2016 FLEX Europe Conference

Call for Papers
2016 FLEX Europe Conference
Silicon Electronics + Flexible Systems Enabling New Markets
Fully Integrated into SEMICON Europa 2016
25 –27 October 2016 / Grenoble, France
End users, supply chain companies, R&D organizations, and universities are invited to submit abstracts for the 2016 FLEX
Europe Conference (formerly the Plastic Electronics Conference). This 2 day conference, an integral part of SEMICON
Europa 2016, will address materials, manufacturing, and applications for flexible hybrid electronics (FHE) and printed
electronics (PE).
FLEX Europe 2016 theme description
The integration of silicon semiconductor devices onto flexible substrates enables a whole new class of electronics.
Markets impacted include structural health monitoring, the Internet of Things (IOT), and medical devices, among others.
Specific applications include wearable electronics, smart packaging, smart sensor systems, and nano-bio devices.
FLEX Europe Conference 2016 – Recommended List of Topics for Presentations
Business Strategies and Market Overviews
 Technology Road Maps for Flexible Electronics
 End-User Requirements & Customer Perspectives
 Strategies for Bringing Products to Market
 National Program Overviews (worldwide)
 Success Stories
 Partnering
 Cost Modeling Case Studies
Supply Chain Development
 Pilot Case Studies
 Technical Road Mapping
 Gap Analysis (Red Brick Walls)
 Integration Strategies
 Packaging
 Pick & Place
 Tooling Strategies
 Metrology
 Testing
Flexible Electrical Components
 TFTs, Memory and Logic
 Sensors and Detectors
 Flexible Displays
 Batteries and Energy Sources
 Membrane Switches
 Integration of hybrid devices
Applications and New Developments
 Nano Bio
 Wearable & One-Time Use Products
 Stretchable Electronics
 Smart Packaging
 Solar/PV
 Solid State Lighting and OLEDs
 Smart Sensor Systems
 Structural Health Monitoring
Materials Advancements
 Substrates and Substrate Treatments
 Conductors, Insulators, Semiconductors
 Functional Inks
 Electronic Fibers
 Nanomaterials and Graphene
 Bio-recognition elements
 Adhesives and Encapsulants
 ITO and ITO Replacement
 Sustainable Materials
 Nomenclature
 Metrology
 Design and Modeling Software
 Processes & Manufacturing
 Materials & Substrates
 Safety, Accuracy, Data, Security
Instructions to submit an abstract
To submit your abstract please click here.
General guidelines:
 Review the list of recommended topics on Page 1
 Please submit your abstracts, biography and a photo via internet until 29 April 2016. Abstracts submitted via fax,
e-mail, post, or other methods will generally not be accepted.
 The conference language is English.
 The abstract should have between 1.000 and 2.000 characters (Starting with descriptive paragraph identifying
issue addressed and solution).
 Abstract changes and corrections will be accepted until the 29 April 2016.
Your presentation may not be included in the review process unless the information is complete.
Evaluation criteria include significance, usefulness for the manufacturing world and clarity and accuracy as a paper.
Abstracts will be peer-reviewed and selected relative to the points above. We encourage application related
presentations, i.e., on joint projects between users and suppliers. Papers are to be non-commercial and focus on the
technical/economical merits of a process rather than the individual company’s product benefits.
Submit your abstracts and biography until 29 April 2016.
After your first registration your data are saved. Changes can be made any time until 29 April 2016.
Selected presenters will be notified by 19 July 2016.
With best regards from the Flex Europe Committee,
Committee members:
 Karlheinz Bock, Technische Universität Dresden
 Jerome Gavillet, Cea-Leti
 Claus Lichtenberg, Roth & Rau BV
 Andreas Toennis, AIXTRON SE
Michael Ciesinski, FlexTech (chair)
Metin Koyuncu, Bosch
Luigi Occhipinti, Univ. of Cambridge
Andre Zimmermann, University of Stuttgart