Modelling, Analysis, and Control Aspects of a Rotating Power Electronic Brushless Doubly-Fed Induction Generator NAVEED UR REHMAN MALIK Doctoral Thesis in Electrical Machines and Drives Stockholm, Sweden 2015 TRITA-EE 2015:63 ISSN 1653-5146 ISBN 978-91-7595-691-6 Laboratory of Electrical Energy Conversion (E2C), KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Teknikringen 33, 100 44 Stockholm, SWEDEN Akademisk avhandling som med tillstånd av Kungl Tekniska högskolan framlägges till offentlig granskning för avläggande av teknologie doktorsexamen i måndagen den 19 Oktober 2015 klockan 10:00 i Sal F3, Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan, Lindstedtsvägen 26, Stockholm. © Naveed ur Rehman Malik, September 2015 Tryck: Universitetsservice US AB iii Abstract This thesis deals with the modeling, analysis and control of a novel brushless generator for wind power application. The generator is named as rotating power electronic brushless doubly-fed induction machine/generator (RPEBDFIM/G). A great advantage of the RPE-BDFIG is that the slip power recovery is realized in a brushless manner. This is achieved by introducing an additional machine termed as exciter together with the rotating power electronic converters, which are mounted on the shaft of a DFIG. It is shown that the exciter recovers the slip power in a mechanical manner, and delivers it back to the grid. As a result, slip rings and carbon brushes can be eliminated, increasing the robustness of the system, and reducing the maintenance costs and down-time of the turbine. To begin with, the dynamic model of the RPE-BDFIG is developed and analyzed. Using the dynamic model, the working principle of the generator is understood and its operation explained. The analysis is carried out at speeds, ±20% around the synchronous speed of the generator. Moreover, the dynamics of the generator due to external load-torque disturbances are investigated. Additionally, the steady-state model is also derived and analyzed for the machine, when operating in motor mode. As a next step, the closed-loop control of the generator is considered in detail. The power and speed control of the two machines of the generator and the dc-link voltage control is designed using internal model control (IMC) principles. It is found that it is possible to maintain the stability of the generator against load-torque disturbances from the turbine and the exciter, at the same time maintain a constant dc-link voltage of the rotor converter. The closed-loop control is also implemented and the operation of the generator with the control theory is confirmed through experiments. In the third part of the thesis, the impact of grid faults on the behaviour of the generator is investigated. The operation of the generator and its response is studied during symmetrical and unsymmetrical faults. An approach to successful ride through of the symmetrical faults is presented, using passive resistive network (PRN). Moreover, in order to limit the electrical and mechanical oscillations in the generator during unsymmetrical faults, the dual vector control (DVC) is implemented. It is found that DVC to a certain extent can be used to safeguard the converter against large oscillations in rotor currents. Finally, for completeness of the thesis, a preliminary physical design of the rotating power electronic converter has been done in a finite element software called ANSYS. The thermal footprint and the cooling capability, with estimates of the heatsink and fan sizes, are presented. Besides, another variant of a rotating electronic induction machine which is based on the Lindmark concept and operating in a single-fed mode is also iv investigated. It’s steady-state model is developed and verified through experiments. Index Terms: Brushless doubly-fed induction generator, dual vector control, dynamic model, induction machine, internal model control, Lindmark concept, low-voltage ride-through, passive resistive network, rotating power electronic converter, rotating exciter, symmetrical faults, synchronous machine, thermal model, unity power factor, unsymmetrical faults, vector control, wind turbines. v Sammanfattning Denna avhandling handlar om modellering, analys och kontroll av en ny typ av borstlös generator för vindkraft applikation. Generatorn benämns: rotating power electronic brushless doubly-fed induction machine /generator (RPE-BDFIM/G). En stor fördel med RPE-BDFIG är att eftersläpningseffekten kan återvinnas utan släpringar och borstar. Detta uppnås genom att införa ytterligare en maskin som kallas “exciter” tillsammans med den roterande kraftelektroniska omvandlaren, som monterades på DFIGs axeln. Det framgår att excitern återvinner slipeffekten på mekaniskt väg, och levererar den tillbaka till nätet. Som en följd, kan släpringar och kolborstar elimineras, vilket ökar systemets robusthet och minskar underhållskostnaderna och turbinens stilleståndstid. Till att börja med utvecklats och analyseras RPE-BDFIGs dynamiska modellen. Genom den dynamiska modellen kan generatorns arbetsprincip förstås och dess funktion förklaras. Analysen har utförts vid olika hastigheter t.ex. vid ±20% av det synkrona varvtalet för generatorn. Dessutom undersöks generatorns dynamik vid yttre störningar från lastens vridmoment. Vidare härleds och analyseras maskinens stationära modell vid motordrift. Som ett nästa steg, beaktas i detalj styrningen av generatorn i det slutna systemet. Effekt och varvtalsreglering av de två maskinerna i systemet samt spänningsreglering av DC mellanled har utvecklats med principer från “internal model control (IMC)”. Det framgår av resultatet att det är möjligt att upprätthålla stabiliteten i generatorn mot lastmomentstörningarna från turbinen och excitern, samtidigt som man håller en konstant DC mellanledsspänning på omvandlaren i rotorn. Styrningen av generatorn i det slutna systemet har också implementerats och dess regleregenskaper bekräftas genom experiment. I den tredje delen av avhandlingen, har påverkan av fel på nätet på generatorn undersökts. Generatorns drift och dess beteende under symmetriska och osymmetriska fel studerats. Ett tillvägagångssätt presenteras för framgångsrik “ride through” genom de symmetriska felen med “passive resistive network (PRN)”. Dessutom, i syfte att begränsa de elektriska och mekaniska oscillationerna i generatorn under osymmetriska fel, har tekniken “dual vector control (DVC)” tillämpats. Man har funnit att DVC i viss utsträckning kan användas för att skydda omvandlaren mot de stora oscillationerna i rotorströmmarna. Slutligen, kompletteras avhandlingen med en preliminär design av RPE i finita elementprogrammet ANSYS. Den termiska analysen och kylförmågan med uppskattningar av storlekar för kylfläns och fläkt presenterats. Dessutom, har en annan variant av den roterande elektroniska induktionsmaskinen som är baserad på Lindmarks koncept och som arbetar utan att rotorlindningen återkopplas till nätet också undersökts. En stationär modell för konceptet har utvecklats och verifierats genom experiment. Acknowledgements This project was funded by the Vindforsk Research Program who are gratefully acknowledged. First of all, I would like to thank my supervisor Professor Chandur Sadarangani for his support, encouragement, and guidance during the project. Further, I would like to express my gratitude to the steering committee members for this project; Dr. Luca Peretti, Dr. Jouko Niiranen, and Dr. Robert Chin for their valuable feedback and fruitful discussions. I want to thank Prof. Lennart Harnefors for his excellent advice on the control theory, and for continuously spending his valuable time on revising my three journal papers. I hope we can continue with the scientific work in the future. Special thanks to Prof. Hans Peter Nee for carefully reviewing this thesis. I would also like to thank Dr. Alija Cosic for his help with the equipment in the laboratory while I was working with the experimental setup. Moreover, Mats Leksell is acknowledged for solving some of the problems, which I faced during the implementation of the experimental setup. Dr. Oskar Wallmark too, is acknowledged for his valuable feedback on latex and on some aspects related to the control theory of the project. I would also like to thank people during my exchange visit to North Carolina State University (NCSU) Raleigh, USA. I would like to thank my supervisor there and also a co-author of my two papers, Prof. Iqbal Husain for giving me an opportunity to work at FREEDM Systems Center, NCSU. Furthermore, I would like to express my gratitude to the committee at ABB corporate research, Raleigh, USA, for giving valuable feedback on my work, which I performed during my visit. For this, special thanks goes to Dr. Waqas Arshad, Dr. Ghanshyam Shrestha, and Dr. Hongrae Kim. I am grateful to all my former and current colleagues at KTH, who have been a source of help in several ways. Besides, I would like to thank Henrik Grop, Alexander Stening, Kashif Khan, Shafigh Nategh, Andreas Krings, Noman Ahmed, Yanmei Yao, Kalle Ilves, Shoaib Almas, and Lebing Jin for their company during the conferences and courses. vii viii Special thanks to E2C financial administrator Eva Petterson, system administrator Peter Lönn, Jesper Freiberg, and technician Jan-Olov Brännvall (late) for assisting me with the financial, computer, and lab issues, respectively. I would like to thank Eddie for an amazing company during indoor climbing and for our excursions within Stockholm city, especially with regards to search for restaurants serving good food. Finally, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to my parents and wife for their tremendous support and encouragement. I would also like to thank my cricket and badminton friends Zaheer, Mati, Adnan, Wahab, and Arsalan. Stockholm 2015 Naveed ur Rehman Malik Contents Contents ix 1 Introduction 1.1 Background and Objective . . . . . 1.2 Outline of the Thesis . . . . . . . . 1.3 Main Contributions of this Thesis . 1.4 Publications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1 3 4 5 2 Variable-Speed Control of a Wind Generator 2.1 Background . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.2 Direct- and Indirect-Drive Generator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.3 Connecting a Power Electronic Converter to a Generator . . . . 2.4 Brushless Doubly-Fed Induction Machine (BDFIM) . . . . . . . 2.4.1 Principle behind BDFIM and its Operational Evolution 2.4.2 Different Modes of BDFIM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.5 Sizes of the Converter and Control Machine in a BDFIM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 9 11 12 13 13 15 17 3 Dynamic and Steady-State Model of a RPE-BDFIG 3.1 Working Principle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.1.1 Super-Synchronous Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.1.2 Sub-Synchronous Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.1.3 Synchronous Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.1.4 General Comments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.2 Dynamic Model of the RPE-BDFIG . . . . . . . . . . 3.3 Steady-State Model of the RPE-BDFIG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 19 20 24 25 26 27 28 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Closed-Loop Control of a RPE-BDFIG 31 4.1 Reference Frames . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 4.2 Vector Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 4.2.1 Exciter Rotor Converter Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 ix x CONTENTS 4.2.2 4.2.3 4.2.4 4.2.5 4.2.6 DFIG Rotor Converter Control Speed Controller . . . . . . . . DC-Link Voltage Controller . . Phase-Locked Loop . . . . . . . Control Performance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Low-Voltage Ride-Through of a RPE-BDFIG 5.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.2 Grid Codes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.3 Voltage Dips and Types of Faults . . . . . . . . 5.3.1 ABC Classification . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.4 Behaviour of the RPE-BDFIG during faults . . 5.4.1 Passive Resistive Network . . . . . . . . 5.4.2 Dual Vector Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 35 37 39 40 . . . . . . . 45 45 47 48 48 49 50 53 6 Design and Thermal Aspects of a Rotating Power Electronic Converter (RPEC) 55 6.1 Rotating Electronics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 7 Unity Power Factor Operation of a Single-fed Induction Machine using the Lindmark Concept 59 7.1 Rotating Power Electronic Induction Drive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 7.1.1 Advantage of the Lindmark Concept . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 8 Conclusions 63 8.1 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 8.2 Future Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 List of Figures 65 Bibliography 69 A Glossary of Symbols and Abbreviations 77 B Summary of Publications 81 C Selected Publications C.1 Publication I . . . C.2 Publication II . . . C.3 Publication III . . C.4 Publication IV . . C.5 Publication V . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85 85 101 111 119 127 CONTENTS C.6 Publication C.7 Publication C.8 Publication C.9 Publication C.10 Publication C.11 Publication C.12 Publication xi VI . VII . VIII IX . X . . XI . XII . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139 149 161 169 181 189 197 Chapter 1 Introduction This chapter presents the background, goal, and outline of the thesis. 1.1 Background and Objective In the last two decades, electricity production through wind power has gained momentum in Europe. This is due to a desire to gain independence from oil, and to limit global warming from carbon dioxide emissions. The momentum has caused improvement in the turbine technologies, and an increase in their sizes. It is expected that if the current growth of use of the wind turbines continues, 20% of the electricity in Europe will be supplied by wind, by 2030 [1, 2]. The major contributor will be onshore wind, however, offshore wind power will also grow at a much faster pace than before [1, 2]. The experiences gained from the oil industry with regards to foundations in deep sea, will be used in order to accelerate the growth of offshore wind turbine installations [1, 2]. Furthermore, offshore wind is attractive as it offers better wind profile than onshore, higher wind speeds, less visual and acoustic disturbances, and an opportunity of better energy yield per turbine unit as larger sizes of wind turbines can be installed [1, 2]. The doubly-fed induction generator (DFIG) is one of the most famous and widely used generator in the wind arena [5–8]. This is because the speed of the generator is varied using a converter, that is rated at approximately 30% of the rated power for speed variations between 20–25% [5–8]. This results in major cost savings and reduces the size of the overall auxiliary installations of the generator, such as harmonic filters. As seen in Figure 1.1, DFIG consists of a wound rotor induction machine whose stator is directly connected to the grid, whereas the threephase rotor windings are connected to the power electronic converter via slip rings. Majority of power leaves the stator unprocessed by the power electronic converter, 1 2 CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION Figure 1.1: Doubly-fed induction generator (DFIG) with zoomed-in view of its slip rings [3, 4]. whereas the remaining power corresponding to the slip of the generator, is delivered to the grid from the generator’s rotor, via the rotor power electronic converter [5–8]. However, the generator employs slip rings and carbon brushes, which reduces the reliability of the generator and puts limits to the amount of current that can be transferred through the carbon brushes. Furthermore, carbon brushes wear out and need to be replaced every few months [2]. Besides, the generated carbon dust, if leaked in the nacelle can cause electrical hazards due to its conducting nature [9–14]. Apart from this, the carbon dust is also blown into the generator windings by the shaft fan, which reduces the lifetime and durability of the winding insulation [9–14]. Thus, their absence will be of great advantage as it would reduce the maintenance costs, and downtime of the turbine. The advantage is enhanced for offshore installations, where the maintenance and replacement of the carbon brushes is dependent upon weather conditions, and is also expensive. Brushless DFIGs have been studied in the past, in order to remove carbon brushes and slip rings, such as in [11,13,15–24]. This concept employs two machines; the stator of one machine is connected to the grid, whereas its rotor is connected to the rotor of the second machine, whose stator is connected to the grid through the 1.2. OUTLINE OF THE THESIS 3 power electronic converter in between (see Chapter 2). However, as pointed in [23], the BDFIG suffers from increased size, weight, and cost, if unity or capacitive power factor is desired at the stator terminals of the generator. Moreover, the control of the generator is lost around the synchronous speed of the machine that is directly connected to the grid [13, 25] (see Chapter 2). Thus, its large size and instable regions of operation at the speeds of interest for wind power, is a major drawback. As an alternative, a novel topology has been theoretically and experimentally studied and investigated in this thesis. This topology offer several advantages such as higher power density of the components and variable power factor operation. The electromagnetic interference (EMI) to the grid will also be considerably reduced. The generator is called as rotating power electronic brushless doubly-fed induction generator (RPE-BDFIG). It consists of two machines (see Chapter 3). The stator of one machine is connected to the grid and its rotor is connected to the rotor of the second machine via back-to-back power electronic converters. The stator of the second machine has dc field winding. The the two rotors are decoupled electrically through the power electronic converters (see Chapter 3). The role of the second machine is to convert slip power into mechanical power, which is delivered in an electrical form to the grid by the first machine. Thus, the generated power is delivered to the grid only through the stator of one machine, unlike the DFIG or brushless DFIG. The goal of this thesis is to study a novel generator, which can: • Recover slip power and thereby, improve the efficiency of the system. • Achieve dynamic and stable operation under variable-speed power generation. • Supply variable reactive power to the grid. • Ride through voltage dips, which occur during faults in the grid. • Presents a preliminary design of the rotating power electronic converter. 1.2 Outline of the Thesis The chapters in this thesis are outlined as follows: Chapter 2 explains the basic configuration of a generic generator with respect to its drive-train and variable-speed operation. Furthermore, a review on the working principle of a conventional doubly-fed induction generator (BDFIG) is given. Chapter 3 introduces the novel generator, the rotating power electronic brushless 4 CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION doubly-fed induction generator (RPE-BDFIG). It explains its physical configuration and the operating principle. Moreover, it describes the active power flows with the help of power flow diagrams. Furthermore, it derives the dynamic and steadystate models of the generator, and presents their analysis. Finally, the dynamic and steady-state equivalent circuits based on the models are given. Chapter 4 discusses the development of the closed-loop control of the generator. It presents the derivation of the current, speed, and voltage closed-loop control, and the phase-locked loop. Verification of the closed-loop controls through measurements is conducted on an 11-kW RPE-BDFIG, which is also presented. Chapter 5 presents an investigation on the behaviour of the RPE-BDFIG, when it is subjected to various grid faults, both symmetrical and unsymmetrical in nature. Furthermore, the analysis of the generator using passive resistive network (PRN) in order to protect the power electronic converter during faults, is conducted. Besides, study of the generator using dual vector control (DVC) in order to suppress oscillations in the generator, is also presented. Chapter 6 presents the thermal design of a rotating power electronic converter using a finite element method (FEM). The sizes of the heatsink and the shaft fan for its cooling are estimated. Chapter 7 introduces a steady-state model of a single-fed induction machine with a rotating converter, based on the Lindmark concept. The verification of the steadystate model through experiments, is shown. Chapter 8 presents the summary of the project and recommendations for future research work. 1.3 Main Contributions of this Thesis Thus far, this thesis has contributed in the following ways: • It introduces and investigates the configuration of a brushless generator with the rotating power electronic converter. A thorough analysis of the dynamic behavior of the generator when subject to load-torque disturbances at variable speeds, has been conducted. Furthermore, the steady-state model is also derived and analysed. • Closed-loop control of the generator using an 11-kW prototype has been successfully developed, analyzed, and implemented. The experimental results 1.4. PUBLICATIONS 5 confirm stable operation of the generator, and successful recovery of slip power. Furthermore, the results demonstrate validity of the closed-loop control with regards to the dynamic performance of the generator and stable control of the dc-link voltage, when they experience torque disturbance from the exciter and the load machine. • Behavior of the generator against symmetrical and unsymmetrical voltage dips is investigated. It is seen that using proper control and external protection circuit, the generator’s rotor converter can be protected from damage, even during extreme voltage dips. Furthermore, it is demonstrated that using the dual vector control (DVC), the electrical and mechanical oscillations in the generator can be reduced to a large extent. • A preliminary thermal design and analysis of the rotating power electronic converter has been conducted in a finite element software. The sizes of the heating sink and shaft fan are estimated. Note that the generator still used slip rings and brushes for the connection of the power electronic converter. This was done in order to analyze and understand the working principle of the topology, and confirm recovery of slip power. 1.4 Publications The journal and conference publications are presented in an order in which they appear in the thesis. So far, journal publications originating from this project are: • Malik, Naveed ur Rehman, C. Sadarangani, A. Cosic, and L. Harnefors, “Experimental validation of a rotating power electronic brushless doubly-fed induction generator for variable-speed operation,” accepted first version in IEEE Trans. Energy Conv., May. 2015, and revised version resubmitted. • Malik, Naveed ur Rehman, C. Sadarangani, A. Cosic, and L. Harnefors, “Variable reactive power control of a rotating power electronic brushless doubly-fed generator,” submitted to IEEE Trans. Energy Conv., Aug. 2015. • Malik, Naveed ur Rehman, C. Sadarangani, and L. Harnefors, “Lowvoltage ride-through of a 2-MW rotating power electronic brushless doublyfed generator,” submitted to IEEE Trans. on Sustainable Energy., Sep. 2015. 6 CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION • Malik, Naveed ur Rehman, I. Husain, “Dynamic and steady-state 3-D thermal design and investigation of the rotating power electronic IGBT converter,” submitted to IEEE Trans. Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electron., June 2015. So far, conference publications originating from this project are: • Malik, Naveed ur Rehman; Sadarangani, C., “Dynamic modeling and control of a brushless doubly-fed induction generator with a rotating power electronic converter,” XXth International Conference on Electrical Machines (ICEM), pp. 900–906, 2-5 Sep. 2012. • Malik, Naveed ur Rehman, C. Sadarangani, A. Cosic, “Synchronous operation of a rotating power electronic brushless doubly-fed generator,” accepted and to be published in Annual Conference on IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON), 9-12 Nov. 2015. • Malik, Naveed ur Rehman; Sadarangani, C., “Brushless doubly-fed induction machine with rotating power electronic converter for wind power applications,” International Conference on Electrical Machines and Systems (ICEMS), pp. 1–6, 20-23 Aug. 2011. • Malik, Naveed ur Rehman; Sadarangani, C., “Behavior of a brushless doubly-fed induction generator with a rotating power electronic converter during symmetrical voltage sags,” XXth International Conference on Electrical Machines (ICEM), pp. 865–871, 2-5 Sep. 2012. • Malik, Naveed ur Rehman; Sadarangani, C., “Extended vector control of a rotating power electronic brushless doubly-fed induction generator under unsymmetrical voltage sags,” 38th Annual Conference on IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON), pp. 1793–1798, 25-28 Oct. 2012. • Malik, Naveed ur Rehman, I. Husain, “Transient and Steady-State 3-D Electro-Thermal Design and Analysis of the Rotating Power Electronic IGBT Converter,” published in IEEE International Electric Machines and Drives Conference (IEMDC), 10-13 May 2015. • Malik, Naveed ur Rehman; Sadarangani, C.; Lindmark, M., “Theoretical and experimental investigation of the self-excited rotating power electronic induction machine,” 37th Annual Conference on IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON), pp. 2048–2053, 7-10 Nov. 2011. The following publication is related to the project and presents the construction of the rotating power electronic converter and the wireless communication. 1.4. PUBLICATIONS 7 • Cosic, A.; Yao, Y.; Sadarangani, C.; Malik, Naveed ur Rehman, “Construction of a rotating power electronic converter for induction machine operation,” accepted and to be published in International Conference on Electrical Machines and Systems (ICEMS), Oct. 2015. The following publication is related to the project, but majority of the work performed was part of the authors master’s thesis. • Malik, Naveed ur Rehman; Sadarangani, C.; Cosic, A.; Lindmark, M., “Induction machine at unity power factor with rotating power electronic converter,” International Symposium on Power Electronics, Electrical Drives, Automation and Motion (SPEEDAM), pp. 401–408, 20-22 Jun. 2012. The following publications by the author may be of interest but is not part of this thesis. • Malik, Naveed ur Rehman; Almas, M.S.; Vanfretti, L., “Challenges of real-time parameter estimation of a DFIG using synchrophasors,” IEEE 15th International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering (EEEIC), pp. 1939–1944, 10-13 Jun. 2015. • Chamorro, H.R.; Nazari, M.; Babazadehi, D.; Malik, Naveed ur Rehman; Ghandhari, M., “Consensus control for induction motors speed regulation,” 16th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications (EPE’14ECCE Europe), pp. 1–6, 26-28 Aug. 2014. Chapter 2 Variable-Speed Control of a Wind Generator This chapter briefly explains different configurations of wind power generators with regards to speed control. Moreover, a literature review of the working principle of a brushless doubly-fed induction generator (BDFIG) is presented. 2.1 Background Nowadays variable speed drives (VSD’s) are receiving special attention, especially with respect to wind power generation. This is because to obtain maximum aerodynamic efficiency from a wind turbine, it is necessary that a generator shaft adapts its speed to the varying wind speed [26, 27]. Thus, variable speed drives (VSD’s) are being employed in high power applications [26, 27]. It is well known that the energy extracted from wind varies cubically with its speed, with which it flows into the turbine blades. The aerodynamic power extracted from wind is expressed as [26, 27] Pwt = 1 2 3 πρCp Dwt vwind , 8 (2.1) where ρ, Cp , Dwt , and vwind are the specific mass of air, coefficient of power, rotor blade diameter, and wind speed, respectively. It is observed in (2.1) and Figure 2.1 that the maximum power is extracted from the wind, when the generator shaft speed changes with the wind speed. The generator speed can be varied mechanically either by pitching the turbine blades (though at the expense of reduction in efficiency) or, electrically by varying the shaft speed of the generator. 9 10 CHAPTER 2. VARIABLE-SPEED CONTROL OF A WIND GENERATOR Figure 2.1: Maximum power point tracking (MPPT) curve, showing wind generator power versus rotational speed [26]. Considering only mechanical control, e.g., pitch control, the system is slower and less efficient. In contrast, power electronic converters are used in variablespeed drives. They offer dynamic and robust control. Doing so by electrical means, such as through the power converter, ensures that Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) curves at various wind speeds are followed and hence, energy yield is optimised [27,28]. This is illustrated in Figure 2.1. Furthermore, VSDs offer several advantages over constant speed drives (CSDs) such as [27, 28]: • Improvement in torque ripple through better control, • Mitigation of the mechanical pulsations due to the tower effect, • Additional flexibility of power factor control, and thus, better voltage stability of the grid. There are certain drawbacks of VSD’s as compared to CSD’s. VSDs in general are more complex and bulky, and more expensive than their CSD counterpart. However, with high energy capture and better quality, the cost offsets can be overcome within a short time-span [27, 28]. 2.2. DIRECT- AND INDIRECT-DRIVE GENERATOR (a) Direct-drive generator. 11 (b) Indirect-drive generator. Figure 2.2: Generator and its drive-train. 2.2 Direct- and Indirect-Drive Generator The two configurations of the mechanical drive-train of a generator are [29, 30]: • Direct-Drive Generator: The generator, as shown in Figure 2.2a, is connected or coupled directly to a wind turbine rotor, without a gearbox in between [29, 30], which is an advantage in terms of added reliability, and lower maintenance costs. However, these generators are inherently designed for low-speed operation, and therefore, have higher number of poles in the stator, in order to produce 50/60 Hz at the stator terminals. For the same power rating, if the number of poles are increased, speed decreases and thus the required torque capability increases, resulting in an increase in size of the generator. These machines can have number of poles ranging from 20 to 60, and even higher. • Indirect-Drive Generator: In these type of drives, the generator is coupled to the wind turbine via a gearbox [29, 30], as shown in Figure 2.2b. The gearbox steps up the low speed of the wind turbine rotor to a high speed of the generator shaft. Therefore, the generator is designed for relatively high speeds and low torques, for the same power rating, as compared to the direct-drive generators. Less number of poles are required in order to produce required frequency at the stator terminals. As a result, these generators are 12 CHAPTER 2. VARIABLE-SPEED CONTROL OF A WIND GENERATOR smaller than their direct-drive counterparts. Normally such machines consists of four, six, or eight poles. The gearbox can have 1.5 steps to 3 steps. It can be of planetary or helical type. 2.3 Connecting a Power Electronic Converter to a Generator The power electronic converter for speed control purposes can be connected to a generator in two configurations, i.e., either to the stator windings of the generator or, to the rotor windings of the generator (in the latter case only if the rotor has three-phase windings). These two configurations are summarized as follows [30]. • Stator-Connected Converter: The converter is directly connected to the stator and has at least the same power rating as the power rating of the generator, because whole of the generated power flows from the stator to the power converter and into the grid [30]. The full-scale converter provides better controllability of the generator during stator voltage transients and grid faults. However, cost of the overall system increases. Furthermore, large filters are needed in order to reduce electromagnetic interference (EMI) to the grid. • Rotor-Connected Converter: The converter is connected to the threephase rotor windings of the generator [5–8]. This configuration for variablespeed control is only possible in an induction machine (i.e., it is necessary that the rotor windings carries three-phase ac currents). In this configuration, the converter size reduces and is rated according to the magnitude of the slip power. Thus, the size of the converter depends on the speed variation from the synchronous speed. The converter power rating is normally 25% to 30% of the power rating of generator, for ±20% speed variations around the synchronous speed. Converter size can increase if the following requirements are imposed on the generator [5–8]: – Rotor shall provide reactive power to the generator, e.g., the stator terminal is to operate at unity or leading power factor. – Rotor converter shall handle transients in current and voltages during the disturbances in the grid. The partially-rated converter is connected to rotor by means of carbon brushes and slip rings, which increases the maintenance costs and decreases the reliability of the generator [9–11, 13, 14, 17]. The doubly-fed induction generator (DFIG), which is one of the most widely used generator in the wind industry, 2.4. BRUSHLESS DOUBLY-FED INDUCTION MACHINE (BDFIM) 13 belongs to this configuration. One way to get rid of slip rings and carbon brushes is to use a brushless drive which is explained in the following section. 2.4 Brushless Doubly-Fed Induction Machine (BDFIM) The concept of the brushless doubly-fed induction machine/generator (BDFIM/G) dates back to the beginning of the 20th century. One of the first inventors of the BDFIM was Hunt [31,32], and later Creedy [33,34] developed it further. Broadway [15] and Smith [35] also studied it further and made improvements. The BDFIM relies on the same principle as today’s slip-ring DFIG. It is useful in a sense that it has provision of recovering slip power without slip rings and carbon brushes. This is a major advantage, since in certain applications, dust generated from carbon brushes is prohibited. Apart from that, the maintenance costs of slip rings and carbon brushes are high, which are uncalled for in offshore application [9–11, 13, 14, 17], where maintenance is tedious and dependent upon weather conditions. The BDFIM is a combination of two machines; main machine and the auxiliary/control machine [11, 13, 16–24], as shown in Figure 2.3. The main machine is connected to the grid, whereas the rotors of the two machines are connected in cascade. The stator of the control machine is connected to the grid via a converter. The slip power of the main machine is delivered to the grid through the control machine and the power converters. As a result, the efficiency increases as slip power is recovered. At the same time, it is compact and without slip rings and carbon brushes, which minimizes maintenance [11, 13, 16–24]. Generally, as is also the case with slip-ring DFIG, the BDFIM has an advantage over stator-connected converter drives in that the bulk of electric power which is supplied to the grid, leaves unprocessed by the power electronic converter. As a result, a smaller converter is required and less harmonics are injected into the grid, thereby improving the power quality. 2.4.1 Principle behind BDFIM and its Operational Evolution In a BDFIM, the main and control machines can be connected with each other in two ways, which are explained as follows. • The main and control machines are connected in a non-inverted configuration [31–33]: – This configuration was used in the beginning of the 20th century, in order to operate the machine at three different speeds, i.e., around synchronous speed of the main machine, around synchronous speed of the control machine, and synchronous speed of the two machines connected 14 CHAPTER 2. VARIABLE-SPEED CONTROL OF A WIND GENERATOR Figure 2.3: Configuration of the BDFIM. in cascade [31–33]. In this configuration, the stator of the main machine is connected directly to the grid. The rotor of the main machine is connected through slip rings to the stator of the control machine. The rotor of the control machine is short-circuited via slip rings. The main machine supplies its own magnetization as well as that of the control machine. For the two machines which are wound for the same number of poles, the cascade set rotates at half the speed of the individual machine, if it were connected alone [31–33]. • Main machine is connected in a non-inverted configuration, whereas the control machine is connected in an inverted configuration: – This configuration was born when Hunt realized that the slip-rings are no longer required, if the rotor of the main machine is connected to the rotor of the control machine, similar to a modern-day BDFIG [31–33]. This has been one of the most common brushless configuration in use in the beginning of the 20th century, for variable speed control by means of variable resistor banks [31–33]. It must be noted that since the control machine is connected in an inverted configuration, two of the three rotor winding terminals are swaped and connected in reverse, i.e., abc winding terminals of the first rotor is connected to acb winding terminals of the second rotor, see Figure 2.3. Similar, to the non-inverted configuration, 2.4. BRUSHLESS DOUBLY-FED INDUCTION MACHINE (BDFIM) 15 for the two machines which are wound for the same number of poles, the cascade set rotates at half the speed of the individual machine, if it were connected alone [31–33]. Instead of connecting two separate machines together, the two machines can be integrated into a single frame known as single-frame brushless doubly-fed induction machine (SF-BDFIM). There are two ways of doing this [31–33]: • The stator windings are fitted in one frame. The stator is divided into alternate segments and primary and secondary windings are placed alternately in the stator. The primary windings are connected directly to the mains, whereas the secondary stator windings are connected to the resistors or a converter for speed control purposes. Through suitable spacing of the two stator windings, the two stator fields are not interlinked magnetically, and are only coupled through the agency of the rotor. However, the size of the machine increases [31]. • The stator windings are fitted in one frame sharing the same iron path. The two stator windings are inserted in the same slot. The numbers of poles of the two stator winding must be different, in order to avoid direct coupling (transformer effect) between them. The fields of the two stator windings must only couple with each other through the rotor, for torque production [31]. The disadvantages of a BDFIM are mainly [31, 33]: • High cost, size, and weight. • Low efficiency mainly due to higher copper losses. • Small overload capacity due to low power factor. • Increased magnetic leakage. 2.4.2 Different Modes of BDFIM There are two modes of operation in a BDFIM. These are explained as follows [13]: • Cascade Induction Mode: The stator of one machine is connected to the grid, whereas the stator of the other machine is short-circuited. The two stators are still linked magnetically through the rotor. Machine behaves similar to an ordinary induction machine and speed changes with load [13]. 16 CHAPTER 2. VARIABLE-SPEED CONTROL OF A WIND GENERATOR • Cascade Synchronous Mode: This is the mode in which the modern-day BDFIM is always used. In this mode, the stator of the main machine (Stator 1) is connected to the grid, whereas stator of the control machine (Stator 2) is connected to the grid, via an electronic converter. A specially designed rotor (such as a nested-loop rotor [15]) is used, which magnetically couples the two stators. The aim of the specially designed rotor is as follows [13, 15]: – Currents in Stator 1 (having p1 number of poles) should induce currents in the rotor such that the induced currents in the rotor produces a magnetic field, which should have a harmonic component corresponding to p2 number of poles. The p2 pole harmonic component couples with the p2 pole field in the winding of Stator 2 (composed of p2 number of poles). – Similarly, currents in Stator 2 should induce currents in the rotor such that the magnetic field produced by the rotor contains a harmonic component of p1 number of poles. This ensures the magnetic coupling of the rotor with stator 1. Hence, the machine is able to generate torque. As a result, varying torque is produced at constant speed and the torque can be controlled by the power electronic converter [13]. Besides, if a dc current is fed through the converter, the machine behaves as a conventional synchronous machine, though the rotor still has ac currents. This is a special case of the cascade synchronous mode, and the speed of the machine is referred to as the natural speed. In a cascade synchronous operation, the currents of same frequency flow through the two rotors, and thus the following relation must always be satisfied [13, 15]. ωm = ω1 + ω2 , p1 + p2 (2.2) where ω1 is the grid frequency and ω2 is the frequency of the currents, injected by the power electronic converter, which is connected to the stator of the control machine. Observing (2.2), it is deduced that the rotor speed can be changed by varying the frequency through the power electronic converter. This is only possible when the two rotor windings carry currents of the same frequency, thereby coupling the two stators. From (2.2), it is also seen that the BDFIM is essentially a low speed machine, due to the high pole number count. 2.5. SIZES OF THE CONVERTER AND CONTROL MACHINE IN A BDFIM 17 2.5 Sizes of the Converter and Control Machine in a BDFIM As mentioned previously, the doubly-fed drives are attractive due to smaller power rating of the converter. However, the size of the converter is subject to certain limitations as discussed in Section 2.3. As far as large wind generators are concerned, it becomes necessary that the generator has some means of supplying reactive power in order to operate at variable power factor, e.g., unity. This condition can have serious consequences on the size of the converter and the control machine itself [36,37]. There are different ways of managing the sizes of the converter and the control machine [36, 37], some of which are listed as follows. • Consider a scenario in which, if a back-to-back bidirectional converter is considered, the control machine side converter handles active power as well as the reactive power. This is for the case, when the reactive power is generated by the control machine and its converter, whereas the grid-side converter handles only active power [36]. This implies that the grid-side converter can be made smaller than the machine-side converter. Thus, the size of the control machine and its converter grows due to an increase in the voltage and current requirements for the reactive power control. In this case, the size of the machine-side converter is a function of: – Variable speed deviation from the synchronous speed, as it determines the amount of active (slip) power in an induction machine. – Power factor of the stator of the main machine at which it is operated. Converter size will increase as the power factor requirements on the terminal of the main machine are changed from inductive to unity to capacitive. • There is another technique through which the control machine and the converter size can be controlled, and at the same time power factor to the grid can be maintained at unity. The idea is to use the same converter size for both the machine-side converter and the grid-side converter. The main machine is allowed to draw lagging reactive power from the grid, while the grid-side converter supplies the equivalent amount of the reactive power (VARs) to the grid, which is consumed by the main machine. In this way, the net reactive power drawn from the grid is zero. This strategy has an advantage in that the size of the control machine is reduced. This is because the control winding voltage can be reduced as less reactive power is supplied from the control machine [36]. However, optimisation analysis has to be done with regards to the machine and converter sizes. 18 CHAPTER 2. VARIABLE-SPEED CONTROL OF A WIND GENERATOR • For the case, when the main machine in the BDFIG is allowed to draw reactive power from the grid, the control machine and power electronic converter does not need to supply reactive power. Therefore, the size of the control machine and the converters can be reduced, but at the expense of the size of the main machine, which increases. Chapter 3 Dynamic and Steady-State Model of a RPE-BDFIG This chapter presents the derivation and analysis of the dynamic and steady-state model of the generator. The analysis has been conducted at rated torque and various speeds. This chapter is based on Publication I, Publication II, Publication III, Publication IV, and the author’s licentiate thesis [3]. 3.1 Working Principle The rotating power electronic brushless doubly-fed induction generator (RPE-BDFIG) was invented by L. Gertmar and A. Nysveen [38]. It is based on the same operating principle as the conventional doubly-fed induction generator (DFIG) and the brushless doubly-fed induction generator (BDFIG). The RPE-BDFIG comprises of two machines; one is the main machine referred to as DFIG, and the second is the control machine referred to as exciter, as shown in Figure 3.1. The DFIG consists of a three-phase winding in the stator and a three-phase winding in the rotor. In contrast, the exciter consists of a three-phase winding in the rotor, and a dc field winding in the stator. The two machines are coupled mechanically and therefore, share the same shaft. The stator of the DFIG is connected to the grid, whereas the three-phase winding of the DFIG rotor is connected to the three-phase winding of the exciter, through the two power electronic converters. The back-to-back insulated gate bipolar transistor (IGBT) converter is used, in order to interconnect the DFIG and exciter three-phase rotor windings, i.e., one of the converter is connected to the three-phase DFIG rotor windings, whereas the 19 20 CHAPTER 3. DYNAMIC AND STEADY-STATE MODEL OF A RPE-BDFIG Figure 3.1: Configuration of the rotating power electronic converter brushless doubly-fed induction generator (RPE-BDFIG). other is connected to the three-phase rotor windings of the exciter. Due to the rotor mounted converter, the two rotor windings are electrically decoupled. Thus, the the two rotor windings operate at different frequencies. As a result, currents of any frequency can be injected in the rotor windings, as explained in Publication III, unlike BDFIG where dc currents cannot be injected in the rotor. As is the case with the DFIG and BDFIG, the RPE-BDFIG also operates in super- and sub-synchronous modes. The two modes are explained in terms of active power only. 3.1.1 Super-Synchronous Mode In this mode, the speed of the generator is higher than the synchronous speed of the DFIG, e.g., for a 4-pole generator and 50 Hz grid frequency, the speed is higher than 1500 rpm. The power flows out from the stator of the DFIG and into the grid, and from the rotor of the DFIG towards the rotor of the exciter via the power electronic converter, as shown in Figure 3.2a. The power which enters the exciter rotor windings is converted into mechanical torque, which is added to the shaft, being shared by both the DFIG and the exciter. The added torque is used by the DFIG to generate electrical power, which is then delivered to the grid via its stator. As a result, the slip power is recovered with the help of the exciter. The exciter acts as a motor in the super-synchronous mode. 3.1. WORKING PRINCIPLE (a) Super-synchronous mode. (b) Sub-synchronous mode. Figure 3.2: Active power flow in the the RPE-BDFIG. 21 22 CHAPTER 3. DYNAMIC AND STEADY-STATE MODEL OF A RPE-BDFIG (a) Direction of rotation of the magnetic field in the super-synchronous mode. (b) Direction of rotation of the magnetic field in the sub-synchronous mode. Figure 3.3: Modes of operation. Figure 3.3a show the direction of the flux vector in the different parts of the generator system. It is observed that in the super-synchronous mode, the direction of the flux vector produced by the slip frequency currents in the DFIG rotor, is opposite to the rotational speed of the generator. This is because, since the rota- 3.1. WORKING PRINCIPLE 23 Turbine Torque (Nm) 2200 Speed (rpm) 2000 1800 1600 1400 1200 1000 40 60 80 100 120 Time (sec) 140 0 −50 −100 −150 −200 −250 40 160 0 −100 −200 −300 40 60 80 100 120 Time (sec) 80 100 120 Time (sec) 140 160 140 160 (b) Turbine torque. Exciter Torque (Nm) RPE−BDFIG Torque (Nm) (a) Shaft speed. 60 140 (c) RPE-BDFIG torque. 160 50 0 −50 −100 40 60 80 100 120 Time (sec) (d) Exciter torque. Figure 3.4: Simulation results for the operation of a 37-kW RPE-BDFIG, in the super-synchronous mode. tional speed is greater than 1500 rpm, the flux vector rotates so as to produce the grid frequency at the stator terminals, which is fixed by the grid. Concerning the exciter, since it is an inverted configuration, the flux vector produced by the stator field winding is at standstill. As a consequence, to maintain stable operation, the exciter rotor converter must inject current of frequency equal in magnitude to the rotor speed in electrical radians per second, but in the opposite direction to the rotor’s rotation. Figure 3.4 shows the results of a step response of the load torque of a 4-pole 37-kW RPE-BDFIG in the super-synchronous mode of operation. Figure 3.4a show the speed response of the generator, illustrating that the RPE-BDFIG is operating in the super-synchronous mode. Figure 3.4b, Figure 3.4c, and Figure 3.4d show the turbine torque, RPE-BDFIG generated torque, and exciter torque responses, respectively. It is observed that in the super-synchronous mode, the torque gener- 24 CHAPTER 3. DYNAMIC AND STEADY-STATE MODEL OF A RPE-BDFIG ated by the RPE-BDFIG is the sum of the turbine torque and the exciter torque, emphasizing motor operation of the exciter. The DFIG slip power is used to generate exciter torque, which is added to the shaft and thereafter used by the DFIG to produce electrical power (see Publication II, and Section 3.2). 3.1.2 Sub-Synchronous Mode In this mode, the speed of the generator is less than the synchronous speed of the DFIG, e.g., for a 4-pole generator and 50 Hz grid frequency, the speed is less than 1500 rpm. The majority of power leaves the stator of the DFIG, unprocessed by the power converter. However, some percentage of power, which corresponds to the slip of the generator, must be supplied to the DFIG for its proper operation, see Figure 3.2b. This is done by the exciter, which consumes fraction of the mechanical torque supplied by the turbine, converts it into electrical power, and delivers it to the DFIG. Thereafter, the power in the rotor of the DFIG is delivered to the grid through its stator, by induction means. As a result, slip power recovery scheme is also successful in this mode of operation. The exciter behaves as a generator in the sub-synchronous mode. From Figure 3.3b, it is observed that in the sub-synchronous mode, the direction of the flux vector produced by the slip frequency currents in the DFIG rotor, is in the same direction as the rotational speed of the generator. This is because, since the rotational speed is less than 1500 rpm, the flux vector rotates so as to produce the grid frequency at the DFIG stator terminals. Concerning the exciter, since it is fed by dc-voltage, the flux vector produced by the stator dc field winding is at standstill. As a consequence, for stable operation, the exciter rotor converter must inject current of frequency equal in magnitude to the rotor speed in electrical radians per second, but in the opposite direction to the rotor’s rotation. Similar to the analysis in the super-synchronous mode, Figure 3.5a show the speed response of the generator, illustrating its operation in the sub-synchronous mode, whereas Figure 3.5b, Figure 3.5c, and Figure 3.5d show the turbine torque, RPE-BDFIG generated torque, and exciter torque responses, respectively. It is observed that the torque generated by the RPE-BDFIG is the difference of the turbine torque and the exciter torque, emphasizing generator operation of the exciter. The exciter uses fraction of the torque supplied by the turbine to generate electric power, which corresponds to the slip power. The slip power is then supplied to the DFIG rotor and is delivered to the grid via induction means through the RPE-BDFIG stator (see Publication II, and Section 3.2). A thorough analysis of the super- and sub-synchronous modes during the transient conditions has been conducted in Publication I and Publication II, whereas 3.1. WORKING PRINCIPLE 25 Turbine Torque (Nm) 2200 Speed (rpm) 2000 1800 1600 1400 1200 1000 40 60 80 100 120 Time (sec) 140 0 −50 −100 −150 −200 −250 40 160 0 −100 −200 −300 40 60 80 100 120 Time (sec) 80 100 120 Time (sec) 140 160 140 160 (b) Turbine torque. Exciter Torque (Nm) RPE−BDFIG Torque (Nm) (a) Shaft speed. 60 140 (c) RPE-BDFIG torque. 160 50 0 −50 −100 40 60 80 100 120 Time (sec) (d) Exciter torque. Figure 3.5: Simulation results for the operation of a 37-kW RPE-BDFIG, in the sub-synchronous mode. analysis of the generator during steady-state conditions is conducted in Publication IV. 3.1.3 Synchronous Mode The synchronous mode is a special advantage of the RPE-BDFIG as compared to the BDFIG. The conventional BDFIG is unstable at the synchronous speed of the main machine, whereas the RPE-BDFIG is stable at this speed. This is a major advantage as it implies that the state of the machine is predictable at all points of operation. Thus, the RPE-BDFIG offers better control performance and power quality when the generator shaft speed crosses the synchronous speed of the DFIG. Publication III presents the operational analysis of the RPE-BDFIG during CHAPTER 3. DYNAMIC AND STEADY-STATE MODEL OF A RPE-BDFIG 26 60 8000 Frequency [Hz] Output Power [W] 10000 6000 4000 2000 0 0 40 20 Stator Frequency DFIG Rotor Frequency Exciter Rotor Frequency 0 20 40 60 Input Torque [Nm] (a) Generated power. 0 0.05 Time [sec] 0.1 (b) Frequency of currents in the three windings. Figure 3.6: Measurements results of the operation of an 11-kW RPE-BDFIG during the synchronous mode. the synchronous mode. The results are summarized in Figure 3.6a which show that the RPE-BDFIG can produce electrical power of sufficient magnitude at the synchronous speed, emphasizing stable operation. Furthermore, Figure 3.6b shows the frequencies in the stator and the two rotor windings of the RPE-BDFIG. 3.1.4 General Comments Observing the super- and sub-synchronous modes of operation, it is seen that the main machine, i.e., DFIG shows the same operational principle as the conventional DFIG. However, in the conventional slip-ring DFIG and BDFIG, the slip power recovery scheme is electrical in nature, similar to a Scherbius drive [39, 40]. In contrast, in the RPE-BDFIG, the slip power recovery scheme is realized by mechanical means, similar to a Kramer drive [39]. Besides, it is seen that the RPE-BDFIG is relatively a high-speed machine as compared to the BDFIG (see Chapter 2 and Publication III). This is because the speed of the RPE-BDFIG is only dictated by the poles of the DFIG and not the exciter, unlike the BDFIG. Moreover, the mechanical torque of the exciter acts as an additional torque, which needs to be taken into consideration when designing the control of the generator (see Chapter 4). Thus, during super-synchronous operation, the torque of the turbine is less than the torque of the DFIG, because a fraction of the torque is also contributed by the exciter. On the other hand, in the subsynchronous mode, the torque rating of the wind turbine needs to be higher than the torque rating of the DFIG, i.e., ideally it is sum of the torque rating of the DFIG and the exciter. 3.2. DYNAMIC MODEL OF THE RPE-BDFIG 27 (a) d-axis equivalent circuit. (b) q-axis equivalent circuit. Figure 3.7: dq dynamic model of the RPE-BDFIG. 3.2 Dynamic Model of the RPE-BDFIG This section presents the dq dynamic model of the RPE-BDFIG, which is based on Park’s equivalent circuit [41]. The voltages, currents, and fluxes of the stator and two rotors of the RPE-BDFIG are transformed to a fictitious reference frame, which rotates in synchronism with one of the state-variable of the RPE-BDFIG. As a result, the generator inductances, which in the stationary reference frame are a function of the rotor position, become independent of the rotor position, after the dq transformation [41]. This is an added advantage, since the complexity of the time varying differential equations of the generator are reduced, and the mathematical model is simplified [41]. This transformation is given in Chapter 4, whereas the derivation and analysis of the dynamic model is given in Publication II, which presents the simulation results on how the system responds to torque steps during sub- and super-synchronous operation. The equivalent circuit of the dynamic model is shown in Figure 3.7, whereas Figure 3.8a, Figure 3.8b, Figure 3.9a, and Figure 3.9b show the simulation results from the developed dynamic model of the 37-kW RPE-BDFIG. Figure 3.8a and Figure 3.8b show the response of a step on the turbine torque on the mechanical power supplied by the turbine and the generated electrical power by the RPE-BDFIG, respectively, at 1800 rpm (i.e., in the super-synchronous mode). It is seen that the generated electrical power is approximately equal (minus the CHAPTER 3. DYNAMIC AND STEADY-STATE MODEL OF A RPE-BDFIG Stator Power (kW,kVAr) 28 Turbine Power (kW) 60 40 20 0 −20 −40 −60 40 60 80 100 120 Time (sec) 140 160 50 40 Active power Reactive power 30 20 10 0 −10 40 60 80 100 120 Time (sec) 140 160 (a) Mechanical power supplied by the turbine. (b) RPE-BDFIG’s generated power delivered to the grid. Figure 3.8: Turbine and REP-BDFIG stator power in the super-synchronous mode, at 1800 rpm. resistive and friction losses) to the supplied mechanical power. This show that the slip power recovery scheme is successful. Furthermore, Figure 3.9a and Figure 3.9b show the DFIG rotor power (slip power), and the power which flows from the DFIG rotor through the rotor power electronic converter into the exciter rotor, respectively. It is seen that the rotor powers are 20% of the generated power due to 20% slip. The exciter rotor power is converted into mechanical power, re-generated as electrical power by the DFIG, and delivered to the grid via the stator. Note that the rotor resistive losses are considered in the analysis, whereas the rotor converter losses are neglected. Furthermore, Figure 3.10 show unity power factor operation of the generator, thereby confirming that with the help of the rotating exciter and converters, the rotor of the DFIG can be used to generate reactive power, self-excite the DFIG, and if need be, reactive power can even be delivered to the grid. The unity power factor operation is also shown in Figure 3.8b, where the stator reactive power drawn from the grid is zero. Similar trend is observed for the operation of the RPE-BDFIG during the subsynchronous mode, as shown in Publication II. 3.3 Steady-State Model of the RPE-BDFIG Publication IV presents the steady-state model of the RPE-BDFIM, when operated as a motor. The model is based on induction principles, as it is function of slip. Hence, it is seen that the generator looses control at the synchronous speed of 10 5 0 −5 −10 −15 −20 40 60 80 100 120 Time (sec) 140 160 Exciter Rotor Power (kW) DFIG Rotor Power (kW) 3.3. STEADY-STATE MODEL OF THE RPE-BDFIG 29 20 15 10 5 0 −5 −10 40 (a) DFIG rotor power. 60 80 100 120 Time (sec) 140 160 (b) Exciter rotor power. Stator Power Factor (pu) Figure 3.9: DFIG rotor and exciter power at 1800 rpm. 1 0.5 0 −0.5 −1 40 60 80 100 120 Time (sec) 140 160 Figure 3.10: Power factor at the RPE-BDFIG stator terminals at 1800 rpm. the RPE-BDFIG. However, in reality, as we know from Publication III, that this is not true. The steady-state model is inadequate as it does not consider the synchronous operation of the RPE-BDFIM. This is because at synchronous speed, slip in the steady-state model is zero, resulting in zero torque. In reality, however, the characteristics of the machine change from an induction machine to a synchronous machine. Thus, in the steady state, mathematics considering the synchronous operation of the generator needs to be included, in order to predict the performance of the generator during the synchronous mode. In the thesis, the dynamic model presented in Publication I and Publication II covers all three modes of operation, including the synchronous mode which is specifically dealt within Publication III. Chapter 4 Closed-Loop Control of a RPE-BDFIG This chapter presents the derivation, development, hardware implementation, and measurement results of the closed loop control of the RPE-BDFIG. The control employs current, speed, dc-link voltage controllers, and a phase-locked loop. This chapter is based on Publication I, Publication II, Publication III, Publication V, and the author’s licentiate thesis [3]. With the advent of the vector control method, the dynamic control performance of an ac machine was considerably enhanced. This is because the slowly varying flux component (due to inherent large time constant) is controlled independently of torque, similar to a separately excited dc machine [41]. Due to the aforementioned reasoning, in this thesis, the vector control approach is adopted in a synchronous reference frame, in order to control the RPE-BDFIG. 4.1 Reference Frames The generator is controlled in a closed-loop fashion using the field oriented vector control. In the first step, the three-phase quantities of the generator are expressed in a two-phase stationary reference frame, the αβ frame. This is achieved using Clarke’s transformation [41], expressed as # " 1 − 12 − 21 √ √ Tαβ = K , (4.1) 3 0 − 23 2 where K = this thesis. 2 3 refers to the amplitude invariant transformation, which is used in 31 32 CHAPTER 4. CLOSED-LOOP CONTROL OF A RPE-BDFIG Figure 4.1: Reference frames for the control of the RPE-BDFIG. The quantities in an αβ coordinate system produce the same effect in the generator as the quantities in a three-phase abc reference frame. However, the analysis of the generator becomes simpler in an αβ coordinates, since the three-phase quantities are reduced to the two-phase quantities. The common practice of fixing the αβ frame is by aligning the α axes to phase a of the three-phase windings [41]. The variables in the αβ reference frame are further transformed to a coordinate system, which rotates in synchronism with a state-variable of the generator, such as flux or voltage. As a result, implementation of the proportional-integral (PI) controller becomes possible, since for these controllers, the state-variables of the generator must have dc values in steady-state. The transformation from the stationary reference frame to the synchronous reference frame is commonly referred to as Park’s transformation [41], expressed as " Tdq = cos θ sin θ −sin θ cos θ # . (4.2) Accordingly, if one of the axes is aligned with the stator flux, the active and reactive powers of the generator are controlled independently, thereby resulting in a high dynamic performance of the generator. This is similar to mimicking a dc machine, which is the main motivation for implementing the control in the synchronously rotating dq frame [41]. The choice of reference frames used for the control of the RPE-BDFIG is illustrated in Figure 4.1. 4.2. VECTOR CONTROL 33 Figure 4.2: Closed-loop current control and model of the exciter. 4.2 Vector Control Closed-loop control of the generator is necessary, since the total dynamic behavior of the generator is affected by the interaction of the dynamics of the DFIG and the exciter. This is because the exciter also exerts a fraction of the torque on the shaft and therefore, the DFIG needs to handle the torque transients both from the turbine and the exciter. This demands design of controllers which are fast, robust, and stable. Therefore, the need of vector control. The control of the generator is implemented in the dq frame, where the d-axes is aligned with the grid flux and the q-axes is in quadrature. As a result, the reactive power is controlled through the component of the current in the d axes, whereas the active power is controlled through the component of the current in the q axes. In this way, the flux and torque controlling current components are controlled independently. In order to realize vector control of the RPE-DFIG, two current controllers, one speed controller, one voltage controller, and a phase-locked loop are all that are needed for proper control of the generator. These controllers are explained in detail in Publication I and summarized in the following sections. As mentioned above, two current controllers are designed; one controls the DFIG rotor converter, whereas the other controls the exciter rotor converter. Each of the two current controllers, uses two independent proportional-integral (PI) regulators, in order to control the d- and q-axes rotor winding currents, respectively. 4.2.1 Exciter Rotor Converter Control The main aim of the exciter rotor converter is to control the dc-link voltage and handle the slip power of the DFIG. The electrical transfer function of the exciter is based on its electrical dynamic 34 CHAPTER 4. CLOSED-LOOP CONTROL OF A RPE-BDFIG model, and is written as Gc,exc (s) = i00 3dq (s) (s) v00 3dq = 1 00 . R300 +jω3 L00 3 +sL3 (4.3) 00 where v3dq , i003dq , R300 , and L003 are the exciter rotor voltage, rotor current, rotor winding resistance, and rotor leakage inductance, respectively. The cross-coupling coefficient jω3 L003 is cancelled by using jω3 L003 in the positive closed-loop path. Furthermore, as shown in Figure 4.2, the active damping coefficient for the exciter Ra2 is used in the closed-loop path of the Gc,exc (s), in order to improve the dynamic performance of the exciter model [42, 43]. Incorporating the cross-coupling cancellation and active damping effects, the modified transfer function is obtained as G0c,exc (s) = i00 3dq (s) v00 (s) 3dq = 1 . R300 +Ra2 +sL00 3 (4.4) Using the IMC design method, the current controller for the exciter is obtained using the transfer function in (4.4) [42, 43]. Placing the exciter current controller Fc,exc (s) in a cascade configuration with the exciter electrical model G0c,exc (s), and solving from output of the exciter model to the input of the current controller, see Figure 4.2, gives the closed-loop transfer function as G0cl,exc (s) = α α Fc,exc (s)G0c,exc (s) c,exc c,exc /s = = . 0 1 + Fc,exc (s)Gc,exc (s) s + αc,exc 1 + αc,exc /s (4.5) Thanks to the IMC theory, the parameters of Fc,exc (s) can now be written in terms of the generator parameters, as αc,exc 0−1 kic,exc Gc,exc (s) = kpc,exc + s s = αc,exc L003 Fc,exc (s) = kpc,exc kic,exc = αc,exc (R300 + Ra2 ). (4.6a) (4.6b) (4.6c) Choosing the active damping coefficient as [42, 43] Ra2 = αc,exc L003 − R300 , (4.7) makes the dynamics of G0c,exc (s) as fast as the closed-loop system bandwidth αc,exc . Thus, the integral coefficient is modified to 2 kic,exc = αc,exc L003 . (4.8) 4.2. VECTOR CONTROL 35 Figure 4.3: Closed-loop current control and model of the DFIG. 4.2.2 DFIG Rotor Converter Control The main purpose of the DFIG rotor converter is to control the active and reactive power of the generator. Detailed derivation can be found in Publication I. The DFIG rotor closed-loop current control is shown in Figure 4.3. Similar to the exciter current controller, the DFIG current controller uses standard proportional kpc and integral kic regulators, which are designed using IMC principles [42, 43]. The current controller is used in cascade configuration with the electrical transfer 0 function of the DFIG, Gc,DFIG (s), with rotor voltage reference, v2dq,ref (s), as the 0 0 current controller’s output and rotor current error, i2dq,ref (s) − i2dq (s), as its input. The Gc,DFIG (s) is based on the DFIG’s electrical dynamic model, as explained in Publication I and Publication II. It is also observed in Figure 4.3 that the cross-coupling coefficient jω2 (L1 + L02 ) in Gc,DFIG (s), which is the undesired result of the transformation from an αβ frame to a dq frame, is cancelled by using jω2 (L1 + L02 ) in the positive closed-loop path of Gc,DFIG (s) [42, 43]. Thus, the cross-coupling effects are cancelled provided that the machine parameters are measured with considerable accuracy. Moreover, as explained in Publication I, an active resistance coefficient [42,43], Ra , is introduced in the closed-loop path of the Gc,DFIG (s), see Figure 4.3. As a result, the dynamic performance of the DFIG model is set as desired with no impact on the efficiency and losses of the generator. 4.2.3 Speed Controller For optimum design of the closed speed-control loop, one must remember that the RPE-BDFIG experiences additional torque disturbances from the rotating exciter— not ignoring the fact that the rotating dc-link lies on the shaft—which needs to be balanced at the same instant, without compromising the stability of the generator. Therefore, the speed/torque controller should be designed in a manner that 36 CHAPTER 4. CLOSED-LOOP CONTROL OF A RPE-BDFIG Figure 4.4: Block diagram of a speed controller for a RPE-BDFIG. the speed reference is followed, without a considerable overshoot in the speed and torque—together with a good load-torque disturbance rejection. In the case of RPE-BDFIG, choice of the degree-of-freedom (DOF) of the PI controller and its parameter tuning is highly important, in order to minimize the steady-state error, introduced by the external disturbances, (i.e., torques of the turbine emulator and rotating exciter). Moreover, as highlighted in [43], both good speed reference tracking and load-torque disturbance rejection, cannot be realized through the use of classical one-degree-of-freedom (1DOF) PI controller. It necessitates the use of the two-degree-of-freedom (2DOF) PI controller [43, 44], in order to improve the load-torque disturbance rejection. The modification in the speed-control design demands thorough understanding of the mechanical model of the RPE-BDFIG and its speed controller. This is not as tedious as it may seem, in fact it is quite simple to do—thanks to the IMC theory, used for the design of the closed speed-control loop, as explained in Publication I, and summarized below. As derived and explained in Publication I and seen in Figure 4.4, Gs (s) is the transfer function representing the mechanical model of the RPE-BDFIG. Since the friction coefficient is much smaller than the inertia of the generator, (resulting in a poor load-torque disturbance rejection), an additional coefficient ba is introduced in an inner feedback loop around the mechanical model [44]. As a result, the sensitivity of G0s (s) to load disturbance rejection is made as fast as the bandwidth αs of the closed speed-control loop. The speed controller also uses standard proportional kps and integral kis regulators, with torque reference, Te,ref , as its output and speed error, ωm,ref − ωm, , as its input. Tload is the external load torque and CT is a machine dependent constant. Note that, while designing the closed-loop speed control, the current dynamics are neglected. Therefore, αs must be at least a decade lower than the DFIG closed current-control loop bandwidth, αc and the exciter closed current-control loop bandwidth, αc,exc . 4.2. VECTOR CONTROL 1780 1780 Reference Speed Measured Speed 1760 Speed [rpm] 1760 Speed [rpm] 37 1740 1720 1700 1740 1720 1700 1680 1680 1660 1660 −0.5 0 Time [sec] 0.5 (a) Step-up in speed. Reference Speed Measured Speed −0.5 0 Time [sec] 0.5 (b) Step-down in speed. Figure 4.5: Measurement results on an 11-kW RPE-BDFIG, when a step in speed reference is applied. Figure 4.5 show the measured response of a step in speed on an 11-kW prototype. It is seen that the closed-loop speed control performs as expected in obtaining and maintaining the reference speed of the generator. 4.2.4 DC-Link Voltage Controller The task of dc-link voltage controller is to maintain a stable voltage across the capacitor of the back-to-back converter, connected between the three-phase rotor windings of the DFIG and the exciter. The dc-link closed-loop voltage control must maintain constant voltage with out affecting the stable operation of the generator, during transients in torque and speed. As shown in Publication I and simulation results in Publication II, the dc-link voltage is vulnerable to torque and speed of the generator because it is affected by the DFIG and exciter rotor powers. Moreover, the reactive power control from the rotor of the generator also affects the dc-link voltage, as explained in Publication V. In order to maintain a constant dclink voltage, the power entering/leaving the DFIG rotor must balance the power leaving/enetering the exciter. The power balance between the DFIG rotor and exciter rotor windings and the dc-link voltage dynamics are expressed [45] as dv 2 1 Cdc dc = Pr,exciter − Pr,DFIG 2 dt 00 00 = 3v3q i3q − Pr,DFIG , (4.9a) (4.9b) 38 CHAPTER 4. CLOSED-LOOP CONTROL OF A RPE-BDFIG Figure 4.6: Block diagram of a dc-link voltage model and its controller. 200 DC−Link Voltage [V] DC−Link Voltage [V] 200 150 100 50 0 −0.5 0 Time [sec] 0.5 (a) DC-link voltage for a power step-up. 150 100 50 0 −0.5 0 Time [sec] 0.5 (b) DC-link voltage for a power step-down. Figure 4.7: Measurement results on an 11-kW RPE-BDFIG for dc-link voltage dynamics, when a step-up (2.7 kW to 6.6 kW) and step-down (6.6 kW to 2.7 kW) in stator reference power is applied at t=0, respectively. where Cdc is the capacitance and vdc is the dc-link voltage. Using Laplace transform, (4.9a)–(4.9b) are given in the frequency domain, as 1 2 00 00 Cdc svdc (s) = 3v3q i3q (s) − Pr,DFIG (s). 2 (4.10) Accordingly, treating Pr,DFIG as an external disturbance, the transfer function of the dc-link model is obtained as Gv (s) = 2 vdc (s) 6V3 = , 00ref sCdc i3q (s) (4.11) where V3 is the nominal voltage of the exciter rotor windings. It is observed that the pole of the dc-link model is at the origin, resulting in a marginally stable system. However, as shown in Fig. 4.6, the problem can be 4.2. VECTOR CONTROL 39 Figure 4.8: Diagram of a phase-locked loop (PLL). solved by introducing an inner feedback loop with a coefficient Ga referred to as ”active conductance” [45]. It moves the poles of the dc-link system to the left-half plane. Ga acts on the output dc-link voltage, vdc , and modifies the input current to the dc-link model, i003q [45], as shown in Fig. 4.6. i000 3q is the output current from the dc-link voltage controller. Using the internal model control principles, the dc-link voltage controller is designed as a function of the dc-link model parameters [45]. The controller consists of proportional kpv and integral kiv parameters. The measurement results in Fig. 4.7, which are conducted on an 11-kW RPEBDFIG, show that the closed-loop dc-link control works well in maintaining the reference voltage. At t=0, a step in power and torque is applied. It is seen that the control is fast enough to maintain the dc-link reference voltage. 4.2.5 Phase-Locked Loop In order to synchronize the generator to the grid, and keep its stable operation during the steady- and transient conditions, it is necessary that the magnitude and position of the grid voltage and flux vector is estimated with considerable accuracy. In this thesis, this is achieved through the use of phase-locked loop (PLL), originally proposed in [46]. The PLL is fast enough for dynamic and robust operation of the generator. Detailed derivation can be found in Publication I. The block diagram of the PLL is shown in Figure 4.8 [46]. The true grid flux position θg and the estimated grid flux position θ̂ are fed to the phase-detector (PD), which produces an error , on which the low-pass filter acts, in order to generate the estimated grid frequency. The low-pass filter is composed of the ρ2 , 2ρ, and the integrator [46]. The estimated frequency is integrated further to give the estimated grid position θ̂. When θ̂ approximates θg , approaches zero, thereby 40 CHAPTER 4. CLOSED-LOOP CONTROL OF A RPE-BDFIG (a) Power electronics, dSpace control, and power meter. (b) Load machine, DFIG, and exciter. Figure 4.9: Laboratory setup of an 11-kW RPE-BDFIG. giving true estimates of the grid flux position and frequency. ρ defines the disturbance rejection of the PLL [46]. Note that, ρ must be in the left half plane of the frequency domain. 4.2.6 Control Performance The experimental results in Publication I and simulation results in Publication II indicate that the closed-loop current control functions well in maintaining the desired torque, speed, and rotor converter dc-link voltage references. Another prime focus of the findings in Publication I was also to study the stability of the control when subjected to sudden large transients in torque or power. The study was conducted on an 11-kW prototype in the laboratory shown in Figure 4.9. Figure 4.10a and Figure 4.10b show measurement results of the 4.2. VECTOR CONTROL 41 8 10 Reference Power Measured Power Stator Power [kW] Stator Power [kW] 10 6 4 2 0 −0.1 −0.05 0 0.05 Time [sec] 6 4 2 0 −0.1 0.1 50 50 40 40 30 20 0 −0.5 Reference Torque Measured Torque 0 Time [sec] (c) Torque dynamics. −0.05 0 0.05 Time [sec] 0.1 (b) Power dynamics. Torque [Nm] Torque [Nm] (a) Power dynamics. 10 Reference Power Measured Power 8 30 20 10 0.5 0 −0.5 Reference Torque Measured Torque 0 Time [sec] 0.5 (d) Torque dynamics. Figure 4.10: Experimental results for the stability study conducted on an 11-kW RPE-BDFIG at 1750 rpm, i.e., in the super-synchronous mode. control performance of the generator when subjected to a step in power, in the super-synchronous mode. It is seen that the dynamic response of the generator is fast as the power reference set-point is achieved with considerable accuracy and speed. Same trend is also seen in Figure 4.10c and Figure 4.10d, where the generator follows a step in the torque. The results confirm that the closed-loop control has a good dynamic performance, since it meets the desired changes in reference torque and power set points. Similar conclusions can be drawn in the sub-synchronous mode, as illustrated in Figure 4.11a to Figure 4.11d. Besides, findings of the experimental results in Publication V indicate that large amounts of reactive power, i.e., which result in the change in power factor of the RPE-BDFIG from inductive to capacitive, as shown in Figure 4.12, can be supplied to the grid. It is seen in Figure 4.12 that stator current is minimum at unity power factor, due to zero magnitude of the reactive component of the 42 CHAPTER 4. CLOSED-LOOP CONTROL OF A RPE-BDFIG 8 10 Reference Power Measured Power Stator Power [kW] Stator Power [kW] 10 6 4 2 0 −0.1 −0.05 0 0.05 Time [sec] 8 6 4 2 0 −0.1 0.1 (a) Power dynamics. 40 Torque [Nm] Torque [Nm] 0 0.05 Time [sec] 0.1 50 Reference Torque Measured Torque 30 20 10 0 −0.5 −0.05 (b) Power dynamics. 50 40 Reference Power Measured Power Reference Torque Measured Torque 30 20 10 0 Time [sec] (c) Torque dynamics. 0.5 0 −0.5 0 Time [sec] 0.5 (d) Torque dynamics. Figure 4.11: Experimental results for the stability study conducted on an 11-kW RPE-BDFIG at 1410 rpm, i.e., in the sub-synchronous mode. current. Thus, the result in Figure 4.12 and in Publication V indicate that the generator can be used to assist in maintaining the grid voltage stability. Besides, stable operation of the RPE-BDFIG during variable reactive power generation also confirms the validity of the implemented control. 4.2. VECTOR CONTROL 43 Stator Current (A) 15 10 5 0 0 Speed=1350 rpm Speed=1400 rpm Speed=1600 rpm Speed=1700 rpm 0.5 1 Stator Power Factor Figure 4.12: Measurement results of the 11-kW RPE-BDFIG’s stator current versus stator power factor, at various speeds. In the power factor scale, capacitive power factor operation is illustrated for values greater than 1. Chapter 5 Low-Voltage Ride-Through of a RPE-BDFIG This chapter presents the low-voltage ride-through behaviour of the RPE-BDFIG. It highlights different types of grid faults, which the generator must be capable of riding through. Moreover, a suitable control strategy is introduced, in order to limit oscillations during unsymmetrical faults. This chapter is based on Publication VI, Publication VII, Publication VIII, and the author’s licentiate thesis [3]. 5.1 Introduction The RPE-BDFIG also suffers from the same drawback as the slip-ring DFIG, with regards to low-voltage ride-through (LVRT) of the generator. This is because the RPE-BDFIG also consists of a partially-rated rotor mounted power electronic converter. Therefore, when the stator voltage drops at the stator terminals, the stator current starts increasing. Since in an induction generator, the stator and rotor are mutually coupled, scaled only by the number of winding turns, the rotor current also starts increasing. For a deep voltage dip, the rotor current increases to such an extent that, unless a suitable control measure is adopted, the rotor converter can be severely damaged [47–51]. Moreover, large inrush rotor currents lead to over-voltage in the dc-link and large transients in the torque. Thus, it is a major challenge for generators operating with a partially-rated converter, which is unfortunately, also the case with the RPE-BDFIG. Besides, according to the European standard EN 50160 [52], one of the com45 46 CHAPTER 5. LOW-VOLTAGE RIDE-THROUGH OF A RPE-BDFIG mon unsymmetrical voltage unbalances resulting in the power network are within 2–3% of the rated voltage. This is due to single-phase loads, unbalance loads, nonuniform impedances of the transmission lines and transformers, and non-uniform compensation of the three-phases from the capacitor banks [53, 54]. Therefore, the power plant components must comply and withstand these variations. As a result, during the unsymmetrical grid faults, the generator is required to stay connected, ride through voltage dips and, in fact supply reactive power in order to assist in reestablishing the nominal grid voltages. Hence, this motivates mitigation measures such as elimination of negative-sequence current, in order to suppress oscillations and protect the generator components. Due to the aforementioned reasons and the fact that the unsymmetrical faults are one of the most common faults occurring in the power network, the wind generator must operate stably during such faults. Therefore, depending on the voltage dip and grid code requirements, different strategies needs to be adopted for saving the converter from damage. One of the commonly used measures for protection of the power electronic converter is through the use of rotor crow-bars [47–49, 51]. In this technique, the rotor resistors with switches are connected to the rotor of the DFIG. Hence, when a grid faults occurs, the crow-bar circuit is connected in series with the rotor resistance. A large rotor resistance limits the rotor current, thereby saving the power electronics from damage, and preventing acceleration of the wind turbine. However, for the case, when the crow-bar resistances are connected and power electronic converter is disconnected, the DFIG acts as a single-fed induction generator, consuming reactive power from the grid. This has negative impact on the voltage stability of the electrical network, which means that the grid code requirements are not fulfilled. In the past several studies have been conducted in order to prevent disconnection of the converter during the crow bar operation, e.g., [48] presents a crowbar, which is controlled via thyristor bridges, connected in parallel with the rotor-side converter, whereby the rotor converter is still connected to the grid during the fault. One major drawback of such control is that the controllability margin is low, since high impedance in parallel to the converter reduces the rotor current, but at a cost of high voltages across the rotor converter. To offset this effect, [55] proposes connection of the crowbar in series with the rotor windings, in order to limit the rotor voltages and currents, and maintain the connection of the rotor converter during the fault. In such configuration, the rotor currents do not bypass the converter during the fault, but flows into it. However, the device count increases as bypass switches are required during normal operation. Nevertheless, using the modified crowbar protection circuit, the generator is in a better position of fulfilling the grid codes, but at an increased cost. 5.2. GRID CODES 47 Figure 5.1: E.oN grid code standard for a low-voltage ride-through of a wind turbine. 5.2 Grid Codes The grid codes define the rules and requirements for a generating unit, in order to set forth proper and stable operation of the electrical network. Nowadays, most of the grid codes have been updated, including the codes for the wind turbine, which put them in the same category as the conventional power units, such as steam, gas, and hydro turbines. This implies that the wind generator shall support the grid and supply reactive current during the fault. This is because in the last decade, the percentage of power from wind has risen considerably, especially in Europe. Thus, during a fault in the grid, the transmission system operators can not allow and afford disconnection of the wind power plants from the grid. Doing so will cause blackout and stability problems. As an example, consider one of the established grid operator E.oN, who have written grid codes, see Figure 5.1, which puts forth the requirements that the wind turbine must supply reactive current and support the grid for 150 msec for a 100% voltage dip, and for 325 msec for a 85% voltage dip [56]. As shown in Figure 5.1, the wind turbine must stay connected over the limit line (solid blue line, region I) [56], and must operate continuously for voltages down to 90% of its nominal value. Moreover, the reactive power control must be activated within 20 msec, when the 48 CHAPTER 5. LOW-VOLTAGE RIDE-THROUGH OF A RPE-BDFIG voltage drops below 90% [56]. It also states that the generated reactive current must be at least 2% for each percentage of the voltage dip, when the voltage is below 90% of its nominal value. After the voltage has recovered to its nominal value [56], the reactive power control must continue to remain active for another 500 msec. Besides, it is documented in standards like EN 50160 [52], that the unsymmetrical voltage variations of 2% are periodically and commonly present in the electrical network during its normal operation. Therefore, these conditions demand that the generator’s control is well adapted, in order to meet such requirements. 5.3 Voltage Dips and Types of Faults A voltage dip is a temporary reduction (0.5–30 cycles) in the voltage due to faults in the network or during starting of heavy loads [57–59]. The voltage dip can cause serious problems in industry as this would lead to malfunctioning and tripping of equipments and thereby loss of production. Therefore, the sensitivity of different type of equipments, devices, and generation units to the various voltage dips, is an important aspect which needs to be addressed. This will assist in developing means to ride through such dips. The most common types of faults occurring in the power network are the unsymmetrical faults, such as single-phase-to-ground faults (SPGF) and phase-to-phase faults (PPF) [57–59]. In contrast, the occurrence of the symmetrical fault, i.e., three-phase fault is less frequent, but is more severe in terms of magnitude, than its unsymmetrical counterpart. The three-phase faults occur due to starting of large induction motors, energizing of transformers, short-circuit of electrical lines due to lightning strike, wind, ice, tree or animal contact, and construction equipment [57–59]. At the transmission level, the most common cause of the SPGF is due to a lightning strike [57, 59]. During a fault, the magnitude and phase-angle-jump of a voltage at a location, depends on the impedance of the network, its distance from the fault location, types of equipment connected in between and their connection types [57–59], e.g., transformers connected in delta or wye, and type of fault. The phase-angle-jump is defined as a change in the angle of the voltage before and during the fault [58, 60, 61]. 5.3.1 ABC Classification One common way of categorizing the faults in the three-phase system is using ABC classification. It covers seven types of three-phase faults [62]; one symmetrical and remaining six unsymmetrical faults, as shown in Figure 5.2. The classification is 5.4. BEHAVIOUR OF THE RPE-BDFIG DURING FAULTS 49 Figure 5.2: Classification of the voltage dips. based on an assumption that the positive- and negative-sequence source impedances are equal. Moreover, this classification takes into account the change in the fault type during propagation through the transformer [62]. The type A fault is due to a three-phase (symmetrical fault), where the voltage drops equally in the three-phases [62]. The type B fault is due to a single-phaseto-ground fault (SPGF), where the voltage drops in one phase only. The type C fault is due to a phase-to-phase fault (PPF) or, SPGF fault which propagates through the delta-wye transformer. The voltage drops in the two phases with an associated phase-angle-jump [59, 62]. The type D fault is a PPF which propagates through a delta-wye transformer or, SPGF which propagates through two deltawye transformers [59, 62]. The voltages in the three phases drop, whereas two of the three phases also suffer from a phase-angle-jump [59, 62]. The type E fault is due to a phase-to-phase-to-ground fault (PPGF), in which the voltage in the twophases drop in magnitude only, whereas the third phase remains unaffected [62]. The type F fault is also due to a PPGF, when it propagates through a delta-wye transformer. Similarly, the type G fault is also a PPGF, when it propagates through two delta-wye transformers. 5.4 Behaviour of the RPE-BDFIG during faults The RPE-BDFIG behaviour during faults is directly dependent on stator flux oscillations, which are caused by the variations in the grid voltage. Therefore, control of 50 CHAPTER 5. LOW-VOLTAGE RIDE-THROUGH OF A RPE-BDFIG the stator flux can limit the oscillations in the generator. However, this is challenging since the generator is directly connected to the grid, without external hardware or control interface in between. This means that the rotor converter needs to act through the agency of the rotor, in order to control the stator flux dynamics. The mathematical treatment of the behavior of the RPE-BDFIG during faults is given in Publication VII, whereas Publication VI presents the behaviour of the RPE-BDFIG during symmetrical faults, when a passive resistive network (PRN) is used, in order to protect the generator (see Section 5.4.1). The analysis of the generator during successful ride through of unsymmetrical voltage dip, with the help of dual vector control is presented in Publication VII, Publication VIII, and Section 5.4.2. 5.4.1 Passive Resistive Network Since the rotor winding terminals are not accessible in a RPE-BDFIG, an alternating technique needs to be implemented and investigated, in order to protect the converter from damage and limit the acceleration of the turbine. In Publication VI, a passive resistive network (PRN) proposed in [63], is adopted for the RPEBDFIG. This is because the PRN can be implemented at the stator terminals of the RPE-BDFIG, which is of interest in our application. The PRN is used as an external protection circuit, in order to protect the generator and power electronic converter from damage, during deep voltage dips. The PRN comprise of; a set of resistor Rs connected in parallel with the IGBT switch SA , which are further connected in series with the generator stator windings, and another set Rp and SB connected in parallel with the stator windings [63], as shown in Figure 5.3. The combination of Rs and SA are used to dampen the stator flux oscillations in the stator windings, which further dampen the rotor oscillations, thereby protecting the converter from damage [63]. The combination of Rp and SB consume part of the generated electrical power, in order to balance the input mechanical power during the fault [63]. The values of the resistances are chosen such that they decide the total generated stator current i1 , as i1 = kA v1 − vg v1 + kB Rs Rp = i1s + i1p , (5.1) (5.2) where kA and kB defines the control logics of the switches SA and SB [63], respectively. Their modulation is dependent on the magnitudes of the voltage dips and the operating region of the generator with regards to power generation. The desired current is the short-circuit current, which needs to be supplied to the grid 5.4. BEHAVIOUR OF THE RPE-BDFIG DURING FAULTS 51 Figure 5.3: Single-phase diagram of a passive resistive network. according to the grid code requirements. In this way, the stator flux dynamics are controlled, thereby avoiding fluctuations in the rotor currents and voltages. Thus, the series resistance is calculated, as Rs = v1 − vg . i1s (5.3) The maximum value of the series resistance Rs occurs when the fault in the grid causes the grid voltage to drop to zero. Thus, the modulation of switch SA should occur in a manner, such that the series resistance Rs takes the difference between the stator generated voltage v1 and the grid voltage vg during the fault and thereby, counteracts voltage fluctuations across the stator terminals. The value of the parallel resistance Rp depends on the active power generated by the turbine. Immediately after the fault, it is obvious that the rated power cannot be delivered to the grid. Since the mechanical power is the same, there is a need to maintain power balance between the generated output power and the input mechanical power. This is achieved by supplying part of the generated power to the grid, and the remaining is dissipated into Rp as losses. The value of Rp depend on the operating power region of the turbine and is selected by modulating the switch SB . The maximum power limit of the resistance can be obtained for the scenario when the rated power is wasted in Rp , i.e., no power is delivered to the grid. Thus, the parallel resistance is calculated, as v1 . (5.4) Rp = i1p The use of PRN offers the advantage that during the fault, the generator stays connected to the grid, and supplies the reactive current, in order to improve the voltage stability. As a result, the grid code requirements can be fulfilled. Furthermore, since the rotor converter is operating during the fault, therefore, when the CHAPTER 5. LOW-VOLTAGE RIDE-THROUGH OF A RPE-BDFIG 100 0 −100 v −200 vb v −300 130 130.1 a 130.2 Time (sec) 130.3 −1 7000 6000 130.2 Time (sec) 130.3 130.1 130.2 Time (sec) 130.4 130.4 d−axis current q−axis current −20 −40 −60 −80 −100 130 130.1 130.2 Time (sec) −6000 −7000 −8000 −9000 130.3 130.4 130 130.1 130.2 130.3 Time (sec) 130.4 (c) DFIG rotor power 3.5 3 2.5 2 d−axis flux q−axis flux 1.5 1 0.5 0 (e) DFIG rotor current 130 130.1 130.2 Time (sec) 130.3 130.4 (f) Exciter rotor flux 1840 Rotor Speed (rpm) 420 410 400 390 380 130.3 0 (d) Exciter rotor power Capacitor Voltage (V) 130 −5000 (b) RPE-BDFIG stator flux DFIG Rotor Current (A) Exciter Rotor Power (W) 8000 130.1 −0.5 −1.5 130.4 9000 130 d−axis flux q−axis flux c (a) Three phase grid voltages 5000 0 Exciter Rotor Flux (Wb) 200 DFIG Rotor Power (W) 0.5 300 Stator Flux (Wb) Phase Voltages (V) 52 130 130.1 130.2 Time (sec) 130.3 130.4 (g) Rotor converter DC-link voltage 1820 1800 1780 1760 130 130.1 130.2 Time (sec) 130.3 130.4 (h) Shaft speed Figure 5.4: Response of RPE-BDFIG at 37-kW operation and 85% voltage dip using PRN protection scheme, (a) three-phase grid voltages, (b) RPE-BDFIG stator flux, (c) DFIG rotor power, (d) exciter rotor power, (e) DFIG rotor current, (f) exciter rotor flux, (g) rotor converter dc-link voltage, (h) shaft speed. fault is cleared, synchronization of the converter to the grid is not required. This leads to an immediate resumption of power to the grid. The analysis conducted on the 37-kW RPE-BDFIG in Publication VI deals with 85% voltage dip during symmetrical faults, based on E.oN grid code specifications. As explained in the publication and shown in Figure 5.4, it is seen that PRN works well in reducing the amplitude of the rotor current during the 85% voltage dip. Moreover, the magnitudes of oscillations in rotor power, speed, and dc-link voltage, during the instant at which the fault begins at t=130 msec, are 5.4. BEHAVIOUR OF THE RPE-BDFIG DURING FAULTS 53 also reduced, thereby preventing adverse affects on the electrical and mechanical components of the RPE-BDFIG. 5.4.2 Dual Vector Control In order to deal with the negative-sequence currents, the dual vector control (DVC) [also referred to as extended vector control (EVC)] is used, in order to control the generator [51, 64, 65]. The DVC is implemented in the dq frame. As explained in Publication VII and Publication VIII, two dq frames are defined; the positive-sequence dq + frame and the negative-sequence dq − frame [51, 64, 65]. The d-axes of the dq + frame is aligned with the positive-sequence grid flux vector. Hence, it rotates with the positive-sequence grid-flux angular frequency. The d-axes of the dq − frame is aligned with the negative-sequence grid flux vector, which rotates in the opposite direction to the positive-sequence grid flux, also with the grid angular frequency. The negative-sequence components of the voltage and current appear as 100 Hz oscillations in the positive-sequence frame, whereas the positivesequence components of the voltage and current appear as 100 Hz oscillations in the negative-sequence frame. A lowpass Butterworth filter is designed and implemented, in order to filter 100 Hz oscillations in the two reference frames. Thereafter, the positive-sequence and negative-sequence currents are controlled independently in their respective dq frames [51, 64, 65]. As explained in Publication VII and Publication VIII, the prime focus of the control has been to reduce the oscillation in the electrical and mechanical parts of the generator, in order to prevent reduction in the lifetime of the generator’s components. Figure 5.5 show the simulation results when the DVC is implemented on a 2-MW RPE-BDFIG operating at 1800 rpm. The generator is subjected to a single-phase-to-ground fault (SPGF). The fault causes a 100% voltage dip, and a phase-angle jump of 45°in phase a. It is seen that the DVC works well, since the negative-sequence currents are controlled in a manner which minimizes the electrical and mechanical oscillations in the RPE-BDFIG. However, as seen in Figure 5.5(i) and Figure 5.5(j), the DFIG rotor current increases by 50% and the exciter rotor current experiences a large current peak in the first 150 msec after the fault. Consequently, either the size of the rotor converter needs to increase or, PRN should be used in order to limit the increase in the rotor currents. To summarize, DVC can be employed with a great deal of success in reducing the oscillations in the RPE-BDFIG. A PRN might also be required to limit the increase in the rotor currents. 400 200 0 va vb vc −600 429.9 429.95 430 430.05 430.1 −6 −8 −10 −12 −14 430 Time (sec) 5 0 −5 −10 430.5 431 Time (sec) 10000 6000 4000 2000 0 431.5 430 1000 0 430.5 431 Time (sec) 10 5 0 0 I3d −50 I3q 430 430.5 431 Time (sec) 431.5 (j) exciter rotor current 430 430.5 431 Time (sec) 430.5 431 Time (sec) 431.5 1000 0 −1000 −2000 −3000 −4000 430 430.5 431 Time (sec) 431.5 (f) DFIG rotor power 5 0 −5 431.5 (h) stator current DC−Link Voltage (V) 50 431.5 d−axis current q−axis current 15 −5 431.5 100 431 Time (sec) DFIG rotor I , I Stator I1d, I1q (kA) Exciter Rotor Power(kW) 2000 (g) exciter rotor power Exciter Rotor Current(A) 430.5 20 430 430 (e) stator power 3000 −100 Active power Reactive power 8000 (d) exciter torque −1000 −60 (c) RPE-BDFIG torque DFIG Rotor Power (kW) 10 430 Time (sec) 431.5 −40 (kA) 15 −15 431 −20 (b) turbine torque Stator Power (kW,kVAr) Exciter Torque (kNm) (a) grid voltages 430.5 0 2q −400 −4 2d −200 −2 −10 DFIG rotor d−current DFIG rotor q−current −15 −20 430 430.5 431 Time (sec) 431.5 (i) DFIG rotor current 2200 1200 Speed (rpm) Grid Voltage (V) 600 RPE−BDFIG Torque(kNm) CHAPTER 5. LOW-VOLTAGE RIDE-THROUGH OF A RPE-BDFIG Turbine Torque (kNm) 54 1100 1000 900 2000 1800 800 430 430.5 431 Time (sec) 431.5 (k) dc-link voltage 1600 430 430.5 431 Time (sec) 431.5 (l) mechanical speed Figure 5.5: Behavior of the RPE-BDFIG during the SPGF, for a 100% voltage dip, and phase-angle jump of 45°in phase a: (a) grid voltages, (b) turbine torque, (c) RPE-BDFIG torque, (d) exciter torque, (e) stator power, (f) DFIG rotor power, (g) exciter rotor power, (h) stator current, (i) DFIG rotor current, (j) exciter rotor current, (k) dc-link voltage, and (l) mechanical speed. Chapter 6 Design and Thermal Aspects of a Rotating Power Electronic Converter (RPEC) This chapter presents a preliminary design and 3-D thermal analysis of a rotating power electronic converter for an 11-kW generator. This chapter is based on Publication IX and Publication X. 6.1 Rotating Electronics Power electronics on the rotor of electrical machines has been used since 1960s, especially in brushless synchronous generators [66, 67]. The diode rectifier with a rotating exciter are commonly used, in order to supply the dc field current to the rotor windings of the synchronous generator, without slip rings and carbon brushes [66,67]. Synchronous generators are used for large-scale electric power production, such as in hydro generators. These type of brushless generators are currently produced by ABB, Westinghouse Electric Corporation [66], WEG group [67], etc. In a brushless synchronous generator, the brushless rotating exciter and its diodes take care of reactive power. In contrast, in the RPE-BDFIG, the rotating exciter and the converters take care of both the active power, i.e, slip power of the DFIG, and the reactive power of the generator. Thus, requirements from the RPE-BDFIG exciter and its converter are more demanding than its synchronous generator counterpart. Since, the converters and exciter of the RPE-BDFIG also 55 56 CHAPTER 6. DESIGN AND THERMAL ASPECTS OF A ROTATING POWER ELECTRONIC CONVERTER (RPEC) handle active power, greater demands are placed on their size optimization and cooling. A preliminary finite element analysis of the thermal modeling of the RPEC for the RPE-BDFIG is given in Publication IX and Publication X, where a 3-D study has been conducted for a converter suitable to be mounted on an 11kW generator. In this publication, the thermal footprint on different parts of an IGBT, rotating shaft, and its heatsink are analysed using the finite element method (FEM). Furthermore, the dimensions of the heatsink, and the shaft fan which cools the rotating converter and the generator, are also investigated in Publication IX and Publication X. A conceptual design of the converter is shown in Figure 6.1 and explained in Publication IX. The outer radius of the converter is 160 mm, which can be mounted on an 11-kW RPE-BDFIG, whose shaft height is 180 mm. The rotating converter is composed of two wheels. The outer wheel is made of aluminium and holds the components of the converter against the centrifugal forces. The outer wheel is connected to the internal wheel through the thin rods (not shown in the figure). The internal wheel is screwed to the shaft and thereby holds the whole converter on to the shaft. Figure 6.2 summarizes the maximum junction temperatures of the IGBT switch obtained from the FEA. The IGBT is switched at 5 kHz and operated at the rated rotor current of the 11-kW RPE-BDFIG, i.e., 43 A. The FEA is conducted for the IGBT when it is cooled by the heatsink and forced convection through the shaft mounted fan. The study is performed for two heatsinks. Heatsink 2 is one-third the size of Heatsink 1. It is seen that the Heatsink 2 is sufficient to cool the IGBT (as the maximum junction temperature is around 123° C, which is below the rated junction temperature of 125° C), when the inlet velocity of air blown by the shaft fan is more than 3 m/s. As seen in Figure 6.3, this velocity of air can be easily obtained from the shaft mounted fan of the generator with 180 mm shaft height. Hence, it can be concluded that the size of the heatsink and the cooling offered by the shaft fan are sufficient, in order to mount the converter on the limited space offered by the generator. 6.1. ROTATING ELECTRONICS 57 Figure 6.1: The rotating power electronic converter (RPEC). Max. Temp. ( °C) 150 100 50 Heatsink 1 Heatsink 2 0 0 10 20 Air Velocity (m/s) 30 Figure 6.2: Maximum steady-state junction temperatures of the IGBT versus air velocities, when cooled by Heatsink 1 and Heatsink 2 through forced convection. CHAPTER 6. DESIGN AND THERMAL ASPECTS OF A ROTATING POWER ELECTRONIC CONVERTER (RPEC) Inlet air velocity (m/s) 30 20 Fan radius 30 mm Fan radius 140 mm 10 0 1200 1400 1600 Rotor speed (rpm) 1800 (a) Velocity of air as a function of rotor speed for two different radius of the fan. 150 Fan radius (mm) 58 100 50 0 2000 1500 Rotor speed (rpm) 1000 0 10 20 30 Inlet air velocity (m/s) (b) 3-D diagram of the air velocity versus fan radius versus rotor speed. Figure 6.3: Size of the shaft mounted fan. Chapter 7 Unity Power Factor Operation of a Single-fed Induction Machine using the Lindmark Concept This chapter gives an overview of a single-fed induction machine with the rotating electronics. This work was performed in the beginning of the author’s Ph.D project and is included because this concept is also based on the rotating power electronics. This chapter is based on Publication XI, Publication XII, and the author’s licentiate thesis [3]. 7.1 Rotating Power Electronic Induction Drive This chapter summarizes an invention by Magnus Lindmark [68], which utilizes a single-fed induction machine with two rotating power electronic converters connected to its rotor, as shown in Figure 7.1. The generator uses three-phase windings in the stator, which is directly connected to the grid, whereas the rotor uses threephase windings in an open-end configuration. This means that both terminals of the rotor windings are available for connection. One of the terminals of the threephase windings are connected to one of the three-phase converter, whereas the other corresponding terminals of the rotor windings are connected to the second threephase converter, as shown in Figure 7.2. The two converters are connected to each other in a back-to-back configuration, with a dc-link in between. 59 60 CHAPTER 7. UNITY POWER FACTOR OPERATION OF A SINGLE-FED INDUCTION MACHINE USING THE LINDMARK CONCEPT Lindmark phase-shifted the voltages produced by the two converters with respect to each other by an angle θps , in order to generate another voltage vector referred to as vps . This voltage vector is applied to the terminals of the rotor windings, which thereby changes the angle of the rotor current. Since the stator and rotor currents are mutually coupled, therefore, the angle of the stator current also changes. Through proper control strategy, the angle of the stator current is made to change in a manner so as to improve the power factor. Hence, the rotor of the converter is used to inject reactive power, thereby improving the power factor of the machine, as explained in detail in Publication XI and Publication XII. In Publication XI, the steady-state model is developed and verified through experiments on an 11-kw prototype machine. It is seen in Figure 7.3, that the unity power factor of the machine is obtained over a wide power range, i.e., from 3-kW to its rated 11-kW power. In addition, it is also explained in Publication XI and shown in Figure 7.4 that the power factor characteristics of the induction machine can be manipulated by varying the rotor resistance. Moreover, as shown in Figure 7.5, the efficiency of the induction machine can also be adjusted with the rotor resistance, in conjunction with the variable power factor operation of the machine. In Publication XII, an experimental analysis of the machine is performed at various speed. It is shown that for operation close to the synchronous speed, the capacitor size and the converter size is only a fraction of the power rating of the machine. This is because as indicated in Publication XII, the capacitance is normalized by slip squared, implying its small size. Thus, unity power factor is obtained when the rotor capacitance is equal to the magnetization and leakage inductance of the machine. 7.1.1 Advantage of the Lindmark Concept The concept is useful for self-excitation of an induction machine due to small sizes of the capacitors and electronics. Moreover, the concept can be utilized for the manufacture of induction machines with high number of pole-pairs. It is well known that the power factor deteriorates as the pole-pair numbers of an induction machine increase. Consequently, using the Lindmark concept, in which small size capacitors are utilized, direct-drive induction generators can be feasible. 7.1. ROTATING POWER ELECTRONIC INDUCTION DRIVE Figure 7.1: Configuration of a rotating power electronic induction drive [3]. Figure 7.2: Connection of converters to the rotor windings [69]. 61 CHAPTER 7. UNITY POWER FACTOR OPERATION OF A SINGLE-FED INDUCTION MACHINE USING THE LINDMARK CONCEPT Stator Power Factor 62 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0 Theoretical Values Experimental Values 5 10 Mechanical Power (kW) Figure 7.3: Stator power factor versus mechanical power, using the Lindmark concept. −ve sign shows capacitive value Stator Power Factor 1 0.5 0 Rotor Resistance=0.618Ω Rotor Resistance=0.468Ω Rotor Resistance=0.318Ω −0.5 −1 0 5 10 Mechanical Power (kW) Figure 7.4: Variation of the stator power factor with the changes in rotor resistance versus mechanical power, using the Lindmark concept. 0.95 Efficiency 0.9 0.85 0.8 0.75 0.7 0 Rotor Resistance=0.618Ω Rotor Resistance=0.468Ω Rotor Resistance=0.318Ω 5 10 Mechanical Power (kW) 15 Figure 7.5: Variation of the efficiency with the changes in rotor resistance versus mechanical power, using the Lindmark concept. Chapter 8 Conclusions This chapter presents the summary of the project and recommendations for future research work. 8.1 Summary In this thesis, a novel configuration of the BDFIG with rotating power electronics has been investigated. The derivation and analysis of the dynamic and steadystate model of the RPE-BDFIG is presented. It is shown that through the use of an on-board rotating exciter and power converter, the slip power can be successfully recovered and delivered to the grid. Moreover, it is demonstrated, that the exciter and electronics can be used to magnetize the DFIG from its rotor, thereby improving the grid voltage stability and power factor of the generator. In addition, to the author’s knowledge, first-time evaluation of the DFIG with the power electronics and the rotating exciter has been conducted in this thesis. The closed-loop control of the generator is implemented on an 11-kW test bench in the laboratory. Note that the generator still uses slip rings and brushes for the connection of the power electronic converter. The main focus of this work is to analyze and understand the working principle of the topology, and to confirm recovery of slip power. The experimental results indicate stable operation of the generator. It is shown that the closed-loop control is good enough in order to handle torque disturbances from the exciter. Furthermore, the dc-link voltage of the rotor converter is also maintained without sacrificing the stability of the generator. The reactive power control and variable power factor operation of the generator is also demonstrated through experiments. It is shown that with the help of the rotating exciter and converter, the generator’s power factor can be varied over a wide range, without affecting its stability. Therefore, the generator can also be used to support 63 64 CHAPTER 8. CONCLUSIONS the grid during faults. Furthermore, low-voltage ride-through behaviour of the 37-kW and 2-MW RPEBDFIG is analyzed. The results indicated that if a suitable control strategy is used, the generator can ride through deep voltage dips and meet the requirements of the grid codes. The results also highlight that no matter how good the control is, nevertheless an external protection circuit such as PRN (which is used in this thesis) is still required for the protection of the converter during deep voltage dips. In addition, it is demonstrated, that the DVC works well for the RPE-BDFIG, as it reduces the electrical and mechanical oscillations to a large extent. The results shown are promising since the generator shows stable operation during faults and, above all, the rotor converter maintains its connection during faults. Besides, a preliminary design and thermal FEA of the rotating converter is performed, and the sizes of the heatsink and shaft fan are roughly dimensioned. 8.2 Future Work The study of the generator needs to be extended using the power electronics mounted on the rotor, and controlling it by the reference commands sent through wireless communication. The practical aspects related to the construction of the rotating power electronics, and challenges with regards to the mounting of the electronics on the generator shaft, needs to be investigated. However, it is believed that since the controller is also mounted on the electronic board and rotating with the shaft, the performance of the generator will not be affected. The biggest issue would probably be the mechanical strength of the rotating converter as it would be subjected to high centrifugal forces. Moreover, the inertia of the generator will change once the power electronic converter is mounted on the shaft. However, it is expected that this will not be an issue with regard to the control of the system, because the closed-loop controls designed in this thesis uses the IMC method. Therefore, the increase in inertia can easily be accounted for. The next challenge is to integrate the two machines into one, similar to what has been done for the conventional BDFIG. Design of a single-frame RPE-BDFIG which includes the exciter, power electronics, and wireless module is an interesting aspect for future research. Thereafter, optimization analysis of the single-frame RPE-BDFIG can be performed, in order to reduce the losses and achieve maximum power density. Finally, further investigations on low-voltage ride-through of the generator should be conducted. List of Figures 1.1 2.1 2.2 2.3 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 Doubly-fed induction generator (DFIG) with zoomed-in view of its slip rings [3, 4]. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Maximum power point tracking (MPPT) curve, showing wind generator power versus rotational speed [26]. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Generator and its drive-train. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (a) Direct-drive generator. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (b) Indirect-drive generator. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Configuration of the BDFIM. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 11 11 11 14 Configuration of the rotating power electronic converter brushless doublyfed induction generator (RPE-BDFIG). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Active power flow in the the RPE-BDFIG. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 (a) Super-synchronous mode. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 (b) Sub-synchronous mode. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Modes of operation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 (a) Direction of rotation of the magnetic field in the super-synchronous mode. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 (b) Direction of rotation of the magnetic field in the sub-synchronous mode. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Simulation results for a step load response of a 37-kW RPE-BDFIG, in the super-synchronous mode. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 (a) Shaft speed. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 (b) Turbine torque. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 (c) RPE-BDFIG torque. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 (d) Exciter torque. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Simulation results for a step load response of a 37-kW RPE-BDFIG, in the sub-synchronous mode. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 (a) Shaft speed. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 65 66 List of Figures (b) Turbine torque. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (c) RPE-BDFIG torque. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (d) Exciter torque. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.6 Measurements results of the operation of an 11-kW RPE-BDFIG during the synchronous mode. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (a) Generated power. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (b) Frequency of currents in the three windings. . . . . . . . . . . 3.7 dq dynamic model of the RPE-BDFIG. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (a) d-axis equivalent circuit. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (b) q-axis equivalent circuit. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.8 Turbine and REP-BDFIG stator power in the super-synchronous mode, at 1800 rpm. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (a) Mechanical power supplied by the turbine. . . . . . . . . . . . (b) RPE-BDFIG’s generated power delivered to the grid. . . . . . 3.9 DFIG rotor and exciter power at 1800 rpm. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (a) DFIG rotor power. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (b) Exciter rotor power. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.10 Power factor at the RPE-BDFIG stator terminals at 1800 rpm. . . . . . 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 Reference frames for the control of the RPE-BDFIG. . . . . . . . . . . . Closed-loop current control and model of the exciter. . . . . . . . . . . . Closed-loop current control and model of the DFIG. . . . . . . . . . . . Block diagram of a speed controller for a RPE-BDFIG. . . . . . . . . . Measurement results on an 11-kW RPE-BDFIG, when a step in speed reference is applied. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (a) Step-up in speed. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (b) Step-down in speed. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.6 Block diagram of a dc-link voltage model and its controller. . . . . . . . 4.7 Measurement results on an 11-kW RPE-BDFIG for dc-link voltage dynamics, when (a): step-up (2.7 kW to 6.6 kW) and (b): step-down (6.6 kW to 2.7 kW), in stator reference power is applied at t=0, respectively. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (a) DC-link voltage for a power step-up. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (b) DC-link voltage for a power step-down. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.8 Diagram of a phase-locked loop (PLL). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.9 Laboratory setup of an 11-kW RPE-BDFIG. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (a) Power electronics, dSpace control, and power meter. . . . . . . (b) Load machine, DFIG, and exciter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.10 Experimental results for the stability study conducted on an 11-kW RPE-BDFIG at 1750 rpm, i.e., in the super-synchronous mode. . . . . . 25 25 25 26 26 26 27 27 27 28 28 28 29 29 29 29 32 33 35 36 37 37 37 38 38 38 38 39 40 40 40 41 List of Figures 67 (a) Power dynamics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (b) Power dynamics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (c) Torque dynamics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (d) Torque dynamics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.11 Experimental results for the stability study conducted on an 11-kW RPE-BDFIG at 1410 rpm, i.e., in the sub-synchronous mode. . . . . . . (a) Power dynamics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (b) Power dynamics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (c) Torque dynamics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (d) Torque dynamics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.12 Measurement results of the 11-kW RPE-BDFIG’s stator current versus stator power factor, at various speeds. In the power factor scale, capacitive power factor operation is illustrated for values greater than 1. 41 41 41 41 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 E.oN grid code standard for a low-voltage ride-through of a wind turbine. Classification of the voltage dips. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Single-phase diagram of a passive resistive network. . . . . . . . . . . . Response of RPE-BDFIG at 85% voltage dip using PRN . . . . . . . . . (a) Three phase grid voltages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (b) RPE-BDFIG stator flux . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (c) DFIG rotor power . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (d) Exciter rotor power . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (e) DFIG rotor current . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (f) Exciter rotor flux . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (g) Rotor converter DC-link voltage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (h) Shaft speed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Behavior of the RPE-BDFIG during the SPGF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (a) grid voltages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (b) turbine torque . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (c) RPE-BDFIG torque . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (d) exciter torque . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (e) stator power . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (f) DFIG rotor power . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (g) exciter rotor power . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (h) stator current . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (i) DFIG rotor current . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (j) exciter rotor current . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (k) dc-link voltage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (l) mechanical speed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 42 42 42 42 43 47 49 51 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 68 6.1 6.2 6.3 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 List of Figures The rotating power electronic converter (RPEC). . . . . . . . . . . . . . Maximum steady-state junction temperatures of the IGBT versus air velocities, when cooled by Heatsink 1 and Heatsink 2 through forced convection. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fan size . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (a) Velocity of air as a function of rotor speed for two different radius of the fan. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (b) 3-D diagram of the air velocity versus fan radius versus rotor speed. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Configuration of a rotating power electronic induction drive [3]. . . . . . Connection of converters to the rotor windings [69]. . . . . . . . . . . . Stator power factor versus mechanical power, using the Lindmark concept. Variation of the stator power factor with the changes in rotor resistance versus mechanical power, using the Lindmark concept. . . . . . . . . . . Variation of the efficiency with the changes in rotor resistance versus mechanical power, using the Lindmark concept. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 57 58 58 58 61 61 62 62 62 Bibliography [1] Wind Energy: A Vision for Europe in 2030, European Wind Energy Technology Platform, Sep. 2006. [2] EWEA, Wind energy – the facts: Technology, Volume 1, 2012. [Online]. 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Appendix A Glossary of Symbols and Abbreviations Symbols α αc αc,exc αs αv ψ ω θ b1 b2 Cdc , C CT Cp Dwt i Iˆ J1 J2 R L Lm1 Lm2 P Bandwidth of the closed-loop control Bandwidth of the DFIG closed-loop current control Bandwidth of the exciter closed-loop current control Bandwidth of the closed-loop speed control Bandwidth of the closed-loop voltage control Flux Electrical speed in radians per second Electrical position in radians Friction coefficient of the DFIG or induction machine Friction coefficient of the exciter Capacitance of the rotating capacitor Flux-dependent constant Wind turbine power coefficient Wind turbine rotor diameter Current Current magnitude Inertia of the DFIG or induction machine Inertia of the exciter Resistance Inductance DFIG or induction machine magnetization inductance Exciter magnetization inductance Power 77 78 pp1 pp2 s1 s Te Texciter Tturbine v vdc V̄ V̂ vwind Appendix A. Glossary of Symbols and Abbreviations Pole-pairs of the DFIG or induction machine Pole-pairs of the exciter Slip Laplace variable Electromagnetic torque of the RPE-BDFIG Electromagnetic torque of the exciter Torque provided by the turbine Voltage DC-link voltage Voltage complex vector Voltage magnitude Wind speed Subscripts 1 2 3 4 exc d q D Q r p n ps N wt Stator of the DFIG or induction machine or RPE-BDFIG, grid Rotor of the DFIG or induction machine Rotor of the exciter DC field winding (second stator) of the exciter Exciter d-axis q-axis Damper winding in the d-axis Damper winding in the q-axis Rotor Positive Negative phase shift Number of winding turns Wind turbine Abbreviations BDFIG DFIG DVC EVC ERSC IMRSC LVRT PLL PWM Brushless Doubly-Fed Induction Generator Doubly-Fed Induction Generator Dual Vector Control Extended Vector Control Exciter Rotor Side Converter Induction Machine Rotor Side Converter Low Voltage Ride Through Phase-Locked Loop Pulse Width Modulation Appendix A. Glossary of Symbols and Abbreviations PIR PR PRN RPE-BDFIG Proportional Integral Resonance Proportional Resonance Passive Resistive Network Rotating Power Electronic Brushless Doubly-Fed Induction Generator 79 Appendix B Summary of Publications This chapter presents the abstracts of the appended papers. The papers and their abstracts are copyright of the respective conferences and IEEE. Publication I: Experimental Validation of a Rotating Power Electronic Brushless Doubly-Fed Induction Generator for Variable-Speed Operation This paper is the core of the thesis, as it presents the mathematics, control aspects, experimental results, and stability study of the rotating power electronic brushless doubly-fed induction generator (RPE-BDFIG), operated with variable speed and torque. The theory behind the operation of the generator is explained, its dynamic model and control aspects are discussed, and closed-loop control of the generator is implemented and verified through experiments on an 11-kW prototype. The measurement results show stable operation for variable speed and torque regions. Moreover, it is shown that the integrated rotating exciter is sufficient to recover and deliver slip power to the grid, hence, verifying successful brushless operation. Besides, it is verified that the generator operates well in both regions of operation, i.e., the sub-synchronous and super-synchronous modes, and is stable under torque transients added by the rotating exciter. Publication II: Dynamic Modeling and Control of a Brushless DoublyFed Induction Generator with a Rotating Power Electronic Converter The dynamic model of the 37-kW brushless doubly-fed induction generator with a rotating power electronic converter is derived and analyzed through simulations. Furthermore, feedback control of the topology is also implemented and analyzed. It is shown that the generator shows stable operation in steady state as well as in dynamic state, at variable speeds. Using the closed-loop control, the generator is 81 82 Appendix B. Summary of Publications able to maintain desired speed, torque, and dc-link voltage set-points. Publication III: Synchronous Operation of a Rotating Power Electronic Brushless Doubly-Fed Generator This paper presents through experiments the synchronous operation of the 11kW RPE-BDFIG. It is shown that the generator operates well at the synchronous speed of the main machine, delivering the desired power to the grid. Furthermore, it is illustrated that the RPE-BDFIG behaves similar to a synchronous generator in the synchronous mode. The closed-loop control of the generator is implemented in real-time, and the current and voltage waveforms of the stator and rotor of the RPE-BDFIG are experimentally analyzed. Publication IV: Brushless Doubly-fed Induction Machine with Rotating Power Electronic Converter for Wind Power Applications This paper presents the simulation study of the 4-kW RPE-BDFIG in motor mode and during steady-state conditions. The steady state equivalent circuit of the machine is derived and analyzed. It is shown through simulations that the slip power is recovered and stator terminals of the machine can be operated at a unity power factor for ±20% speed range around the synchronous speed. Furthermore, it is shown that the presented system operates at a high efficiency at rated load and unity power factor, due to successful slip power recovery. Publication V: Variable Reactive Power Control of a Rotating Power Electronic Brushless Doubly-Fed Generator This paper presents an in-depth mathematical treatment and experimental analysis of the reactive power control of the 11-kW RPE-BDFIG. The rotating exciter and power electronic converters supply reactive power from the rotor of the DFIG, thus manipulating the power factor at the stator terminals. Theory for variablereactive-power operation is developed and verified through experiments on an 11kW prototype. The measurements results for the variable reactive power operation are shown for the generator’s power factor ranging from inductive to unity to capacitive. Publication VI: Behavior of a Brushless Doubly-Fed Induction Generator with a Rotating Power Electronic Converter during Symmetrical Voltage Sags Impact of the different magnitudes of symmetrical voltage dip on the performance of the 37-kW RPE-BDFIG are presented. The transient simulation study is carried out in order to investigate the magnitude of the voltage dip the rotor converters can withstand, before a protection scheme is needed for the low-voltage Appendix B. Summary of Publications 83 ride-through (LVRT) of the generator. Furthermore, successful LVRT under severe voltage dips is also performed using passive resistive network strategy. Publication VII: Low-Voltage Ride-Through of a 2-MW Rotating Power Electronic Brushless Doubly-Fed Generator This paper presents results for unsymmetrical LVRT of a 2-MW RPE-BDFIG. The phenomenon behind the behavior of the generator during various voltage dips is examined and explained. The dual vector control (DVC) of the generator, which assists the generator in riding-through unsymmetrical faults, and minimizes electrical and mechanical oscillations, is presented. Furthermore, studies of the impact of phase-angle jumps and various magnitudes of voltage dips (including 100% voltage dip) on the operation of the generator, are presented. Publication VIII: Extended Vector Control of a Rotating Power Electronic Brushless Doubly-Fed Induction Generator under Unsymmetrical Voltage Sags This paper also presents the implementation of the DVC on a 37-kW RPEBDFIG, when subjected to unsymmetrical voltage dips. The impact of phase-angle jumps is neglected and faults causing magnitudes of voltage dips of 50%, are considered. Two separate synchronous reference frames are defined and standard PI controllers are implemented in the reference frames in order to control the positive and negative sequence currents independently. Through these means the effect of the negative sequence currents is mitigated and it is shown that the oscillations in the behavior of this new type of generator are considerably reduced. Publication IX and X: Dynamic and Steady-State 3-D Thermal Design and Investigation of the Rotating Power Electronic IGBT Converter These papers deal with a 3-dimensional development of a thermal model of a power electronic converter mounted on the generator shaft and rotating with it. The dimensions of the heat sink are determined and the temperature gradients of the converter, its heat sink, and shaft during natural and forced convection are analyzed for variable rotor speeds. It is shown that the chosen sizes of the IGBT and heat sink offer compact design of the rotating converter, which is sufficient for its mounting in the limited space, offered by the generator shaft. Furthermore, transient temperature profile is also presented. Additionally, transient thermal profile of the converter and dimensions of the cooling fan are also calculated. Besides analysis of the cooling requirements of the converter during over-currents due to grid faults is also investigated. Publication XI: Theoretical and Experimental Investigation of the Self- 84 Appendix B. Summary of Publications Excited Rotating Power Electronic Induction Machine This paper presents the theoretical model and experimental analysis of a novel topology of the self-excited induction machine using rotating power electronic converters, invented by Magnus Lindmark is presented. The power electronic converters are connected to the rotor of the induction machine and it is shown that the machine operates at unity power factor at variable load conditions including rated load. Special control strategy of the two converters helps in magnetization of the induction machine from the rotor. The experimental analysis is conducted in the industry using an 11-kW induction machine, and close agreement is found between the theoretical model and the experimental results. Besides, the rotor resistance is varied and its effect on the power factor and performance of the machine is studied and analyzed. Publication XII: Induction Machine at Unity Power Factor with Rotating Power Electronic Converter A configuration for the self-excitation of the induction machine invented by Magnus Lindmark, is presented. The power electronic converter using solid state switches is connected to the rotor, whereas the stator is directly connected to the grid. Using appropriate control, the reactive power consumed by the motor can be generated in the rotor resulting in unity power factor operation. The rotor connected power electronic converter is also used for constant speed operation of the induction machine at variable torque. The operation of the machine at variable speeds is presented, and mathematical treatment of the rotor capacitor size is given.