F-03 Guide to Completing Connection Preliminary Enquiry Form NECF-01 When to use this form If you have a specific enquiry related to: • establishing a new connection to the Ausgrid netw ork, or • modifying an existing connection to the Ausgrid netw ork, or • relocating existing Ausgrid electrical netw ork assets, and our Connecting to the Netw ork section of the w ebsite has not answ ered your question, then use this form to help us respond to your enquiry. How to subm it this form to Ausgrid Sydney, Central Coast and Hunter (02) 4399 8007 Fax: 1300 662 089 Fax (local call): datanorth@ausgrid.com.au Em ail: Upper Hunter only (02) 6542 9037 Fax: datamusw ellbrook@ausgrid.com.au Em ail: A preliminary enquiry is also required for some larger connections. You should refer to the NECF-01 Form Guide if you are intending to register or require an exemption in accordance w ith the National Electricity Rules, to ensure you include the appropriate information. For all other Ausgrid enquiries call us on 13 15 35 or go to Ausgrid Contact Us (http://w w w .ausgrid.com.au/Common/About-us/Contact-us) on the Ausgrid w ebsite A charge of $230.28 per hour (GST incl.) applies for provision of initial advice, refer to the NECF-01 Form Guide for further details Fields marked with an * are mandatory This form may be used for any new or altered connection preliminary enquiry or if you are considering requesting Ausgrid to relocate its existing electricity network assets. Why complete this form? The form is optional for most retail customers and provides a mechanism for you to receive written advice from Ausgrid in relation to your questions. If you are an existing customer and your question relates to Ausgrid services, property issues or other network related business we recommend you use the other enquiry options available on our website or via the telephone. This form is specifically for enquiries relating to the relocation of Ausgrid’s existing electricity network assets, or new or altered load connections, or embedded generator connections, to Ausgrid’s network. If you intend to participate in the National Electricity Market or you require an exemption in accordance with the National Electricity Rules, filling in this form is essential for the efficient processing of any subsequent connection application. If this applies to you then Ausgrid will need you to attach additional information as set out below. The Preliminary Enquiry Service is charged at $230.28 per hour (GST inclusive). It provides prospective connection applicants with specific information and advice in relation to the connection process and requirements associated with establishing a new or altered connection or a relocation of existing network assets. This service is for initial advice and excludes more detailed investigations/advice, which may subsequently be required from Strategic Planning Studies and Analysis and Process Facilitation. This service includes an initial site inspection (as required) and preparation of a written response addressing the issue(s) queried by the applicant. It may also include an initial customer meeting where requested. Enquiries where the enquirer is only seeking information that can be answered by referring to the correct part of the website would not be charged. However, more involved responses, where the cost to serve is more appropriately borne by the applicant would be charged at the relevant fee above. Guide to Completing Connection Preliminary Enquiry Form NECF-01 | Page 2 ALL the fields marked with an * must be correctly completed or we may not be able to respond appropriately. PART A: PREMISES AND DEVELOPMENT DETAILS (page 1 of the form), should be completed for all enquiries. In addition, PART B: EG 5MW OR GREATER DETAILS (page 2 of the form), should also be completed if the enquiry relates to an Embedded Generator (EG) that is 5MW or greater. PART A: PREMISES AND DEVELOPMENT DETAILS 1. About you - the enquirer Title, first name, last name * Phone number * (and/or) Postal address * Mobile phone number * Email address * Fax number Section 1 asks for some basic personal information so that we can respond to your enquiry. We require details for at least one means of response whether that is phone, post or email. 2. Type of Enquiry (select one or more) * Related to the relocation of Ausgrid's electricity netw ork assets Refer to the NECF-01 Form Guide for the additional Related to a new or altered load connection - less than 10MVA - 10MVA or greater information requirements. Related to an Embedded Generator (EG) connection - less than 5MW - 5MW or greater Complete Part B of Form if EG is 5MW or greater Section 2 will assist us to process your enquiry efficiently. The capacity figures referred to are for large connections and generators. A typical residential customer and most industrial and commercial customers, are connected at low voltage and measure installation capacity in kVA (1000 kVA equals 1MVA), so you would select the first column load and/or generator box as applicable. If your load is 10MVA or greater, then Ausgrid will need to consider the most appropriate voltage for your connection, If you are a market participant or intending market participant (ie you wish to trade in the wholesale electricity market) please refer to the AEMO website (www.aemo.com.au/Electricity/Registration) for additional information about the registration process. Ausgrid will require proof of your application and status when processing your enquiry or connection request, For generators, AEMO currently exempts generators below 5MW from the need to register. Generators 5MW or above may still obtain exemption on application, provided they meet particular conditions. If you propose to connect a generator in this range please refer to the AEMO website (www.aemo.com.au/Electricity/Registration) for additional information about the exemption or registration processes. Ausgrid will require proof of your application and status when processing your enquiry or connection request. Page 2 of 4 Guide to Completing Connection Preliminary Enquiry Form NECF-01 | Page 3 3. Premises details and location diagram NMI Meter number Floor number Unit number Street number or RMB * Lot number * DP number * or Street name * Suburb * Post code * Nearest cross street Diagram * P lease draw a lo catio n diagram o f the pro po sed relo catio n o r co nnectio n wo rks o r EG to be co nnected, using the fo llo wing symbo ls as needed Symbo ls Section 3 asks for location details for your enquiry. If you are seeking information about multiple sites we suggest you nominate your first preference on the form and attach details for additional sites. 4. Your question(s)? Include comments or attach additional information as specified in the NECF-01 Form Guide * Section 4 is where you explain what information you are seeking from Ausgrid. The more detail you can provide about your situation the easier it will be for Ausgrid to respond. If your enquiry is related to embedded generation of 5MW or greater, please provide a qualitative description and objectives of the project in this section. You are also required to indicate in this section if you are seeking for a Preliminary Enquiry response or a Detailed Enquiry response. If you have any additional information you wish to provide, please also include it in this section. Page 3 of 4 Guide to Completing Connection Preliminary Enquiry Form NECF-01 | Page 4 PART B: EG 5MW OR GREATER DETAILS (only complete Part B if your enquiry relates to an EG 5MW or greater) 5. Information to be provided with Preliminary Enquiry (a) Type of plant – (eg. gas turbine generating unit; rolling mill, etc.) (b) Pref erred site location – ('as above' only or listing any alternatives in order of pref erence as w ell) (c) Maximum pow er generation or demand of w hole plant – (maximum MW and/or MVA, or average over 15 minutes or similar) (d) Expected energy production or consumption (MWh per month), or daily load prof ile (e) Plant type and conf iguration – (eg. number and type of generating units or number of separate production lines) (f ) Nature of any disturbing load (size of disturbing component MW/MVAr, duty cycle, nature of pow er electronic plant, w hich may produce harmonic distortion) (g) Technology of proposed generating unit (e.g. synchronous generating unit, induction generator, photovoltaic array, etc.) (h) When plant is to be in service – (eg. estimated date f or each generating unit) (i) Name and address of the party f or w hom the enquirer is acting, (if applicable) (j) Other inf ormation, such as capacity and timing of pow er required during construction or any other auxiliary pow er requirements, energy storage details, or registration or exemption application and/or AEMO response PART B Section 5 must be completed in addition to PART A, for all enquiries relating to an Embedded Generator 5MW or greater. Ausgrid encourage you to provide the information listed on the form where it applies to your situation. If you are a market participant or an intending market participant, providing this information will assist you to meet the formal preliminary enquiry requirements under the National Electricity Rules. Failure to provide all of the required information may delay your connection application. Page 4 of 4