, which is`one-half of a switch 22, is provided with a contact 23 One of the objects of the invention is to pro vide apparatus which will give a danger signal whenever the supply pressure of the oxygen drops, whether from failure of the supply itself or by on one end. A conductor 24 connects the bime disconnection of the oxygen mask. The inven tallic arm 2I with lead I3, so that current from tion further aims to provide a breathing indicator 25 the battery is conducted through arm 2l to con which is of simple construction, which is'light tact 23. A second bimetallic arm 25, forming the in weight, occupies little space, is easily installed other half of switch 22, has a contact 26 on one and maintained, requires little power, is depend end, said contact co-operating with contact 23 able, and is readily adaptable for use with oxy to close a circuit under certain conditions which gen equipment already standardized for military 30 will be described. A lead 21 is electrically con and naval service. Other objects Iwill be appar nected with the second bimetallic arm 25 and is ent from the following description of a preferred coupled to -an electric warning or “danger” lamp embodiment of the invention shown in the ac 28 which may be a red bulb or be behind a red companying drawing, in which the single figure shows diagrammatically an arrangement of parts for indicating at a remote point breathing and cessation of breathing. ' Referring particularly to the drawing, an oxy light-transmitting panel, not shown. A lead 29 couples the other contact of lamp 28 with the lead I4 on the negative side of the battery. An aural signal may be operated instead of or in conjunction with lamp 28. The signal lamps Ill gen mask I is connected by tubing 2 and a and 28 may be located at a central station in the quick-detachable coupling 2a to a standard oxy 40 airplane, in the pilot’s compartment, or wherever gen demand regulator 3 which in turn is con nected by tubing 4 to the oxygen supply line 5. It will be understood that the described ar A bellows 6, which may be similar to a “Sylphon” rangement, which is for a single person, will be bellows, is also coupled at one end to the oxygen duplicated for each member of the aircraft crew. demand regulator 3 and is so constructed and 45 Operation convenient. ' . arranged that it collapses under atmospheric As long as normal or rhythmic breathing con pressure with each breath inhaled, while with each exhalation it expands, due in part to the tinues, the bellows-operated switch 9 will close counterpressure of the exhalation and in part and open, thus heating the bimetallic strip 2| in to the action of an internal spring, not shown. 50 termittently to maintain its average temperature An insulating link 8 is secured at one end to bel suiiiciently high to sustain an air gap or open lows 6 and is pivotally connected at its opposite circuit between the contacts 23, 26, which will end with a switch 9 to control circuits which will now be described. keep the “danger” lamp 28 dark. However, if respiration weakens, or if the supply pressure To indicate that the apparatus is functioning, 55 drops or if the oxygen mask is disconnected, the 2,435,181 4 bellows may not close switch 9, and if switch 9 naling means operated by each closing ofk said cir stays open more than a predetermined time in terval, which may be 15 seconds, 30 seconds or any other desired time interval, heating coil I9 will cool to a point where the bimetallic strip 2| cuit; a second normally open circuit; a thermo static switch connected to the first circuit to be energized thereby and constructed and arranged and 26 together, to close the circuit of the “dan to automatically couple the second circuit to the source of power when the current of the first circuit fails for a »predetermined period; and a ger” lamp 28. The pilot or other lperson at the warning signal coupled into the 4second circuit to will curl toward strip 25, to bring contacts 23 give an indication at a remote point of weak central station will then give the necessary warn ing to other crew members over the interphone. 10 breathing or cessation of breathing of the person `wearing the mask. Obviously, the bellows must be so constructed ,3. _In combination with an oxygen system in as to operate well at all temperatures .and at. cluding a source of supply, an oxygen demand mospheric pressures which may be encountered «regulator connected to the source of supply, and in a night. Also, switch 22 Should be shielded .an oxygen îmask connected with the oxygen de and insulated so as to be protected against .ine mand regulator; a .device movable responsive to jury and rendered insensitive to sudden and sharp atmospheric _pressure made effective by inhalation by the person wearing the oxygen mask, and movable oppositely responsive in part to counter in ambient temperature, or in other words, to maintain the air gap between contacts 23 and 20 pressure from the exhaling lungs of said person; temperature variations. The second vvbimetallic strip 25 is provided to compensate for changes _26 ¿fairly constanteven though‘switch `l22 is sub a switch mechanically connected »to said device; jected `to temperature Changes of 100° or more, and it _may be made manually adjustable (not shown) vto vary said air gap and may be shield a >circuit connected ~with a source of electricity and _said switch, and being so connected and >lil’. ranged that the switch closes and opens ¿it each ed (not shown) by insulation from ¿the heat of 25 time the device moves through one cycle respon-f coil vlil. A master switch (not shown) may also sive to the normal breathing of said person; a be employed to keep all circuits open until the thermal-,responsive switch which is a _part „of said oxygen mask is adjusted and regular breathing circuit and is heated electrically whenever -Said through the oxygen demand regulator is estab circuit is closed by the ñrst-named switch; a lscc lished. While the ,apparatus` is described »as 30 ond circuit which is automatically >connected to though it were exclusively for use with oxygen, the source of power by the thermal switch when obviously it ~will operate with any combination thelatter cools responsive to opening of the ñrst of breathable gases. Various changes _in the ap named circuit; and an electricalindicating -device paratus willoccur to those skilled in the art fand which _is connected »in the second circuit and is Iadoonot wish lto be limited to the _particular ar 35 energized when the second circuit is closed.. rangement shown,~except .as .required by the ap 4, In combination with an oxygen supply ¿sys-V pended claims. tern including a :source ofoxygen supply, 4arr-oxy yWhitt V_I Claim ,iSî een demand regulator connected to the source 'of ~1~ 1.11 an oxygen Warning >system of the char supply, and an oxygen mask connected with .the aoter described, in combination, an oxygen supply 40 oxygen demand regulator; a bellows connected source; ,an oxygen mask; a conduit connecting the .oxygen mask with the source of supply; a with the oxygen demand regulator and _so oon structed and arranged that with every breath pressure-responsive switch , operatively associated inhaled and exhaled by the kperson wearing ,the oxygen mask, the bellows contracts and expands; withsaid conduit and opening and closing respon sive to variations in pressure due to consumption ~ a circuit including a source of power, -a switch of oxygen by the person wearing the mask; an electric circuit .associated with said switch in cluding Aa source of electric power, a warning in and leads; means mechanically connecting the dicator whichis electrically operated, and a ther bellows responsive to normal breathing will close and open said switch; a second normally open cir cuit including signaling means; and a _device maldevicewhich is continually being heated >upon 1 closing of Asaid switch; and connections between thethermal device .and the warning indicator so constructed :and arranged that cooling of the thermal device below a certain predetermined temperature will cause the indicator to show or . Sound a wor-lling. 12. >In combination with an oxygen supply sys tem including a source of supply, an oxygen de bellows with the switch, theparts being so ,con structed and arranged that >movements of the which >oportunas upon failure of energization of the first-named circuit after a predetermined period to connect the second circuit with a source of power to‘cause the vsignaling means to kgive warning of the open circuit condition of the „first circuit, and hence to warn .of weak breathing ,or cessation of breathing, HAROLD W. LINDSAY mand regulator connected with >the source of supe ply, and `an oxygen mask connected with the oxy gen demand regulator; a bellows connected with the oxygen demand regulator and so constructed and arranged that with every breath inhaled and REFERENCES yCITED vThe following »references >are of record .in the ñle of this patent: exhaled by the person wearing the mask, thebcl lows contracts and expands; a circuit including 65 a source of power, leads and a switch connected with the leads; means mechanically connecting the :bellows with the switch so that movements of the bellows responsive to normal breathing of said :person will close and open said switch; sig 7 ' UNITED STATES PATENTS Number Name Date 51,134,320 Drew ______________ __ Apr. 6, -191‘5 V.2,087,598 Hebler __-__, ______ __ July 20, v193'7 2,193,945 Strauss et al. ____ __ Mar. AV19, 1940 ¿324,424 APollack _____....____... July 13, >1943