Chapter 9. Modeling Flows in Moving Zones

Chapter 9.
Modeling Flows in Moving
The solution of flows in moving reference frames requires the use of
moving cell zones. This cell zone motion is interpreted as the motion of
a reference frame to which the cell zone is attached. With this capability,
a wide variety of problems that involve moving parts can be set up and
solved using FLUENT.
The information in this chapter is divided into the following sections:
• Section 9.1: Overview of Moving Zone Approaches
• Section 9.2: Flow in a Rotating Reference Frame
• Section 9.3: The Multiple Reference Frame Model
• Section 9.4: The Mixing Plane Model
• Section 9.5: Sliding Meshes
• Section 9.6: Non-Reflecting Boundary Conditions
Overview of Moving Zone Approaches
The moving cell zone capability in FLUENT provides a powerful set of
features for solving problems in which the domain or parts of the domain
are in motion. Problems that can be addressed include the following:
• flow in a (single) rotating frame
• flow in multiple rotating and/or translating reference frames
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Modeling Flows in Moving Zones
The single rotating frame option can be used to model flows in turbomachinery, mixing tanks, and related devices. In each of these cases,
the flow is unsteady in an inertial frame (i.e., a domain fixed in the
laboratory frame) because the rotor/impeller blades sweep the domain
periodically. However, in the absence of stators or baffles, it is possible to
perform calculations in a domain that moves with the rotating part. In
this case, the flow is steady relative to the rotating (non-inertial) frame,
which simplifies the analysis.
If stators or baffles are present in addition to a rotor or impeller, then it
is not possible to render the computational problem steady by choosing a
calculation domain that rotates with the rotor or impeller. This situation
occurs, for example, in turbomachinery applications where rotor and
stator blades are in close proximity (and hence rotor-stator interaction
is important). FLUENT provides three approaches to address this class
of problems:
• the multiple reference frame (MRF) model
• the mixing plane model
• the sliding mesh model
Both the MRF and mixing plane models assume that the flow field is
steady, with the rotor-stator or impeller-baffle effects being accounted for
by approximate means. These can be acceptable models in cases where
the rotor-stator interaction is weak or an approximate solution for the
system is desired. The sliding mesh model, on the other hand, assumes
that the flow field is unsteady, and hence models the interaction with
complete fidelity. This is the model of choice if rotor-stator interaction
is strong and a more accurate simulation of the system is desired. Note,
however, that because the sliding mesh model requires an unsteady numerical solution, it is computationally more demanding than the MRF
and mixing plane models.
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9.2 Flow in a Rotating Reference Frame
Flow in a Rotating Reference Frame
When you create a model using FLUENT, you are typically modeling the
flow in an inertial reference frame (i.e., in a non-accelerating coordinate
system). However, FLUENT also has the ability to model flows in an
accelerating reference frame. In this situation, the acceleration of the
coordinate system is included in the equations of motion describing the
flow. A common example of an accelerating reference frame in engineering applications is flow in rotating equipment. Many such flows can be
modeled in a coordinate system that is moving with the rotating equipment and thus experiences a constant acceleration in the radial direction.
This class of rotating flows can be treated using the rotating reference
frame capability in FLUENT. Figure 9.2.1 depicts an example of a flow in
a rotating reference frame, and illustrates the coordinate transformation
from the stationary frame to the rotating frame.
Applications Involving a Rotating Reference Frame
Several examples of problems that can be modeled using a rotating reference frame are depicted in Figure 9.2.2. The applications illustrated
here include:
• Impellers in mixing tanks
• Rotating turbomachinery blades (centrifugal impellers, axial fans,
• Flows in rotating passages (e.g., cooling ducts, secondary air flow
circuits, and disk cavities in rotating equipment)
When such problems are defined in a rotating reference frame, the rotating boundaries become stationary relative to the rotating frame, since
they are moving at the same speed as the reference frame.
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Modeling Flows in Moving Zones
Rotating at
speed Ω
(a) Original Reference Frame
Rotating at
speed -Ω
(b) Rotating Reference Frame
Figure 9.2.1: Transforming Coordinates to a Rotating Reference Frame
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9.2 Flow in a Rotating Reference Frame
(a) Rotating Impeller in a Mixing Tank
(b) Centrifugal Impeller Blades
Figure 9.2.2: Applications That Can Be Modeled by FLUENT in a Rotating Reference Frame
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Modeling Flows in Moving Zones
(c) Cooling Passages in a Spinning Rotor
(d) Axial Impeller Blades
Figure 9.2.2: Applications That Can Be Modeled by FLUENT in a Rotating Reference Frame
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9.2 Flow in a Rotating Reference Frame
Modeling Rotor-Stator Interaction
As mentioned in Section 9.1, rotor-stator interaction problems (as illustrated in Figure 9.2.3) cannot be modeled by a simple coordinate transformation to a rotating reference frame. In FLUENT, rotor-stator interaction must be treated by applying the MRF, mixing plane, or sliding
mesh approach. These approaches are described in detail in Sections 9.3,
9.4, and 9.5.
Equations for a Rotating Reference Frame
When the equations of motion (see Section 8.2) are solved in a rotating
frame of reference, the acceleration of the fluid is augmented by additional terms that appear in the momentum equations [10]. FLUENT
allows you to solve rotating frame problems using either the absolute
velocity, ~v , or the relative velocity, ~vr , as the dependent variable. The
two velocities are related by the following equation:
~ × ~r)
~vr = ~v − (Ω
~ is the angular velocity vector (that is, the angular velocity of
Here, Ω
the rotating frame) and ~r is the position vector in the rotating frame.
The left-hand side of the momentum equations appears as follows for an
inertial reference frame:
(ρ~v ) + ∇ · (ρ~v~v )
For a rotating reference frame, the left-hand side written in terms of
absolute velocities becomes
~ × ~v )
(ρ~v ) + ∇ · (ρ~vr ~v ) + ρ(Ω
In terms of relative velocities the left-hand side is given by
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Modeling Flows in Moving Zones
(a) 2D Rotor-Stator Interaction
(b) Rotating Impeller in a Baffled Tank
Figure 9.2.3: Problems That Require MRF, Mixing Plane, or Sliding
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9.2 Flow in a Rotating Reference Frame
~ × ~vr + Ω
~ ×Ω
~ × ~r) + ρ ∂ Ω × ~r
(ρ~vr ) + ∇ · (ρ~vr ~vr ) + ρ(2Ω
~ × ~vr + Ω
~ ×Ω
~ × ~r) is the Coriolis force. Note that FLUENT
where ρ(2Ω
neglects the ρ ∂t × ~r term, so it cannot accurately model a time-varying
angular velocity using the relative velocity formulation.
For flows in rotating domains, the equation for conservation of mass, or
continuity equation, can be written as follows for both the absolute and
the relative velocity formulations:
+ ∇ · (ρ~vr ) = Sm
Grid Setup for a Single Rotating Reference Frame
It is important to remember the following coordinate-system constraints
when you are setting up a problem involving a rotating reference frame:
• For 2D problems, the axis of rotation must be parallel to the z
• For 2D axisymmetric problems, the axis of rotation must be the x
• For 3D geometries, you should generate the mesh with a specific
rotational axis in mind for the rotating cell zone. Usually it is
convenient to use the x, y, or z axis, but FLUENT can accommodate
arbitrary rotational axes.
Problem Setup for a Single Rotating Reference Frame
When you want to model a problem involving a single rotating reference
frame, you will need to complete the following modeling inputs. (Only
those steps relevant specifically to the setup of a rotating reference frame
problem are listed here. You will need to set up the rest of the problem
as usual.)
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Modeling Flows in Moving Zones
1. Select the Velocity Formulation to be used in the Solver panel: either
Relative or Absolute. (See Section 9.2.5 for details.)
Define −→ Models −→Solver...
(Note that this step is irrelevant if you are using one of the coupled
solvers; these solvers always use an absolute velocity formulation.)
2. For each cell zone in the domain, specify the angular velocity (Ω)
of the reference frame and the axis about which it rotates.
Define −→Boundary Conditions...
(a) In the Fluid panel or Solid panel, specify the Rotation-Axis Origin and Rotation-Axis Direction to define the axis of rotation.
(b) Also in the Fluid or Solid panel, select Moving Reference Frame
in the Motion Type drop-down list and then set the Speed
under Rotational Velocity in the expanded portion of the panel.
Details about these inputs are presented in Section 6.17.1 for fluid
zones, and in Section 6.18.1 for solid zones.
3. Define the velocity boundary conditions at walls. You can choose
to define either an absolute velocity or a velocity relative to the
moving reference frame (i.e., relative to the velocity of the adjacent
cell zone specified in step 2).
If the wall is moving at the speed of the rotating frame (and hence
stationary in the rotating frame), it is convenient to specify a relative angular velocity of zero. Likewise, a wall that is stationary
in the nonrotating frame of reference should be given a velocity of
zero in the absolute reference frame. Specifying the wall velocities
in this manner obviates the need to modify these inputs later if a
change is made in the rotational velocity of the fluid zone.
Details about these inputs are presented in Section 6.13.1.
4. Define the velocity at any velocity inlets and the flow direction
and total pressure at any pressure inlets. For velocity inlets, you
can choose to define either absolute velocities or velocities relative
to the motion of the adjacent cell zone (specified in step 2). For
pressure inlets, the specification of the flow direction and total
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9.2 Flow in a Rotating Reference Frame
pressure will be relative or absolute, depending on the velocity
formulation you selected in step 1. See Section 9.2.5 for details. (If
you use one of the coupled solution algorithms, the specification is
always in the absolute frame.)
Details about these inputs are presented in Sections 6.3.1 and 6.4.1.
Choosing the Relative or Absolute Velocity Formulation
The absolute velocity formulation is preferred in applications where the
flow in most of the domain is not rotating (e.g., a fan in a large room).
The relative velocity formulation is appropriate when most of the fluid
in the domain is rotating, as in the case of a large impeller in a mixing
tank. For most applications, either formulation may be used.
! When one of the coupled solution algorithms is used, the absolute formulation is always used; the relative velocity formulation is not available
in the coupled solvers.
For velocity inlets and walls, you may specify velocity in either the absolute or the relative frame, regardless of whether the absolute or relative
velocity is used in the computation. For pressure boundary conditions,
however, FLUENT imposes several restrictions on how total pressure and
flow direction are specified in rotating reference frames.
The total pressure and flow direction at a pressure inlet must be specified
in the absolute frame if the absolute velocity formulation is used. For
calculations using relative velocities, the total pressure and flow direction
must be specified with respect to the rotating frame.
For pressure outlets, the specified static pressure is independent of frame.
When there is backflow at a pressure outlet, however, the specified static
pressure is used as the total pressure. For calculations using absolute
velocities, the specified static pressure is used as the total pressure in the
absolute frame; for the relative velocity formulation, the specified static
pressure is assumed to be the total pressure in the relative frame. As for
flow direction in reverse flows, FLUENT assumes the absolute velocity to
be normal to the pressure outlet for the absolute velocity formulation;
for the relative velocity formulation, it is the relative velocity that is
assumed to be normal to the pressure outlet.
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Modeling Flows in Moving Zones
Solution Strategies for a Rotating Reference Frame
The difficulties associated with solving flows in rotating reference frames
are similar to those discussed in Section 8.4.5 for axisymmetric swirling
or rotating flows. The primary issue you must confront is the high degree
of coupling between the momentum equations when the influence of the
rotational terms is large. A high degree of rotation introduces a large
radial pressure gradient which drives the flow in the axial and radial
directions, thereby setting up a distribution of the swirl or rotation in the
field. This coupling may lead to instabilities in the solution process, and
hence require special solution techniques to obtain a converged solution.
Some techniques that may be beneficial include the following:
• (Segregated solver only) Consider switching the frame in which
velocities are solved by changing the velocity formulation setting
in the Solver panel. (See Section 9.2.5 for details.)
• (Segregated solver only) Use the PRESTO! scheme (enabled in the
Solution Controls panel), which is well-suited for the steep pressure
gradients involved in rotating flows.
• Ensure that the mesh is sufficiently refined to resolve large gradients in pressure and swirl velocity.
• (Segregated solver only) Reduce the under-relaxation factors for
the velocities, perhaps to 0.3–0.5 or lower, if necessary.
• Begin the calculations using a low rotational speed, increasing the
rotational speed gradually in order to reach the final desired operating condition (see below).
See Chapter 22 for details on the procedures used to make these changes
to the solution parameters.
Gradual Increase of the Rotational Speed to Improve Solution
Because the rotation of the reference frame and the rotation defined via
boundary conditions can lead to large complex forces in the flow, your
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9.2 Flow in a Rotating Reference Frame
FLUENT calculations may be less stable as the speed of rotation (and
hence the magnitude of these forces) increases. One of the most effective
controls you can exert on the solution is to start with a low rotational
speed and then slowly increase the rotation up to the desired level. The
procedure you use to accomplish this is as follows:
1. Set up the problem using a low rotational speed in your inputs for
boundary conditions and for the angular velocity of the reference
frame. The rotational speed in this first attempt might be selected
as 10% of the actual operating condition.
2. Solve the problem at these conditions.
3. Save this initial solution data.
4. Modify your inputs (i.e., boundary conditions and angular velocity
of the reference frame). Increase the speed of rotation, perhaps
doubling it.
5. Restart or continue the calculation using the solution data saved
in Step 3 as the initial guess for the new calculation. Save the new
6. Continue to increment the rotational speed, following Steps 4 and
5, until you reach the desired operating condition.
Postprocessing for a Single Rotating Reference Frame
When you solve a problem in a rotating reference frame, you can plot
or report both absolute and relative velocities. For all velocity parameters (e.g., Velocity Magnitude and Mach Number), corresponding relative
values will be available for postprocessing (e.g., Relative Velocity Magnitude and Relative Mach Number). These variables are contained in the
Velocity... category of the variable selection drop-down list that appears
in postprocessing panels. Relative values are also available for postprocessing of total pressure, total temperature, and any other parameters
that include a dynamic contribution dependent on the reference frame
(e.g., Relative Total Pressure, Relative Total Temperature).
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Modeling Flows in Moving Zones
When plotting velocity vectors, you can choose to plot vectors in the
absolute frame (the default), or you can select Relative Velocity in the
Vectors Of drop-down list in the Vectors panel to plot vectors in the
rotating frame. If you plot relative velocity vectors, you might want to
color the vectors by relative velocity magnitude (by choosing Relative
Velocity Magnitude in the Color By list); by default they will be colored
by absolute velocity magnitude. Figures 9.2.4 and 9.2.5 show absolute
and relative velocity vectors in a rotating domain with a stationary outer
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9.2 Flow in a Rotating Reference Frame
Velocity Vectors Colored By Velocity Magnitude (m/s)
Figure 9.2.4: Absolute Velocity Vectors
Velocity Vectors Colored By Relative Velocity Magnitude (m/s)
Figure 9.2.5: Relative Velocity Vectors
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Modeling Flows in Moving Zones
The Multiple Reference Frame (MRF) Model
As mentioned in Section 9.1, FLUENT provides three approaches for
modeling problems that involve both stationary and moving zones:
• the multiple reference frame (MRF) model
• the mixing plane model
• the sliding mesh model
The MRF model [146] is the simplest of the three. It is a steadystate approximation in which individual cell zones move at different
rotational/translational speeds. This approach is appropriate when the
flow at the boundary between these zones is nearly uniform (“mixed
While the multiple reference frame approach is clearly an approximation, it can provide a reasonable model of the time-averaged flow for
many applications. For example, the MRF model can be used for a turbomachinery application in which rotor-stator interaction is relatively
weak. In mixing tanks, since the impeller-baffle interactions are relatively weak, large-scale transient effects are not present and the MRF
model can be used. In general, any problems where transients due to
rotor-stator interaction are small are candidates for the MRF model.
Another potential use of the MRF model is to compute a flow field
that can be used as an initial condition for a transient sliding mesh
calculation. This eliminates the need for a startup calculation. The
multiple reference frame model should not be used, however, if it is
necessary to actually simulate the transients that may occur in strong
impeller-baffle interactions. For such cases, the sliding mesh model (see
Section 9.5) should be used.
For a mixing tank with a single impeller, you can define a rotating reference frame that encompasses the impeller and the flow surrounding it,
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9.3 The Multiple Reference Frame (MRF) Model
and use a stationary frame for the flow outside the impeller region. An
example of this configuration is illustrated in Figure 9.3.1. (The dashes
denote the interface between the two reference frames.) Steady-state
flow conditions are assumed at the interface between the two reference
frames. That is, the velocity at the interface must be the same (in absolute terms) for each reference frame. The grid does not move.
Figure 9.3.1: Geometry with One Rotating Impeller
You can also model a problem that includes more than one rotating reference frame. Figure 9.3.2 shows a geometry that contains two rotating
impellers side by side. This problem would be modeled using three reference frames: the stationary frame outside both impeller regions and
two separate rotating reference frames for the two impellers. (As noted
above, the dashes denote the interfaces between reference frames.)
The following restrictions apply to the use of multiple reference frames:
• Use of the realizable k- model with multiple reference frames is
not recommended.
• The boundaries separating a moving region from adjacent regions
must be oriented such that the component of the frame velocity
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Modeling Flows in Moving Zones
Figure 9.3.2: Geometry with Two Rotating Impellers
normal to the boundary is zero. For the example shown in Figure 9.3.1, this requires the dashed boundary to be circular (not
square or any other shape). For a translationally moving frame,
the moving zone’s boundaries must be parallel to the translational
velocity vector.
• Strictly speaking, the use of multiple reference frames is meaningful only for steady flow. However, FLUENT will allow you to solve
an unsteady flow when multiple reference frames are being used.
In this case, unsteady terms (as described in Section 22.2.8) are
added to all the governing transport equations. You should carefully consider whether this will yield meaningful results for your
application, because, for unsteady flows, a sliding mesh calculation
will generally yield more meaningful results than an MRF calculation.
• Particle trajectories and pathlines drawn by FLUENT use the velocity relative to the cell zone motion. For massless particles, the
resulting pathlines follow the streamlines based on relative velocity
and are meaningful. For particles with mass, however, the particle
tracks displayed are meaningless. Similarly, coupled discrete-phase
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9.3 The Multiple Reference Frame (MRF) Model
calculations are meaningless.
An alternative approach for particle tracking and coupled discretephase calculations with multiple reference frames is to track particles based on absolute velocity instead of relative velocity. To make
this change, use the define/models/dpm/tracking/track-inabsolute-frame text command. Note, however, that tracking particles based on absolute velocity may result in incorrect particlewall interaction. The particle injection velocities (specified in the
Set Injection Properties panel) are defined relative to the frame of
reference in which the particles are tracked. By default, the injection velocities are specified relative to the local reference frame.
If you enable the track-in-absolute-frame option, the injection
velocities are specified relative to the absolute frame.
• You cannot accurately model axisymmetric swirl in the presence
of multiple reference frames using the relative velocity formulation. This is because the current implementation does not apply
the transformation used in Equation 9.3-3 to the swirl velocity
• Translational and rotational velocities are assumed to be constant
(time varying ω, vt are not allowed).
The MRF Formulation
The MRF formulation will depend on the velocity formulation being
Relative Velocity Formulation
In FLUENT’s implementation of the multiple reference frame feature,
the calculation domain is divided into subdomains, each of which may
be rotating/translating with respect to the laboratory (inertial) frame.
The governing equations in each subdomain are written with respect
to that subdomain’s reference frame. Thus, the flow in stationary and
translating subdomains is governed by the equations in Section 8.2, while
the flow in rotating subdomains is governed by the equations presented
in Section 9.2.2.
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Modeling Flows in Moving Zones
At the boundary between two subdomains, the diffusion and other terms
in the governing equations in one subdomain require values for the velocities in the adjacent subdomain. FLUENT enforces the continuity of
the absolute velocity, ~v , to provide the correct neighbor values of velocity
for the subdomain under consideration. (This approach differs from the
mixing plane approach described in Section 9.4, where a circumferential
averaging technique is used.)
When the relative velocity formulation is used, velocities in each subdomain are computed relative to the motion of the subdomain. Velocities
and velocity gradients are converted from a moving reference frame to
the absolute inertial frame as described below.
The position vector relative to the origin of the zone rotation axis is
defined as
~r = ~x − ~xo
where ~x is the position in absolute Cartesian coordinates and ~xo is the
origin of the zone rotation axis, as shown in Figure 9.3.3.
The relative velocity in the moving reference frame can be converted to
the absolute (stationary) frame of reference using the following equation:
~v = ~vr + (~ω × ~r) + ~vt
where ~v is the velocity in the absolute inertial reference frame, ~vr is
the velocity in the relative noninertial reference frame, and ~vt is the
translational velocity of the noninertial reference frame.
Using this definition of absolute velocity, the gradient of the absolute
velocity vector is given by
∇~v = ∇~vr + ∇ (~ω × ~r)
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9.3 The Multiple Reference Frame (MRF) Model
moving reference
absolute reference
Figure 9.3.3: Coordinate System for Relative Velocity
Absolute Velocity Formulation
When the absolute velocity formulation is used, the governing equations
in each subdomain are written with respect to that subdomain’s reference frame, but the velocities are stored in the absolute frame. Therefore
no special transformation is required at the interface between two subdomains.
Grid Setup for Multiple Reference Frames
Two grid setup methods are available. Choose the method that is appropriate for your model, noting the restrictions in Section 9.3.1.
• If the boundary between two zones that are in different reference
frames is conformal (i.e., the grid node locations are identical at
the boundary where the two zones meet), you can simply create
the grid as usual, with all cell zones contained in the same grid file.
A different cell zone should exist for each portion of the domain
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Modeling Flows in Moving Zones
that is modeled in a different reference frame. Use an interior zone
for the boundary between reference frames.
• If the boundary between two zones that are in different reference
frames is non-conformal (i.e., the grid node locations are not identical at the boundary where the two zones meet), follow the nonconformal grid setup procedure described in Section 5.4.3.
Problem Setup for Multiple Reference Frames
When you want to model a problem involving multiple reference frames,
you will need to complete the following modeling inputs. (Only those
steps relevant specifically to the setup of a multiple reference frame problem are listed here. You will need to set up the rest of the problem as
! The grid-setup constraints for a rotating reference frame listed in Section 9.2.3 apply to multiple reference frames as well.
1. Select the Velocity Formulation to be used in the Solver panel: either
Absolute or Relative. (See Section 9.2.5 for details.)
Define −→ Models −→Solver...
(Note that this step is irrelevant if you are using one of the coupled solution algorithms; these algorithms always use an absolute
velocity formulation.)
2. For each cell zone in the domain, specify its translational velocity
and/or its angular velocity (Ω) and the axis about which it rotates.
Define −→Boundary Conditions...
(a) If the zone is rotating, or if you plan to specify cylindrical
velocity or flow-direction components at inlets to the zone,
you will need to define the axis of rotation. In the Fluid panel
or Solid panel, specify the Rotation-Axis Origin and RotationAxis Direction.
(b) Also in the Fluid or Solid panel, select Moving Reference Frame
in the Motion Type drop-down list and then set the Speed
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9.3 The Multiple Reference Frame (MRF) Model
under Rotational Velocity and/or the X, Y, and Z components
of the Translational Velocity in the expanded portion of the
Details about these inputs are presented in Section 6.17.1 for fluid
zones, and in Section 6.18.1 for solid zones.
3. Define the velocity boundary conditions at walls. You can choose
to define either an absolute velocity or a velocity relative to the
velocity of the adjacent cell zone specified in step 2.
If the wall is moving at the speed of the moving frame (and hence
stationary relative to the moving frame), it is convenient to specify
a relative angular velocity of zero. Likewise, a wall that is stationary in the non-moving frame of reference should be given a velocity
of zero in the absolute reference frame. Specifying the wall velocities in this manner obviates the need to modify these inputs later
if a change is made in the rotational velocity of the fluid zone.
An example for which you would specify a relative velocity is as
follows: If an impeller is defined as wall-3 and the fluid region
within the impeller’s radius is defined as fluid-5, you would need
to specify the angular velocity and axis of rotation for fluid-5 and
then assign wall-3 a relative velocity of 0. If you later wanted to
model a different angular velocity for the impeller, you would need
to change only the angular velocity of the fluid region; you would
not need to modify the wall velocity conditions.
Details about these inputs are presented in Section 6.13.1.
4. Define the velocity at any velocity inlets and the flow direction
and total pressure at any pressure inlets. For velocity inlets, you
can choose to define either absolute velocities or velocities relative
to the motion of the adjacent cell zone (specified in step 2). For
pressure inlets, the specification of the flow direction and total
pressure will be relative or absolute, depending on the velocity
formulation you selected in step 1. See Section 9.2.5 for details. (If
you use one of the coupled solution algorithms, the specification is
always in the absolute frame.)
Details about these inputs are presented in Sections 6.3.1 and 6.4.1.
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Modeling Flows in Moving Zones
Solution Strategies for Multiple Reference Frames
No special solution strategies are necessary for translating reference frames.
For multiple rotating reference frames, follow the guidelines presented in
Section 9.2.6 for a single rotating reference frame.
Postprocessing for Multiple Reference Frames
When you solve a problem in multiple reference frames, you can plot or
report both absolute and relative velocities. For all velocity parameters
(e.g., Velocity Magnitude and Mach Number), corresponding relative values will be available for postprocessing (e.g., Relative Velocity Magnitude
and Relative Mach Number). These variables are contained in the Velocity... category of the variable selection drop-down list that appears in
postprocessing panels. Relative values are also available for postprocessing of total pressure, total temperature, and any other parameters that
include a dynamic contribution dependent on the reference frame (e.g.,
Relative Total Pressure, Relative Total Temperature).
! Relative velocities are relative to the translational/rotational velocity
of the “reference zone” (specified in the Reference Values panel). The
velocity of the reference zone is the velocity defined in the Fluid panel
for that zone.
When plotting velocity vectors, you can choose to plot vectors in the
absolute frame (the default), or you can select Relative Velocity in the
Vectors Of drop-down list in the Vectors panel to plot vectors relative
to the translational/rotational velocity of the “reference zone” (specified
in the Reference Values panel). If you plot relative velocity vectors, you
might want to color the vectors by relative velocity magnitude (by choosing Relative Velocity Magnitude in the Color By list); by default they will
be colored by absolute velocity magnitude.
You can also generate a plot of circumferential averages in FLUENT. This
allows you to find the average value of a quantity at several different
radial or axial positions in your model. FLUENT computes the average
of the quantity over a specified circumferential area, and then plots the
average against the radial or axial coordinate. For more information on
generating XY plots of circumferential averages, see Section 25.8.4.
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9.4 The Mixing Plane Model
The Mixing Plane Model
Overview and Limitations
The mixing plane model in FLUENT provides an alternative to the multiple reference frame and sliding mesh models for simulating flow through
domains with one or more regions in relative motion. This section provides a brief overview of the model and a list of its limitations.
As discussed in Section 9.3.1, the MRF model is applicable when the flow
at the boundary between adjacent zones that move at different speeds
is nearly uniform (“mixed out”). If the flow at this boundary is not
uniform, the MRF model may not provide a physically meaningful solution. The sliding mesh model (see Section 9.5) may be appropriate for
such cases, but in many situations it is not practical to employ a sliding mesh. For example, in a multistage turbomachine, if the number of
blades is different for each blade row, a large number of blade passages
is required in order to maintain circumferential periodicity. Moreover,
sliding mesh calculations are necessarily unsteady, and thus require significantly more computation to achieve a final, time-periodic solution.
For situations where using the sliding mesh model is not feasible, the
mixing plane model can be a cost-effective alternative.
In the mixing plane approach, each fluid zone is treated as a steady-state
problem. Flow-field data from adjacent zones are passed as boundary
conditions that are spatially averaged or “mixed” at the mixing plane
interface. This mixing removes any unsteadiness that would arise due
to circumferential variations in the passage-to-passage flow field (e.g.,
wakes, shock waves, separated flow), thus yielding a steady-state result. Despite the simplifications inherent in the mixing plane model, the
resulting solutions can provide reasonable approximations of the timeaveraged flow field.
Note the following limitations of the mixing plane model:
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Modeling Flows in Moving Zones
• The mixing plane model requires the use of the absolute velocity
formulation; you cannot use the relative velocity formulation with
the mixing plane model.
• The LES turbulence model cannot be used with the mixing plane
• The models for species transport and combustion cannot be used
with the mixing plane model.
• The general multiphase models (VOF, mixture, and Eulerian) cannot be used with the mixing plane model.
Mixing Plane Theory
Rotor and Stator Domains
Consider the turbomachine stages shown schematically in Figures 9.4.1
and 9.4.2. Figure 9.4.1 shows a constant radial plane within a single
stage of an axial machine, while Figure 9.4.2 shows a constant θ plane
within a mixed-flow device. In each case, the stage consists of two flow
domains: the rotor domain, which is rotating at a prescribed angular
velocity, followed by the stator domain, which is stationary. The order
of the rotor and stator is arbitrary (that is, a situation where the rotor
is downstream of the stator is equally valid).
In a numerical simulation, each domain will be represented by a separate
mesh. The flow information between these domains will be coupled at
the mixing plane interface (as shown in Figures 9.4.1 and 9.4.2) using
the mixing plane model. Note that you may couple any number of fluid
zones in this manner; for example, four blade passages can be coupled
using three mixing planes.
! Note that the stator and rotor meshes do not have to be conformal; that
is, the nodes on the stator exit boundary do not have to match the nodes
on the rotor inlet boundary. In addition, the meshes can be of different
types (e.g., the stator can have a hexahedral mesh while the rotor has a
tetrahedral mesh).
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9.4 The Mixing Plane Model
rotor outlet: ps
stator inlet: p0α x α y α z k ε
mixing plane interface
Figure 9.4.1: Axial Rotor-Stator Interaction (Schematic Illustrating the
Mixing Plane Concept)
The Mixing Plane Concept
The essential idea behind the mixing plane concept is that each fluid
zone is solved as a steady-state problem. At some prescribed iteration
interval, the flow data at the mixing plane interface are averaged in the
circumferential direction on both the stator outlet and the rotor inlet
boundaries. The FLUENT implementation uses area-weighted averages.
By performing circumferential averages at specified radial or axial stations, “profiles” of flow properties can be defined. These profiles—which
will be functions of either the axial or the radial coordinate, depending on the orientation of the mixing plane—are then used to update
boundary conditions along the two zones of the mixing plane interface.
In the examples shown in Figures 9.4.1 and 9.4.2, profiles of averaged
total pressure (p0 ), direction cosines of the local flow angles in the radial, tangential, and axial directions (αr , αt , αz ), total temperature (T0 ),
turbulence kinetic energy (k), and turbulence dissipation rate () are
computed at the rotor exit and used to update boundary conditions at
the stator inlet. Likewise, a profile of static pressure (ps ) is computed at
the stator inlet and used as a boundary condition on the rotor exit.
Passing profiles in the manner described above assumes specific boundary
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Modeling Flows in Moving Zones
stator inlet:
p0 αx αyα z k ε
mixing plane
rotor outlet: p
Figure 9.4.2: Radial Rotor-Stator Interaction (Schematic Illustrating the
Mixing Plane Concept)
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9.4 The Mixing Plane Model
condition types have been defined at the mixing plane interface. The
coupling of an upstream outlet boundary zone with a downstream inlet
boundary zone is called a “mixing plane pair”. In order to create mixing
plane pairs in FLUENT, the boundary zones must be of the following
pressure outlet
pressure outlet
pressure outlet
pressure inlet
velocity inlet
mass flow inlet
Specific instructions for setting up mixing planes are provided in Section 9.4.3.
FLUENT’s Mixing Plane Algorithm
FLUENT’s basic mixing plane algorithm can now be described:
1. Update the flow field solutions in the stator and rotor domains.
2. Average the flow properties at the stator exit and rotor inlet boundaries, obtaining profiles for use in updating boundary conditions.
3. Pass the profiles to the boundary condition inputs required for the
stator exit and rotor inlet.
4. Repeat steps 1–3 until convergence.
! Note that it may be desirable to under-relax the changes in boundary
condition values in order to prevent divergence of the solution (especially
early in the computation). FLUENT allows you to control the underrelaxation of the mixing plane variables.
Mass Conservation
Note that the algorithm described above will not rigorously conserve
mass flow across the mixing plane if it is represented by a pressure inlet and pressure outlet mixing plane pair. If you use a mass flow inlet
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Modeling Flows in Moving Zones
and pressure outlet pair instead, FLUENT will force mass conservation
across the mixing plane. The basic technique consists of computing the
mass flow rate across the upstream zone (pressure outlet) and adjusting
the mass flux profile applied at the mass flow inlet such that the downstream mass flow matches the upstream mass flow. This adjustment
occurs at every iteration, thus ensuring rigorous conservation of mass
flow throughout the course of the calculation.
! Note that, since mass flow is being fixed in this case, there will be a
jump in total pressure across the mixing plane. The magnitude of this
jump is usually small compared with total pressure variations elsewhere
in the flow field.
Swirl Conservation
By default, FLUENT does not conserve swirl across the mixing plane.
For applications such as torque converters, where the sum of the torques
acting on the components should be zero, enforcing swirl conservation
across the mixing plane is essential, and is available in FLUENT as a
modeling option. Ensuring conservation of swirl is important because,
otherwise, sources or sinks of tangential momentum will be present at
the mixing plane interface.
Consider a control volume containing a stationary or rotating component
(e.g., a pump impeller or turbine vane). Using the moment of momentum
equation from fluid mechanics, it can be shown that for steady flow,
T =
rvθ ρ~v · n̂dS
where T is the torque of the fluid acting on the component, r is the
radial distance from the axis of rotation, vθ is the absolute tangential
velocity, ~v is the total absolute velocity, and S is the boundary surface.
(The product rvθ is referred to as swirl.)
For a circumferentially periodic domain, with well-defined inlet and outlet boundaries, Equation 9.4-1 becomes
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9.4 The Mixing Plane Model
T =
rvθ ρ~v · n̂dS +
rvθ ρ~v · n̂dS
where inlet and outlet denote the inlet and outlet boundary surfaces.
Now consider the mixing plane interface to have a finite streamwise thickness. Applying Equation 9.4-2 to this zone and noting that, in the limit
as the thickness shrinks to zero, the torque should vanish, the equation
rvθ ρ~v · n̂dS =
rvθ ρ~v · n̂dS
where upstream and downstream denote the upstream and downstream
sides of the mixing plane interface. Note that Equation 9.4-3 applies to
the full area (360 degrees) at the mixing plane interface.
Equation 9.4-3 provides a rational means of determining the tangential
velocity component. That is, FLUENT computes a profile of tangential
velocity and then uniformly adjusts the profile such that the swirl integral
is satisfied. Note that interpolating the tangential (and radial) velocity
component profiles at the mixing plane does not affect mass conservation
because these velocity components are orthogonal to the face-normal
velocity used in computing the mass flux.
Problem Setup for a Mixing Plane Model
The model inputs for mixing planes are presented in this section. Only
those steps relevant specifically to the setup of a mixing plane problem
are listed here. You will need to set up the rest of the problem as usual.
Note that the use of wall and periodic boundaries in a mixing plane
model is consistent with their use when the model is not active.
1. Select the (default) absolute velocity formulation in the Solver
Define −→ Models −→Solver...
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Modeling Flows in Moving Zones
2. For each cell zone in the domain, specify its angular velocity (Ω)
and the axis about which it rotates.
Define −→Boundary Conditions...
(a) If the zone is rotating, or if you plan to specify cylindricalvelocity or flow-direction components at inlets to the zone,
you will need to define the axis of rotation. In the Fluid panel
or Solid panel, specify the Rotation-Axis Origin and RotationAxis Direction.
(b) Also in the Fluid or Solid panel, select Moving Reference Frame
in the Motion Type drop-down list and then set the Speed
under Rotational Velocity and/or the X, Y, and Z components
of the Translational Velocity in the expanded portion of the
Details about these inputs are presented in Section 6.17.1 for fluid
zones, and in Section 6.18.1 for solid zones.
It is important to define the axis of rotation for the cell zones on
both sides of the mixing plane interface, including the stationary
3. Define the velocity boundary conditions at walls. You can choose
to define either an absolute velocity or a velocity relative to the
velocity of the adjacent cell zone specified in step 2.
If the wall is moving at the speed of the moving frame (and hence
stationary relative to the moving frame), it is convenient to specify
a relative angular velocity of zero. Likewise, a wall that is stationary in the non-moving frame of reference should be given a velocity
of zero in the absolute reference frame. Specifying the wall velocities in this manner obviates the need to modify these inputs later
if a change is made in the rotational velocity of the fluid zone.
An example for which you would specify a relative velocity is as
follows: If an impeller is defined as wall-3 and the fluid region
within the impeller’s radius is defined as fluid-5, you would need
to specify the angular velocity and axis of rotation for fluid-5 and
then assign wall-3 a relative velocity of 0. If you later wanted to
model a different angular velocity for the impeller, you would need
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9.4 The Mixing Plane Model
to change only the angular velocity of the fluid region; you would
not need to modify the wall velocity conditions.
Details about these inputs are presented in Section 6.13.1.
4. Define the velocity at any velocity inlets and the flow direction
and total pressure at any pressure inlets or mass flow inlets. For
velocity inlets, you can choose to define either absolute velocities or
velocities relative to the motion of the adjacent cell zone (specified
in step 2). For pressure inlets and mass flow inlets, the specification
of the flow direction and total pressure will always be absolute,
because the absolute velocity formulation is always used for mixing
plane calculations. For a mass flow inlet, you do not need to specify
the mass flow rate or mass flux. FLUENT will automatically select
the Mass Flux with Average Mass Flux specification method and set
the correct values when you create the mixing plane, as described
in Section 6.5.1.
Details about these inputs are presented in Sections 6.3.1, 6.4.1,
and 6.5.1.
Note that the outlet boundary zone at the mixing plane interface
must be defined as a pressure outlet, and the inlet boundary zone
at the mixing plane interface must be defined as a velocity inlet
(incompressible flow only), a pressure inlet, or a mass flow inlet.
The overall inlet and exit boundary conditions can be any suitable
combination permitted by the solver (e.g., velocity inlet, pressure
inlet, or mass flow inlet; pressure outlet). Keep in mind, however,
that if mass conservation across the mixing plane is important, you
need to use a mass flow inlet as the downstream boundary; mass
conservation is not maintained across the mixing plane when you
use a velocity inlet or pressure inlet.
5. Define the mixing planes in the Mixing Planes panel (Figure 9.4.3).
Define −→Mixing Planes...
(a) Specify the two zones that comprise the mixing plane by selecting an upstream zone in the Upstream Zone list and a
downstream zone in the Downstream Zone list. It is essential
that the correct pairs be chosen from these lists (i.e., that the
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Modeling Flows in Moving Zones
Figure 9.4.3: The Mixing Planes Panel
boundary zones selected lie on the mixing plane interface).
You can check this by displaying the grid.
Display −→Grid...
(b) (3D only) Indicate the geometry of the mixing plane interface
by choosing one of the options under Mixing Plane Geometry.
A Radial geometry signifies that information at the mixing
plane interface is to be circumferentially averaged into profiles
that vary in the radial direction, e.g., p(r), T (r). This is the
case for axial-flow machines, for example.
An Axial geometry signifies that circumferentially averaged
profiles are to be constructed that vary in the axial direction,
e.g., p(x), T (x). This is the situation for a radial-flow device.
Note that the radial direction is normal to the rotation axis
for the fluid zone and the axial direction is parallel to the
rotation axis.
(c) (3D only) Set the number of Interpolation Points. This is the
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9.4 The Mixing Plane Model
number of radial or axial locations used in constructing the
boundary profiles for circumferential averaging. You should
choose a number that approximately corresponds to the resolution of the surface mesh in the radial or axial direction. Note
that while you can use more points if you wish, the resolution
of the boundary profile will only be as fine as the resolution
of the surface mesh itself.
In 2D the flow data are averaged over the entire interface to
create a profile consisting of a single data point. For this
reason you do not need to set the number of Interpolation
Points or select a Mixing Plane Geometry in 2D.
(d) Set the Global Parameters for the mixing plane.
i. Set the Under-Relaxation parameter. It is sometimes desirable to under-relax the changes in boundary values at
mixing planes as these may change very rapidly during
the early iterations of the solution and cause the calculation to diverge. The changes can be relaxed by specifying
an under-relaxation less than 1. The new boundary profile values are then computed using
φnew = φold + α(φcalculated − φold )
where α is the under-relaxation factor. Once the flow
field is established, the value of α can be increased.
ii. Click Apply to set the Global Parameters. If the Default
button is visible to the right of the Apply button, clicking
the Default button will return Global Parameters back to
their default values. The Default button will then change
to be a Reset button. Clicking the Reset button will
change the Global Parameters back to the values that were
last applied.
(e) Click Create to create a new mixing plane. FLUENT will name
the mixing plane by combining the names of the zones selected
as the Upstream Zone and Downstream Zone and enter the new
mixing plane in the Mixing Plane list.
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Modeling Flows in Moving Zones
If you create an incorrect mixing plane, you can select it in
the Mixing Plane list and click the Delete button to delete it.
Modeling Options
There are two options available for use with the mixing plane model: a
fixed pressure level for incompressible flows, and the swirl conservation
described in Section 9.4.2.
Fixing the Pressure Level for an Incompressible Flow
For certain turbomachinery configurations, such as a torque converter,
there is no fixed-pressure boundary when the mixing plane model is
used. The mixing plane model is usually used to model the three interfaces that connect the components of the torque converter. In this
configuration, the pressure is no longer fixed. As a result, the pressure
may float unbounded, making it difficult to obtain a converged solution.
To resolve this problem, FLUENT offers an option for fixing the pressure
level. When this option is enabled, FLUENT will adjust the gauge pressure field after each iteration by subtracting from it the pressure value
in the cell closest to the Reference Pressure Location in the Operating
Conditions panel.
! This option is available only for incompressible flows calculated using
the segregated solver.
To enable the fixed pressure option, use the fix-pressure-level text
define −→ mixing-planes −→ set −→fix-pressure-level
Conserving Swirl Across the Mixing Plane
As discussed in Section 9.4.2, conservation of swirl is important for applications such as torque converters. If you want to enable swirl conservation across the mixing plane, you can use the commands in the
conserve-swirl text menu:
define −→ mixing-planes −→ set −→conserve-swirl
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9.4 The Mixing Plane Model
To turn on swirl conservation, use the enable? text command. Once the
option is turned on, you can ask the solver to report information about
the swirl conservation during the calculation. If you turn on verbosity?,
FLUENT will report for every iteration the zone ID for the zone on which
the swirl conservation is active, the upstream and downstream swirl integration per zone area, and the ratio of upstream to downstream swirl
integration before and after the correction.
To obtain a report of the swirl integration at every pressure inlet, pressure outlet, velocity inlet, and mass flow inlet in the domain, use the
report-swirl-integration command. You can use this information
to determine the torque acting on each component of the turbomachinery according to Equation 9.4-2.
Solution Strategies for Problems with Mixing Planes
It should be emphasized that the mixing plane model is a reasonable approximation so long as there is not significant reverse flow in the vicinity
of the mixing plane. If significant reverse flow occurs, the mixing plane
will not be a satisfactory model of the actual flow. In a numerical simulation, reverse flow often occurs during the early stages of the computation even though the flow at convergence is not reversed. Therefore, it
is helpful in these situations to first obtain a provisional solution using
fixed conditions at the rotor-stator interface. The mixing plane model
can then be enabled and the solution run to convergence.
Under-relaxing the changes in the mixing plane boundary values can
also help in troublesome situations. In many cases, setting the underrelaxation factor to a value less than one can be helpful. Once the
flow field is established, you can gradually increase the under-relaxation
Postprocessing for the Mixing Plane Model
When you solve a problem using the mixing plane model, you can plot
or report both absolute and relative velocities. For all velocity parameters (e.g., Velocity Magnitude and Mach Number), corresponding relative
values will be available for postprocessing (e.g., Relative Velocity Magnitude and Relative Mach Number). These variables are contained in the
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Modeling Flows in Moving Zones
Velocity... category of the variable selection drop-down list that appears
in postprocessing panels. Relative values are also available for postprocessing of total pressure, total temperature, and any other parameters
that include a dynamic contribution dependent on the reference frame
(e.g., Relative Total Pressure, Relative Total Temperature).
! Relative velocities are relative to the translational/rotational velocity
of the “reference zone” (specified in the Reference Values panel). The
velocity of the reference zone is the velocity defined in the Fluid panel
for that zone.
When plotting velocity vectors, you can choose to plot vectors in the
absolute frame (the default), or you can select Relative Velocity in the
Vectors Of drop-down list in the Vectors panel to plot vectors relative
to the translational/rotational velocity of the “reference zone” (specified
in the Reference Values panel). If you plot relative velocity vectors, you
might want to color the vectors by relative velocity magnitude (by choosing Relative Velocity Magnitude in the Color By list); by default they will
be colored by absolute velocity magnitude.
See also Section 25.9 for details about turbomachinery-specific postprocessing features.
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9.5 Sliding Meshes
Sliding Meshes
When a time-accurate solution for rotor-stator interaction (rather than a
time-averaged solution) is desired, you must use the sliding mesh model
to compute the unsteady flow field. As mentioned in Section 9.1, the
sliding mesh model is the most accurate method for simulating flows
in multiple moving reference frames, but also the most computationally
Most often, the unsteady solution that is sought in a sliding mesh simulation is time-periodic. That is, the unsteady solution repeats with a
period related to the speeds of the moving domains. However, you can
model other types of transients, including translating sliding mesh zones
(e.g., two cars or trains passing in a tunnel, as shown in Figure 9.5.1).
Figure 9.5.1: Two Passing Trains in a Tunnel
Note that for flow situations where there is no interaction between stationary and moving parts (i.e., when there is only a rotor), the computational domain can be made stationary by using a rotating reference
frame. (See Section 9.2 for details.) When transient rotor-stator interaction is desired (as in the examples in Figures 9.5.2 and 9.5.3), you must
use sliding meshes. If you are interested in a steady approximation of
the interaction, you may use the multiple reference frame model or the
mixing plane model, as described in Sections 9.3 and 9.4.
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Modeling Flows in Moving Zones
direction of
Figure 9.5.2: Rotor-Stator Interaction (Stationary Guide Vanes with
Rotating Blades)
Figure 9.5.3: Blower
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9.5 Sliding Meshes
The Sliding Mesh Technique
In the sliding mesh technique two or more cell zones are used. (If you
generate the mesh in each zone independently, you will need to merge
the mesh files prior to starting the calculation, as described in Section 5.3.10.) Each cell zone is bounded by at least one “interface zone”
where it meets the opposing cell zone. The interface zones of adjacent
cell zones are associated with one another to form a “grid interface.” The
two cell zones will move relative to each other along the grid interface.
! Note that the grid interface must be positioned so that it has fluid cells
on both sides. For example, the grid interface for the geometry shown
in Figure 9.5.2 must lie in the fluid region between the rotor and stator;
it cannot be on the edge of any part of the rotor or stator.
During the calculation, the cell zones slide (i.e., rotate or translate) relative to one another along the grid interface in discrete steps. Figures 9.5.4
and 9.5.5 show the initial position of two grids and their positions after
some translation has occurred.
Figure 9.5.4: Initial Position of the Grids
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Modeling Flows in Moving Zones
Figure 9.5.5: Rotor Mesh Slides with Respect to the Stator
As the rotation or translation takes place, node alignment along the
grid interface is not required. Since the flow is inherently unsteady, a
time-dependent solution procedure is required.
Grid Interface Shapes
The grid interface and the associated interface zones can be any shape,
provided that the two interface boundaries are based on the same geometry. Figure 9.5.6 shows an example with a linear grid interface and
Figure 9.5.7 shows a circular-arc grid interface. (In both figures, the grid
interface is designated by a dashed line.)
If Figure 9.5.6 were extruded to 3D, the resulting sliding interface would
be a planar rectangle; if Figure 9.5.7 were extruded to 3D, the resulting
interface would be a cylinder. Figure 9.5.8 shows an example that would
use a conical grid interface. (The slanted, dashed lines represent the
intersection of the conical interface with a 2D plane.)
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9.5 Sliding Meshes
Figure 9.5.6: 2D Linear Grid Interface
Figure 9.5.7: 2D Circular-Arc Grid Interface
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Modeling Flows in Moving Zones
Figure 9.5.8: 3D Conical Grid Interface
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9.5 Sliding Meshes
For an axial rotor/stator configuration, in which the rotating and stationary parts are aligned axially instead of being concentric (see Figure 9.5.9), the interface will be a planar sector. This planar sector is
a cross-section of the domain perpendicular to the axis of rotation at a
position along the axis between the rotor and the stator.
portion of domain being modeled
planar sector
grid interface
Figure 9.5.9: 3D Planar-Sector Grid Interface
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Modeling Flows in Moving Zones
Sliding Mesh Theory
As discussed in Section 9.5.1, the sliding mesh model allows adjacent
grids to slide relative to one another. In doing so, the grid faces do not
need to be aligned on the grid interface. This situation requires a means
of computing the flux across the two non-conformal interface zones of
each grid interface.
To compute the interface flux, the intersection between the interface
zones is determined at each new time step. The resulting intersection
produces one interior zone (a zone with fluid cells on both sides) and one
or more periodic zones. If the problem is not periodic, the intersection
produces one interior zone and a pair of wall zones (which will be empty
if the two interface zones intersect entirely), as shown in Figure 9.5.10.
(You will need to change these wall zones to some other appropriate
boundary type.) The resultant interior zone corresponds to where the
two interface zones overlap; the resultant periodic zone corresponds to
where they do not. The number of faces in these intersection zones will
vary as the interface zones move relative to one another. Principally,
fluxes across the grid interface are computed using the faces resulting
from the intersection of the two interface zones, rather than from the
interface zone faces themselves.
"wall" zone
interior zone
"wall" zone
Figure 9.5.10: Zones Created by Nonperiodic Interface Intersection
In the example shown in Figure 9.5.11, the interface zones are composed
of faces A-B and B-C, and faces D-E and E-F. The intersection of these
zones produces the faces a-d, d-b, b-e, etc. Faces produced in the region
where the two cell zones overlap (d-b, b-e, and e-c) are grouped to form
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9.5 Sliding Meshes
an interior zone, while the remaining faces (a-d and c-f) are paired up to
form a periodic zone. To compute the flux across the interface into cell
IV, for example, face D-E is ignored and faces d-b and b-e are used instead, bringing information into cell IV from cells I and III, respectively.
cell zone 1
zone 2
zone 1
cell zone 2
Figure 9.5.11: Two-Dimensional Grid Interface
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Modeling Flows in Moving Zones
Setup and Solution of a Sliding Mesh Problem
Grid Requirements
Before beginning the problem setup in FLUENT, be sure that the grid
you have created meets the following requirements:
• A different cell zone exists for each portion of the domain that is
sliding at a different speed.
• The grid interface must be situated such that there is no motion
normal to it.
• The grid interface can be any shape (including a non-planar surface, in 3D), provided that the two interface boundaries are based
on the same geometry. If there are sharp features in the mesh (e.g.,
90-degree angles), it is especially important that both sides of the
interface closely follow that feature.
• If you create a single grid with multiple cell zones, you must be
sure that each cell zone has a distinct face zone on the sliding
boundary. The face zones for two adjacent cell zones will have the
same position and shape, but one will correspond to one cell zone
and one to the other. (Note that it is also possible to create a
separate grid file for each of the cell zones, and then merge them
as described in Section 5.3.10.)
• If you are modeling a rotor/stator geometry using periodicity, the
periodic angle of the mesh around the rotor blade(s) must be the
same as that of the mesh around the stationary vane(s).
• All periodic zones must be correctly oriented (either rotational or
translational) before you create the grid interface.
• For 3D cases, if the interface is periodic, only one pair of periodic
boundaries can neighbor the interface.
See Section 9.5.1 for details about these restrictions and general information about how the sliding mesh model works in FLUENT.
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9.5 Sliding Meshes
Setting Up the Problem
The steps for setting up a sliding mesh problem are listed below. (Note
that this procedure includes only those steps necessary for the sliding
mesh model itself; you will need to set up other models, boundary conditions, etc. as usual.)
1. Enable the appropriate option for modeling unsteady flow in the
Solver panel. (See Section 22.15 for details about the unsteady
modeling capabilities in FLUENT.)
Define −→ Models −→Solver...
2. Set boundary conditions for the sliding action:
Define −→Boundary Conditions...
(a) Change the zone type of the interface zones of adjacent cell
zones to interface in the Boundary Conditions panel.
(b) In the Fluid panel or Solid panel for each moving fluid or solid
zone, select Moving Mesh in the Motion Type drop-down list
and set the translational and/or rotational velocity. (Note
that a solid zone cannot move at a different speed than an
adjacent fluid zone.)
Note that simultaneous translation and rotation can be modeled only if the rotation axis and the translation direction are
the same (i.e., the origin is fixed).
By default, the velocity of a wall is set to zero relative to the adjacent mesh’s motion. For walls bounding a moving mesh this results
in a “no-slip” condition in the reference frame of the mesh. Therefore, you need not modify the wall velocity boundary conditions
unless the wall is stationary in the absolute frame, and therefore
moving in the relative frame. See Section 6.13.1 for details about
wall motion.
See Chapter 6 for details about input of boundary conditions.
3. Define the grid interfaces in the Grid Interfaces panel (Figure 9.5.12).
Define −→Grid Interfaces...
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Modeling Flows in Moving Zones
Figure 9.5.12: The Grid Interfaces Panel
(a) Enter a name for the interface in the Grid Interface field.
(b) Specify the two interface zones that comprise the grid interface by selecting one in the Interface Zone 1 list and one in
the Interface Zone 2 list. (The order does not matter.)
(c) Set the Interface Type, if appropriate. There are two options:
• Enable Periodic for periodic problems.
• Enable Coupled if the interface lies between a solid zone
and a fluid zone.
(d) Click on Create to create a new grid interface.
For all types of interfaces, FLUENT will create boundary zones
for the interface (e.g., wall-9, wall-10), which will appear
under Boundary Zone 1 and Boundary Zone 2. You can use
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9.5 Sliding Meshes
the Boundary Conditions panel to change them to another zone
type (e.g., pressure far-field, symmetry, pressure outlet).
If you have enabled the Coupled option, FLUENT will also create wall interface zones (e.g., wall-4, wall-4-shadow), which
will appear under Interface Wall Zone 1 and Interface Wall Zone
If you create an incorrect grid interface, you can select it in the
Grid Interface list and click on the Delete button to delete it. (Any
boundary zones that were created when the interface was created
will also be deleted.)
! When you have completed the problem setup, you should save an initial
case file so that you can easily return to the original grid position (i.e.,
the positions before any sliding occurs). The grid position is stored in
the case file, so case files that you save at different times during the
unsteady calculation will contain grids at different positions.
Solving the Problem
You will begin the sliding mesh calculation by initializing the solution
(as described in Section 22.13.1) and then specifying the time step size
and number of time steps in the Iterate panel, as for any other unsteady
calculation. (See Section 22.15 for details about time-dependent solutions. Note that if you wish to save the time step size in the initial case
file, you can click Apply instead of Iterate and then save a case file before
starting to iterate.) FLUENT will iterate on the current time step solution until satisfactory residual reduction is achieved, or the maximum
number of iterations per time step is reached. When it advances to the
next time step, the cell and wall zones will automatically be moved according to the specified translational or rotational velocities (set in step
2b above). The new interface-zone intersections will be computed automatically, and resultant interior/periodic/external boundary zones will
be updated (as described in Section 9.5.2).
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Modeling Flows in Moving Zones
Saving Case and Data Files
FLUENT’s automatic saving of case and data files (see Section 3.3.4) can
be used with the sliding mesh model. This provides a convenient way
for you to save results at successive time steps for later postprocessing.
! You must save a case file each time you save a data file because the grid
position is stored in the case file. Since the grid position changes with
each time step, reading data for a given time step will require the case
file at that time step so that the grid will be in the proper position. You
should also save your initial case file so that you can easily return to the
grid’s original position to restart the solution if desired.
! If you are planning to solve your sliding mesh model in several stages,
whereby you run the calculation for some period of time, save case and
data files, exit FLUENT, start a new FLUENT session, read the case and
data files, continue the calculation for some time, save case and data files,
exit FLUENT, and so on, there may be some distortion in the mesh with
each subsequent continuation of the calculation. To avoid this problem,
you can delete the grid interface before saving the case file, and then
create it again (as described in step 3 above) after you read the case file
into a new FLUENT session.
Time-Periodic Solutions
For some problems (e.g., rotor-stator interactions), you may be interested
in a time-periodic solution. That is, the startup transient behavior may
not be of interest to you. Once this startup phase has passed, the flow will
start to exhibit time-periodic behavior. If T is the period of unsteadiness,
then for some flow property φ at a given point in the flow field:
φ(t) = φ(t + N T )
(N = 1, 2, 3, ...)
For rotating problems, the period (in seconds) can be calculated by dividing the sector angle of the domain (in radians) by the rotor speed
(in radians/sec): T = θ/Ω. For 2D rotor-stator problems, T = P/vb ,
where P is the pitch and vb is the blade speed. The number of time
steps in a period can be determined by dividing the time period by the
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9.5 Sliding Meshes
time step size. When the solution field does not change from one period
to the next (for example, if the change is less than 5%), a time-periodic
solution has been reached.
To determine how the solution changes from one period to the next, you
will need to compare the solution at some point in the flow field over two
periods. For example, if the time period is 10 seconds, you can compare
the solution at a given point after 22 seconds with the solution after 32
seconds to see if a time-periodic solution has been reached. If not, you
can continue the calculation for another period and compare the solutions
after 32 and 42 seconds, and so on until you see little or no change from
one period to the next. You can also track global quantities, such as lift
and drag coefficients and mass flow, in the same manner. Figure 9.5.13
shows a lift coefficient plot for a time-periodic solution.
Figure 9.5.13: Lift Coefficient Plot for a Time-Periodic Solution
The final time-periodic solution is independent of the time steps taken
during the initial stages of the solution procedure. You can therefore
define “large” time steps in the initial stages of the calculation, since
you are not interested in a time-accurate solution for the startup phase
of the flow. Starting out with large time steps will allow the solution
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Modeling Flows in Moving Zones
to become time-periodic more quickly. As the solution becomes timeperiodic, however, you should reduce the time step in order to achieve a
time-accurate result.
! If you are solving with second-order time accuracy, the temporal accuracy of the solution will be affected if you change the time step during
the calculation. You may start out with larger time steps, but you should
not change the time step by more than 20% during the solution process.
You should not change the time step at all during the last several periods
to ensure that the solution has approached a time-periodic state.
Postprocessing for Sliding Meshes
Postprocessing for sliding mesh problems is the same as for other unsteady problems. You will read in the case and data file for the time of
interest and display and report results as usual. For spatially-periodic
problems, you may want to use periodic repeats (set in the Views panel,
as described in Section 25.4) to display the geometry. Figure 9.5.14
shows the flow field for the rotor-stator example of Figure 9.5.4 at one
instant in time, using 1 periodic repeat.
When displaying velocity vectors, note that absolute velocities (i.e., velocities in the inertial, or laboratory, reference frame) are displayed by
default. You may also choose to display relative velocities by selecting
Relative Velocity in the Vectors Of drop-down list in the Vectors panel.
In this case, velocities relative to the translational/rotational velocity
of the “reference zone” (specified in the Reference Values panel) will be
displayed. (The velocity of the reference zone is the velocity defined in
the Fluid panel for that zone.)
Note that you cannot create zone surfaces for the intersection boundaries
(i.e., the interior/periodic/external zones created from the intersection
of the interface zones). You may instead create zone surfaces for the
interface zones. Data displayed on these surfaces will be “one-sided”.
That is, nodes on the interface zones will “see” only the cells on one side
of the grid interface, and slight discontinuities may appear when you
plot contour lines across the interface. Note also that, for non-planar
interface shapes in 3D, you may see small gaps in your plots of filled
contours. These discontinuities and gaps are only graphical in nature.
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9.5 Sliding Meshes
Contours of Static Pressure (pascal) (Time=1.0400e-01)
Figure 9.5.14: Contours of Static Pressure for the Rotor-Stator Example
The solution does not have these discontinuities or gaps.
You can also generate a plot of circumferential averages in FLUENT. This
allows you to find the average value of a quantity at several different
radial or axial positions in your model. FLUENT computes the average
of the quantity over a specified circumferential area, and then plots the
average against the radial or axial coordinate. For more information on
generating XY plots of circumferential averages, see Section 25.8.4.
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Modeling Flows in Moving Zones
Non-Reflecting Boundary Conditions
Information about non-reflecting boundary conditions (NRBCs) is provided in the following sections.
• Section 9.6.1: Overview and Limitations
• Section 9.6.2: Theory
• Section 9.6.3: Using the Non-Reflecting Boundary Conditions
Overview and Limitations
The standard pressure boundary conditions for compressible flow fix specific flow variables at the boundary (e.g., static pressure at an outlet
boundary). As a result, pressure waves incident on the boundary will
reflect in an unphysical manner, leading to local errors. The effects are
more pronounced for internal flow problems where boundaries are usually close to geometry inside the domain, such as compressor or turbine
blade rows.
The non-reflecting boundary conditions (NRBCs) permit waves to “pass”
through the boundaries without spurious reflections. The method used
in FLUENT is based on the Fourier transformation of solution variables
at the non-reflecting boundary [78]. Similar implementations have been
investigated by other authors [155, 198].
In the method used by FLUENT, the solution is rearranged as a sum of
terms corresponding to different frequencies, and their contributions are
calculated independently. While the method was originally designed for
axial turbomachinery, it has been extended for use with radial turbomachinery.
Note the following limitations of NRBCs:
• NRBCs can be used only with the coupled explicit solver.
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9.6 Non-Reflecting Boundary Conditions
• The current implementation applies to steady compressible flows,
with the density calculated using the ideal gas law.
• Inlet and outlet boundary conditions must be pressure inlets and
outlets only.
Note that the pressure inlet boundaries must be set to the cylindrical coordinate flow specification method when NRBCs are used.
• Quad-mapped (structured) surface meshes must be used for inflow
and outflow boundaries in a 3D geometry (i.e., triangular or quadpaved surface meshes are not allowed). See Figures 9.6.1 and 9.6.2
for examples.
Note that you may use unstructured meshes in 2D geometries (Figure 9.6.3), and away from the inlet and outlet boundaries in 3D
pressure inlet, structured quad mesh
pressure outlet,
structured quad
Figure 9.6.1: Mesh and Prescribed Boundary Conditions in a 3D Axial
Flow Problem
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Modeling Flows in Moving Zones
pressure inlet, structured
quad mesh
periodic boundaries
pressure outlet, structured quad mesh
Figure 9.6.2: Mesh and Prescribed Boundary Conditions in a 3D Radial
Flow Problem
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9.6 Non-Reflecting Boundary Conditions
periodic boundaries
pressure outlets,
structured or
unstructured mesh
pressure inlets, structured or unstructured mesh
Figure 9.6.3: Mesh and Prescribed Boundary Conditions in a 2D Case
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Modeling Flows in Moving Zones
The non-reflecting boundary conditions (NRBCs) are based on Fourier
decomposition of solutions to the linearized Euler equations. The solution at the inlet and outlet boundaries is circumferentially decomposed
into Fourier modes, with the 0th mode representing the average boundary value (which is to be imposed as a user input), and higher harmonics
that are modified to eliminate reflections [198].
Equations in Characteristic Variable Form
In order to treat individual waves, the linearized Euler equations are
transformed to characteristic variable (Ci ) form. If we first consider
the 1D form of the linearized Euler equations, it can be shown that the
characteristic variables Ci are related to the solution variables as follows:
Q̃ = T −1 C
 
ρ̃ 
 
ũa 
Q̃ =
 
, T −1
− a12
ρ a
ρ a
2 ρ a
2 ρ a
, C =
 
C 
 1
 C2 
 
where a is the average acoustic speed along a boundary zone, ρ̃, ũa ,
ũt , ũr , and p̃ represent perturbations from a uniform condition (e.g.,
ρ̃ = ρ − ρ, p̃ = p − p, etc.).
Note that the analysis is performed using the cylindrical coordinate system. All overlined (averaged) flow field variables (e.g., ρ, a) are intended
to be averaged along the pitchwise direction.
In quasi-3D approaches [78, 155, 198], a procedure is developed to determine the changes in the characteristic variables, denoted by δCi , at
the boundaries such that waves will not reflect. These changes in characteristic variables are determined as follows:
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9.6 Non-Reflecting Boundary Conditions
δC = T δQ
δC1 
δC2 
δC = δC3 , T = 
δC4 
ρa 0
0 ρa
−ρ a 0
δρ 
δua 
 , δQ = δut
δur 
The changes to the outgoing characteristics — one characteristic for
subsonic inflow (δC5 ), and four characteristics for subsonic outflow (δC1 ,
δC2 , δC3 , δC4 ) — are determined from extrapolation of the flow field
variables using Equation 9.6-2.
The changes in the incoming characteristics — four characteristics for
subsonic inflow (δC1 , δC2 , δC3 , δC4 ), and one characteristic for subsonic
outflow (δC5 ) — are split into two components: average change along
the boundary (δC i ), and local changes in the characteristic variable due
to harmonic variation along the boundary (δCiL ). The incoming characteristics are therefore given by
δCij = δCioldj + σ δCinewj − δCioldj
δCinewj = δC i + δCiLj
where i = 1, 2, 3, 4 on the inlet boundary or i = 5 on the outlet boundary,
and j = 1, ..., N is the grid index in the pitchwise direction including the
periodic point once. The under-relaxation factor σ has a default value of
0.75. Note that this method assumes a periodic solution in the pitchwise
The flow is decomposed into mean and circumferential components using
Fourier decomposition. The 0th Fourier mode corresponds to the average circumferential solution, and is treated according to the standard 1D
characteristic theory. The remaining parts of the solution are described
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Modeling Flows in Moving Zones
by a sum of harmonics, and treated as 2D non-reflecting boundary conditions [78].
Inlet Boundary
For subsonic inflow, there is one outgoing characteristic (δC5 ) determined from Equation 9.6-2, and four incoming characteristics (δC1 , δC2 ,
δC3 , δC4 ) calculated using Equation 9.6-3. The average changes in the
incoming characteristics are computed from the requirement that the entropy (s), radial and tangential flow angles (αr and αt ), and stagnation
enthalpy (h0 ) are specified. Note that in FLUENT you can specify p0
and T0 at the inlet, from which sin and h0in are easily obtained. This is
equivalent to forcing the following four residuals to be zero:
R1 = p (s − sin )
R2 = ρ a (ut − ua tan αt )
R3 = ρ a (ur − ua tan αr )
R4 = ρ h0 − h0in
sin = γ ln (T0in ) − (γ − 1) ln (p0in )
h0in = cp T0in
The average characteristic is then obtained from residual linearization
as follows (see also Figure 9.6.4 for an illustration of the definitions for
the prescribed inlet angles):
δC 1 
δC 
δC 3  
δC 4
tan αt
tan αr
tan αt
tan αt
tan αt
− tan αr
 
 R1 
  R2 
 R 
 
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9.6 Non-Reflecting Boundary Conditions
Ma =
Mt =
Mr =
M = 1 + Ma − Mt tan αt + Mr tan αr
M1 = −1 − Ma − Mr tan αr
M2 = −1 − Ma − Mt tan αt
Figure 9.6.4: Prescribed Inlet Angles
|v| =
c Fluent Inc. November 28, 2001
u2t + u2r + u2a
Modeling Flows in Moving Zones
et =
er =
ea =
tan αr =
tan αt =
To address the local characteristic changes at each j grid point along the
inflow boundary, the following relations are developed [78, 198]:
δC1Lj = p (sj − s)
δC2Lj = C20 j − ρa utj − ut
δC3Lj = −ρa urj − ur
δC4Lj =
(1+Maj )
γ−1 δC1Lj
+ Mtj δC2Lj + Mrj δC3Lj + ρ h0j − h0
Note that the relation for the first and fourth local characteristics force
the local entropy and stagnation enthalpy to match their average steadystate values.
The characteristic variable C20 j is computed from the inverse discrete
Fourier transform of the second characteristic. The discrete Fourier
transform of the second characteristic in turn is related to the discrete
Fourier transform of the fifth characteristic. Hence, the characteristic
variable C20 j is computed along the pitch as follows:
θj − θ1 
Ĉ2n exp i2πn
= 2< 
C20 j
θN − θ1
The Fourier coefficients C20 n are related to a set of equidistant distributed
characteristic variables C5∗j by the following [155]:
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9.6 Non-Reflecting Boundary Conditions
Ĉ2n =
t +B
− Nu(a+u
t +B
− ua+u
j=1 C5j
exp −i2π jn
( √
i β
−sign (ut ) |β| β < 0
β = a2 − u2a − u2t
The set of equidistributed characteristic variables C5∗j is computed from
arbitrary distributed C5j by using a cubic spline for interpolation, where
C5j = −ρ a uaj − ua + (pj − p)
For supersonic inflow the user-prescribed static pressure (psin ) along with
total pressure (p0in ) and total temperature (T0in ) are sufficient for determining the flow condition at the inlet.
Outlet Boundary
For subsonic outflow, there are four outgoing characteristics (δC1 , δC2 ,
δC3 , and δC4 ) calculated using Equation 9.6-2, and one incoming characteristic (δC5 ) determined from Equation 9.6-3. The average change in
the incoming fifth characteristic is given by
δC 5 = −2 (p − pout )
where p is the current averaged pressure at the exit plane and pout is the
desirable average exit pressure (this value is specified by you for singleblade calculations or obtained from the assigned profile for mixing-plane
calculations). The local changes (δC5Lj ) are given by
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Modeling Flows in Moving Zones
δC5Lj = C50 j + ρ a uaj − ua − (pj − p)
The characteristic variable C5j is computed along the pitch as follows:
θj − θ1 
Ĉ5n exp i2πn
= 2< 
C50 j
θN − θ1
The Fourier coefficients Ĉ5n are related to two sets of equidistant distributed characteristic variables (C2∗j and C4∗j , respectively) and given
by the following [155]:
Ĉ5n =
j=1 C2j exp i2π N −
A2 C2j − A4 C4j
j=1 C4j exp i2π N
A2 =
B − ut
A4 =
B + ut
B − ut
The two sets of equidistributed characteristic variables (C2∗j and C4∗j )
are computed from arbitrary distributed C2j and C4j characteristics by
using a cubic spline for interpolation, where
C2j = ρ a utj − ut
C4j = ρ a uaj − ua + (pj − p)
For supersonic outflow all flow field variables are extrapolated from the
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9.6 Non-Reflecting Boundary Conditions
Updated Flow Variables
Once the changes in the characteristics are determined on the inflow or
outflow boundaries, the changes in the flow variables δQ can be obtained
from Equation 9.6-2. Therefore, the values of the flow variables at the
boundary faces are as follows:
= pj + δp
= uaj + δua
= utj + δut
= urj + δur
= Tj + δT
Using the Non-Reflecting Boundary Conditions
The procedure for using the NRBCs is as follows:
1. Turn on the NRBCs using the non-reflecting text command:
define −→ boundary-conditions −→ non-reflecting −→
If you are not sure whether or not NRBCs are turned on, use the
show-status text command.
2. Perform NRBC initialization using the initialize text command:
define −→ boundary-conditions −→ non-reflecting −→
If the initialization is successful, a summary printout of the domain
extent will be displayed. If the initialization is not successful, an
error message will be displayed indicating the source of the problem.
3. If necessary, modify the parameters in the set/ submenu:
define −→ boundary-conditions −→ non-reflecting −→set
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Modeling Flows in Moving Zones
under-relaxation allows you to set the value of the under-relaxation factor σ in Equation 9.6-3. The default value is 0.75.
discretization allows you to set the discretization scheme. The
default is to use higher-order reconstruction if available.
verbosity allows you to control the amount of information printed
to the console during an NRBC calculation.
• 0 : silent
• 1 : basic information (default)
• 2 : detailed information (for debugging purposes only)
Using the NRBCs with the Mixing-Plane Model
If you want to use the NRBCs with the mixing-plane model you must
define the mixing plane interfaces as pressure-outlet and pressure-inlet
zone type pairs.
Using the NRBCs in Parallel FLUENT
When the NRBCs are used in conjunction with the parallel solver, all
cells in each boundary zone where NRBCs will be applied must be located
or contained within a single partition. You can ensure this by manually
partitioning the grid (see Section 28.4.3 for more information on how to
do this).
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