Introduction to Physics Classroom

Introduction – The Physics Classroom -
This exercise is to introduce you to one of the many helpful Physics Websites that you can use at
anytime to help you with your homework or to just learn more about the physics you are studying. Each
Page usually reviews one important concept in Physics and has interactive examples, simple animations
or illustrations of the concept -> and then checks your understand of the concept at the end. Students
find this site very, very helpful.
• Log-on to -
You will see a screen that will allow you to:
- Get tutorial help with any area of physics you are studying
- See and analyze multimedia animations of physics example problems
- Get help with specific problem areas (like graphing motion, etc.)
• Click on “Physics Tutorial” - on the sidebar you see the many areas of physics we will study.
- The tutorial sections allow you to review your physics and systematically check your
understanding as you go along.
• Click on “1-D Kinematics” (1-D means one dimensional (in a straight line), kinematics = the study
of moving objects.
• Click on “Lesson 1” and read the Introduction to Lessen 1 page.
- On the left-hand Sidebar (and at the bottom of the page) there are links listed that will take
you to the various parts of the Lesson 1.
- Lesson 1 includes 4 parts: 1.) Scalars & Vectors, 2.) Distance & Displacement, 3.) Speed &
Velocity, and 4.) Acceleration.
• Work through Lesson 1 – now – check your understanding as you go.
• Work through Lesson 3 – on Position vs. Time (p – t or distance vs. time) Graphs
• Work through Lesson 4 – on Velocity vs. Time Graphs
• Problems with graphs? - Go back to the Tutorial Page – click on “Physics Help” – click on “Graphing
Practice” – work through the graphing practice problems as your Homework (draw the graphs
and label the graphs from the questions – these graphs will be due next time.
For future Homework:
• Work through Lesson 5 – on Free Fall acceleration (g) of Gravity
• Work through Lesson 6 – on describing motion with equations.