Matching Networks • MNs are critical for at least two critical reasons – maximize power transfer: Pt = Pi − Pr = Pi (1− | Γin |2 ) – minimize SWR = 1+ | Γin | 1− | Γin | • Primary goal of a MN is to achieve Γin = 0 EEE 194RF_L20 1 Matching Strategy • Pick an appropriate two-element MN for which matching is possible (based on a given load impedance or S-parameter) • Find the L, C values from the ZY Smith Chart • Convert discrete values into equivalent microstriplines EEE 194RF_L20 2 Region of matching for shunt L, series C matching network EEE 194RF_L20 3 Region of matching for series C shunt L matching network EEE 194RF_L20 4 Region of matching for series L shunt C matching network EEE 194RF_L20 5 Region of matching for shunt C and series L matching network EEE 194RF_L20 6 There are two strategies A) Source impedance -> conjugate complex load impedance B) Load impedance -> conjugate complex source impedance EEE 194RF_L20 7 General 2 Element Approach EEE 194RF_L20 8 Load Impedance To Complex Conjugate Source Zs = Zs* = 50 Ω EEE 194RF_L20 9 Art of Designing Matching Networks EEE 194RF_L20 10 More Complicated Networks • Three-element Pi and T networks permit the matching of almost any load conditions • Added element has the advantage of more flexibility in the design process (fine tuning) • Provides quality factor design (see Ex. 8.4) EEE 194RF_L20 11 Quality Factor • Resonance effect has implications on design of matching network. • Loaded Quality Factor: QL = fO/BW • If we know the Quality Factor Q, then we can find BW • Estimate Q of matching network using Nodal Quality Factor Qn • At each circuit node can find Qn = |Xs|/Rs or Qn = |B P|/G P and • QL = Qn/2 true for any L-type Matching Network EEE 194RF_L20 12 Nodal Quality Factors Qn = |x|/r =2|Γi | / [(1- Γr)2 + Γi2 EEE 194RF_L20 13 Matching Network Design Using Quality Factor EEE 194RF_L20 14 T-Type Matching Networks EEE 194RF_L20 15 Pi-Type Matching Network EEE 194RF_L20 16 Microstripline Matching Network • Distributed microstip lines and lumped capacitors • less susceptible to parasitics • easy to tune • efficient PCB implementation • small size for high frequency EEE 194RF_L20 17 Microstripline Matching Design EEE 194RF_L20 18 Two Topologies for Single-Stub Tuners EEE 194RF_L20 19 Balanced Stubs • Unbalanced stubs often replaced by balanced stubs 2π lS λ −1 lSB = tan 2 tan 2π λ Open-Circuit Stub 2π lS λ −1 1 lSB = tan tan λ 2π 2 Short-Circuit Stub lS is the unbalance stub length and lSB is the balanced stub length. Balanced lengths can also be found graphically using the Smith Chart EEE 194RF_L20 20 Balanced Stub Example Balanced Stub Circuit Single Stub Smith Chart EEE 194RF_L20 21 Double Stub Tuners • Forbidden region where yD is inside g = 2 circle EEE 194RF_L20 22