Sample peer review questions Here are some sample questions developed by Arts Queensland that you may like to consider in developing your survey to seek feedback from peers about your work Key questions for Arts Queensland outcome reports are marked with a star There are several ways you can administer surveys – face-to-face ‘interview’ or selfcompletion option using a paper survey or ipad/android applications, or online using one of many online survey tools available For more tips on designing surveys, refer to the ‘Developing and implementing surveys’ fact sheet available at Introduction We would like to ask you a few questions about your experience of our event as a peer. Your responses are confidential and you will not be identified in the survey results. Please be open and honest with your feedback as this will help us with our future planning. Questions 1. Please indicate the extent to which you agree or disagree with the following statements based on your experience of the [performance/exhibition/event]. Strongly agree It was moving or inspiring It made me want to know more about what I was seeing It explored new points of view or ways of thinking It broke new ground in content or form It was artistically courageous It was based on thorough research and development It felt relevant to society and the times we live in It demonstrated excellence in terms of practice or product or process It was accessible to a diverse cross-section of the community It was an important platform for showcasing artists It encouraged collaboration across the sector Agree Neither agree nor disagree Disagree Strongly disagree 2. How would you rate the [performance/exhibition/event] overall? Excellent Good Average Poor Very poor 3. To what extent did the [performance/exhibition/event] match your expectations of our work? Exceeded my expectations Met my expectations Did not meet my expectations Don’t know 4. What did you like most about the [performance/exhibition/event]? 5. Was there anything about the [performance/exhibition/event] you think we could have done better? 6. Are there any final comments you would like to make? Thank you for your time.