About strange effects related to rotating magnetic systems

About strange effects related
to rotating magnetic systems
M. Pitkänen
Dept. of Physics, University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland.
Email: matpitka@rock.helsinki.fi.
The basic hypothesis of topological geometrodynamics (TGD) is that spacetime is representable as a 4-surface in 8-dimensional space M+4 × CP2 . The
notion of many-sheeted space-time forced by this hypothesis implies numerous new physics effects including gravitational anomalies, the possibility of
negative energy space-time sheets making possible over unity energy production and classical communications to the geometric past. In topological evaporation system can also leave its gravitational and inertial masses
to the space-time sheet from which it topologically evaporates. The system
would not lose its internal structure. Black holes could be the remnant of the
topological evaporation of a rapidly spinning system becoming itself ”featherlight” in the process. The geometrization of the classical gauge fields in turn
predicts the existence of long range color and electro-weak gauge fields, in
particular classical Z 0 field, which gives rise to macroscopic effects resembling those assigned usually with torsion fields. In this article the strange
findings about the physics of rotating magnetic systems are discussed in order
to illustrate the new physics predicted by TGD.
1 Classical TGD in nutshell
2 Various new physics effects related to many-sheeted spacetime concept
3 About strange effects related to rotating magnetic systems
3.1 Gravitational anomalies and many-sheeted space-time . . . .
3.2 Does the generation of negative energy space-time sheets explain spontaneous angular acceleration? . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.2.1 Are rotating magnetic systems accompanied by negative energy space-time sheets? . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.2.2 Negative energy space-time sheets and over unity energy production in rotating magnetic systems . . . . .
3.2.3 Topological self-referentiality and the generation negative energy space-time sheets as bound state formation
3.3 Does the reduction of gravitational mass explain the spontaneous acceleration of the rotating magnetic system? . . . . .
3.3.1 The classical Z 0 fields as TGD counterpart for torsion
fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.3.2 Spontaneous angular acceleration from the reduction
of gravitational mass . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.3.3 The dependence of the anti-gravitational effect on the
direction of rotation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.3.4 DCP2 = 2 → 3 phase transition as a cause of antigravity effects? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.4 Explanation of the coronal discharge . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.5 Strange magnetic field structures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.6 Comparison with the Searl effect generator . . . . . . . . . .
3.6.1 Effects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.6.2 The fields associated with the rolling magnets . . . . .
3.7 A model for the splitting of join along boundaries bonds . . .
3.7.1 Background . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.7.2 The splitting of the join along boundaries bonds as
time reversal of the process generating them . . . . . .
3.7.3 Are rotation frequencies in alpha band crucial? . . . .
3.7.4 Scaling law of homeopathy and amplification of splitting of join along boundaries bonds by negative energy
microwave MEs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
How microwave wave lengths are reflected in the pattern of magnetic field? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.7.6 Resonance hypothesis in TGD framework . . . . . . .
3.8 Searl effect and bio-control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.9 Project Flyaway and Searl effect . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.9.1 Description of the device . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.9.2 What might be the most important new physics effects?
3.9.3 Possible mechanisms behind the control of Marcus device . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.9.4 Explanation for various observed effects . . . . . . . .
3.10 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Classical TGD in nutshell
Topological Geometro-Dynamics (TGD) is a unified theory of fundamental
interactions, which was born as an attempt to construct a Poincare invariant
theory of gravitation [1, 2, 3, 4]. Space-time, rather than being an abstract
manifold endowed with a pseudo-Riemannian structure, is regarded as a 4surface in the 8-dimensional space H = M+4 × CP2 , where M+4 denotes the
interior of the future light cone of the Minkowski space (to be referred as
light cone in the sequel) and CP2 = SU (3)/U (2) is the complex projective
space of two complex dimensions [1].
The identification of the space-time as a sub-manifold of M+4 × CP2
leads to Poincare invariance broken only in cosmological scale and solves
the conceptual difficulties related to the definition of the energy-momentum
in General Relativity. Sub-manifold geometry, being considerably richer in
structure than the abstract manifold geometry, leads to a geometrization of
all basic interactions and elementary particle quantum numbers. In particular, classical electro-weak gauge fields are obtained by inducing the spinor
curvature of CP2 to the space-time surface.
TGD approach forces a generalization of the conventional space-time
concept to what might be called many-sheeted space-time. The topologically trivial 3-space of General Relativity is replaced with a ”topological
condensate” containing matter as particle like 3-surfaces ”glued” to the
topologically trivial background space-time sheet by connected sum operation. Space-time sheets have outer boundaries and form a hierarchical
structure. Macroscopic material bodies are identified as 3-surfaces with
boundary identified as the outer surface of the macroscopic body. This implies a radical reformulation of the condensed matter physics. Space-time
sheets are connected to each other by wormhole contacts and join along
boundaries bonds. Various new physics effects related to the many-sheeted
space-time concept are described in four books about TGD: see for instance,
the chapters ”TGD and Nuclear Physics” and ”Anomalies Explainable by
TGD Based Space-time Concept” of [2]. Many-sheeted space-time concept
is especially important in TGD inspired theory of consciousness and its applications to bio-systems [3, 4].
Various new physics effects related to manysheeted space-time concept
Many-sheeted space-time concept implies several new physics effects. The
effects important in the recent context are following.
a) Topological field quantization: classical fields have kind of a Bohr orbit
representation as space-time sheets. For instance, magnetic field decomposes
to magnetic flux tubes with quantized magnetic fluxes so that space-time
’ends’ at the boundaries of magnetic flux tubes.
b) Space-time sheets can have negative time orientation and negative
energies. This makes possible effective over unity energy production and
classical signalling to the direction of geometric1 past.
c) Gravitational flux from a given space-time sheet can be distributed in
several manners among larger space-time sheets in the hierarchy and effective gravitational flux from this space-time sheet (its effective gravitational
mass) to a given space-time sheet can thus vary: this implies gravitational
anomalies and can lead to an effective variation of the gravitational coupling
constant. Also the reduction of gravitational mass of rotating body becomes
possible by a mechanism to be described in more detail below.
d) Vacuum can carry purely geometric charge densities: the electric
potential associated with a rotating magnetic disk provides an example of
this kind of effect observed already by Faraday. In Maxwell’s theory this
charge density must be due to charged particles.
e) TGD predicts the existence of classical long range Z 0 fields above
cellular length scale. In particular, Z 0 magnetic fields are possible even
when system has a vanishing Z 0 charge density (neutrinos screen the Z 0
charge of atomic nuclei). The effects thought to be due to torsion fields
[8, 9] could be due to classical Z 0 fields. Large parity breaking effects in
long length scales are the signature of these fields.
In TGD subjective time and geometric time are two different notions.
Two examples of new physics effects not directly related to the recent
context deserve to be mentioned because of their fundamental role in TGD
a) The so called ’massless extremals’ (MEs) represent classical gauge
fields propagating with light velocity without dispersion. The propagation
of energy is channelled and the light like vacuum current at given point is
completely non-deterministic so that classically MEs are optimal for communications. The light like vacuum current generates coherent photons and
MEs act as quantum holograms. MEs play a key role in TGD inspired
theory of consciousness [3, 4].
b) Many-sheeted space-time makes possible macroscopic quantum phases
at non-atomic space-time sheets which contain very low densities of particles
and can be in extremely low temperatures. In particular, the flux tubes of
Earth’s magnetic field carry ionic supra phases. These macroscopic quantum
phases are crucial for TGD based model of bio-systems [3, 4].
About strange effects related to rotating magnetic systems
The inspiration for writing this section came from the publication of Godin
and Roshchin in Russian journal New Energy Technologies [5], which A.
V. Frolov kindly sent to me. The article gives very valuable quantitative
information about the anomalies related to the rotating magnetic systems.
The model explaining the phenomena concretizes the previous general ideas
about how anti-gravitational effects appear in rotating systems and how
overunity energy production could be achieved. There are probably some
inconsistencies with earlier models but for the lack of time and resources I
decided to leave the earlier models as such. Perhaps it is good for the reader
to see how the ideas radually develop in a more precise form.
After almost one year of writing the article I made a further step in the
understanding of the model. The generation of negative energy space-time
sheets, serving as a topological correlate for a bound state formation liberating the energy needed for the accelerated rotation, is not absolutely necessary. The mere reduction of the gravitational and inertial mass is enough
and angular momentum conservation explains the effect. Also a criterion
for the occurrence of the effect can be deduced. As a byproduct a flying
saucer mechanism results, which might be also involved with phenomena
like tornadoes.
Gravitational anomalies and many-sheeted space-time
TGD space-time is many-sheeted surface in H = M+4 ×CP2 , which can be regarded as the future lightcone of Minkowski space with points replaced with
CP2 having size about 104 Planck lengths. One can visualize the space-time
sheets as almost parallel pieces of plane glued together by wormhole contacts
and also connected by join along boundaries bonds2 . The distance between
the sheets is of order CP2 radius. This makes possible anti-gravitation like
effects since a macroscopic object (itself a space-time sheet containing hierarchy of smaller space-time sheets glued to it) can feed its gravitational
flux to several space-time sheets. By modifying somehow the standard distribution of gravitational flux between various space-time sheets, one could
produce gravitational anomalies at a given space-time sheet.
More precisely, what happens is that the gravitational force experienced
by the object is replaced with
Fgr =
Mi Fgr,i ,
where the summation over space-time sheets is understood. This means that
the simple Newtonian picture fails and the determination of the gravitational
constant can give varying values.
There are anecdotal claims (Hutchkinson, DePalma) about antigravity
effects in which material object does not levitate, but accelerates in a direction opposite to the local gravitational field. TGD allows this kind of effect.
Suppose that the gravitational flux of a material object is redistributed for
some reason so that some portion of the flux usually flowing to the spacetime sheet containing Earth’s gravitational field flows to larger space-time
sheets. This implies that the effective gravitational mass density of the body
is reduced. If the density of the effective gravitational mass is reduced below
the density of the surrounding medium (liquid or gas), the body starts to accelerate in a direction opposite to the local gravitational field since pressure
gradient overcompensates the gravitational force. Just like vapour bubbles
in water do.
The first idea to come into mind is that this kind of effect might be
responsible for the huge loss of weight in the experimental arrangement
studied by Roshchin and Godin [5]. Part of the gravitational flux of the
rotating magnet would flow to some other space-time sheet than ’ours’ so
that magnet would loss part of its weight. The experiments suggest that
For illustrations see my home page http://www.physics.helsinki.fi/˜matpitka/illua.html.
effect can be very large (30 per cent loss of effective weight). A little thought
experimentation however suggests that this mechanism very probably does
not explain the observed loss of weight.
The loss of weight should relate directly to the rotation of the system
and this serves as a hint about what might be involved.
a) The gravitational flux of the rotating system runs to larger space-time
sheets by two alternative mechanisms: through extremely tiny wormhole
contacts with CP2 size and via join along boundaries bonds connecting the
boundary of the rotating space-time sheet to the boudary regions of the
larger space-time sheets.
b) When the system rotates, join along boundaries bonds (in particular,
gravitational flux tubes) get entangled. This relates interestingly to the
orientation- entanglement relation discovered by Dirac. When one connects
the corners of a cube D1 to the corresponding corners of a larger cube D2
containing D1 by elastic threads and rotates D1 , the threads get entangled.
Rather remarkably, for a 2π rotation entanglement cannot be straightened
out, but can be done so for a 4π rotation: thus also classically 2π rotation can
be non-trivial operation physically! The reason is that the entangled threads
provide a geometric representation for the homotopy group Z2 of SO(3)
realized by the rotations of the smaller cube. Join along boundaries bonds
carrying gauge and gravitational fluxes realize this fictive system invented
by Dirac quite concretely in TGD framework.
c) One might expect that if the rotation velocity gets too high, the
gravitational flux tubes are not able to straighten out their entanglement
and begin to split much like the magnetic flux tubes of the solar magnetic
field. The splitting generates negative and positive gravitational charges at
the ends of the flux tubes. The gravitational flux entering to the external
world from the rotating system is not changed but the gravitational mass of
the rotating system itself gets gradually lower since it is gradually transferred
to the boundary of the external world space-time sheet where it acts like
a surface charge. At the extreme situation system has neither wormhole
contacts nor join along boundaries contacts to the larger space-time sheets
and has a vanishing gravitational mass (using TGD terminology, system has
suffered ’topological evaporation’) in accordance with the fact that closed
3-space has a vanishing gravitational mass. The system could still have an
inertial mass so that equivalence principle would not hold true. The long
length scale limit of TGD indeed allows also solutions for which Einstein’s
equations do not hold true (see the chapter ”TGD and GRT” of [1]).
d) The findings of [5] suggests that at least 30 percent of gravitational
flux of the rotating magnet flows along join along boundaries bonds to the
larger space-time sheets. If magnetic flux tubes serve also as gravitational
flux tubes, the splitting would generate also effective magnetic monopoles.
By its extreme generality, this mechanism might be behind all reported
loss of weight phenomena, for instance, those reported in [6, 7]. In particular,
in the experiment of Podkletnov the effective reduction of the gravitational
field above the rotating superconductor could be due to the rotation of a
mass of air above the superconductor defining a space-time sheet and leading
to the splitting of the gravitational flux tubes so that the gravitational potential is reduced. For instance, pressure gradient is not anymore balanced
by gravitational force and air begins to flow upwards.
An obvious question relates to the linear friction known to be proportional to the weight of the system (, the reason for which is in fact still to
day poorly understood!). If gravitational join along boundaries bonds are
responsible for the friction, then the proportionality of the frictional force
to gravitational force could be understood. If gravitational flux tubes split
when the object slides sufficiently fast, the gravitational mass of the object
should be reduced. Note however that the object put in motion along the
support of a scale does not demonstrate this effect since the support receives
the lost gravitational mass. What would however happen is that the nearby
gravitational field generated by the object plus scale behaves anomalously
since only part of object’s gravitational mass would be moving.
Does the generation of negative energy space-time sheets
explain spontaneous angular acceleration?
The very fact that space-time is a 4-surface means that energy momentum
tensor is replaced with a collection of conserved vector currents. This makes
Poincare invariance exact apart from a cosmological breaking caused by the
light cone boundary, and the notions of energy and momenta are well defined
unlike in General Relativity. One important implication is that the sign of
the energy depends on the time orientation of the space-time surface and
both positive energy and negative energy space-time sheets are possible.
The following argument supports the view that negative energy space-time
sheets coud be generated by rotating magnetic systems.
Are rotating magnetic systems accompanied by negative
energy space-time sheets?
TGD allows purely geometric vacuum charge densities with no elementary
particles acting as charge carriers. In particular, if ones ’kicks’ a 3-surface
containing a constant magnetic field into a rotational motion, vacuum charge
density results. This is seen by considering a simple model for the imbedding
of a magnetic field Bz (ρ) as an induced gauge field in M+4 × S 2 , where S 2
is a geodesic sphere of CP2 . In spherical coordinates (cos(Θ), Φ) for S 2 the
electromagnetic component of CP2 spinor connection is
AΦ = cos(Θ)
apart from a multiplicative numerical constant. The induced em gauge
potential is
A µ = A Φ ∂µ Φ
as a projection of the component of the spinor connection to the spacetime surface. In cylindrical coordinates (t, z, ρ, φ) for M+4 one has for the
imbedding of magnetic field as an induced gauge field
cos(Θ) = f (ρ) , Φ = nφ ,
Bz (ρ) = ∂ρ Aφ = ∂ρ f n ,
where n is integer. Note that the imbedding necessarily fails at some critical
radius since cos(Θ) cannot be larger than one: this is nothing but topological
field quantization of magnetic field to flux tubes.
When the magnetic 3-surface is ’kicked’ to a rotating motion one has
cos(Θ) = f (ρ) , Φ = n(φ − ωt) ,
and an electric field
Eρ = ∂ρ At = −ωρB
is generated.
The condition Eρ = vB = ωρB, which can be interpreted as the vanishing of the net Lorentz force locally, gives rise to a vacuum charge density
ρvac = ∇ · E = −ωB (in units h̄ = c = 1) .
The sign of the vacuum charge density depends on the direction of rotation.
This means a large parity breaking effect. It is very difficult to understand
how the sign of the charge density could depend on the direction of rotation if
charge carriers were ordinary elementary particles. Thus this effect, observed
already by Faraday, seems to be in conflict with Maxwell’s theory and to
support TGD.
Charge conservation requires that the radial electric gauge flux of vacuum goes somewhere at the boundary of the magnet space-time sheet. The
only possibility is that a new space-time sheet is generated parallel to the
magnet space-time sheet (unless it exists already). The electric flux runs
through wormhole contacts or join along boundaries bonds to this spacetime sheet and back in radial direction at the second space-time sheet. If
this space-time sheet has negative time orientation (guaranteing that the
sign of the electric field as tensor component F0r changes), it has also negative energy, and energy conservation requires that the rotating system gets
positive compensating energy.
Negative energy space-time sheets and over unity energy
production in rotating magnetic systems
As found, rotating magnet can generate a negative energy space-time sheet
and energy conservation seems to require that system itself gets a compensating positive energy (the analysis discussed later however shows that the
presence of the spring system and elastic energy makes situation more complex and the mere reduction of the gravitational mass could explain the
effect without feed of energy to the system) This alone cannot however lead
to over unity energy production reported in [5] and a more refined mechanism is needed.
What is essential is that the negative space-time sheet defines a quantum
system in which particle energies are negative: the roles of creation and
annihilation operators are effectively changed. What happens that negative
energy space-time sheet begin to be filled with negative energy particles,
presumably photons and gravitons and perhaps even charged particles. If
the rate for the generation of negative energy in this manner overcomes the
rate of the ordinary dissipation, the rotating system begins to accelerate.
a) The electrostatic energy of the negative energy space-time sheet is of
ω2 r2
Ee ∼ − Em 2 ,
where Em is the ordinary magnetic energy and r the radius of the rotating
magnetic system.
b) Over unity energy production requires that the rate for the change of
the rotational energy Erot = Iω 2 /2 is positive (I is moment of inertia), that
is ω increases spontaneously. This rate is given by
+ P− − Pd ,
where Pd denotes the power dissipated by friction losses and P− denotes
the rate of negative energy generation due to the filling of negative energy
particle states ( at least photon and graviton states) states associated with
the negative energy space-time sheet.
c) Since Erot and Ee are both proportional to ω 2 , one has
dω 2 1
dt ω 2
∼ 2
P− − P d
Erot − Ee
Since Ee is negligible as compared to Erot , ω can increase only if one has
P− ≥ P d .
Thus for P− = 0 spontaneous acceleration of the system is not possible. Notice that the splitting of the gravitational join along boundaries bonds between rotating system and external world could also reduce frictional losses
and facilitate the effect.
The proposed mechanism might be called ’buy now pay later (or somewhere else)’ mechanism. The negative energy could leave the system and
be received by some subsystem elsewhere. Instead of sucking energy from
the external world, system feeds negative energy to its surroundings or to
parallel negative energy space-time sheets. This mechanism is crucial for understanding how negative potential energy, say gravitational energy is generated (a cloud of negative energy virtual gravitons represented as space-time
sheets), and is of utmost importance in TGD inspired cosmology: without it
one could not understand huge energy densities generated near the moment
of big bang (see the chapter ”TGD inspired cosmology” of [1]).
Topological self-referentiality and the generation negative
energy space-time sheets as bound state formation
The notion of self-referentiality is one of the deepest and most fascinating
notions of mathematics but for some reason it has not catched the full attention of physicists. I encountered the mystic variant of this notion during
my ’great experience’ (the idea about living system as a computer sitting
at its own terminal) and a more mathematical variant of the idea for a year
or two later while reading the book ”Gödel, Escher, Bach” of Douglas Hofstadter. It took however more than fifteen years before I managed to identify
a possible concrete realization of the notion in TGD based physics.
In the chapter ”Biological Realization of Self Hierarchy” of [3] the notion
of topological self-referentiality is discussed. MEs (massless extremals) and
magnetic mirrors play a key role in TGD based model of living matter. The
connection with standard chemistry has been however lacking. It seems that
some deep principle is needed to build this connection. The hints about the
big principle come from the following observations related to the topological
field quantization implying what might be called Bohr orbitology for the
classical fields.
a) TGD predicts the existence of negative energy space-time sheets, in
particular MEs. The prediction is based solely on the assumption that the
space-time is representable as a 4-surface.
b) One can understand gravitational binding energy only if negative
energy MEs represent this energy. This suggests that binding energy of a
system has a very concrete representation as a negative energy MEs.
c) Quantum entanglement has as a geometric correlate join along boundaries bonds, in particular MEs and possibly also magnetic mirrors. Only the
entanglement associated with the bound states is stable against the state
preparation process leading to a maximally unentangled state in each quantum jump.
d) Classical superposition for em fields could mimic quantum superposition for states. The multiples of the fundamental frequency for ME could
represent the BE condensate of bosons with energy defined by the fundamental frequency f = c/L.
e) The phase increments of the CP2 coordinates around closed loops
could represent phase increments of spinor fields and super-conducting order
parameters around them as suggested in the chapter ”Macroscopic Quantum
Phases and Geometry of CP2 ” of [1].
f) Join along boundaries bonds can represent even half-odd integer spin
topologically. The join along boundaries bonds connecting 3-surface to a
larger 3-surface get entangled in 2π rotation but in 4π rotation no entanglement results : this is due to the fact that the bonds provide a representation
for the homotopy group of 3-dimensional rotation group. A good manner
to visualize the situation is to think of a cube inside a larger cube with
threads connecting the corresponding vertices of the cubes. An interesting
question is whether also spin and statistics connection could be represented
classically somehow.
These observations suggests a far-reaching generalization. Perhaps manysheeted space-time allows the system to represent in its own structure the
theory about itself. All theoretical concepts usually thought to have rather
ethereal existence would have a concrete topological representation. These
representations would exist already at the elementary particle level. Not
only bio-molecules, but even hadrons, would be accompanied by a topological representation about their theory analogous to a written language.
p-Adic-to-real transition would actualize this theory. Thus not only cognition but also symbolic representations of thoughts would be present in all
length scales.
This idea of self-referentiality is actually an essential part of the basic
philosophy of TGD. TGD inspired theory of consciousness implies that the
Cartesian division to a world and theory about it is an illusion. Quantum
histories, which are TGD counterparts for the solutions of field equations
are the reality, there is no need to postulate any ’real’ reality behind them
since conscious experience is associated between quantum jumps between
quantum histories rather than the ’real’ reality. ’Ontogeny recapitulates
phylogeny’ principle states that quantum histories have geometric and topological correlates at space-time level. This is just what the idea about topological representation of a theory about the system as a part of the system
itself means. System could consist of a hierarchy of levels such that N + 1:th
level represents N :th level. Or perhaps more precisely, what results in the
interaction of N :th level systems.
Topological self-referentiality allows to understand what happens in over
unity energy production. The components of the system can bind mutually
or with environment and negative energy space-time sheets represent binding
energy. Bound state energy is liberated as a usable energy. The resulting
bound states correspond to space-time sheets having typical sizes given by
the p-adic length scale hypothesis and the process means basically spacetime engineering. The typical wavelength of the radiation emitted in the
process gives estimate for the electromagnetic or gravitational size of the
bound state. In ELF frequency range the electromagnetic size is of order
Earth size.
Electrolytic processes are especially interesting from the point of view
of over unity energy production. For instance, the production of hydrogen
molecules in the electrolysis of water might be accompanied by the formation
of large bound states of water molecules and the liberation of the binding
energy as a usable energy. The signature for the process is simple: the
energy liberated is larger than the energy deduced from the binding energies
of water and hydrogen molecules. Rather interestingly, the hydrogen bond
energy deduced from the evaporation energy per water molecule is .485 eV
and is very near to the photon energy E(167) = .4844 eV corresponding to
p-adic length scale L(167) = 256L(151) for L(151) = 10 nm: k = 167 is
one of the four subsequent p-adic length scales k = 151, 157, 163, 167 which
correspond to Gaussian Mersennes. Perhaps cold fusion involves both the
nuclear fusion by Trojan horse mechanism and the formation of large scale
bound states.
Biology provides an important area of applications and the model of
bio-photons developed in the chapter ”Homeopathy in Many-sheeted Spacetime” of [4] leads to a concrete model for the generation of pairs of positive
and negative energy MEs at DNA level. Bio-molecules and cells are are
indeed bound states of macroscopic size. The first form of life evolved under
conditions in which electrolytic processes occurred: perhaps bound state
formation led to the generation of bio-molecules and cells. What is nice
that the development of long range order (negative energy MEs) would have
been automatically accompanied by the development of metabolism (positive energy MEs!). Sol-gel transition crucial for cellular locomotion is a
particular example of this process. A natural path to follow in the attempts
to build new energy technologies is to try to mimick what living nature has
already achieved. This kind of energy production would be also wasteless
and support evolution.
Does the reduction of gravitational mass explain the
spontaneous acceleration of the rotating magnetic system?
After almost year of the writing the original version of the article about
rotating magnetic systems, I realized that the generation of negative energy space-time sheets (serving as a space-time correlate for a quantum
mechanical bound state formation) is not absolutely necessary to explain
the acceleration of the rotating magnetic system. A more detailed study of
a simplified model for the dynamics of the system demonstrates that the
reduction of gravitational mass and inertial mass equal to it by Equivalence
Principle might be enough to explain the spontaneous acceleration as a phenomenon analogous to what happens when skater reduces her momentum
of inertia to achieve a rapid piruette. The dependence of the effect on the
direction of propagation could be due to the fact that classical Z 0 fields are
The classical Z 0 fields as TGD counterpart for torsion fields
TGD predicts the existence of classical Z 0 fields (Z 0 bosons are ultra heavy
companions of photons responsible for neutral current weak interactions.
The Z 0 charge of atomic nucleus is essentially its neutron number since
proton’s Z 0 charge is very small. Neutrinos screen the Z 0 charge of the
condensed matter above length scales of neutrino Compton length which
is of the order of cell size (see the chapter ”TGD and condensed matter
physics” of [2]). Under certain circumstances also Z 0 electric fields can
cause detectable effects. For instance, the TGD based explanations of the
tritium beta decay anomaly [10], the acceleration anomaly of spaceships in
outer space [11] discovered in NASA, and the anomalous variation of the
radioactive decay rates [12] involve the interaction of small sized objects
with large Z 0 charges with astrophysical Z 0 electric fields.
Z 0 neutrality does not exclude the possibility of Z 0 magnetic fields: what
is required that nuclei and neutrinos rotate with slightly different velocities.
Thus rotating macroscopic objects could generate Z 0 magnetic fields and
the claimed properties of the torsion fields [8, 9] are very much like those of
Z 0 magnetic fields. In particular, also classical Z 0 field has parity breaking
axial coupling to elementary particles, and large parity breaking effects are
predicted (chiral selection in living matter has explanation along these lines).
The generation of classical Z 0 magnetic field might be involved with the
large parity breaking observed in the experiments of Roshchin and Godin [5]
(the critical rotation velocities were different for clockwise and counterclockwise rotations). Note however that also the sign of vacuum charge density
involves parity breaking effect. It is also possible that flux structures carry
combination of magnetic and Z 0 magnetic fields and the strange shell like
magnetic field structures could be accompanied also by Z 0 magnetic fields.
Spontaneous angular acceleration from the reduction of
gravitational mass
Recall that the basic idea is that the space-time sheet of rotating magnet is
connected to the space-time sheet carrying Earth’s gravitational field by join
along boundaries bonds, one can visualize them as threads connecting the
rotating system to the environment. Along these threads the gravitational
flux created by the magnet flows to Earth’s space-time sheet and these
threads mediate the gravitational interaction.
Rotation causes the entanglement of the threads and when the rotational speed becomes high enough, the threads begin to split. This means
that the ends of the split threads become carriers of negative and positive
gravitational mass. Effectively the gravitational mass of the magnet system
remains to the Earth’s space-time sheet and the mass of magnet system
itself decreases. If the inertial mass is equal to the gravitational mass as
Equivalence Principle requires, one gets a system which is light as a feather!
One can wonder whether this could provide a mechanism making possible flying saucers. For instance, could the rotating system liberate some
of its chemical energy to generate a very fast motion. It could also accelerate and change direction of motion very quickly. The strange properties
of UFOs suggest that if they are really flying saucers, a reduction of the
inertial mass is indeed involved. I have proposed that UFOs are plasmodic
life forms which as such are extremely light but one might think of the
possibility that plasmoidic structure and a more rigid structure accompany
each other. The rotating magnet system involves also plasma near its outer
boundary and would in this case be due to acceleration of ions in radial
electric field generate by the rotating magnet. Plasmoidic structures indeed
involve magnetic flux tubes and this suggests that they could rotate rapidly
and in this manner reduce their gravitational mass.
Consider now the situation more closely.
1. Angular momentum is conserved
Angular momentum of the rotating magnet can be assumed to be conserved.
L = Iω = constant .
Here I denotes the moment of inertia. I is proportional to mass and thus
decreases. Denoting by m = xm0 the reduced mass one has I = xI0 .
Therefore the angular velocity ω must be inversely proportional to the mass,
ω = ω0 /x and increases just as observed. This is nothing but the piruette
effect. Now however the moment of inertia decreases because the mass is
reduced: usually the system gets thinner in the direction defined by the axis
of rotation.
2. System is in a slowly changing mechanical equilibrium
One can assume also a mechanical equilibrium. The gravitational force
and elastic force (system resides on a bed formed by springs) cancel each
other. Since the mass is reduced, it presses the spring not so much anymore
so that system lifts. This is what is observed. The condition is xmg =
k(h−h1 ), where k denotes the elastic constant of the spring system idealized
with single spring and h1 denotes the length of the vertical spring in absence
of the load. The equilibrium condition gives
h1 − h(x) ≡ ∆h(x) =
This equation tells how much the system lifts up and says only that the
spring is compressed less since the mass has reduced by factor x. h cannot
increase above h1 .
3. Stability requires that energy of the system decreases during spontaneous acceleration
It is not clear whether one can assume energy conservation for the rotating system. Since the dynamical equilibrium already fixes the energy,
energy transfer between system and environment is certainly unavoidable.
The rotational energy
Erot =
Lω = rot
increases as 1/x, and this puts strong constraints on the realizability of the
system. The difference between the energy of the system for mass m = xm0
and for mass in initial state is given by
∆E = ∆Erot + x [Vgr (h(x)) − Vgr (h0 )] + ∆Vel .
The expressions for the gravitational potential term is based on the assumption that the gravitational mass going to the large space-time sheet is
responsible for the (1 − x)Vgr (h0 ) contribution to the gravitational potential
energy lacking from the equation.
The explicit expressions for the elastic energy of the spring in equilibrium
is given by Vel = x2 m2 g 2 /2k, the gravitational potential energy is given by
Vgr = −Gm0 ME /r = −m0 gr0 × (r0 /r) ' −mgr0 (1 − h/r0 ), where g denotes
gravitational acceleration at the surface of Earth and r0 the radius of Earth.
The expressions h(x) = h1 − xmg
k and h0 = h(1) = h1 − k hold true for the
length of the spring for mass xm0 and m0 . Using these formulas one can
deduce the following expression for the energy transfer from the degrees of
freedom considered:
1−x 2
= h1 − h0 =
m0 v 2
Here the rotational velocity of the system is defined in an obvious manner.
The process should occur spontaneously as long as the energy increment
is negative. This is the case as long as the condition
x ≥
is satisfied. The condition x < 1 implies
kv 2
<1 .
m0 g 2
This condition is favours small stiffness for the spring and a small value of
the velocity at which the splitting of the join along boundaries bonds starts
to occur. For the
√ compression ∆h = 1 meters for the spring in the initial
state and v = 10 m/s one has v 2 /gh0 ' 1. The condition favors systems
which have large vertical dimension at least.
Thin, cigar like configurations minimize the moment of inertia and thus
also the velocity and are thus favored. Rotating magnetic flux tubes associated with plasmoidic life forms suggested to be responsible for at least
some UFOs would be ideal in this respect. Also systems for which mass is
concentrated near the origin were the rotational velocity is small are also
favorable. One cannot exclude the possibility that also a formation of macroscopic quantum state proceeding as a quantum phase transition like process
might be needed to provide the energy needed for the process to occur.
4. Could tornadoes involve anti-gravitation?
For a rotating vortex in water or air an analogous mechanism might
work and so that the rotating vortex would begin to accelerate. Elastic
force is essential in the previous example and in case of water or air pressure
should provide its counterpart. One might think that the water or air in
the vortex expands upwards since the gravitational force pressing the liquid
downwards is reduced and pressure remains the same unless temperature is
changed. Tornadoes might involve this mechanism. Usually the reduction
of the pressure in the core of the tornado is believed to cause its destructive
effects but the reduction of the gravitational force might be also involved.
Note that tornadoes can be accompanied also by emission of visible light.
Perhaps this is due to the presence of plasma resulting in the rotation of a
magnetized structure.
It should be noticed (thanks for Juha Hartikka for proposing this), that
one could understand Podkletnov effect if a part of the volume above the
rotating superconductor belongs to the the space-time sheet of the rotating superconductor. Matter at this space-time sheet would lose part of its
gravitational mass. The resulting incomplete cancellation of the pressure
gradient and gravitational force would also explain why the air above the
system started to flow upwards.
The dependence of the anti-gravitational effect on the direction of rotation
The effect of the rotation has been reported to depend on the direction of the
angular velocity. Most importantly, the sign of the effective mass reduction
depends on the direction of rotation. This means that the mere splitting
of the join along boundaries bonds cannot explain the effect although the
reduction of inertial mass is required to explain the angular acceleration. Of
course, the mere splitting of join along boundaries bonds also fails to explain
why a rotating magnetic field is needed. Something else must therefore be
Consider now whether and how one could understand the possible dependence of the sign of the mass change on the direction of rotation. The basic
hint comes from the observation that the dependence of the effect on the
direction of rotation means parity breaking and there is indeed parity breaking involved since the generation of the vacuum charge density ρvac = eωB
breaks parity. The only reasonable conclusion is that this effect is closely
involved with the phenomenon. There is vacuum charge involved and given
Q = eωB × V ,
where V is the volume of rotating magnet. Also classical Z 0 magnetic and
electric fields could be present but reside at different space-time sheets and
the explanation of the acceleration anomalies of spacecrafts observed by
NASA suggests that it is actually the classical Z 0 force which is the decisive
One of the first puzzling predictions of TGD was that all massive objects
are charged: otherwise there would be no long range gravitational field. Both
electromagnetic and/or Z 0 charges are possible and the sign of the charge
is always the same at a given space-time sheet which presumably relates to
the matter-antimatter asymmetry forcing matter and antimatter to reside
at different space-time sheets. The theory does not tell the magnitude of
these anomalous charges. The assumption has been that the charges are
much smaller than the gravitational mass using Planck mass as unit so that
the resulting repulsive force is much weaker than gravitational force. But
is this really the case? Could the ordinary gravitational coupling actually
have the same strength Gcl ∼ 107 G as the gravitational coupling to the
classical field energy, and could gravitational force be almost cancelled by
Maxwellian, say Z 0 , forces in a dynamical equilibrium so that much weaker
effective Newtonian gravitational coupling results? The answer is definitely
’No’: for instance, gravitational red shift and the bending of light in the
gravitational field of Sun would be too large by a factor of order 10 7 and
the orbits of planets would not be geodesics anymore.
One can however consider a milder assumption according to which em
and Z 0 forces give a small contribution to the effective gravitational force
and explain partially the effective change of the weight. This mechanism
does not certainly explain the change of the genuine gravitational (and inertial) mass, which is required by the spontaneous angular acceleration. Thus
the splitting of the gravitational flux tubes is needed. Obviously, the net
effect breaks parity symmetry.
a) The effective change of the gravitational mass due to the ordinary
electric resp. Z 0 electric field would be given by
∆Mem ' ω × eB × V mP l em (Earth) ,
∆MZ ' ω × gZ BZ × V mP l Z (Earth) ,
where one has defined Qem (Earth) ≡ em (Earth)M (Earth)/MP l and same
for Z 0 field.
b) Both the rotating object and Earth would carry em and Z 0 charges,
not necessarily at the same space-time sheet and either or both of these
charges would contribute to the effective gravitational force experienced by
the rotating object. The rotating magnetic/Z 0 magnetic system would develop anomalous em and Z 0 charges and, depending on the direction of
rotation, this would induce an increase or a reduction of the effective gravitational force. This would change the effective gravitational mass so that the
rotating magnetic system resting on spring system would move up or down.
If the entire electromagnetic radial gauge flux flows to the space-time sheet,
where the Earth’s gravitational field resides, the formula for the reduction
of the effective gravitational mass would be given by the previous formula.
c) For eB ∼ 1 Tesla, ω = 10 × 2π/sec and V = 1 m3 this would give
∆M ' em (Earth) × 20 kg. For an object of size about one cubic meter
this could gives the reported reduction of weight of order 100 kg only for
∼ 5 < 1. This of course only an order of magnitude estimate but certainly
the value of the em should be near its upper bound. One can estimate the
value of em (Earth) from the value of the Earth’s electric field at the surface
of Earth, which varies in the range eEem = 102 − 104 eV/m. One obtains
em (Earth) = eE(Earth) × 4πR2 (Earth) ×
mP l
M (Earth)
The value is of order .9 × 10−10 − .9 × 10−8 and too small by a factor of
order 2 × 10−7 so that electromagnetic force is definitely excluded as an
explanation of the effect.
d) This leaves only the possibility that a classical Z 0 field residing at the
same space-time sheet as the gravitational field is responsible for the effect.
Z 0 magnetic could be both due to spontaneous Z 0 magnetization and to
the net Z 0 current resulting if neutrinos do not participate to the rigid
body rotation. Z 0 magnetic field must also rotate. The Z 0 magnetic field
generated by spin polarization of co-moving neutrinos or by atomic nuclei
is indeed rotating. The Z 0 magnetic field generated by rotating nuclei does
not rotate. Thus it seems that only spin polarization can serve as a source
of the vacuum Z 0 charge. In case of superfluidity the generation of rotating
vortices could change the situation and allow maximization of the effect.
i) The small mass of the neutrinos implies very large Z 0 magnetic moment and makes it possible to achieve very strong Z 0 magnetic fields by spin
polarization of neutrinos. A rough estimate is as
BZ (spin) ∼
where nν ' [(A − Z)/A] × ρ/mp is the number density of neutrinos: roughly
A − Z neutrinos per atomic volume, and mν ∼ .1 eV is the mass of neutrino.
This gives the estimate gZ BZ ∼ 109 Tesla for the upper bound of the Z 0
magnetic field so that Z 0 electric field which is hundred times weaker than
the electric field of Earth (Z ∼ 10−9 is enough to give an appreciable
effect. Neutrino magnetization must be induced by the rotation via spinorbit interaction so that the degree of magnetization would thus depend on
ω and the size of the rotating magnet.
ii) If Z 0 magnetic field is due to fact that neutrinos do not co-rotate
with the atomic nuclei, the order of magnitude for the Z 0 magnetic field
is obtained by estimating the magnetic moment due to the rotation from
standard formulas
BZ (orbital) ∼ n(ν)gZ ωhρ2 i ,
where hρ2 i denotes volume average for distance squared from the rotation
axis. The ratio for the magnetic fields due to neutrino magnetization and
orbital motion is
BZ (orbital)
∼ ωmν hρ2 i .
BZ (spin)
−2 hρ i . When the size
For ω = 20π/s and mν = .1 eV one has BBZZ(orbital)
(spin) ∼ 10
of the rotating magnet is large enough, orbital contribution begins to dominate. As already noticed, the orbital contribution to the Z 0 magnetic field
does not contribute to the vacuum Z 0 charge density except in the situation
when one has a rotating superfluid decomposing into rotating vortices.
DCP2 = 2 → 3 phase transition as a cause of antigravity
The progress in the understanding of field equations associated with Kähler
action which occurred towards the end of 2003, provides new insights also
to the antigravity effects associated with rotating magnetic systems.
1. General considerations
The vanishing of Lorentz 4-force for the induced Kähler field means that
the vacuum 4-currents are in a mechanical equilibrium. Lorentz 4-force vanishes for all known solutions of field equations which inspires the hypothesis
that all extremals or at least the absolute minima of Kähler action satisfy
the condition. The vanishing of the Lorentz 4-force in turn implies local
conservation of the ordinary energy momentum tensor. The corresponding
condition is implied by Einstein’s equations in General Relativity. The hypothesis would mean that the solutions of field equations are what might be
called generalized Beltrami fields. The condition implies that vacuum currents can be non-vanishing only provided the dimension DCP2 of the CP2
projection of the space-time surface is less than four so that in the regions
with DCP2 = 4, Maxwell’s vacuum equations are satisfied.
The hypothesis that Kähler current is proportional to a product of an
arbitrary function ψ of CP2 coordinates and of the instanton current generalizes Beltrami condition and reduces to it when electric field vanishes.
Kähler current has vanishing divergence for DCP2 < 4, and Lorentz 4-force
indeed vanishes. The remaining task would be the explicit construction of
the imbeddings of these fields and the demonstration that field equations
can be satisfied.
Under additional conditions magnetic field reduces to what is known
as Beltrami field. Beltrami fields are known to be extremely complex but
highly organized structures. The natural conjecture is that topologically
quantized many-sheeted magnetic and Z 0 magnetic Beltrami fields and their
generalizations serve as templates for the helical molecules populating living
matter, and explain both chirality selection, the complex linking and knotting of DNA and protein molecules, and even the extremely complex and
self-organized dynamics of biological systems at the molecular level.
Field equations can be reduced to algebraic conditions stating that energy momentum tensor and second fundamental form have no common components (this occurs also for minimal surfaces in string models) and only the
conditions stating that Kähler current vanishes, is light-like, or proportional
to instanton current, remain and define the remaining field equations. The
conditions guaranteing topologization to instanton current can be solved explicitly. Solutions can be found also in the more general case when Kähler
current is not proportional to instanton current. On basis of these findings
there are strong reasons to believe that classical TGD is exactly solvable.
2. Absolute minimization of Kähler action and second law of thermodynamics
By quantum classical correspondence the non-deterministic space-time
dynamics should mimic the dissipative dynamics of the quantum jump sequence. Beltrami fields appear in physical applications as asymptotic self
organization patterns for which Lorentz force and dissipation vanish. This
suggests that absolute minima of Kähler action correspond to space-time
sheets which asymptotically satisfy generalized Beltrami conditions so that
one can indeed assign to the final (rather than initial!) 3-surface a unique
4-surface apart from effects related to non-determinism. Absolute minimization abstracted to purely algebraic generalized Beltrami conditions would
make sense also in the p-adic context. Also the equivalence of absolute minimization with the second law strongly suggests itself. Of course, one must
keep mind open for the possibility that it is the second law of thermodynamics which replaces absolute minimization as the fundamental principle.
3. The dimension of CP2 projection as classifier for the fundamental
phases of matter
The dimension DCP2 of CP2 projection of the space-time sheet encountered already in p-adic mass calculations classifies the fundamental phases
of matter. For DCP2 = 4 empty space Maxwell equations hold true. This
phase is chaotic and analogous to de-magnetized phase. DCP2 = 2 phase
is analogous to ferromagnetic phase: highly ordered and relatively simple.
DCP2 = 3 is the analog of spin glass and liquid crystal phases, extremely
complex but highly organized by the properties of the generalized Beltrami
fields. This phase is the boundary between chaos and order and corresponds
to life emerging in the interaction of magnetic bodies with bio-matter. It
is possible only in a finite temperature interval (note however the p-adic
hierarchy of critical temperatures) and characterized by chirality just like
4. Do the strange effects in rotating magnetic systems relate to DCP2 =
2 → 3 phase transition?
The general picture has non-trivial implications also in the case of rotating magnetic systems.
a) A non-vanishing vacuum Kähler charge density is generated when
a constant magnetic field is put into rotation. The non-vanishing charge
density is not consistent with the vanishing of the Kähler 4-current and
requires a 3-dimensional CP2 projection and topologization of the Kähler
current. Beltrami condition cannot hold true exactly for the rotating system.
The conclusion is that rotation induces a phase transition DCP2 = 2 → 3.
b) This could help to understand various strange effects related to the
rotating magnetic systems (see the chapter ”The Notion of Free Energy and
Many-Sheeted Space-Time Concept” of [2]). For instance, the increase of the
dimension of CP2 projection could generate join along boundaries contacts
and wormhole contacts leading to the transfer of charge between different
space-time sheets. The possibly resulting flow of gravitational flux to larger
space-time sheets might help to explain the claimed antigravity effects.
c) The phase transition implies a qualitative change in the structure of
the magnetic fields and could thus explain the generation of magnetic walls
observed in the rotating magnetic system. What is fascinating that DCP2 =
3 phase corresponds to the living matter in the proposed classification. This
would conform with the idea that the ADP-ATP machinery responsible for
the metabolism is a molecular Searl machine. Hence the strange effects
observed in rotating magnetic systems might reveal the fundamentals of the
dead → alive phase transition.
Explanation of the coronal discharge
The presence of the coronal discharge in the experiments of Roshchin and
Godin [5] has a characteristic pink-blue character. This suggests that the
light results from atomic or molecular transitions. Gas discharge tubes and
so called sprites and elves associated with certain type of lightnings exhibit
also red and blue light (see [13] and TGD based model of this phenomenon
in the chapter ”Quantum model for sensory representations” of [3]). In case
of sprites red and blue light results from the electronic excitations of N2
molecules and blue light from the collisions of electrons or N2 molecules exciting N2+ ions. Similar mechanism could be at work also now. N2 molecules
and N2+ ions would be ions of the surrounding air and one should understand
the origin of electrons.
The first guess is that the acceleration of charged particles in the radial
electric field gives them enough energy so that they can ionize the air. The
energy gained by an electron moving freely in the radial electric field is
∆E = eBωρ2 /2. For B = 1 Tesla, ρ = .1 meters and ω = 20π/s this
gives energy which is about .6 eV, which cannot cause ionization. When
friction is taken into account, the estimate for the average kinetic energy
gained between two successive collisions is ∆E = eEl, where l = 1/nσ is
the free path of the charged particle in the magnet. From the estimates
σ ∼ 10−20 m2 (geometric cross section for atom), n0 = 1030 /m3 for the
order of magnitude of the density of the condensed matter, it is clear that
the energy is quite too low to cause ionization.
This encourages to think that a new physics mechanism is involved.
The splitting of the join along boundaries bonds mediating gravitational
flux to the large space-time sheet interpreted as a time reversal for the
mechanism generating join along boundaries bonds is the natural candidate
in this respect. When join along boundaries bonds are generated, superconducting charged particles flow to the atomic space-time sheets. In the
time reversal of this process charged particles flow from the atomic spacetime sheets to larger space-time sheets. In this process they liberate their
zero point kinetic energy. For an electron the dropping from the atomic
space-time sheet this energy is about 1 keV so that X rays are liberated.
These X rays ionize the air and generate highly energetic electrons, which in
turn make collisions with N2 molecules and N2+ ions and generate electronic
excitations producing the pink-blue glow. For ions the zero point kinetic
energies are below .5 eV (proton’s zero point kinetic energy). This process
is indeed expected to occur near the boundaries of the rolling magnets.
This process allows also the following interpretation. The time reversal
involves phase conjugates of microwaves and perhaps also radiation at other
wavelengths. Phase conjugate waves correspond to photons with negative
energy. Therefore one might see the emission of X ray as a process in which
negative energy X ray is emitted from environment and absorbed by the
electron dropping to the larger space-time sheet. The time reversed process
could start already from the excitation of the molecules of air by the emission
of negative energy photons and end with the emission of negative energy X
ray inducing the dropping of the ion to the magnetic flux tube. This picture
would conform with the claimed absorption of energy from the environment
in the rotating magnetic system and the decrease of entropy. TGD indeed
predicts that the second law of thermodynamics holds true only above padic time scale characterizing the system and that below p-adic time scale
the arrow of the geometric time can change (that p-adic numbers are not
well ordered conforms with this). Also the spontaneous acceleration of the
rolling magnets could be interpreted as a dissipative slowing down when the
actual arrow of the geometric time is taken into account.
Strange magnetic field structures
In TGD framework the strange magnetic field structures observed in the
experiments of Roshchin and Godin [5] and having a geometry of cylindrical
shells are identiable as topological field quanta of the magnetic field generated by the rotating magnetic system (flux quanta could also carry Z 0
magnetic fields, see below).
One could understand the lowering of the temperature inside the magnetic flux structures in the following manner. In ordinary hydrodynamics
the condition p + ρv 2 /2 = p0 , where p0 is pressure in the region where flow
velocity vanishes, holds true by energy conservation along flow lines. In
magnetohydrostatics the corresponding condition reads as
e2 B 2
= p0 = nT0 , (h̄ = c = 1) .
Here p0 and T0 denote the pressure and temperature outside the magnetic
flux tubes and the equation p = nT for ideal gas has been used. The equation
implies a lowering of the temperature:
e2 B 2
For a magnetic field strength of order .05 Tesla and pressure of one atmosphere (105 N/m2 ) the estimate for the reduction is ∆T /T ∼ 10−2 , which
is of the same order of magnitude as the reported reduction of temperature
∆T /T ' 6 K/295 K = .02.
The simplest assumption is that the magnetic fields of a non-rotating
magnet and rolling cylindrical magnets sum incoherently and thus reside at
different space-time sheets. Magnetic walls are present only in the rotating
system and should therefore correspond to the flux quanta of the magnetic
field associated with the rolling cylinders.
Also Earth’s magnetic field is associated with a rotating system. Magnetosphere decomposes into a rotating inner magnetosphere and non-rotating
outer magnetosphere. The ionic current due to the ions frozen to the magnetic flux tubes is a signature for whether the magnetic field is rotating and
means in case of the inner magnetosphere the presence of ring currents. The
radial electric field E = v × B is in case of the Earth’s magnetosphere of
order .02 V/m and much weaker than the radial electric field of about 1-100
This suggests that the rotating magnetic field associated with the Searl’s
machine decomposes into the rotating inner magnetosphere consisting of
flux tubes and the non-rotating outer magnetosphere consisting of magnetic walls. This suggests that the rotating magnetic field associated with
the Searl’s machine decomposes into the rotating inner magnetosphere consisting of flux tubes and the non-rotating outer magnetosphere consisting
of magnetic walls. As already noticed, the DCP2 → 3 phase transition in
which the dimension of the CP2 projection of the space-time sheets carrying magnetic field increases two to three, implies a qualitative change in
the structure of the magnetic field, and could explain the generation of the
magnetic walls.
Comparison with the Searl effect generator
The system studied by Godin and Roschin has strong resemblances with
the so called Searl effect generator [14]. It is interesting to look whether the
proposed simplified model based on a single rotating magnet could allow
to understand qualitatively also the effects assigned with the Searl effect
generator not mentioned in the article of Godin and Roschhin.
The Searl effect generator consists of a non–rotating ring magnet along
which smaller cylindrical magnets roll. The rolling starts spontaneously,
and during the rolling small magnets separate slightly from the ring magnet. The magnets are fabricated using DC and AC currents at the same
radio frequency. This yields a magnetization which consists of cylindrical
regions in vertical direction arranged regularly to a lattice like structure.
The direction of the magnetization varies in wavy manner in the vertical
direction. The distances of these regions must be the same in the rollers
and in the stationary ring magnet. The first guess is that radio wave length
determines the transversal size of the magnetized regions and also the distance between them. The distances between the rollers must be same as
their diameters. This implies that the frequency of rotation around the axis
of small magnet is a multiple of the frequency of rotation around the axis
of the ring magnet.
Consider now the effects claimed to be associated with the Searl effect generator.
1. Small magnets start to roll spontaneously
Spontaneous Z 0 magnetization might be an explanation. Z 0 magnetized
state would have lower energy and thus favored. This also predicts a liberation of energy in the process. This would give justification for the claims
that the system liberates various forms of energy, such as electromagnetic
energy by inducing AC currents in induction coils above the system.
The Z 0 magnetization process would begin with the generation of Z 0
magnetization by convective currents. This is possible since atoms are completely ionized Z 0 ions and generate Z 0 current (neutrons give the dominating contribution). If neutrinos do not rotate with same velocity as nuclei, Z 0
magnetic field is non-vanishing. Convective magnetization in turn could induce spontaneous magnetization of neutrino spins and possibly also nuclear
spins by genuinely quantum mechanical exchange interaction.
It is quite possible that the process involves a breaking of neutrino superconductivity at k = 169 space-time sheets. There are two basic types of
super-conductors. For type I/II the surface area of the magnetized regions
is minimized/maximized since surface energy density of the magnetic defects is positive/negative. If the neutrino super-conductor is of type II (as
suggested for a wide parameter range by the various consideration of the
chapter ”Bio-systems as super-conductors” of [3], Z 0 magnetized regions
would be complex stripe like structures with typical thickness of about Z 0
magnetic penetration length. The fabrication of the magnets suggests that
magnetized regions are not of this form.
If type I super-conductors are in question, Z 0 magnetic field penetrates
first as magnetic flux tubes and typically a regular lattice like structures
results. Neutrino supra-currents would flow at the boundaries of the magnetic flux tubes. The convective Z 0 magnetization could destroy the superconductivity in the same manner as in super-conductors of type I, whereas
neutrino spin polarization would destroy Z 0 magnetization as in case of
super-conductors of type II. This would be the case if there is a positive volume energy due to convective magnetization which more than compensates
for the negative surface energy.
The special fabrication of the magnets by DC and AC currents could
provide a pre-existing magnetic structure if the wavelength of the radio
waves is of the order of Z 0 magnetic penetration length characterizing the
lattice structure, and thus make the convective Z 0 magnetization easier and
in turn inducing neutrino spin polarization.
2. Radioactive decay rates change
Radioactive decay rates are reported to change near the Searl effect
generator. Long range classical Z 0 field affects weak interactions and thus
also the radioactive decay rates. Effects are similar to the effects caused
by a classical background em field and give rise to corrections, which are
of order αZ Z 2 /m4ν , where Z is essentially Z 0 field strength at the position
of the decaying nucleus. If classical Z 0 field has strength at least of order
1/L(169)2 , L(169) ' 5 micrometers, the effect is significant. What happens
that in a Feynman diagram describing the decay of d quark to u quark
by the emission of virtual W boson decaying to electron and neutrino, the
neutrino interacts with the classical Z 0 field in the final state. Recall that
classical Z 0 field explains also the dependence of the effect on the direction
of rotation. The systematic study of the radioactive decay rates obviously
provides a clear-cut test for the TGD based model.
3. Antigravity effect and its disappearence under radio wave irradiation
Antigravity effect appears also now, and the claim is that the system
simply escapes like flying saucer. As already found, this could be understood
as an effect resulting as a combination of two effects: the generation of Z 0
vacuum charge coupling to Earth’s Z 0 electric field which is radial, and the
reduction of the gravitational and inertial masses resulting from the splitting
of the join along boundaries bonds feeding the gravitational energy to the
space-time sheet of the Earth’s gravitational field.
It is important to notice that the overall important Z 0 electric fields
are generated only when the spontaneously Z 0 magnetized small magnets,
which as such carry no Z 0 electric field, are put in rotational motion along
the ring. This explains why the rolling is necessary. Obviously the simplest
model does not take this effect into account.
The antigravity effect is reported to disappear, when the system is irradiated with radio waves of same wavelength as used in the fabrication of
magnets. Radiation by microwaves is the basic TGD based mechanism destroying super-conductivity. The microwave photons have energies of same
order of magnitude as the gap energy of the super-conductor, and they
generate ’bridges’ between atomic space-time sheets and super-conducting
magnetic flux tubes so that supra-currents can leak to the atomic space-time
sheets and dissipate with the consequence that super-conductivity breaks
In the recent case radio waves would re-generate the split join along
boundaries bonds feeding the gravitational flux to larger space-time sheets
from atomic or possible some other space-time sheets. The mechanism could
be based on wavelength resonance: if the transversal sizes and the lattice
constant of the lattice formed by the cylindrical magnetized regions correspond to the wavelength of the radio waves, the formation of the join along
boundaries bonds could occur quantum coherently so that the net rate for
the process would be proportional to the square of the number of magnetized regions. Also the wavelength of the wavy magnetic field pattern could
determine the resonant wavelength.
4. Plasma is generated
As already explained, corona flow would be a signature for a time reversed process, which starts when N a2 and N a+
2 ions emit negative energy
photons, and ends with an absorption of a negative energy X ray by an electron at an atomic space-time sheet as it drops down to a larger space-time
sheet. The change of the geometric arrow of time is involved and second
law does not hold true with respect to the geometric time but holds true
with respect to subjective time defined by the sequence of quantum jumps
between quantum histories. Also the spontaneous acceleration of the rolling
magnets could be seen as part of the time-reversed process and correspond
to a gradual deceleration to rest, when the actual arrow of the geometric
time is taken into account.
The fields associated with the rolling magnets
At theoretical level the situation does not differ essentially from the simpler
case if one neglects the effects caused by absolute minimization of Kähler
action. One can also apply the description below to the calculation of both
em and Z 0 fields. Z 0 electric fields are present only in a system perform
rolling motion. In the following only the electromagnetic case is discussed.
The rolling magnet is described by a space-time sheet containing an axial
magnetic field and characterized by the mapping of M+4 to S 2 , where S 2 is
a geodesic sphere of CP2 . M+4 has local cylindrical space-time coordinates
(t, z, ρ, φ) and S 2 spherical coordinates (u = cos(Θ), Φ).
a) A stationary system non-rotating cylindrical magnet corresponds to
the surface
u = f (ρ), Φ = nφ .
In this case the magnetic field is of form
B = n∂ρ u .
For a set of parallel magnets one must find imbedding for the superposition
of the magnetic fields and the expression generalizes to
∂(u, Φ)
∂(ρ, φ)
which is just the Jacobian for the mapping from x-y-plane to S 2 defined by
the matrix of partial derivatives.
b) The rotating, but not rolling magnet, is obtained by the replacement
t = φ̂ .
The magnetic and electric fields are obtained by a standard tensor transformation formula for antisymmetric space-time tensors and one has in the
case of single magnet
t → t, ρ → ρ, φ → φ −
∂(u, Φ)
∂(ρ, φ̂)
, E=B
∂(ρ, φ̂)
= B .
∂(ρ, t)
c) The rolling magnetic system is obtained from the stationary one by
kicking the space-time sheet to a rolling motion
u = f (ρ̂), Φ = nφ̂ ,
where one has
ρ → ρ̂ =
(x −
+ (y −
(y − y(t))
, φ → φ̂ = arctan
− t .
(x − x(t))
The motion of the center of mass of roller along a ring of radius R is given
(x(t), y(t)) = R × (cos(Ωt), sin(Ωt)) .
In the rolling coordinate system there is only magnetic field B̂(ρ̂, φ̂) ≡ B̂
present, and one can obtain the magnetic and electric fields in stationary
system by tensor transformation formulas:
B(ρ, φ) = B̂ ∂(ρ̂,
∂(ρ,φ) ,
E(ρ, φ) = B̂ ∂(ρ̂,
∂(t,φ) ,
For Ω = mω, m integer, the electric and magnetic fields are period with
respect to time with frequency ω and one can expect resonance effects.
A model for the splitting of join along boundaries bonds
The basic mystery is how the splitting of the join along boundaries bonds
leading to the reduction of the inertial and gravitational masses occurs in
the rotating magnetic system. TGD provides a model for how join along
boundaries bonds are generated (see the chapters ”Homeopathy in manysheeted space-time” and ”Magnetospheric sensory representations” of [4]).
The natural guess is that the time reversal of this process is in question.
In the sequel this idea is developed in some detail using the scaling law of
homeopathy as an input.
In TGD inspired theory of living matter the basic mechanisms of homeostasis
and remote mental interactions involve low frequency MEs (short hand for
”massless extremals”, topological light rays) serving as space-time correlates
for bound quantum entanglement even in astrophysical length scales, and
high frequency MEs propagating inside low frequency MEs like massless
particles. High frequency MEs induce bridges between super-conducting
magnetic flux tubes (or some other space-time sheets) and atomic spacetime sheets (or some other space-time sheets), which in turn make possible
the leakage of supra currents and their dissipation at the atomic space-time
sheets giving rise to self organization.
The scaling law of homeopathy states that high frequency MEs and low
frequency MEs accompany each other, and that their frequencies are in
certain preferred ratios flow /fhigh = v/c, whose values can be understood
in TGD framework. These ratios also correspond to some characteristic
velocities v of the system, say EEG wave phase velocities. Low frequency
is cyclotron transition frequency fc = ZeB/2πm of ion at a magnetic flux
tubes of (say) Earth’s magnetic field and high frequency corresponds to the
zero point kinetic energy E0 (k) ' π 2 /2mL(k)2 of ion liberated, when the ion
drops from some space-time sheet to a much larger space-time sheet such as
the magnetic flux tube of Earth. Both cyclotron energy and the zero point
kinetic energy scale as 1/L2 (k) ∝ 2−k as a function of p-adic length scale
and are inversely proportional to the mass of ion so that the ratio flow /fhigh
does not depend on the mass of the charged particle.
For the proton the zero point kinetic energy .5 eV for the atomic spacetime sheet k = 137 and corresponds to the basic energy quantum of metabolism
in living matter.
a) For k = 137 one has fhigh /flow = 2 × 1011 for B = .5 Gauss.
b) For k = 149, which corresponds to the p-adic length scale of 5 nm,
one half of the cell membrane thickness, one has fhigh /flow = 108 /2 and the
corresponding velocity is about v = 6 m/s which is quite near to the velocity
of alpha waves in brain. Note that the velocity depends on the local value
of the Earth’s magnetic field.
c) b) For k = 151, which corresponds to the p-adic length scale of 10
nm, the cell membrane thickness, one has fhigh /flow = 108 /8 and the corresponding velocity is about v = 24 m/s.
The splitting of the join along boundaries bonds as time
reversal of the process generating them
A reasonable working hypothesis is that the splitting of the join along boundaries bonds in some sense is the time reversal of the process generating the
bridges between different space-time sheets, and would thus involve the presence of negative energy low frequency MEs accompanied by the corresponding high frequency MEs. Note that also MEs with a geometry of cylindrical
shell expanding with light velocity are possible and might be involved now.
Negative energy MEs with negative time orientation provide TGD correlates for time reversed phase conjugate laser waves and serve as space-time
correlates for the formation of bound states. Hence the process could also
now involve the formation of a quantum bound state. The liberated bound
state energy would be usable energy, and make possible over unity energy
production with the usable energy drawn from the environment. The formation of macroscopic bound states would mean also the breaking of the second
law in the time scale defined by the duration of the bound state. The reduction of entropy has been indeed observed in laser systems involving phase
conjugate waves.
What could be the critical microwave frequencies responsible for the
splitting of the join along boundaries bonds?
a) The typical size scales of the system provide natural guesses for the
frequency fhigh causing resonant generation or splitting of the join along
boundaries bonds. These size scales could be also associated with the field
patterns appearing in the system.
a) The direction of the magnetic field in the magnets has periodic wavy
pattern in the vertical direction and, according to findings of Searl (see the
article of Searl in [14], radiowave irradiation at corresponding wavelength destroys the antigravity effect. Thus one might expect that the splitting of the
join along boundaries bonds occurs resonantly at this microwave frequency.
In the experimental arrangement of Godin and Roschin this pattern is not
generated by AC magnetic field orthogonal to DC field but by transversal
magnets. The rough estimate from the figures of the article of P. Violette
in [14] gives a rough estimate of about 4 cm for the wavelength of the microwaves.
Are rotation frequencies in alpha band crucial?
According to TGD inspired theory of consciousness, living systems possess
besides the material body also a magnetic body having astrophysical size
scale, and sensory representations are realized at the magnetic body using
essentially remote mental interactions based on quantum entanglement and
self-organization induces by microwaves (see the chapters ”Magnetic sensory
canvas hypothesis” and ”Magnetospheric sensory representations” of [4]).
The mechanism involves bound state entanglement having as a space-time
correlate MEs at EEG frequencies. Of special importance are the frequencies
in alpha band, in particular Schumann frequency of about 7.8 Hz associated
with the lowest cavity resonance of the Earth’s magnetic field, are especially
interesting. 10 Hz frequency is also fundamental one since it corresponds to
the p-adic time scale T2 (127) defining the fundamental time scale in living
matter: the average alpha frequency is 10 Hz.
The frequencies of the low frequency MEs naturally correspond to the
frequencies associated with the rotating magnetic system. The first frequency is the frequency frot of rotation for the ring of magnets and 10 Hz
typically. The second frequency is the frequency of the oscillating magnetic
and electric fields equal to ff ield = N ×frot , where N is the number of rolling
magnets, N = 23 in the experiments considered so that one has ff ield = 230
Hz. Scaling law predicts that these frequencies give rise to microwave frequencies, which ought to manifest themselves in the field patterns associated
with the system.
Scaling law of homeopathy and amplification of splitting of
join along boundaries bonds by negative energy microwave
It is an interesting exercise to look whether the scaling law of homeopathy
is consistent with various frequencies, scales, and velocities appearing in the
For the rotation velocity of 600 rpm, the rotation frequency of the ring
system is about 10 Hz. The rotation velocity of the ring of magnets is
5.74 m/s at outer radius quite near to the 6 m/s of alpha waves and the
velocity predicted by the scaling law for k = 149 in Earth’s magnetic field.
From fhigh (k = 149)/flow = 108 /2 the wavelength of high frequency waves
predicted by the scaling law is .6 m and defines the outer radius 57.4 cm of
the ring magnet system in a good approximation. The value of fhigh is .5
GHz and corresponds to microwave range.
The field pattern generated by the 23 rolling magnets oscillates with the
frequency of 23 × 10 = 230 Hz in this case. For flow = 230 Hz one has
fhigh = 23/2 GHz which corresponds to the wavelength λhigh = 2.6 cm,
somewhat smaller than the diameter d = 3.7 cm of the rolling magnets and
the rough estimate 4 cm for the periodicity of the wavy magnetic field lines.
The problem with this estimate is that the local value of the Earth’s
magnetic field affects the estimate for fhigh . One can however estimate fhigh
also directly from the zero point kinetic energy at k = 149 space-time sheet
by using .5 eV for proton at k = 137 space-time sheet and scaling by 2137−k .
For a protonic Cooper pair dropping from k = 149 to k = 151 space-time
sheet one has ∆E0 = (1 − 1/4) × 2137−149 × .5 eV and λ = 2.67 cm, which
is quite near to the estimate obtained using the scaling law. Thus the time
reversal for the dropping of protonic Cooper pairs from k = 149 space-time
sheet to k = 151 space-time sheet could be essential for the splitting of the
join along boundaries bonds. Perhaps the time reversal generates negative
energy MEs as TGD analogs of the phase conjugates of laser beams and in
this manner amplifies the splitting process.
How microwave wave lengths are reflected in the pattern
of magnetic field?
The scaling law of homeopathy suggests also the generation of microwaves
at wavelengths .6 m and 2.3 cm, and it is interesting to see whether the
observed magnetic field pattern could provide evidence for the presence of
these microwave wavelengths.
a) The magnetic walls outside the system have strength about .05 Tesla
for magnetic field of about 1 Tesla in stator and roller magnets, thickness
about 5 to 8 cm approximating the diameter 7.4 cm of the roller magnets,
and a spacing of about .5-.6 meters approximating the radius of the magnet
ring. The spacing thus corresponds to the micro-wave wave length associated with 10 Hz frequency. The width of the magnetic walls is 7.8 cm and
thus roughly 3 wavelengths λhigh = 2.6 cm for microwaves corresponding to
230 Hz. These findings suggest that ELF and microwave MEs are indeed
involved with the phenomenon, and that the scaling law of homeopathy indeed applies. It would be interesting to look whether the variation of the
local value of Earth’s magnetic field affects the critical rotation frequency
(this does not happen if the critical frequency corresponds to Schumann
b) The appearence of the two length scales in the magnetic field pattern suggests that the pattern originates from a modulation of microwaves
with a wavelength defined by the diameter of the small magnets by radio
waves with a wavelength defined by the radius of the ring magnet. Standing
wave which is obtained as a superposition of a wave and its time reversed
phase conjugate (propagating backwards in time) can give rise this kind of
pattern. This wave cannot correspond to ME. The vacuum extremal from
which the space-time sheet carrying gravitational field of Earth is obtained
as a non-vacuum perturbation can however carry this kind of standing wave.
The maxima of intensity for the modulating wave could be the places, where
the magnetic field penetrates to ’our’ space-time sheet and, as found, standard magnetohydrodynamics explains the lowering of the temperature. The
penetration requires the presence of join along boundaries bonds acting as
bridges, and microwave MEs could be responsible for this. The interaction
with microwave MEs would induce the standing wave pattern in background
Resonance hypothesis in TGD framework
The numerical co-incidences discussed above encourage to consider the possibility that the dimensions and frequencies of the rotating system must be
such that the formation of bound states in macroscopic, perhaps even astrophysical length scales becomes possible, and that the liberated binding
energy provides usable energy. This leads to the following working hypothesis.
The critical rotation frequencies are in alpha band and Schumann frequency is especially promising rotation frequency. The size scales characterizing the rotating magnetic system correspond to the microwave frequencies
inducing a resonant generation of join along boundaries bonds. These frequencies must be consistent with the scaling law applied to the frequencies
defined by the rotating field pattern. A frequency of exceptional interest is
defined by the periodicity of the wavy pattern for the magnetic field.
If the proposed picture is correct the microwave frequency relevant for
the splitting of join along boundaries bonds corresponds to the reduction
of the zero point kinetic energy of proton Cooper pair, when it drops from
k = 149 space-time sheet to k = 151 space-time sheet (λ = 2.7 cm). The
time reversal of this process might generate resonantly phase conjugates of
the microwave frequencies splitting the join along boundaries bonds.
The prediction is that the irradiation of the system by the phase conjugates of microwaves at this frequency might facilitate the splitting of the
join along boundaries bonds and ampify the antigravity effect.
Searl effect and bio-control
The model of Searl effect is based on essentially the same mechanisms as applied in the quantum models for homeostasis and remote mental interactions
(see the chapters ”Homeopathy in many-sheeted space-time” and ”Macroscopic quantum coherence and quantum metabolism as different sides of the
same coin” of [4]). Strong parity breaking implied by the Z 0 magnetization
and the crucial role of neutrinos is the first common aspect. In living matter
the key mechanism is the remote quantum entanglement having as a spacetime correlate low frequency MEs, and self-organization induced by the high
frequency MEs by inducing bridges between, say, magnetic flux tubes and
atomic space-time shetes. In Searl machine this mechanism is replaced by
its time reversal. This inspires the question whether the time reversal of this
mechanism could be central also for the functioning of bio-systems. That is,
does living matter utilize Searl effect routinely?
I have proposed in the chapter ”Quantum model for paranormal phenomena” of [3] that time reversal is the basic mechanism of healing. The
biological programs simply run backwards to the point, where the error occurred, and a new trial is made. De-differentiation is the counterpart of this
mechanism at the cellular level. Stem cells are indeed increasingly used for
healing purposes, leucemia being one example of this. The model of Priore’s machine [15, 16] is based on this idea and involves phase conjugates
of microwaves perhaps inducing time reversal mode of molecular machines
at DNA level and thus leading to the correction of the genetic error responsible for the cancer. Irradiation by phase conjugate microwaves at critical
frequencies might induce the time reversed mode and thus provide a possible
general healing mechanism affecting directly the DNA level.
These observations suggest that time-reversed modes of various molecular machines such as F0 − F1 machine responsible for the metabolism (and
its variants suggests by the many-sheeted space-time concept) might be a
routine part of the functioning of the living matter. They would induce
time reversals of biological programs and thus healing. The generation of
negative energy MEs would induce bound state entanglement and the liberated binding energy would compensate the lack of the metabolic energy feed
during the time reversed mode. They could also induce anti-gravitational
effects, which together with the macroscopic quantum coherence induced by
negative energy MEs, could be an essential aspect of the locomotion of the
living organism. Molecules, which have temporarily got partially rid of their
inertial and gravitational masses and also electromagnetic charge, would
be ideal for the catalysis in the many-sheeted space-time. For instance,
Coulomb wall could be easily circumvented by leaving the electromagnetic
charge temporarily to the larger space-time sheet.
One can thus ask whether some molecular machines are actually Searl
machines in their time reversed mode. For instance, the F0 − F1 machine
driving protons to atomic space-time sheet from (presumably) magnetic flux
tubes of Earth, is much like a power plant containing a rotating shaft. In
time reversed mode, in which it acts like a motor, the shaft might have reduced inertial and gravitational masses. The parity breaking effect induced
by the classical Z 0 force would also favour second direction for rotation, this
is obviously essential in order to achieve a synchronous action.
A further interesting aspect is that the presence of ELF waves at 10
Hz implied by rotation means that the interaction with the brain of ex38
perimenter might interfere with the experiment. The importance of the
experimenter’s intention would conform with the finding that free energy
effects are not fully re-producible. This only adds to the fascination of these
effect if one is ready to give up the reductionist and materialistic dogmas
and accept the possibility of remote mental interactions. Of course, the possibility of this remote mental interaction in bodily length scales would be
absolutely essential for the possibility to realize intention by using molecular
Project Flyaway and Searl effect
Marcus Hollingshead has developed a very interesting antigravity device.
Unfortunately, there is no published reports about the device, and my information derives only from the email discussions in Antigravity discussion
group [18]. There has been also a heated debate about the claims of Hollingshead. I am grateful for Adrian Panait for generously providing this information. Also the information received from Tim Ventura was very useful.
In the following I try to understand the device on basis of TGD based model
for the Searl machine and the so called time mirror mechanism playing a
key role in TGD inspired theory of consciousness and of bio-matter.
Description of the device
1. The device
First a brief description of the device as I have understood by reading
the emails.
a) The device consists of six toroidal electromagnets. There is a pair of
toroids along each coordinate axes at the opposite sides of the origin and
linked around origin. Somewhat like figure eights along each coordinate axis:
toroids are however disjoint and free to spin around their own symmetry axis
(like a bicycle wheel).
b) The toroids have a steel core surrounded by a ”bifilar” winding carrying alternating currents. According to Marcus Hollingshead: ”One winding
is pulsed +ve/-ve the other -ve/+ve offset by 90o ”. Neither the frequency of
the pulsing nor the duration of the pulse are reported but one might √
that the time scale is longer than the time scale defined by τ = 2π LC,
where L is the inductance of the second half of the bi-filar coil and C the capacitance of the entire bi-filar coil. What is clear that the pulsing generates
alternating magnetic field inside the toroid.
c) Along the inner surface of each toroid there are 12 smaller toroids in
the plane tangential to the toroidal surface. These toroids are also pulsed.
The details about how the pulsing depends on the position with respect to
rp are not provided.
d) At the origin there is a charged ball, called reference point (rp). The
sign of the charge is relevant for the function of the system.
e) During the functioning of the device the large toroids spin around
and above the rotation frequency of about 70 Hz antigravity effect and
other effects are reported to appear. The system is reported to loose part
of its inertia. During the functioning of the device the temperature in rp
and its surroundings is lowered to about 100 Kelvins. The system repulses
objects around the system if held at a fixed position. Also the loss of the
reflected light from rp occurs and a spherical vacuum of diameter 2.2 meters
is generated. The device is contained by a cube of side of length shorter
than 1 meter so that the size of the vacuum region is larger than the size of
the device.
2. About the bi-filar coils
The characteristic feature of bi-filar coils is that the current returns from
the end of the coil and flows through the coil again but rotates in opposite
direction. In a stationary situation the ohmic currents flowing in opposite
directions around the toroid create magnetic fields cancelling each other in a
good approximation. In the recent situation one has however electric square
pulses. In fact, sharp unipolar pulses appear again and again in various free
energy technologies inspired by Tesla’s discoveries. This forces ask what is
so special in sharp unipolar pulses.
If one accepts the time mirror mechanism as a manner to amplify negative energy signal to a much stronger positive energy signal, the question
transforms to a question how sharp unipolar pulses are able to generate
negative energy topological light rays.
The answer comes from the observation that the generation of negative
energy topological light rays breaks the second law of thermodynamics in
some relevant length and time scale. On the other hand, TGD forces a
more precise formulation of the second law. Second law at a space-time
sheet characterized by a given p-adic prime and having thus size given by
the corresponding primary or possibly n-ary p-adic length scale holds true
only above the corresponding p-adic time scale. Thus if one is able to generate field patterns having a duration shorter than the p-adic time scale in
question, breaking of the second law results. In particular, negative energy
topological light rays are generated.
What is essential is that charge carriers are accelerated or decelerated
during the sharp electric pulses. Deceleration involves a loss of energy by
the emission of brehmstrahlung as positive energy photons and acceleration
a gain of energy by the emission of negative energy photons. The mechanism
works in the case of any pulsed system.
a) In the case of ordinary coils the emission of negative energy photons
occurs during the acceleration of the charge carriers during the pulse of
constant electric field. If the time interval between the sub-sequent pulses
is long enough, charges have time to dissipate their energy and each pulse
gives rise to a similar emission of negative energy photons.
b) In the case of a bi-filar coil the currents induced by the pulses travelling
through the coil are amplified by the induction between the primary and
secondary coils of the bi-filar coil giving rise to positive feedback. Therefore
more charge carriers are accelerated and that the accelerating electric field
is stronger due to the induced electric field. Thus more negative energy
photons are emitted.
c) TGD suggests that the generation of negative energy topological light
rays can also lead to a reduction of the resistance since charge carriers are
dropped to larger space-time sheets via the emission of negative energy
photons. This in turn further amplifies the effect.
The general mechanism allowing the reversal of geometric time and generation of topological light rays using pulse sequence is discussed in detail in
the chapter ”Time, Space-time, and Consciousness” of [4]. A detailed model
for the bi-filar coil is under consideration.
What might be the most important new physics effects?
1. Are deviations from Maxwell’s electrodynamics involved?
Interesting questions are related to the properties of the square pulse
which can be regarded effectively as a moving capacitor. Maxwell’s electrodynamics would predict that for an idealized square pulse the infinite-time
derivative of the electric field at the ends of the pulse induces infinitely sharp
magnetic pulse unless an Ohmic current compensating the displacement current is generated. It seems highly implausible that this kind of very intensive
ohmic current of very brief duration could be generated.
TGD suggest that the charges of the effective capacitor plates might be
regarded as a vacuum charges involving no elementary particles. Purely
geometric vacuum charges are possible in TGD since only the second ”topological” half of Maxwell’s equations (no magnetic charges, and induction
law of Faraday) are satisfied in the general case. Also the current would be
vacuum current.
In the case that the system contains an open coil associated with several
arrangements used by Tesla, the square shaped pulse propagating through
an open-ended coil could leave it as a longitudinal scalar wave pulse, whose
existence was claimed by Tesla. Maxwell’s electrodynamics does not allow
scalar waves. In TGD framework classical Kähler field (sum of electromagnetic and Z 0 fields in general) allows however U (1) gauge transformations
as dynamical rather than gauge symmetries. They are induced by CP2
canonical transformations leaving Kähler form (and thus symplectic form)
invariant. The classical gravitational field differs for various configurations
whereas the induced Kähler field is same. Classical electromagnetic and Z 0
fields however differ. An infinite spin glass degeneracy results and this predicts both vacuum 4-currents and longitudinal scalar wave pulses for which
free propagation occurs with light velocity.
Spin glass degeneracy provides a mechanism of macro-temporal quantum
coherence which as a special case reduces to a mechanism of color confinement. By adding to the conceptual tool box the notions of the topological
quantization of classical gauge fields to magnetic flux tubes, electric flux
quanta and topological light rays, and the concepts of the many-sheeted
space-time and of negative energy space-time sheets, it becomes possible to
understand various findings challenging Maxwell’s electrodynamics made by
Tesla already for more than century ago.
2. Are same new physics effects observed as in the case of the Searl
It is of interest to compare the system to Searl’s machine (as I understand
it in TGD framework) in order to understand what might be involved. From
the report one can deduce that all new physics effects involved with the Searl
machine are encountered also now.
a) Antigravity effect involving reduction of the inertial and gravitational
masses by Equivalence principle and manifested as a loss of inertia.
b) Classical long ranged Z 0 Coulombic force implying as the repulsive
force towards objects when the vehicle is not allowed to move.
c) Breaking of the second law of thermodynamic and the reversal of the
arrow of geometric in p-adic time scale relevant for the functioning of the
system. This is manifested as the lowering of the temperature of rp and the
generation of vacuum around the vehicle and by the disappearence of the
reflected light.
Possible mechanisms behind the control of Marcus device
The so called time mirror mechanism has become a central mechanism in
TGD inspired theory of consciousness and bio-systems and it seems that
time mirror mechanism could allow to understand also the functioning of
the Marcus vehicle.
1. Time mirror mechanism
The so called time mirror mechanism could make possible new technologies such as instantaneous remote energy utilization, instantaneous active
remote sensing, and instantaneous communications over arbitrarily long distances. Time mirror mechanism is an essential element in the models of
remote metabolism, long term memory, intentional generation of motor actions, sensory perception, and remote mental interactions. What happens
that negative energy topological light rays propagating to the direction of
the geometric past are reflected back in time direction and return as positive
energy topological light rays (photons could accompany the rays.
This apparently paradoxical sounding language makes sense since the
experienced time corresponds to a sequence of quantum jumps recreating
space-time surface again and again and the correspondence between these
times follows from quantum-classical correspondence: the contents of conscious experience in the essentially four-dimensional classical universe are
dominated by contributions, which are sharply localized with respect to
the geometric time. This creates the illusion that the classical universe
is 3-dimensional. It is essential that the field equations determining the
space-time surfaces as field analogs of Bohr orbits are not fully deterministic. Only this makes it possible for the classical dynamics to mimic the
non-deterministic quantum dynamics.
Negative energy topological light rays can induce the dropping of ions
from atomic to larger space-time sheets. The liberated zero point kinetic
energy means that the system can act as an over-unity energy source. Negative energy topological light rays, presumably having phase conjugate laser
waves as standard physics counterparts, would be accompanied by negative
energy photons and these would induce the dropping of charged particles
to larger space-time sheets without emission of photons. The experiments
of Feinberg, in particular the experiment in which a chicken was irradiated
by phase conjugate laser waves, demonstrate that the system was transparent to phase conjugate laser waves at visible lengths. Indeed, if the phase
conjugate photons have negative energies above the thermal energy, say at
energies corresponding to visible wave lengths, there is no excited atomic
system able to absorb negative energy photons inducing the return to the
ground state.
The pairs of atomic and larger space-time sheets can act as many-sheeted
population inverted lasers with frequencies which are universal constants of
nature, and defined as differences of zero point energies whose values are
predicted by the p-adic length scale hypothesis. If the intensity of the negative energy photons is above some critical value, the particles in the excited
state of the many-sheeted population inverted laser drop to the ground state
in a cascade like manner (the probability of dropping of charged particle is
proportional to the number of charged particles already present at larger
space-time sheet and thus to the intensity and duration of negative energy
topological light ray irradiation). The time reflection thus involves an amplification and negative energy photons serve only the role of controller. The
system becomes over-unity energy source making possible remote energy
In the case of Marcus device the spinning bi-filar coils would serve as
sources of negative energy topological light rays identifiable as correlates of
phase conjugate laser waves. They could be accompanied by negative energy
photons. Also negative energy scalar pulses are possible. The adiabatic
variation of the time constant of the bi-filar coil indeed generates a wide
spectrum of photons. Also bio-photons appear with a constant frequency
independent intensity over visible frequency range at least and might be
generated by a similar square wave mechanism.
In the biological applications (see the books [3, 4] topological light rays
are typically parallel to magnetic flux tubes acting effectively as wave guides.
The model of EEG leads to the idea that also negative energy magnetic
flux tubes possible. This encourages to think that magnetic flux tubes are
involved also now. In particular, negative energy magnetic flux tubes acting
as wave guides for negative energy topological light rays could be present.
2. Dropping of charges to larger space-time sheets produces large recoil
It is not plausible that the net momentum of even positive energy photons could explain the motion of the Marcus device. The reason is that the
ration pc/E = 1 of momentum and energy forpphotons is too small. For
non-relativistic particles the ratio is pc/Ekin = 2mc2 /Ekin 1. Thus the
dropping of ions to larger space-time sheets induced by the bridges formed
by the topological light rays could generate large recoil effects.
Modanese and Podkletnov have found that a radiation pulse, which does
not allow an interpretation as ordinary em radiation, is generated in the
discharge of a capacitor for which the second plate is a super-conductor
[17]. Furthermore, this radiation pulse kicks test penduli in motion at large
distances and this effect does not weaken with distance which means that
it cannot be based on the absorption of radiation. If topological light rays
serve only as a control switches making possible for the charges to leak from
atomic space-time sheets to larger ones, this kind of effect becomes possible
since the leakage causes a recoil effect kicking the test pendulum.
Thus it would seem that the negative energy topological light rays generated by the bi-filar could induce the dropping of charges at rp to larger
space-time sheets, say magnetic flux tubes of the Earth’s magnetic field or
the magnetic field generated by the system itself. This could generate a large
recoil effect in the case that the effects of different toroids do not compensate
each other and cause the motion of the device.
The model explains why the ball in the origin must be charged. It is
only charged particles which couple to electromagnetic topological light rays
and photons and thus can be driven by the transversal electric field of the
topological light ray from the atomic or some larger space-time sheets to
the magnetic flux tubes of Earth or some other space-time sheets as they
receive negative energy MEs compensating the zero point kinetic energy.
Also low frequency MEs are involved. For neutral particles the interaction with the microwave MEs generated by the large toroid (most of microwave MEs comes from the region of toroid nearest to rp) acting as bridges
between the two space-time sheets does not cause significant leakage to the
large space-time sheets.
Explanation for various observed effects
1. Effects caused by negative energy topological light rays
The presence of the negative energy photons explains the strange effects
associated with the central region.
a) Central region is found to darken and also a sudden lowering of the
temperature is detected. This could be simply due to the fact that negative
energy photons act as kind of dark light. Atoms emitting light are deexcited by the absorption of negative energy photons without any emission
so that the emission of light is reduced. The absorption of the negative
energy photons also cools the system. In the same manner as positive energy
photons heat the system, negative energy photons cool it.
b) The absence of the reflected light from central region is a further
strange phenomenon. The first explanation of the absence of reflected light is
based on the fact that reflection involves an elastic scattering of the photons
of the incoming light beam. This can be regarded as an absorption of the
incoming photon followed by re-emission. If negative energy photons are
present, the charged particle can return to the ground state by absorbing
negative energy photon instead of emitting a positive energy photon. In the
language of Feynman diagrams, the outgoing photon is a negative energy
photon received from an external source so that no positive energy photon
appears in the final state.
There is also an alternative explanation for the loss of the reflected light.
During the irradiation of rp the photons topologically condense on the spacetime sheet of rp. Because there are only few bridges which allow the photons
to escape back to the space-time sheet of the environment, the photons fail
to find the way out of rp space-time sheet. The loss of the light reflected
from rp reminds somewhat of what happens near blackholes although gravitational field has nothing to do with the phenomenon. The total ”topological
evaporation” of the system would mean that the system leaves all of its inertial and gravitational mass at the boundary of the resulting hole of the large
space-time sheet, becomes totally massless, and goes ”outside the spacetime”. Now only a ”partial” mini-blackhole is in question and the radius of
the hole is much larger than the the radius of blackhole horizon of rp so that
the classical gravitational force has nothing to do with the phenomenon.
2. Antigravity effect
In the case of the Searl machine antigravity effect results by two mechanisms.
a) The rotation of magnets leads to the twisting of the ”threads” (join
along boundaries bonds) feeding gravitational flux of the system to the
space-time sheet carrying Earth’s gravitational field. The twisting induces
the splitting of the ”threads”. In the splitting the end of the split ”thread”
associated with the coiling magnet gets negative gravitational mass. The
end associated with the space-time sheet carrying the Earth’s gravitational
field gets positive gravitational mass. The same mechanism should be at
work in the reduction of the gravitational masses of the spinning toroid.
b) Also the gravitational threads associated with the non-spinning components must be split. There are reasons to assume that phase conjugates of
microwaves accompany Searl’s machine and split the gravitational flux tubes
associated with the stationary magnet at center, which is charged like rp and
should have a similar function. The mechanism is the geometric time reversal for the generation of join along boundaries bonds and requires negative
energy MEs (”massless extremals”, topological light rays) at wavelengths
corresponding to the size of the large magnet.
In the recent case microwaves with wavelengths corresponding to the
size of rp are required. This suggests that the function of the oscillating
current inside large and small toroids is to generate negative energy MEs
(also microwave MEs) carrying phase conjugate maser beams of photons.
This process provides automatically some kinetic energy and momentum for
the large toroid so that the spinning velocity can be varied to control the
direction of motion for the system. In the case of Searl’s machine also the
ELF frequency associated with the rotation is important and also now the
spinning frequency (above 70 Hz) is expected to be significant.
If negative energy MEs are accompanied by negative energy magnetic
flux tubes acting as effective wave guides then these negative energy magnetic flux tubes could bring back part of the gravitational flux flowing along
the positive energy magnetic flux tubes to the space-time sheet carrying the
Earth’s gravitational field. This would reduce the coupling to the Earth’s
gravitational field and effective gravitational mass.
Antigravity effect is claimed to be largest at 70 Hz rotation frequency.
Hence antigravity effect might also relate to the ELF radiation possibly generated by the spinning of the toroids. The topological light rays have wavelength and (minimal size) of order Earth circumference for 7.8 Hz. These
topological light rays could be attached by join along boundaries bonds to
the flux tubes of the Earth’s magnetic field causing lowering of the effective propagation velocity of the signal down to velocity range characterizing
EEG waves. Part of the gravitational flux might be feeded to ELF rays
and delocalized in the scale of Earth. The outcome would be an effective
lowering of the gravitational mass.
One could test these ideas by looking whether the artificial elimination
of the Earth’s magnetic field combined with the irradiation of the system
using phase conjugate laser waves at wavelengths corresponding to the size
of the system might induce antigravity effects. Also ELF waves might be
3. What causes the vacuum around rp?
The first explanation for the vacuum around rp is that the absorption of
negative energy photons induces the dropping of charged particles to larger
space-time sheets so that they effectively disappear from the system.
The second explanation for the generation of vacuum is as being due
to the repulsive classical Z 0 force. All atomic nuclei are completely ionized
Z 0 ions and neutrons give the dominating contribution to the Z 0 charge
(proton’s Z 0 charge is by a factor 1/50 smaller than neutron’s Z 0 charge
and of opposite sign). Since the ratio N/A of the neutron number N =
A − Z to the mass number A does not vary much for the heavier nuclei, the
Z 0 force behaves in a reasonable approximation like a strong gravitational
force. Protons/electrons have however much smaller Z 0 charge than heavier
nuclei, and the sign of the charge is different from that of neutron/neutrino.
Therefore protons should be attracted by the rotating toroid system and
electrons repelled. Obviously this is a testable hypothesis.
One should identify the rotating Z 0 magnetic field generating a classical
Z 0 electric field EZ = v × BZ (generalized Faraday effect) having nonvanishing Z 0 vacuum charge as its source. This vacuum charge, if it has
same sign as the Z 0 charge of Earth and objects around it, implies repulsion
and strengthens the antigravity effect (of course, a real antigravity effect is
not in question).
Since all nuclei are completely ionized Z 0 ions, whose classical Z 0 field
is seen and screened (not completely) by neutrinos in length scales longer
than cell size, the spinning of the large toroid generates Z 0 magnetic field
orthogonal to the plane of the toroid. This field induces spontaneous Z 0
magnetization inside the small toroids. Since small toroids are rotating
with a velocity orthogonal to this field, Z 0 electric field which is is directed
radially from the center of the large toroid by the same mechanism as the
rotating cylindrical magnet generates a radial electromagnetic field. Manysheeted space-time concept explains the effect. The sign of the Z 0 electric
field does not depend on the direction of spinning since the field is proportional to the square of the spinning velocity. The resulting net Z 0 charge
causes the repulsive force.
The claimed ”beam field” effects could be explained in terms of the
classical Z 0 force. The condensed matter neutrinos screening the nuclear Z 0
charge of the condensed matter and thus stabilizing it, are extremely light
(mass estimates are around .1 eV). Hence neutrinos move very quickly in
the external Z 0 force and could generate temporary charge non-equilibrium
so that the screening fails locally much like electrons in conductor end up
to the surface of the conductor and generate charge non-equilibrium. The
failure of the screening could induce dramatic effects such as an explosion
of the condensed matter and molecular instability. This could explain the
claimed knocking of a hole through a thin sheet of copper by the ”beam
field”. In fact, the screening of Z 0 force by neutrinos plays a key role in
TGD based model of condensed matter and molecular chemistry. Molecules
more complex than AHn where A is an atom heavier than hydrogen and
H is hydrogen atom (hydrogen has a vanishing Z 0 charge and electron’s
and protons Z 0 charges are small) are not stable in vacuum. This has deep
implications concerning the understanding of the pre-biotic evolution.
It seems that the experimental findings of Roshchin and Godin could be
satisfactorily understood at the phenomenological level in the TGD framework. If the acceleration is indeed just a skater piruette effect induced by
the reduction of the gravitational and inertial massess, one can understand
the phenomenon also quantitatively by using only the standard conservation
laws. What remains unknown is concentrated on the value of the rotational
velocity at which the splitting of the join along boundaries bonds starts to
occur, and on what might be the mechanisms inducing this process. The
proposed model suggests the first known-to-me model of a flying saucer. An
interesting possibility is that even tornadoes might involve a reduction of
gravitational force.
A rather science fictive looking possibility is that the reduction of the
gravitational mass might occur in rotating stars (pulsars can have millisecond periods!). This does not affect the inertial and gravitational mass of
the star observed at the space-time sheet of the planetary system. It would
however make possible for the star as a structured and information containing object, the ’soul of the star’, just to move away as a feather-light object
and leave behind the inertial and gravitational masses as featureless gravitational surface charges. This could be the TGD variant for the formation
of a blackhole.
I am grateful for Alexander V. Frolov for providing me information about
the work related to New Energy Technologies carried out in Russia, in particular the article about the experiments of Roshchin and Godin.
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