Brazil - Sao Paulo - International Carbon Action Partnership

Last Update: 26 September 2016
International Carbon Action Partnership
ETS Detailed Information
Brazil - Sao Paulo
General Information
Status: ETS under consideration
Jurisdictions: Sao Paulo
São Paulo was the first Brazilian state to adopt subnational climate change legislation in
2009. The policy establishes an economy-wide emissions reduction target and focuses on
the energy, industrial processes, solvents, agriculture and waste sectors. São Paulo has
also established a GHG inventory. In 2012, the state announced plans to establish an ETS.
However the plan was put on hold for an undetermined timeline in 2014.
CETESB - Sao Paulo state environmental agency (Portuguese)
BM&F BOVESPA Exchange (Portuguese)
Overall GHG emissions (excluding LULUCF)
Emissions: 139.8 MtC02e (2005)
Overall GHG emissions by sector
Sector Name
Industrial processes
Overall GHG reduction target
By 2020: 20% reduction GHG emissions compared to 2005.
Type of ETS
No information available yet.
Cap and trajectory
No information available yet.
Carbon Price
Current Allowance Price (per t/CO2e): No information available yet.
ETS Size
Emissions covered by the ETS
No information available yet.
GHG covered
No information available yet.
Sectors covered and thresholds
No information available yet.
Number of liable entities
No information available yet.
Point of regulation
No information available yet.
International Carbon Action Partnership
ETS Detailed Information
Last Update: 26 September 2016
Phases & Allocation
Compliance period
No information available yet.
Trading period
No information available yet.
No information available yet.
Banking and borrowing
No information available yet.
Offsets and credits
No information available yet.
Provisions for price management
No information available yet.
Monitoring, Reporting, Verification (MRV)
No information available yet.
No information available yet.
Other Information
Institutions involved
State Fund of Pollution Prevention and Control (FECOP): a fund for projects related to
environmental improvements in Sao Paulo
Secretariat for the Environment of the State of Sao Paulo: in charge of administering the
CETESB: environmental agency of the state of Sao Paulo
BM&F BOVESPA: Brazilian Mercantile & Futures Exchange (BM&F) and the Sao Paulo Stock
Exchange (Bovespa)
Centro de Estudos em Sustentabilidade Getulio Vargas (GVCes)
Linkage with other schemes
There are indications that the Sao Paulo system might be linked with the Rio system via
BM&F Boverde and BV Rio.
International Carbon Action Partnership
ETS Detailed Information
Last Update: 26 September 2016
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Since then, the ICAP Secretariat has continuously updated the data for the ICAP and non-ICAP jurisdictions. Information compiled in the
ICAP ETS Map is based on official and public information, as much as possible, and focuses on cap-and-trade systems for greenhouse gas
emissions. The ETS map thus does not aspire to monitor all climate policy instruments. This website presents interim results of a continuous
working process. Although the information contained therein is assembled with utmost care, ICAP and Ecofys cannot be held liable for the
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