C2 Programs

Summer Programs
Based Programs
(Just a few of what we offer)
Biomedical Engineering & Sports Injury Protection –
Interested in the GROWING field of biomedical engineering?
During this program, you will take a deep dive into the profession
while designing and building a protype of athletic personal
protective equipment. Once constructed, you will also learn about
and utilize equipment testing methods and the process used to make
improvements to sports equipment. Mechanical software used in
the field will be discussed.
The Rube Goldberg Experience – A cool twist on the science
behind physics….During this program, students will learn about
basic physics concepts in a hands on way and utilize this
knowledge to build a Rube Goldberg machine. What is a Rube
Goldberg machine you ask?? A Rube Goldberg machine is a
contraption, invention, device or apparatus that is deliberately overengineered or overdone to perform a very simple task in a very
complicated fashion, usually including a chain reaction.
Science and
Health Based
CSI – Think you want to wor k as a Cr ime Scene Investigator
or Forensics Scientists after school? Spend a week in our state of
the art STEM Lab discovering if you have what it takes. You
will explore the tools an investigator uses from taking and
comparing fingerprints, collecting evidence, bloodstain
patterning, determining blood type to chromotology and DNA
testing. Be sure to bring a strong stomach!
The Nursing Experience – Think you’d like to have the letter s
“RN” after your name?? Spend a week with the nurses at the
Wayne State University College of Nursing. This program is
designed for those students who are seriously considering the
profession as it exposes you to the various types of nursing
specialties. The program will include hands on use of the
equipment used to train the students that attend the College of
Nursing at WSU. You will also have the opportunity to interact
with current students and faculty to ask questions.
WSU C2 Pipeline Warriors College Experience – Your
freshman year of college is going to be….different. On top of
the most challenging academic classes you’ve had thus far, you
will be living and working with people you’ve never met in a
place you don’t know much about. What not see if you’re ready
and apply for our WSU C2 Pipeline Warriors College
Experience Program? If accepted, you will spend 11 days on
Wayne State University’s campus, living in the dorms and
attending classes taught by WSU faculty, staff and graduate
students. In the evenings, you will have a variety of things to
accomplish including: developing a project with four other
students to compete for scholarship money to WSU! Don’t
worry, we’ll throw a couple of “fun things” in there for you to
Wayne State University
Anatomy in Clay
Everything you wanted to know about the human body…and
more! Art and Science meet head-on in this program that
introduces that anatomy and chemistry of the human body.
Explore each of the body systems by constructing various
body parts and functions out of household items (think
recreating the digestive system with cooked oatmeal and
nylons!). As an extension, you will also sculpt body systems
and associated organs out of clay and place them on a mini
skeleton. By the end of the yearlong enrichment, you will
have a good idea of the chemistry behind the human body!
AHEC Behavioral
Tech Program
**This enrichments operates for four consecutive terms. In
order to get the most of out the enrichment, it is suggested
that a student make a school year commitment to the
Where engineering and healthcare collide!
Build a Better
Rube Goldberg
Can you make a machine that does this??? Raising spoon to
mouth (A) pulls string (B), thereby jerking ladle (C), which
throws cracker (D) past parrot I. Parrot jumps after cracker,
and perch (F) tilts, upsetting seeds (G) into pail (H). Extra
weight in pail pulls cord (I), which opens and lights automatic
cigar lighter (J), setting off skyrocket (K), which causes
sickle (L) to cut string (M) and allows pendulum with
attached napkin (N) to swing back and forth, thereby wiping
off your chin. Want to be challenged??
College & Finance
Interested in a career in the healthcare industry but just can’t
stand the sight of blood?? Consider the field of biomedical
engineering! In this eight week enrichment, you will be
exposed to two different ways engineering has impacted the
medical field – prosthetic limbs and bioimaging. During the
first four weeks, you will learn about, develop plans for,
construct and test out a bionic arm utilizing hydraulic and
pneumatic power systems. During the last four weeks, you
will explore the field of bioimaging, the technology behind
ultrasounds, computerized tomography (CT) scans and
Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) scans.
Need help applying to college? Want assistance in securing
funding? This enrichment is run in a three part series and is
geared towards current 12th graders.
Part One (Ter m One): Get help in applying to college and
trade schools, writing essays and obtaining transcripts and test
Part Two (Ter m Two): Get help applying for
scholarships, grants and loans. Get prepared to fill your
Part Three (Ter m Thr ee): Get financially focused and
prepared for life after high school
**This enrichment is for 12th graders only. Participation
in all three parts is not required.
Graduate high school with job potential….
According to the Center for Disease Control (CDC), one in
68 children in the US has an Autism Spectrum Disorder
(ASD) and on the rise! A Registered Behavioral Technician
(RBT) is someone that is 18 years of age, has achieved a
minimum of a high school diploma and had acquired a certain
number of training & experience hours in specific behavior
analytic content areas. By attending the AHEC Behavioral
Tech Program, you can receive this required training and be
prepared to enter the workforce right out of high school in a
meaningful field.
**This enrichment does require a commitment of both
classroom and clinical hours.
Certified Nurse’s
Assistant Course
In many settings, Nurse’s Aides are the caregivers with the
most frequent interactions with patients and employment
opportunities are expected to grow about 21% by 2022. This
course introduces you to the healthcare delivery system,
general responsibilities of healthcare team members and
specifically the role of the Nurse Aide. You will be able to
identify professional and personal characteristics required of
a Nurse Aide. You will also be able to satisfactorily discuss
knowledge and basic skills common to most health
occupation, including basic patient care of the aging older
adult. This course will present topics including compliance
with Occupational, Safety, and Health Administration
(OSHA) guidelines and universal precautions; responding to
basic medical emergencies; performing patient monitoring
skills; and documenting health care provided.
*This course requires both classroom and clinical hours. The
course will culminate with a state examination. Upon passing
status, you will earn a certificate.
Academic Center
Offered Daily to all Participating Students
Academic Center
Offered daily, during this hour can spent utilizing the
resources you need to complete homework and projects
assigned by your day school teachers. The C2 Pipeline staff
will be on hand to assist in a small group setting (one on one
tutoring is not usually available). No homework? You can
also use this time to catch up on missing assignments, extra
credit or to earn some resume building credentials through the
Boy Scouts of America Exploring Program
STEM Chess
An exercise of infinite possibilities for the mind! Want to
train your memory and test your mental skills?? Play chess!
In this enrichment, you will not only learn how to play the
game of chess but also the mathematical strategies behind the
game that will allow you to play like a pro! By the end of the
eight weeks, you will be prepared to battle other C2 Pipeline
students (at your site and others) with your mad chess skills!
STEM Debate
Do you love to argue???
Interested in pursuing a career in law? Consider STEM
Debate! In this enrichment, you learn the ins and outs of a
proper debate including the true meaning of arguments, cross
examination, evidence, fallacy, refutation, resolution and
warrant. You and your peers will be given ample
opportunities to practice the art of debate.
STEM Sleuths
The recent Ebola outbreak sent the world and, more
relatively, the United States into a panic. Many were worried
about prevention and containment. By participating in STEM
Sleuths, you will participate in hands on activities that will
teach you about your own immune system and how it protects
you from infectious disease. Additionally, you will explore a
variety of infectious diseases that have impacted people
STEPS to a Healthy
Ten80 Racing
Traumatic Brain
Today, nationwide, roughly two out of three US adults are
overweight or obese. The purpose of STEPS is to help you
develop skills and knowledge in physical education and
nutrition so that you can make lifestyle changes. You will be
exposed to a variety of tools and hands on activities including
games, case scenarios, computer software programs, cooking
demonstrations and fitness challenges to help you develop
your lifestyle changes. You will even be provided with
suggestions on how you can encourage your family and
friends to make these lifestyle changes with you!
You will build a ready-to-run vehicle during the first weeks
of competition preparation. During the building phase, you
will focus on learning how systems operate and how to
organize data rather than following a set of boring directions.
Once the vehicle is built, you and your team will have the
opportunity to utilize data and problem solving to rebuild and
improve the car. Then it’s race time!
Why dread a bump on the head?
In the Traumatic Brain Injury enrichment, you will engage in
activities that will give a detailed look into the anatomy of the
brain and how it can be affected during injury. Hands on
activities include dissecting a sheep’s brain and utilizing
technology to research how brain injuries affect neurons.
Special attention will be given to brain injuries that sports
players are exposed to during active play.
Computer Science:
Coding & Beyond
Interested in computers? Want to guarantee yourself a job?
By the year 2020, an estimated 400,000 students will graduate
with a Computer Science degree. In that same year, there will
be an estimated 1.4 million computing jobs (code.org).
During this enrichment, you will explore the basics behind
computer science. You will engage in activities that will
allow them to dissect a computer, write code and develop a
website. Do yourself a favor and get a jumpstart on your
Crime Scene
In this enrichment, you will explore the profession of forensic
science using a variety of hands on activities. Lessons will
give you the opportunity to focus on the skills involved in
solving a crime including examining a crime scene, taking
and comparing fingerprints, collecting evidence, bloodstain
patterning, determining blood type and chromotology. You
may even have the opportunity to witness accident
reconstruction with a local law enforcement agent who
specializes in such.
Drones are the future of a variety of career fields…the
military (think spys and reconnaissance) and photography to
name a few. This course explores a wide variety of subjects
through the lens of understanding and developing a
particularly useful, popular, and fun technology. You will
start by learning how unmanned aerial vehicles—drones—are
used for a wide variety of purposes, including scientific
endeavors, business, and even therapy. From there, you will
explore everything drones…basic parts, mechanics,
engineering to learning to fly the device.
Earth Powered
(Green Architecture)
The future of energy sources…
Did you know by the year 2050, one-third of the world’s
energy will need to come from solar, wind and other
renewable resources? According to altenergy.com, climate
change, population growth and fossil fuel depletion mean that
renewable resources will need to play a bigger role in the
future than they do today. Why should you care? You ARE
the future! In this enrichment, you will learn about new ways
to do everyday things (think about baking cookies or driving
a car) that rely on renewable resources from our earth. All
activities are experimental and hands-on.
Have you ever wondered what makes a computer work? Or
maybe how a circuit operates? In the Electrical Engineering
Technology enrichment, you will have the opportunity to
explore your electrical engineering inquiries. The activities in
this enrichment will follow the interests of the students
enrolled as they relate to investigating, dissecting and
assembling electronics.
Math Carnival
What is the likelihood of winning? In Math Carnival, you
will explore the concept of probability as it relates to winning
some of your favorite games…Monopoly, Black Jack and
more! You will also spend some time dissecting the math
involved in these games to help you determine the best way to
play and win!
MDOT Michigan
Design & Build a
Bridge Challenge
Are you a tinkerer? This is the enrichment for you! During
the Explore It, Design It enrichment, you will spend eight
weeks challenging yourself to make things bigger and better.
What do we mean by things? The tallest tower built out of
paper, the paper bridge that can hold the most weight, a device that protect an egg the best, the zip line that carry the
most weight the farthest…you get the idea. If you image it, it
can be explore and designed in this enrichment!
Sponsored by the Michigan Department of Transportation,
the Michigan Design & Build a Bridge Challenge gives you
the opportunity to apply math and science concepts to
common engineering problems occurring in the transportation
systems in a competitive atmosphere. You will also evaluate
the social and environmental impacts associated with the
development and repair of transportation systems (think about
a bridge collapsing), as well as, cost effectiveness. You will
compete on a team of three to submit a proposal to compete
in the Competition Finals held in Grand Rapids, MI. Awards
to the winning teams include a Visa Gift Card.
Need for Speed
Do you see yourself designing the next big item for New
York Fashion Week? Prove it! In this eight week
enrichment, you will explore everything related to fashion
engineering from the history of fashion, fabric and materials,
to how to construct a garment from unconventional materials.
You will expose yourself to using sewing kits, examining
weights and measurement and determining the importance of
scale. By the end of the eight weeks, you’ll be such a
“fashion expert” that they only thing you’ll need is your
designer name!
The future of the motor vehicle industry??
Living near the Motor City, automobile news is usually the
talk of the town. Why not attempt to make those headlines
yourself by exploring alternative forms of transportation???
In this eight week enrichment, you will explore a variety of
power systems for four wheeled vehicles including rubber
bands, propellers and balloons. You’ll even construct the
vehicle out of a spool and K’Nex that you will attempt to
power! A good portion of the enrichment will be dedicated to
solar power and improving designs of solar powered vehicles.
Personal Finance
Get ahead of the game and prepare yourself for life after high
school! In this enrichment, you will explore, discuss and
analyze ways to make sure that you are financial “set” for
your future…whatever it may hold for you!
SAT Prep
Nothing can prepare you for the SAT like actually taking the
test. With the state of Michigan making the switch to include
the SAT as part of its required standardized testing for 11th
graders, why not get a head start on all of your classmates??
In this enrichment, you will explore the format of the test
(include test question types), test-taking tips specific to the
SAT and have the opportunity to study SAT content.
*Note: This enrichment is for 11th graders only!
STEM Busters/
Myth Destroyers
What do you do when you hear a rumor or an urban legend?
Test it, of course! This eight week enrichment turns a number
of popular rumors into science experiments. You will learn
how to question the world around you using the scientific
method, mathematical analysis and the spirit of inquiry!
Discover how unsanitary a toilet seat really is, if anything and
everything really can be fixed with duct tape and decide if the
phrase “everything happens for a reason” is really true.
Do the bright lights of the stage intrigue you?? Hone your
acting skills in Empowerment Improv. This is an eight week
enrichment that will allow you to explore relevant topics in a
non-confrontational manner. The art of improv is discussed
and practiced during the first week of the course which means
you will be given a scenario to act out on the spot! Once
you’re an improve expert, you will utilize improv to address
Business &
More Information Coming Soon
Explore It, Design It
Fashion Engineering
Human Genetic
Why are we all so different??
This enrichment lets you become a geneticist! You will do
activities to study differences among human beings. You will
also learn how geneticists develop medical practices that can
aid in the study of human diseases such as heart disease. We
will use Gummy Bears to model genetics and play games that
will help you to understand human genetic variations.
Mad Science:
Are you curious about the chemical involved in the everyday
items you use or even eat??? In this enrichment, you will
explore chemical bonds, formulas and polymers involved in
crystals, bath salts, paints and more. You will work with
others to develop your own super (bouncy) ball, candy canes,
lip balm and more. Note: this enrichment can get messy!
Only those truly interested in being a crazy mad scientist
should consider enrolling!