CARTODATA SUBPROJECT CONTRIBUTION OF UNIVERSITY OF MOLISE THE "SITRA": METHODOLOGICAL APPROACH WIDE SUMMARY SUMMARY PREMISE............................................................................................................................................................... 1 THE TERRITORIAL CONTEXT OF REFERENCE ............................................................................. 2 THE NECESSITY OF IMPLEMENTATION OF A SIT ....................................................................... 3 THE SITRA (TERRITORIAL INFORMATIVE SYSTEM FOR THE ENVIRONMENTAL RISKS) 4 Informative layers of base........................................................................................................................ 4 Informative layers of job.......................................................................................................................... 5 THE METADATA.............................................................................................................................................. 6 OPERATIVE CHOICES NORMATIVE REFERENCES 9 14 CONVERSION OF THE COORDINATES ............................................................................................... 16 Meeting CARTODATA VALBONNE SOPHIA ANTIPOLIS – 27TH FEBRUARY – 1ST MARCH 2007 University of Molise Metadata and geographical systems of reference PREMISE The analysis of the problems connected with the impact of the natural phenomena on the historical and natural patrimony, required a first phase of acquisition of data available nearby the local authorities and universities. Subsequently we passed to the definition of the technical criterions for the predisposition of a "container", able to contain, contemporarily, all the data that we find and to manage them in operation of different demands of use. In this way the SITRA (acronym of Territorial Informative System for the Environmental Risks) was born. The SITRA picks up and manages all the available data nearby the local authorities according to a rigid protocol of acquisition. One record of a specific database is associated with every datum, or data set; this record describes deepeny the content, the generator, the user, etc., according to defined criterions of representation. Subsequently, according to a procedure of conversion certified by an agency, we proceed to the translation of the datum or data set in a international system of reference and not in local systems of reference. In the actual phase of the job, within the CARTODATA subproject, we have to complete SITRA’s while METADATA compilation has been finished. In the next and last phase we are going to debug the procedures for the certified conversion of the cartographic data. Pagina 1 Meeting CARTODATA VALBONNE SOPHIA ANTIPOLIS – 27TH FEBRUARY – 1ST MARCH 2007 University of Molise Metadata and geographical systems of reference THE TERRITORIAL CONTEXT OF REFERENCE Molise is a small Italian region (around 4400 km2) situated in center-southern Italy among the Apennines and Adriatic Sea. The particular position of Molise in the geologic context of the Mediterranean area and its recent structural evolution are the natural factors that have determined the actual geomorphological scenery and that define the hazard of some natural phenomena potentially catastrophic. In Molise coexist an elevated seismic hazard, due to the recent evolution of the central Apennines, and an elevated hydrogeological hazard, structurally connected with the presence of geologic complex formations and of very clayey soils. The presence of important rivers with adriatic delivery and of a often accelerated slope evolution, to them connected, contributes to make of this small Italian region one "gym" for the study of the natural hazards. Moreover the presence of numerous water bodies of strategic importance not only for the drinkable and irrigated use of the region Molise, but also for that of the neighbouring regions Campania and Puglia. The guardianship of the water resource and the vulnerability of the water bodies, often situated in proximity of sources of potential pollution, is a further element of attention in a suit picture of knowledges regarding the natural and environmental risks. If we think that the historical, architectural and environmental heritage must be protected towards the natural calamities, we understand as a correct management of the territory passes through a series of political-administrative actions that improves the conditions of knowledge of the hazard from a side and from the other one reduces the vulnerability of the exposed good. The limit among calamity produced by natural agents and calamity produced by the human activity is often few clear. The calamities of the first type include volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, floods, instabilities of the slopes, cyclones and storms, etc.; the calamities of the second type include the phenomena connected to the indiscriminate deforestation, with the introduction of harmful gas into the atmosphere, with the incorrect use of the territory, with the unconditional exploitation of the water resources, with the industrial activities with introduction of pollutants in the different geochemical spheres. In Molise are very important the risks connected to natural phenomena what the seismic activity, the evolution of the slopes, the flood of rivers and the withdrawal of the line-coast (adriatic); as it regards the connected risks with the human activity there are the chemical risk (in the areas where are present chemical factories) and the risk of pollution of the water resource. Both the risks are managing through a rich and homogeneous base of knowledges on the regional territory; one of the principal objectives of the scientific community is to furnish the correct support of knowledges for the following activities of respect of the attended damage and the possible sceneries of risk. Pagina 2 Meeting CARTODATA VALBONNE SOPHIA ANTIPOLIS – 27TH FEBRUARY – 1ST MARCH 2007 University of Molise Metadata and geographical systems of reference THE NECESSITY OF IMPLEMENTATION OF A SIT The knowledge of the dynamics of the risk, whatever it is, therefore, part from the analysis of the spatial distribution of all the factors that compete to its configuration. The knowledge of the hazards and of the actual use of the territory also allows very inclined analysis and the configuration of sceneries of risk on which to activate all the necessary actions (political-administrative) for the mitigation of the attended damage. The management of a territory is born really from the awareness that the realization of a respectful territorial politics of the context within it is thought and that the sustainable development of a region also passes through the knowledge of the possible consequential damages from the catastrophes and of the dynamics that potentially determine them. The situations of risk can be mitigated through actions oriented to the reduction of the natural hazard (or human), to the reduction of the vulnerability of the exposed elements or both. Only through the knowledge is possible to start concrete actions of territorial planning that have, as substratum, the data of distribution of the different phenomena and the removal of the most important activities. Among these the most important are really the architectural-cultural heritage because the elements cannot be moved and, therefore, they have to been protected towards the incumbent calamity. The contemporary management of deeply different layers among them for presuppositions and contents is very complex. Their management in the same geographical space, however, allows not otherwise overlaps and cross analysis possible with analytical criterions disconnected by the topographical base. From some years numerous tools software (the GISs) are available and allow to contemporarily manage punctual, linear or polygonal objects in geographic system and to associate to every of them one or more alphanumeric data. Also in Molise, as in other regional realities, some initiatives are been activated turned to obtain the wedges of a more articulated Regional Territorial Informative System. The possibilities of development and expansion of the system, are nearly obviously boundless, because is possible always to add information to the System and make it richer and powerful. One of the problems of greater relief in the data management concerns its reliability (in geographical sense and of content) and the so-called ability to be validated from a third organism. The validation represents one of the most complex phases in the management of a SIT because an error in such phase determines the use of few reliable data and incorrect elaborations. For these reasons there is the necessity, for the activities of competence of the University of Molise that essentially concern the problem list of hazard and vulnerability of the natural resources, to realize a system of validation that introduces data, inside the Informative System, those is possible a real respect of reliability and a trace of the data. The trace of the data is possible equipping, every data set, of additional information (metadata) that define, time for time, its typology; the respect of the reliability of the data derives from an expert judgment expressed through a cross control with existing databases or through the direct knowledge of the problem list and the phenomena. Pagina 3 Meeting CARTODATA VALBONNE SOPHIA ANTIPOLIS – 27TH FEBRUARY – 1ST MARCH 2007 University of Molise Metadata and geographical systems of reference THE SITRA (TERRITORIAL INFORMATIVE SYSTEM FOR THE ENVIRONMENTAL RISKS) The fundamental activity for mapping of the territorial context of reference is turned to the harvest and the management of necessary numerous series of territorial data for the analysis of the specific problem list of the district of reference and for a correct use of the resources. The fittest tool for such purpose is represented by a GIS (Geographic Information System). It is a software able to manage, contemporarily, several informative layers of different nature (vectorial and raster) characterized by an univocal spatial position in geographical coordinates which are connected alphanumeric data (descriptive) or raster (images, cartographies, etc.). The database will be realized by Access, a Microsoft software, perfectly interactive in ESRI environment. For mapping of natural risks we held to use the release 9.1 of the software ArcView GIS, produced by the ESRI Inc.®. Subsequently, as arranged in the precedents technical meetings with the partners of the subproject, we shall proceed to the conversion of all the data in formed compatible with the release 3.x of the software ArcView produced by the ESRI Inc.®, in how much currently more diffused in comparison to the following releases to level of Public Administration, with which University interacts in coordinated form. The Territorial Informative System for the Environmental Risks (SITRA) will manage the geographical information related to the dangerousness and to the building, architectural and historical-cultural, as well as environmental patrimony, whose criterions of validation and respect of the reliability are known and perfectly repeatable too. Such factor constitutes the element of strength of the whole trial; in this way is possible add to a "known" data base (or for which the metadata are available) progressively new informations of note reliability. The SITRA was born, therefore, with the methodological presupposition of the reliability, not in generic sense, but according to the exposed first meaning. In the SITRA all available data sets nearby local authorities will put in, after a complex job of validation and respect of reliability. Such data sets are contains basic informations (not concernig hazard or vulnerability but only the elements that compete to define them) and to elaborate information (or consequential from experienced respects and from numerical trials). Informative layers of base The basic element of the SITRA is represented by cartography that, necessarily must be adjourned, adjournable and, preferably, in numerical form. The SIT has to be enriched by thematic cartographies that come following proposed. ! Use of the ground (sour-forest ground with outlines of the natural and artificial wooded areas, of the areas turned to specialized crops - vineyards, olive-groves and orchards and of those turned to extensive uses; continuous and discontinuous urban fabric) ! Geology, geomorphology and hydrogeology (compiled on bibliography integrated “in the field”) ! Net services (government, provincial and town roads, railroads, aqueducts, methane piping, power lines, footsteps fireproof, paths) Pagina 4 Meeting CARTODATA VALBONNE SOPHIA ANTIPOLIS – 27TH FEBRUARY – 1ST MARCH 2007 University of Molise Metadata and geographical systems of reference ! Infrastructures of public utility (barracks, hospitals and clinics, schools, places of cult, town and territorial offices) ! Architectural and cultural emergencies (monuments and buildings of architectural and/or historical value, museums, archaeological excavations, libraries, art gallery, etc.) ! Environmental emergencies ! Productive activity (industries and workshops, artisan firms, firms of production in the sector to sour-feed, fittings for the extraction and the workmanship of rocks) ! Works for use of underground water resources (drinkable, agricultural and industrial purpose) Informative layers of job The informative layers will be elaborate within the project concern the components more interesting retentions, to the actual state, to the articulated SIT regarding the natural and environmental risks. The components inserted in the study are, essentially, the ground and the water, firm the possibility of future integration of the system staying with other components, also of human origin. For the specific informative layers we have produced the followings: ! Seismic hazard map (based on all the available elements nearby the public structures that to the study and control the territory: Town Council, Provinces, Region, University, Corporate body of search) ! Landslide hazard map (based on all the available elements nearby the structures preceded to the study and the control of the territory: Town Council, Provinces, Region, University, Corporate body of search) ! Flood hazard map (based on all the available elements nearby the structures preceded to the study and the control of the territory: Town Council, Provinces, Region, University, Corporate body of search) ! Pollution of the water strata hazard map map (based on all the available elements nearby the structures preceded to the study and the control of the territory: Town Council, Provinces, Region, University, Corporate body of search) ! Coastal erosion hazard map (based on the analysis of the trend of withdrawal of the coast in the last century). Such map has been produced by coordination between University of Molise and Group of Job ENEA that, currently, has been conducted searches on this thematic. All the maps of the SITRA will be reported to the Datum Roma 40 (for the complete compatibility of data set with the Regional Informative System of Molise). Only the cartographies and the thematic bases will be converted, through rigorous procedures of calculation, also to the Datum WGS84, more currently used in national and international circle. Pagina 5 Meeting CARTODATA VALBONNE SOPHIA ANTIPOLIS – 27TH FEBRUARY – 1ST MARCH 2007 University of Molise Metadata and geographical systems of reference THE METADATA In a society in continuous evolution, what that actual, the mapping data are assuming more and more a strategic role in the decisional trials related to the management of the territory and to its planning. The data set present in the data-banks of public administration, or produced by private structures (professionals, society of services, etc.), have a tall economic and informative value, but it’s very difficult use contemporarily them, because are miss the necessary information for their reuse. For understanding such aspect you only have to think about the times that data-set are produced ex-novo only because the existence of the same is not known or because the used formats are not compatible with those standards. To avoid this problem the agencies preceded to the definition of clear and repeatable procedures have compiled a proper standard for the territorial metadata. The metadata, according to the classical definition, can be defined as 'data on the data'; they represent the documentation of the data (a kind of certificate) that is destined to furnish useful and immediate informations to understand, compare and exchange the data described by them. The metadata, in the optics of the interoperability (possibility to operate contemporarily and in coordinated way on the same data sets), represent a very useful tool for a rapids management (search, diffusion and acquisition) of the territorial data from authorized subjects. The writing of the metadatum, if effected contemporary to realization of datum, asks few resources for the appointment because who has created the datum knows perfectly the structure of what he has produced. The biggest actual problem is represented by missing of metadata for very much of the existing data; a notable waste of additional resources to rich the historical and structural reconstruction of datum is an immediate consequence of it. In spite of the obvious simplicity in the realization of the metadatum during creation of data sets, once the generators of data didn’t realize them holding an useless loss of time. Only afterwards they understood the importance of metadata and the necessity to create them for whatever data set (in relationship with the simple spread of the data it is a form to safeguard the developed job too). From the point of view of the consumer, the importance of the metadata resides in the possibility to know that the datum exists, to appraise its utility for own objectives and, therefore, to decide to purchase it or less. Within the CARTODATA subproject the utility to realize and to individualize a methodology of job for the metadatum dresses again, perhaps, a greater importance because, treating of experimental procedures in European context, the possibility of interchange of information on the data is more main of the data. The metadatum, so that does useful, have to contain at least the following information "what thing is there?", "when did it born?", "where is located it? "(geographical location), "Who is the owner of it?", "As has it done? "(form of the datum). The existence of these fundamental information allows, once the metadata is public, to search to know, for instance, the territorial data that own region and regarding to the territory of competence. Pagina 6 Meeting CARTODATA VALBONNE SOPHIA ANTIPOLIS – 27TH FEBRUARY – 1ST MARCH 2007 University of Molise Metadata and geographical systems of reference A metadatum can contain the information that are manifold and are tied up to the detail of the datum to which it refers. For instance with the metadata you can describe, with maximum level of detail, the most the single records of the in partnership database to the cartography or, with minimum detail, you can describe the general cartographic product (for instance the CTR Technical Regional Map of Molise - see chart 1). The intermediary detail, that we have used in the CARTODATA subproject and that is the most diffused kind, foresees the description of the own elaboration that compose a project (for instance the single sheet of the CTR - you see chart 2). Within the present job we have followed the standard ISO19115 regarding the criterions of creation of the metadata for the datasets. The choice of this standard, rather than of that American FGDC, has been determined by the consideration that the greatest part of the Italian and European local authorities are reporting to it. The information that we have used for the creation of the metadatum represent the Core Metadata or the necessary least data. The informations that are in the metadata can be divided according to the following groupings: 1. Information on the whole metadata 2. Information of identification of the data 3. Information on the ties of the data 4. Information on the spatial representation 5. Information on the management 6. Information on the quality of the data 7. Information on the system of reference 8. Information on the distribution 9. Information on the extension of the data 10. Information of responsibility The first two groups contain the information related to the identification of the metadatum (who has created him?, when?, what standard with?) and to the data type in partnership with it. The information on the ties contain the limitations for using for legal reasons or for intrinsic reasons for the datum (for instance an elaborate product in scale 1:250.000 won't be fit for elaborations in scale of detail). The information on the spatial representation have to be compiled only for images and DTM. For system of reference we intend the name of the system of reference (eventually also the parameters of the Datum, etc.). The information on the quality of dataset is very important for describing the process of realization of the datum and its accuracy. The refresh rate of the datum is described in the group information on the management. If an organization precede to the distribution of the datum exists, it has to point out in the information on the distribution. Through the indication of the maximum and least coordinates the information of extension can be individualized. That concerns the responsibilities of the datum and the metadatum associated it has be pointed out finally, in the section of the information on the responsibility. In the page that follows, you can see a chart of dataset presents in the metadatum set within the CARTODATA subproject, according to the standard ISO19115. In bold are written the compulsory while in cursive are written the optional fields; in normal characters are written the conditional fields or those necessary for some types of datum. Pagina 7 Meeting CARTODATA VALBONNE SOPHIA ANTIPOLIS – 27TH FEBRUARY – 1ST MARCH 2007 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Information on the whole the metadata Identifier of the file of metadata Language of the metadata Set of the characters of the metadata Identifier metadata of superior rank Hierarchical level Name of the corporate body Role Contact Information to contact the corporate body Date of the metadata Name of the Standard of the metadata Version of the Standard of the metadata Limitation of use of the metadata Ties of access of the metadata Ties of user of the metadata Other ties on the metadata Information of identification of the data Title Date Date Type dates Name of the corporate body Role Responsible of the data Information to contact the corporate body 12 Data type Other details Description 13 Key words 14 Point of contact 15 Type of spatial representation 16 Spatial resolution of the data 17 18 19 Language of the data Set of characters of the data Theme Geographical location of the data 20 Vertical extension 21 22 University of Molise Metadata and geographical systems of reference Key word Thesaurus Name of the corporate body Role Information to contact the corporate body Site web Telephone Site web Telephone Site web Telephone It climbs equivalent Distance westBoundLongitude eastBoundLongitude southBoundLatitude northBoundLatitude It rates min It rates max Unity of measure Vertical Datum Additional information Graphic example Pagina 8 Meeting CARTODATA VALBONNE SOPHIA ANTIPOLIS – 27TH FEBRUARY – 1ST MARCH 2007 University of Molise Metadata and geographical systems of reference Information on the ties of the data 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 Limitation of use of the data Ties of access of the data Ties of fruibilità of the data Other ties on the data Information on the quality of the data Level of quality Quality of the data (positional accuracy) Unity of measure Value Information on the origin and on the process of production of the data Genealogy of the datum Process of production Information on the system of reference System of spatial reference Information on the distribution Formed name Formed of distribution Version formed Name of the corporate body Role Distributor Information to contact the corporate body Site web Telephone OPERATIVE CHOICES From a purely operational point of view you have to consider that there are two possibilities at least for the realization of metadatum and its following diffusion. The corporate body of standardization advise to realize a database with the information of the metadatum in how much it is tied up to a datum, often dynamic. An other way foresees to use the same software GIS used for the realization of the SIT. The realization of the database is surely more elastic because it has been built ad hoc and it would allow to implement information that the standard doesn't foresee (however it couldn’t be used for the concept of interoperability, because out of standard) but held profits to the goals of the project. Another advantage would be represented from the use and possible insertion to whom knows few the software GIS and therefore to accelerate its realization. The disadvantage of this approach is tied up to the realization of a software that manages the database and to the realization of the same database; this requires a specific knowledge of planning that is out of the objectives of CARTODATA subproject. The advantage of the use of the software GIS is really due to the uniformity of the card of insertion and the structure of the relative report. In the specific case of the project CARTODATA the selected GIS (ESRI) can allow to work according to the same standard with the instructions that the same software proposes in the different language. A further advantage, not negligible, is in the possibility to have immediately enjoyable the tool for the creation of the metadatum; accordingly the metadatum would directly be realized, in phase of creation of the dataset, from who knows well the contents of it. Also in this case a disadvantage exists, tied up to the use of the software. The metadatum cannot be realized by people that don't have at least an average knowledge of the software. Pagina 9 Meeting CARTODATA VALBONNE SOPHIA ANTIPOLIS – 27TH FEBRUARY – 1ST MARCH 2007 University of Molise Metadata and geographical systems of reference Within the CARTODATA subproject we thought to use the second methodology for several reasons related to the available time and to a fit use of the resources human employees. The possibility to make to automatically adjourn the metadatum from the software (in the limits of the information automatically updatable) represents a further aspect for the choice of the release 9.1 of ArcView GIS. Further element for ArcView GIS is the possibility of export of the metadata in the formats HTML and XML. The alternative solution would have been the production of report in formed HTML, XMLo PDF by a specific creation of the metadata software. Pagina 10 Meeting CARTODATA VALBONNE SOPHIA ANTIPOLIS – 27TH FEBRUARY – 1ST MARCH 2007 University of Molise Metadata and geographical systems of reference Chart 1 - metadatum CTR ELEMENT CORE ITALIA Information on the metadata 1 Identifier of the file of metadata 2 Language of the metadata 3 Set of the characters of the metadata 4 Identifier metadata of superior rank 5 Hierarchical level Name of the corporate body 6 Contact Role Information to contact the corporate body site Responsible of the data Date Type dates Name of the corporate body Role Information to contact the site corporate body Data type Other details 12 Description 13 Key words 14 Key word Thesaurus Name of the corporate body Role Information to contact the corporate body Spatial resolution of the data Language of the data Set of characters of the data 19 Theme 20 Geographical location of the data Molise Region Technical Map, 1990 1990-01-01 Creation Regional Region Molise Owner Papery map (mapHardcopy) Point of contact 16 17 18 Molise Region - Urbanism and Cartography Service - Cartographic Office and Territorial Information 2006-09-23 ISO 19115 (An ENs ISO 19115) 2003 Title 11 RM_CTR1990 It Utf8 RM_CTR1990 Series Owner 7 Date of the metadata 8 Name of the Standard of the metadata 9 Version of the Standard of the metadata Information of identification of the dataset Date Example Regional Technical Map to the scale 1:5.000 of the Molise Region Territory Earth 2005 Region Molise - Service Urbanism and Cartography - Cartographic Office and Territorial Information Point of contact site westBoundLongitude eastBoundLongitude southBoundLatitude 5.000 It Utf8 Maps of base (imageryBaseMapEarthCover) - you coordinate bounding playpen - Pagina 11 Meeting CARTODATA VALBONNE SOPHIA ANTIPOLIS – 27TH FEBRUARY – 1ST MARCH 2007 University of Molise Metadata and geographical systems of reference northBoundLatitude It rates min Vertical extension It rates max 0 2000 Unity of measure meters Vertical reference Net Altimetrica Nazionale 21 Additional information 22 Graphic example Information on the ties of the data 23 Don't use the resource for geodetic applications Gives public License Limitation of use 24 Ties of access 25 Ties of fruibilità 26 Other ties Information on the quality of the data 27 Level of quality Quality of the data (positional accuracy) 28 Unity of measure Value Information on the origin and on the process of production of the data Genealogy of the datum Process of 29 production Information on the system of reference 30 System of spatial reference Information on the distribution Formed name Formed of distribution 31 Version formed Name of the corporate body 32 Distributor Role Information to contact the corporate body Series Meters 50 + / - 20 Regional Technical Map derived by aerial photogrammetry ROMA40/OVEST Not applicable Not applicable Molise Region - Urbanism and Cartography Service - Cartographic Office and Territorial Information Distributor site Pagina 12 Meeting CARTODATA VALBONNE SOPHIA ANTIPOLIS – 27TH FEBRUARY – 1ST MARCH 2007 University of Molise Metadata and geographical systems of reference Chart 2 - metadatum element CTR ELEMENT CORE ITALIA Information on the metadata 1 Identifier of the file of metadata 2 Language of the metadata 3 Set of the characters of the metadata 4 Identifier metadata of superior rank 5 Hierarchical level Example RM_CTR1990-F381011 Inherited by RM_CTR1990 Inherited by RM_CTR1990 RM_CTR1990 Dataset Name of the corporate body 6 Contact Role Information to contact the corporate body Inherited by RM_CTR1990 site 7 Date of the metadata 8 Name of the Standard of the metadata 9 Version of the Standard of the metadata Information of identification of the data Date Type dates Name of the corporate body 11 Responsible of the data Role Information to contact the corporate body Description 13 Key words 14 Point of contact site Key word Thesaurus Name of the corporate body Role Information to contact the corporate body 16 17 18 19 Spatial resolution of the data Language of the data Set of characters of the data Theme Region Molise - Regional Technical Paper, 1990 Sheet 381011 1990-01-01 Creation Inherited by RM_CTR1990 Inherited by RM_CTR1990 Data type Other details 12 Inherited by RM_CTR1990 2006-09-28 Inherited by RM_CTR1990 Inherited by RM_CTR1990 Title Date Inherited by RM_CTR1990 Inherited da RM_CTR1990 Inherited by RM_CTR1990 Inherited by RM_CTR1990 Lottery 1 of the Regional Technical Paper to the scale 1:5000 of the Molise Region Inherited by RM_CTR1990 Inherited by RM_CTR1990 Inherited by RM_CTR1990 Inherited by RM_CTR1990 site Inherited da RM_CTR1990 Inherited by RM_CTR1990 Inherited by RM_CTR1990 Inherited by RM_CTR1990 Inherited by RM_CTR1990 Pagina 13 Meeting CARTODATA VALBONNE SOPHIA ANTIPOLIS – 27TH FEBRUARY – 1ST MARCH 2007 Geographical location of the data University of Molise Metadata and geographical systems of reference westBoundLongitude eastBoundLongitude southBoundLatitude northBoundLatitude It rates min 20 Vertical extension It rates max Inherited by RM_CTR1990 Vertical reference Inherited by RM_CTR1990 21 Additional information 22 Graphic example Information on the ties of the data 23 Limitation of use 24 Ties of access 25 Ties of fruibilità 26 Other ties Information on the quality of the data 27 Level of quality Quality of the data (positional accuracy) 28 Inherited by RM_CTR1990 Inherited by RM_CTR1990 Inherited by RM_CTR1990 Unity of measure Value Information on the origin and on the process of production of the data Genealogy of the datum Process of 29 production 32 0 450 Unity of measure Information on the system of reference 30 System of spatial reference Information on the distribution Formed of distribution 31 - you coordinate bounding playpen - You dated Meters 50 + / - 20 Sheet 381011 of the regional technical Map derived by aerial photogrammetry, performed from Inherited by RM_CTR1990 Formed name Version formed Name of the corporate body Distributor Role Information to contact the corporate body Inherited by RM_CTR1990 Inherited by RM_CTR1990 Inherited by RM_CTR1990 Inherited by RM_CTR1990 site Inherited da RM_CTR1990 NORMATIVE REFERENCES • ISO 19115:2003, Geographic Information - Metadata • EN ISO 19115:2005, Geographic Information - Metadata • An ENs ISO 19115:2005, Geographic Information - Metadata Pagina 14 Meeting CARTODATA VALBONNE SOPHIA ANTIPOLIS – 27TH FEBRUARY – 1ST MARCH 2007 University of Molise Metadata and geographical systems of reference • CEN TC287, Geographic information European core metadata for discovery Working document - December 2005 • ISO/DIS 19118 4 Geographic Information Encoding 2002 • ISO/DTS 19139 Geographic Information Metadata XML Scheme Implementation 2005 • W3C XML, Extensible Markup Language Recommendation f February 4 th 2004 • Decree Legislative 7 March 2005, n. 82 Code of the administration Digital and following modifications and integrations. (XML) 1.0 (third edition), W3C Pagina 15 Meeting CARTODATA VALBONNE SOPHIA ANTIPOLIS – 27TH FEBRUARY – 1ST MARCH 2007 University of Molise Metadata and geographical systems of reference CONVERSION OF THE COORDINATES For convention the datum is defined as the whole parameters that individualize the system of geodetic reference, characterized by the ellipsoid of rotation and by its position. The ellipsoid is mathematically a representable surface, directed in such motion by approximate to the best the geoid (equalpotential surface of the gravitational field passing for the middle level of the seas) in a point, motto point of emanation, select, generally, in the central part of the zone to be represented. The procedure that brings to the orientation of the ellipsoid in the point of emanation can be synthesized through the following phases: determination of the geographical coordinates of the point of emanation (you determine through astronomic procedures) and determination of the direction of the celestial or astronomic meridian. In the practice the definition of datum is tied up to a series of points materialized on the terrestrial surface, to which determined values of the coordinates are attributed (such operation constitutes the so-called realization of the datum). To every geodetic datum, therefore, a geodetic net is associated, tightly consequential from a datum group of measures and from the relative calculation of compensation that, through the coordinates of its vertexes, it defines and it materializes the datum up to notable distances from the point of emanation. Generally every Country is endowed with at least a proper geodetic datum, whose definition stays valid for a lot of time. In Italy at least three different systems of reference coexist because the historical evolution of the geodetic nets and the cartography (without considering the cadastral system that represents one of them further). The first system, following a chronological order, it goes up again to 1940 and has been defined as it systematizes geodetic national "Roma40." It is currently the system of Italian official reference, whose ellipsoid, says International or Hayford, is directed to Mt. Mario (in Rome). For the determination of the geographical coordinates, the values of longitude are calculated beginning from the passing meridian for Mt. Mario, while those of longitude beginning from the equator. There isn’t a materialized geodetic net in partnership to this system of reference, because a new compensation was not effected, but simply a "transport" of the vertexes of the fundamental geodetic net of 1° order; such points maintained, in the new system, all of their inaccuracies and not homogeneity Then were performed, with modern calculation methods, partial compensations of some blocks. The second datum has been elaborated in 1950, using as surface of reference the International ellipsoid of Hayford, having however middle orientation on a series of European observatories. This datum, of European value, it is known with the acronym of ED50 (European Datum 1950) and the coordinates of longitude are calculated beginning from the meridian in Greenwich, while the values of latitude are always measured from the equator. The net in partnership drift from a selection of chains of triangles drawn by the nets of the single states, compensates in block to European level (Fig.1). Finally, in the last decades, with the advent of the satellite positioning, a datum of world value has been defined, the WGS84 (World Geodetic System) used by GPS (Global Positioning System). Unlike the first two systems this uses a very different ellipsoid from the precedents, also it defined WGS84, with orientation ellipsoid central, that is the center of the coincident ellipsoid with Pagina 16 Meeting CARTODATA VALBONNE SOPHIA ANTIPOLIS – 27TH FEBRUARY – 1ST MARCH 2007 University of Molise Metadata and geographical systems of reference the center of terrestrial mass and the axis of coincident rotation with the axis of terrestrial rotation calculated in 1984. Also in the case of the global data, the concrete definition of the system of reference passes through points materialized on the ground, of which the coordinates are established. Also in this case, therefore, to the datum it is in partnership a geodetic net: it deals with international nets, increased then to national level. In Italy, the geodetic net that realizes the datum WGS84 is the net IGM95 (Fig.2), determined by the Military Geographical institute with measures GPS performed around halves the years' 90. Such net constitutes an increasing of the European net EUREF (what in turn part of the world net is IGS) based on the European datum ETRS89, in agreement with the European continental base and practically coincident with the WGS84. They exist then, to local level, realized nets or in progress of realization from various Corporate body (Regions, Inventory, Provinces, etc.) what increases subsequently the IGM95 net. In Molise such net has been realized by the Region in 2004. In the last years they have begun working besides in Italy numerous permanent stations GPS/GNSS, for a lot of which the coordinates are been calculated WGS84 through connections to the net IGM95. With these progressive increases, the system WGS84 is materialized on the territory and it practically becomes accessible to all the technical consumers. Fig. 1 - compensation ED50 Pagina 17 Meeting CARTODATA VALBONNE SOPHIA ANTIPOLIS – 27TH FEBRUARY – 1ST MARCH 2007 University of Molise Metadata and geographical systems of reference Stazione permanente fondamentali VLBI, SRL, GPS Punti EUREF occupati nel ‘89 Fig.2 - Net IGM95 Once defined the geodetic datum in which he operates, the procedure that allows the passage from the curved surface of the earth that plain happens through a methodology note as geographical projections. The coordinates drawn on the plan are said Cartesian coordinates and they result of extremely easy to use. However a twice correspondence exists among the points of the ellipsoid and the plan of the paper that it allows to go up again to the position of a point on the ellipsoid, it notices its cartographic position, therefore the cartographic plain coordinates are entirely in practice equivalent to the geographical coordinates ((, (). In Italy three types of plain coordinates or kilometric are used on primarily the three geodetic data previously described: • Gauss-Boaga Roma40 • UTM - ED50 • UTM - WGS84 In Italy, and accordingly in Molise, the cartographic coordinates more used for defining the plane positions in the surveys, in the aerial photo elaboration, in the earth relief with traditional topographical techniques or GPS they are the coordinates Gauss-Boaga (N, W). In the system of reference Gauss-Boaga Italy is divided, from the passing meridian for Mountain Mario (Rome), in two fused (East and West) with ampleness of 6°. The fused two central meridians are respectively set to 9 and 15° by the fundamental meridian in Greenwich. To the purpose to avoid the use of negative numbers for the abscissas of the points set to West of the respective fundamental meridians, resorts to the fictitious move of the origin of the abscissas founding one "false origin." Particularly, for convention to the origin the value of 1500000 is assigned in the fused West and 2520000 in the fused East. Pagina 18 Meeting CARTODATA VALBONNE SOPHIA ANTIPOLIS – 27TH FEBRUARY – 1ST MARCH 2007 University of Molise Metadata and geographical systems of reference Also in the realization of the project SITRA one of the most onerous problems, both from the economic point of view and working, it is connected with the transformation of the coordinates (and therefore of the thematic cartographies) from a system of reference to another. Particularly the problem that is set there it concerns the necessity to keep on maintaining the full compatibility and the maximum possible precision with some GISs you activate to level of territorial Corporate body (Region, Province, Common) starting, contemporarily, a trial allows to progressively migrate toward more recent systems of reference and "European", or toward the WGS84. The existing GISs in Molise all have been realized using as datum the system of national geodetic reference (Roma40), and as system of plain coordinates that of Gauss-Boaga. From this the choice to maintain such datum as reference for the cartographies of base and job to be inserted in the SITRA. In the same time, however, they were thought to create some certified procedures of conversion to define new cartographies in the system of European reference for excellence or the WGS84. In commerce numerous softwares that allow the transformation of the coordinates GaussBoaga coordinates WGS84 exist and vice versa, but with evident approximations above all when you effect on jobs performed to regional or local scale. To today an only structure able exists to certify the conversions through a series of "grigliati" that they bring, stings for point, the differences of latitude and longitude among reported points to the datum Roma40 and reported points to the datum WGS84. Such structure, denominated IGMI (Institute Geographical Military Italian), it is also owner of the net IGM95 and, therefore, of the materialization of the points reported to the ellipsoid 1984 ellypsoidic central. Such procedure, that realizes him through a realized software really from the IGMI, it allows the conversion of the coordinates of geographical elements excluding the introduction of coarse errors. The grid allow to transform the coordinates of any point on the national territory guaranteeing the declared and certified precisions (wanting) from the Military Geographical institute. The grids are defined and referred in the system Roma40 with express geographical coordinates in degrees (you furnish to the 1/10000 of second, correspondent to around 3 mms); the Pagina 19 Meeting CARTODATA VALBONNE SOPHIA ANTIPOLIS – 27TH FEBRUARY – 1ST MARCH 2007 University of Molise Metadata and geographical systems of reference points prepare him so that to draw an almost square sweater that covers the whole national territory with distance of 5' in latitude and 7'30 '' in longitude. Knowing the positions of the points of the two grids is possible to calculate the parameters of transformation for every point of which is wanted to define the conversion. The use of the IGMI’s grids implicates the purchase of the necessary software to effect the interpolation of the points; only in such way it is possible to guarantee analytical correctness in the transformations (for which the introduced error is respectable) and uniformity. The software, denominated VERTO, allows to perform the conversion of express positions in geographical and Pagina 20 Meeting CARTODATA VALBONNE SOPHIA ANTIPOLIS – 27TH FEBRUARY – 1ST MARCH 2007 University of Molise Metadata and geographical systems of reference cartographic coordinates among the Geodetic Systems of Reference used today more commonly in Italy (Roma40, ED50 and WGS84). Once completed the SITRA, we will start the procedures of conversion of the coordinates that will allow to use the bases of data in both the systems of reference: Gauss-Boaga, to be able to keep on maintaining an homogeneous cartography for representation on the whole regional territory; WGS84 to be able to open the Territorial Informative System for the Environmental Risks to European contexts as foreseen by the project NOE.' Pagina 21