Dr Jamali Publications in English Journal Papers: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] A. T. Johns, S. Jamali, “Accurate fault location technique for power transmission lines”, Proc. IEE, Pt. C, 137, (6), Nov. 1990. S. Jamali, K. Bahari, A. Akhavan, “Assessing recursive solution of the variable window algorithm for digital distance protection”, Iran University of Science & Tech, International Journal of Engineering Science, Vol. 11, No. 5, 2000. S. Jamali, “Power transmission in 2020-Prospective on future power transmission”, the 1st prize winner of the ABB Brain Power Competition, ABB Transmission Conference, 3-6 September 2002, Interlaken, Switzerland. S. Jamali, A. Rafiei, “Optimal Application and Coordination of Over-current Protective Devices in Overhead Distribution Networks”, Iran University of Science & Technology, International Journal of Engineering Science, Vol. 15, No.4, 2004. F. Namdari, S. Jamali, P. A. Crossley, “Power Differential Based Wide-Area Protection”, Iranian Journal of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, vol. 1, no, 3, July 2005. F. Namdari, S. Jamali, P. A. Crossley, “Differential Protection of Busbars and Transmission Lines Based on the Energy Conservation Law for Wide Area Protection", Journal of Automation of Electric Power Systems, Vol. 31, No. 3, Feb. 10, 2007. F. Namdari, S. Jamali, P. A. Crossley, “Power Differential Based Wide-Area Protection”, Journal of Electric Power Systems Research, Elsevier, In print. Conference Papers: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] A. T. Johns, S. Jamali, S. Haden, “New accurate transmission line fault location equipment”, in Proc. IEE 4th International Conference on Development in Power System Protection, DPSD'89, at the University of Edinburgh, 11-13 April 1989, IEE Conference Publication No. 302. S. Jamali, A. T. Johns, “A very accurate fault location for transmission lines”, in Proc. 24th Universities Power Engineering Conference, UPEC'89, at Queen's University of Belfast, 19-21 September 1989, Belfast, Northern Ireland. S. Jamali, K. Bahari, “An adaptive relay setting for the improvement of distance protection performance”, in Proc. 2nd International Power Engineering Conference, IPEC'97, at Nanyang Technological University, 22-24 May 1997, Singapore. S. Jamali, M. Radji-Kermani, “A digital compensating technique for the saturation of protective current transformers”, in Proc. 32nd Universities Power Engineering Conference, UPEC'97, 10-12 September 1997, UMIST, Manchester, England. S. Jamali, K. Bahari, “A new adaptive distance protection”, in Proc. 32nd Universities Power Engineering Conference, UPEC'97, 10-12 September 1997, UMIST, Manchester, England. M. Radji-Kermani, S. Jamali, “A digital compensation technique and its hardware implementation for the saturation of current transformers”, in Proc. 12th International Power System Conference, 3-5 November 1997, Tehran, Iran. 1 [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [20] S. Jamali, K. Bahari, “Improved digital distance protection performance by using adaptive techniques”, in Proc. 33rd Universities Power Engineering Conference, UPEC'98, 8-10 September 1998, Napier University, Edinburgh, UK. K. Bahari, S. Jamali, “A parallel processing algorithm for transient stability analysis based on energy function method”, in Proc. 33rd Universities Power Engineering Conference, UPEC'98, 8-10 September 1998, Napier University, Edinburgh, UK. S. Jamali, A. Akhavan-Safa, “A software development for on-line distance protection settings in a power system”, in Proc. 35th Universities Power Engineering Conference, UPEC'2000, 6-8 Sep 2000, Queen's University of Belfast, Northern Ireland. S. Jamali, R. Sharifi, “Best method algorithm for maximum line loading for power swing blocking in distance protection”, in Proc. 35th Universities Power Engineering Conference, UPEC'2000, 6-8 September 2000, Queen's University of Belfast, Northern Ireland. S. Jamali, “A fast adaptive distance protection”, in Proc. IEE 7th International Conference on Development in Power System Protection, DPSP'2001, RAI Amsterdam, 9-12 April 2001, IEE Conference Publication No. 479. S. Jamali, M. Honarmand, “A hybrid fault location technique for distribution systems”, in Proc. 36th Universities Power Engineering Conference, UPEC'2001, 12-14 September 2001, University of Wales Swansea, United Kingdom. S. Jamali, A. Rafiei, “An algorithm for optimum use of reclosers and suitable setting for overcurrent devices in distribution systems”, in Proc. 36th Universities Power Engineering Conference, UPEC'2001, 12-14 September 2001, University of Wales Swansea, United Kingdom. S. Jamali, M. Ommi, “Load flow method for distributions networks by using node identification technique”, in Proc. 37th Universities Power Engineering Conference, UPEC'2002, 9-11 September 2002, University of Stafford, United Kingdom. S. Jamali, A. Rafiei, “A software development for protection design of distribution systems”, in Proc. 37th Universities Power Engineering Conference, UPEC'2002, 9-11 September 2002, University of Stafford, United Kingdom. S. Jamali, F. Namdari, “ANN-based maximum monthly load forecasting for HV substations”, in Proc. 3rd Mediterranean Conference and Exhibition on Power Generation, Transmission, Distribution and Energy Conversion, 4-6 November 2002, Greece. S. Jamali, A. Rafiei, “Overcurrent protection design of distribution networks”, in Proc. 3rd Mediterranean Conference and Exhibition on Power Generation, Transmission, Distribution and Energy Conversion, 4-6 November 2002, Athens, Greece. S. Jamali, H. Shateri, “Effect of TCPST on distance relay tripping characteristic”, in Proc. 38th International Universities Power Engineering Conference, UPEC'2003, 1-3 September 2003, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece. S. Jamali, S. A. Mousavi, “A converter based approach to protection of shunt capacitors against harmonic currents in power distribution systems”, in Proc. 38th International Universities Power Engineering Conference, UPEC'2003, 1-3 September 2003, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, Greece. S. Jamali, A. Ghezeljeh, “Fault location on transmission line using high frequency travelling waves”, in Proc. International Power System Transients Conference, 28 September-2 October 2003, New Orleans, USA. 2 [21] S. Jamali, H. Shateri, “A new direct load flow method for distribution systems with limited load information”, in Proc. 18th International Power Systems Conference, PSC'2003, 18-20 October 2003, Tehran, Iran. [22] S. A. Mousavi, A. R. Jalilian, S. Jamali, “Voltage regulation and harmonic isolation in imbalance power distribution systems by shunt hybrid filter”, in Proc. 18th International Power Systems Conference, 18-20 October 2003, Tehran, Iran. [23] S. Jamali, H. Shateri, “Optimal application and site location of sectionlisers in overhead distribution networks”, in Proc. IEE 8th International Conference on Development in Power System Protection, DPSP'2004, RAI Amsterdam, 5-8 April 2004. [24] S. Jamali, V. Talavat, “Fault location method for distribution networks using distributed parameter line model", in Proc. IEE 8th International Conference on Development in Power System Protection, DPSP'2004, RAI Amsterdam, 5-8 April 2004. [25] S. Jamali, A. Ghezeljeh, “Fault location on transmission line using high frequency travelling waves”, in Proc. IEE 8th International Conference on Development in Power System Protection, DPSP'2004, RAI Amsterdam, 5-8 April 2004. [26] S. Jamali, H. Shateri, “Robustness of distance relay with Mho characteristic against fault resistance”, in Proc. 39th International Universities Power Engineering Conference, UPEC'2004, 6-8 September 2004, University of the West of England, UK. [27] S. Jamali, M. Pourtandorost, “New approach to coordination of second zone of distance relay using linear programming method”, in Proc. 39th International Universities Power Engineering Conference, UPEC'2004, 6-8 September 2004, University of the West of England, UK. [28] S. Jamali, H. Shateri, “Effect of UPFC on distance relay ideal characteristic”, in Proc. 39th International Universities Power Engineering Conference, UPEC'2004, 6-8 September 2004, University of the West of England, UK. [29] S. Jamali, S. A. Mousavi, “Fuzzy logic based direct current control of shunt active filter”, in Proc. 39th International Universities Power Engineering Conference, UPEC'2004, 6-8 September 2004, University of the West of England, UK. [30] F. Namdari, S. Jamali, and P. A. Crossley “Differential protection of transmission lines using real power signals”, in Proc. International Conference on Advanced Power System Automation and Protection, APAP'2004, 25-28 October 2004, South Korea. [31] S. Jamali, H. Shateri, “A branch-based method to break-point determination for coordination of over-current and distance relays”, in Proc. IEEE PowerCon 2004, 21-24 November 2004, Pan-Pacific, Singapore. [32] S. Jamali, H. Shateri, “Robustness of distance relay with Mho characteristic against fault resistance”, in Proc. IEEE PowerCon 2004, 21-24 November 2004, Singapore. [33] S. Jamali, V. Talavat, “A novel iterative approach for fault location in radial cable distribution systems”, in Proc. 13th Iranian Conference on Electricity Engineering, ICEE 2005, Zanjan, Iran, 10-12 May 2005. [34] S. Jamali, H. Shateri, “Optimal application of reclosers and sectionalisers to reduce non-distributed energy in distribution networks non-distributed energy in distribution networks”, in Proc. 18th International Conference on Electricity Distribution, CIRED'2005, Turin, Italy, 6-9 June 2005, Session 3. 3 [35] S. Jamali, H. Shateri, “Some trouble-making aspects of load flow analysis in distribution systems and their solutions”, in Proc. 18th International Conference on Electricity Distribution, CIRED'2005, Turin, Italy, 6-9 June 2005, Session 5. [36] S. Jamali, H. Shateri, “Robustness of distance relay with quadrilateral characteristic against fault resistance”, in Proc. IEEE/PES T & D Conference & Exhibition 2005: Asia Pacific, IEEE/PES T&D 2005AP, Dalian, China, 14-18 August 2005. [37] A. Kazemi, S. Jamali, H. Shateri, “Effects of STATCOM on distance relay tripping characteristic”, in Proc. IEEE/PES T & D Conference & Exhibition 2005: Asia Pacific, IEEE/PES T&D 2005AP, Dalian, China, 14-18 August 2005. [38] S. Jamali, H. shateri, “Optimal siting of recloser and sectionalizers to reduce nondistributed energy”, in Proc. IEEE/PES T & D Conference & Exhibition 2005: Asia Pacific, IEEE/PES T&D 2005AP, Dalian, China, 14-18 August 2005. [39] F. Namdari, S. Jamali, P.A. Crossley, “Wide area protection to prevent blackouts”, in Proc. 40th International University Power Engineering Conference, UPEC'2005, Cork, Ireland, 7-9 September 2005. [40] F. Namdari, S. Jamali, P.A. Crossley, “A new logic for wide area protection”, in Proc. 40th International University Power Engineering Conference, UPEC'2005, Cork, Ireland, 7-9 September 2005. [41] S. Jamali, H. Shateri, “Effect of TCSC on measured impedance of distance relay in double-circuit lines”, in Proc. 40th International University Power Engineering Conference, UPEC'2005, Cork, Ireland, 7-9 September 2005. [42] S. Jamali, H. Shateri, “Effect of UPFC on measured impedance of distance relay”, in Proc. 40th International University Power Engineering Conference, UPEC'2005, Cork, Ireland, 7-9 September 2005. [43] S. Jamali, H. Shateri, “Effects of instrument transformers location on measured impedance by distance relay in presence of TCSC”, in Proc. 8th IEE International Conference of AC and DC Transmission, ACDC'2006, London, UK, 28-31 March 2006. [44] S. Jamali, M. Kalantar, H. Shateri, “Effects of instrument transformers location on measured impedance by distance relay in presence of UPFC”, in Proc. 2006 IEEE Power India Conference, New Delhi, India, 10-12 April 2006. [45] A. Kazemi, S. Jamali, H. Shateri, “Effects of SSSC on Distance Relay Tripping Characteristic”, in Proc. 2006 International Symposium on Industrial Electronics, ISIE 2006, Montréal, Québec, Canada, 9-12 July 2006. [46] S. Jamali, A. Kazemi, H. Shateri, “Distance relay over-reaching due to installation of TCSC on next line”, in Proc. 2006 International Symposium on Industrial Electronics, ISIE'2006, Montréal, Québec, Canada, 9-12 July 2006. [47] S. Jamali, M.R. Javdan, H. Shateri, M. Ghorbani “Load flow method for distribution network design by considering committed loads”, in Proc. 41st International University Power Engineering Conference, UPEC'2006, Newcastle, UK, 6-8 September 2006. [48] S. Jamali, H. Shateri, “Over-reaching factor for distance relay with quadrilateral characteristic”, in Proc. 41st International University Power Engineering Conference, UPEC'2006, Newcastle, UK, 6-8 September 2006. [49] S. Jamali, A. Kazemi, H. Shateri, “Voltage inversion due to presence of TCSC on adjacent lines and distance relay mal-operation”, in Proc. 41st International University Power Engineering Conference, UPEC'2006, Newcastle, UK, 6-8 September 2006. [50] A. Kazemi, S. Jamali, H. Shateri, “Effects of instrument transformers connection point on measured impedance by distance relay in presence of SSSC”, in Proc. 4 [51] [52] [53] [54] [55] [56] [57] 2006 International Conference on Power System Technology, POWERCON 2006, Chongqing, China, 22-26 October 2006. S. Jamali, H. Shateri, “Measured impedance by distance relay considering double π model of the line capacitance”, in Proc. 2006 International Conference on Power System Technology, POWERCON 2006, Chongqing, China, 22-26 October 2006. A. Kazemi, S. Jamali, H. Shateri, “Measured impedance by distance relay in presence of SVC on transmission line”, in Proc. 32nd Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, IECON’06, Paris, France, 7-10 November 2006. A. Kazemi, S. Jamali, M. Habibi, S. Ramezan-Jamaat, “Optimal location of TCSCs in a power system by means of genetic algorithms considering loss reduction”, in Proc. 1st International Power and Energy Conference, PECon 2006, Putrajaya, Malaysia, 28-29 November 2006. S. Jamali, H. Shateri, “Robustness of communication aided distance relay with Mho characteristic against fault resistance”, in Proc. 1st International Power and Energy Conference, PECon 2006, Putrajaya, Malaysia, 28-29 November 2006. A. Kazemi, S. Jamali, H. Shateri, “Effects of SSSC on distance relay tripping characteristic”, in Proc. 1st International Power and Energy Conference, PECon 2006, Putrajaya, Malaysia, 28-29 November 2006. S. Jamali, A. Kazemi, H. Shateri, “Distance relay tripping characteristics in present of UPFC”, in Proc. International Conference on Power Electronics, Drives and Energy Systems for Industrial Growth, PEDES'2006, New Delhi, India, 12-15 December 2006. A. Kazemi, S. Jamali, M. Habibi, S. Ramezan-Jamaat, “Optimal location of TCSCs in a power system by means of genetic algorithms considering loss reduction”, in Proc. IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology, ICIT 2006, Mumbai, India, 15-17 December 2006. 5