Power to Change Logo and communications guidelines for grant

Power to Change
Logo and communications
guidelines for grant recipients
Version 1.0 January 2016
Power to Change – Logo and communications guidelines for grant recipients
Version 1.0 January 2016
Congratulations on becoming
a Power to Change grantee!
We are proud of the organisations we support. You are part of a network of
community businesses across England and together with you we want to
build awareness and understanding of what community business can offer.
As a Power to Change grantee, we want to help you to communicate the achievements of your
community business to those around you, be they media, politicians or the people in your neighbourhood.
This guide shows you how to use our logo correctly, how to acknowledge your grant publicly and how
we would like you to refer to Power to Change in your communications.
1. How to use our logo
2. Where to use our logo
3.How to talk about us
4.Contacting us
Although Power to Change is an independent trust, our £150 million endowment came from the
Big Lottery Fund so we also want people to know how National Lottery money is being spent on creating
better places through community business. So it’s important, and a powerful endorsement, that the Big
Lottery Fund is included in our identity too.
When drawing up these guidelines we have tried to be flexible enough to suit community businesses, big
and small. If anything is unclear or you have questions about them then do get in touch with us. You’ll
find our contact details on page 12. Could you let us know if you are not the right person
in your organisation for these guidelines so we can keep our contact database up to date.
Thank you.
Mark Gordon
Director of Communications and Partnerships
Power to Change – Logo and communications guidelines for grant recipients
Version 1.0 January 2016
1. How to use our logo
The Power to Change grantee logo
The key elements of our grantee logo
The logo you use as a grant recipient is called the
grantee logo. It is different to the Power to Change
corporate logo that you can see on our website,
for example.
Power to Change: grantee logo
Our grantee logo is made up of two elements:
– Power to Change logo
– Big Lottery Fund beneficiary logo
The whole logo therefore shows both the source
of your funding (Power to Change) and how it
was raised (through the National Lottery, via the
Big Lottery Fund).
Power to Change logo
Big Lottery Fund beneficiary logo
The artwork files for this logo can be downloaded
at thepowertochange.org.uk/postgrantsupport.
Impact and clarity
To ensure it is legible, our logo must be no smaller
than the minimum size shown here. Please do not
place it on an image or patterned background and
make sure there is enough contrast between the
logo and background. It is important the logo is
clear so people can see that Power to Change
funded you.
Power to Change – Logo and communications guidelines for grant recipients
Version 1.0 January 2016
1. How to use our logo
Minimum sizes and clear space
Minimum size
Please ensure that our logo is no smaller than
a minimum height of 14 millimetres so that it is
legible. Please also use the correct file type (see
page 5) so it doesn’t look fuzzy or distorted.
On screen
Clear space
There should be a minimum clear space around
the logo to ensure it is visible, equivalent to the
diameter of the circle of our logo on the left and
right, and half a diameter on the top and bottom
of the logo. This space should be kept clear of
other type, graphic elements, illustration and
photography. It is always preferable to maintain
a larger area of clear space around the logo
whenever possible.
Power to Change – Logo and communications guidelines for grant recipients
Clear space
Diameter of symbol
Half diameter of symbol
Version 1.0 January 2016
1. How to use our logo
Colour variants, naming and file types
There is one colour version of our logo. This is
the version we would prefer you to use. It has six
core colours.
Colour logo
Where that version is not suitable we also have
mono versions, in black only, grey and white for
a dark background.
You can find files for each version at
File name
Mono logo: for use when print is restricted to a single colour.
Logo naming and file formats
All versions of the Power to Change grantee logo
are listed here. The logo is supplied in three file
formats; EPS, JPEG and PNG. Please use the
correct format for your purpose, as outlined below.
Printed items:
Signs EPS
Printed stationery
Promotional materials
On screen items:
Electronic templates
Power to Change – Logo and communications guidelines for grant recipients
Version 1.0 January 2016
1. How to use our logo
Acknowledging partnerships
Acknowledging partnerships
If Power to Change is the largest funder of your
community business, then this should be reflected
in your materials and communications with our
logo the most prominent.
Where other organisations contribute more,
we understand you will have to manage their
expectations and our logo may be less prominent.
It can never be omitted altogether though, as its
use is a condition of your grant.
If you are working with other organisations who
have given you other types of support, for example
by sponsoring an event you are hosting, providing
staff or expertise, we understand you and your
sponsor will want to recognise their help.
However please do this in such a way that it is
clear what support they have provided.
Please do not imply they have funded your
community business if they have not.
Power to Change – Logo and communications guidelines for grant recipients
Horizontal layout
Vertical layout
Version 1.0 January 2016
2. Where to use our logo
Signage, websites, social media and video
Everybody who visits your community business
should be able to see it was funded by Power
to Change. The sections that follow give more
detailed information on where we expect to
see you using our logo. However, this is not
exhaustive and you may have ideas of your
own, more suited to your business.
We are proud of the organisations we support.
You are part of a network of community businesses
across England and we want to build awareness
and understanding of what community business
can offer.
We will be developing a brand pack for
grantees over the coming months. Please ensure
we have the correct contact details so this gets
into the hands of the right person in your
community business.
We don’t provide plaques but if you wish to have
one made up then please use the version of the
logo that is best adapted to the material you are
using. You can also use other types of signs, for
example fence signs, equipment plates, banner
signs, flags or free-standing signs. When coming up
with ideas, bear in mind how long the signage is
likely to be up and how easy it would be to
maintain. If in doubt, feel free to consult us on the
use of our logo before you get them made up.
All building or ground work funded by us must
feature our logo prominently on all sides and be
visible to the public. We expect this to be done soon
after the works have begun when hoardings go up.
Your contractor may take responsibility for this as
they will want to put signs up with their own name
and contact details, so please ensure that you
provide them with our logo and that they include it.
Power to Change – Logo and communications guidelines for grant recipients
Version 1.0 January 2016
Websites and social media
If you have a website, our logo should appear on
the home page. Please ensure that it is large
enough to be legible on screen. The JPEG or GIF
formats of our logo should be used.
If you use social media, follow us on Twitter
@peoplesbiz or use our #communitybusiness
hashtag in tweets which mention your funding so
we can help celebrate your success. We are more
than happy to tweet/retweet information about your
business. If you let us know in advance then we can
ensure our activities are coordinated with yours for
greater impact.
If you create a video, please include our logo at the
beginning or end of the film, making sure they are in
high resolution and not distorted.
2. Where to use our logo
Publications, printed material, press, advertising, vehicles and events
Publications and printed material
Our logo must be included when producing any
form of promotional or publicity materials including
posters, press releases, leaflets, brochures and
reports. You may decide to add our logo to your
stationery by adding it to your templates. Our logo
must be easily visible and conform to our minimum
size requirements.
Press releases
All press releases about the work we have funded
should include our logo. On page 10, there is some
standard text that we would like you to include in
the ‘Notes to editors’ section.
If you are advertising the part of your business that
the Power to Change have funded or recruiting for
staff or services that we have funded, you need to
include our logo.
If you purchase a vehicle with the grant we have
provided, then you must display the logo where it
can be easily read.
Please acknowledge your Power to Change grant
at events you host. There are a number of ways
you can make use of the logo; for example on
presentation templates, handouts, invitations, place
settings, banners and exhibition stands. If you have
a specific website for your event, please include our
logo on it.
If you are hosting an event to mark your grant
funding, or to celebrate key milestones relating
to your business, please tell us about them.
If appropriate and availability allows, we will
attend and invite others along that could be of
benefit to the event, and increase the reach
and impact of the event.
If the cost of advertising space will not allow you
to include the logo in a size that is clearly legible,
the following text can be used instead:
‘Funded by the National Lottery
through Power to Change’.
Power to Change – Logo and communications guidelines for grant recipients
Version 1.0 January 2016
2. Where to use our logo
Proportional acknowledgement, duration, compliance and check list
Proportional acknowledgement
Acknowledgement should be proportional to the
size of your award. If you are not sure if you have
done enough, we are happy to give advice.
However you choose to acknowledge your grant,
it should be for the life of your project. This will
depend on the nature of your grant; if it funds the
development of a service, it should be for the
duration of the services we funded; if it is for a
capital project, it should be for as long as that
project exists in the form we funded it.
Because we have been funded by proceeds from
the National Lottery, which is public money, we are
required to report on how our funded projects are
acknowledging their funding. A member of our team
will check you are doing this so it is important to
contact us if you have any problems.
Check list
Here is a check list of where
you could mention that
Power to Change have funded
you and include our logo:
Info boards
Press releases
Site boards
Social media
Power to Change – Logo and communications guidelines for grant recipients
Version 1.0 January 2016
3. How to talk about us
This section provides guidance on how to
talk about Power to Change and includes
compulsory wording for press releases. This
text is updated frequently, so please check
to ensure you have the most up to date version.
In this section you’ll also find some words we use
to describe community business that you can use
if helpful.
Press releases
If you are issuing a press release that mentions
or relates to Power to Change or our grant funding
then this needs to be approved by us in advance.
We will pull out the stops to do this as quickly as
we can but we do ask that you give us at least
48 hours’ notice.
‘Notes to editors’ are normally required in press
releases. They don’t form part of the main text but
are included after the contact details and provide
helpful background information.
As well as referring to Power to Change,
you must also include this description of the
Big Lottery Fund.
Notes to editors:
About Power to Change
tarted in 2015, Power to Change is an
independent charitable trust endowed with
£150 million from the Big Lottery Fund to grow
community business in England.
– Over the next nine years, we will provide
funding and support to help build many more
sustainable community businesses that have
positive economic, social and environmental
impact in local places across England.
About the Big Lottery Fund
he Big Lottery Fund supports the aspirations
of people who want to make life better for their
communities across the UK. We are responsible
for giving out 40% of the money raised by the
National Lottery and invest over £650 million
a year in projects big and small in health,
education, environment and charitable purposes.
– Since June 2004 we have awarded over
£8 billion to projects that change the lives of
millions of people. Every year we fund 13,000
small local projects tackling big social problems
like poor mental health and homelessness.
– Since the National Lottery began in 1994,
£34 billion has been raised and more than
450,000 grants awarded.
Power to Change – Logo and communications guidelines for grant recipients
Version 1.0 January 2016
3. How to talk about us
Case studies
One of the main aims of Power to Change is to
promote the great work done by community
businesses across England. The best way to do
that is to provide inspiring stories in the form of
case studies that can be picked up and amplified
by the media and by organisations that are involved
in our cause. So if you have a great story to tell
then please let us know. It could be about your
business in general; it could be about a member of
the team or volunteer; or just a funny anecdote that
brings to life what you are about. We are interested
in all your stories, big and small.
You will find a variety of case studies throughout
our website that you are welcome to consult when
it comes to creating your own.
Why community business?
The community business model is not new.
Local people have long been rallying together to
take control of facilities and services in their area.
Now there are more than 5,000 community
businesses in England, a number that grew by 9%
last year. But the time is now ripe for more people
to get involved in community business to address
the issues and needs in their local area.
Together with you, we at Power to Change will be
building the case for this new economic model in
the years to come.
Why now?
One of our objectives as an organisation is to build
awareness and increase the involvement of the
public in community business across England. We
strongly believe that if people are made aware of
all the benefits that businesses like yours bring to
places and people, then more of them will be ready
to become customers, volunteers, suppliers,
mentors and trustees. And many will go on to
set up community businesses of their own.
Some helpful definitions
Power to Change:
If you need to describe Power to Change then
please use the paragraph entitled ‘About Power
to Change’ in the ‘Notes to editors’ section.
Please refer to us as ‘Power to Change’ not ‘the
Power to Change’ unless there is another word
attached, for example: ‘the Power to Change grant’
or ‘the Power to Change team’.
Community business:
Whilst you will find lots of descriptions and criteria
around community business on our website,
particularly related to the grant application
process, when it comes to talking about community
business to the public, we like to keep it as simple
as possible.
‘A community business is run by and for the local
community. It uses its profits to make the local area
a better place to live, work and visit. Examples
include communities coming together to save local
shops from closure; to set up a community hub
to provide a place for people to meet and work;
or developing a community led housing project to
help regenerate a local area.’
Although it’s important, a community business is not
a proper noun so keep it as ‘community business’,
not ‘Community Business’, whatever the context.
Power to Change – Logo and communications guidelines for grant recipients
Version 1.0 January 2016
4. Contacting us
If you need any help or you have a great story or idea to share,
then do get in contact with Charlotte or Mark as follows:
Charlotte Cassedanne
T. 020 3857 7288
Mark Gordon
T. 020 3857 7290
We are based at:
The Clarence Centre, 6 St George’s Circus, London, SE1 6FE
Power to Change – Logo and communications guidelines for grant recipients
Version 1.0 January 2016