Class Title Hobart & William Smith Colleges Cross Listed Classes 1166 Date: 25-Aug-16 Class HWSXLIST.SQR Title The following courses are cross listed with Arts And Education Program ARTS ARTS ARTS ARTS ARTS ARTS ARTS ARTS DAN DAN EDUC 105 114 115 125 165 203 225 248 200 230 203 Color & Composition Intro. to Sculpture Three Dimensional Design Intro. to Drawing Introduction to Imaging Representational Painting Life Drawing Woodcut Printing Dance Composition I Community Arts Children With Disabilities ENG ENG ENG MUS MUS MUS PHIL THTR THTR WMST 290 391 397 120 202 220 230 130 370 308 Creative Writing Adv. Poetry Workshop Creative Non-Fiction Wkshop Tonal Theo/Aural I Medieval/Renaissance Tonal Theo/Aural II Aesthetics Acting I Playwriting Workshop Chicana & Latina Art The following courses are cross listed with Africana Studies ANTH ANTH ARTH DAN DAN DAT ECON EDUC 110 290 201 907 955 955 243 081 Intro Cultural Anthropology Pharaohs, Fellahin, Fantasy African-American Art Intro to Jamaican Dance Global Dance Techniques Global Dance Techniques Political Econ. of Race Teaching for Equity ENG ENG FSEM REL REL REL SJSP 165 362 042 219 238 250 101 Intro Afro-Amer Lit I Body, Memory, Representation Interrogating Race US & S Afr Intro to Islamic Religious Tra Liberating Theology Race and Religion Community-Based Research:Intro The following courses are cross listed with American Studies ANTH ARTH ARTH ECON ECON ECON ECON ENG ENG ENG ENV FSCT 110 201 282 122 212 213 305 165 267 280 202 201 Intro Cultural Anthropology African-American Art 20th C. American Art Economics of Caring Environmental Econ. Urban Economics Political Economy Intro Afro-Amer Lit I Post WWII American Poetry Film Analysis II Human Values & the Environment Home is a Factory HIST HIST LGBT POL POL POL REL REL RUSE SOC SOC SOC 311 352 202 110 222 334 108 250 206 100 224 258 20th Century America Wealth, Power & Prestige Sex Histories Intro to American Politics Political Parties Civil Liberties Religion & Alienation Race and Religion America Through Russian Eyes Intro. Sociology Social Deviance Social Problems The following courses are cross listed with Architectural Studies History ANTH ARTH ARTH ARTS 206 201 252 125 Early Cities African-American Art Japanese Art and Culture Intro. to Drawing The following course is cross listed with ASN 103 Introduction to Asian Art HIST 264 MATH 130 PHIL 230 Art History Modern European City Calculus I Aesthetics Class Title Hobart & William Smith Colleges Cross Listed Classes 1166 Date: 25-Aug-16 Class Title HWSXLIST.SQR The following courses are cross listed with Asian Studies ANTH ARTH ARTH CHIN CHIN CHIN CHIN ENV GERE HIST HIST HIST 206 103 252 101 201 301 450 215 213 107 151 202 Early Cities Introduction to Asian Art Japanese Art and Culture Beg. Chinese I Inter. Chinese I Advanced Chinese I Independent Study Environ. & Develop. in E Asia Border, Nation,Identity Trekking through Asia Food Systems in History Japan Since 1868 JPN JPN JPN JPN POL POL POL REL REL REL REL 102 202 302 450 140 180 254 211 219 236 260 Beg. Japanese II Inter. Japanese II Advanced Japanese II Independent Study Intro Comparative World Politi Intro to International Relatio Globalization Buddhism Intro to Islamic Religious Tra Gender and Islam Religion & Philosophy ASN 342 Sem: Chinese Cinema The following courses are cross listed with Chinese ASN 212 Women in Contemp.Chinese Cultu The following courses are cross listed with Critical Soc Studies:Dialogues ANTH ASN ECON ECON ECON ECON EDUC ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG FSCT HIST 306 101 300 301 305 310 202 165 345 362 382 445 201 107 Hist Anth Theory Trekking through Asia Macro.Theory & Policy Micro. Theory & Pol. Political Economy Economics and Gender Human Growth & Develop. Intro Afro-Amer Lit I Ulysses Body, Memory, Representation New Waves Ulysses Home is a Factory Trekking through Asia MATH PHIL PHIL PHIL PHIL POL REL REL REL SOC SOC SOC SPAN WMST 278 151 154 370 373 160 108 260 283 224 258 300 316 300 Number Theory Cont.Issues:Crime & Punishment Cont.Issues: Environ. Ethics Ancient Philosophy Kant Intro to Political Theory Religion & Alienation Religion & Philosophy Que(e)rying Religious Studies Social Deviance Social Problems Classical Soc. Theory Voces De Mujeres Feminist Theory The following courses are cross listed with English GERE 213 RUSE 112 Border, Nation,Identity Tsars, Mad Cats, & Comrades WRRH 329 The Lyric Essay Class Title Hobart & William Smith Colleges Cross Listed Classes 1166 Date: 25-Aug-16 Class Title HWSXLIST.SQR The following courses are cross listed with Environmental Studies ANTH ANTH ARCH ARTH ARTS ARTS ASN BIOL BIOL BIOL BIOL BIOL BIOL BIOL CHEM CHEM CHEM CHEM CHEM CPSC CPSC ECON ECON ECON ECON 206 290 313 102 165 265 215 167 167 212 215 222 227 325 110 240 241 318 448 124 225 202 212 213 301 Early Cities Pharaohs, Fellahin, Fantasy Hist of Modern Landscpe Arch Renaissance to Modern Introduction to Imaging Intermediate Imaging Environ. & Develop. in E Asia Plants and People Intro Topics: Biostatistics Population Genetics Microbiology Behaviorial Ecology Invasion Ecology Intro. General Chemistry Organic Chemistry I Organic Chemistry II Inorganic Chemistry I Biochemistry I Introduction to Programming Intermediate Programming Statistics Environmental Econ. Urban Economics Micro. Theory & Pol. ENG GEO GEO GEO GEO GEO GEO HIST HIST HIST HIST MATH MATH MATH MATH PHIL PHYS PHYS PHYS PPOL PPOL PPOL SOC SOC WMST 241 142 143 215 230 255 330 101 151 264 311 130 131 232 350 154 150 160 285 101 219 328 258 300 305 English Romantic Poets Earth Systems Science Earth & Life Through Time Hydrometeorology Earth History Global Climates Limnology Foundations of European Societ Food Systems in History Modern European City 20th Century America Calculus I Calculus II Multivariable Calculus Probability Cont.Issues: Environ. Ethics Intro. Physics I Intro Physics II Math Methods Democracy and Public Policy Sexual Minorty Mvmnts&Pub Poli Environmental Policy Social Problems Classical Soc. Theory Food, Feminism & Health The following courses are cross listed with European Studies HIST 101 HIST 263 Foundations of European Societ The Russian Land THTR 220 Theatre History I The following courses are cross listed with Health Care ECON ECON HIST MDSC PHIL PSY PSY 122 160 151 307 156 100 203 Economics of Caring Principles of Economics Food Systems in History Medicine and Society Biomedical Ethics Intro. to Psychology Intro. Child Psychology The following course is cross listed with ASN 101 Trekking through Asia PSY REL SOC SOC SOC WMST WMST History 221 213 100 224 248 220 305 Intro to Psychopathology Death and Dying Intro. Sociology Social Deviance Medical Sociology The Body Politic Food, Feminism & Health Class Title Hobart & William Smith Colleges Cross Listed Classes 1166 Date: 25-Aug-16 Class Title HWSXLIST.SQR The following courses are cross listed with International Relations AFS ANTH ASN ECON ECON ECON ECON ENV HIST POL 150 110 215 135 160 227 240 215 238 140 Foundations Africana Studies Intro Cultural Anthropology Environ. & Develop. in E Asia Latin American Econ Principles of Economics Women and Int'l. Development International Trade Environ. & Develop. in E Asia World Wars in Global Perspecti Intro Comparative World Politi POL POL POL POL POL POL POL POL POL REL 180 249 254 255 380 401 401 401 401 250 Intro to International Relatio Protests, Movements, Unions Globalization Latin American Politics I Theories of Intl Relations Evangelicals & the Rep.Party SR. Research Topic Seminar The Idea of Communism The American Regime Race and Religion The following courses are cross listed with Lesbian, Gay, Bi & Transgender DAN ENG MDSC REL 230 165 100 283 Community Arts Intro Afro-Amer Lit I Intro to Media & Society Que(e)rying Religious Studies SOC 258 WMST 100 WMST 308 Social Problems Intro to Women's Studies Chicana & Latina Art The following courses are cross listed with Latin American Studies AFS BRAZ BRAZ BRAZ BRAZ ECON HIST HIST 208 120 203 204 205 135 202 205 Growing Up Black Begin Portuguese Contemporary Brazil Cinema Women,Environmnt & Social Chan Survey of Brazilian Society Latin American Econ Japan Since 1868 Modern Mexican History HIST POL REL REL REL SOC SPAN 226 255 238 240 250 212 316 Latin America:Colonial Period Latin American Politics I Liberating Theology What is Christianity? Race and Religion Data Analysis Voces De Mujeres The following courses are cross listed with Media And Society AFS AMST ARCH ARTH ARTH ARTH ARTH ARTH ARTH ARTH ARTS ASN ASN ASN DAN DAN 300 101 110 101 102 103 201 252 305 405 165 103 231 342 200 210 Black Auteurs Myths & Paradoxes Intro to Architectural Studies Ancient to Medieval Art Renaissance to Modern Introduction to Asian Art African-American Art Japanese Art and Culture Renaissance Women and Men Renaissance Women and Men Introduction to Imaging Introduction to Asian Art Tibetan Mandala Painting Sem: Chinese Cinema Dance Composition I Dance History I ECON ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG ENG EUST HIST HIST HIST PHIL POL RUSE WRRH WRRH 320 185 280 286 290 382 391 101 240 250 311 230 160 204 210 333 Media Economics From Novel to Film Film Analysis II The Art of the Screen Play Creative Writing New Waves Adv. Poetry Workshop FndnsofEur Studies I: Ant-Ren Immigration&Ethnicity in Amer Medieval Popular Culture 20th Century America Aesthetics Intro to Political Theory Russian Film 1917-2001 Intro to Print Journalism Rhetorical Bytes: Digital Rhet The following courses are cross listed with Middle Eastern Studies ARAB 101 ARAB 201 JORD 400 Introductory Arabic I Arabic, Level III Amman Jordan I JORD 402 REL 219 REL 236 Amman Jordan III Intro to Islamic Religious Tra Gender and Islam Class Title Hobart & William Smith Colleges Cross Listed Classes 1166 Date: 25-Aug-16 Class Title HWSXLIST.SQR The following courses are cross listed with Peace Studies HIST POL POL POL POL PPOL 238 180 249 254 380 101 World Wars in Global Perspecti Intro to International Relatio Protests, Movements, Unions Globalization Theories of Intl Relations Democracy and Public Policy PPOL REL REL REL SOC 328 105 108 238 300 Environmental Policy Religion, Peace, and Conflict Religion & Alienation Liberating Theology Classical Soc. Theory The following courses are cross listed with Political Science FSCT 201 PPOL 219 Home is a Factory Sexual Minorty Mvmnts&Pub Poli PPOL 328 Environmental Policy The following courses are cross listed with Public Policy AMST ANTH BIOL CHEM CHEM ECON ECON ECON ECON ECON ECON ECON ECON ECON ECON ECON EDUC GEO GEO 201 110 212 110 448 122 160 198 202 212 213 240 304 305 310 311 203 184 186 Methods of American Studies Intro Cultural Anthropology Biostatistics Intro. General Chemistry Biochemistry I Economics of Caring Principles of Economics Business Law Statistics Environmental Econ. Urban Economics International Trade Econometrics Political Economy Economics and Gender The Economics of Immigration Children With Disabilities Introduction to Geology Intro to Hydrogeology HIST HIST HIST PHIL PHIL PHIL PHYS POL POL POL PSY PSY REL SOC SOC SOC SOC SOC 238 311 352 151 154 156 150 110 334 380 203 210 283 100 211 212 224 258 World Wars in Global Perspecti 20th Century America Wealth, Power & Prestige Cont.Issues:Crime & Punishment Cont.Issues: Environ. Ethics Biomedical Ethics Intro. Physics I Intro to American Politics Civil Liberties Theories of Intl Relations Intro. Child Psychology Statistics & Design Que(e)rying Religious Studies Intro. Sociology Research Methods Data Analysis Social Deviance Social Problems The following courses are cross listed with Religious Studies AFS ASN 220 101 Africana Sacred Matters Trekking through Asia HIST 107 Trekking through Asia RUSE 204 RUSE 206 Russian Film 1917-2001 America Through Russian Eyes The following courses are cross listed with Russian AMST 206 HIST 238 RUSE 112 America Through Russian Eyes World Wars in Global Perspecti Tsars, Mad Cats, & Comrades The following courses are cross listed with Russian Area Studies (English) ECON 240 HIST 263 International Trade The Russian Land POL SOC 140 300 Intro Comparative World Politi Classical Soc. Theory Class Title Hobart & William Smith Colleges Cross Listed Classes 1166 Date: 25-Aug-16 Class Title HWSXLIST.SQR The following courses are cross listed with Social Justice Studies AFS DAN ECON ECON EDUC ENG ENV FRE FRE FSCT HIST LGBT 150 230 243 310 203 115 205 241 253 201 151 101 Foundations Africana Studies Community Arts Political Econ. of Race Economics and Gender Children With Disabilities Literature & Social Movements Intro to Environmental Law Prises De Vue Lit III: Paris Outremer Home is a Factory Food Systems in History Intro to LGBTQ Studies The following course is cross listed with FSCT 201 Biomedical Ethics Seminar: Social Justice Intro Comparative World Politi Protests, Movements, Unions Globalization Democracy and Public Policy Sexual Minorty Mvmnts&Pub Poli Environmental Policy Liberating Theology Race and Religion Social Deviance Social Problems Sociology Spanish and Hispanic Studies Chicana & Latina Art The following course is cross listed with CLAS 108 156 315 140 249 254 101 219 328 238 250 224 258 Home is a Factory The following course is cross listed with WMST 308 PHIL PHIL POL POL POL PPOL PPOL PPOL REL REL SOC SOC Theater Greek Tragedy The following courses are cross listed with Urban Studies ANTH ARTH ARTH ARTS ECON ECON ECON ECON ECON 206 101 102 115 122 135 202 213 227 Early Cities Ancient to Medieval Art Renaissance to Modern Three Dimensional Design Economics of Caring Latin American Econ Statistics Urban Economics Women and Int'l. Development HIST HIST HIST MDSC POL PPOL PPOL SOC SOC 264 311 352 303 222 101 328 211 212 Modern European City 20th Century America Wealth, Power & Prestige Hist.of the Social Documentar Political Parties Democracy and Public Policy Environmental Policy Research Methods Data Analysis The following courses are cross listed with Women's Studies AMST ANTH ARTH ARTH ASN ASN ASN ECON ECON 201 319 305 405 212 304 342 122 227 Methods of American Studies Feminist & Political Anthro Renaissance Women and Men Renaissance Women and Men Women in Contemp.Chinese Cultu Courtesan Culture Sem: Chinese Cinema Economics of Caring Women and Int'l. Development ECON ENG ENG FSCT HIST HIST REL REL SPAN 310 267 362 201 101 250 236 283 316 Economics and Gender Post WWII American Poetry Body, Memory, Representation Home is a Factory Foundations of European Societ Medieval Popular Culture Gender and Islam Que(e)rying Religious Studies Voces De Mujeres The following course is cross listed with MDSC 100 Intro to Media & Society Writing & Rhetoric Program