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Please check box only if you do not want to receive these postal mailings to the selected address. ■ 2 Attestation I have graduated from a three- to five-year academic program with a university-level degree. ■ Yes ■ No This program is in one of the following fields of study: ■Engineering ■ Computer Sciences and Information Technologies ■ Physical Sciences ■ Biological and Medical Sciences ■Mathematics ■ Technical Communications, Education, Management, Law and Policy ■ Other (please specify): _________________ This academic institution or program is accredited in the country where the institution is located. ■ Yes ■ No ■ Do not know I have ______ years of professional experience in teaching, creating, developing, practicing, or managing within the following field: ■Engineering ■ Computer Sciences and Information Technologies ■ Physical Sciences ■ Biological and Medical Sciences ■Mathematics ■ Technical Communications, Education, Management, Law and Policy ■ Other (please specify): _________________ ▼ B.Principal job function State/Province 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. ▼ First/Given Name Date of birth (Day/Month/Year) 1. Computers 2. Computer peripheral equipment 3. Software 4. Office and business machines 5. Test, measurement and instrumentation equipment 6. Communications systems and equipment 7. Navigation and guidance systems and equipment 8. Consumer electronics/appliances 9. Industrial equipment, controls and systems 10. ICs and microprocessors 11. Semiconductors, components, sub-assemblies, materials and supplies 12. Aircraft, missiles, space and ground support equipment 13. Oceanography and support equipment 14. Medical electronic equipment 15. OEM incorporating electronics in their end product (not elsewhere classified) 16. Independent and university research, test and design laboratories and consultants (not connected with a mfg. co.) 17. Government agencies and armed forces 18. Companies using and/or incorporating any electronic products in their manufacturing, processing, research or development activities 19. Telecommunications services, telephone (including cellular) 20. Broadcast services (TV, cable, radio) 21. Transportation services (airline, railroad, etc.) 22. Computer and communications and data processing services 23. Power production, generation, transmission and distribution 24. Other commercial users of electrical, electronic equipment and services (not elsewhere classified) 25. Distributor (reseller, wholesaler, retailer) 26. University, college/other educational institutions, libraries 27.Retired 28.Other__________________________ General and corporate management Engineering management Project engineering management Research and development management Design engineering management —analog Design engineering management —digital Research and development engineering Design/development engineering —analog 9. Design/development engineering—digital 10. Hardware engineering 11. Software design/development 12. Computer science 13.Science/physics/mathematics 14. Engineering (not elsewhere specified) 15.Marketing/sales/purchasing 16.Consulting 17.Education/teaching 18.Retired 19.Other C.Principal responsibility 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. ▼ ▼ ■ Female Select the numbered option that best describes yourself. This information is used by IEEE magazines to verify their annual circulation. Please enter numbered selections in the boxes provided. Engineering and scientific management Management other than engineering Engineering design Engineering Software: science/mngmnt/engineering 6. 7. 8. 9. Education/teaching Consulting Retired Other D.Title 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. ▼ Title Please Tell Us About Yourself A.Primary line of business INFORMATION Name & Contact Information 1 PERSONAL ■ Male 3 Chairman of the Board/President/CEO Owner/Partner General Manager VP Operations VP Engineering/Dir. Engineering Chief Engineer/Chief Scientist Engineering Management Scientific Management Member of Technical Staff 10. Design Engineering Manager 11. Design Engineer 12. 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BETWEEN BETWEEN 16 AUG 2015- 1 MAR 201628 FEB 2016 15 AUG 2016 PAY PAY Please check ✔ the appropriate box. IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems z y AES01025.00 ■ 12.50 ■ IEEE Antennas and Propagation z y AP00315.00 ■ 7.50 ■ IEEE Broadcast Technology § z y BT00215.00 ■ 7.50 ■ IEEE Circuits and Systems § z y CAS00422.00 ■ 11.00 ■ IEEE Communications z y C0M019 30.00 ■ 15.00 ■ IEEE Components, Packaging, & Manu. Tech. § z y CPMT021 2016 IEEE Membership Rates (student rates available online) IEEE member dues and regional assessments are based on where you live and when you apply. Membership is based on the calendar year from 1 January through 31 December. All prices are quoted in US dollars. Please check ✔ the appropriate box. BETWEEN 1 MAR 201615 AUG 2016 PAY BETWEEN 16 AUG 201528 FEB 2016 PAY RESIDENCE United States..................................................................$197.00 ■ .............. $98.50 ■ Canada (GST)*..............................................................$173.35 ■............... $86.68 ■ Canada (NB, NF and ON HST)*............................$185.11 ■............... $92.56 ■ Canada (Nova Scotia HST)*....................................$188.05 ■............... $94.03 ■ Canada (PEI HST)*......................................................$186.58 ■............... $93.29 ■ Canada (GST and QST Quebec)...........................$188.01 ■............... $94.01 ■ Africa, Europe, Middle East.......................................$160.00 ■............... $80.00 ■ Latin America..................................................................$151.00 ■............... $75.50 ■ Asia, Pacific......................................................................$152.00 ■............... $76.00 ■ 15.00 ■ 7.50 ■ IEEE Computational Intelligence z y CIS01129.00 ■ 14.50 ■ IEEE Computer § z y C01656.00 ■ 28.00 ■ IEEE Consumer Electronics z y CE008 20.00 ■ 10.00 ■ IEEE Control Systems z y CS023 25.00 ■ 12.50 ■ IEEE Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation z y DEI03226.00 ■ 13.00 ■ IEEE Education z y E02520.00 ■ 10.00 ■ IEEE Electromagnetic Compatibility § z y EMC02731.00 ■ 15.50 ■ IEEE Electron Devices § z y ED01518.00 ■ 9.00 ■ EMB01840.00 ■ 20.00 ■ IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing z y GRS02919.00 ■ 9.50 ■ IEEE Industrial Electronics z y IE0139.00 ■ 4.50 ■ IEEE Industry Applications z y IA03420.00 ■ 10.00 ■ IEEE Information Theory § z y IT01230.00 ■ 15.00 ■ IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement z y IM00929.00 ■ 14.50 ■ IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems § z y ITSS03835.00 ■ 17.50 ■ IEEE Magnetics § y tz MAG03326.00 ■ 13.00 ■ IEEE Microwave Theory and Techniques z y MTT01717.00 ■ 8.50 ■ IEEE Nuclear and Plasma Sciences § z y NPS00535.00 ■ 17.50 ■ IEEE Oceanic Engineering § z y OE02219.00 ■ 9.50 ■ IEEE Photonics § z y PHO03634.00 ■ 17.00 ■ IEEE Power Electronics z y PEL03525.00 ■ 12.50 ■ IEEE Power & Energy § z y PE03135.00 ■ 17.50 ■ IEEE Product Safety Engineering § PSE04335.00 ■ 17.50 ■ IEEE Professional Communication § z y PC02631.00 ■ 15.50 ■ Canadian residents pay 5% GST or appropriate HST (BC—12%; NB, NF, ON-13%;NS-15%) on Society payments & publications only......................TAX IEEE Reliability § z y RL00735.00 ■ 17.50 ■ IEEE Robotics and Automation z y AMOUNT PAID................................................................................. TOTAL $________ RA0249.00 ■ 4.50 ■ IEEE Signal Processing § z y SP00122.00 ■ 11.00 ■ IEEE Social Implications of Technology § z y SIT03033.00 ■ 16.50 ■ IEEE Solid-State Circuits z y SSC03722.00 ■ 11.00 ■ IEEE Systems, Man, & Cybernetics z y SMC02812.00 ■ 6.00 ■ IEEE Technology & Engineering Management z y TEM01435.00 ■ 17.50 ■ IEEE Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, & Frequency Control § z y UFFC02020.00 ■ 10.00 ■ IEEE Vehicular Technology § z y 9.00 ■ IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology z y VT00618.00 ■ Legend—Society membership includes: y Online access to publication z One or more Society publications t CD-ROM of selected society §Society newsletter publications *IEEE Canada Business No. 125634188 Minimum Income or Unemployed Provision Applicants who certify that their prior year income did not exceed US$14,700 (or equivalent) or were not employed are granted 50% reduction in: full-year dues, regional assessment and fees for one IEEE Membership plus one Society Membership. If applicable, please check appropriate box and adjust payment accordingly. Student members are not eligible. ■ I certify I earned less than US$14,700 in 2015 ■ I certify that I was unemployed in 2015 More Recommended Options 7 Proceedings of the IEEE.................... print $47.00 ■ or online $41.00 Proceedings of the IEEE (print/online combination) ...................$57.00 IEEE Standards Association (IEEE-SA).................................................$53.00 IEEE Women in Engineering (WIE)......................................................$25.00 ■ ■ ■ ■ Payment Amount 8 Please total the Membership dues, Society dues, and other amounts from this page: IEEE Membership dues 6 .............................................................. $_______ IEEE Society dues (optional) 5 .................................................. $_______ IEEE-SA/WIE dues (optional) 7 ................................................... $_______ Proceedings of the IEEE (optional) 7 ........................................ $_______ $________ Payment Method All prices are quoted in US dollars. You may pay for IEEE membership by credit card (see below), check, or money order payable to IEEE, drawn on a US bank. ■ Check ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Credit Card Number MONTH YEAR EXPIRATION DATE CARDHOLDER’S 5-DIGIT ZIPCODE (BILLING STATEMENT ADDRESS) USA ONLY Name as it appears on card Signature Auto Renew my Memberships and Subscriptions (available when paying by credit card). ■ I agree to the Terms and Conditions located at www.ieee.org/autorenew 9 Were You Referred to IEEE? ■ Yes ■ No If yes, provide the following: Member Recruiter Name____________________________________ IEEE Recruiter’s Member Number (Required)_______________________ CAMPAIGN CODE Please reprint your full name here PROMO CODE 15-MEM-385 P 6/15 Complete both sides of this form, sign, and return to: IEEE MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION PROCESSING 445 HOES LN, PISCATAWAY, NJ 08854-4141 USA or fax to +1 732 981 0225 or join online at www.ieee.org/join