Sources of Magnetic Field Young and Freedman Chapter 28 Electric and magnetic fields • We learnt in electrostatics that the electric field of a static electric charge acts on another static electric charge to give a force – note: the charge actually generates a field regardless if it is moving or not • If the charge is moving, it also generates a magnetic field. • Other moving charges will experience a force due to this magnetic field. ! E is dependent on the magnitude and position of the charge. ! B is dependent on the magnitude, position and velocity of the charge Permeability of free space ! The “strength” of the source of E is q ! The “strength” of the source of B is qv µ0 #7 N ! s 2 = 4$ " 10 C2 4$ ! E = 1 q 4!" 0 r 2 ! µ0 qv sin ! B= 4" r2 EXACTLY µ0 Is deeply related to ! 0 and we will later discover that: 1 µ0! 0 = 2 c Speed of light For the time being consider µ0 to be an independent constant like ! 0 Magnetic field of a point charge µ0 q vsin " B= 2 4! r It is found that the magnetic field is perpendicular to both the velocity of the charge and the vector rˆ pointing from the charge (source point) to the field point In vector notation (note the unit vector!) ! µ0 q v! " rˆ Magnetic field of a point charge with B= constant velocity 4! r 2 Magnetic field of a current element µ0 q vsin " B= 2 4! r From before (point source) Instead of a single charge we now have a current element. We use superposition to sum up all the magnetic fields from the individual charges. The total charge is an element is: dQ = nqAdl where n is the number of charges (q) per unit volume, A is the cross sectional area. µ0 n q vd Adl sin " µ0 Idl sin " dB = = 2 4! r 4! r2 Magnetic field of a current element µ0 Idl sin " dB = 2 4! r In vector form ! ! µ0 Idl " rˆ dB = 2 4! r ! ! µ0 Idl " rˆ B= # 2 4! r Magnetic field of a current element For a complete circuit, law of Biot and Savart a Example Ex 28.24 ! µ0 B= b 4! # ! Idl " rˆ r2 c Calculate the magnitude and direction of the magnetic field at point P. Break the section into three parts, labeled ! a,b and c. !The magnetic field due to a and c is 0 as r is parallel to dl . P is at the origin of the !semicircle b, so at!all points on b ! r is perpendicular to dl, so sinφ=1 and dl ! rˆ = dl. ! µ0 I 1 B= 4! r 2 ! µ0 I B= 4r µ0 I 1 " dl = 4 ! r 2 !r total length of b Magnetic field of a straight current-carrying conductor ! ! µ0 Idl " rˆ The dB’s are all in the same direction (into the B = 4 ! # r 2 plane). r = (x 2 + y 2 ) sin ! = sin(" # ! ) = µ0 I B= 4! x x 2 + y2 a xdy # (x 2 + y2 )3/2 "a µ0 I 2a By integration we find: B = 4! x x 2 + a2 In the limit where a>>x, x 2 + a 2 ! a and by using axial symmetry µ0 I B= 2 !r Magnetic field of a (infinite) straight current-carrying conductor Field around an infinite straight conductor with current I • The magnitude of the magnetic field around an infinite straight wire is µ0 I B= 2 !r • The direction is found using a slightly different version of the right hand rule • Point your thumb in direction of current, your fingers show the direction of the field Force between two infinite conductors ! ! ! F = IL ! B The lower wire produces a field, which has the magnitude B = µ0 I at the location of the upper wire. 2 !r The force per unit length on the upper wire is dependent on its current I’, and B: µ0 II ' Two long parallel current-carrying conductors F/L = by the RH rule the force is attractive if the 2 !r Note: currents are in the same direction and vice versa Definition of the ampere µ0 II ' F/L = 2 !r One ampere is that unvarying current that, if present in two parallel conductors of infinite length and one meter apart in empty space, causes each conductor to experience a force of exactly 2 x 10-7 Newtons per meter of length Magnetic field of a circular current loop ! ! µ0 Idl " rˆ B= # 2 4! r Biot and Savart Law µ0 I dl dB = 2 2 4 ! (x + a ) Due to rotational symmetry around the x-axis, the components perpendicular to this axis for one element cancel out with those for another element on the opposite side of the loop. However, the x-components sum. (Note r2=x2+a2.) µ0 I dla dBx = dB cos! = 4 " (x 2 + a 2 )3/2 Magnetic field of a circular current loop µ0 I dla dBx = 4 ! (x 2 + a 2 )3/2 Integrate to find Bx µ0 Ia Bx = 4 ! (x 2 + a 2 )3/2 " dl The integral over dl is just the circumference of the circle, 2πa µ0 Ia 2 Bx = 2(x 2 + a 2 )3/2 On the axis of a circular loop Now imagine we have N tightly wound coils, each contributes equally to the total magnetic field, and the field is N times that for a single loop µ0 NIa 2 Bx = 2(x 2 + a 2 )3/2 On the axis of N circular loops Magnetic field of N circular current loops µ0 Ia 2 Bx = 2(x 2 + a 2 )3/2 On the axis of a circular loop Now imagine we have N tightly wound coils, each contributes equally to the total magnetic field, and the field is N times that for a single loop µ0 NIa 2 Bx = On the axis of N circular loops 2 2 3/2 2(x + a ) This is maximum when x=0, i.e. the center of the solenoid. At this point Bx is µ0 NI Bx = 2a At the center of N circular loops Magnetic field lines • • Electric field lines start at a +ve charge and end at a -ve charge There are no free magnetic N and S poles. Magnetic field lines are continuous loops. Magnetic flux • Magnetic flux through a surface, ΦB, is completely analogous to electric flux ΦE. • To calculate ΦB we integrate over elements of the flux dΦB relating to elements of area dA of our surface. ! ! B = # B" dA = # B cos $ dA = # B • dA • Units of magnetic flux are called weber (Wb) 1Wb = 1Tm = 1Nm / A 2 Gauss’s law for magnetism • Remember, Gauss’s law for electricity showed us that the total electric flux is related to the total enclosed charge. • However, there are no magnetic monopoles, always dipoles. Like in electric dipole case, total flux through a closed surface for a dipole is 0! • For any closed surface you can draw, every magnetic field line which enters the surface also exits. !" !" #! B • d A = 0 Biot and Savart law and Coulomb’s law ! µ0 B= 4! # ! Idl " rˆ 2 r Except for a few special cases, evaluation of the integral is very hard Compare to Coulomb’s Law: ! E= 1 4 !" 0 $ ! # (r ) rˆdv 2 r ! charge density !dv = dq Very difficult for anything other than the most simple cases, so we used Gauss’s Law and everything became easier... Q ! ! Qencl E4 !r 2 = "0 E • dA = r Gaussian surface "0 Q Qencl E= 4 !" 0 r 2 ! Comparison: electric and magnetic fields Electric ! ! F = qE ! E= #! closed surface 1 q r̂ 2 4!" 0 r !" !" Qencl E • dA = "0 Magnetic ! ! ! F = qv ! B ! µ0 q B= v " r̂ 2 4! r ? Not Gauss’s Law !" !" #! B • d A = 0 Closed paths and line integrals • • We need a different formulation than the closed surface integrals used in Gauss’s law. Consider a “closed path” through a magnetic field. • • Consider a small vector dl which is tangential to the path !" " Consider B • dl #! IMPORTANT: Do NOT confuse “closed path” with a current loop! The path is imaginary, just like Gaussian surfaces. First (simple) example: Uniform field a b c d !" " b !" " c !" " d !" " a !" " #! B • dl = ! B • dl + ! B • dl + ! B • dl + ! B • dl a b c # d & = B ! dl + 0 + % "B ! dl ( + 0 $ c ' a = BL " BL =0 b d Line integral around a long straight wire µ0 I B= 2 !r Field at distance r from a long straight wire • Consider a long straight wire, and evaluate !" " µ0 I µ0 I #! B • dl = 2" r circle #! dl = 2" r 2" r !" " #! B • dl = µ0 I !" " #! B • dl Note: Independent of r. Non-circular path !" " B • dl = Bdl cos ! dl cos ! = rd" !" " µ0 I #! B • dl = #! 2" r rd# µ0 I = d# # ! 2" !" " #! B • dl = µ0 I µ0 I B= 2 !r !# d! = 2" Ampere’s law #! !" " B • dl = µ0 I encl closed path • In general, can be more than one current-carrying conductor, need to make algebraic sum of currents. • Any wires outside the integration path can affect B at a particular point, but the line integral around the whole surface will be zero. • Ampere’s law works for any shape. Wire outside the surface !" " µ0 I B • dl = d" 2! !" " µ0 I B • dl = ! d# 2" Sign from right-hand rule. (Thumb in direction of current, +ve if fingers in same direction as integration.) Another right hand rule !" " #! B • dl > 0 !" " #! B • dl < 0 Step 1: Curl the fingers of your RH in the direction of Integration Step 1: If Integral > 0, then current flows in the direction of thumb Step 1: If Integral < 0, then current flows in the direction opposite that of the thumb Toroidal solenoid (non-magnetic core) !" " #! B • dl = µ0 I encl closed path path 1 - No net current through loop path 3 - No net current through loop path 2 - 2! rB = µ NI µ0 NI B= 2! r Field is entirely within toroid. Chapter 28 Summary Chapter 28 Summary cont. Chapter 28 summary cont. End of Chapter 28 You are responsible for the material covered in Y&F Sections 28.1-28.7. You are expected to: • Understand the following terms: • Law of Biot and Savart, Ampere’s Law, Solenoid • Be able to calculate the magnetic field for simple geometries by integrating the law of Biot and Savart • Be able to calculate the magnetic field for more complex geometries using Ampere’s law Recommended Y&F Exercises chapter 28: 11,15,16,18,20,25,32,33