Note 25: The meaning of `readily available for inspection`

Version 1
Enforcement Note No. 25
The meaning of ‘readily available for inspection’
Description of Changes
Date Effective:
Initial release
This enforcement note aims to provide guidance on applying the term readily
available for inspection, which is not currently defined in the Act or Regulations.
The term readily available for inspection relates to the availability of a work method
statement for a high risk construction activity and a construction safety plan for
inspection. Prior communication with persons who will be carrying out the work,
about the contents of work method statements and access to work method
statements while doing the work are essential to assist effective management of risk.
Such communication channels could include toolbox meetings and pre-start talks.
The intent of the legislation is to have the work method statement at the location
where the work is being undertaken. However, some situations may not make this
possible, for example, where there is no dedicated supervisor for the work
permanently on site.
Legislative requirements
Section 196 of the regulation states that:
A relevant person must ensure that the current work method statement for the
high risk construction activity is readily available for inspection while the
activity is being performed.
Readily available means that the document must be able to be accessed promptly;
quickly; easily (refer Macquarie dictionary for definition of ‘readily’).
Enforcement Action
In light of the different types of construction work that may be carried out (from large
commercial construction, domestic construction, repair or refurbishment to road
construction), readily available is to be taken to mean it is available at a location
reasonably convenient to the person undertaking the work and other persons who
may need to inspect the document (eg. Inspectors); and in a reasonable timeframe.
This may be achieved by fax, delivery to the site or at another location such as an
office if the persons have provision for transport to that location.
Where there is a permanent supervisor directing the high risk construction activity
being performed by the relevant person’s workers, the work method statements
should be located with the supervisor at the site. Where contractors do not have a
permanent supervisor for the construction work but there is a permanent site
supervisor acting for a principal contractor, it would be acceptable to rely on access
to the work method statement located with the construction safety plan if this
arrangement is agreed by the principal contractor.
An improvement notice is the appropriate tool for enforcement of work method
statement provisions.
Enforcement Note: The meaning of ‘readily available for inspection’
Owner: Director, Regional Services Branch
Next Review Date: 12/2007
Version 1
Expiry Date: N/A
Page 1 of 2
Technical Expert: Brian Geraghty
Contact Telephone No: 3247 5494
Signed (Technical Expert):
Signed (Manager):
Signed (Regional Manager):
Signed (Assistant Director RSB):
Signed (Director):
Revision Date:
Enforcement Note: The meaning of ‘readily available for inspection’
Owner: Director, Regional Services Branch
Next Review Date: 12/2007
Version 1
Expiry Date: N/A
Page 2 of 2