feeding instructions – cats

If your kittens/cats become ill, please ring your coordinator immediately. Vet appointment and diet change may be needed.
Our feeding regime is to use a small amount of Royal Canin Dental from Vets together with either Royal Canin dried or Canidea grain free
dried (each cat will be different) with human grade raw meat and chicken. Once a week a small amount of fish is ok – either a large
teaspoon of tuna or sardines or one can of Ultimates Indulge (prefereably responsibly fished Tuna and Barramundi as less likely to be
contaminated fish) from Woolies.
New adults coming on board will be on
Existing adults may be on Royal Canin and can be changed to the Canidae. First week ¾ Royal Canin and ¼ Canidae, second week 50:50
and third week ¼ Royal Canin and ¾ Canidae. After four weeks, cat should be only eating Canidae. If you have any problems please let us
All cats need to be on 6 pieces/ day of Royal Canin Dental (specialist vet range) - only available from vets and a couple of on line stores.
This is far superior to the Oral Care from pet stores.
Online delivery from this company including delivery price is similar to vet pricing.
We only feed raw, human grade meat and chicken instead of tinned food.
Pet grade raw food can contain nasty bacteria and make cats very sick and the vets we work with recommend only human grade raw.
Fresh meat should be frozen for a minimum of 48 hours to kill nasties. It is fine to give your cat a little of your cooked meat occasionally
as cooking kills the nasties such as Toxoplasmosis.
We have done extensive research plus trials for a year on various foster cats and kittens and have observed that the cats and kittens who
have been fed human grade raw food in place of tinned food are healthier, calmer and happier. Please see Raw Food recommendations
Note: Cats who require a specialised vet-recommended diet please contact Jenny to discuss.
Unwell cats not eating or underweight cats - please ring Jenny immediately. Alternative nutrition methods will be required.
The only raw food that meets all a cat’s nutritional needs are whole small animals as they would eat in the wild. Because we are not able
to feed a variety of whole small animals, we do need to feed raw food with a little dry food. Chewing on a whole small animal ensures not
only body health but also oral health.
All cats/kittens should be fed only human grade raw meat, chicken and just a little fish in conjunction with their particular Royal Canin or
Canidae dry food. Ideal is about 80% raw and 20% dried.
Mince is not recommended as it and often has additives and also lacks taurine which is needed by animals, however it is ok if you are
buying for yourself and give kitty a serving once a week.
In changing from a mostly processed diet for our cats and kittens to include a lot more raw food, we noticed a very significant change in
both the cats’/kittens’ health; in some cases breath and most surprisingly in their dispositions. When I stopped using supermarket kitten
sachets and substituted with chicken, meat and fish, we also stopped having the huge, squishy tummies which are very unnatural. The
kittens stopped appearing to be constantly starving and stopped defecating constantly. We went from around eight poos a day to one or
two poos a day. It would appear that, while the processed kitten food is fortified the kittens are not actually absorbing much of it: hence
the cycle of constant pooing and hunger. Also, they became noticeably calmer when we changed.
BARF – is a speciality pet food using human grade meat, bone and high quality additives. While it is ground, it has taurine added so safe
to feed and is a more complete food than just meat. Available from pet shops. Must buy the BARF for cats. Other meats, which need to
be chewed, should also be used to exercise their mouths etc.
Red meat – I buy whatever steak might be on special that looks like it’s not too grissly from Woolworths. You can buy in whole piece or
already cut up.
Chicken – whole raw chicken wings and necks are great as they clean cats’ teeth. Can feed in shower as it can be messy. Some cats love
to munch the meat off a raw chicken leg. Do not use mince very often as it lacks taurine which cats need. Ensure cats are chewing
neck/wing bones properly and only give twice a week as it takes a while to digest bones and it is important they are digested before
taking in next lot of bones. Do not leave cats unattended when eating necks to ensure they are chewing it into small pieces and not
swallowing whole or in large pieces.
Fish – Most types of raw fish are suitable for cats – you can give a little of what you are eating. Small whole raw fish is probably most
natural. Whole raw sardines are available at some fish shops and are not expensive. If you have a fishing friend get in their good books.
Tinned sardines in springwater once a week is a nice treat and a teaspoon of tuna once a week but not much tinned tuna as high in
mercury. Tins of ethically caught tuna are available at Woolworths (stated on tin). No more than two feeds of fish a week. Ultimates
Indulge (prefereably responsibly fished Tuna and Barramundi as less likely to be contaminated fish) from Woolies is another option for a
fish meal a week and given the tuna is mixed with other fish, the whole tin can be used.
Cats/kittens natural behaviour is to growl when they eat. They may growl which they each a chicken neck or a stip of red meat but they
don’t growl when they eat tinned food. It just doesn’t trigger their natural instincts. Growling apparently boosts their immune systems.
RECOMMENDED FOOD SUPPLEMENTS (only to be used after consulting Erica or Jenny in special circumstances)
If you have cat/kittens who are underweight, sick, flea infested, somewhat immune suppressed, please adminster daily as per instruction
on tube. The best price I have found is $10.45 plus postage and I buy a number at one time. Expect to pay around $25 in pet shops
for very small kittens, hand fed kittens.
$20 including postage. Larger bottles will be available.