sAp AppeAl: fAilUre to meet GpA reqUirements

• New Zealand
Information for applicants
The following is appeal information for students who have not met the minimum grade point average requirements stipulated
in the US Financial Aid satisfactory academic progress policy.
Students who have their eligibility for US Federal Aid suspended may appeal the suspension if one or more of the following
circumstances exist:
+ Death of a family member (parent, spouse, sibling, dependent child, etc).
+ The extended illness of the student – extended illness as defined as a documented chronic or recurring medical or emotional illness
that causes the student to be absent from class at least 15 days or more.
+ The extended illness of a family member that places hardship on the student. Immediate family member includes parent, spouse,
sibling, dependant.
+ Mitigating circumstances as determined by the Financial Aid Appeal Committee.
Information and documentation must be submitted to:
Services Manager
Victoria International
Victoria University of Wellington
PO Box 600, Kelburn Campus
Wellington 6140
Appeals must be received no later than 10 days after you have been advised in writing that you have had your FFELP eligibility suspended
as result of failing to attain the required standard.
You must include the following in your appeal letter:
+ Your full name, Student ID, email and contact phone number(s).
+ Explanation of Past Performance
List the circumstances and provide supporting documentation to explain the circumstances that prevented you from meeting the SAP
standards. This documentation must include an estimated date of completion.
+ Intended actions to meet required GPA requirements.
+ Other supporting documentation (with appropriate waiver to release this information to the SAP Committee as appropriate).
You will be notified in writing within 14 days after your appeal submission as to the outcome.
• New Zealand
Application form
This appeal application is for students who have met or exceeded the duration of eligibility limits of the Satisfactory Academic
Policy (SAP) Standards. Incomplete appeals will not be assessed.
Completed forms will be reviewed within 14 days and the student will be notified of the outcome in writing.
Student name
Student ID
Contact phone
Listed Graduation Date (Day/Month/Year)
Projected Graduation Date (Day/Month/Year)
Reason for failing to meet the GPA requirement
Student Justification
Method of achieving projected graduation date (include enrolment plan)
Please attach additional supporting pages as required.
Head of School Certification
The US Financial Aid SAP Appeal Committee requests your assistance in assessing the viability of the outlined plan of study. We
appreciate your assistance and rely on your expertise regarding degree requirements and the student’s capabilities. We understand that
you can only determine if the student will earn the degree cited if the plan of study is successfully completed.
In your assessment:
Will the plan of study detailed above, if successfully completed meet the degree requirements? YES
Is this plan reasonable in terms of semester hours and class difficulty? YES
Comments/Qualifying Statement
Head of School signature
Date (Day/Month/Year)