Content: -Interesting material, good pacing.

-Interesting material, good pacing.
-Topics covered make sense and are helpful in understanding how systems work.
-Lecture material sometimes isn't clear
-I feel like what we're taught in the lecture does not adequately help us understand the material
being covered that day.
-The only way that I have really truly learned the material is by seeking out my own resources.
-It's hard to understand or study those without detailed descriptions of those materials.
-I feel that I could follow along in class better if I could read about the material beforehand.
-The class could be improved if there were assigned readings from the book before class.
-It needed to be explained that essential primes are the biggest rectangles you can draw around
1's, that contains 1's that no other rectangles cover, and at least one example of this sort of thing
should always be given. And to me, it was also unclear that a prime implicant was the same thing
as just a "prime".
-While some concepts are allotted several lectures worth of time to cover, other aspects of the
course material, such as Karnaugh Maps, were covered for only a very brief amount of time.
-afterwards, they are drawn and numbered quickly, from memory.
-There are several things that are not mentioned in the book, such as shannon expansion.
-Since CSE20 is a prerequisite for this class, the whole first section of the quarter based on
Boolean Algebra (material before the midterm) was review for me.
-I feel we could have covered that information in one or two weeks and moved on to new
-I believe many will feel the material is deceptively simple and use that as the reason to not
devote as much time to the class.
CK Cheng responses
1. I could try to either write my own book or provide references.
2. iClicker: How should we treat Boolean algebra?
A. We talk more about Boolean algebra, B. The current coverage is about right, C. We cover
less, D. We skip Boolean algebra.
-The course material is paced in a way that promotes understanding of the main concepts.
-This is from the perspective of a student who took your CSE20 class but ultimately did very
poorly for both midterms, whereas I have almost a perfect score in this class.
-I really like this class! I've been learning a whole lot.
-once again, Professor Cheng is AWESOME!!! I can't reiterate that enough"
-CK and his TA's are great!
-Thanks for the class!
-I don't think there is something wrong.
-Professor Cheng is AWESOME!!!
-The class is fine as is, honestly
-Thank you Professor Cheng!
-The class is fun
-Overall, it’s a good and fun class
-Extra Credit: We are always willing to do more work to improve our grade, please give us more
opportunities to do so.
-Often difficult to pinpoint whether a problem is with the presentation of course material or
whether the problem is with the student."
-Class starts and ends on time.
-Adequate preparation leads to a straightforward path to understanding the material.
-Just be on par with the lab class.
-Not tied well with the lab.
-Good job overall; I just wish it was easier to pick up the material!
CK Cheng responses
1. The tie with the lab class is a challenging issue. This is a good problem to ponder over.
-I also think the homeworks are great, they really help understand the material!"
-It would be nice to have more practice problems to study with, or maybe optional homework
-Grade homework based on completion, not correctness.
-Homework Assignments: They cover the material decently well and ask for an appropriate
amount of work. "
-The homework assignments are of the right length, difficulty, and % of overall grade, and the
new material is interesting.
-Homework is a direct reflection of what is taught during lecture
-Homework helps to master the material and to do well in the class.
-Homework solutions and midterm solutions are posted online so that the students have better
understanding of what is correct or incorrect
-Homeworks prepare us for exams and are returned promptly.
-The homework helps a lot. And the first midterm was reasonable.
-I like the professor and the clicker questions and the homework help to understand the material,
so I don't get behind when the exam is soon."
-The homework is very helpful in learning the material
-The lectures can be hard to understand and the midterms are much harder and hard to connect to
what we learned in the homework
-certain homework problems are unreasonable and tedious to the point that it does not actually
add to the student's understanding of the content
-Write more steps when the answers are posted online for the homework questions.
-I wish if the homework solutions can have more explanation when they are posted online.
-More reasonable homework questions that are not incredibly long and tedious (length is not
really the issue, it is more of relevance and usefulness)
-Class note clarity, homework in conjunction with class, midterm/homework clarity
-A week feels too short for homework. ...but maybe that's just me.
-The homework could be a little shorter.
-More time for homework ... ?
-No practice midterms were available.
-Please provide practice midterms.
-Assigning homework so that we work daily.
-I found that what I learn is not concrete.
-I hope professor can assignment more homeworks on the book and provide solutions
so that knowledge can be solidified with references.
-The homework is sometimes difficult to understand, and I have trouble finding explanations
in the book.
-I think there should be more homework with many simple problems with different variations.
-Then after practicing many simple problems, we should be able to do more difficult problems
toward the end of the homework.
-We are in week 5, and we have only had 3 homework assignments.
-We should have had at least 4 homework assignments, plus one midterm practice assignment
the week of the midterm."
CK Cheng responses
1. We should try to provide more explanation in the solutions.
2. iClicker: Should we assign more homework?
A. We need more exercises, B. We have a decent amount of works, C. We should have less
-The exam is representative of the homework we were assigned.
-Homework and tests are related to lectures.
-Test reflect material
-Those that don't or aren't able to prepare to the fullest are penalized greatly when the exam date
-Midterm Content: Not enough of the content on the midterm was representative of what we
were taught in class or assigned on the homeworks.
-Practice Midterms: This would be the most helpful thing by far.
-exams measure the understanding of student comprehension well (i.e. no unreasonably tricky
-Sometimes expectations for exam answers are unclear.
-Like the last problem on the midterm, many of us thought recycling times in kmap should be
avoided if possible.
-If we were given the chance to practice learning the material that we were going to be tested on,
midterms would turn out much better.
-No Practice Midterm! The topics discussed are good! Provide Practice Midterm! Make
midterms easier!
-Please make the midterms easier to understand, and have more office hours"
-Plus, midterms should be given sample examples.
-Giving a study guide for midterms
-three midterms as supposed to 1, more chance to bring our grade up
-Finally, make midterm easier and encourage student discussing on the Ted or an individual like
-I missed 36 points on midterm one for misreading the last two questions and not taking one last
step on each.
-It would have taken me twenty seconds since I had the right answers and just had to write them
-Material on exams was tough. Maybe make the exams a little easier.
-Be nicer with grading please!
-for the next midterms, please allow the usage of a 3"" x 5"" index card (not a 3"" x 4"")
CK Cheng responses
1. A period of 50 minutes for an exam is tight. In the meantime, we try to cover the materials.
This is a challenging problem while we need to be fair to all people in the class.
-I think the lecture slides are excellent.
-Professor's slide examples are clear and thorough
-The slides are useful as a reference and for visualization,
-The homeworks are good preparation for the exams, and the lecture slides are explanatory.
-Also, more detailed power points. not just pictures
-Put in lots of different examples in your slides so that we can see exactly how something
functions in different cases.
-Sometimes the lectures are hard to follow when the slides are written like a textbook (which is
good) but no casual English explanation is given.
-For example, when we went over the slides on prime implicants and essential primes, the slides
said some technical things, and more casual discussion would've been helpful.
-More detail on some of the slides would be nice. i.e., some of them only have a diagram without
further detail."
-do more complexed examples in class to help fully understand concepts.
-Lecture slides are not sufficiently complete.
-I would not be able to simply read through the lecture slides and begin to understand the
-I am only able to do this if I look things up online.
-I think it would be helpful to put the section of the textbook that relates to the current lecture in
the lecture slides, that way we know exactly where to look if anything on the lecture happens to
be unclear."
-Make slides more informative and show steps for examples on the slides.
-PowerPoint slides also don't include much detail about some of the materials."
-Maybe should include some additional resources and websites at the last slide of each/some
PowerPoint slide(s) for study reference.
-It would be very helpful to upload the 'inked' version of the lecture slides.
-Save the inked version of the ppt (the stuff he writes on the slides during class) and posts the
written on version.
-Seeing a clean and empty lecture slides is not that helpful in learning.
-It would be nice if you post up slides with your annotations (the stuff you draw on the slides).
-more notes on slide. the slides don't have enough detail.
-How the lectures and solutions are posted online.
-How sometimes the lectures aren't posted online before class.
CK Cheng responses
1. iClicker: Should we put more details in the slides or footnotes?
A. More descriptions on the slides, B. More but in the footnotes, C. Just right, D. Less.
Office Hrs.:
-The professor holds very useful office hours.
-And more office hours from the professor would be nice.
-Office hours with professor is really helpful.
-More prof. office hours.
-Section is helpful for clearing up lecture material that wasn't clear.
-Plenty of office hours, prof. and TAs helpful.
-Discussion is too early and on a Friday.
-The TAs have been very helpful in answering question person-to-person, but contacts through
email tend to be late or unintentionally ignored.
CK Cheng responses
1. You are welcome to office hrs of TAs and mine.
-Also, I feel like Ted/WebCT is hard to use compared to Piazza."
-Can we get extra credit for filling out this survey as an incentive to fill it out.