B 7 4 7 4 0 0 F F S 1 C I I V
Rev :
Centre de Formation Technique du Personnel Navigant
Titre document
Référence Document
B747-400 FFS 1 - CIV
Simulated Malfunctions List
: Malf_List
: 1
: B7474FF1-DOCSIM_INF-0002
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Nom Entité Date
Rédaction :
Eric Le Floch
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B 7 4 7 4 0 0 F F S 1 C I I V
Rev : 1
Centre de Formation Technique du Personnel Navigant
Table of contents
AIR CONDITIONING / OXYGEN ......................................................................................................... 3
AUXILIARY POWER UNIT................................................................................................................... 6
ELECTRICS ......................................................................................................................................... 8
FUEL .................................................................................................................................................. 11
ENGINE START / ENGINE VARY / ENGINE OIL.............................................................................. 13
ENGINE FIRE / DAMAGE.................................................................................................................. 15
ENGINE FAILURE ............................................................................................................................. 16
HYDRAULIC ...................................................................................................................................... 20
FLAPS................................................................................................................................................ 22
FLIGHT CONTROLS / TRIM.............................................................................................................. 23
INSTRUMENTS WARNING ............................................................................................................... 25
LANDING GEAR ................................................................................................................................ 26
BRAKES / ANTI SKID ........................................................................................................................ 28
DOORS / LIGHTS .............................................................................................................................. 29
FLIGHT INSTRUMENT ...................................................................................................................... 30
NAVIGATION - RADIOS .................................................................................................................... 31
NAVIGATION - IRS / FMC / GPS....................................................................................................... 32
CARGO / EQUIPMENT COOLING .................................................................................................... 34
AUTOFLIGHT - AUTOTHROTTLE..................................................................................................... 35
ELECTRONIC EGINE CONTROL SYSTEM...................................................................................... 37
ANTI - ICE.......................................................................................................................................... 39
CMC ................................................................................................................................................... 40
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Centre de Formation Technique du Personnel Navigant
Bleed Air Valve Fail Engine 4
The bleed air valve will stay in position when commanded .
Bleed Air Valve Open Engine 4
The bleed air valve will stay open when commanded , simulating mechanic action in case of Bleed air valve failure.
Wing Duct Rupture Pressure Right
The pneumatic duct ruptures outboard of the wing isolation. Right duct pressure drops below 10 psi. The air conditioning packs close due to low air pressure. The cabin depressurises at normal leak rate due to loss of packs. Engines will reflect an abnormally high bleed airflow.
Bleed High Stage Fail Engine 2
The applicable Engine HP shut off valve will fail in position. Failed open when commanded close : SYSTEM
FAULT light will illuminate and a corresponding ‘BLEED HP ENGINE 1,2,3,4’ message will be displayed.
Failed closed when commanded open : SYSTEM FAULT light will illuminate and duct pressure indication will be low and if IP pressure is less than 10 psi the pressure reg and shut off valve will close due to low servo pressure.
Bleed Air Overheat Engine 3
The relevant precooler fan fails in the full heat position and pressure regulation and shut-off valve temperature override function fails to operate. If the bleed air is hot enough a strut overheat and a bleed air overheat will occur.
Centre Duct Rupture
The pneumatic duct ruptures between the L and R wing isolation valves. Both left and right duct pressures drop below 10 psi. The air conditioning packs close due to low pressure. The cabin depressurises at normal leak rate due to loss of packs. Engines will reflect an abnormally high bleed airflow.
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Centre de Formation Technique du Personnel Navigant
Slow Cabin Decompression
The cabin will depressurise at approximately 100 ft/min at normal maximum differential pressure. When cabin altitude exceeds 10000 ft ‘CABIN ALTITUDE’ message will be displayed on EICAS, and master warning and audio warning will be activated. When cabin altitude exceeds 14000 ft, the passenger oxygen system will be activated.
Medium Cabin Decompression
The cabin will depressurise at approximately 2000 ft/min at normal maximum differential pressure. A high leakage of air sound will be audible. Both outflow valves will go full closed. When cabin altitude exceeds
10000 ft ‘CABIN ALTITUDE’ message will be displayed on EICAS, and master warning and audio warning will be activated. When cabin altitude exceeds 14000 ft, the passenger oxygen system will be activated.
Rapid Cabin Decompression
The cabin will depressurise at approximately 10000 ft/min at normal maximum differential pressure. A high leakage of air sound will be audible. Both outflow valves will go full closed. When cabin altitude exceeds
10000 ft ‘CABIN ALTITUDE’ message will be displayed on EICAS, and master warning and audio warning will be activated. When cabin altitude exceeds 14000 ft, the passenger oxygen system will be activated.
Cabin Pressure Primary Control Fail
A complete failure of the operating (primary) controller. The system automatically switches over to the standby controller with an EICAS status message ‘CABIN ALT AUTO A’ or ‘CABIN ALT AUTO B’ depending on which controller has failed.
Cabin Pressure Auto Controllers Total
Total failure of both auto controllers resulting in loss of automatic control. There will be an aural caution, caution lights and EICAS message ‘CABIN ALT AUTO’ will be active. It will be necessary to use manual pressure control.
Turbine Bypass Valve Pack 3 Fail Open
The turbine bypass valve of the failed pack runs fully open, causing a pack discharge overheat to occur if the aircraft is on the ground. The corresponding pack flow control valve closes. The pack ‘SYS FAULT’ light will illuminate and ‘PACK 3’ message will appear on EICAS.
Turbine Bypass Valve Pack 2 Fail Closed
The turbine bypass valve of the failed pack runs to the fully closed position. During ground operation, pack discharge temperature will be low. During flight operation, the ram air doors will attempt to compensate for turbine bypass valve position, causing pack trip due to out of sequence. The pack « SYS FAULT’ light will illuminate and ‘PACK 2’ message will appear on EICAS.
Pack Flow CTL Valve Pack 1 Fail Closed
This malfunction will cause the pack flow control valve to close.
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Centre de Formation Technique du Personnel Navigant
FWD Cargo Compartment Overheat
This malfunction will cause the fwd cargo heat and override valves to remain open until an overheat condition occurs. The ‘aft cargo temp’ light will illuminate and a ‘TEMP CARGO HEAT’ message will appear on
EICAS. The overheat condition will send the fwd cargo heat and override valves to the fully closed position.
AFT Cargo Compartment Overheat
This malfunction will cause the aft cargo heat and override valves to remain open until an overheat condition occurs. The ‘aft cargo temp’ light will illuminate and a ‘TEMP CARGO HEAT’ message will appear on
EICAS. The overheat condition will send the aft cargo heat and override valves to the fully closed position.
Passenger Automatic Activation Fail
If the cabin altitude exceeds 14000 ft the passenger oxygen aneroid switch will fail to operate and the valve open light will not come on. It will be necessary to operate the oxygen bypass switch in order to make the valve open light come on.
Air Conditioning Smoke
Smoke will be generated through an outlet in the vicinity of the air conditioning louvres. This will continue until the faulted air conditioning unit is isolated, closed, or the fault is cancelled.
Zone Temperature Controller Fail
In auto mode system fault light on, operate in alternate.
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Centre de Formation Technique du Personnel Navigant
APU Auto Shut Down (High EGT)
The APU EGT will increase progressively at approximately 100 deg C/min. When the EGT reaches 700 deg C the automatic shutdown sequence is initiated and the APU fault indication is displayed. The APU cooldown period is bypassed. The APU door and rear FSOV will close at 10% N2 with normal indications. The APU fault indication will remain on until the master control switch is selected to off.
APU Auto Shut Down (Low Oil Pressure)
The APU oil quantity reduces to zero. The resulting loss of oil pressure causes an automatic shutdown. The
APU fault indication will be displayed. The APU cooldown period is bypassed. The APU door and rear FSOV will close at 10% N2 with normal indications. The APU fault indication will remain on until the master control switch is selected to off.
APU Auto Shut Down (Overspeed)
The APU N1 RPM increases to 110.8% at which point an automatic shutdown sequence is intiated. The APU fault indication will be displayed. The APU cooldown period is bypassed. The APU door and rear FSOV will close at 10% N2 with normal indications. The APU fault indication will remain on until the master control switch is selected to off.
Shutdown Failure
The APU will fail to shutdown when the master control switch is selected to off. No fault will be detected and the APU door will remain open. The ECU software does not receive the off signal.
APU Hung Start
The APU accelerates slower than normal. EGT will increase more rapidly than normal. Auto shutdown will occur due to the slow acceleration (applicable speed range is 8% - 80% N2). The APU fault indication will be displayed. The APU cooldown period is bypassed. The APU door and rear FSOV will close at 10% N2 with normal indications. The APU fault indication will remain on until the master control switch is selected to off.
APU Inlet Door Fail
The APU door will remain in the open or close position only.
APU Starter Fail
The APU starter develops an open circuit in its windings. The APU will not start. Auto shutdown will occur due to slow acceleration 15 seconds into the start attempt.
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Centre de Formation Technique du Personnel Navigant
APU Fuel Valves Fail In Position
Starting APU : APU fails to light up due to fuel solenoid valves remaining closed (Hang up at 8% until auto shutdown).
EICAS message will be displayed until the master control switch is selected to off.
APU running :
Malf on. No shutdown signal from APU switch. APU will fail to shutdown.
APU Starter Failure (Fails to Disengage)
The APU starter fails to disengage at 40% N2 RPM. Battery continues to discharge.
Low APU Oil Quantity
The APU oil quantity indication will drop to 10 US qts, with the APU running.
APU EGT (Vary)
The APU EGT will be variable at a maximum rate of 20 deg per second. Automatic shutdown will occur if 700 deg C is reached. APU operates normally except for EGT display fluctuations.
APU Fire
An APU fire occurs. The fire may be extinguished by firing an extinguishing bottle.
APU Fire Loop A Fail
APU fire detector loop A will fail causing appropriate flight deck indications.
APU Fire unextinguishable
An APU fire occurs. The fire cannot be extinguished.
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Centre de Formation Technique du Personnel Navigant
BTB - GCR and GB Open, BTB Reclose Gen 2,4
A problem with the reactive load division circuit which only affects parallel operation. The BTB will trip then the GCR and GCB trip, then the BTB recloses. The generator cannot be reconnected.
APU GB Stuck Closed APB 1 only
A problem with the APB trip/close control logic, the trip signal from generator 1, 2, 3 and 4 is lost. The APB can be tripped manually to put the generator on-line.
Unbalance KW Indication Gen 3
A problem with the real load division circuit causes the generator to asssume more than its share of real load when operating in parallel. The unbalance is just below the difference current protection level. Isolated operation is normal.
Differential Fault Gen 4
A feeder short circuit occurs between the generator and GCB. The differential protection circuit opens the
GCR and GCB.
GB Opens (IDG Underspeed) Gen 1,3
An IDG governor problem causes speed to decrease to below the under-speed threshold. The GCB trips.
Gen Drive Fail (Sheared Drive Shaft) Gen 1
The drive from the engine to the CSD has sheared. The GCB will trip due to underspeed. Generator voltage and frequency will fall to zero.
Low IDG Oil Pressure Gen 2
A fluctuating load and frequency if the generators are paralleled or, if the generators are isolated in fluctuating frequency. The respective ‘DRIVE’ light illuminates.
No IDG Disconnect (Solenoid Fail) IDG 3
The IDG disconnect solenoid has failed and the drive cannot be disconnected. The GCB will trip.
High IDG Oil Temperature IDG 4
IDG oil temperature rises at approximately 2 deg C per second (rise rate will be greatly reduced if GB is opened). A ‘DRIVE’ message will be displayed once the temperature has exceeded 185 deg C.
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Centre de Formation Technique du Personnel Navigant
TR Fail TRU 1
An internal failure causes the TRU output current to be zero with appropriate effects.
Main Battery Charger Fail
A short circuit in the control line from the battery temperature switch causes the battery charger to be deactivated. An EICAS message « BAT CHGR MAIN » will be displayed.
Main Battery Fail
An open circuit cell causes a loss of the battery voltage. All power will be lost on loss of AC power.
Loss of All Generators
Due to a lighting strike all GCRs, GCBs, BTBs and the SSB open. All bus power is lost except that derived from batteries. No damage is sustained and full power can be restored by correct procedures.
Gen 2 Auto Trip Fail
The GCB trip signal from the BCU is lost. The GCB can still be tripped using the cockpit switch.
AC Bus 3 Fail
A short circuit occurs on the main AC distribution bus system, causing the GCB and BTB to trip.
AC Standby Bus Fail
An open circuit occurs between the AC standby power xfer relay and the AC standby bus resulting in the loss of the AC standby bus.
Capt Flight Instr XFR Bus Relay Fail
The flight instrument transfer relay fails in de-energised condition. If the appropriate primary source is then lost the flight instrument bus is also lost.
External Pwr 2 Over Frequency
The external power source frequency will rise and the XPC will open, the external power ‘AVAIL’ and ‘ON’ lights will extinguish if illuminated.
DC Bus 2 Fail
The main DC bus feed CB is deemed to have failed open with the result that the DC bus is lost. The associated
TRU can still power the other buses via the DC tie system.
Static Inverter Fail
The standby inverter fails. Standby AC power is not available from the static inverter following the loss of AC bus 3.
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Centre de Formation Technique du Personnel Navigant
Elec Smoke P6 CB Panel
Smoke will be generated through an outlet in the vicinity of the P6 circuit breaker panel. This will continue until electrical power is isolated from the faulted circuit or the fault is cancelled.
Elec Smoke Overhead System
Smoke will be generated through an outlet in the vicinity of the overhead panel. This will continue until electrical power is isolated from the faulted circuit or the fault is cancelled.
AC standby bus fail
An open circuit occurs between the ac stby bus power xfer relay and the ac stby bus resulting in the loss of the ac stby bus.Capt flight instr xfr bus relay fail.
The flt instr xfer relay fails in de-energised condition.if the appropriate primary source is lost the flt instr bus is also lost.
AC bus 2 fail
The main AC BUS 2 fail due to a CGR and a BTB trip. AC BUS 2 is fully lost.
Utility Bus 1 Overload
An overload occurs on the utlity bus 1 causing utility bus 1 ELCU to isolate the bus with appropriate loss of power.
Utility Bus 3 Overload
An overload occurs on the utlity bus 3 causing utility bus 3 ELCU to isolate the bus with appropriate loss of power.
APU hot battery bus fail
Loss of APU hot battery bus occurs causing pressurization problems.
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Centre de Formation Technique du Personnel Navigant
Fuel Filter Blocked Engine 4
Fuel filter blocked by foreign materials. Appropriate warning visible. No other effects.
Fuel Flow Ind Fail Engine 2
The EICAS fuel flow display will blank, simulating failure of channels A and B and analogue input to the EIU.
Fuel Boost Pump No1 Inop
Due to an electrical failure within the pump it will run down, causing low pressure lights to illuminate. The appropriate EICAS message will be displayed.
Fuel Boost Pump N°4 Inop
Due to an electrical failure within the pump it will run down, causing low pressure lights to illuminate. The appropriate EICAS message will be displayed.
Fuel Crossfeed Valve N°2 Inop
The valve actuator fails causing the valve to remain in its last position. It will not respond to switch selections or commands from cards.
Right Reserve Tank Transfer Valve Inop
The reserve tank transfer valve motor fails in its last position. The valve does not respond to any control signal.
Inadvertent Fuel Transfer Aft No4
Failure of a boost pump check valve will cause fuel to flow back into the tank should it be at a lower pressure than the adjacent fuel ducts.
Right Jettison Nozzle Valve Inop
The jettison nozzle valve will fail in its last position. The valve will not respond to any control signal.
Jettison Card A Fail
The jettison card fails resulting in a level C EICAS message ‘FUEL JETT A’ and manual operation of the nozzle valves will be required. The remaining jettison card must be manually selected to enable full automatic jettison operation.
Fuel Quantity Processor Fail
A total failure of the fuel quantity processor resulting in EICAS message ‘FUEL QUANTITY’ being displayed and all fuel quantity displays on synoptic pages being blanked.
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Centre de Formation Technique du Personnel Navigant
Fuel Quantity Compensator Fail
The fuel quantity compensator fails resulting in EICAS message ‘FUEL QUANTITY’. No effect is seen on the synoptic displays of fuel quantity.
Both FSMC Cards Fail
Total failure of the FSMC card resulting in an EICAS warning, the other card takes over control. If the second card is failed then H.Stab transfer, reserve transfer, auto shutoff of Xfeed 2 & 3 and operation of Ovrd/Jett pumps, except during dump, are lost.
Eng 4 Fuel LEAK Imbalance
A fuel leak on engine 4 with 450 kg/mn flow. All fuel parameters follow.
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Centre de Formation Technique du Personnel Navigant
Hot Start - High Fuel Flow Engine 2
Simulated fuel control failure causing fuel flow to be higher than normal, with EGT rising at an abnormal rate.
If the engine is not shut down, EGT continues to rise and exceed red line limits.
Hot Start - Tailwind Engine 1
Late N1 rotation - 50% slower start causing EGT to exceed starting limit.
Hung Start Engine 3
After light up N2 stabilises at 30% RPM and EGT increases at an accelerated rate. Other engine parameters are consistent with N2
Start Valve Open Engine 1
When selected, the start valve will open. The effect is equivalent to an engineer opening the valve mechanically.
Start Valve Fail Engine 1
The start valve will fail in current position at time of malfunction selection.
Start System Fail Engine 2
If selected :
(a) Before start - button will not hold out - no start.
(b) During start - button will not release at 50% N2.
Starter Drive Start Fail Engine 3
If selected :
(a) Before start - N2 RPM will remain motionless. No motoring. Duct pressure will not drop.
(b) During start - Duct pressure will increase to normal. Engine start will continue if N2 RPM above selfsustaining speed (30% RPM) otherwise RPM will decrease to zero.
N1 Rotor Locked Engine 4
Malfunction operable only if N2 is below 5%. Engine will be slow to start, EGT will be high but remain in limits while cranking. When starter cutouts, engine will slowly roll back, EGT will continue to rise and exceed start limits.
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Centre de Formation Technique du Personnel Navigant
Start Valve Light Fail Engine 1
When selected, the ‘Start Valve Fail’ light will fail to illuminate when starter valve is commanded open by start control switch.
No Start - No Fuel Engine 2 - In Automode No N2
The high press fuel valve will fail to open. No N2 Rotation In Automode Due To ECU Not Powered.
Engine Motors Slowly Engine 3 & Engine 4
Due to leak in pneumatic duct, start pressure is low, resulting in slow cranking and low motoring speed.
EICAS duct pressure indications will be correspondingly low.
Ignition Fail Engine 4
Simulates a failure of both spark ignitors. Engine will fail to light off with either ignition system selected.
Start S/W Solenoid Fail Engine 1 (No Latch)
If selected :
(a) Before start - Button will not hold out - no start
(b) During start - Button release at fault insertion
Hot Start - N2 > 38% Engine 2
During engine start all indications will be normal with N2 below 38%.
Above 38% the EGT will rise rapidly and exceed red line limits.
N1 Ind Vary Engine 1
The EICAS N1 display will be variable throughout its range.
N2 Ind Vary Engine 2
The EICAS N2 display will be variable throughout its range.
EGT Ind Vary Engine 3
The EICAS EGT display will be variable throughout its range.
Vibration Ind Vary Engine 4
The EICAS vibration display will be variable throughout its range.
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Centre de Formation Technique du Personnel Navigant
Engine 1 or 3 Fire - One Bottle
An engine fire will occur. The fire may be extinguished by firing one extinguishing bottle.
Engine 2 or 4 Fire - Two Bottles
An engine fire occurs. The fire may be extinguished by firing two extinguisher bottles.
Engine 4 Fire - Unextinguishable
An engine fire occurs. The fire cannot be extinguished by any means.
Engine 2 Nacelle Overheat
An overheat condition will exist in the engine nacelle. The condition will disappear when the appropriate throttle is retarded. This will occur at 50% of N1.
Engine 3 Fire Loop A Fail
An engine fire detector loop will fail causing appropriate flight deck indications.
Engine 4 Nacelle Overheat Loop B Fail
An engine overheat detector loop will fail causing appropriate flight deck indications.
Engine Fire Right Bottle B Low Pressure
An engine fire bottle will develop low pressure although low the squib will remain intact. The appropriate fire bottle discharge light will become illuminated and should a fire develop, blowing the squib will have no effect.
AFOLTS Engine Card Fail Engine 3
An engine fire overheat detection system AFOLTS card will fail. A fire test will be performed and lacking responses checked.
Fire/Overheat System Bus Input Fail
The data bus running from the fire/overheat system (MAWEA) to the EICAS system will fail giving the appropriate flight deck indications.
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Centre de Formation Technique du Personnel Navigant
Engine 1 Seizure
Main bearing loss. Vibration increases for 15 seconds. N1 to N2 relationship widens and egt increases. N2 rotor seizes, EGT decreases and N2 decreases rapidly to zero. N1 runs down to approximately 5% below normal.
Surge - EGT in Limits Engine 2
Engine indications will display a single steady state surge characteristic, with appropriate sound effect. EGT will remain below red line limits. The malfunction will be automatically cancelled.
Surge (Auto-Recover) Engine 3
Engine indications will display characteristics of surge during engine acceleration/deceleration (random oscillation of RPM approximately 3 to 5%) as a result of stator vanes sticking. Sound effects will be audible and engine will auto recover from surge.
Surge (No Auto-Recover) Engine 4
Engine indications will display characteristics of surge during engine acceleration/deceleration (random oscillation of RPM approximately 3 to 5%). Sound effects will be audible. EGT will exceed red line limits and engine will not auto recover from surge.
Compressor Stall Engine 4
Compressor stall results in a loud bang with RPM dropping momentarily to half their normal value and EGT rising rapidly to its indicated maximum.
The sudden loss of thrust will cause the aircraft to jolt and yaw. These effects will recur every three or four seconds.
Malfunction not active below 80% N1.
Turbine Overheat Engine 2
Simulates inefficient combustion resulting in fuel being burnt in the turbine casing. EGT rises to exceed red line limits with appropriate engine fire warnings ; N1 and N2 will reduce.
Note : Malfunction not active below
90% N1.
High Vibration Engine 1, Engine 4
Engine vibration increases to maximum irrespective of engine power setting, with increased vibration felt through motion system.
Accessory Drive Fail Engine 1, Engine 2, Engine 3 and Engine 4.
Indicated N2 rapidly drops to zero, generators trip and loss of hydraulic power. Engine flames out and RPMs decrease to windmill values.
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Centre de Formation Technique du Personnel Navigant
Engine Separation Engine 1
Engine and Nacelle breaks away from airframe. All associated systems, i.e. hydraulics, fuel, pneumatics, electrics. etc. respond to severed connections.
All Engines Flameout
All engines shut down randomly over a 30 second period with all engines parameters decaying to appropriate windmilling values. Malfunction will automatically cancel after correct engine management.
Flameout Eng 1,2,3,4
Engines shut down with all engines parameters decaying to appropriate windmilling values.
Fan Damage - Ingestion Engine 4
N2% RPM increases.
Engine/motion vibration increases.
EGT increases to red line limits if N2 above 90%. A single audible bang.
Engine Fuel Pump Low Stage Fail Engine 3
At high power settings, engine will have lower than normal power.
Flight Idle Fail Engine 2
Engine remains in ground idle when aircraft is in flight idle configuration.
Thrust Lever Disconnect Engine 3
The fuel metering valve will fail in its current position. Engine fails to respond to thrust lever movement.
Inadvertent Reverse Thrust Engine 1
Reverser inadvertently deploys in flight, resulting in excessive buffet and yaw of the aircraft.
Thrust Reverser Falls in Position Engine 4
Thrust reverser drive failure which will result in the reverser freezing in its current position.
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Centre de Formation Technique du Personnel Navigant
Reverser Door Jam During Deploy Engine 1
Reverser door jams between 67% - 78% deployed, no restriction on reverse thrust lever but engine power maintained at idle.
Reverser Door Jam During Stow Engine 4
Reverser door jams between 10% - 15% deployed, no restriction on forward thrust lever but engine power is derated.
Reverser Thrust Lever Interlock Jam Engine 2
Actuator does not release the interlock after the reverse doors are deployed. Reverse thrust lever held at interlock.
Reverse Thrust Lever Interlock Fail Engine 3
Actuator not in place to baulk the reverse thrust lever. Engine power control is derated.
Thrust Reverser Amber Warning On Engine 2
Reverser amber warning will illuminate. Reverser sleeve position unaffected.
Thrust Reverser Warning Fail Off Engine 3
The reverser will operate normally but there will be no indications on EICAS.
Oil Leak Engine 2
Oil will leak at three gallons/minute. When oil quantity is low, oil temperature increases. Further depletion produces a fall in oil pressure, increased vibration and 30 sec later engine seizure.
Oil Pump Fail Engine 3
Oil pressure falls to zero, after five minutes engine seizes.
Slow acceleration Eng1
Engine acceleration will take twice the normal time from idle to full power.
High idle Eng2
Engine will remain in flight idle after landing
Fuel Valve Fail Engine 2
The engine fuel shut-off valve will fail in position. The engine will respond with appropriate warnings.
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Centre de Formation Technique du Personnel Navigant
VBV Fail Engine 3
VBV fail in position. If failed prior to idle position engines derate. If failed at power levels above cruise, engines will stall in deceleration. all engines indication will indicate the results of the surge and audible and motion cues will reflect the condition.
Severe damage Engine 4
Bang apparent through sound and motion systems. EGT increases rapidly (2 sec) to 980 deg C then decays.
Fuel flow decreases with RPM. AVM increases to maximum in a period of one second and then decreases to 2 over 1 sec.
All other engine parameters decay to windmilling values. No Fire warning. Aerodynamic effects for engine out.
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Centre de Formation Technique du Personnel Navigant
Hydraulic System 1 Leak (Engine Driven Pump)
Fluid is lost from the EDP supply line at a rate of 10 or 20 GPM downstream of the EDP SOV. Loss can be checked by closing EDP SOV. The low quantity will be given, followed by the EDP running out of fluid and its pressure dropping to zero.
Hydraulic System 3 Leak (Elevator/Rudder Circuit)
A leak occurs in the « tail » circuit downstream of the flight control SOV. The leak can be checked by closing the flight control SOV. Variable 0-10 GPM.
Hydraulic System 2 Leak (Aileron/Spoiler Circuit)
A leak occurs in the « wing » circuit downstream of the flight control SOV. The leak can be checked by closing the flight control SOV. Variable 0-10 GPM.
Hydraulic System Leak (Nose Gear Down Line ) Nose Gear
Leak in nose gear down line. Can be checked by placing landing gear lever to ‘off’. Variable 0-10 GPM.
Low Pressure EDP 4
With only the EDP on, the EDP low pressure light will illuminate and system pressure will drop to 1300 psi.
When the demand pump is switched to ‘AUTO’ or ‘ON’ it will run continuously, system pressure will be restored, but the EDP low pressure light will remain illuminated.
EDP 3 Fails (Sheared Shaft)
The engine driven pump drive shaft shears resulting in a loss of output pressure from the pump. Appropriate low pressure warnings will be given.
Hydraulic Fluid Temperature Sensors Fail (Signalling Problem) System 1
Both temperature sensors fail causing Temperature indications on EICAS to be blanked.
Demand Pump Fails in Auto Mode System 2
The demand pump control pressure switch (which is also the EDP low pressure switch) fails in the ‘HIGH’ pressure position. The HYDIM will not see EDP low pressure and hence the pump will not run in auto mode.
The EDP low pressure light will also be inoperative.
Hydraulic System 3 and 4 Leak (Upstream of Fire Wall Valve EDP)
Unstoppable leak at 2 GPM between reservoir and fire wall valve.
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Centre de Formation Technique du Personnel Navigant
Hydraulic System 4 Leak (EDP Output Leak)
Fluid is lost at EDP outlet, upstream of delivery check valve, at a rate of 2 GPM. Loss can be checked by depressurising the pump. Demand pump can supply system.
Hydraulic System 1,2,3,4 Leak (8 gpm)
Hydraulic fluid is lost at a rate of 8 GPM upstream of the flight control shutoff valves. The EDP will run out of fluid and pressure will drop to zero. If the demand pump is brought on line it will run until the remaining fluid is lost.
AC Aux Pump Fail System 4 only
The AC aux pump fails producing no output pressure. Appropriate low pressure warnings will be given.
HYDIM Card Fail System 1
The hydraulic interface module card fails. Pressure and temperature indications on EICAS are blanked and the system fault indication is inoperative. Demand pump auto logic is inoperative but the pump will produce pressure in the ‘on’ position.
Major Damage in Tail Area
Due to major damage in the tail area piping of all four hydraulic systems is severed. Systems 1, 2 and 3 are lost. System 4 is protected by the fuse, only the LWR rudder on this system is lost. This leaves no rudder control. The remaining flight controls operated by System 4 are available.
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Rev : 1
Centre de Formation Technique du Personnel Navigant
Outboard Trailing Edge Flap Hydraulic Fail
The trailing edge hydraulic flap motor fails causing the outboard flap pair to remain in their most recent position. An EICAS message will be given. The primary electric system will then operate and the flaps will reach their selected position.
R Inbd Trailing Edge Flap Asymmetry
The individual flap drive shaft shears causing the flap to fail in position. When the asymmetry limit is passed the primary inboard hydraulic and electric system shuts down and no further flap movement is possible. The alternate system will be unaffected. A realistic indication on EICAS will be given and messages will be annunciated.
Split Trailing Edge Flap
The inboard trailing edge flap power drive unit has failed rendering the flap pair inoperative in either hydraulic or electric modes. The flap pair will remain in their most recent position and EICAS warnings will be given.
Leading edge Group B flap retraction will be inoperative.
Leading Edge Flap Drive Inop (Drive 1 or 2 Left)
The leading edge flap drive fails in its most recent position, and will not respond in either pneumatic or electric modes. EICAS warnings will be given.
Leading Edge Flap (Pneumatic) Fail (Drive 2 Right)
The leading edge pneumatic flap motor has failed causing the appropriate flap drive to remain in its most recent position. The primary electric system will then operate and will drive the flaps to their commanded position. EICAS messages will be displayed for as long as the flaps are in the electric mode.
Left, Centre and Right FCU Fail
With a single FCU failure, the flap system will function normally and no warning will be given on the EICAS.
When a second FCU is failed, the flap system will again function normally, but an EICAS message will be given. With all FCUs failed, there will be no flap control via the FCUs. The alternate flap system (which bypasses the FCUs) will remain functional. There will be no flap indication on EICAS.
All FCU fail
The flap system will only operate using alternate flap switch the extended flap display is operative.
CAUTION : if the alternate flap switch is disarmed the TE flaps return to the handle position, memorized at the failure activation.
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Centre de Formation Technique du Personnel Navigant
Unscheduled Stabilizer Trim
The stabilizer trim solenoid sticks in the open position when next commanded after the malfunction is selected.
Auto cutout does not function. If both STCMs are active together then the affected solenoid will be random.
Stabilizer Jackscrew Jammed
The stabilizer jackscrew drive becomes jammed. No movement of the stabilizer will occur.
Stabilizer Electrical Trim Inoperative
Loss of power to the Captain’s stab trim yoke switch.
Left Stabilizer Trim Secondary Brake Fail
The selected stabilizer trim brake will not release. Trim rate will be 50% of normal. Manual trim is affected in the same manner.
Upper Rudder Ratio Fail
The electro - hydraulic valve feedback loop becomes inoperative. Rudder ratio returns to low speed mode.
Spoiler Actuator Jam No.1
The selected spoiler actuator jams in its present position.
Right Aileron Lockout Fails in Position
The outboard aileron lockout motor windings open circuit causing mechanism to remain in its last selected position.
If activated at speed <238knt , aileron will be able to move >238knt eicas message displayed 1 min after spd >238knt.
If activated at speed >238knt , aileron will not be able to move <238knt eicas message displayed 1min after speed <238knt.
Rudder Trim Fail
No rudder movement on indicator while attempting to trim. Circuit breaker not tripped. Rudder pedal control normal, with proper indication.
Aileron Trim Fail
No aileron wheel movement while attempting to trim. Circuit breaker not tripped. Aileron wheel control normal, with proper indication.
Aileron Trim CB Trip
The aileron circuit braker will trip due to a short in the aileron trim motor.
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Centre de Formation Technique du Personnel Navigant
Rudder Trim CB Trip
The rudder circuit breaker will trip due to a short in the rudder trim motor.
Rudder Trim Indicator
Rudder trim indicator failure. Indicator drives off scale.
Auto Spoiler Inoperative
The auto speedbrake motor fails in its current position. The lever fails to auto deploy on touchdown and to auto-stow when throttles are advanced. No warning will be given on EICAS when either extension or retraction is commanded.
Auto Speed Brake CB Trip
The auto speedbrake circuit breaker will trip due to a short in the auto speed brake control.
Stab Trim Runaway Down
The stab trim runaway down due to mechanical stop. No stop command possible
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Centre de Formation Technique du Personnel Navigant
Total loss of 115 volts AC power on the GPWS computer.
ERS data supplied to EGPWS are lost.
Radio altimeter data supplied to EGPWS are lost.
False “PULL UP” alarm during approach.
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Centre de Formation Technique du Personnel Navigant
Gear Disagree (Left Body)
Left body primary and alternate sensors fail (target far). The left body gear ‘appears’ to go in transit. An
EICAS message is given 30 sec after malfunction is selected with gear up and locked.
Left Wing Gear Downlock Fail
Primary and alternate sensors fail resulting in an EICAS warning. The affected gear will appear to remain in transit.
With the gears retracted, there will be no indication of a malfunction.
Right Body Gear Door Fail
Primary and alternate door sensors fail resulting in an EICAS warning. The affected door will appear to remain in transit.
Right Wing Gear Fails in Position (Hydraulic)
If the gear is up and locked and the gear is moved to down, the right wing gear will remain up and locked. An
EICAS warning will be given. The alternate sytem will remain operational.
If the gear is down and locked and the gear lever is moved to up, the right wing gear remains down and locked.
An EICAS warning will be given.
Lever Locked Down
The lever lock solenoid fails, preventing the gear lever from being moved to the up position. The override function still works.
Left Body Gear Not Tilted
On a ‘ground to air’ transition a main gear truck fails to go to the tilted position. An EICAS warning is given and the lever remains locked.
Parking Brake Valve Fail
If failed open, accumulator pressure bleeds away through the normal A/S valves when park brake is selected.
No park brake memo message appears. If failed close the memo message will go and Antiskid/Brake Limiter messages appear when the brake is released.
Tyre Burst - R/W aft inboard and outboard
The aircraft will respond to the tyre burst by yawing and rolling slightly in the direction of the burst tyre(s).
Sound and motion effects will also be simulated.
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Centre de Formation Technique du Personnel Navigant
Wheel Well Fire – Gear Retracted
A brake overheat condition will occur in the right body gear wheel well. The condition will cease five minutes after the gear has been lowered.
Wheel Well Fire – FDP
A brake overheat condition will occur in the left body gear wheel well. Brake core and probe temp increases and finally left gear tyres deflates.
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Centre de Formation Technique du Personnel Navigant
Loss of Brake Accumulator Function System 4
Accumulator isolation valve fails open (held open by foreign matter). When system 4 is depressurised accumulator pressure bleeds away.
Dragging Brake Wheel 14
A wheel brake drags causing abnormal heating during take-off or taxiing.
Single Brake Fail R Wing R Fwd Wheel
The brake becomes inoperative due to an antiskid valve going to the fully closed position and preventing metered pressure reaching the brake with appropriate effects.
Single Antiskid Malfunction L Wing Fwd L Wheel
The antiskid valve fails in the open position. Brake pressure to the affected wheel will not be modulated and the wheel will skid if pilot metered pressure exceeds the skid threshold, with appropriate resulting effects.
Anti-skid Wheelspeed Transducer Fail
An A/S wheelspeed transducer on wheel 4 fails causing a fault to be detected by the BSCU. A level S EICAS message will be displayed and if armed, the autobrake will disarm.
Auto Brake Fail
When the auto brake is armed, the aircraft landed and the wheels have spun up, switch disarms and an EICAS warning is given.
Autobrake Solenoid Valve Fail
The auto brake solenoid valve has failed in the open position. An EICAS warning will be given when the autobrake switch is in the off position. If a deceleration or the RTO position is selected, the switch hold coil will not latch.
Brake System Control Unit Fail - Antiskid
As a result of a failure of the BSCU a level C EICAS message will be displayed. The antiskid system is inoperative.
If armed, the autobrake will disarm and a warning will be given.
Brake System Control Unit Fail - Torque Limiter
A power loss to all torque limiting cards within the BSCU occurs. An EICAS level C message is given and if the autobrake is armed, it will disarm.
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Centre de Formation Technique du Personnel Navigant
Passenger Left Entry Door 1 Open
A door open warning is given for the selected door. Pressurization effects are observed.
Aft Cargo Door Open
A door open warning is given for the selected door. Pressurization effects are observed.
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Centre de Formation Technique du Personnel Navigant
Centre EIU Fail
AC power loss to EIU. IDU will automatically select alternate source. Associated displays will blank if selected to failed EIU.
Capt PFD Fail
AC power loss to the PFD. CRT blanks.
F/O PFD Fail
AC power loss to the PFD. CRT blanks.
F.O. ND Fail
AC power loss to the ND. CRT blanks.
Upper EICAS Fail
AC power loss to EICAS display unit. CRT blanks.
F.O. EFIS Control Panel Switches Fail
Power failure to EFIS CONTROL PANEL - need to revert to standby function on MCDU.
EICAS Display Selector Panel Switches Fail
EICAS DISPLAY SELECTOR SWITCHES fail - need to revert to standby function on MCDU achieved by opening/closing the circuit breakers at either of following positions, P7-1-F-11 or P7-2-F-16.
Standby Horizon Fail
Loss of power to Standby Instrument - all indications lost. Flags in view.
Right ADC Failure
The ADC loses external power and the sign status matrix (SSM) goes to failure warning. The appropriate mach, airspeed, altitude and temperature displays blank. The vertical speed shows a failed state and appropriate EICAS status messages are displayed.
Standby Altimeter Mechanical Failure
Failure of the capsule mechanism causes the pointer to freeze and the altimeter ceases to respond to changes in static pressure. The altimeter continues to respond to changes in barometric correction setting.
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Centre de Formation Technique du Personnel Navigant
VOR Receiver Fail Left
AC power loss to VOR receiver. All VOR indications (Visual and Audio) fail.
DME Fail Right
AC power loss to DME transponder. All DME functions fail.
LOC Receiver Fail Right
ILS receiver localiser circuit fail. Loss of LOC functions.
G/S Receiver Fail Right
ILS receiver glideslope circuit fail. Loss of G/S functions.
ILS Receiver Fail
AC power loss to ILS receiver. Total loss of ILS localiser and glidescope functions.
ADF Receiver Fail Left
AC power loss to ADF receiver. Loss of ADF indications.
Marker Receiver Fail
Power loss to marker receiver. Loss of marker indications.
Note : The effects of these malfunctions will be loss of LAND 3 capability only. The IDUs will switch automatically to the centre receivers. (ILS C indicated on NAV display). In the case of G/S, there is no indication that the source for display has been switched.
ILS Offset Cat II Left Or Right
Offset introduced to sensed APFD signal equivalent to 0.50 dot deviation.
ILS Offfset Cat III Left Or Right
Offset introduced to sensed APFD signal equivalent to 0.3 dot deviation
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Centre de Formation Technique du Personnel Navigant
Left IRS Fail
Total failure of IRS producing EICAS ‘IRS FAIL’ message.
Centre IRS Align Fail
IRS fails to align. EICAS ‘IRS FAIL’ message after alignment period. NAV & ATT modes not available.
Right IRS NAV Mode Fail
NAV mode fails and all outputs invalid. Attitude mode operational.
Right IRS MAG HDG Output Fail
Magnetic heading output is invalid. IDS displays true heading.
Left IRS Output Pitch Freeze
IRS pitch attitude output is frozen.
Right IRS Output Roll Freeze
IRS roll attitude output is frozen.
Centre IRS Output MAG HDG Freeze
IRS magnetic heading output is frozen.
Right IRS Inertial Vertical Speed Fail
IRS inertial vertical speed output is invalid. PFD flags displayed as appropriate.
Right or Left FMC Fail
Total failure of the FMC is simulated by removing power with appropriate effects (e.g. EICAS ‘FMC’ fail warning).
Left MCDU Fail
Total failure of the MCDU is simulated by removing power with appropriate effects (e.g. EICAS ‘CDU’ fail warning).
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Centre de Formation Technique du Personnel Navigant
IRS position (lat & long) and DME distances sent to the FMCS are faked. Note that VOR, ADF and ILS informations are not affected.
If a destination runway is selected in the flight plan and A/C not on ground : FMGC pos is smoothly drifting
(0.5 NM/MIN) to a position located 2NM ahead and 4NM on the left of the real position. Reference axis is given by runway orientation. On MCDU position monitor pages FMGS, radionav and IRS pos are wrong. On
ND A/C position is wrong.
If no destination runway is selected, FMGC is smoothly drifting as above, but reference axis is North orientation.
At malf cancellation or if A/C is on ground, FMGC position is smoothly drifting back to the real position.
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Centre de Formation Technique du Personnel Navigant
Fwd Cargo Fire
Smoke is detected in the cargo hold resulting in an EICAS level A cargo fire message.
When fire bottles A & B are discharged, smoke will no longer be detected and the EICAS warning will be removed.
When the aircraft lands, the change in Air/Ground relay status causes fire bottles C & D to be discharged.
Fwd Cargo Compartment Smoke Detect Fail
The cargo compartment smoke detectors will fail giving the appropriate flight deck indications.
Fire Main Deck
Smoke is detected in the cargo main deck hold resulting in an EICAS level A cargo fire message. When fire all bottles are discharged plus 2 minutes, smoke will no longer be detected and the EICAS warning will be removed.
Equipment Cooling Smoke Detector Fail
The equipment cooling smoke detector fails. The ‘EQUIP COOLING’ and ‘EQUIPMENT SMOKE’ messages on EICAS will fail to display.
Equipment Cooling Card Fail
No control of the equipment cooling valve position, with EICAS message ‘EQ COOLING CARD’.
Crew action is to select standby mode.
Ground Exhaust Valve Fail
The equipment cooling ground exhaust valve fails in position. 20 seconds after the valve is commanded to change position the EQUIP COOLING caution message and GND EXH VLV status message will be displayed.
Equipment cooling failure
No control of the equipment cooling valve position with eicas EQUIPMENT COOLING message.
No effect of the equipment cooling switch.
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Centre de Formation Technique du Personnel Navigant
L,R Flight Director Will Not Switch On
The left or right hand flight director control switch activation circuit fails. The flight director becomes inoperative in the OFF mode.
Speed Mode Fail
The MCP speed select switch fails. The speed mode will fail to engage.
L Nav Fail
The lateral navigation function will fail. The radio inputs will indicate normal on the flight instruments.
V Nav Fail
The vertical navigation function will fail. The radio inputs will indicate normal on the flight instruments.
Heading Mode Fail
The MCP heading hold mode select switch fails. The autoflight system will not engage in heading hold mode.
Vertical Speed Mode Fail
The MCP vertical speed mode select switch fails. The vertical speed mode will not engage.
Flight Level Change Mode Fail
The MCP flight level change mode select switch fails. Flight level change mode will fail to engage.
Altitude Hold Fail
The MCP altitude hold select switch fails. Altitude hold mode will fail to engage.
Localizer Mode Fails
The MCP localizer mode select switch fails. The localizer mode will fail to arm.
Approach Mode Fails
The MCP approach mode select switch fails. Approach mode will fail to arm.
L Autopilot Fails to Engage - CMD Mode
The MCP autopilot engage CMD switch fails. Left Autopilot fails to engage in the command mode.
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Centre de Formation Technique du Personnel Navigant
C Autopilot Fails to Engage - CMD Mode
The MCP autopilot engage CMD switch fails. Centre Autopilot fails to engage in the command mode.
R Autopilot Fails to Engage - CMD Mode
The MCP autopilot engage CMD switch fails. Right Autopilot fails to engage in the command mode.
Autopilot Pitch Hardover
Either autopilot causes elevator hardover (pitch down). Elevator deflection rate and time to be variable.
Autopilot Roll Hardover
Single channel operation same as above only in roll mode.
Autopilot Fails to Disconnect
Control wheel disconnect, switch contacts remain closed when operated.
L,R MCP/FCC Data Bus Fail
Total failure of the MCP to FCC ARINC data bus. The EICAS message ‘AUTOPILOT DISC’ will be displayed.
Autothrottle Fail
The autothrottle will disconnect, with warning annunciation. The EICAS message ‘AUTOTHROTTLE DISC’ will be displayed.
No Autoland CAT III App
The 3 MCP autopilots engaged lights remain on, ILS left drift, Normal EICAS/PFD Indication.
At 70 Feet NO
AUTOLAND on PFD With associated alarms and EICAS messages. At 5 feet autopilots disengage.
>No Autoland EICAS Msg
One autopilot remain engaged, Eicas message >NO AUTOLAND is displayed During ILS approach NO
AUTOLAND message is displayed on PFD at 600 Feet.
No Flare Indication
No flare indication on PFD, no automatic landing.
Flare Not Engaged Mode
Flare mode is armed but will not engaged, no automatic landing.
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Centre de Formation Technique du Personnel Navigant
EEC Output Fail Engine 1
Loss of all outputs from EEC torque motor will drive to minimum flow position, engine indications will only consist of analogue inputs to EIU etc ; N1, N2 and FF.
EEC Test Fail Engine 2
Selecting GND TEST on overhead panel will not put power to the EEC.
EEC Lane Fail Engine 4
If two lanes fail is selected while on ground prior to engine start, an EICAS message ENGINE 4 CONTROL will become active. If either lane fail is selected in flight, control will pass to the other lane. If this lane is also failed, the engine will revert to software reversionary mode and use engine sensor.
Note : an addition to this malfunction could be to fail also the engine sensors, resulting in the EEC switching to default values.
EEC Fuel Metering Valve Fail Engine 1
Loss of output from EEC to torque motor, causing metering valve to drive to minimum flow position.
EEC Fuel Metering Valve Gov Fail Engine 2
The overspeed protection cutback solenoid fails, resulting in an engine overspeed at high power setting.
EEC Dedicated Generator Fail Engine 3
Failure of the generator/alternator power supply for EEC channel ‘A’.
If N2 > 55% RPM on EICAS message ENGINE 3 EEC POWER will become active.
EEC Input Failure - N1 Engine 4
Single channel failure will have no effect on engine performance, but will cause channel in control to switch over.
Dual channel failure will cause the EEC to display EICAS message ENGINE 4 EEC mode.
EEC Input Failure - N2 Engine 1
Single channel failure will have no effect on engine performance, but will cause channel in control to switch over.
Dual channel failure will cause the EEC to display EICAS message ENGINE 1 EEC mode.
EEC Input Failure - P0 Engine 2
Single channel failure will have no effect on engine performance, but will cause channel in control to switch over. Dual channel failure will result in the EEC switching to software reversionary mode, and an EICAS message ENGINE 2 EEC MODE to become active.
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Centre de Formation Technique du Personnel Navigant
EEC Input Failure - P3 Engine 4
Single channel failure will have no effect on engine performance, but will cause channel in control to switch over.
Dual channel failure will cause the EEC to display EICAS message ENGINE 4 EEC mode.
EEC Input Failure - T25 Engine 1
Single channel failure will have no effect on engine performance, but will cause channel in control to switch over.
Dual channel failure will cause the EEC to display EICAS message ENGINE 1 EEC mode.
EEC Input Failure - TOIL Engine 2
Single channel failure will have no effect on engine performance, but will cause channel in control to switch over.
Dual channel failure will result in the loss of engine oil temperature indications.
EEC Input Failure - TRA Engine 3
Single channel failure will have no effect on engine performance, but will cause channel in control to switch over.
Dual channel failure will result in TRA being set to a default value (36.88 deg).
EEC Input Failure - T/R Feedback Engine 4
Single channel failure will have no effect on engine performance, but will cause channel in control to switch over.
Dual channel failure will result in the EEC maintaining engine power at reverse idle.
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Centre de Formation Technique du Personnel Navigant
Main Capt/F.O. Pitot Blocked
The total pressure in the pitot-static remains constant with appropriate effects on all systems.
NAC Anti-Ice Valve Fail No 2
The corresponding valve will fail in the position it was in at the time of fault insertion. If the valve and switch positions do not agree, the ‘VALVE’ light will illuminate and a corresponding ‘ANTI-ICE NAC 2’ message will appear on EICAS. Engine anti-ice and bleed airflow will be appropriate to valve position.
Right Main Pitot Probe Heat Fail
The pitot probe heater will fail causing appropriate flight deck indications.
Window Heat Light Inop On (No. 1 Left).
The left window heat control unit will fail resulting in loss of heating power for No 1 left window, CB trip.
This failure will be reported on EICAS and CMC.
Wing TAI Valve Fail
The wing TAI valve fails, CB trip.
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Centre de Formation Technique du Personnel Navigant
CMC Inoperative
The circuit breaker of the electronic rack trips out causing the power supply to be removed from the CMC.
The power supply is recovered using the reset page CMC operative touch point.