Analog Signals and Electronics • An analog signal is a continuous time and continuous amplitude signal representing a physical phenomenon • It is converted to a corresponding electrical signal in the form of a voltage or current for processing in analog electronic systems • E.G. A microphone converts sound to current • The voltage or current is still an analog signal 1 Analog Signals and Electronics • One of the easiest forms of analog electronics to explain is an amplifier or pre-amplifier • An analog signal may be too weak to interpret or use • A phonograph needle produces a weak voltage from the grooves on the record • An amplifier magnifies the amplitude of the voltage or current to power the loudspeakers 2 Analog Signals and Electronics • Vacuum tubes or more recently transistors can be used to amplify analog signals across a range of frequencies based on the amplifier design • Note: Although most of the time current is really electrons flowing from minus to plus, electrical engineers use the convention of arrows from plus to minus for current on schematic diagrams 3 Analog Signals and Electronics • Vacuum tubes allow a small voltage to be amplified and control a larger current to a “load” • A typical Triode Load (Loud Speaker) Plate Analog Signal Input Control Current Load Current = beta * Control Current + Power Source Grid - Heat Cathode Ground 4 Analog Signals and Electronics • Solid state transistors allow a small current to be amplified and control a larger current to a “load” • Typical NPN Transistor Load (Loud Speaker) Collector Analog Signal Input Base Control Current N material Load Current = beta * Control Current + Power Source P material N material - Emitter 5 Analog Signals and Electronics • A high quality stereo system amplifier amplifies signals over a bandwidth of 20 Hz to 20K Hz – the normal range of human hearing • That introduces another concept – a filter • A filter passes signals of different frequencies with different output amplitudes/magnification • All analog signals can be represented as a sum of multiple signals at different frequencies 6 Analog Signals and Electronics • A filter is an amplifier that magnifies each signal or each portion of an aggregate signal more or less depending on its frequency • If a signal or a portion of an aggregate signal is outside the range of the filter, it is not amplified and may be difficult to detect at all • Within the “pass band”, a filter may have some fluctuations based its design, but usually a flat response in the pass band is the goal 7 Analog Signals and Electronics • A filter may be low pass: Frequency 0 • High pass • Band pass • Band reject (or notch) Frequency 0 Frequency 0 Frequency 0 8 Analog Signals and Electronics • We use the LaPlace transform and complex math to analyze the behavior of signals and filters • We will analyze a couple filters after covering the math behind the analysis • Note: Electrical engineers use i for current so we use j as the imaginary square root of - 1 9 LaPlace Transform • Using the LaPlace transform “L()”, problems defined by differential equations can be solved using algebra • Either a signal or a system that processes signals can be represented by a differential equation • Any signal’s or system’s differential equation can be represented by its LaPlace transform as a function of a complex frequency variable s • If signal A is input to system B, L(A) can be multiplied by L(B) to get the LaPlace transform of the output L(C) • The inverse transform L -1(L(C)) is the signal itself 10 LaPlace Transform • The Laplace transform of a function f(t), defined for all real numbers t ≥ 0, is the function F(s): • The parameter s is a complex number with real part σ and imaginary part ω: s = σ + j ω • The imaginary component ω = 2 x Pi x frequency • We usually look up LaPlace transforms and inverse LaPlace transforms in tables 11 LaPlace Transform • For the unit impulse function (a value of one at t = 0 and zero value everywhere else), the LaPlace transform is 1 • For the unit step function (a value of zero for all t < 0 and a value of 1 for all t >= 0) is 1/s • For the function sin(at), the LaPlace transform is a/(s2 + a2) • For the function cos(at), the LaPlace transform is s/(s2 + a2) 12 LaPlace Transform • To evaluate the stability of a system, plot the poles of its LaPlace transform (values of s for which the transform value is infinite) on the complex s plane • A system with all poles in the left half plane is stable but if any are in the right half plane it is unstable • A system with poles on the j axis is marginally stable • For example, the LaPlace transform of sin(at) has poles at s = +ja and –ja, so a system represented by that function is marginally stable – it oscillates 13 LaPlace Transform • Each electronic circuit component has a voltage to current relationship defined by a differential equation so it has a LaPlace Transform – A resistor is just a constant – R (V = iR) – A capacitor has an integral transform – 1/sC – An inductor has a derivative transform – sL • We add the LaPlace transforms for components connected in series to solve for the current that will be created by an applied voltage waveform 14 Analog Signals and Electronics • A passive low pass filter (resistor – capacitor): LaPlace Transform Vout/Vin = (1/sC)/(R + 1/sC) Vout/Vin = 1 / (1 + sRC) R Vin C Vout Cutoff Frequency = 1 / (2 Pi RC) • An active low pass filter (with an op amp): R R Vin C - + Vout The voltage and current at the input to the op amp must be 0 so Vin/R – Vout (1/R + sC ) = 0 giving the same LaPlace transform 15 Analog Signals and Electronics • The LaPlace Transform for the Low Pass filter is 1 / (1 + sRC) which has one pole at s = - 1/RC +j ω • S-plane Plot: Left Half Plane Right Half Plane Filter bandwidth -σ +σ - 1/RC -j ω 16 Analog Signals and Electronics • A passive high pass filter (capacitor - resistor): C Vin R Vout LaPlace Transform Vout/Vin = R / (R + 1/sC) Vout/Vin = sRC / (1 + sRC) Cutoff Frequency = 1 / (2 Pi RC) • An active high pass filter (with an op amp): R C R - Vin + Vout The voltage and current at the input to the op amp must be 0 so Vin/(R + 1/sC) – Vout (1/R) = 0 giving the same LaPlace transform 17 Analog Signals and Electronics • The LaPlace Transform for the High Pass filter is sRC / (1 + sRC) which has one pole at s = - 1/RC and one zero at the origin +j ω Filter bandwidth • S-plane Plot: Left Half Plane Right Half Plane -σ +σ - 1/RC -j ω 18 Analog Computers • Rather than use math analysis, we can simulate the behavior of analog systems with a computer • Analog computers process continuous time and amplitude signals to solve differential equations • Although some analog computers have been based on mechanics, hydraulics, pneumatics, etc. the predominant technology has been electrical • The limitations of designing precision analog electronic circuits on a large scale can introduce artifacts into the solution 19 Analog Computers • A small scale analog computer 20 Analog Computers • Each input is a continuous time analog signal • An analog computer input may be generated by a potentiometer controlled by the operator or attached to a part of the device being controlled • Each output is a continuous time analog signal • An analog computer output may be displayed on an oscilloscope or traced on a strip chart recorder (like an ECG) or attached to a part of the device being controlled 21 Analog Computers • Although mostly made obsolete by digital computers today, analog computers were the brains inside artillery fire control systems in the WWII and Korean War timeframe • Guns on warships were mounted on a moving platform and an analog fire control system would be used to aim at either fixed or moving targets • Anti-aircraft gun fire was directed by analog computers using signals from radar systems 22 Analog Computers • In the 1960’s, RPI still had analog computers • I did some work on them for my master’s thesis to compare an analog computer output with a digital simulation output with good agreement • They are programmed with patch cords that are used to connect summer, integrator, multiplier, inverter, and divider devices • Scaling voltages and time are required to keep all signals within the range of supported voltage 23 Analog Computers • For this electronic circuit and differential equation: 24 Analog Computers • The analog computer circuit would look like this: 25