lab safety agreement

Clark College Chemistry Department
All students must be aware that potential hazards exist in the chemical lab. To assure that your experience
here is pleasant and productive, the following safety points need to be kept in mind (as well as others
presented in lab specific to certain lab exercises).
1. Know the exact location and operation of the following safety equipment found in this lab: fire
extinguishers, fire blanket, telephone, safety shower and eye wash fountain. To call for help on the
phone, call security at x2133. For extreme circumstances, dial 911, Clark College Science Complex
Room 119-121, 1933 Fort Vancouver Way; and then call campus security at x2133.
2. You MUST WEAR APPROVED EYE PROTECTION whenever you are in THE LAB! Only
indirectly vented goggles are approved for use (no glasses). Prescription glasses worn for correction
are not sufficient. Contact lenses are not recommended in lab. Failure to properly wear eye
protection will result in removal from the lab. Use the eyewash fountain should your eyes or face
come in contact with chemicals.
3. Wear appropriate attire at all times in the lab. No sandals/open-toed shoes, no high heels, no ballet
flats, Shoes must cover entire top of foot. No shorts, no tank tops, no bare midriffs. No tight
fitting clothing (no tights or leggings or jeggings). Avoid synthetic fabrics. Tie long hair back if
needed. An apron can be provided on a limited (not regular) basis. Old clothes are suggested. If you
would like to wear a lab coat on a regular basis, one can be purchased at the Clark College bookstore.
4. When working in the lab be alert of your surroundings at all times. No personal electronic devices
may be used at any time! This includes cell phones, PDAs, iPods, mp3 or other music players,
laptop computers and digital cameras. If you must leave the lab to answer a phone call, secure your
experiment first and notify your lab partner you will be outside. No texting!
5. No smoking, eating, or drinking in lab. No open containers of food or drink inside the lab. Gumchewing is not permitted in the lab.
6. If you have any health concerns (e.g. pregnancy, allergies, colorblindness, fainting spells, seizures,
etc.) that may affect your safety in lab, please contact your instructor or Health Services at 360-9922264 for assistance. All information will be kept confidential.
7. If any accident occurs, no matter how minor, immediately notify the lab instructor. When in doubt
about any situation, ask the lab instructor.
8. Do not allow chemicals to contact your skin. Use gloves when directed by the lab procedure or lab
instructor. Wash your hands every time you handle chemicals and before leaving the laboratory.
9. If a chemical makes contact with your skin or eyes, flush with water immediately and notify the lab
instructor. Use plenty of water from the lab sink or eyewash fountain. If a large area is contaminated,
get to a safety shower, disrobe and USE IT!
10. If any chemical or substance is spilled, notify your instructor and obtain instructions for proper clean
up. Some treatments are kept in the lab: sodium bicarbonate or lime water for acids, 2% sodium
thiosulfate for bromine, boric acid for bases, and 1% bromine for phenol.
11. Read all directions for each experiment prior to coming to lab. Pay attention to written or verbal
instructions from the lab instructor and any demonstrations given in lab. Ask questions to clarify any
confusion. Note all precautions.
12. You must check with the instructor before making any changes in laboratory procedure, chemicals
used, and quantities. NO UNAUTHORIZED EXPERIMENTS! If you perform the experiment in a
way different than instructions you could be asked to leave lab and receive a zero on that experiment.
Lab Safety Rules and Agreement, Chem 121 & 131
Revised W11 SB
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Lab Rules and Regulations, Cont’d
13. Read all labels on chemical containers before using the contents. Pour chemicals from the stock
bottles into a beaker or other small container for use. To avoid cross contamination, you should never
return unused chemicals to the stock bottles. If you take too much, share it with your neighbor or put it
in the waste collection bottle.
14. Do not hoard equipment or chemical reagents. Do not take equipment from other lab drawers and
leave it out. Return all equipment/glassware to their source clean and in good condition.
15. Never taste any chemicals, and avoid direct inhalation. Keep lids on chemicals and waste. Many
chemicals are highly toxic. If you are instructed to smell a chemical, use your open hand in a back and
forth motion above the opening of the container to waft the vapors towards your nose.
16. When diluting an acid, always add the acid to the water. Adding water to acid may cause rapid heat
build up and cause the acid to splash out of the container.
17. Use the fume hood when directed by the experiment or the lab instructor. Make sure the fume hood is
on before you mix chemicals inside it. To use a fume hood correctly, place your equipment inside at
least six inches from the front of the hood. Pull the hood sash down as low as possible to allow you to
work safely inside the hood. During gas evolution, carefully close the sash completely. If you need
help please speak with a lab instructor.
18. Dispose of all solids, solutions, and solvents in the properly designated waste containers located in a
fume hood. Paper (includes filter paper, pH paper, and paper towels) and gloves can be disposed of in
garbage cans throughout the lab. Keep paper out of the sinks to avoid clogging the drains. If you
make a mistake and dispose of waste in the wrong location, notify the instructor immediately.
19. Glass tubing and thermometers are fragile and can break easily. Obtain complete instructions from the
lab instructor prior to working with each to avoid injuries.
20. Avoid touching hot objects, and handle carefully. Keep hair and clothing away from open flames.
Remember – hot glass looks the same as cold glass!
21. When heating a substance in a test tube, point the opening away from yourself and others in case
contents spray out of tube. Do not directly heat the base of a test tube in a flame.
22. Use a water bath or heating mantle to heat volatile and flammable liquids. Never use flames or burners
and work inside a hood when necessary.
23. Understand all potential hazards of the chemicals used in lab before beginning the experiment.
Consult Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) in SCI 119, 120, 121, and 128 for further information.
24. Finally, keep the lab clean! Notify an instructor any time any chemicals are spilled, no matter the
chemical or how small. Follow directions from instructor on clean-up. Return your equipment to its
proper location before you leave the lab. Keep the balance area clean – use the small brooms and
dustpans to sweep up any spilled solids for disposal in the lab trash cans.
Signed _________________________________________
Print Name _____________________________________
If you have any concerns about your health or safety relating to a medical issue, please contact Rebecca
Wale, Environmental Health Manager for Clark College, at or 360-992-2251.
Lab Safety Rules and Agreement, Chem 121 & 131
Revised W11 SB
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