‘L JBL K Series: A new generation of powerful musical instrument loudspeakers with grown the unmistakable loudspeakers sound quality and high efficiency that have become a virtual trademark introduced since the famous a decade ago. In the early amplified sixties, musical J~L F Series was sophisticated on musical and the insrrument are more critical precisely the reasons the K Series. than performers instruments had for high stress areas of the cone and voice coil very which give K Series loudspeakers double the power handling capability of the pre- energy directly to large, handwound vious F Series. For example, coils made of ribbon cake the full output and still sound profes. clean ac any volume level-from fo an explosion. a whisper and musicians F Series provided - - from turned to JBI.. The the answer -with quality, efficiency and reliability could offer. That was the sixties. sound only JBL Today, amplifier power is much greater, listening in the K Series is de- using tinuous facturers The K Series technology signed co traditional JBL quality standards. High strength Alnico V magnets in mas- man”. major guitar JBI. sound at its best, with Each loudspeaker unique requirements, cone character. efficiency co match. ever why ~sr wanted - sound they couldn’t get from standard loudspeakers. To satisfy rheir sional to beginner e before developed placed New materials have been formulated special ideas about the kind of sound they c increasingly demands castes have a K140 will of a 150.wacr sine wave amp con- The K Series delivers more sound per waft than other musical instrument loudspeakers. The punch in bass notes is deep and solid; midrange bite is crisp and clear; with brilliance in the highs for distinctive sive cast iron magnetic machined structures conduct voice wire. These precisely components yield maximum loudspeaker efficiency and power handling capacity. Cone surround fatigue has been virtually eliminated compounds and by the use of new materials developed by .JBL. Such improvements meet the stringent demands of amplified musical instruments and provide unsurpassed durability. c KllO lo-inch Here is a loudspeaker watts continuous organists that can take 75 sine wave and deliver mote sound output per amplifier watt than any other loudspeaker its site. Sustain is highly ptcdictable tone characteristics ate the KI 10 an obvious and over- brilliant, making choice where small size and big system prtfotmancc quired Considered to be Jw’s sounding musical instrument it’s tight at home arc tecrispest loudspeaker, with lead and rhythm guitar, organ, ot when stacked in a column for PA use. The KI 10 may bt small, but its large 3-inch diameter voice coil speaks with real musical authority. to reproduce tal tone character Conservatively efficiency, un- rated at 150 watts con- matched capacity tinous sine wave, the K140 delivers pure bass nofes even at thunderous levels with efficiency 15.inch that’s unmatched 12.inch This remarkable loudspeaker cient and can handle most 15.inch brand new sound in a 15.inch bass instru- - sharply defined, crisp sound that projects a bigger bass punch than ever heard before from other loudspeakers its size. Plus the same high efi- ciency and power handling that have made choice of ptofes- the most massive than tepto- sine wave magnetic strnctute has every built. 20 pounds the JBL tradition, Power Handling power” JBL worth, and in all critical areas arc pre- of music they reproduce compressed loudspeakers a performer’s insttument sttonger sicnts. Amplifier musical instrument used in tionally used ceramic sttnctute electric pianos has the same huge magnet and 4.inch voice coil as the 15. inch K130. That’s why midrange are bright, and bass is smooth, ciency’s so outstanding music maker by JBL. and highs and the efi- in this 12-&h tremendous energy diameter voice coil of copper wire, milled to a fine ribbon hand cient extended most rugged range musical and effi- instrument then on its narrow edge. increases range in midrange tion. K130 - arc so sevete, sine wave method to manding than actual performance situations, and provides a truly ctediblc mea- and provides expands outstanding handling sure of a loudspeaker’s Loudspeakers driven where their made especially lx-inch for electric impedancr (impedance actu- from low to high frequencies j, For this reason, we require the K Series loudspeakers to withstand its full rated power input at all frequencies within one-half an octave on each side of the minimum impedance and to sustain this performance region continu- in horn-loaded and high frequency reptoduc- formance closures. the only choice loud- Kl5l has it all. 20 pounds of precision machined Alnico V with high grade iron and ttemen- and steel for a super strong magnetic sttuc- such as instantaneous ture. A big 4~inch voice roil of special ribbon wire which places 2470 mote wire in and power ratings provide a musician with specifications that ate realistic in relation the magnetic to his performance dous musical sound levels are required. 15.inch This superb low frequency transducer is spectally designed for bass guitarists and ot reflex pet- measured designed when for unsurpassed capability. point in all loudspeakers Loudspeaker dc- can be most easily ovct- is at its minimum ally varies capacity. This test is far more bass, and speaker size is not testticted K140 Because these conditions we prefer the continuous Compared JBL’s new K151 is a powethousc provides considerably more output than smaller cones without the slightest sacrifice level ate often very high - especially during live performances. standard definition ~ the kind of cxtta performance a musician expects from JBL. loudspeaker ttan- power it as the ideal reproducer for lead and power and volume for rating K151 The 15.inch cone area - with all of its and eaplosivc laboratory loudspeaker. Its 125.watt continuous sine wave power handling capability qualifies rhythm insttumcnts. range by efficiency, Bass Instrument musical in- wound tightly small, machine made coils of round witc which ate tgpically used in other speakers, dynamic 15.inch The K130 is J&s gap a huge cast iron pot ~ttucturc. the magnetic gap lies a 4.inch this process K130 fo the magnetic through Within are far less critical In contrast, musical instrument loudspeakers rcccivr their signal directly ftom (250% guitar amps, organs, similar applications. and sttulnents. 12.inch that directs process than those used with amplified replaces types) included has been greatly in the recording directly than convcn- have playback levels arc tclatively modetatc. As a result, demands placed on home entei- wide dynamic per pound we of rating is acceptable for loudspeakers used at home, because the dynamic range tainment by Capaciq rating. cisely machined far optimum performance. It contains a large, costly Alnico V magnet loudspeakers and these figures for you refctcnce. The continuous program power method rating offer performance that will satisfy the most critical musician. The K120 conventional handling Since a number of manufacturcts continue to USC the less srringent “continuous program To cteatr power greater is Loudspeaker A Success Story. The objective: is more ctl- models. Its full-range The K120 (; K140 dynamite. sionals for 0x1 30 years. The K145’s special cone is powered duction and 100.watt continuous c The 15-112 pounds of low frequency K145 Bass Instrument power sound - from C sharp clear down to low E. Perfectly, Powctfullg. by any other bass loudspeaker. ment loudspeaker of force that give K151 outstanding JBL the overwhelming K120 mass the result is massive amounts the rich fundamcn- of their instruments. en- ously fot one hour without gap than standard coils of round wire. Finally, a cone that’s an optimum combination of stiffness, density and While other methods damage. can be used to achieve even greater power rating figures, ot peak, JBL’S tests requitcments. ill mm 4-3/R in 4.314 in 1.7 kg n-114 lb 6.4 kg 14 lb 121 mm 143 mm I-518 in 143 nlm T-518 in 168 mm 6.518 in 194 mm 7-1/x in 7.0 kg 7.0 kg 1 L., kg 25.314 lb 11.9 kg X-1,4 Ib IT-I/~ lb Series 15-112 Ih