Unit 3: Systems Lesson 1: Core Technologies Lesson Snapshot Big Idea: Every system and product is made up of one or more of the nine core technologies: bio-, electrical, electronic, fluid, material, mechanical, optical, structural, and thermal technology. Teacher’s Note: Big ideas should be made explicit to students by writing them on the board and/or reading them aloud. For deeper understanding, have students write the Big Idea in their own Engineering Design Journal (EDJ), using their own words, if they choose. Purpose of Lesson: Unit 3, Lesson 1 clarifies the nine core technologies and their relationship within larger systems and products. Lesson Duration: Eight (8) hours. Activity Highlights Engagement: Students access prior knowledge to identify subsystems for a video of a Rube Goldberg device, although the term Rube Goldberg is not yet introduced (see video suggestions in the Unit Resource Materials). Exploration: Students further explore systems and subsystems by making intuitive attempts to categorize subsystems identified in the Engagement activity into the nine core technologies and describe how each subsystem relates to other core technologies (File 3.1.1). If a core technology is not found (e.g., optical, thermal), students brainstorm what could be added or improved to incorporate that core technology. Explanation: The teacher delivers a presentation on the core technologies (Presentation 3.1.1). Students write the definitions of the nine core technologies in their EDJs or on a study sheet (File 3.1.2). The teacher leads a discussion on whether student groups correctly categorized the subsystems in the Exploration activity and on additional subsystems they added. The presentation emphasizes the satire of making something very easy very complex, which is done for entertainment, introducing the term Rube Goldberg. Extension: Students apply the core technologies to a given design problem through the Rube Goldberg Activity Design Brief (File 3.1.3). The device must include a minimum of five of the nine core technologies (not including structural or material) and complete a simple operation of popping a balloon. Because students have not covered the Engineering Design process, time is needed for further research on examples of the core technologies during the design of the device. Evaluation: Student knowledge, skills, and attitudes are assessed using brief constructed response items and performance rubrics for class participation, discussion, and design briefs. ©2012 International Technology and Engineering Educators Association Foundations of Technology, Third Edition/ Technology, Engineering, and Design Unit 3: Systems Lesson 1: Core Technologies Lesson Overview Lesson Duration Eight (8) hours. Standards/Benchmarks Technology: Standards for Technological Literacy (STL) (ITEA/ITEEA, 2000/2002/2007) STL 2 X Understanding the core concepts of technology Systems, which are the building blocks of technology, are embedded within larger technological, social, and environmental systems. Science: Benchmarks for Science Literacy (AAAS, 1993/2009)1 The Nature of Science Design and Systems ● Almost all control systems have inputs, outputs, and feedback. 3B/M3a The Nature of Technology Issues in Technology • Scientific laws, engineering principles, properties of materials, and construction techniques must be taken into account in designing engineering solutions to problems. 3C/M8** (BSL) Common Themes Systems • Understanding how things work and designing solutions to problems of almost any kind can be facilitated by systems analysis. In defining a system, it is important to specify its boundaries and subsystems, indicate its relation to other systems, and identify what its input and output are expected to be. 11A/H2 Mathematics: Principles and Standards for School Mathematics (NCTM, 2000)2 Algebra Standard (NCTM, 9-12) ● Write equivalent forms of equations, inequalities, and systems of equations and solve them with fluency—mentally or with paper and pencil in simple cases and using technology in all cases. (Algebra-5K) 1 Material reprinted from Benchmarks for Science Literacy (AAAS, 1993/2009) with permission from Project 2061, on behalf of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, Washington, DC. 2 Standards are listed with the permission of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM). NCTM does not endorse the content or the validity of these alignments. ©2012 International Technology and Engineering Educators Association Foundations of Technology, Third Edition/ Technology, Engineering, and Design Learning Objectives Students will learn to: 1. Explain that systems, which are the building blocks of technology, are embedded within larger technological, social, and environmental systems. 2. Use systems in the design and development of technology. 3. Differentiate between larger technological, social, or environmental systems from smaller components and subsystems. 4. Identify the various systems embedded within the larger system (technological, social, or environmental), using the language of the core technologies. 5. Calculate algebraic equations representing scientific principles related to a design challenge to refine a solution to the problem. 6. Contribute to a group endeavor by offering useful ideas, supporting the efforts of others, and focusing on the task. 7. Work safely and accurately with a variety of tools, machines, and materials. 8. Actively participate in group discussions, ideation exercises, and debates. Resource Materials Audiovisual Materials DeLeon. (n.d.). The 9 core technologies (PPT slides). Technology Education Website 2.0, Retrieved from http://www.mrdeleon.com/newtech/?page_id=7 authorSTREAM. (n.d.). The nine core technologies (PPT slides). Retrieved from http://www.authorstream.com/Presentation/Nellwyn-65023-1250500-Nine-CoreTechnologies-Technology-Bio-Electrical-Electronics-the-nin-Education-pptpowerpoint/ TeacherTube. (n.d.). Honda commerical with Rube Goldberg (video clip). Retrieved from http://www1.teachertube.com/viewVideo.php?video_id=15955 NASA. (n.d.). How many NASA employees does it take to light a bulb? (video clip). Retrieved from http://www.nasa.gov/centers/langley/news/researchernews/rn_rubegoldberg_prt.ht m Print Materials Baltimore County Public Schools. (n.d.). The 9 core technologies. Baltimore, MD, Retrieved from http://teachers.bcps.org/teachers_sec/bkopp2/files/F22671CFEFA54C28BC17D0DB9 A7474B8.pdf Internet Search Terms and Suggested Sites • Rube Goldberg Video DeLeon. (n.d.). The 9 core technologies, Technology Education Website 2.0. Retrieved from http://www.mrdeleon.com/newtech/?page_id=7 Montgomery County, MD. (n.d.). The 9 core technologies. Retrieved from http://www.montgomeryschoolsmd.org/schools/wjhs/mediactr/techedpathfinder /coretech/9core.html Required Knowledge and/or Skills Students should be able to search for information on the Internet and know how to use word-processing and presentation software. ©2012 International Technology and Engineering Educators Association Foundations of Technology, Third Edition/ Technology, Engineering, and Design Unit 3: Systems Lesson 1: Core Technologies 5-E Lesson Plan Day 1 Engagement The students: • View a video of a Rube Goldberg-type device, although the term Rube Goldberg is not yet introduced (teachers can consult suggestions in the Unit Resource materials). • Identify the following in their Engineering Design Journals (EDJs): o The problem that the technological device solves. o Subsystems represented in the video that work together to solve a problem and extend human capabilities (students draw upon prior knowledge). Day 1 Exploration The students, working in small groups (teachers use equitable grouping strategy): • Sort the subsystems identified in the Engagement video into the categories of the nine core technologies (File 3.1.1) and create a graphic depicting the relationship between the core technologies within the larger system. • Propose how any core technology not represented in the Engagement video might have been added to the example (File 3.1.1). Day 2 Explanation The teacher delivers a presentation (Presentation 3.1.1) encouraging students to engage in discussion as they contribute their experiences from the Engagement and Exploration activities along with any prior knowledge they may have about the subject. Students take notes in their Engineering Design Journals or structured notes sheet (File 3.1.2) and provide an additional application for each core technology. During the presentation, the teacher: 1. Explains that core technologies are the building blocks of all technology systems. 2. Explains that core technologies become parts of subsystems, and subsystems become parts of other systems. 3. Relates subsystems to the Rube Goldberg example, including a definition and description of Rube Goldberg devices. 4. Defines core technologies and provides examples of applications. o o o Mechanical Technology—the technology of putting together mechanical parts to produce, control, and transmit motion. Structural Technology—the technology of putting mechanical parts and materials together to create supports containers, shelters, connectors, and functional shapes. Electrical Technology—the technology of producing, storing, controlling, transmitting, and getting work from electrical energy. ©2012 International Technology and Engineering Educators Association Foundations of Technology, Third Edition/ Technology, Engineering, and Design Electronic Technology—the technology of using small amounts of electricity for controlling; detecting; and information collecting, storing, retrieving, processing, and communicating. o Fluid Technology—The technology of using fluid, either gaseous (pneumatics) or liquid (hydraulic), to apply force or to transport. o Optical Technology—The technology of producing light; using light for information collecting, storing, retrieving, processing, and communicating; and using light to do work. o Thermal Technology—The technology of producing, storing, controlling, transmitting, and getting work from heat energy. o Biotechnology—The technology of using, adapting, and altering organisms and biological processes for a desired outcome. o Materials Technology—the technology of producing, altering, and combining materials. 5. Leads a discussion on whether student groups correctly categorized the subsystems in the Exploration activity and on additional subsystems they added. The presentation emphasizes the satire of making something very easy very complex, which is done for entertainment, introducing the term Rube Goldberg. o Extension Students complete the Rube Goldberg Problem Brief (File 3.1.3) to design and build a Rube Goldberg device that includes the application of five core technologies. The teacher provides guidance and feedback throughout the design process. The teacher may also require the Rube Goldberg mechanical advantage worksheet (File 3.1.4) and/or electrical circuit worksheet (File 3.1.5) to reinforce mathematical and science concepts related to mechanical and electrical technologies. Teacher Note: Because students have not covered the Engineering Design process, time may be needed for further research on examples of the core technologies during the design of the device. Evaluation Student knowledge, skills, and attitudes are assessed using brief constructed response items and performance rubrics for class participation, discussion, and design briefs. The rubrics are presented in advance of the activities to familiarize students with the expectations and performance criteria. They are also reviewed during the activities to guide students in the completion of assignments. The teacher may wish to develop a collection of annotated exemplars of student work based on the rubrics. The exemplars will serve as benchmarks for future assessments and may be used to familiarize students with the criteria for assessment. ©2012 International Technology and Engineering Educators Association Foundations of Technology, Third Edition/ Technology, Engineering, and Design Rubrics are both below and included as separate resources, suitable for distribution to students. 1. Assessment Instrument – Brief Constructed Response (BCR) Reflect on the following statement. Write a one-paragraph answer. Include a strong topic sentence with good supporting details to support your answer. Systems, which are the building blocks of technology, are embedded within larger technological, social, and environmental systems. This rubric will be used to evaluate your Brief Constructed Response Category Understanding Focus Use of Related Information Below Average Response demonstrates an implied, partial, or superficial understanding of the text and/or the question. Lacks transitional information to show the relationship of the support to the question. Uses minimal information from the text to clarify or extend meaning. Average Response demonstrates an understanding of the text. Excellent Response demonstrates an understanding of the complexities of the text. Addresses the demands of the question. Exceeds the demands of the question. Uses some expressed or implied information from the text to clarify or extend meaning. Effectively uses expressed or implied information from the text to clarify or extend meaning. ©2012 International Technology and Engineering Educators Association Foundations of Technology, Third Edition/ Technology, Engineering, and Design 2. Assessment Instrument – Class Participation Rubric Category Below Target Rarely prepared. Minimal effort to participate. At Target Prepared for class. Attempts to answer teacher-generated questions. Curiosity Rarely demonstrates curiosity. Motivation for Learning Rarely demonstrates motivation for learning. Usually demonstrates curiosity. Usually demonstrates motivation for learning. Gives up easily. Is not engaged. Has difficulty remaining on task. Makes good use of class time to work on assignments and projects. Preparation Use of Time ©2012 International Technology and Engineering Educators Association Above Target Well prepared for class. Attempts to answer teachergenerated questions and adds additional information to class when relevant. Consistently demonstrates curiosity. Consistently demonstrates motivation for learning. Makes excellent use of class time to work on assignments and projects. Foundations of Technology, Third Edition/ Technology, Engineering, and Design Unit 3: Systems Lesson 1: Core Technologies Laboratory-Classroom Preparation Teacher Planning Review the materials to determine the appropriate times to allocate to the viewing or reading of the materials. Instructors should ensure that the students have access to the appropriate Internet resources, particularly if print-based materials are not available for students to read. Prepare the room for multimedia presentations, including showing DVDs. It may be advantageous to read several reviews of the resources used to gain additional perspectives on the authors’ messages. In addition, instructors should collaborate with the English language arts, social studies, and literature instructors to integrate these literary resources into this course. The laboratory should provide for a flexible, resource-rich learning environment that allows presentations, demonstrations, small-group discussions, design work, computer work, research, prototyping, and testing. The room should include individual work areas as well as areas for small groups to meet and work. Students should have access to research resources including the library and the Internet. The room should be set up for multimedia presentations including digital projectors, document cameras, sound systems, and DVD and videotape players. Computers in the classroom should be Internet-ready and have word-processing, spreadsheet, and presentation software. Although not required, CAD software for design work is recommended. Tools/Materials/Equipment Below is a list of supplies and equipment that are needed to teach this course, assuming a class of 25 students. Optional/additional supplies required for Enrichment Activities are indicated. Where possible and appropriate, merchants are listed that support ITEEA; however, materials may often be obtained from alternative and/or local sources. Additionally, these materials are based upon the lessons in the course and make no assumptions for classrooms with access to specialized equipment (e.g., fabrication equipment). If the student has access to specialized equipment, the teacher may wish to incorporate the use of it into the lessons, and additional supplies may be necessary (as well as safety procedures). Item Computer with Internet Access ½” x 24” x 24” Plywood for Base ¼” x 18” x 36” Plywood 1/8” x 36” Dowel Rod 1/3” x 1/8” x 36” Balsa DC Motor Fan Pulleys Springs Potential Supplier Not Not Not Not Not Not Not Not Not Listed Listed Listed Listed Listed Listed Listed Listed Listed ©2012 International Technology and Engineering Educators Association Quantity Not Listed 1 1 1 5 2 1 4 5 max Estimated Cost Not Listed Not Listed Not Listed Not Listed Not Listed Not Listed Not Listed Not Listed Not Listed Foundations of Technology, Third Edition/ Technology, Engineering, and Design String Screws Nails Wheels Straight Pin Mouse Trap Popsicle Sticks Marbles Balloon Brass Fasteners Battery with Battery Snap Solid Gauge Wire Exacto Knife Hot Glue and Hot Glue Gun Rulers Prototyping Equipment Not Not Not Not Not Not Not Not Not Not Not Not Not Not Not Not Listed Listed Listed Listed Listed Listed Listed Listed Listed Listed Listed Listed Listed Listed Listed Listed 3’ max 10 10 5 2 1 10 5 1 3 2 3’ Max 1 1 Not Listed Not Listed Not Not Not Not Not Not Not Not Not Not Not Not Not Not Not Not Listed Listed Listed Listed Listed Listed Listed Listed Listed Listed Listed Listed Listed Listed Listed Listed Laboratory-Classroom Safety and Conduct Note: Safety is of paramount importance to every classroom. While this Guide contains some general safety guidelines, it does not address the specific tools, equipment, and working spaces found in any specific classroom. Teachers must provide comprehensive safety guidelines to students based upon individual classrooms. 1. Students use tools and equipment safely, maintaining a safety level for themselves and others in the laboratory-classroom. 2. Students demonstrate respect and courtesy for the ideas expressed by others in the class. 3. Students show respect and appreciation for the efforts of others. Presentations • Presentation 3.1.1 Core Technologies Student Resources • File 3.1.1 Categorizing the Core Technologies • File 3.1.2 Core Technology Notes from Presentation (Optional; EDJs may be used instead) • File 3.1.3 Rube Goldberg Design Brief • File 3.1.4 Mechanical Advantage Worksheet • File 3.1.5 Ohm’s Law and Basic Circuits Worksheet Assessment Resources • File 3.1.6 Brief Constructed Response Item • File 3.1.7 Class Participation Rubric ©2012 International Technology and Engineering Educators Association Foundations of Technology, Third Edition/ Technology, Engineering, and Design Students Name: ________________________ Unit 3: Systems Lesson 1: Core Technologies File 3.1.1: Categorizing the Core Technologies Step 1: In your small groups, sort the subsystems you identified during the video into the following categories—which are known as the Core technologies—in the table below. Core technologies represent subsystems within a larger, more complex system. Step 2: If your group did not see one of the core technologies represented, propose how it could be included in the device depicted in the video. Step 3: Create a visual diagram representing the relationship among the core technologies shown in the device. Subsystem from Device in Video Step 1 Mechanical Structural Electrical Fluid Optical Thermal Material Electronic Biotechnology Step 2 1. The following core technologies were not represented in the device: 2. The ___________ core technology could be included by: 3. The _____________ core technology could be included by: Step 3 Create a visual graphic/organizer that shows the relationship (i.e. the lever [mechanical] is held in place by a Popsicle stick bridge [structural]) among the core technologies for the device depicted in the video. Attach your graphic to this worksheet. ©2012 International Technology and Engineering Educators Association Foundations of Technology, Third Edition/ Technology, Engineering, and Design Student Name: ________________________ Unit 3: Systems Lesson 1: Core Technologies File 3.1.2: Core Technology Notes from Presentation For each core technology, list the definition (in your own words) and three examples of technology that fit within the core technology field. Fill in the following chart during the presentation. Core Technology Mechanical Definition Technology of Examples • • • Structural Technology of • • • Electrical Technology of • • • Technology of • • Electronic • Technology of • • Fluid • Technology of Optical ©2012 International Technology and Engineering Educators Association • • Foundations of Technology, Third Edition/ Technology, Engineering, and Design • Technology of • • Thermal • Technology of • • Biotechnology • Technology of Materials • • • ©2012 International Technology and Engineering Educators Association Foundations of Technology, Third Edition/ Technology, Engineering, and Design Student Name: ________________________ Unit 3: Systems Lesson 1: Core Technologies File 3.1.3: Rube Goldberg Design Brief Background: Rube Goldberg was a cartoonist and engineer. In 1904 he graduated from University of California at Berkeley as a civil engineer. He did not enjoy his work, and he quickly found another job working for a local paper as a cartoonist. Rube Goldberg spent most of his career drawing cartoons and images of machines and contraptions. He was a satirist. This means that his cartoons and designs included some irony, ridicule, and/or sarcasm. Imagine, for example, turning a simple process like pouring a glass of water into a very complex process using a machine. His designs presented simple, everyday tasks as complex machines integrating natural and technological devices. The core technologies can be found in every Rube Goldberg cartoon to some extent. Within every large system, there is a series of smaller subsystems that must function together to achieve the desired results. Note that this activity is not about efficiency. It is about exploring the core technologies in an amusing/interesting way that attracts attention. Problem: You have been hired by a local museum to design an interactive Rube Goldberg exhibit for museum visitors to learn about Rube Goldberg and the core technologies. The museum wishes to attract attention to the exhibit, and therefore the purpose of the device will be to pop a balloon. Specifications: 1. Must include five of the nine core technologies (not including structural and material). 2. Must fit within a 24” x 24” base. 3. Must be constructed from materials provided by the instructor and one additional item from home (teacher approval is required). 4. Must complete the task (popping the balloon) in two to three minutes. 5. Must be safe to operate. 6. Once the initial step is put in motion, the device cannot be touched or altered. Materials: 1/2" plywood 24" x 24" for base (1) 1/4" plywood 18" x 36" (1) Nails (10) Screws (10) Springs (5 max) String (3’ max) 1/8" x 36” dowel rod (1) Wheels (5) Straight Pin (2) Mouse trap (1) Balsa 1/8” x 1/8” x 36” (5) Popsicle sticks (10) Marbles (5) Balloon (1) Pulleys (4) DC motor (2) ©2012 International Technology and Engineering Educators Association Foundations of Technology, Third Edition/ Technology, Engineering, and Design Brass fasteners (3) Battery with battery snap (2) Fan (1) Solid gauge wire (3’ max) Deliverables: 1. Each team must submit a video of its Rube Goldberg system in operation. 2. Each team must submit a Rube Goldberg prototype that meets specifications. 3. Each student must submit a learning objective summary for the project. This rubric will be used to evaluate your extension activity: Category Below Average Average The student designs a The student designs a Number of device using two or device using three core Core fewer core technologies. Technologies technologies. The student designs a The student designs a project that sits on a project that sits on a Size of Base base smaller than 20” x 24” x 24” base +/- one 20” or larger than 28” x inch. 28”. The student’s machine The student’s machine Balloon does not burst the bursts the balloon in 2Bursting Time balloon. 3 minutes =/- 10 seconds. The student’s machine The student’s machine Safety is judged unsafe and is is safe to operate. not tested. Student could not Student could explain explain the systems his/her system of the that are embedded Rube Goldberg device Core within his/her Rube but could not Technology Goldberg device. differentiate its core Explanation technologies. Learning Objective Summary Excellent The student designs a device using four or more core technologies. The student designs a project that sits on a base that is 24” x 24”. The student’s machine bursts the balloon within the 2-3 minute time frame. The student’s machine is safe to operate. Student can effectively explain the systems that are embedded within his/her Rube Goldberg device. Student can also differentiate between the core technologies used in the design. Learning objective Learning objective Learning objective summary (one page summary (one page summary (one page maximum) indicates maximum) indicates maximum) indicates student knowledge student in-depth knowledge student knowledge related to standards unrelated to standards related to standards addressed in the design addressed in the design addressed in the design challenge. challenge. challenge. Standards Addressed: For your learning objective summary, explain each standard using supporting detail you learned from the lesson. o Explain that systems, which are the building blocks of technology, are embedded within larger technological, social, and environmental systems. o Differentiate between larger technological, social or environmental systems from smaller components and subsystems. o Identify the various systems embedded within the larger system (technological, social, or environmental) using the language of the core technologies. ©2012 International Technology and Engineering Educators Association Foundations of Technology, Third Edition/ Technology, Engineering, and Design Student Name: ________________________ Unit 3: Systems Lesson 1: Core Technologies File 3.1.4: Mechanical Advantage Worksheet Simple machines (lever, pulley, wedge, screw, inclined plane, wheel, and axle) are often combined to create complex mechanical machines. Simple machines apply mechanical advantage to typically move an output force (load) with an input force (effort), less than that of the output force. The general equation for mechanical advantage is shown below: Mechanical Advantage = Load/Effort Each simple machine possesses its own equation for mechanical advantage. The formula for mechanical advantage for each simple machine is represented below: Lever Inclined Plane Mechanical Advantage of a Lever = Length to Effort/Length to Load Mechanical Advantage of an Inclined Plane = Length of Plane/Height of Plane Wheel and Axle Pulley Mechanical Advantage of a Wheel and Axle = Radius of Effort/Radius of Load Mechanical Advantage of a Pulley = number of ropes that support the pulley Wedge Screw Mechanical Advantage of a Wedge = Length of slope/thickness of wedge Mechanical Advantage of a Screw = circumference / pitch Practice Using the equations above, calculate mechanical advantage for the following examples. Be sure to show your work. 1. What is the mechanical advantage of the system pictured on the right? 2. If the load is 100 pounds, how much effort is required to pick up the load? ©2012 International Technology and Engineering Educators Association Foundations of Technology, Third Edition/ Technology, Engineering, and Design 3. What is the mechanical advantage of the system pictured on the left if the diameter of the wheel is 15 feet and the diameter of the axle is 3 feet? 4. If Mrs. Jones can only pull with 25 lbs. of force, how much weight can she lift using the wheel and axle system from question 3? 5. If we build a ramp in Tech Ed class that is 2 feet high, and the length of the ramp is 30 feet, what is the mechanical advantage? 6. How much effort force would someone need to push a 50-pound box up the ramp from question 5? 7. Jose and Suzette construct an arm where the effort is located 10 inches from the fulcrum and the load is 25 inches from the fulcrum, what is the mechanical advantage of the arm? ©2012 International Technology and Engineering Educators Association Foundations of Technology, Third Edition/ Technology, Engineering, and Design Application One student group has decided to design a device where a toy car (10 grams) must apply a force to lift a 50-gram weight 2 inches in the air. What simple machine could the group use, and what mechanical advantage would they need to achieve their goal? Place your answer, including a sketch of the device, in the space below. Reflection on the Design Problem How could simple machines and mechanical advantage help me in designing my device for the Rube Goldberg activity? Write your response in the space below using complete sentences. _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ ©2012 International Technology and Engineering Educators Association Foundations of Technology, Third Edition/ Technology, Engineering, and Design Studentt Name: ___ __________ __________ ____ Unitt 3: Systems Lesson 1: Co ore Tech hnologies File 3..1.5: Ohm m’s Law and a Basic c Circuits s Worksheet Electrical and electro onic technologies utilize e Ohm’s law w to explain the relation nship betwe een e. The formula for Ohm m’s Law is re epresented below: b voltage, current, and resistance age (units=volts) V = volta Ohm’s Law L =V=IxR I = current (units=amps)) R = resistance (unitts=ohms) e Practice Using Oh hm’s Law, so olve the folllowing problems. Be su ure to show your work. 1. A nine-volt battery b supp plies power to t a cordless blow drye er with a res sistance of 18 1 ohms. How much m curren nt is flowing through the blow drye er? w outlet su upplies powe er to a black k light with a resistance e of 4400 oh hms. 2. A 110-volt wall H How much cu urrent is flow wing throug gh the black k light? neers use Ohm’s Law to o determine e the specific c electrical and a electron nic Designerrs and engin compone ents needed d in a circuitt, depending g on the des sired purpos se. Basic circuits contain four partts (Figure 1)): power source, condu uctor, contro ol, and load (output). Figure 1 Poweer Source Coonductor L Load (outputt) Controol ©2012 International Tech hnology and En ngineering Edu ucators Associatiion Foun ndations of Technology, Third Edition/ E ngineering, and Design Technology, En Series an both ser 3. C si ©2012 Int