Please follow these steps:

Please follow these steps:
Access the web page
Click on "New Users Register Here"
Complete Registration steps 1-7 on the next page.
For step 1 there is a drop down menu marked "Participating Institutions", select Greater Cincinnati
Academic and Regional Health Centers from the list.
5. Continue with steps 2-5
6. Step 6 is CME/CEU Credits: Select NO
7. Complete Step 7, then click Submit.
8. Fill out the next Member Information page
9. For "What is your role in research?" Select: Student Researcher Undergraduate"
10. Fill in all other information and click Submit.
11. The next page will say "Select Curriculum'..., it will ask " Are you required to complete
Responsible Conduct of Researchers (RCR) training to satisfy the requirements of the National
Science Foundation and/or the NIH? Select YES, then click Next Question.
12. The next question will be, "What is the primary nature of your research involvement? Select
Physical Sciences, then click on Next Question.
13. The next question is: "Are you primarily employed (paid by) OR are you involved in the conduct
of human subjects research occurring at any of the following institutions": Select YES then click
on Next Question.
14. The next question is "Are you involved in the conduct of human subjects research OR are you
currently included (or planned to be included) as part of the study team on a protocol that will be
submitted to the Institutional Review Board (IRB) at UC or CCHMC?" Select, NO. then click
Next Question
15. The next question is: "Are you a member, alternate member or member of the regulatory staff
supporting an Institutional Review Board (IRB) associated with UC or CCHMC?" Select NO,
then click on Next Question.
16. The next page will ask you if you want to add another institution. Select NO.
17. The next page will take you to the Main Menu. It should say, "You have enrolled for the following
courses: Physical Science Responsible Conduct of Research, Basic Course"...clickon the red Enter
to see the modules you will need to complete.
18. The next page will take you to the modules required to complete. There are 11:
19. You must take the "Integrity Assuarance Statement" before completing the 11 course modules.
20. The modules required are:
Introduction to the Responsible Conduct of Research
Research Misconduct
Data Acquisition, Management, Sharing and Ownership
Publication Practices and Responsible Authorship
Peer Review
Mentor and Trainee Responsibilities
Animal Welfare
Conflicts of Interest and Commitment
Collaborative Research
Human Subjects
The CITI RCR Course Completion Page
21. Once you have completed all of the 11 modules you may print out your completion page and
return to Heidi.