2017 Undergraduate Application for Admission


2017 Undergraduate Application for Admission colorado.edu/admissions


This packet contains everything freshman and transfer students need to apply for admission to the University of Colorado Boulder.

There is an application form at the end of this packet.

We encourage transfer students to apply online through their MyCUBoulder account at mycuboulder.colorado.edu freshmen to use the Common Application at commonapp.



You are a freshman applicant if you are currently enrolled in high school or you have earned a high school diploma or its equivalent and have not enrolled at any college or university since graduation.

Transfer Students

You are considered a transfer student if you have enrolled at another college or university since graduating from high school.

Other Students

Use a different application if you qualify as any of the following:

• International Applicant. You are applying to an undergraduate degree program and need a visa to be in the U.S., please use the application for international students. www.colorado.edu/ node/982/attachment/newest .

• Readmit Applicant. You are applying to an undergraduate degree program and were previously enrolled in an undergraduate degree program at CU-Boulder. See www.colorado.edu/ node/984/attachment/newest .

• Nondegree Applicant. You wish to take university courses but do not currently intend to work toward a degree at CU-Boulder. See ce.colorado.edu


Office of Admissions

Regent Administrative Center 125

University of Colorado Boulder

552 UCB

Boulder, CO 80309-0552

303-492-6301 colorado.edu/admissions

Gain Access to Important

CU Boulder Information

An important step in the admission process at CU Boulder is to create an account for our online student portal, MyCUBoulder.

Through this account, you will be able to apply for admission, check your application status, view personalized information, register for campus visits and much more. Create your account at mycuboulder.colorado.edu


Freshman Admission


Many factors are considered in evaluating your application for

admission to CU Boulder. Your academic performance in high school (your high school GPA and the quality of your course work) is the most important indicator of success. We also consider other factors, including your college entrance test scores

(SAT or ACT), the trend in your grades, the extent to which minimum academic preparation standards (MAPS) are met, your personal essays, and your potential contributions to the campus community. For more information on MAPS, visit our website at www.colorado.edu/catalog/2016-17/content/ minimum-academic-preparation-standards-maps.

The table below shows the academic qualifications of the middle 50 percent of the fall freshman class admitted to CU Boulder.

Twenty-five percent of freshmen place above these figures and

25 percent place below. Using this chart, you can compare your academic standing and test scores to those in the fall freshman class.

We expect the standings for next fall to be similar.

Middle 50 Percent of Fall Admitted Freshmen

High School GPA .............................3.44–4.00

SAT Total* ....................................1,120–1,320

SAT Total** ...................................1,190–1,380

ACT Composite .....................................25–31

*SAT total (prior to 3/16) includes critical reading & math scores.

**SAT (3/16 and beyond) math and evidence-based reading & writing

Transfer Admission


We consider a number of factors when you apply as a transfer

student. The types of courses you have taken are as important as your grade point average. We also consider the courses you are

enrolled in at the time of application and successful completion of pre requisite or recommended courses. We consider your academic performance in high school and the extent to which you have met the minimum academic preparation standards (MAPS). For additional information, see our website.

Second Undergraduate Degree Applicants

If you have received a bachelor’s degree, you may apply for a second undergraduate degree at the University of Colorado Boulder.

However, you should first explore various options in graduate study at the university. If you apply for a second undergraduate degree, you will follow transfer admission guidelines. You must apply to a specific major, and it cannot be the same major in which you received your first undergraduate degree; applications for open option or undetermined majors cannot be considered. If you wish to complete prerequisite courses for a graduate program or do not plan to complete a second undergraduate degree, visit ce.colorado.edu


The College of Media, Communication and Information and the Leeds School of Business do not admit students who have

already completed an undergraduate degree. These students are strongly encouraged to investigate graduate study instead.

2 Application Packet

Teacher Education Applicants

In addition to two bachelor degree programs, the School of

Education also offers licensure programs in elementary (K-6), secondary and K–12 music education. The licensure fields in secondary education include English, foreign language, mathematics, science and social studies. Candidates complete the licensure program concurrently with their bachelor’s degree. Students can explore education courses and apply during their freshman year to be potentially admitted to the school in their sophomore year. If you have completed a four-year undergraduate degree program, and wish to apply directly to the teacher licensure program you should submit your application and official credentials directly to:

Office of Student Services

School of Education

University of Colorado Boulder

Education 151

249 UCB

Boulder, CO 80309-0249

For more information, see www.colorado.edu/education/ prospective-students .

Application Deadlines

You may submit an application for admission to the spring, summer or fall terms.

Spring Applicants

Spring applications are processed on a rolling basis. We begin

notifying applicants about admission decisions in October.

Decisions are made approximately four to six weeks after an appli cation is complete. We give full consideration to applications that are complete (including the application fee and all required credentials) by the October 1 deadline .

Summer and Fall Applicants

Freshman Early Notification Deadline (non-binding)

Applicants who submit the application and postmark all supporting documents by November 15 are considered to have met the nonbinding, early action deadline. These applicants will be reviewed first and will be notified on or before February 1 of their initial decision. Candidates may be offered admission, denied admission or postponed until the April 1 notification date. Applicants who are postponed should submit mid-year senior grades and any new test scores, and will be notified of a final admission decision on or before April 1. Applicants denied admission in early action may not submit additional information and may not reapply for the freshman application deadline.

Early notification applicants are not required to enroll at CU

Boulder, but must, if they choose to attend, confirm their intent to enroll by May 1.

Freshman Application Deadline

Freshman summer and fall applicants who do not complete their applications by the non-binding November 15 early notification deadline must submit the application and postmark all supporting documents by the January 15 freshman application dead line . These applicants will be notified of their candidacy by April 1 and must, if they choose to attend, confirm their intent to enroll by May 1.

Transfer Application Deadline

Transfer applications for summer and fall are processed on a rolling basis. We begin notifying applicants about admission decisions in

March. We give full consideration to applications that are complete

(including the application fee and all required credentials) by the deadline.

Term Early Action


Freshmen Spring

Summer & Fall November 15


Term Early Notification



Summer & Fall March 1



October 1

January 15



October 1

June 15

Application Instructions


We encourage transfer students to apply online through their MyCUBoulder account at mycuboulder.colorado.

edu and freshmen to use the Common Application at commonapp.org.

Submission of a Paper Application

When the Office of Admissions receives your paper application, it is scanned into our computer system. To ensure that your application is processed correctly, follow these guidelines:

• Print clearly in black ink; do not type your information.

• Print your last name, first name, and middle initial at the top of each page of the application.

• Print your full legal name and birth date at the top of every supporting document you include with your application.

• Do not staple pages of your application together.

Be sure to sign and complete your application. Missing information or credentials delay application processing and may affect your chances for admission. Incomplete applications cannot be evaluated until all necessary items are received.

Applications and credentials submitted for admission become the property of the University of Colorado Boulder. We encourage you to keep a copy of your application for your personal records.

Choosing a Program of Study

Application Checklist

1. Undergraduate Application for Admission (completed and signed)

2. $50 application fee. Make check or money order payable to the University of Colorado; print student’s name and birth date on check.

3. Official high school transcript

4. Official college transcripts (if applicable)

5. SAT or ACT test scores (required for all freshman, and any transfer applicant who has completed fewer than 24 transferable semester hours)

6. Two personal essays (one for transfer students)

7. One academic letter of recommendation (freshmen only)

Application Packet 3

When you apply, you need to choose a major in one of CU

Boulder’s colleges or schools. Refer to page 6 of this application packet.

If you have not decided which major you are interested in, you can select an “open option” major. This allows you to explore different options during your first and/or second years of study. After this period, you will decide on a specific major for your remaining years. If you have more than 24 semester hours of college work completed or in progress , you must apply to a specific major—do not choose open option.

You can apply for transfer to another CU Boulder college or school through the Intrauniversity Transfer (IUT) process after you have enrolled. Criteria for transferring from one college or school to

another are competitive, and each college and school establishes its own standards.

Minor programs are offered in a number of undergraduate departments and programs in the College of Arts and Sciences, the Leeds School of Business, and the College of Engineering and

Applied Science. Certificate programs are also available through

several academic departments.

Two different degrees, either from the same college or school or from different colleges or schools, may be earned, provided that

certain conditions are met. You are admitted to one major and

degree program initially but may pursue a second degree during your first semester of enrollment.

Application Fee

Attach the nonrefundable $50 application fee to the top of page 1 of the Undergraduate Application for Admission. Make your check or money order payable to the University of Colorado. Important :

Print your full legal name and birth date on your check or money order.

We recognize that you may be faced with financial constraints in paying the application fee. Therefore, waivers are granted for

documented hardships if you submit an application fee waiver form obtained from your high school or from colorado.edu/admissions/ apply/forms .

If you are currently enrolled in an undergraduate degree program at another University of Colorado campus, and you are

applying to an undergraduate degree program on the Boulder campus, you are not required to pay the application fee.

Social Security Number

Providing a social security number (SSN) is voluntary for applicants but required for registered students for the following reasons:

• Tax reporting purposes. By federal law, the university must report the name, address, and SSN of every student who has paid tuition to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) to certify education-related tax credits.

• To apply for and receive state/federal financial aid.

• On-campus student employment.

• Health services and the student health insurance program.

• College Opportunity Fund stipends for Colorado resident undergraduate students.

• Informal credit relationships (past-due charges for tuition, fees, housing, etc.).

• Medical certification.

The university takes appropriate measures to protect the confidentiality and security of personally identifiable information

(including SSN, CU student identification number, and grade point average), and will not disclose SSNs for any purpose not

permitted by law or policy (including the Family Educational

Rights and Privacy Act) without the consent of the student.

CU-Boulder Student Number

Once the admissions office receives your application for admission, you will be assigned a student identification number. You can find this number in your MyCUBoulder account.

Please save your student identification number for future reference.

Required Credentials

We do not accept credentials or information by fax as official documentation. Do not submit samples or photographs of design or artwork. A portfolio is not used for admission purposes and cannot be returned to you.

Official Transcripts

We will begin processing your application once we receive your official transcript(s). Official transcripts must be sent directly to the Office of Admissions from the issuing institution and must have the appropriate seals and signatures. Transcripts that are marked

“student copy,” “issued to student,” or “unofficial” are not accepted as official. Unofficial transcripts cannot be used for admission or transfer credit purposes.

You may request your official transcripts online. See colorado.

edu/admissions/apply for details. Transcripts may also be sent by email to transcripts@colorado.edu

. Emailed transcripts must come from a counselor or other school official. Emailed transcripts from a student are not accepted.

High School Transcripts

All freshman and transfer applicants must submit their high school transcripts. Request that your high school(s) send an official transcript of all work completed, beginning with grade nine, directly to the Office of Admissions, regardless of the number of college hours you have completed (if any) or when you graduated from high school. If you attended more than one high school and your most recent transcript does not include your complete high school record, you must submit official transcripts from each school. If any part of your high school record is missing from your transcript, the processing of your application will be delayed. If you have not graduated and do not plan to graduate from high school, you must submit official copies of your certificate of high school equivalency and scores (GED, HiSET, TASC, etc.) plus an official transcript of any high school work (grades 9–12) completed.

College Transcripts

Request that an official transcript from each college you have attended (except any campus of the University of Colorado) be sent directly from the issuing institution to the Office of Admissions. Be sure to include all institutions, regardless of the length of attendance, whether or not courses were completed, and whether or not you believe the record will affect your admission or transfer credit. Also, include any institutions you attended during summers, interim terms, and high school. Failure to list and submit transcripts from all institutions previously attended before enrolling at

CU Boulder is considered to be a violation of academic ethics and

4 Application Packet

may result in the cancellation of your admission or dismissal from the university.

SAT or ACT Test Scores

CU Boulder requires SAT or ACT scores from all applicants for freshman admission. Request that the testing agency submit your scores directly to the Office of Admissions. Scores recorded on your official high school transcript are also acceptable. Results from SAT or ACT tests taken in December or later may be received too late if you wish to be considered for summer or fall admission.

Transfer students must submit SAT or ACT scores unless they have completed 24 or more semester hours of transferable college work at the time they apply.

For further information, consult a high school counselor. You can also visit the SAT website at www.collegeboard.com or the

ACT website at www.act.org


CU-Boulder’s SAT code is 4841, and its

ACT code is 0532.

Personal Essays

Personal essays are required . Applications without essays are considered incomplete and will not be reviewed. Include your full name and birth date at the top of each page of your essays.

Your personal essays are the best way for us to learn about you as an individual and to evaluate your academic performance within an appropriate context. Please remember that there are no “correct” answers to these questions—your responses should reflect the unique aspects and experiences of your life. Consider reflecting on challenges you’ve overcome, your family or cultural heritage, your academic or cocurricular achievements, or specific moments that helped to define your character.

Letter of Recommendation

One academic letter of recommendation is required. You may submit up to three additional letters of recommendation if you wish. Your full legal name should be at the top of recommendation letters. You can access the CU-Boulder recommendation request form at colorado.edu/admissions/apply/forms .

Mailing Address

Keep your mailing address current at all times. We use it for mailings until you arrive on campus. We also send notices to you at this address regarding admission, registration, and orientation, as well as other information. If your address changes or is no longer valid, notify the Office of Admissions immediately at 303-492-6301 or update it in the “My Information” section of your MyCUBoulder account.

Email Address

List a valid and active email address on your application and keep your email address updated at all times. If your email address changes or is no longer valid, notify the Office of Admissions by email at apply@colorado.edu

. Include your full legal name and birth date in your email. You can also update it in the “My

Information” section of your MyCUBoulder account.

Where to Send Application Materials

Unless otherwise instructed, mail all application materials to:

Office of Admissions

Regent Administrative Center 125

University of Colorado Boulder

552 UCB

Boulder, CO 80309-0552

University of Colorado Colorado Springs

& University of Colorado Denver Applicants

For online application forms and admission information for the

Colorado Springs campus, go to www.uccs.edu or call 719-262-

3383 or 800-990-8227 (UCCS), ext. 3383 . For Denver, go to www.

ucdenver.edu or call 303-556-2704 .

If you are applying to one or both of the campuses listed above, you must submit a separate application, official credentials, and

appropriate fee to each campus. You may make copies of the application in this packet and use it to apply to other CU campuses.

Application Packet 5

Choosing a Major

Read all instructions and notes to avoid delays in processing your

application. These are the colleges, schools, and majors that are available to undergraduate freshman and transfer students. Select only one college or school and major. Write the code in Item #2 of the Undergraduate Application for Admission.

If you are a transfer student with more than 24 semester hours of college work completed or in progress, you must apply to a specific major—do not choose open option.

College of Arts and Sciences

Anthropology (ARSCU-ANTH)

Art and Art History

Art History (ARSCU-AAAH)


Art Practices (ARSCU-AASA)


Asian Studies (ARSCU-ASIA)

Astronomy (ARSCU-ASTR)

Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences (ATOC-


Biochemistry (ARSCU-BCHM)

Biological Sciences

Ecology and Evolutionary Biology


Integrative Physiology (ARSCU-IPHY)

Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental

Biology (ARSCU-MCDB)

Chemistry (ARSCU-CHEM)

Chinese (ARSCU-CHIN)

Classics (ARSCU-CLAS)

Computer Science (BA) (ARSCU-CSCI)


Economics (ARSCU-ECON)

English (ARSCU-ENGL)

Environmental Studies (ARSCU-ENVS)

Ethnic Studies (ARSCU-ETHN)

Film Studies (ARSCU-FILM)



Geography (ARSCU-GEOG)

Geology (ARSCU-GEOL)

Germanic Studies (ARSCU-GRMN)

History (ARSCU-HIST)

Humanities (ARSCU-HUMN)

International Affairs (ARSCU-IAFS)

Italian (ARSCU-ITAL)

Japanese (ARSCU-JPNS)

Jewish Studies (ARSCU-JWST)

Linguistics (ARSCU-LING)

Mathematics (ARSCU-MATH)

Neuroscience (ARSCU-NRSC)

Philosophy (ARSCU-PHIL)

Physics (ARSCU-PHYS)

Political Science (ARSCU-PSCI)

Psychology (ARSCU-PSYC)

Religious Studies (ARSCU-RLST)

Russian Studies (ARSCU-RUSS)

Sociology (ARSCU-SOCI)

Spanish (ARSCU-SPAN)

6 Application Packet

If you have already received an undergraduate degree, you must select a specific major different from your first undergraduate

degree program; applications for open option majors cannot be considered.

See Notes on Majors, page 7, for specifics.

Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences


Theatre (ARSCU-THTR)

Women and Gender Studies (ARSCU-WMST)

Open Option—for students who do not wish to specify a major at this time (ARSCU-


College of Engineering and Applied

Science 2

Aerospace Engineering Sciences (ENGRU-


Applied Mathematics (ENGRU-AMEN)

Architectural Engineering (ENGRU-AREN)

Chemical and Biological Engineering


Chemical Engineering (ENGRU-CHEN)

Civil Engineering (ENGRU-CVEN)

Computer Science (BS) (ENGRU-CSEN)

Electrical and Computer Engineering


Electrical Engineering (ENGRU-EEEN)

Engineering Physics (ENGRU-EPEN)

Environmental Engineering (ENGRU-EVEN)

General Engineering (ENGRU-GEEN)

Mechanical Engineering (ENGRU-MCEN)

Technology, Arts and Media (ENGRU-TMEN)

Open Option (ENGRU-XXEN)—for freshmen only

College of Media, Communication and


Communication (CMCIU-COMM)

Information Science (CMCIU-INFO)

Journalism (CMCIU-JRNL)

Media Production (CMCIU-MDPD)

Media Studies (CMCIU-MDST)

Strategic Communication (CMCIU-STCM)

College of Music 3

Music, Music Education, Music Arts (MUSCU-


Leeds School of Business

Accounting (BUSNU-ACCT)

Finance (BUSNU-FNCE)

Management (BUSNU-MGMT)

Marketing (BUSNU-MKTG)

Open Option (BUSNU-XXBU)

School of Education 4

Elementary Education (ELED-BA) 5

Leadership and Community Engagement


Elementary Education (EDUCU-EDEL)

English-Secondary (EDUCU-EDEN)

French-Secondary (EDUCU-EDFR)

German-Secondary (EDUCU-EDGR)

Japanese-Secondary (EDUCU-EDJP)

Latin-Secondary (EDUCU-EDLT)

Mathematics-Secondary (EDUCU-EDMA)

Music Education-Secondary (EDUCU-EDMU)

Russian-Secondary (EDUCU-EDRU)

Science-Secondary (EDUCU-EDSC)

Social Studies-Secondary (EDUCU-EDSS)

Spanish-Secondary (EDUCU-EDSP)

Environmental Design 1

Architecture (ARPLU-ARCH)

Environmental Design (ARPLU-ENVD)

Landscape Architecture (ARPLU-LAND)

Planning Studies (ARPLU-PLAN)

Preprofessional Study in Health Sciences and Law

Preprofessional advisors are available to help you explore medicine, other allied health programs, or law. If you are interested in these fields, you may apply to any of the above majors. If you plan to further your health sciences education after you complete your CU Boulder course of study, the University of Colorado Denver offers a medical school and a complete range of other professional health programs. If you are interested in the study of law, the University of Colorado Law School is located on the

Boulder campus. For more information, visit www.colorado.edu/advising .

Notes on Majors

1 Do not submit samples or photographs of design or artwork.

A portfolio is not used for admission purposes and cannot be returned to you if you submit one.

2 Some majors may have limited enrollment.

3 Prospective music majors must submit both the Undergraduate

Application for Admission to the Office of Admissions and the audition application to the College of Music. All music applicants are initially considered for admission to the College of Arts and Sciences open option major . Admission to the specific major is determined after the music audition has been completed.

Students who are admitted to the College of Arts and Sciences but do not pass the music audition will be able to keep their place in the College of Arts and Sciences. For further information about major selection and eligibility, see www.colorado.edu/music.

4 In addition to two bachelor degree programs, the School of

Education also offers licensure programs in elementary (K-6), secondary and K–12 music education. The licensure fields in secondary education include English, foreign language, mathematics, science and social studies. Candidates complete the licensure program concurrently with their bachelor’s degree.

Students can explore education courses and apply during their freshman year to be potentially admitted to the school in their sophomore year. If you have already completed a four-year undergraduate degree program, and wish to apply directly to the teacher licensure program you should submit your application and official credentials directly to:

Office of Student Services

School of Education

University of Colorado Boulder

Education 151

249 UCB

Boulder, CO 80309-0249

See www.colorado.edu/education/prospective-students for additional information.

5 This major is only available for incoming freshmen.

Application Packet 7


To expedite application processing:

• Use upper-case block letters and numbers that do not touch the sides of the boxes and skip a box between words


• Fill in circles completely, like this: l

• Do not use punctuation marks in addresses

• Correct errors with correction fluid

• Include your full legal name and birth date on any supporting documents you submit with your application

Office of Admissions

Regent Administrative Center 125

University of Colorado Boulder

552 UCB

Boulder, CO 80309-0552

Telephone: 303-492-6301

Fax: 303-492-7115

• Use black ink

Indicate the campus to which you are applying. Choose One: p Boulder p Colorado Springs p Downtown Denver

1. Full Legal Name (The full legal name you give on this application will be used for all of your university records.)

Former Name (if applicable—used for identification of credentials)

(Former: Last Name followed by a comma and a space; First Name followed by a space; Middle Name)

2. Indicate the major to which you are applying Major Code by filling in the appropriate code (see “Choosing a Major” section).

3. Year and Term of Intended Enrollment

Year p Fall p Spring

(begins late August)

(begins early January) p Summer (terms begin early June and July)

4. Admission Level p Freshman (have not enrolled in a college or university since graduation from high school) p Transfer (have enrolled at another college, university or other campuses of the University of Colorado since graduation from high school—also includes nondegree students who have enrolled at the University of Colorado) p Teacher


(see Note 4 on page 7 of the instructions)

5. Your Age and Birth Date ____________


6. Social Security Number (SSN) (U.S. citizens only) SSN is used for record keeping and credential matching purposes only and is required for matching against the systems at the state and federal level for authorizing College Opportunity Fund (COF) and state/ federal financial aid. Use of SSN is protected under federal and state privacy laws. You will be assigned a student identification number when you apply.

7. Gender p Male p Female

8. Ethnicity Are you Hispanic, Chicano, Mexican, Latino, Cuban, Puerto Rican or Central American, or of Spanish origin?

p Yes p No

Check one or more: p American Indian or Alaska Native p Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander p Black or African American p Asian p White


Print your Last Name, First Name, and Middle Initial

9. Military Status

Select your military status:

Service start date: p Active Duty p Veteran p p

Active Reserve

Veteran ( p Operation Enduring Freedom p Operation Iraqi Freedom

Select your military branch: p Army p Navy p p

Air Force


VA Ineligible ) p Inactive Reserve p Not a Veteran

Service end date: p National Guard p Spouse Receiving Benefits p Dependent Receiving Benefits p Coast Guard

10. Total family size , including yourself, parents/guardians and other dependents: _____________________

11. Family and Household Information

This section is optional and will be used to enhance CU Boulder’s recruitment and outreach programs. Providing this information in no way disadvantages your application for admission.

Gross Family Income (report gross annual income*): p less than $15,000 p $15,000–$34,999 p $35,000–$59,999 p $60,000–$74,999 p $75,000–$99,999 p $100,000–$149,999 p more than $150,000

*If you or your parents/guardians filed an IRS tax return, gross annual income will be recorded on IRS Form 1040—line 22, Form 1040A—line 15 or Form

1040EZ—line 4.

12. Have you ever been in the foster care system (e.g., foster home, group home, or placed with a relative by court order) ?

p Yes p No

13. Permanent Address and Telephone Number

Foreign Country (if applicable) ____________________________________

14. Mailing Address and Telephone Number (Complete ONLY if different from permanent address.)

Foreign Country (if applicable) ____________________________________

15. Email Address (List a valid and active email address where you can be reached for the next six months. Do not leave empty boxes within your address. Keep your email address updated and notify the Office of Admissions of any change.) continue on next row


Print your Last Name, First Name, and Middle Initial

16. Citizenship (mark one) Indicate your citizenship status. If you have dual citizenship and the U.S. is one of the countries, indicate

“U.S. citizen.” If the U.S. is not one of them, indicate the country that will issue your visa.

p U.S. citizen p Permanent resident (immigrant)—country of citizenship_____________________________________________________

Alien registration number_____________ Date of issue_________________ p Nonimmigrant on temporary status—country of citizenship_______________________________________________

Type of visa you now hold or expect to obtain. Fill in appropriate box. If you are unsure, mark “Student (F-1).” p Student (F-1) p Exchange Visitor (J-1) p None p Other (specify):________________________________

Issue date Expiry date

Month Day Year Month

Immigration number _______________________________________________

City/Country of birth ______________________________________________

Day Year

Citizenship country ________________________________________________

17. Have you ever been adjudicated guilty or convicted of a misdemeanor or felony?

Note that you are not required to answer “yes” to this question, or provide an explanation, if the criminal adjudication or conviction has been expunged, sealed, annulled, pardoned, destroyed, erased, impounded or otherwise ordered by a court to be kept confidential. (If you answer yes, download and print the form located at www.colorado.edu/node/994/ attachment/newest.

You MUST fill out the form completely and accurately and return it by mail to our office.

Failure to do so will stop the processing of your application.)

18. Do you have a pending criminal charge?

(Misdemeanor traffic offenses are exempt.) p Yes p No

19. Have you ever been found responsible for a disciplinary violation at any educational institution you have attended from the 9th grade forward, whether related to academic misconduct or behavioral misconduct, that resulted in a disciplinary action? These actions could include, but are not limited to: probation, suspension, removal, dismissal or expulsion from the institution. (Failure to answer this question will stop the processing of your application. If you answer yes, download and print the form located at www.colorado.edu/node/998/ attachment/newest.

You MUST fill out the form completely and accurately and return it by mail to our office.

Failure to do so will stop the processing of your application.) p Yes p No

Note: If there is any change to your answer for 17, 18 or 19 after you apply, you must notify the Office of Admissions immediately.

20. Is English your native language?

p Yes p No If “no,” indicate your primary language __________________________


Next of Kin Information p Yes p No

(Last Name followed by a comma and a space; First Name followed by a space; Middle Initial)

Relationship: p Father p Mother p Guardian p Other __________________________________________

Address and Telephone Number (Complete ONLY if different from permanent address.)

Foreign Country (if applicable) ____________________________________

_________________________________________________ _________________________________________________

Occupation of next of kin listed above – Position Employer

Next of Kin Email Address (Do not leave empty boxes within the address.) continue on next row


Print your Last Name, First Name, and Middle Initial

22. Additional Next of Kin Information

(Last Name followed by a comma and a space; First Name followed by a space; Middle Initial)

Relationship: Father p Mother p Guardian p Other _________________________

Address and Telephone Number (Complete ONLY if different from permanent address)

Foreign Country (if applicable) ____________________________________


Occupation of next of kin listed above – Position



Next of Kin Email Address (Do not leave empty boxes within the address.) continue on next row

23. Indicate the highest level of formal education attained by your parents or guardians.

Father/Guardian Mother/Guardian p Less than high school graduate p Some graduate school p High school graduate or equivalent p Master’s level degree p Some college p Technical school p 2-yr. college degree p Bachelor’s level degree p p p

Doctorate (academic)

Doctorate (professional)

Post-doctorate p Less than high school graduate p Some graduate school p High school graduate or equivalent p Master’s level degree p Some college p Technical school p 2-yr. college degree p Bachelor’s level degree p p p

Doctorate (academic)

Doctorate (professional)


24. List family members who have attended CU.

_________________________________________________________ p Father p Mother p Grandparent p Sibling

Name Dates of Attendance

_________________________________________________________ p Father p Mother p Grandparent p Sibling

Name Dates of Attendance

25. High School Information

Fill in the following information about the high school(s) you have attended. If necessary, attach a separate sheet. Request an official transcript be sent from the last high school you attended to the Office of Admissions. Also, list your current and future courses in question 28.

Diploma-granting or Last High School

(Not Including Postgraduate) City

Zip Code

State Country (Required)

From To Highest Grade Graduation Date

(Mo./Yr.) (Mo./Yr.) Completed (9–12) (Mo./Yr.)

Are you, or have you been, home-schooled at the institution listed above? p Yes p No

If you are not a high school graduate, have you earned a GED Certificate of Equivalency? p Yes p No _______________

Date Earned (M/Y) If yes, you must request that an official high school equivalancy transcript (GED, HiSET, TASC, etc.)

and an official high school transcript be mailed to the Office of Admissions.

List other high schools attended in order of attendance (including postgraduate).

First Attended to Last City State Country

Zip Code




To Highest Grade

(Mo./Yr.) Completed (9–12)


Print your Last Name, First Name, and Middle Initial

26. College/University Information

List all colleges you have attended (including the University of Colorado), regardless of the length of attendance, whether or not courses were completed, and whether or not you believe the record will affect your admission or transfer credit . You must notify the Office of Admissions as soon as possible if you attend additional institutions. Request that each college or university send an official transcript directly to the Office of Admissions. Final official transcripts showing all subsequent work must be submitted upon completion of the work. If you do not provide these transcripts, you will not be allowed to register for classes. Failure to list and submit transcripts from all institutions previously attended before enrolling at CU Boulder is considered to be a violation of academic ethics and may result in the cancellation of your admission or dismissal from the university.

Names of Institutions of Higher Education

(First Attended to Last) City

Zip Code From To Degree and Type of No. of Hours

State Country (Required) (Mo./Yr.) (Mo./Yr.) Date Earned System* Completed

*Type of system: Semester (S), Quarter (Q), Trimester (T), Block (B), Other (O) Explain

27. Enrollment Status

Are you currently enrolled in high school or college? p Yes p No

If yes, indicate which will be your last term at your current institution. p Fall p Winter p Spring p Summer ________


28. Current and Future Courses

High School Students —List below all of your senior year courses.

College/University Students —List below all courses in progress and courses you plan to take before the term for which you are applying.

Admission is based upon the courses listed in progress. Changing these courses may affect your admission decision.

Name of High School or College/University Complete Course Title Term/Year Dept.

College/University Courses Only

Course No. Credits

Do not write below this line. Use additional paper if necessary.

29. High School Academic History (Not applicable to Teacher Education applicants or international students who have completed two or more years at a non-U.S. high school.)

Using the chart on the following page, fill in the boxes that correspond to the subject matter and grade level of your high school course work. Include your completed course work and courses you plan to complete by the end of your senior year. Do not include courses you did not receive credit for or failed.

If you completed or will complete the equivalent of one full year of high school credit (e.g., two semesters, three trimesters, one block), fill in the appropriate box in the Full Year column. If you completed or will complete less than one full year of high school credit (e.g., one semester or one or two trimesters), fill in the appropriate box in the Partial Year column.

We will use this information to determine the extent to which you completed course work in the five key disciplines described in the Minimum Academic Preparation Standards (MAPS). See http://www.colorado.edu/catalog/2016-17/content/minimumacademic-preparation-standards-maps . Refer to your high school transcript, as inaccurate information may cause delays in processing or could affect your admission decision.


Print your Last Name, First Name, and Middle Initial





Write in the highest foreign language level completed or in progress in the remarks section (e.g.,

Spanish 4).


Algebra II


Additional English 1

French p p p p



Japanese p p p


Spanish p p

American Sign Language p

Other p

Grade 9 Grade 10 Grade 11 Grade 12
















Year Remarks

l p l p l p l p Spanish 4 p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p

l p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p


Mathematics courses lower than Algebra I should not be reported.









Algebra II

College Prep. Math 2



Biology/Other Lab

Science 3

Chemistry p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p


Non-Lab Science 4

U.S. History p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p

World History


Include any courses that cover regional or world geography 5 p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p

Additional Social

Science 6 p p p p p p p p

Have you completed two or more academic electives? Acceptable courses include: art, music, drama, journalism, yearbook and computer science. p Yes p No

1 Includes courses such as communication, composition, debate/speech, and literature. NOTE: Yearbook and newspaper are electives.

2 Includes courses such as trigonometry, precalculus, analytical geometry, elementary functions, math analysis and other college preparatory mathematics.

3 Includes courses such as anatomy, physiology, botany, ecology, zoology, genetics and other lab sciences.

4 Includes physical science, general science, earth science, environmental science, astronomy, geology and other non-lab science courses.

5 Course work examining social, political and cultural processes that create geographical worlds such as urban growth, geopolitics, agricultural development and population dynamics. The word “geography” need not be in the course title; courses such as global studies, world religions, world studies, etc., also qualify.

6 Includes U.S. government, economics, sociology, psychology and other social science courses.


Print your Last Name, First Name, and Middle Initial

30. Employment History

List your current and most recent employers. Enter your best estimate if you do not know the exact dates of employment and enter the current date in the “To” column for your current employer.










31. Academic Honors

List any academic honors received in high school or college (e.g., National Merit Scholar Finalist, Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society,

National Honor Society). Enter your best estimate if you do not know the exact dates of your award.

Award Date (Mo./Day/Yr.)






32. Activities and Leadership

List your activities and/or positions of leadership. Enter your best estimate if you do not know the exact dates of your activity.

Position Held










33. Are you currently, or have you ever been, a participant in any educational preparation or precollegiate program (e.g., AVID,

Daniels College Prep Program, International Baccalaureate, Precollegiate Development Program, Advanced Placement, or any federally funded TRIO program such as Upward Bound)? p Yes _________________________________________ p No

Program Name

34. Testing Information

List all dates (month/year) that you have taken or are planning to take any of the following standardized tests (ACT, SAT, TOEFL,

IELTS). Request that the appropriate testing service report scores directly to the University of Colorado Boulder. The college code for the ACT is 0532; for the SAT, it is 4841; for the TOEFL, it is 4841; there is no code for the IELTS, follow instructions on the IELTS website.

Test ______ ____/____ Test ______ ____/____ Test ______ ____/____ Test ______ ____/____ Test ______ ____/____

Month Year Month Year Month Year Month Year Month Year

35. Are you interested in a career in the education field? Answering “yes” will allow us to share your contact information with the

School of Education. p Yes p No

36. Personal Essays

The personal essays are required. Applications without essays are considered incomplete and will not be forwarded to the admission committee for review.

Your personal essays are the best way for us to learn about you as an individual and to evaluate your academic performance within an appropriate context. Please remember that there are no “correct” answers to these questions—your responses should reflect the unique aspects and experiences of your life.


Print your Last Name, First Name, and Middle Initial

Freshman Personal Essay (required for freshmen only, 250 to 650 words): Choose one of the five essays from the Common


1. Some students have a background, identity, interest or talent that is so meaningful they believe their application would be incomplete without it. If this sounds like you, then please share your story.

2. The lessons we take from failure can be fundamental to later success. Recount an incident or time when you experienced failure.

How did it affect you, and what did you learn from the experience?

3. Reflect on a time when you challenged a belief or idea. What prompted you to act? Would you make the same decision again?

4. Describe a problem you’ve solved or a problem you’d like to solve. It can be an intellectual challenge, a research query, an ethical dilemma—anything that is of personal importance, no matter the scale. Explain its significance to you and what steps you took or could be taken to identify a solution.

5. Discuss an accomplishment or event, formal or informal, that marked your transition from childhood to adulthood within your culture, community or family.

Freshman Writing Supplement (required for freshmen only, 250 to 500 words): In addition to the Common Application essay, you are required to respond to a CU Boulder specific essay question.

As a vibrant community of learners dedicated to inclusive excellence, the students, faculty and staff at the University of Colorado

Boulder seek to be open and respectful of contrasting beliefs and opinions. Every student has a unique life experience and a set of circumstances by which they are shaped and influenced. Your background may have been shaped by family history, cultural traditions, race, ethnicity, religion, politics, income, ideology, gender identity or sexual orientation.

Reflect on your unique background and tell us about a time when you had to relate to someone whose life experience was very different from your own. How did you approach the difference? If put in a similar situation again today, would you respond differently? If so, how?

Transfer Personal Statement (required for transfers only, 250 to 650 words):

Inclusive excellence and diversity play a central role at the University of Colorado Boulder and within our learning environments.

Please describe why diverse and inclusive learning environments are important and how CU Boulder fits with your academic and professional goals.

37. Residency

In-state tuition eligibility requires one year of Colorado domicile (legal residence). Exceptions to the one-year requirement are provided for honorably-discharged members of the U.S. armed forces moving permanently to Colorado or certain dependents of honorably-discharged members of the U.S. armed forces; active-duty military stationed in Colorado or certain dependents of active-duty military; Colorado National Guard members; children of new faculty members at Colorado state-supported colleges;

U.S. citizens, U.S. permanent residents, and undocumented/DACA applicants who attended 3 years of high school in Colorado; and existing employees (and their children) of companies moving to Colorado with state economic incentives.

Information about the Colorado resident/nonresident regulations, including details of these exceptions, is available at www.colorado.edu/registrar/students/state-residency .

Are you claiming in-state tuition classification? p Yes p No

If yes, please answer the following questions:

Did you enter, or do you intend to enter, a Colorado college or university immediately after completing high school?

(e.g., you will graduate in May/June and intend to start at CU in August.) p Yes p No*

Have you lived continuously (remained physically present) in Colorado and maintained a Colorado ID since you completed high school? Or, if you are still enrolled in high school, do you plan to continue to live in Colorado and maintain a Colorado ID once you graduate? p Yes p No*

Did you, or will you, attend a Colorado high school for at least your final three complete, consecutive years? p Yes p No*

Did you, or will you, graduate from a Colorado public or private high school? p Yes p No*

Are you a U.S. citizen, U.S. permanent resident or an undocumented/DACA applicant? p Yes p No*

*If you responded “no” to any of the questions above, you are required to fill out and submit a completed Tuition Classification form. The form is available online at www.colorado.edu/node/1004/attachment/newest .


Print your Last Name, First Name, and Middle Initial

38. Signature Statement

Sign your application and submit it, along with the $50 application fee and official credentials, to the Office of Admissions.

By signing your application you certify that to the best of your knowledge, the information submitted on this application is true and complete. You understand that if found to be otherwise, it is sufficient cause for refusal or dismissal. In addition, you must notify the Office of Admissions if any information provided in this application changes after submission. You also agree to all terms and conditions as discussed in this application.

You also understand that if admitted, your admission is contingent upon your final credentials reflecting academic achievement similar to the assessment at the time of your admission. If you enroll as a student at the University of Colorado Boulder, you agree to observe all campus policies and regulations, including the Honor Code, and acknowledge that you are responsible for all financial obligations incurred.

You also consent to the release of your high school transcript or any other material relevant to an admission decision to the

University of Colorado Boulder.


Applicant’s Signature Date
