AMPERE’S LAW (22.9 in text) Ampere’s law: relates magnetic field around a closed path to current through a surface bounded by that path Useful for calculating B only in case of high symmetry o Similar tool for magnetic fields that Gauss’s law is for electric fields Plan: 1st: state Ampere’s Law 2nd: explain what it means 3rd: justify by showing that it gives previous result for field around a long wire WHAT IS AMPERE’S LAW? B ds 0 I through loop around closed loop WHAT DOES THIS MEAN? Look at a closed path (any shape) around a current I At each point around path, can take scalar product of B with small segment of path ds B result: ds B d s means sum B ds for all segments around B ds ds Iout of screen/page ds B closed loop the loop Ampere’s law says that resulting sum equals 0 I where I is the TOTAL current “threading” through the closed loop. B AMPERE’S LAW: B ds 0 I through loop around closed loop True for ANY loop (called Amperian loop) around a steady current BUT: Only helpful for calculating field for special (symmetric) cases o i.e. ones for which B can be factored out of the integral Cases where Ampere’s law might be useful: o B is known constant over part of the path (by symmetry) o B parallel to ds so that B ds B ds for part of the path o B perpendicular to ds so that B ds 0 for part of the path o B 0 for part of the path Ampere’s Law says around loop for ANY loop around a given current. B ds is the same for loop 1 and Example: loop 2 2 1 I Ampere’s Law says Example: B ds 0 I B ds 0 around loop for ANY loop if no current threads it B ds 0 for this loop. Since B ds 0 for the two straight segments, this relates field at two different distances from wire I Now look at long, current-carrying wire: use loop, radius r, centred on wire No end effects so magnetic field lines must be circles centred on wire o no component parallel to wire (symmetry) B ds B ds for every segment of the loop o SO: B ds B around loop because ds B 2 r around loop ds circumference 2 r around loop Ampere’s Law says B ds 0 I around loop o SO: B 2 r 0 I 0 I B Rearrange to get previous long wire result: 2 r B ds ds Iout of screen/page ds B B TOROID – a wire wound around a ring For this case, 7 turns around ring B To find B at distance r from centre o Draw Amperian loop of radius r r I B is tangent to Amperian loop everywhere B o so: ds B ds B 2 r I Amount of current “threading” through Amperian loop is I through N turns I 7 I Ampere’s law says B ds 0 I through o SO: B 2 r 0 N turns I Result: Btoroid 0 N turns I 7 0 I 2 r 2 r o Note: field is NOT uniform inside the toroid Amperian Loop SOLENOID – Important device – wire wound into a long helix magnetic field lines run up inside solenoid and return outside I o for a real solenoid, the field is weaker at the ends – end effects o for an “infinite solenoid”, B is uniform inside and the field is zero outside I B FIELD INSIDE AN INFINITE SOLENOID (with current I ) By symmetry: field inside is uniform, field outside is zero Draw Amperian loop through side o Contains N turns in length l o B ds 0 for sides 2 and 4 ( B ds ) o B 0 on side 3 B Iin Iout So only contribution to B ds is from side 1 B ds side 1B ds Bside 1ds Bl o around 2 1 3 4 loop Current “threading” the Amperian loop of length l is NI So Ampere’s law says: Result for field inside a solenoid with n=N/L turns per unit length: Bl 0 N I B 0 n I l MAGNETISM IN MATERIALS Unpaired electrons in atoms have magnetic moments o They act as if they are spinning BUT really a relativistic effect Paramagnetism Materials with atoms having unpaired electrons o Some salts (i.e. cerous magnesium nitrate) o Alloys (PrNi5) o Oxygen o Some organometallic compounds Not magnetic in isolation but in a magnetic field, alignment of unpaired electrons slightly biased o Magnetization proportional to applied field o Magnetization inversely proportional to temperature Thermal energy randomizes spin alignment o Can be attracted into a magnetic field FERROMAGNETS Materials in which unpaired electron spins in small volumes (domains) orient spontaneously below a transition temperature (TCurie) o In absence of applied field, magnetization of domains randomly oriented no net magnetization Bapplied o In external magnetic field, domains with magnetization oriented with field grow at expense of others Material develops net magnetization o If domain walls difficult to move, sample stays magnetized when field removed Permanent magnet Examples: Fe (Tc=1043 K), Co (Tc=1388 K), Ni (Tc=627 K), etc.