1 Example 19 (A simulation model of the energy market) Source: Will oil markets tighten again? Richard J. Gilbert and Knut Anton Mork; Equations of energy-macro model; 134 - 141 Production possibility constraint Long-run unit cost function (translog): ˆ = a + a ln( w ) + a ln v + a ln p + 1 b (ln( w ))2 + b ln( w )ln v (1) ln Φ 0 L K E LL LK P 2 P P + bLEln( w 1 1 )ln p + bKK(ln v)2 + bKE(ln v)ln p + bEE(ln p)2 P 2 2 Short-run cost function, approximating putty-clay: (2) Φ ( w 1−α w , v, p) = γ 0 [ a1 v + (1 - a1) p ] ( )α P P Combined cost function: (3) Φ( w w g w 1−g , v, p) = [ Φ( , v , p]) , [ Φ( , v , p] ) P P P Labor market Cost-of-living escalation and employer`s share of the payroll tax for predetermined wages: (4) w ∗ = (1 + τ w )[1 + γ ( P− P ) ]w P Specification of partial wage rigidity (wage aggregation): ˆ f w∗(1−f) (5) w ∗ = w Correction for cyclical variation in labor productivity: (6) w = w0( Employment: w * h(1-f) ) ,h>0 ˆ w (7) Lˆ =( w )Φ w / P( w , v, p) ⋅ Y ˆ w P 2 Supply of labor: w w , v, p) ⋅ Y ∗ )Φ w / P ( w P (8) L =( (9) L = f Lˆ + (1 - f) L (10) Lˆ = L 0e n , n > 1 given, L0 exogenous; Unemployment rate: (11) u = a11,1 + a11,2 Lˆ − L ˆ L Capital market Capital aggregation: (12) K = Kˆ b K1− b Price aggregation: (13) v = vˆ b v∗1−b Demand for each category of capital: (14) Kˆ v w = ( )Φ v ( , v , p ⋅)Y vˆ P (15) K v w = ( ∗ )Φ v( , v , p⋅ )Y P v (16) K t = It + (1− δ)Kt−1 , 0 < δ < i, K0 given (17) Kˆ t b b − bt −1 = ˆI t + (1− δ){ t −1 Kˆ t−1 + t Kt−1} bt bt Aggregate investment: (18) I = bˆI + (1− b)I Demand for energy: (19) E w = Φ p ( , v , p ⋅) Y P Market for goods and services Consumer behavior: (20) C = c ⋅ Lˆ Trade balance: (21) X = (X + X0 ) (22) PV[ X0 C C0 C , X exogenous, X0 endogenous C0 ] = PV (p 0M) Distribution of output: (23) Y = C + I + X + G + Z, G exogenous Distribution of real GNP: (24) GNP = Y − (p 0 − τM )M × a 24,1 − Z 3 Price equation: [ (25) (1− τs )P = [ Φ(w 0 , P⋅ v , P⋅ p)] Φ( w0 ,P ⋅ v ,P⋅ p)] a 1−a , a given Money market Money market equilibrium: (26) ln ( P⋅Y ) = a26,1 + a26,2r, H = H0em, m > 0 H Arbitrage condition between nominal interest rate and real return to new capital: (27) rt = vˆ t − δ − θ +ln [(1 − d t+1 )Pt+1 ] − ln[(1 − d t )Pt ] (1− d t ) Domestic energy supply Marginal cost of extraction: (28) c(R, S, t; ν) = c ν1 R νe µ + c 2e−ρ S Total cost of domestic energy supply: (29) Z = ( 1 )cν R ν+ 1e µ 2 + c 2 Re −ρS , p < p 1+ v 1 Arbitrage condition for domestic energy supply: ∂c (30) (vˆ t − δ)[ pt − τ pt − c(R t , St , t ; vt )] = p t+1 − τ p,t +1 − pt + τ pt − (R , S , t ; tv) ∂R t t t ∂c ∂c (Rt+1 - Rt) − (R t ,S t ,t; vt ) (v t+1 − vt ) − (R t , St , t ; v t) ∂vt ∂t Decumulation of resource stock: (31) St = St-1 - Rt, S0 given Resource depletion: terminal resource stock, S , determined by: (32) S = 1 c ln( 2 ) ρ p World oil market U.S. demand for imported oil: (33) M = cQ(E - R), if p < p Aggregate production function for the nonenergy sectors of non-U.S., non-OPEC countries: 4 (34) Y F = [( ηA) a + B a (R F + MF )a ] 1/a , a = 1-1/σ Foreign demand for energy (profit maximization): (35) p 0 − τ M + τ FM = B 1−σ (R F + M F )1/σ Domestic energy supply in non-U.S., non-OPEC countries: (36) RF = R F Total world demand for OPEC oil exports: (37) Q = M + MF OPEC price reaction function (for the first five years after the shock): k −D (38) p - τM = a 38,1 + a38,2 k−D− Q Translation from domestic price of oil to overall domestic price of energy: ∆p ∆p0 (39) = a 39,1 ( 0 ) , p, p 0 exogenous p p Price of energy after six years: (40) p = p 0eµ 3 ,p ≤ p µ 3 = ln(a40,1), a40,1 > 1 List of variables C = aggregate consumption (in billion 1972 dollars) D = disruption of OPEC capacity (in mmbd) d = investment tax credit (rate) E = domestic demand for energy (in 1972 billion dollars) G = government demand for goods and services (in 1972 billion dollars) GNP = real gross national product (in 1972 billion dollars) H = money supply (in billion dollars) I , ˆI = level of investment for categories of capital whose levels are determined before, after the shock (in 1972 billion dollars) 5 I = Aggregate investment (in 1972 billion dollars) K , Kˆ = level of capital stock for categories of capital whose levels are determined before, after the shock (in 1972 billion dollars) K = level of aggregate capital stock (in 1972 billion dollars) k = OPEC capacity (in mmbd) L, Lˆ = Actual, normal employment (in millions of man-years) L = employment corresponding to predetermined component of wages ( w ∗ ) (in millions of man-years) M = U.S. oil-import demand (in mmbd) MF = oil-imported demand for non-U.S. non-OPEC countries (in mmbd) P = overall price level in the absence of a shock ( same units 1972) P = expected overall price level in the absence of a shock ( same units as Pt) p = real domestic price of energy (index, equal to 1 for 1972) p = expected real domestic price of energy in the absence of a shock (index, equal to 1 for 1972) p = backstop price of energy (index, equal to 1 for 1972) p0 = domestic price of oil (in 1980 dollars per barrel) PV(z) = present value of z Q = demand for OPEC oil by non-OPEC countries (in mmbd) R = U.S. domestic energy supply (in 1972 billion dollars) RF = domestic energy supply for non-U.S., non-OPEC countries (in mmbd oil equivalents) r = nominal interest rate (rate p.a.) S = U.S. domestic energy resource stock (in 1972 billion dollars) t = time (years) T = date after which backstop energy technology is used in the model u = unemployment rate 6 v∗ = real rental rate (shadow price) for categories of capital whose levels are determined before the shock vˆ = real rental rate for categories of capital whose levels are determined after the shock v = aggregate real rental rate of capital v = expected real rental rate of capital in the absence of a shock w = predetermined nominal wage rate (in thousands of dollars per man-year) w∗ = predetermined nominal wage rate adjusted for employers´share of the payroll tax and cost-of-living increases thousands of dollars per man-year) (in w0 = aggregate nominal wage rate, for use in the price equation (in thousands of dollars per man-year) w = aggregate nominal wage rate, adjusted for cyclical variation in labor productivity, for use in factor-demand equations thousands of dollars per man-year) X (in = net U.S. exports of nonenergy goods (in 1972 dollars, deflated by Pt) Y = gross output of goods and services in the nonenergy sector of the U.S. economy (in 1972 billion dollars) YF = gross output of goods and services in non-U.S., non-OPEC countries 1972 billion dollars) Z = gross real cost of U.S. energy production (in1972 billion dollars) τM = U.S. tariff on oil (1980 dollars per barrel) τ FM = foreign tariff on oil (1980 dollars per barrel) τw = payroll tax (rate of) τs = rate of sales tax for goods and services in the United States τp = tax on U.S. energy production θ = tax rate on capital in production (in