Application ml Cutler-Hammer March 1982 New Information Mailed to: E, D, C/36-600C Data 36-733-A Performance Curves Power Fuses Curve Number Fuse Type Amperes CXN CXN CXNO CXNO 60C to 45c to 12oc to SOC to 25OC 1ooc 3ooc 175Cl2OOX Voltage KV Melting Total Clearing Let-Thru I’t a.3 15.5 8.3 15.5 1 4 7 9 2 5 8 10 3 6 - 1 4 - 0 These Ratings can be Obtained by Paralleling 2OOC, at KV and 1OOC at Overload: Cutler-Hammer Five Parkway Center Pittsburgh.Pennsylvania,U.S.A. 15220 Number 11. the Single Barrel CXN Fuses. CANNOT PARALLELED. Style IHI Cutler-Hammer March 1982 New Information Mailed to: E, D, C/36-600C Cutler-Hammer Index Data 36-733-A Performance Style Number Five Parkway Center Pittsburgh,Pennsylvanta.U.S.A. 15220 Number hohcation Curves Type CXN High Voltage Power Fuses Index Curve Data Guide Style Number Series Curve Numbers 9570DOlGOl Thru GO6 9570DDZGOZ Thru GO6 I, 2.3 4. 5. 6 Application Cutler-Hammer SCALE .5 .6 .7 .6 .9 1 CURVE: 7( 3 2 A= 4 5 6 20 76910 Data 36-733-A X 10 30 40 00, 900 BOO IOC sot 60C STYLE NUMBER sot 4oc 957ODOl 957ODOl 957ODOl 957ODOl 957ODOl 957ODOl GO1 GO2 GO3 GO4 GO5 GO6 3oc 2oc 70 1oc 90 80 70 ,50 60 50 50 40 40 30 30 20 20 10 9 8 7 10 9 .3 7 6 6 30 5 ;: 5 $ 4 :: m z ; Is F 4 3 I I I 3 III -L Safety Zone Lrmit AL 2 ; 1 .9 .a .7 $ ‘/: 1 .9 .B .7 .6 .6 .s .s I .4 .4 .3 .3 A .2 For coordination wrth another protective device on the load side of the fuse, the meltrng characterrstrcs of the fuse must be separated from the operating characteristic of the other device by an appropriate safety zone. ., .09 -08 .07 When added at the left side of any melting curve, the safety band shown covers the ordinary service vanables including preloading. In the direct comparison of performance charts, placing the right hand and left hand borders of the chart of the other device on the safety zone limits of this curve sheet is equivalent to adding the safety band to all melting curves. .06 .05 .04 .03 .02 I I .01 : SCALE Type CXN Current Minimum Curves without Limiting Single Melting Time - Current Characteristics, are based on tests 1n11,al load Curves CutirHammer Wmtlrqhouu & Cutk-Hammer Products X 10 =CURRENT IN AMPERES Barrel Power Fuses (3 and 4 Inch Diameter) startmg wth fuse unos at an amblent temperature of 25OC and are plotted to rmn~mum test pmnrs so var,at,ons should be pos~twe 1 Curve No. 8.3 Kv 0 Rderenn Data: Number Reference Curve Date Curve Printd In U.S.A. A, B, C, D 666751 6-25-75 E, F 666753 7-16-75 I? 705405 12-3-79 March1962 Application SCALE X 10 =CURRENT Data 36-733-A IN AMPERES 1000’ 900 800 700 1000 900 800 700 600 600 500 500 400 400 300 300 200 200 100 90 100 90 80 70 80 70 60 60 I 50 I , I , I \ I . I,, 50 40 40 30 30 I I I I I III I I Ii I II YII I I 20 I I I lllll I I_ I I I I IlI/2o 10 9 9 7 6 :: 5 z Y WJ I ‘? ; 3 2 1 .9 .a .7 .6 .5 .4 .3 .2 .1 .09 .09 .07 .06 .05 .O‘l .03 .02 .01 SCALE Type CXN Current Total Clearing Time - Current Limiting Single Characteristics, 8.3 Barrel Power Fuses (3 and 4 Inch Diameter) Wutinghouv Cutlw-Hammr 0 Reference Data: Curve Number Reference Curve Date a Roducta 2 Curve No. Kv Curves are based on tests starting wl!h luse units a! an amblent temperalure of 25T and wtthout ,n~,~al load Curves are plotted 10 maximum lest po~n,s so var,al,ons should be nega,,ve Cutler-Hammar 0 X 10 =CURRENTINAMPERES Printed in U.S.A. A, 6, C, D 666752 6-25-75 E, F 666754 7-16-75 March 1992 Application Cutler-Hammer SCALE .6 .7 .6 .9 1 2 3 4 5 6 76910 X 10 =CURRENT 20 30 40 50 60 Data 36-733-A IN AMPERES e 0 0 a P P $ 0 s: z 0 8 000: P880 s R 8 :: 8 s 8 :: g $ 88xX Egg@ 1.000.000 900.000 600,000 700.000 600,000 FUSE VOLTAGE IN KV AMPS 83 83 8 3 83 8 3 83 83 60C 1ooc 125c 15oc 2ooc 250C 3ooc SYMMETRICAL INTERRUPTING RATING AMPS t----l CXN CXN CXN *CXN CXN CXN *CXN 100,000 50,000 50.000 50.000 50,000 50.000 50,000 50.000 * Two (2) 15OC Fuse I” Parallel S89570DOl GO4 90,000 90,000 70,000 60,000 30,000 40,000 30,000 20,000 20,000 I I I /Illlll I I I lllllll I I I I mill Iii ii_ :2 UI$27 10,000 9.000 6,000 7,000 6,000 5,000 4,000 I II 3,000 II I IIIiili / I I I I II I I I I l/ill/ I I I I I /I I I z_ 2,000 6,000 5,000 4,000 3,000 (0 5 0 c I III/ 10,000 9,000 6,000 7,000 2,000 2 2.. -. I II, ‘,fg I I 600 700 I I I I I II111 I I I I III I I I I f ~1111 I I I I III !L I ‘0. I 2 1,000 900 600 700 600 600 500 600 400 400 300 200 100 I9c ,6C I7C ,- 100 so 60 70 6C ,- 60 5C ,- 50 4C a- 40 )- 30 )- 20 Available I.5 .6 .7 .6 .9 I 2 3 4 5 6 76910 20 Fault 30 SCALE Type CXN Current Let-Through Characteristics, Limiting 8.3 Single Barrel Power 40 Current 50 60 E X 10 =CURRENT Rms Symmetrical y=sZsg 10 E H : x YI 8 X888 (oc(Do)o 8 ,o IN AMPERES Fuses (3 and 4 Inch Ferrule Diameter) 8 z 8 : Curve No. Kv RdrrenwData: Curve Number Reference Curve Date Waatinghouu Cutler-H*mmr & Roducb g m Rlntd in U.S.A. 8;;:; (DCObl. ,o 0 3 1 Thru 7 666649 3-l 1-75 March 1662 Cutler-Hammer Application Data 36-733-A 0 CURRENT IN AMPERES iS 6OC, 7oc , 600 , ii-t 5oa , 4OC , - IOOC 10, so 80 70 sot , _ TYPE CLT FUSE I*t CHARACTERISTICS STYLE NUMBER ,- AMPS KV 9570DOZG02 9570D02G03 9570DOZG04 9570D02G05 9570002606 60 I 1 II I15 5 1 45~ 50 I 21 MINIMUM MELTING INA2SEC 40 30 3.900 6.200 9.500 14.000 20.000 6OC 75c B5C 1ooc 20 100 so 60 70 10 SO 60 70 60 60 50 50 40 40 10 9 6 7 6 q- Safety Zone Limit * 1 .S .a .7 .6 .5 .‘I fuse, the meltmg characteristic of the fuse must be separated from the operating characteristic of the other device by an appropriate safety zone. .I .os .06 .07 ., .OS .08 When added at the left side of any melting curve, thesafetybandshown covers the ordinary service variables including preloading. .06 .05 .Od In the direct comparison ance charts, placing the and left hand borders of the other devtce on the limits of this curve sheet lent to adding the safety melting curves. .07 .06 .O! 0‘ of performright hand the chart of safety zone is equivaband to all CURRENT IN AMPERES Type CXN Current Minimum Melting Time Cutler-Hammer Wsstlnghouu & Cutln-Hsmmr Producta Limiting - Current Single Characteristics, Barrel Power 15.5 Fuses (3 and 4 Inch Diameter) Curve No. Kv Rafwenca Dots: Curve Number Reference Curve Date Printi in U.S.A. A, B, C, D, E 666746 6-24-75 cl 4 I’t 705406 12-3-79 March lSS2 Application CURRENT Data 36-733-A IN AMPERES CURVE A= 45C .02 .02 A CURRENT Type CXN Total Clearing Current Time - Current Limiting Single Characteristics, 15.5 IN AMPERES Barrel Power Fuses (3 and 4 Inch Diameter) Kv BCDE Curve No. Reference Data: Curve Number Reference Curve Date Printed in U.S.A. A. 6. C. D. 666750 E 6-24-75 March 1982 Application Cutler-Hammer SCALE .5 .6 .7 .6 .9 1 2 4 3 5 6 EO 76910 X 10 = CURRENT 30 40 0 IN AMPERES 50 60 e P : B Data 36-733-A cl 8 H 5 g ggigs g R 8 ::e g 8 :: x sssx g,ogpr! 1,000,000 900.000 600,000 700.000 1, 900.000 600.000 700.000 FUSE AMPS VOLTAGE IN KV 600,000 I 500,000 CXN -t 400,000 155 155 155 155 155 15 5 15 5 15.5 CXN CXN 300,000 CXN CXN * CXN * CXN * CXN 200,000 45c 60C 75c 85C 1 ooc 12oc 15oc 175c SYMMETRICAL INTERRUPTING I RATING AMPS 600,000 500,000 50,000 50.000 50.000 5o.coo 50.000 50,000 50,000 50,000 400.000 300,000 200.000 Peak Asymmetrical AvaIlable (2.55 X Symmetrical RMS Amperes) at 7% Power Factor 60,000 100,000 90,000 60,000 70,000 70,000 60,000 60,000 50,000 50,000 40,000 40,000 30,000 30,000 20,000 20,000 10,000 9,000 8,000 7,000 10,000 9,000 6,000 7,000 0,000 6,000 6,000 5,000 4,000 4,000 3.000 3,000 2,000 2,000 1,;;; 600 700 1,000 900 600 700 600 600 500 500 400 400 300 300 100,000 90,000 /’ 200 200 /’ 100 90 60 70 100 90 60 70 60 60 50 50 40 I 30 / 40 I I / , 30 I 20 20 Available lo.?1 .6 .7.6 .9 1 2 3 4 5 676910 1 20 Fault Current 30 SCALE Type CXN Current Let-Through Characteristics, Limiting 15.5 Kv Single Barrel Power 40 50 Rms Symmetrical 10 60 e Gag 0 ,o X lo 8X8XE P Y) (DcLoo)o X X x :: x :: g g sgg; : D *cm”& r X lO=CUFiRENTINAMPERES Fuses (3 and 4 Inch Diameter) 6 Curve No. 0 Rgferencs Data: Curve Number Cutfsr-Hammer Wdnghousa & Cuttar-Hammw Products Reference Curve Date Printed in U.S.A. 1 Thru 8 666650 3-11-75 Marsh 1982 Application Cutler-Hammer SCALE 5 6 Data 36-733-A X lO=CURRENTINAMPERES 76910 D = 15OC PARALLELED = 300C 100 so 80 70 70 I 60 I 60 50 \i 6 ‘“It-m-m A For coordination with another protectlve device on the load side.of the fuse, the melting characteristic of the fuse must be separated from the operating characteristic of the other device by an appropriate safety zone. . . \, \, - I .4 .3 I When added at the left side of any meltmg curve, the safety band shown covers the ordinary service variables including preloading. .I .os .06 .07 In the direct comparison ance charts, placing the and left hand borders of the other device on the llmlts of this curve sheet lent to adding the safety melting curves. .06 .05 of performright hand the chart of safety zone is equivaband to all .03 .02 A B \ Y \ Type CXN Current Minimum Melting Time Limiting Power Fuses (3 and 4 Inch Diameter) Current Characteristics. 8.3 Kv Curves are based on tests starting wth fuse unnts at an ambent temperature of 25OC and wlfhout 1n01al load. Curves are plotted 10 m,n,mum lest potnts so “ar~atnons should be pos~fwe Cutler-Hammer WastlnShouu & Cutler-Hnmmw Products CD l\lY Rl1R “1 Paralleled Curve No. Data: Curve Number Reference Curve 0 7 Reference Date Printadin U.S.A. A. 6. ‘2. D 666751and705433 6-25-75 2-20-80 March1982 Application Cutler-Hammer CURVE- 300 PO0 A B C D = 60C = 1 OOC = 125C = 15OC PARALLELED PARALLELED PARALLELED PARALLELED Data 36-733-A = 12OC = 200C = 250C = 300C t 100 90 60 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 9 8 7 6 5 :: 6 5 z ry 5 F 4 5 2 1 .9 a .7 .6 .5 .4 .3 .2 .I .09 .08 .07 .06 .05 .O‘l .03 .02 .01 Type CXN Current Total Clearing Time Current Limiting Power Characteristics. Fuses (3 and 4 Inch Diameter) Paralleled 8 Curve No. 8.3 Kv cl Reference Data: Number Reference Curve Date Curve Printed in U.S.A. A. 6. C. D 666752and705434 6-25-75 Z-20-60 March 1982 Application Cutler-Hammer SCALE .5 .6 .7..a.9 i 1000 900 600 7OC E 3 5 4 6 76910 20 X lO=CURRENT 30 40 IN AMPERES 0 30 60 e P P B E g H pg Data 36-733-A x 8 8 8 g :: :: s :: 8Fog:o 888s 8 100’ 9oc 8OC 70C 600 6OC 500 CURVE: n A=45C B = 60C C = 75C D = 85C 400’ 300 y I PARALLELED PARALLELED PARALLELED PARALLELED = = = = 50C 9OC 120C 15OC 175C 4oc 3oc 1 200 2OC 100 90 60 70 IOC 90 60 70 60 60 50 50 40 40 \\I\ \ 30 30 I 20 I\ I 20 il 10 9 8 7 6 I II m z 3 ; s 1 I I I I I Lrmrt .c-Safety Zone I I . I I. I 5 I .I A 1 y A .I .09 .O6 .07 For coordination with another protectrve device on the load srde of the fuse, the melting characteristic of the fuse must be separated from the operating otaracteristic of the other device by an appropriate safety zone. When added at the left side of any melting curve, the safety band shown covers the ordinary service variables Including preloading. .06 .05 In the direct comparison ante charts, placing the and left hand borders of the other device on the limits of this curve sheet lent to adding the safety meltrng curves. .01 .5 .6 .7 .6 .9 I 2 3 4 5 6 .04 of performright hand the chart of safety zone is equivaband to all 76910 .03 .oe \ 20 30 40 50 60 ,o $2 X \\\ . ,I,, : H x * 0 :: 0 ‘.01 ogoo 8 :: oem:$ SCALE X 10:CURRENT Type Minimum CXN Current Melting lime Limitinp - Current I- Power ----- Chan scteristics. Fuses ---- 13 and 4 Inch .- ---- Cutler-Hammer Wwtlnghouu & Culla-tknmr Produ& 8 : x :: 8 zxgg oc”sp” 6 IN AMPERES Diameter) I Parallelnrl - --- _.____ 9 Curve No. 15.5 Kv Curves are based on tests start~ng with fuse units at an ambient temperature of 25OC and wthout lnltlal load Curves are plotted to m~n~murn test pants so variations should be pos,t,ve x :: l-l Referanca Data: Curve Number Reference Curve Date Printed in U.S.A. A. B. C. D 666746end705435 6-24-75 2-20-60 March lwz Application SCALE CURVE: A =45C I3 60C C 75C D = 85C q q PARALLELED PARALLELED PARALLELED PARALLELED Data 36-733-A X 10 ~CURRENTINAMPERES 500 = 9OC = 12OC = 15OC = 175C 400 300 200 .02 Type CXN Current Limiting Power Total Clearing Time - Current Characteristics, Fuses (3 and 4 Inch Diameter) I n,. A L BC .I .02 D I Paralleled 10 Curve No. 15.5 Kv 0 Reference Data: Curve Number Reference Curve Date Printed in U.S.A. A. 6. C. D 666750and705436 6-25-75 2-20-60 March 1982 Cutler-Hammer Application Data 36-733-A PERCENT OF FULL LOAD NAMEPLATE RATING 0 LD 1.000 900 ?“?‘- _ nw :: .xz _ =, z ,” 9ozz’o 0 :: 8 H, :: 0 x _ -mm.8 sssg 8 8 * g :: 8 8X8, Z”ZZe B I DO0 900 900 800 100 700 600 600 500 500 400 100 300 300 ZOO 200 100 100 90 90 90 80 10 70 60 60 50 50 40 40 30 30 20 20 IO 8 IO 9 9 8 8 I I 6 6 5 5 4 1 3 3 2 2 I 9 , .9 8 .9 7 .I 6 6 5 .5 .4 4 .3 3 2 04 .09 .08 .07 06 .06 01 .06 I .05 05 04 04 03 03 _! 02 Type CXN Emergency Current Overload Cutler-Hammer Wntlnghouaa & Cutlcliammr Producta Limiting Time-Current Power 02 Fuses Characteristics, 8.3 to 15.5 Kv Curve No. l-l Rafemw.e Data: Curve Number Reference Curve Date Printed in U.S.A. 11 1 None 3-77 March 1ggZ