$~48 * + IN THE HIGH COURT OF DELHI AT NEW DELHI CO.PET. 24/2016 IN THE MATTER OF BOOM INVESTMENTS PRIVATE LIMITED & ANR. ..... Petitioners Through: Mr.N. Ganpathy and Mr. Manpreet Lamba, Advocates CORAM: HON'BLE MR. JUSTICE RAJIV SHAKDHER ORDER % 08.04.2016 CA 1374/2016 This is an application seeking modification of order dated 15.01.2016. The learned counsel rightly points out that while issuing notice in the petition which is a second motion petiton, no directions were issued for publication. Accordingly, the petitioners will publish the notice of hearing in the Business Standard [(English), Delhi Edition] and the Jansatta [Hindi), Delhi Edition]. Notice of hearing will also be uploaded on the website of the petitioners as also on the websites of the OL and the Ministry of Corporate Affairs. For this purpose, the petitioners will supply a copy of the advertisement to be published to the RD/ ROC and the OL. The order passed today will be read alongside order dated CO.PET. 24/2016 page 1 of 2 15.01.2016. Order dated 15.01.2016 is modified to the aforesaid extent. The application is, accordingly, disposed of. RAJIV SHAKDHER, J APRIL 08, 2016 Yg CO.PET. 24/2016