Colorful Clothesline Lesson Plan Upon completion of this lesson, students will be able to identify colors and certain items of clothing. NOTE: It is assumed students have some competency with using computers and the Internet in order to successfully complete this lesson. COLORS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Put students into small groups. Have them brainstorm different colors they know. Give them about 3-5 minutes. Then ask for the groups to report back the colors. Write the colors on the board. Then discuss what’s in your classroom. Discuss the items and their colors. Then discuss what you and your students are wearing (this will preview them for the clothing section). Then tell students that today they will go on the Internet and learn vocabulary for colors and clothing. Go to the computers and go on the Internet at Have students click on the COLORS link. Provide students with a copy of Colors.001 handout and crayons and/or colored pencils. Have students look at the web page and color the boxes on the handout. Then have students write the name of the color next to the appropriate box. When the activity is completed, the students will have an exact duplicate of the web page. Next, provide students with a copy of Colors.002 handout. Model for students how to complete the worksheet. Brainstorm with entire class to think of two white things – then have everyone write those white things on the spaces provided. Do the same for two black things. Then have students work in small groups of 2-3 people to complete the rest of the worksheet. Then write the colors on the board on a row: white black red yellow blue green -- etc. Then go through the worksheet with the entire class by calling on individual students to read what they wrote for one color. Be sure to get through all the colors at least once and to give every student at least once chance to read from their worksheet. Write 7. 8. 9. what items they say under the appropriate color. In the end, everyone should have a nice list of several items for each color. Next, provide students with a copy of Colors.003 handout. Have students use crayons and/or colored pencils to draw one thing for each color (using the items on the Colors.002 handout). Then have students cut out the cards. They can use the cards to (1) play concentration with a partner and/or (2) make flash cards and/or (3) make a colors booklet. Next, model for students how to write sentences about the pictures they drew to match their color word cards. Model how to write – for example: The apple is red. The car is blue. The banana is yellow. The dress is pink. Have students write their sentences. Then have students practice reading their sentences with a partner. Then have students go back on the Internet and click on the Color Quiz link. Have students take the quiz and then click on the Grade My Quiz link to get their score. Then have students print out their score page. CLOTHING 1. 2. Stand in front of the students and describe what you are wearing, including the colors. Then call on a couple of students to stand up and describe to the class what they are wearing. Then call on another students to stand up, and ask the class to describe what he/she is wearing. Go to the computers and go on the Internet at Have students click on the CLOTHES link. Have students look at the pictures on the Internet. Go through the clothing with them and practice saying the color and name of the clothing, e.g. a blue blouse a pink sweater a striped shirt red gloves – etc. Provide students with a copy of Clothing.001 handout. Have students look at the web page and write the color and then copy the name of the item of clothing. Then have students practice reading the colors and clothing items with a partner. 3. 4. 5. 6. Provide students with a copy of Clothing.002 handout. Have students look at the pictures on the Internet and answer the questions true or false. Then review the answers with the students. Then provide students with a copy of Clothing.003 handout. Have students make a list of the clothing they are wearing, a list of the clothing you are wearing, and a list of the clothing their partner is wearing. Then call on individual students to read one of their lists for the entire class. Then describe the clothing a student is wearing. See if students can guess who you are describing. Do this for a couple of students. Then have students turn over their paper and make a “secret” list of the clothing a student in the room is wearing. Then call on student volunteers to read their list and have the rest of the class guess who the student is. Then have students go back on the Internet and click on the Clothes Quiz link. Have students take the quiz and then click on the Grade My Quiz link to get their score. Then have students print out their score page. FOLLOW UP: Play BINGO with the color and clothing words. Bring in several copies of a local department store flyer. Have students cut out several items of clothing and write descriptions for them. Post their work on the wall. Bring in several items of real clothing. Hold it up and let the students discuss the color and name. Then put everything away and have the students work in small groups to write the descriptions for as many items as they can remember.