north-south studies

"Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one's courage." Anais Nin
North-South Studies is a profile in the Social Science program that promotes thinking on social justice and solidarity issues.
The profile encourages an experiential learning approach where students learning by doing. They are exposed to different
environments and make discoveries first-hand instead of reading about others' experiences. Through this approach, students learn
about themselves and the world around them.
Students in North-South Studies
• Learn about the commitments and responsibilities involved
in experiential learning
• Develop skills to critically reflect on their experience
• Build analytical skills to contextualize and
deepen their experiences
• Practice problem-solving and decision-making as ways to
encourage praxis: linking reflection and practice.
The Field Trip
This profile is unique in that students can choose to participate in a field trip to Central America. The field trip component is the high
point of this program both on a personal level and on an academic level.
The main part of the field trip involves the placement of each student with a family in a community in the host country. For approximately
three weeks, students participate in the daily lives of these families. Projects are planned within the community where students play an
active role. Other activities are also planned, such as conferences, side-trips to various points of interest, visits to neighbouring
communities and relaxation outings.
Students who do not participate in the trip to Nicaragua are given the opportunity to deepen their learning through work experience in
a number of community-based initiatives in the city of Montreal.
University Studies / Career Paths
The profile’s interdisciplinary approach and practical field trip
experience expose students at this important moment in their
education to a wide range of disciplines, which helps open up
many doors for future studies, work and life experiences.
North-South students typically go on to complete studies and
build their lives working in an exciting diversity of fields, such as:
• anthropology
• economics
• education
• environmental studies
• geography
• history
• human rights and conflict studies
• international business
• international co-operation
• law
• political science
• women’s studies
Admission Requirements
Diploma of Secondary Studies (DES), including
• Secondary V Language of Instruction
• Secondary V Second Language
• Secondary IV Science
• Secondary IV Mathematics
• Secondary IV History
or academic background judged equivalent to the DES.
Students with a DES missing any of the above subjects may
be admitted, space permitting, but may be required to
complete remedial courses.
Specific ministerial admission requirements*
Sec IV Mathematics - Cultural, Social & Technical
option 563-404/414
*For students graduating before June 2010 or from an Adult
Education Centre, the pre-requisite is Mathematics 416
The application deadline is March 1 for the Fall semester;
North-South accepts applications only for the Fall semester.
For more information visit the program webpages
Course List
Year 1 Term 1
Year 2 Term 3
Required Courses
Required Courses
• Western Civilization
• General Psychology
• Introduction to Economics
• Quantitative Methods
Option 100-level Course
• Preparing for Field Trip or Option
Physical Education
300-level Course
Option 200-level Course
Every student must take four
English courses, two French courses,
three Humanities courses, three
Physical Education courses and two
Complementary courses to receive
a CEGEP Diploma.
Year 1 Term 2
Year 2 Term 4
Required Courses
Required Courses
• Introduction to Politics
• Integrative Seminar
• Third World History
Option 200-level Course (choose one
• Research Methods
from 100-level discipline previously taken)
Option 100-level Course
Option 300-level Course (choose one
Physical Education
from 100-level discipline previously taken)
OR Field Trip Experience in a
Developing Country
Option 400-level Course (choose one
from a discipline in which you have
previously taken a 200-level or 300-level
Course)* OR Statistics for Social Science
Physical Education
* If you take two or three Mathematics
courses, not including Statistics for Social
Science, you do not take a 400-level course.
About Dawson College
Dawson College is located in Downtown Montreal in a historic building on 12 acres
of green space. The first English-language institution in the Quebec CEGEP network
is today one of the largest with approximately 10,000 students enrolled in more than
50 programs and profiles of study. The College occupies an entire city block and is
linked directly to the Atwater Métro station.
Dawson College
3040 Sherbrooke St. West
Montreal, Quebec H3Z 1A4
tel | 514 933 1234
Tuition is free for Canadian citizens or landed immigrants with permanent residence in
Quebec taking at least four courses per semester. A non-refundable $30 application fee and
about $200 in student fees are charged. Books and supplies cost between $500 to $1,000
per year, although visual arts supplies are more costly. Financial aid is available; contact
(514) 931-8731 ext. 1186 for more information. Fees are subject to change without notice.