Programmable Outputs A P P L I C A T I O N N O T E Doc. - Ref. 140-XV-XT Version : March 2014 Panels : XT, XV, XTO XT and XV Videofied® alarm panels (as well as their IP and XTO variants) feature programmable outputs that can be connected to external devices like flashig lights or smoke generators. It can also be used to inform another linked system of an event (arming, detection, etc.). XT panels have 2 programmable outputs, XV panels have 1. When you use the programmable outputs we recommend to use a AC power supply instead of batteries. Programmable Output Triggering Programmable Output 1 and 2 are triggered by an event related to the panel or the devices, or by an external event like a programmable input or an arming input (only with XT, a pulse relay is required). You can see here the list of events that can be used to trigger a programmable output. INTRUSION TAMPER PANIC BUTTON INCORRECT CODE DURESS CODE 1 DURESS CODE 2 SUPERVISION RADIO JAMMING LOW PANEL BATT. LOW DEVICE BATT AC POWER MISS. PANEL RESET SYSTEM ARMED SYSTEM DISARMED PERIODIC TEST ALARM CANCEL SMOKE DETECTION PHONELAINE MISS. TMT REQUEST MEDICAL ASSIST. ETHERNET CABLE DETECTION PROG. INPUT 1 PROG. INPUT 2 PROG. INPUT 3 ARMING INPUT 1 ARMING INPUT 2 1 Programmable Outputs A P P L I C A T I O N N O T E Access to Programmable Outputs menu Lvl. 4 CONFIGURATION OK or YES GENERAL PARAMETERS OK or YES PROGRAMMABLE OUTPUTS Programmable Outputs menu PROGRAMMABLE OUTPUTS PROGRAMMABLE OUTPUT 1 STATUS DISABLED LENGTH ACTIV. 180 sec REMOTE CONTROLED ENABLED EVENT TYPE INTRUSION OUTPUT NAME OUTPUT 1 Enable the output. Output activation duration. The output cannot be constantly active. 0-900 seconds Remote activation authorization. Allows the monitoring center to enable the programmable output in cas of alarm. Type of event assigned to the input (intrusion, smoke detection, tamper, assistance, detection, etc...). When the event occurs, the output will activate. The event list is described in page 1. Output name. In order to recognize which system is connected to the output, choose a detailed name. 2 Programmable Outputs A P P L I C A T I O N N O T E Programmable Output 1 wiring Without external power supply + The power supplied by Ref+ is limited (equal to the AC/ DC power supply power), this wiring cannot be used to power an equipment but as a control voltage source. Device linked to the output - If the equipment needs to be powered, an external power supply is necessary : • Directly connected to the equipment with the programmable output used as a control voltage. • As shown in the scheme below ( the voltage and current are limited) With External power supply + + Device linked to the output DC Power Supply * - - IMPORTANT : These outputs can only be wired to SELV circuits : 30VAC or 60VDC maximum voltage. *Max Voltage 24 Vdc/30 Vac Max Current 1A EMEA SALES North American Headquarters 23, avenue du Général Leclerc 92340 BOURG-LA-REINE FRANCE E-Mail : 1375 Willow Lake Blvd, Suite 103 Vadnais Heights, MN 55110 USA E-Mail : 3