J. Field Ornithol., 52(4):317-324 DETERMINATION OF TOTAL COLOR BAND COMBINATIONS By J^MEs L. HowITZ Many bird studiesmake use of color-bandedindividuals.When designinga color-bandingproject,it is usefulto know approximatelyhow many birds will be marked and thus how many unique colorband combinationswill be needed. The number of unique color band combinationsdependson the number of different colorsavailableand the number of bandsusedper bird. Studiesinvolvingonly a few birds require only a smallnumberof colorsand bandsper bird. When large numbers of birds are involved, more colors and/or bands per bird may be required. It is desirablein a studyusingcolorbandsto useno more colors nor bands per bird than necessarysinceincreasingeither the number of colorsused or the number of bands used per bird has its disadvantages.Only certain colorsare availablecommercially.Some colorsfade and others are difficult to distinguishin the field, leading to possible misidentifications. For most small birds the number of bands that can be put on a leg is 2 or 3. Consideringthe costof colorbands,usingno more than necessaryis financiallyprudent. The more bands used per bird, the greater is the number that must be accurately"read" to correctly identify the bird. Buckley and Hancock (Bird-Banding 39:123-129, 1968), Duncan (Bird-Banding42:279-287, 1971), and Balph (N. Am. Bird Bander 4:158-160, 1979) have presentedformulas for the number of color band combinationspossiblewith a given number of availablecolors. None of thesearticlesgivesthe correctformulasfor computingthe total number of color band combinationswhen adjacentbandsof the same color on the sameleg are not used. Neither do they presentformulas that take into account all the combinations that arise when the number of bands on each leg is varied. Such formulas are presentedhere. An attempt is made to describesimplemethodsfor obtainingall possible color band combinationsgiven a certain number of colorsavailable. Mention is also made of some problemsthat arise when using color bands. CALCULATING THE TOTAL NUMBER OF COLOR BAND COMBINATIONS In usingcolorbandsI recommendthat the followingfour conventions be followed: (1) Each bird receives a numbered band. (2) Each bird receivesthe samenumberof bands.(3) Eachleg receivesat least1 band. (4) Adjacentbandsof the samecolor on the sameleg are not permitted. The numberedband enablesunambiguousidentificationof the bird in the hand and is especiallyuseful if any color bandsare lost. In the U.S. this numberedband is providedby the Bird BandingLaboratory, and in this article will be referred to as the aluminum or AI band. If all birds receive the same number of bands, a bird with fewer bands 317 318] J.L. Howitz J.Field Ornithol. Autumn 1981 will necessarilyhave lost one, and retrapping to replacethe band and verify identitycan be contemplated.One or more bandsfrequentlygo unseen when a color-banded bird is observed. If all birds receive the same number of bands, an observerreading fewer than the normal number of bands would know at once that the entire combination had not been read, and a further look would be required to identify the bird. If, however, some birds receive fewer bands than others, band loss can result in 2 birds having the samecombination. If both legsreceivebands,then an observerwould knowthat any bird with no bandson onelegwouldhaveno bandson the other. This greatly simplifiestellingbandedfrom unbandedbirds,sinceonlyone leg needs to be seen to tell whether or not a bird is unbanded. When one color is seen in a positionwhere 2 bands shouldbe, it is not alwayspossible to knowwhetherbothbandswere seenand were the samecolor, or only one band wasseen,the other beingobscured.When adjacentbandson the sameleg are neverthe samecolor,an observation of just one colorwhere there shouldbe 2 bandsimpliesan incomplete observation(or a lostband). Though someobservershave no difficulty in identifyingcombinations havingadjacentbandsof the samecolor on the sameleg,it ismy experiencethat suchcombinations shouldbe avoided if at all possible. FORMULAS The total number of color band combinations,N•, for birds receiving the AI band and a given number of color bands(that is, conventions(1) and (2) only), is given by the following:Let n -- the number of colorsavailablein the study, r -- the number of color bandsused per bird (not includingthe AI band), (The total number of bandsper bird is r + 1.) k = the maximum number of bandsthat could fit on a leg. Then N• =h(r+ 1)nr where h=0, for k•<r/2 (In this case the bird's leg is too short to hold this number of bands.) h=2k-r, for r/2<k<r+ 1 (All bands would not fit on one leg.) h=r+2, for k=r+ 1 (All bands could fit on one leg.). Table 1 givesvaluesof N• in terms of n for variousvaluesof r and k. Note that N• includescombinationswhere a leg receivesno bands and combinationswhere adjacentbandsare the samecolor. The total number of color band combinations,N2, usingconventions (1), (2), and (3), differs from N• only when k •> r + 1 and is given by: N2 =h(r+ 1)nr where h = 0, for k •< r/2 h = 2k- r, forr/2 <k<r h=r, fork=r+ 1. + 1 Vol.52,No.4 ColorBandCombinations [319 TABLE1. Total color band combinationsusing n colorsand r color bands and an A1 band on eachbird with a maximum of k bandson a leg. The valuesin parenthesesare the total color band combinations giventhe additionalrestrictionthat eachleg receiveat least one band. Number of Maximum number of bandsthat could fit on a leg (k) color bands per bird (r) 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 2n 6n 6n 6n 6n 6n (2n) (2n) (2n) (2n) (2n) (2n) -- 6n 2 12n 2 12n • 12n • 12n • -- (6n•) (6n2) (6n •) (6n•) (6n•) -- 4n 3 12n 3 20n • 20n • 20n • -- (4n•) (12n3) (12n•) (12n•) (12n•) lOn • 20n • 30n • 30n • (10n4) (20n4) (20n4) (20n4) 2 3 4 5 6 -- -- __ __ -- -- 6n 5 18n 5 30n • 42 n • -- -- (6n•) (18n•) (30n5) (30n•) -- -- -- __ __ __ 14n 6 28n 6 42n • (14n•) (28n6) (42n•) Here eachleg mustreceiveat leastone band, but adjacentbandsof the samecolor on the sameleg are still allowed.The valuesin parentheses in Table 1 are values of N2 in terms of n for various values of r and k. Formulasfor the total number of color band combinationsusing all 4 of the aboveconventionsare even more complicated.Table 2 givesN in terms of n for variousvaluesof r and k. Tables 3 and 4 present numericalvaluesfor N givenn, r, and k, and are an attemptto illustrate how to actuallyobtain all the variouscombinationsby varying the positionsof the A1 band and the color bandson the birds' legs. TABLE2. Total colorbandcombinations usingn colors,with r colorbandsand an A1 bandon eachbird,witheachleg receivingatleastoneband,andwithadjacentbandsof the samecolor on the sameleg not allowed. Number of Maximum number ofbands thatcould fitona leg(k) color bands per bird (r) 1 2 3 4 1 2n 2n 2n 2n 2 3 --- 2n(3n - 1) 4n•(n- 1) 2n(3n- 1) 2n(6n2 - 6n + 1) 2n•(n - 1)(5n - 4) 2n•(n - 1)2(3n - 2) 2n(3n- 1) 2n(6n• - 6n + 1) 2n(n - 1)(10n• - 8n + 1) 6n=(n - 1)=(3n - 2) 4 -- -- 5 -- -- 320] J.L. Howitz J.Field Ornithol. Autumn 1981 TABLE3. Total color band combinations,N, for birds receiving 2 color bands and a numberedaluminumband.Eachleg receivesat least1 band and adjacentbandsof the samecoloron the sameleg are not allowed.A1denotesthe aluminumbandand c denotes a color band. The number of available colors is n. (,4) ,4luminumbandand coloron oneleg,coloron theotherleg. Possible arrangements: Left Right Left c c c Right Left Right Left Right AI c c A1 c c A1 AI c Possible numberof combinations: n 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 N 4 16 36 64 100 144 196 8 256 9 324 10 400 (B) ,4luminum on oneleg,2 colorbandson otherleg. Possible arrangements: Left Right Left Right c c c A1 A1 c Possible numberof combinations: n N 1 -- 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 4 12 24 40 60 84 112 144 180 THE COLOR OBTAINING The 3 variables that determine BAND COMBINATIONS the number of color band combina- tions are n, the number of available colors, r, the number of color bands usedper bird, andk, the maximumnumberof bandsthatcouldbe used on a leg.The researchermustdecidehowmanycolorbandcombinations will be needed based on an estimate of the number of birds that will be color banded. For most studies no more than 2 or 3 color bands will be needed per bird. When 2 color bandsare used per bird, 2 types of combinationsare possible.Either (A) the A1band and a colorband are on one leg and a colorbandison the otherleg,or (B) the 2 colorbandsare on onelegand the A1band on the other (Table 3). In situation(A) there are 4n2 possible color band combinations, and in (B) there are 2n(n - 1) combinations. If both typesof combinations are used,there are 4n2 q-2n(n - 1) or 2n(3n - 1) combinationspossible. When more combinationsare needed, 3 color bandsper bird may be used.With 2 colorbandson oneleg and 1 colorbandand the A1bandon the other,4n2(n- 1)combinations are possible (Table4A). Tables4B and C givethe totalcombinations when3 colorbandsare usedper bird and 3 bandsare usedon one leg. A color band can be on one leg and the A1band on top of, below,or betweenthe other 2 colorbands(B). All Vol.52,No.4 ColorBandCombinations [321 TABLE4. Total color band combinations,N, for birds receiving 3 color bands and a numbered aluminum band. Each leg receivesat least 1 band and adjacentbands of the samecolor on the sameleg are not allowed.A1denotesthe aluminumband and c denotes a color band. The number of available colors is n. (A) Aluminum+ onecoloron oneleg.2 colorson otherleg. Left Right Left Right Left Right Left Right c c c A1 c c A1 c c A1 c c A1 c c c n N1 1 2 16 -- 3 72 4 192 5 400 6 720 7 1176 8 1792 9 2592 10 3600 (B) Aluminum+ 2 colorson oneleg,onecoloron otherleg. Left Right Left Right c c A1 c n N2 c 1 2 32 -- Left Right c A1 c c A1 c c 3 126 4 320 5 650 Left Right c c AI c Left Right c A1 c Left Right A1 c c c c 6 1152 7 1862 8 2816 9 4050 10 5600 6 300 7 504 8 784 9 1152 10 1620 (C) Threecolorson oneleg,aluminumon other leg. Left Right Left Right A1 c C c AI c n Ns c 1 -- 2 4 3 24 4 72 5 160 • N = 4n2(n - 1). 2 N = 2n2(3n - 2). aN = 2n(n- 1)2. 3 colorbandscanbe on the sameleg and the AI band on the other (C). A studywhere 3 colorbandsare usedper bird and the legslongenough to accommodate3 bandson a leg can use combinationsof types (A), (B), and (C). Few studiesrequire that more than 4 bandsbe used per bird. Here the number of color band combinations can be astronomical. It is essentialto use a consistentsystemfor recordingand reading color band combinations.I abbreviateeach color by its first letter. I would symbolizethe color band combinationof a bird with a yellow band abovea whiteone on its right leg and a blue band abovethe A1 B W' Y Thissystem willbeused in thisarticle. bandon itsleft legasA1 Alternatively,eachcombinationcanbe written asa sequence with a slash 322] J.L. Howitz J.Field Ornithol. Autumn 1981 insertedin the sequence to separatethe two legs.SoYW/BA1couldbe used to refer to this bird with it understood that bands occur in the sequence from top to bottom.Other systems are possible. Obtainingthe actualcolorbandcombinations isstraightforward. Consider,for example,a projectusingthe colors:yellow,white,green,blue, and red. With 2 colorbandson one leg and 1 colorband and the A1 band on the other, 400 combinations are possible(Table 4A). To generatethe combinations, abbreviateeachcolorby itsfirstletter and decide uponan order in whichthe colorswill be used,sayY, W, G, B, R. Assign the positionof the A1band,sayasthe lowerbandon the right leg. The first color, yellow,will be the color of the band abovethe A1 band on the right leg for the first 20 combinations: 1. YY WA1 2. 5. WY Y A1 6. WY G A1 9. GY YY G A1 3. 11. GY WA1 13. BY Y A1 14. 17. RY 18. RY Y A1 4. 7. WY B A1 10. GY Y A1 YY B A1 8. WY R A1 12. GY B A1 BY WA1 15. 19. WA1 YY R A1 R A1 BY G A1 16. BY R A1 RY 20. RY. G A1 B A1 To generatethe next 20 combinations useA1over Y on the right leg: 21. YA1 22. YA1 WY GY 23. YA1 BY 24. YA1 RY 25. WA1 26. WA1...40. YY GY RA1. BY Using Y over A1 on the left leg yields41-60, and usingA1over Y on the left leg gives61-80: 41. Y Y...60. Y R 61. A1 Y...80. A1 R. A1 W A1 B Y W The next series of combinations uses W over A1 and A1 over stead of Y over Al and Al over Y: 81. Y W 82. YW 83. Y WA1 G A1 B 100. RW 101. YA1 102. YA1... 120. RA1 121. W B A1 WW GW B W A1 140. W A1 R... B 160. Y B W inW... A1 Y... W A1 R. WB The final 240 combinations are generatedby usingG overA1,A1over G, B over A1, A1 over B, R over A1, and A1 over R. Additionalcombinations are possiblefor 5 colorsand 3 colorbands per bird by using3 bandson one leg and 1 on the other (Table 4). Use the A1 band on the right leg with 2 color bandson top of it and the remainingcolorband on the left leg. Keep the colorsof the bandson the sameleg asthe A1band fixed and vary the color of the band on the left leg: ColorBandCombinations Vol. 52, No. 4 Y 1. YW A1 Y 2. WW A1 Y 3. GW A1 [323 Y 4. BW A1 Y 5. RW. A1 Next vary the colorof the middleband on the right leg: Y Y 6. YG 7. WG A1 Y Y 8. GG 9. BG A1 A1 Y Y 10. RG...20. A1 RR. A1 A1 Then vary the color of the top band: W W 21. YY 22. WY...26. A1 A1 W YG A1 W 27. W G... A1 R 100. RB. A1 Switchlegsand usethe right leg for the singlecolorband and get the next 100 combinations. Next place the A1 band betweenthe 2 color bandson the right leg for 125 combinations and then on the left for another 125 combinations. 200 more combinations arisefrom placingthe A1bandon top of 2 color bands.The final 160combinations possiblefor 5 colorsand 3 bandsper leg are obtainedby usingall 3 colorbandson one leg and the A1band on the other. Another method of obtainingcolor band combinationsis to assign each color a number and record all sequences havingr of thesenumbers.For example,if, asabove,5 colorsare availableand 3 colorbands are to be usedper bird, the following3 digit numbersare possible: 111 133 112 134 113 114 115 121 122 135... 211 212 213...551 123 124 125 131 132 552 553 554 555. Write an A for the aluminum band amongthe digitsof each number. For instance,111 would yield A 111, 1A11, 11A1, and 111A. If 1 stood for yellow,A111 would be aluminum yellowyellowyellow.Sincethere are 125 such 3 digit numbers, and the aluminum band can be in 4 places,there are 500 suchsequences.Next the sequences must be divided into 2 parts for the 2 legs.This can be done by insertinga slash mark into the 3 digit number-A sequence:/A111,A/111, A1/11, A11/1, A111/. The first of these,/A111, meansthat all bandsare on the right leg. A/111 meansthat the aluminum band is on the left leg and the 3 color bandsare on the right. A1/11 meansthat the aluminumband is on top of a yellowband on the left leg and 2 yellowbandsare on the right, etc. Suchreasoningproducesall possiblecombinations, though somewould haveto be discardeddependingon whichconventions were followedand how manybandscouldbe placedon one leg. Thus the third convention would not allow the combination/A123, since the left leg would not receivea band. Combinationslike A1/22 would not be allowedunder the fourth conventionsinceadjacentbandson the right leg wouldbe the samecolor.All appropriatecombinations canbe gen- 324] J.L. Howitz J.Field Ornithol. Autumn 1981 eratedwhetherthe colorbandpatterniswritten downdirectlyor whether numbers are used first. DISCUSSION Somefurther pointsregardingthe useof colorbandsare worth considering.It is wiseto avoid colorsthat fade rapidly and to avoid pairs of colorsthat are hard to distinguishfrom each oth•:•. I have used the followingcolorsand rank from bestto worstas: red, yellow,orange, light green,mauve,light blue,white,black,light pink. I havehad serious fading problemsonly with pink and would recommendagainstit for studieslastingmore than one year. Under unfavorablelightingconditionssomepairsof colorsare hard to distinguish, especially light greenlight blue, yellow-white,dark green-darkblue, dark green-black,dark blue-black, and aluminum-white. Combinations that are hard to cor- rectlyread in the fieldcansimplybe eliminatedfrom the listof possible combinations. When assigninga color band combination,it is useful to code informationinto the combination.For example,first year birdscouldreceive one patternand olderbirdsanother.In a studyusing3 colorbandsper bird and 2 bandson eachleg, first yearbirdscouldreceivea colorband on top of the A1bandand older birdscouldreceivethe A1bandon top of the colorband.Malesand femalescan alsoreceivedifferent typesof combinations.This could be especiallyvaluablefor birds that can be sexed in the hand but not in the bush. For instance, males could receive the A1 band on the right leg and femalesthe A1 band on the left. An additionaladvantageof this is that matedpairswould not havesimilar combinations, and a partialreadingof one of the pair wouldsufficefor identification.In general,it is usefulif birds that are frequentlyseen togetherhave dissimilarcolor band combinations. SUMMARY Formulasare presentedfor determiningthe total number of birds that can receiveunique color band combinationsgiven the number of colorsavailableand the number of bandsused per bird. The number of possiblecolor band combinationsis given when adjacentbandson the sameleg are allowedto be the samecolor and when they are not. Two methodsof generatingcolorbandcombinations are presented. Department ofEcology andBehavioral Biology,108 Zoology Building,Universityof Minnesota,Minneapolis, Minnesota55455. Received20 Nov. 1980; accepted27 Aug. 1981.