PROFESSIONAL EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT (PER) INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETING AN ONLINE PER EXPENSE CLAIM For detailed instructions on creating an online PER claim please click here. Professional Expense Reimbursement accounts are currently available to the following employee groups as part of “FLEX” credits. For complete details on FLEX credits and PER benefits, choose your employee group below. Professional & UWOFA ‐
UWOPA UWOFA Librarians & Managerial 2013
2013 Archivists 2013 Association 2013 To see your current balance in your PER account, click here or go to the Finance website at and choose the "Western Financials Login" button. Use your regular Western user ID and password to log in. Choose "Employee Self‐Service", then "PER Entitlement & Past Claims". You will see any carry forward from the previous year, your entitlement for this year, any claims you have made in the current year, and the current balance in your PER account. When creating an online PER claim, select your Employee Group and Calendar Year. Once you have selected both, you will see amounts for:  The number of claims made in the selected year  The unspent balance (carry‐forward) from previous years – if applicable  The net Entitlement for the selected year  The amount of claims made in the selected year  The unclaimed amount available to be used If your banking information is on file in the Human Resources system, your PER will be paid by direct deposit to your payroll bank account. The following expenses incurred by Members are eligible for reimbursement:  membership fees (excluding PMA membership) for professional associations and/or learned societies related to the Member’s discipline;  subscriptions to professional and/or learned journals (excluding newspapers);  books, instruments, supplies, ink cartridges, course textbooks, computer software, the purchase or lease of equipment and services (see Note below);  internet charges  registration fees for the Member to attend professional and/or scholarly conferences;  transportation, food and accommodation, according to Western travel policies, for the Member for professionally related courses, conferences, meetings, seminars or workshops, and to visit other universities or research sites to conduct research and scholarly work  page and reprint charges or costs incurred in the preparation and completion of scholarly manuscripts. Note: To be eligible, equipment must be used primarily for work purposes. Furniture and upgrades/software for personal computers are not eligible. Upgrades to University‐owned computers are acceptable. Personal use of equipment should be incidental, less than 10%. The reimbursement must purchase the equipment outright without contribution from the Member. Equipment receipts can only be submitted when there are sufficient funds in the Member’s PER account to cover the full cost of the equipment. All equipment purchased is the property of Western. Equipment is not eligible in the year of retirement. A copy of the PER claim must be printed, with original receipts attached.  Faculty Members must forward the receipts to the Department Chair’s or School Director’s Office (or in the case of Faculties/Schools without departments, to the Dean’s Office) for approval. The Dean or Department Chair/School Director is responsible for reviewing the claim and ensuring that the listed expenses pertain to the Member’s specific discipline or teaching duties prior to approving the payment.  Non‐Faculty Members must forward the receipts to their supervisor. The reimbursement must relate to expenses incurred during the course of employment at Western and assist staff in their professional development. 3.
The original receipts should indicate clearly the amount paid and the nature of the expenditure. For example, a cash register tape from a supplier must be supplemented by a description of the item being purchased. In the case of internet access, submission of receipts from the start of the service in that calendar year and two subsequent receipts showing continuation of the service throughout the year is required. 9. Once approved, all receipts must be sent to Financial Services. Financial Services will retain all original receipts. If the receipts total more than the maximum allowable claim and the Member wishes to have receipts returned for another purpose, Financial Services will mark the amount which was reimbursed by Western on the original receipt, photocopy the receipt for their records, and return the defaced original. 10. PER claims will not be reimbursed until the original receipts have been received by Financial Services. 11. The provisions of the Professional Expense Reimbursement program are subject to the relevant provisions of the Income Tax Act and any interpretations made by Canada Revenue Agency (CRA). The Member accepts responsibility for any subsequent adverse judgment by CRA. If you require assistance, or have any questions or concerns, please contact our Travel help desk at 519‐661‐2111 extension 85499 or send an email to 