Adjust_Inventory_Quantities_Tests Test 1. Verify correct product lookup Action. Go to Warehouse > Inventory >> Adjust Quantities. Enter "GZ" in the product ID field and click on the find button. Results. You should see a list of all inventory items for all products which begin with GZ. Action. Enter the word, big in the internal name field and click on the find button. Results. You should see a list of all inventory items for the product "Big Gizmo." Action Make sure you have received some inventory already for the product Tiny Gizmo (GZ-1000). Then enter the UPC code 043000285213 in the product ID field and click on the find button. Results. You should see a list of all inventory items for the product Tiny Gizmo. Test 2. Verify the correct quantities are adjusted for the correct reason. Action. Find all inventory items for products that begin with GZ. Enter a variance of -5 and a reason of "lost" for the first inventory item and a variance of 5 with a reason of "damaged" for the second inventory item. Click on the [Apply Variance] button at the bottom of the form. Results. The first inventory item should have its ATP and QOH quantities reduced by five and below on the bottom of the inventory item detail screen. You should see a physical variants with reason "lost" and quantity negative five. The second inventory item should have its ATP and QOH quantities increased by five and should show a reason "damaged." Test 1. Verify correct product lookup 1