EE 205 Coifman Node voltages: vA vB vC Notation + vA + vB + vC - - Interpretation 6-1 EE 205 Coifman If the Kth two-terminal element is connected between nodes X and Y, then the element voltage can be expressed in terms of the two node voltages as vk=vx-vy where X is the node connected to the positive reference for element voltage vk vA vB + v1 - Case A vA + vB v1 Case B 6-2 - EE 205 Coifman Node Voltage Method 1) select a reference node for ground, assign a node voltage to all other nodes and a current through every element. 2) write node equations via KCL 3) element equations (using conductance) 4) combine steps 2 & 3 to eliminate (non-source) element currents. In the process, reorder node equations to put all dependent values on LHS and independent values on RHS 5) solve for node voltages using linear algebra (you should know how to do this, see appendix B for a refresher) 6-3 EE 205 Coifman Did somebody say example? vA i 2 i0 iS R2 vB i1 i3 R1 R3 6-4 EE 205 Coifman Making things quicker... Replace steps 2-4 with modified step 2: vX•(sum of all conductances entering node X) Σ(conductance i entering node X)•vi + other currents = 0 where vi is the node voltage on the opposite side of the i-th resistor entering node X 6-5 EE 205 Coifman Oh what I’d give for an example... vA 2 kΩ vB + i S1 1 kΩ i S2 500 Ω vO - 6-6 EE 205 Coifman But what about voltage sources? method 1: convert to current source method 2: set ground at one end of voltage source. Now vA≡vS may not be able to do this for all voltage sources in a circuit method 3: Super node: apply KCL to region and note that vA-vB=vS vA vA Rest RS vC of the + - vS Rest vS RS of the RS circuit circuit vB vB Method 1 Supernode vA vA Rest + - Rest + - of the vS vB of the vS circuit circuit vB Method 2 Method 3 6-7 EE 205 Coifman R1 vS1 + - R2 + vO R3 - 6-8 + - vS2 EE 205 Coifman + vS1 vA i2 i3 vB R2 i1 R1 R3 + - vS2 i4 R4 D 6-9 vC + vO -