"ff Inductanceand Capacitance Measurements Objectives You *ill be able to: l . SketchRC seriesand parallel equivalentcircuits for a capacitor, and write equations rela:ingthe iwo circuits. ) Sketch Rl seriesand parallel equivalentcircuits for an inductor, and write equations relatingthe two .;ircuits. 3. Explain the Q factor of an inductor and the D factor of a capacitor, and v.,ritethe equations for eachfactor. 4. Drau' circuit diagrams for the following ac bridges: simple capacitancebridge, seriesresistancecapacitancebridge, parallel-resistancocapacitancebridge, inductance comparisonbridge, Maxwell bridge, and Hay inductancebridge. 5. Erplain the operation of each of the bridges listed above, derive the equations for the quantities to be measured,and discuss the advantagesand disadvantagesof each brid-ee. 6. Sketch ac bridge circuit diagrams showing how a commercial rnultifunction impedance bridge uses a standard capacitor and three adjustable standard resistors to measurea wide rangeofcapacitancesand inductances.Explain. 7. Discussthe problemsinvolved in measuringsmall R, L, and C quantities,explain suitable measuring techniques,and calculate measuredquantities. 8. Sketch and explain the basic circuits for converting inductance and capacitance into voltages for digital measurements.Discuss the specification and performance of a digital RIC meter. 9. Draw the circuit diagram for a Q meter, explain its operation and controls, and determine the Q of acoil from the Qmeter measurements. 189 Introduction Inductancc, capacitai,ce,inductor Q factor, and capacitor D factor can all be measured precisely on ac bridges, which are adaptationsof the Wheatstonebridge. An ac supply must be used, and the null detector musi be an ac instrument.A wide range of ac bridge circuits are available for various specializedmeasurements.Some commercial ac bridges use only a standardcapacitor and three adjustablestandard resistors to construct several different types of inductanceand capacitancebridge circuits. Special techniques must be employed for measuring very small inductance and capacitance quantities. For digital measurement,inductance,capacitance,and resistance are first appiied to circuits that convert each quantity into a voltage. Capacitors and inductors that are required to operate at high frequenciesare best measuredon a Q meter. 3.1 RC AND RZ EQLIVALENT CIRCUITS Capacitor Equivalent Circuits T h e e q u i v a l e n tc i rc u i to facapaci torconsi stsofapurecapaci tance C pandaparal l el resistance Rp. as iliustrated in Figure 8-1(a). Cp representsthe actual capacitancevalue, and ftp represents.the resistanceof the dielectricor leakageresistancc.Capacitorsthat have a high leakagecurrent flowing through the dielectric have a relatively low value of Rp in their equivalent circuit. Vc,y iow teakagecurrents are representedby extremely large values of Rp. Examples of the tv,'c extremes are electrolytic capacitors that have high leakage currents (low parallel resistance), and plastic film capacitors which have very low leakage (high parallel resistance).An electrolytic capacitor might easily have several microamperesof leakage crlrrent, while a capacitor with a plastic film dielectric could typically have a resistanceas high as 100 000 MO. A parallel RC circuit has an equivalent seriesRC circuit [Figure 8-1(b)]. Either one of the tu'o equivalentcircuits (seriesor parallel) may be usedto representa capacitorin a circuit. It is found that capacitorswith a high-resistance dielectric are best representedby the seriesRC circuit, while those with a low-resistancedielectric should be represented by the parallel equivalentcircuit. However, when the capacitoris measuredin terms of the series C and R quantities, it is usually desirableto resolve them into the parallel ^, 1 'T "l (u) Parallel equivalent circuit 190 (b) Series equivalent circuit Figure 8-1 A capacitor may be represented by either a parallel equivalent circuit or a seriesequivalent circuit. The parallel equivalent circuit best represents capacitors that have a low-resistancedielectric, while the seriesequivalent circuit is most suitable for capacitors with a high-resistancedielectric. Inductanceand CapacitanceMeasurements Chap. 8 *iln equivalent circuit quantities. This is because the (parallei) leakage resistancebest represents the quality of the capacitor dielectric. Equations ihat rela; the series and parallel equivalent circuits are derived belorv. Refening to Figure g_l, the seriesimpedanceis Zr= Rr- jX, and the parallel admittance is y-=a*; I 'n- 4 * t 4 = G e + iB e where G is conductance and is susceptance. The impedances of each circuit must be ^B equal. Thus, giving or glvmg Equating the real terms, (8-1) Equating the imaginary terms, a,= ' R!^4 + X !^ (8-2) The equations aborre.can be shown to apply also to equivarent series and parallel RZ circuits, as well as RCcircuits Sec. 8-l RC and RZ Equivalent Circuits tgt. .-ffi Inductor Equivalent Circuits Inductor equivalentcircuits are illustrated in Figr"e 8-2. The :eries equivalentcircuit in Figure 8-2(a) representsan inductor as 2 pur. inductanceL" in serieswith the resistance oi its coil. Th;s seriesequivalentcircuit is normally the best way to representan inductor, becausethe actualwinding resistanceis involved and this is an importantqua:rtity.Ideally, the winding resistanceshould be as small as possible,but this dependson the thicknessand length of the wire used to wind the coil. Physically small high-valueinductors tend to have large resistancevalues,while large low-inductancecomponentsare likely to have low resistances. The parallel RL equivalentcircuit for an inductor [Figure 8-2(b)] can also be used. As in the caseof the capacitorequivalentcircuits, it is sometimesmore convenientto use a parallelRL equivalentcircuit rather than a seriescircuit. The equationsrelating the two are derivedbelorv. Referringto Figure 8-2, the seriescircuit irnpedanceis Z,= R,+ jX., and the parallelcircuit admittanceis ., f -P = I - - RP t- I " X,, Yr= Go-iB, Zr: Zp R"+JX _1 GP - jBp R.+x. = R, +iX, = glvlng t (Go+iBr\ Gp-iBp\Gr+ jBo ) Gp+ jBp Grr+q 9 A I 1I I (a) Series equivalent circuit 192 il-1-t', (b) Parallel equivalent circuit Figure 8-2 An inductor may be represented by either a parallel equivalent circuit or a seriesequivalentcircuit. The seriesequivalent circuit is normally used, but it is sometimes convenient to employ the parallel eouivalent circuit. Inductance and CapacitanceMeasurements Chap. 8 til *-- Equrting the real terms, ft,= Gp G,l+ r] 1/RP rtR] + r/x] I R;X; \ \ R:X: I RoxS (8-3) xj +n] Equatingthe imaginaryterms, Y= Bp c| + n'z, llxp R;X; \ It"-"1 1/n] + ux] \ R;X; ) (8-4) Like Equations8-1 and 8-2, Equations8-3 and 8-4 applv to both RC and RL circuits' Q Factor of an Inductor The quality of an inductor can be defined in terms of its power dissipation. An ideal inductor should have zero winding resistance,and therefore zero power dissipated in the u,inding. A /oss,]'inductor has a relatively high winding resistance;consequentlyit does dissipate some power. The quatity factor, ot Qfactor; of the inductor is the ratio of the inductir-ereactanceand resistanceat the operatingfrequency. e=\='1" R, (8-5) R" where l, and R" refer to the componentsof an Rl seriesequivalent circuit [Figure 8-2(a)]. Ideally. ol. should be very much larger than R", so that a very large Q factor is obtainedas 1000 (depende faciors for typical inductors range from a low ofless than 5 to as high on frequency). ing As discussedearlier, an inductor may be representedby either a series equivalent circuit or a parallel equivalent circuit. When the parallel equivalent circuit is employed, the Q factor can be shown to be Sec. 8-l RC and RL Equivalent Circuits 193 FE-*- .-ff| Q=&- Xp R' (8-0.1 ^Ln D Factor of a Capacitor The quality of a capacitorcan be e;pressedin terms of its power dissipation.A very pure capacitancehas a high dielectricresistance(low leakagecurrent) and virtually zero power dissipation.A /ossy capacitor,which has a relatively low resistance(high leakagecurrent), dissipatessome power. The dissipationfactor D defines the quality of the capacitor. Like the Q factor of a coil, D is simply the ratio of the component reactance(at a given frequency)to the resistancemeasurableat its terminals. In the caseof the capacitor,the resistanceinvolved in the D-factor calculationis that showu in the parallel equivalentcircuit. (This differs'from the inductor Q-factorcalculation,where the resistanceis that in the seriesequivalentcircuit.) Using the pa rallel equivalentcircuit: o=b Rp (8-7) aCrR,, Idealll', R, shouldbe very much larger than l/(.iiCo), giving a very small dissipation factor. T1'picalll', D might range from 0.1 for electrolytic capacitors to less than 10< for capacitorsu,ith a plastic film dielectric(againdependingon frequency). \\rlren a seriesequivalentcircuit is used,the equation for dissipatiorrfactor can be shown to be D= R " = coC J, x" (8-8) ComparingEquation 8-7 to 8-6.andEquation 8-8 to 8-5, it is seenthat in each case D is the inverse of Q. Example8-1 An unknos'n circuit behavesas a 0.005 pF capacitor in series with a 8 kf,) resistor when measuredat a frequency of I kHz. The terminal resistanceis measured by an ohmmeter as 134 kQ. Determine the actual circuit componentsand the method of connection. Solution x"= I 2nfC 2r.xll<*.I2x0.005 pF : 3l .8 kC) R"= 8 kO 194 Inductance and CapacitanceMeasurements Chap. 8 Equation 8-I R.r+X.r _ (8 k0)2 + (31.8kO)'? o ' .P--& - 8 kc) = 134kO Equatiott8-2, r = R : * ^, ^. = 33.8kO c,,= ' 1 2rJX, = (8kq)2+ (3r.8k0)2 31.8ko I 2rxl kH zx33.8kf) _ 0.005 u.F Since the measuredterminal resistanceis 134 kO, the circuit must consist of a 0.005 pF capacitorconnectedin parallel with a 134 kf) resistor.For a seriesconnectedcircuit, the terminal resistancewould be rnuchhigher than 134 k0. 8-2 AC BzuDGE THEORY Circuit and Balance Equations The basic circuit of an ac bridge is illustrated in Figure 8-3. This is exactly the same as the Wtreatstonebridge circuit (Figure 7-3) except that impedancesare shown instead of and an ac supply is used.The null detectormust be an ac instrumentsuch as resistances. an electronic galvanometer,headphones,or an oscilloscope. \\hen the null detector indicates zero in the circuit of Figure 8-3, the alternating volta-seacross points a and b is zero. This means (as in the Wheatstone brirfge) that the voltage acrossZ, is exactly equal to that across 22, and the voltage across 23 equals the r,oltagedrop acrossZa. Not only are the voltages equal in amplitude, they are also equal ac supply Figure 8-3 The basic ac bridge circuit is similar to the Wheatstone bridge except that impedances are involved instead ofresistances. An ac supply must be employed, and the null detector must be an ac instrument. Sec. 8-2 AC Bridge Theory 195 nI*- .-m in phase.If the voltageswere equal in amplitude but not in phase,the ac null detector would not indicatezero. Vzr = Vzz i1Z.= i2Z2 -* and V z t =V z q or iyZu= 1r7o ( l) (2) Dividing Equation I by Equation2, irZr - iz4 itZt izZ+ (8-e) giving As alreadystated,bridge balanceis obtainedonly when the voltagesat each terminal of the rrull detectorare equal in phaseas well as in magnitude.This results in Equation 8-9. u,hich involves complex quantities.In such an equation,the real parts of the quantitieson eachside must be equal, and the imaginaryparts of the quantitiesmust also be equal.Therefore,when deriving the balanceequationsfor a particularbridge, it is best to expressthe impedancesin rectangular form rather than polar form. The real quantities can then be equatedto obtain one balanceequation,and the imaginary (or7 quantities) can be equatedto arrive at the other balanceequation. The need for two balance equations arises from the fact that capacitancesand inductancesare never.pure;they must be definedas a combinationof R and C or R and I (as discussedin Section8-1). One balanceequationpermitscalculationof L or C, and the other is used for determining the R quantity. Balance Procedure As alreadyexplained,two componentadjustmentsare requiredto balancethe bridge (or obtain a minimum indication on the null detector).Theseadjustmentsare ,?o/independent of each other: one tends to affect the relative amplitudes of the voltages at each terminal ^f the null detector,and the other adjustmenthas a marked effect on the relative phase differenceof thesevoltages.For example,Za inFigure 8-3 might consistof a variable capacitor in serieswith a variable resistor,as illustratedin Figure 8-4(a). Adjustment of Ca ma1'make V7aequal in amplitude to V4 without bringing it into phase with V7j. The result is, of course, that the null detector voltage Vzt - Vz+is not zero [see Figure 8-4(b)]. Further adjustment of Co could alter the phase of VTabut will also alter its amplitude. If Ra is now adjusted, Vn - Vzomight be further reducedby bringing the voltages closer together in phase. However, this cannot be achieved without altering the amplitude of V2a, which is the voltage drop acrossRa and Ca [Figure 8-4(c)]. When the best null has been obtained by adjustment of Ra, Ca is once again adjusted.This is likely to once more make L96 Inductanceand CapacitanceMeasurements Chap. 8 qI /rt _ \v z3 r/ \ v z4l (a) Null detector voltage = (Vzz = Vzz) vzt Yz+ r: - t/ t/ r z3 (b) I'zs and V.4 equal but not in-phase -rl vzA vzs - vzt vz4 (rl Vzg and V74 in-phase but not equal in amplitude (d) Vzs and, Vyn equal and in-phase Figure 8-4 When an ac bridge is balanced, yzr must equal V^, and the two voltages must he in phase.This requires altemately adjusting two quantities (Ra and Ca in this circ))it) unt'l the smallestpossiblenull detectorindication is achieved. l/7. close toV..,in amplitude,but again has an unavoidableeffect on the phaserelationship. The procedureof alternately adjusting Ra and C4 to minimize the null detector voltage is continueduntil the smallestpossibleindication is obtained.Then, Vyais equal to VTborh in magnitudeand phase[Figure 8-4(d)r. AC Bridge Sensitivity The same considerationsthat determined the sensitivity of a Wheatstone bridge apply t<i ac bridge circuits. The.bridge sensitivity may be defined in terms of the smallest change Sec. 8-2 AC Bridge Theory t97 iR in the measuredquantity that causesthe galvanometerto deflect from zero. Bridge sensitivity can be improved by using a more sensitive null detecior and/or by increasir-rgthe level of supply voltage. The bridge sensitivity is analyzed by exactly the same method used for the Wheatstone bridge, except that impedances are involved instead of resistances. Accuracy of measurementsis also determined in the sa;tle way as Wheatstone bridge accuracy. 8-3 CAPACITANCE BRIDGES iit Simple Capacitance Bridge The circuit of a simple capacitance bridge is illustrated in Figure 8-5(a). 21 is a standard capacitorC1, and Q is the unknown capacitanceC,. 23 andZa arc known variable resistors. such as decaderesistanceboxes. When the bridge is balanced,21/23 = 7alZa (Equation 8-9) applies: z,- = :11 toCr Zz: R z z": and -il aC* Z+ = R a (a) Simple capacitancebridge (b) Potential divider substituted for R, and Ra 198 Figure 8-5 The simple capacitancebridge measuresthe unknown capacitanceC, in terms of standardcapacitor C1 and adjustable precision resistorsR3 and Ra. At balance,c,= cl3lR4. This circuit functions only with capacitors that have very high resistancedielectrics. Inductanceand CapacitanceMeasurements Chap- 8 fr -jllaCt Therefore, _ iJ!'cu n3 R4 l= I C rR z C'Rq or (8-r0) glvrng The actual resistancesof R3 and Ra zue not important if their ratio is knowno so a potential-dividerresistancebox could be usedas shown in Figure 8-5(b). Example 8-2 The standardcapacitancevalue in Figure 8-5 is Cy = 0.1 pF, and R3lRacan be set to any ratio bet\\'een100:1 and 1:100.Calculatethe rangeof measurements of unknown capacitance Q'. Solution Fnr r ation R- l O ^ r =- CBt R4 For R3/Ra= 100: I : 100 I C. = 0.1 F.Fx = l0 p.F For R3/ Ra =l : 1 0 0 : pFr C,=0.1 # = 0.001p.F The foregoing analysis of the simple capacitancebridge assumesthat the capacitors are absolutely pure, with effectively zero leakage current through the dielectric. If a resistance q,ere connected in series or in parallel with C. in Figure 8-5(a), and the rest ofthe bridge components remain as shown, balance would be virtually impossible to achieve. This is becausei1 and i2 could not be brought into phase, and consequently,i1R3 and i2R4 would not be in phase.As discussedin Section 8- 1, the equivalent circuit of a leaky capacitor is a pure capacitancein parallel with a pure resistance.Thus, the simple capacitance bridge is suitable only for measurernentof capacitors with high-resistancedielectrics. Sec. 8-3 CapacitanceBridges r99 Series-ResistanceCapacitance Bridge caDacirrnce is r';prcsented In the circuit shown in iigu;'e 3-6(a),the unkr:..'w:r as a pure capacitanceC5 in seri"s with a resirrance1.,. A standardadjustableresistanceR1 is connectedin serieswith standardcapacitorC1.The voltagedrop acrossR, balancesthe resisrrvc voltage ilrops in branch22when the bridge is balanced.The additionalresistorin series u,ith C increasesthe total resistive componentin 2., so that inconveniently small values of l(1 are not required to achievebalance.Bridge balanceis most easily achieved when each capacitivebranch has a substantialresistivecomponent.To obtain balance,R1 and either Rj or Ra are adjustedalternately.The .series-resistartce c'apacitancebridge is found to be most suitablefor capacitorswith a high-resistancedielectric (very low leakage currenl and low dissipation factor). When the bridge is balanced,Equation 8-9 apolies. Zt -Zt z3 giving R r-j l /aC r R3 z1 _ R ,-j l l aC , R. (8 - r l ) Equatingthe real termsin Equation8-11, R ,= R , R3 R" (8-r 2) glvln-s Equatingthe ima-einary termsin Equation8- 11, 1_1 roClR-1 oC,R+ (8- 13) giving The phasordiagram for the series-resistance capacitancebridge at balanceis drawn in Figure 8-6(bl. The voltage drops across23 andZ" are i1R3and i2Ro,respectively.These two volta_ees must be equal and in phasefor the bridge to be balanced.Thus, they are drawn equal and in phase in the phasor diagram. Since R3 and Ra are resistive,i1 is in phasewith ilRj and f2 is in phase with i2Ra.The impedanceof C1 is purely capacitive, and current leads voltage by 90" in a pure capacitance.Therefore, the capacitor voltage 200 Inductanceand CapacitanceMeasurements Chap. 8 - r*f (a) Circuit of series-resistancecapacitance bridge irRs = i2Rn .(b) Phasor diagram for balanced bridge Figure 8-6 The series-resistance capacitancebridge is similar to the simple capacitance bridge. except that an adjustable series resistance (R1) is included to balance the resistive component (R,) of 2". This bridge is most suitable for measuring capacitors with a highresis!ancedielectric. drop i1X6r is drawn 90" lagging ir. Similarly, the voltage drop across c" is i2X6.5,and is dran'n 90" lagging i2.The resistivevoltage drops l,R1 and i2Rsare in phasewith ir andi2, respectively. The total voltage drop across 21 is the phasor sum of i1R1 and i1X6.1,as illushated in Figure 8-6(b). Also, i2Z2 is the phasor sum of l2R" and i2Xs,. since i2z2 must be equal to and in phase with iiT, ifrt and i2R" are equal, as are i1X6 and. izXcr. Sec. 8-3 CapacitanceBridges 201 Example8-3 " .g .i*er*** '.aaaF =.aF* A series-resistancecapacitancebndge [as in Figure 8-6(a)] has a 0.4 p,F standardcapacitor for C1, and R: = 10 k(r. Baiance is achieved with a l0OHz supply frequency when Rr = 125 O and Ra = 14.7 kf,). Calculate the resistive and capacitive components of the measuredcapacitur and its dissipation factor. Solution --## -.#ipr..l| ,- aaa.#itaae . --ffi EquationS-13, C,= -# 0.1pF x 10kO t4.7 k{l + = 0.068p.F -....g - *'# ..-w Equarion 8-12, o - R,Ro -R3 125Ax M.7 kA l 0 ko = 183.8f) Equation 8-8, D = oC,R, = 2n x 100Hz x 0.068pF x 183.8C) :0.008 Parallel-Resistance Capacitance Bridge The circuit of a parallel-resistance capacitance bridge is illustrated in Figure 8-7. In this case,the unknown capacitanceis representedby its parallel equivalentcircuit; Crinparallel u'ith Ro.Z3 andZa are resistors,as before, either or both.of which may be adjustable. Q is balancedby a standardcapacitor C1 in parallel with an adjustableresistor R1. Bridge balanceis achievedby adjustmentor R1 and either R3 or Ra. The parallel-resistance capacitancebridge is found to be most suitable for capacitors with a low resistancedielectric (relativell'high leakagecurrentand high dissipationfactor). At balance,Equation 8-9 onceagainapplies: Z, -Zt Z. Z^ Also, 1l -=Zt Rr _1 j(I/aC) I =- I + jaCl Rr Ll = 202 - 1 l l R t+ j aC t InductanceandCapacitance Measurements Chap.8 wsil' dn*eho- 'rjffi " Figure 8-7 The parallel-resistancecapacitancebridge uses an adjustable resistance(Rr) connected in parallel with C1 to balancethe resistive component (R) of Zz. This bridge is most suitable for measuring capacitors with a low-resistancedielectric. 1=l* and 4 I Re jQlaCr) T^ = *JaLp Rp or 4=l l/Ro+ jaC, .: substltuttng into Equation8-9, I/(l/&+ jloCr) _ ll(llR,+ jaCo) R3 Rn 1 1 R3(l/Rr +j<oCy) R4(I/R.+ jaCo) +i<,,cr)=n+ t.t*') "(i (8-14) Equating the real terms in Equation 8-14, R :-R o Rr Sec. 8-3 CapacitanceBridges Re 203 (8-15) giving Equating the imaginary terms in Equation 8-14, <oC1R3= aCrRa (8-16) glvlng Note the similarity betweenEquations8-15 and 8-12, and betweenEquations 8-16 and 8 -1 3 . Example 8-4 A parallel-resistancecapacitancebridge (as in Figure 8-7) has a standardcapacitance value of Cr = 0. I pF and R: = l0 kO. Balanceis achievedat a supply frequency of 100 Hz when Rr = 3'75kO, R3= l0 kO, and Ra = 14.7kQ. Calculdtethe resistiveand capacitive componentsof the measuredcapacitor and its dissipation factor. Solution Equarions-16, C,=+=t##4 = 0.068pF Equarion 8-15, R'& ^ 375kC)x 14.7kQ K^= 'R ^ r0ko = 551.3kO Equation 8-7, o= | @C,R, 2r x I 00 Hz x 0.068pF x 551.3 kO = 42.5x l0-3 815 -**t" Calculate the parallel equivalent circuit for the C, and R" values determined in Example 8-3. Also determine the component values of R1 and Ra required to balance the calculated Co and Ro values in a parallel-resistancecapacitance bridge. Assume that R3 remains l0 ko. 204 Inductanceand CapacitanceMeasurements Chap. 8 *ffi ryEf.-'Et rymt ' 'ry ..,*'"-*i'llf'P Solution x"= 1 2nfC" 2n x 100Hz x 0.068pF =23.4kQ Equation 8-1, ^ "n= nl+ x? = (r83.8fi)'?+ e3.4kQ12 l83so & = 2.98MO EquationS-2, x,= R?!x? - ,4.r (183.80)2 + (23.4kQ)2 23.4kQ = 23.4k{l C o= ' I 2rrx 100H zx23.4kdl | 2rJX, :0.068 p.F Front Equation 8-16, o _ -CtRt _ 0.1 pFx l0kf) Ce 0.068 p.F rr4- = 14.7kQ From Equation 8-15, , - RtR, R4 10k.0 x 2.98MO 4.7 kA = 2.03MO The capacitor, which was determined in Example 8-3 as having a series equivalent circuit of 0.068 pF and 183.8O, was shown in Example 8-5 to have a parallel equivalent circuit of 0.068 pF and298 MO. It was also shown that to measurethe capacitor on a parallel-resistance capacitancebridge,R1 (in Figure 8-7) would have to be 2.03 MO. This is an inconvenientlylarge value for a precision adjustableresistor.So a capacitorwith a high leaka-eeresistance(low D factor) is best measuredin terms of its series RC equivalent circuit. The capacitor in Example 8-4 has a parallel RC equivalent circuit of 0.068 pF and 551.3 kO. Conversion to the series equivalent circuit would demonstrate that this capacitor is not conveniently measured as a series RC circuit. Thus, a capacitor with a low leakage resistance (high D factor) is best measured as a parallel RC equivalent circuit. Capacitors with a very high leakageresistanceshould be neasured as seriesRC circuits. Capacitors with a low leakage resistance should be measured as parallel RC cir- Sec. 8-3 CapacitanceBridges 205 :riTiffi. I :_*f*l*iiir di-{*.ftiffidifrdt|L. ,ff cuits. Capacitorsthat have neither a very high nor a very low leakage resistance are best rr,casurecas a parallerRC circuit, becausethis gives u ii...t indicatioit of the capacitor leakageresistance. 8.4 INDUCTANCE BRIDGES Inductance Comparison Bridge The circuit of the inductance comparison bridge shown in Figure g_g is similar to the series-resistancecapacitancebridge except that inductors are in*volvedinstead of capacitors' The unknown inductance'represented by its (seriesequivalentcircuit) inductance z, and R'' is measuredin terms of a precisestaniard value inductor.zr is the standardinductor' R' is a variable standardresistor to balance R,, R3 and Ra are standard resistors. Balanceof the bridge is achievedby alternatery adjustingR1 and either R3 or Ra. At barance, Equation8-9 once againapplies: *!@r...t .*klM tt Z, =t t 24 R, + jaLl R3 Rt Rj * R,+ iaL" R4 .aL, = _& a;.L, -R r R 4' R o ( 8- 17) Equatingthe real componentsin Equationg_17. R r= R" R3 R^ Figure 8-8 The inductance comparison bridge uses a standard inductor Z, together with adjustable precision resistors R1, R3 and Ro to measure an unknown inductor in terms of its series equivalent circuit Zand R-. 2M lnductance and CapacitanceMeasurements Chap. g ij*..fl glvlng (8-13) Equatingth" imaginarycomponentsin Equation8-17, aLr _ aL" R3 R4 (8-1e) gvlrrg t" "r-*" An inductor that is marked as 500 mH is to be measuredon an inductancecomparison brid-ee.The bridge usesa 100 mH standardinductor for L1, and a 5 kO standard resistor for R.. If the coil resistanceof the 500 mH inductor is measuredas 270 f,). determine the resistancesof R1 and R3(in Figure 8-8) at which balanceis likely to occur. Solution From Equation 8-19, ro\3 -- R- o L r L, -- 5kOx100mH 500 mH = 1kC ) Frotn Equation 8-18, ^ R"R" 270.f,x I kO R4 5ko = 54f) Nlaxnell Bridge Accurate pure standard capacitors are more easily constructed than standard inductors. Consequently,it is desirableto be able to measureinductancein a bridge that usesa capacitance standardrather than an inductance standard."[he Manuell bridge (also known as the Maneell-Wein bridge) is shown in Figure 8-9. In this circuit, the standardcapacitor C3 is connectedin parallel with adjustable resistor R3. R1 is again an adjustable standard resistor. and Ra may also be made adjustable. l,, and R, represent the inductor to be measured. The Maxwell bridge is found to be most suitable for measuring coils with a low Q factor (i.e., where <oZ"is not much larger than &). To determine the expression for 7a and 2,. Sec.8-4 InductanceBridses 207 Figure 8-9 The N{axrvell bridge uses a standardcapacitor C3 and three adjustable preclsion resistors to measure an unknown inductor in terms of its series equivalent circuit, Z, and R,. This bridge is most suitablefor measuringcoils with a low Q factor. 1=1_ 23 1 =l jllaQ R3 + jaC3 R3 I ' 7.- llfu+ jaC3 Zz= R,+ joL" and Substitutingfor all componentsin Equation8-9, Rr R" +"1'rol, tt(r/&+ jaQ) R4 & * rrC. R, = & R3 * j^ L , R4 (8-20) R4 Equating the real componentsin Equation 8-20, Rr : : : : "-. DD r\? or - R" t\a [-4&l* ' l (8-21) | Equating the imaginary componentsin Equation 8-20, 208 Inductance and Capacitance Measurements Chap. 8 qffi ..i-*ii#f*k-'*;sa$*r.rr.flfliiia.-I.i.iiiii!ktrii*ri*ri*'r'**idfl**ir*r*liaii-|.**r lifu tL' uC 3R ,= R4 (8-22) glvrng Example 8-7 A Maxq,ell inductancebridge usesa standardcapacitorof Cj = 0. I p,Fand operatesat a supp l y fre q u e n c y o fl 0 0H z.B al ancei sachi evedw henR=l1.26kA ,R 2= 410,f),andR o =JQ 6 f|. Calculate the inductance and resistanceof the measuredinductor, and determine its Q factor. Solutiott Equatiort8-22, L, = CzRtR+ = 0.1pF x 1.26kO x 500O = 63mH = -Eqlaf4q-q Equariott8'21, R,= - +& R. 470Q = 1.34kCl Equation8-5, Q= tL' 2t x 1ooHz T 63 mH R, 1.34kc). 0.03 Ha1-Inductance Bridge The fla-r'bridge circuit in Figure 8-10 is similar to the Maxwell bridge,except that R3 and C-r?r€ cont€cted in seriesinsteadof parallel,and the unknown inductanceis represented as a parallel l,R circuit instead of a series circuit. The balance equations are found to be exactl]' the same as those for the Maxwell bridge. It must be remembered,however, that the measuredL, and R, are a parallel equivalent circuit. The equivalent series RI, circuit can be determinedby substitutioninto Equations8-3 and 8-4. \Vtrenthe bridge in Figure 8-10 is balanced, Z, =4 Z^ Z^ Ra glvlng Rp Sec. 8-4 InductanceBridses .Ro - aLp Ra Rr I -t- (8-23) olC:Rr 209 . '{l}rl !6itl"trtffii:L ;*il Figure 8-10 The Hay bridge uses a standardcapacitor C3 and three adjustable precision resistors to measure an unknown inductor in terms of its parallel equivalent circuit, Lo and Rr. This circuit is most suitable for inductors with a high Q factor. Equatingthe real componentsin Equation8-23, &= & RP Ri (8-24) Equatin-ethe imaginary componentsin Equation8-23, R ^l aLp - oC3R1 (8-2s) giving * "n-t. A Hay bridge operating at a supply frequency of 100 Hz is balanced when the components are Cr = 0.1 FF, Rr = I.26 kO, R3 = 75 O, and R4 = 500 f,). Calculate the inductance and resistance of the measured inductor. Also, determine the Q factor of the coil. zto Inductance and CapacitanceMeasurements Chap. 8 Yfi st*Et@uattf:E*tf.*iflir;ffi .-lI Solution Equation8-25, Lp= C3Rfia = 0.1p.Fx 1.26kO x 500O = 63mH Equations-24, R"= # - 1'26k!l!5oo o = 8.4kC) Equation 8-6, o= 3-P tttLp 8.4kO 2r.xl 00H zx63mH - 11) Example 8-9 (a) (b) Calculate the series equivalent circuit for the Lp and Rp values determined in Example 8-8. Determine the component values of R1 an.i.R3 required to balance the calculated L" and R, values in the Maxwell bridge. Assume that R4 remains 500 O. Solution Xr=ZrJl-r=/11 xl 00H zx63mH (a) = 39.6O Equation 8-3, Rsc _ p-L- ' xj + R j 8.4kO x (39.6O)2 (39.6O)2+ (8.4kO)2 = 0.187O Equation 8-4, (8.4k0)2 x 39.6O R:X, ,. "'- xj+ n/ (39.6O)2+ (8.4kO)2 = 39.6O x, , L'= W= 39.6O rrtrooH, =63mH (b) From Equation 8-22, ^ l{r = - L, 63mH C tR + 0.1pFx500O = 1.26kQ Sec. 8-4 Inductance Bridees 211 ' cnFGF ?r?FBtrrFthjaEi€ifd*ri.+i$l+iitiiit*4i1"'fHl$$i$lg#${*.f*$T$ff&IffX}*Wlg!:lrg**igi tt#lli#}!i;:i::r,. ff*'*fri*t*'ii'd{*ir.in,i'+i4'i{iiF''i,$r*f,i*|iii*i.r|.tfft*?-''erffh'iffirrsg''Jill F:',LntEquatiott 8-2 l, o I\J -_ R tR o R, 1.26k{) x -ti)O sz 0.r87c) = 3.37MO Example 8-9 demonstratesthat the inductor parallel equivalentcircuit determined in Example 8-8 actually representsa coil that has an inductanceof 63 mH and a coil resistanceof 0.187 O. The seriesequivalentcircuit more correctly representsthe measurable resistanceand inductanceof a coil. Conversely,the parallel CR equivalent circuit representsthe measurabledielectric resistanceand capacitanceof a capacitormore correctly than a seriesCR equivalentcircuit. The (high) calculatedvalue of Rj in Example 8-9 shows that the low-resistance (hi-eh-Otcoil cannot be convenientlymeasuredon a Maxwell bridge. Thus, the Hay bridge is best for measurementof inductanceswith high Q. Similarly, it can be demonstratedthat the lr4axwellbridge is best for measurementof low-B inductances,and that the Ha1'bridgeis not suitedto low-B inductancemeasurerneuts. Some inductorswhich have neither very low nor very high B factorsmay easily be measuredon either type of bridge. In this case it is best to use the Maxwell circuit, becausethe inductor is then measureddirectly in terms of its (preferable)seriesequivalent circuit. 8-5 MULTIFLT{CTTON IMPEDANCE BRIDGE All but one of the capacitanceand inductancebridgesdiscussedin the precedingsections can be constructedusing a standardcapacitorand three adjustablestandardresistors.The sineleexceptionis the inductancecomparisonbridge(Figure8-8). Figure 8-11 shows the circuits of five different bridges constructedfrom the four basic components.Theseare a Wheatstonebridge, a series-resistance capacitancebridge, a parallel-resistance capacitancebridge, a Maxwell bridge, and a Hay bridge. Al1 five circuits are normalll'providedin commercialimpedancebridges.Suchinstrumentscontain the four basiccomponentsand appropriateswitchesto set the componentsinto any one of the fir'e configurations.A null detectorand internal ac and dc suppliesare also usually included. 8-6 ]\{EASURTNG StrtrA,LL C, & AND L QUANTITTES When measuringvery small quantitiesof C L, or R, the strctycapacitance,inductance, and resistanceof connectingleads can introduce considerableerrors. This is minimized by connectingthe unknown component directly to the bridge terminal or by means of very short connectingleads. Even when such precautionsare observed,there are still srnall internal L, C, and R quantitiesin all instruments.These are termed residuals, and 2r2 Inductance and Caoacitance Measurements Chao. 8 .,:f;.; *reffi:' raiiiii**i5i| .f (a) Wheatstone (d) I{a->iwellbridge (b) Seriescapacitance (c) Parallel capacitance (e) Hay bridge Figure 8-11 The standard capacitor and tiree precision resistors typically contained in a commercial impedance bridge can be connected to function as a series-resistancecapacitancebridge, a parallel-resistance capacitance,a Wheatstone bridge, a Maxwell inductance bridge, or a Hay inductance bridge. instrument manufacturers normally list the residuals on the specification. A typical imp€dancebridge has residuals of R = I x l0-3 ,f), C = 0.5 pf', andL = 0.2 pH. Obviously, these quantities can introduce serious errors if they are a substantial percentageof any measuredquantify. The errors introduced by strays and residuals can be eliminated by a substitutiott technique(seeFigure 8-12). In the caseof a capacitancemeasurement,the bridge is first balancedwith a larger caiacitor connectedin place of the small capacitorto be measured. The small capacitor is then connected in parallel with the larger capacitor, and the bridge is readjustedfor balance.The first measurementis the large capacitanceC1 plus the stray and residualcapacitanceC". So the measuredcapacitanceis C, + C". When the small capacitor C. is connected, the measured capacitanceis C, + C" + C,. C, is found by subtracting the first measurementfrom the second. A similar approach is used for measurementsof low value inductance and resistance, except that in this case the low value component must be connectedin serie.swith the larger L or R quantity. The substitution technique can also be applied to other (nonbridge) measurementmethods. Sec.8-6 MeasuringSmall C R, and,L Quantities 213 .*d r. llf, c,=f,llc. , nu, q llcn / crpaciturcc L.arge {b) $mall cag*horcrmccred in perallcl with large capacira fc mesrrrcmenl Stray capacilamc af l'cct+ nte3sUrcnrd aocurecy {c) It/t€err|rsnentgrv*s c,ficoano 4ggo Hgurt &12 Smy clplcitu*e cln serirxtrly nffecrthc aocuracyof rnnaflrsnerr of e srmll c*pacitrx. For bcs accu::ry, tlrc unknownsnnll capacior (C,) stxxH be <marcoedin pralbl with a largcr capacitrr. C. can lhen bcdrrcmincrl frofi thc rneuiurctlvalueof C,llCr. &trl "*m-tOn the bddge in Example84 u new balarce is obtainedwhen a small caprcitor (C,) is connecte{tin parallelwith the measured capacitor{,,. The new componentvaluesfor ba[alre as rtr = 369.3kO, fr3 = lO kfl, a1df' = 14.66kO. Detcrmirc tlrc vnltr of C. and ils prallel resistiveco{nponentfir. Matian c^llc;=c:'+C'= +& fi. O.l pt- x l0 kll = rJ.682rl,F t4.66k{} pF - O.{}68pf' C. = O.{I182pF - Cp= O.{1682 = 2fi) pF R-llP-= awl Rtfr{ = 36tr.3rdl x 14.66kd) ltr t0 ktrA = 541.4kO rll fr,' R, - &llR,, - l _- _- - ::- 2t4 Indurtanu: arxl Capacitancc lVlcasurcnrcn$ Chlp. ll J tlI frr- t/(f,,ll8p)- U.qp Frcm Example 84, fo =553.1kdl so ,t* r/54r.4lfl - r/5s3.rkG = 3OM{} S.7 DIGITAL I. C, AND f MNASUREMENTS Indurtance Mmsrernent lnductance and capacitance musl be first conveft€d into voltages befbrc an-ymeas$r€ment can be made by digital techniques.Figure 8-13 illustrates the bsrie mdhod. In Figure 8-13(a) an ac voltage is applied to the noninyediug inprt terminal of an operational amplifier. The input voltage is developed across resistor R1 to give a currcnt: I = VlRr. This current also flows through the inductor giving a voltage drop: Vs = IX*, If Vi = 1.592 Vrms,/- I kHz, fiq = I kf,l, and L = lt$ mH: t=L,tt, and l'592v =r.592mA I kf,l V=l{Z^rlL)=l.S9?mAx?rr x I kHzx l0OmH = I V{rmsi when L=200 mH. Vy.= ? Vi wbenL = 300 rnH, Vs= 3 V; andso or. It is seenthat the voltagedevelopedacrossL is directly proportionalto the inducdetectar[Figure 8-13(a)l is employd to resolvethe tive irnpeilance.A plwse-sensitive inductor volhge into quadratureand in-phasevoltages.Thesetwo componsntsrepresent the seriesequivalentcircuit of the measuredinductor The voltagesarefed to digital measuringcircuitsto displaythe seriesequivalentcircuit induclance1., the dissipationfac&x (D = llQl, and/orthe O factor. CapacitanceMereurrment Capacitiveimpedanceis treatedin a similar way to inductiveimpedance,exceptthaf the input voltageis developedacrossthe capacitorand the output voltage is nreasuredacross theresistor[seeFigure8-13(b)]. In this caseI = Vy'Xnand V6=/rt. With V;= 1.592Vrmg"f - I kHz, frr = I kd), and C= 0.1FF: v. =Vd2rfC) | = -rv /14 = 1.592Yx2s x I kHzx0.l pF Scc. ll-7 l)igital 1.,(', and ll Measuremenls 213 ;,iiw,}sd*il Quacirature component I/ Phase sensitive detector (1.592v 1 kIIz) 4,ffi -." f f i ''ff i s- In-phase component t t l- - a - l ^ i t l *.*er*! d - " #F*] ! # ---.* (a) Linear conversion of inductive impedance into voltage v- Phase :ensitive detector (1.592v 1 kl{z) In-phase component "r (b) Linear conversion of capacitive impedance into voltage Figure 8-13 Basic circuits for converting inuuctive and capacitive ^^,ipedancesinto voltage componenls rbr elecronic measurement. The loitages "re resolved into in-phase and quadrature compo_ nens tbr determination of the D and factors. e = l mA and V a= IR = l mA xl kO = I V (rms) v h e n C :0 .2 p ,.4Vn= 2y) w hen C = 0.3 pF, V n= 3y;and so on. The voltage developed across R is directry proportional to the capacitive imped_ ance' The phase sensitive detector [Figure 8-13(b)] resolves the resistor voltase into 216 Inductanceand CapacitanceMeasurements Chap. g ,#r *.ngfifl3 quadrature and in-phase components, which in this case are proportional to the capacitor current. The displayedcapacitancemeasurementis that of the parallel equivalent circuit (C).The dissipationfactor (It) of the capacitoris also displayed. Capacitance Measurement on Digital Multimeters Some digital multimeters have a facility for measuringcapacitance.This normallv involves charging the capacitor at a constant rate, and monitoring the time taken to arrive at a given terminal voltage. In the ramp generator digital voltmeter system in Figure 6-1, the ramp is produced by using a constant current to charge a capacitor. Figure 8-14 shows the basic method. Transistor Q1, together with resistors R,, Rr, and R3. produce the constant charging current to capacitor Cr when Q2 is off. C1 is discharged when Q2 switches on. (A similar circuit is treated in more detail in Section 9-4.) As alreaciy explained for the digital voltmeter, a ramp time (rr) of I s and a clock generatorfrequency of 1 kHz result in a count of 1000 clock pulses, which is then read as a voltage. If Vi remains fixed at 1 V the display could be read as a measureof the capacitor in the ramp generator.A I pF capacitor might produce the I s counting time, so that the display is read as 1.000 pF. A change of capacitance to 0.5 pF would give a 0.5 s counting time and a display of 0.500 p.F. Similarly, a capacitanceincreaseto 1.5 pF'would produce a 1.5 s counting time and a 1.500 pF display. In this way, the digital voltmeter is readily converted into a digital capacitance meter. (Fixed quantity) -+- V1 [-L] i*', Comparator output *ct *irrV ri F+- Counting ->i tl Cl oc k pul s es d uri ng tl c an be a measure of capacitance (a) Ramp generator circuit (b) Waveforms Figure 8-14 Basic ramp generator circuit and waveforms for a digital voltmeter. If V; is a fixed quantity, time Ir is directly proportional to capacitor C1, and the digital output can be read as a measure of the capacitance. Sec. 8-7 Digital t C and R Instruments 217 3gilb..*I ffi 8-8 DIGITAL RCL METER The digital RCL meter shown in Figure 8-i5 can measureinductance, capacitance, resistance,conductance,anddissipationfactonThedesiredfunctionisselectedbypushbutton. The range switch is normally set to the automatic (AUTO) position for convenience. However, when a number of similar measurementsare to be made, it is faster to use the appropriate range instead of the automatic range selection. The numerical value of the measurementis indicated on the 3]-digit display, and the multiplier and measuredquantity are identified by LED indicating lamps. Four (cunent and potential) terminals are provided for connection of the component to be measured.(See Section'7-4 for four-terminal resistors.) For general use each pair of current and voltage terminals are joined together at two spring clips (known as Kelvin clips) which facilitate quick connection of components. A ground terminal for guard-ringmeasurements(sec Section7-6) is provided at the rear of the instrument.The ground terminal together u,ith the other four terminals is said to give the instrumentTiveterminal measurementcapability. Bias terminals are also available at the rear of the instrument, so that a bias current can be passedthrough an inductor or a bias voltage applied to a capacitor during measurement. For R, L, C, and G, typical measurementaccuraciesap +[0.257o + (1 + 0.002 R, L, C, or G) digitsl; for D, the measurementaccuracyis +(ZVo+ 0.010). Resistancemeasurementsmay be made directly on the digital LCR instrument in Figure 8-15 over a range of 2 Q to 2 MO. Conductanceis measureddirectly over a range t lq q i[r[:: f--T-..]_ lL lc l el G lo ffi Figure 8-15 Digital impedance meter that can measure inductance, capacitance, resistance, conductance,anC Cissipationfactor. (Courtesy of Electro Scientific Industries, Inc.) 218 Inductance and CapacitanceMeasurements Chap. 8 - - *ttraFEEtnntFffi{ffi' ha'.l-iia*rf* srftnrF;ii'ir*rr.'ir*srir! -.lF of 2 pS to 20 S. Resistancesbetween2 MO and 1000 MO can be measuredas conductances,and the resistancecalculatcC:R = llG. For example,a resistanceof 10 MO is measuredas 0.100 pS. Inductance and capacitance measurementsmay be made directly over a range of 200 pH to 200 H, and 200 pF to 2000 pF, respectively.The dissipation factor D is determined by pressing and holding in the D button while the L or C button is still selected. The directly measuredinductance is the seriesequivalent circuit quantity f. The Q factor of the inductor is calculated as the reciprocal of D: ^ a L " 1 = =Q= R"D (seeSection8-1) Direct capacitancemeasurementsgive the parallelequivalentcircuit quantity Co. ln this caseD (for the parallel equivalentCR circi;it) is D= t aCoRo (seeSection8-l) \\/hen measuring lou, values of resistanceor inductance,the connecting clips should first be shortedtogetherand the residualR or L valuesnoted (as indicateddigitally). Thesevalues should then be subtractedfrom the measuredvalue of the component. When measuringlow capacitances, the connectingclips shouldfirst be placedas close together as the terminals of the component to be measured(i.e., without connecting the component). The indicated residual capacitance is noted and then subtracted from the measuredcomponentcai:acitance. Return to Figure 8-13(a) and assumethat a capacitoris connectedin place ofthe inductor. The measuredquantity is displayedas an inductanceprefixed by a negative sign on the RLC meter in Figure 8-15. The capacitiveimpedanceis equivalentto the impedanceofthe indicatedinductance: tol" = I oCr c,=-+- or a'L, For an indicatedinductanceof 100 mH, and a measuringfrequencyof I kHz, C ,= (2rrxl kH z)' x l 00mH = 0.25p.F Similarly. inductancecan be measuredas capacitancewhen it is convenientto do so. The digital RCL meter shown in Figure 8-16 displays the measuredquantity and the units of measurement.It also displays the equivalentcircuit (parallel RC, seriesRL, etc.) of the measuredquantity. ln RCL AUTO mode of operation,the dominating component is measured,and its equivalent circuir is displayed. Any one of several parameters (Q, D, R* R,, etc.) may be selectedmanually for measurement. Sec.8-8 Digital RCI Meter 2r9 xia.'i8& ffi*r* ,l * Figure 8-16 Digital RCZ merer that displays the equivalent circuit of the measured quantity,as well as the numericalvalue and the units. (@ 1991,John Fluke Mfg. co., Inc. All rights reserved.Reproducedwith permission.) 8-9 O METER Q-i\{eter Operation Inductors.capacitors,and resistorswhich have to operateat radio frequencies(RF) cannot be measuredsatisfactorilyat lower frequencies.Instead,resonancemethods are emplol'ed in which the unknown componentmay be testedat or near its normal operating frequency.The Q meter ts designedfor measuring the factor of a coil ancifor measurQ ing inductance,capacitance,and resistanceat RF. The basic circuit of a Q meter shown in Figure 8-17 consistsof a variable calibrated capacitor,a variable-frequencyac voltage source,and the coil to be investigated.Atl are connectedin series.The capaciturvoltage (V) and the source voltage (E) are monitored by voltmeters.The sourceis set to the desired:neasuringfrequency,and its voltage is adjustedto a convenientlevel. CapacitorC is adjustedto obtain resonance,as indicated C oi l terminals Signal generaror Capacitor terminals Figure 8'17 A basic B meter circuit consistsof a stableac supply,a variable capacitor,and a voltm e te r to m o n ito rthecapaci torvol tage.Whentheci rcui ti si nresonance, V c=V uand,e__V s/E . 220 Inductanceand CapacitanceMeasurements Chap. g '* r#riffi when the voltage across C is a maximum. If necessary,the source is readjusted to the desired outprrilevei .,r'henresonanceis obtained. At resonance: and V c= V t 1 = o='L also R t=E R coCR (8-26) (8-27) and Example8-11 \\'hen the circuit in Figure 8-17 is in resonance,E = 100 mV R = 5 O, and Xp = X, = 1 0 0Q. h) Calculatethe coil Q and the voltmeterindication. (b) Deterrnlne the Q factor and voltmeter indication for another coil that has R = l0 O and X1 = 100 C) at resonance. Solution 1=E= R (a) loomv =2omA sf,) Vt= l/r= I Y, = 20mA xl 00O = 2Y o - = (b) v, = E 2v l 00mV =zo For the second coil E t= A = 100mV = l 0mA 100 V1= Vr= | Nt = l 0mA xl 00O =lV o- Sec. 8-9 QMeter V, lV =lo - = E 100mV 221 {ei, rr *!'-*F '*{ffi6ffi;#*iit!;,}{"#G$k'iia':}Esl;&'6'ii'{sT*i;ltrF . . . ' + i , . r$ i 4Erffi Q Meter Controls Example 8-ll shows that wiren Q = 20 the capacitorvoltmeter indicates2 Y and when Q = l0 the voltmeter indicates I V. Clearly, the voltmeter can be calibrated to indicate the coil B directly [seeFigure 8-18(a)]. Ii the ac supply voltage in Example 8-11 is halved, the circuit current is also halved. This results in V6'and V1 becoming half of the values calculated. Thus, instead of indicating 2 Y for a Q of 20, the capacitor voltmeter would indicate only 1 V. The probIem of supply voltage stability can be avoided by always setting the signal generator voltage to the correct level or by having the signal generator output voltage precisely stabilized. However, it can sometimesbe convenient to adjust the supply to other voltage levels.If the 100 mV position on the supply voltmeter is marked as 1, and the 50 mV position is marked as 2, and so on, the supply voltmeter becomes a multiply-Q-by meter [Figure 8-18(b)]. When E is set to give a I indication, all B values measuredon the capacitor voltmeter are correct. If E is set to the 2 position, measuredQ values must be multiplied by 2. Instrumentsthat have a signal generatorwith a stabilizedoutput do not use a meter for monitoring the sourcevoltage (i.e., there is no multiply-Q-by meter). In this case.the voltagelevel of the supply is selectedby meansof a switch, and this switch becomesa Q-meterrange control. If the adjustablecapacitor in the Q meter circuit is calibrated and its capacitanceindicatedon a dial, it can be usedto measurethe coil inductance.From Equation 8-26, 'ffi I 2 (b) Supply voltmeter calibrated as a multiply-Q-by meter t a t Capacitorvoltmetercalibrated to monitor O 100 (c) Capacitance dial calibrated to indicate coil inductance Figure 8-18 With the Q-meter supply voltage (E) set to a convenient level, the capacitor voltmeter can directly indicate Q, the supply voltmeter can function as a muldplyQ- by meter, and the capacitancedial can indicate coil inductance as well as capacitance. 222 Inductance and CapacitanceMeasurements Chap. 8 *!*F"t{*$i*{&rfiffiS lrT fil tttt1t" tt -:fffitr**. ''ffi' *i*{i#*r$i*r*riasi**ii*ar{,4ril!*iiidi*Ldftrd' I I a'C Q"ffc 'flJlt Supposethatf = l.592MHz, and resonanceis obtainedwith C = 100 pF. L- I (2:nxl.592MHz)"x l00pF _ 100 p.H pH. Also, if When resonanceis obtained at the same frequency with C = 200 pF, L - 50 C = 50 pF at l.592MHz, L is calculatedas 200 pH. It is seenthat the capacitancedial can be calibratedto indicatethe coil inductancedirectly (in addition to capacitance)[Figu re 8 -1 8 (c )1 . If the capacitordial is calibratedto indicateinductancewhen/= l.592MHz, any changein/changes the inductancescale.For/= 15.92MHz and C = 100 pF, L- (2n x 15.92MHz)2x 100 pF = 1p.H With C : 200 pF and 50 pF, I becomes0.5 pH and 2 p"H, respectively.Therefore, if the frequencf is changedin multiples of 10, the inductancescalecan still be used with an appropriatemultiplying factor. As an alternative to using a fixed frequency and adjusting the capacitor, it is sometrmesconvenientto leave C fixed and adjust/to obtainresonance.In this case,the inductance scaie on ihe capacitor dial is no longer usable.However, Equation 8-26 still applies, so Z can be calculated from the C and fvalues. Residuals Residual resistanceand inductance in the Q meter circuit can be an important source of error when the signal generator voltage is not metered. If the signal generator has a sourceresistanceR6, the circuit currentat resonanceis I_ E insteadof RE+ R ,E R Also, the indicated Q factor of the coil is u= aL R r+ R insteadof the actual coll Q, which is Q= aL R Obviously, R6 must be much smaller than the resistanceof any coil to be investigated. Similarlv. residual inductance must be held to a minimum to avoid measurementerrors. Sec.8-9 QMeter 223 ffir In a practicalQmeter, the outputresistance of the signalgeneratoris around0.02 O, and the residualinductancen'"y typicallyb:0.015 pH Commercial QMeter -# .**&.,@ --r#rff .#*.ia ..geF .# The Q meter shown in Figure 8- l9 has a meter for indicating circuit Q and a Q LIMIT (rangel switch. A frequencydial with a window is included,and controls are provided for frequencyrangeselectionand for continuousadjustmentof frequency.The L/C dial indicatesthe circuit Z and C and is adjustedby the seriescapacitorcontrol identified as UC. The -\C control (alongsidethe L/C control) providesfine adjustmentof the seriescapacitor. Its dial indicatesthe capacitanceas a plus (+) or minus (-) quantity.The total resonating capacitanceis the sum or differenceof that indicatedon the two capacitancedials. -\Q ZERO COARSE and FINE controlsare situatedto the right of the Q indicating meter. Theseare usedto measurethe differencein O betweentwo or more coils that have close11,equalQ factors. \leasuring Procedures \Iediunr-range inductance measurement(direct connection). Coils with inductancesof up to about 100 mH can be connecteddirectly to the inductanceterminals. as explained earlier. The signal generatoris set to the desired frequency,and its output level is adjusted to a convenient Q-foctor range. With the AC capacitor -qive dial set to zero, the B capacitorcontrol is adjustedto give maximum deflection on the Q metei. Thc Q factor of the coil is now read directly fiom the meter. The coil inductance mav also b: read from the C/L dial if the signal generatoris set to a specified frequencr'.When some oih"r frequency is employed, the inductancecan be calculated from.f and C (Equation 8-25). With the coll Q and L known, its resistancecan also be calcuiated. Figure 8-19 HP4342A O meter has a deflection meter for indicaring Q, a frequency dial. and an UC dial. (Courtesvof Hewlett-Packard.) Inductanceand CapacitanceMeasurements Chap. 8 i "'fEFJt Tffi.- :Hrlr@F.fi.r".Jr.t," '{flJ} Example8-12 With the sigi,-l generatorfrequency of a Q meter set to 1.25 MHz, the Q of a coil is measuredas 98 when C = 147 pF. Determinethe coil inductanceand resistance. Solution From Equation 8-26, tt =-^ L= ^ (2nfi"C a'C (2r x 1.25MHz)2x 147pF = l l 0pH and u^aL= - K 2r x 1.25MHz x I l0 pH 2r.fL - o98 = 8.8f) High-impedance measurements (parallel connection). Inductan:es greater than 100 mH, capacitancessmallcr than 400 pF, and high-valueresistancesare best measuredbv connectingthem in parallelwith the capacitorterminals. For measurementof parallei-connectedinductance (lp), the circuit is first resonated using a referenceinductor (or work coil).The values of C and Q are recorded as Cl and Qr Lp is nou' connected,and the circuit is readjustedfor resonanceto obtain C2 and Q2. The parametersof the unknown inductance are now determined from the following equations: ,' O: | a-(C2 - C1) QtQz(C z- C ) C { Qz- Q) (8-28) (8-2e) To measure a parallel-connected capacitance (Cp), the circuit is first resonated using a referenceinductor, as before. The values of C1 and Q1 are noted. Then the capacitor is connected.Resonanceis again found by adjustingthe resonatingcapacitorto give a value C2. Normally, the circuit Q is not affected. The unknown capacitanceis Sec.8-9 QMeter 225 i*Fe*I'.i-nFi+rj'."{ii{,*.+ ffiis B*o"Y,:t r*.r .ry (8-30) Large-valueresistors(Rp) connectedin parallel with the,iesouatlng capacitoralter the circuit p, but no capacitanceadjrlstmentis necessary(unlessRp also has capacitance or inductance). Once again, the circuit is first resonated using a reference inductor. Then Rp is connected,and the changein Q factor (AQ) is measured.The unknown resistanceis calculated from .-* d /R -? I I .l # ..* d '..'.ff *<* Small values of resisLow-impedance measurements (series connection). tance, small inductors,and large capacitorscan be measuredby placing them in series with the referenceinductor. The componentto be measuredis connectedbetween the LO terminal of the Q meter and the low potential terminal of the reference inductor. The other end of the reference inductor is connected to the HI terminal of the B meter. Initially. a low-resistanceshorting strap is connectedto short-out the unknown component. The circuit is now tuned for resonance(using an internal coil), and the values of Q1 and C1 are noted. The shorting strap is removed, and the circuit is retuned for resonance. When a pure resistanceis involved, circuit resonanceshould not be affected by removal of the shortingstrap.However,the circuit Q should be reduced.The changeto Q2 is measuredas AQ. The series-connected resistanceis now calculatedas p"= --49- (8-32) <ttCrQrQz A small series-connectedinductance (1") affects both the Q factor and the circuit resonance.The circuit is initially resonatedwith L" shorted,and the capacitorvalue (C1) is noted.The shortingstrap is removed,and the capacitoris readjustedfor resonanceand its neu' r'alue(C) is recorded.The inductanceis now calculatedas (8-33) With a large series-connectedcapacitor (Cs), the circuit is first resonated with a shorting strap acrossthe capacitor terminals. The strap is removed, and the circuit capacitor is readjustedfor resonance.In this case, the Q of the circuit should be largely unaffected. The series-connectedcapacitanceis (8-34) 226 Inductanceand CapacitanceMeasurements Chap. 8 i**i5 rytfltr*. :rfiii*{idti*lt R E V TE i V *it6i*fiiriis! QU B S TTON S 8-1 SketchRC seriesand parallelequivalentcircuits for a capacitor.Discussile capacitor typesbestrepresentedby eachcil'^,-rit. 8-2 Derive equationsfor converting a seriesRC circuit i:rto its equivalentparallel circuit. 8-3 SketchRL seriesand parallel equivalentcircuits for an inductor. Explain which of the two equivalentcircuits bestrepresentsan inductor. 8-4 Derive equationsfor converting a parallel Rl circuit into its equivalentseriescircuit. 8-5 Define the O factor of an inductor. Write the equationsfor inductor Q factor with Rl seriesand parallelequivalentcircuits. 8-6 Define the D factor of a capacitor.Write the equationsfor capacitorD factor with RC seriesand parallelequivalentcircuits. 8-7 Sketch the basic circuit for an ac bridge and explain its operation-Discussthe adjustment procedurefor obtainingbridge balance,and derive the balanceequations. 8-8 Drar'.'the circuit diagrarnof a simple capacitancebridge. Derive the balanceequation. and discussthe limitations of the bridge. 8-9 Sketch the circuit diagram of a series-resistance capacitancebridge. Derive the equationsfor the measuredcapacitanceand its resistivecomponent. 8-10 Dra*'the phasordiagram for a series-resistance capacitancebridge at balance.Explain. 8-11 Sketch thc circuit diagram of a parallel-resistance capacitancebridge. Derive the equationsfor the measuredcapacitanceand its resistive component.Discuss the different applicationsof seriesRC and parallelRC bridges. 8-12 Sketch the circuit diagram of an inductancecomparisorrbridge. Derive the equations fcr the resistiveand inductivecomponentsof the measuredinductor. 8-13 Sketchthe circuit diagram of a Maxwell bridge. Derive the equationsfor the resistile and inductivecomponentsof the measuredinductor. 8-14 Sketchthe circuit dia-eramof a Hay inductancebridge.Derive the equationsfor the resistii'eand inductive componentsof the measuredinductor. Discuss the various applicationsof the Maxwell and Hay bridges. 8-15 Sketchac bridge circuit diagramsshowing how a standardcapacitorand three adjustable standardresistorsmay be used to measurccapacitanceas a seriesRC circuit. capacitanceas a parallel RC circuit, inductanceas a seriesRL circuit, and inductanceas a parallelRL circuit. 8-16 Discussthe problemsinvolved in measuringsmall C R, and L quantities,and explain suitablemeasuringtechniques. 8-17 Sketch the basic circuits for converting inductanceand capacitanceinto voltages for digital measurements. Explain the operationof eachcircuit. 8-18 Draw a circuit and waveformsto show how capacitancecan be measuredon a digital multimeter.Exolain. Revieu'Questions 227 tIt^t r;li ]Tie*rorl@*ili:$.lf€f{llEffi-,ffffffq:.43-rii""drr€!{!frE€Edf,lFFtfF!st?n+';"i4*i{tt+:1 r;r:;}':;c1""':::i" ;ar !.r ,cnInl 8-19 Draw the basic circuit diagram for 2 Q mcter, explain its operation,and write the equation for Q factor. 8-20 Draw a practical Q-meter circuit, and discussthe various control si rrvolvedin Q meterneasurements. 8-21 Discussthe various methodsof connectingcompcnentsto a Q meter for measurement. Explain briefly. P R OB LE MS 8-1 A circuit behavesas a 0.01 p"F capacitorin serieswith a 15 kf,) resistancewhen measuredat a frequencyof I kHz. If the terminal resistanceis measuredas 3l .l kQ. determinethe circuit componentsand the connectionmethod. 8-2 When measuredat a frequencyof 100 kHz, an unknown circuit behavesas a 1000 pF capacitor anii a 1.8 kf) resistorconnectedin series.The terminal resistanceis measuredas greaterthan 10 Mf,). Determinethe actualcircuit componentsand the connectionmethod. 8-3 A sirnple capacitancebridge, as in Figure 8-5, usesa 0. I pF standardcapacitorand nvo standardresistorseachof which is adjustablefrom I k0 to 200 k0. Determine the minimum and maximum capacitancevaluesthat can be measuredon the bridge. 8-4 A series-resistance capacitancebridge, as in Figure 8-6, has a I kHz supply frequency.The bridge componentsat balance are C, = 0. 1 pF, Rr = 109.5 O, R. = 1 kQ. and R+ = 2.I k0. Calculatethe resistiveand capacitivecomponentsof the measuredcapacitor,and determinethe capacitordissipationfactor. 8-5 A parallel-resistance c;rpacitance bridge (Figure 8-7) usesa 0.1 pF capacitorfor C', and the supply frequencyis I kI{2. At balance,Rt = 541 f,), R, = I kC), and R, = 666 Q. Determinethe parallel RC componentsof the measuredcapacitor,and calculatethe capacitordissipationfactor. 8-6 Calculate the parallel equivalentcircuit components(C, and Ro) for the measured capacitorin Problem 8-4. Also, determinethe values of R1 and Ra required to balanceC, and Ro when the bridge is operatedas a parallel-resistance capacitorbridge. Assumethat R3remains I kO. 8-7 An inductancecomparisonbridge (Figure 8-8) has Zr = 100 pH and R+ = 10 k,f). \\/hen measuringan unknown inductance,null is detectedwith R' = 3-7.1O and R: = 2l .93 k0. The supply frequencyis 1 MHz. Calculatethe measuredinductance and its resistivecomponent.Also, determinethe Q factor of the inductor. 8-8 An inductor with a marked value of 100 mH and a Q of 2l at I kHz is to be measuredon a Maxwell bridge (Figure 8-9). The bridge usesa 0.1 pF standardcapacitor and a I kO standardresistorfor R1. Calculatethe resistancevaluesof Rj and Ra at which balanceis likely to be achieved. 8-9 A Maxu'ell bridge with a l0 kHz supply frequencyhas a 0. I pF standardcapacitor and a 100 O standardresistorfor R1. ResistorsR3 and Ra can eachbe adjustedfrom 100 0 to I kO. Calculatethe range of inductancesand Qfactors that can be measuredon the bridge. 228 Inductance and Capacitance Measurements Chap. 8 " iit, r**emffir . ..# 8-10 A Hay bridge (Figure 8-10) with a 500 Hz supply frequency has C3 = 0.5 F.F and R+ = 900 O. If balance is achieved when R1 = 466 O and R3 = 46.1 A, calculate the inductance,resistance, and Q factor of the measuredinductor. 8-11 Calculate the seriesequivalent circuit componentsL" and R" for the Lo and Ro quantities determined in Problem 8-10. Also, determine the resistancesof R1 and R3 required to balance Z, and R, when the circuit components are connected as a Maxwell bridge. Assume that R4 and C3 remain 900 O and 0.5 pB respectively. 8-12 The Q-meter circuit in Figure 8-17 is in resonancewhen E = 200 mV R = 3 ,C),and Xt= Xc = 95 C).Calculate the coil B and the voltmeter indication. 8-13 The voltmeter in the Q-meter circuit in Figure 8-17 indicates5 V when a coil is in resonance.If the coil has R = 3.3 f,) and X, = 66 O at resonance,calculatethe coil Q and rhe supply voltage. Problems 229