2.3 Electrotherapy The electrotherapy products of the BTL-5000 Puls series come in several modifications, differing in the number of outputs and waveform types: BTL-5000 Single BTL-5000 Double BTL-5000 Double Plus BTL-5000 Triple BTL-5000 Triple Plus BTL-5000 Quad BTL-5000 Hexad Electrotherapy 17 18 Electrotherapy The summary of main features • Functional design with black and white 5.7'' touch screen or colour 7.5'' touch screen • Full range of low and medium frequency waveforms and their modifications • Large number of pre-programmed protocols and up to 500 user-defined protocols • Constant current and current voltage modes • Reversal of polarity of electrodes • Programmable sequences • Built-in patient database connecting patient data with treatment protocols • Built-in user guide and online help • Electrodiagnostics • Up to 6 outputs in 1 unit • Connection to a PC and computer network • Printer interface • Sound volume adjustment, display colour and brightness setting, screen saver, auto switch-off • Self test of electrodes and patient cables • Combination with ultrasound and/or laser module • Later upgrade possible • Optional: HVT, cart and vacuum unit BTL-5000 Double BTL-5000 Single The single channel electrotherapy unit BTL-5000 Single (type BTL-5610 Puls) is equipped with the most important low and medium frequency waveforms: Galvanic (Iontophoresis), Diadynamics, Traebert 2-5, Faradic, Neofaradic, Russian stimulation, stimulation pulses, rectangular pulses, TENS - symmetric, asymmetric, alternating, and 2-pole interference. S t a n d a r d a c c e s s o r i e s f o r B T L - 5 0 0 0 D o u b l e : flat rubber electrodes 5x7cm (4x), sponge covers 5x7cm (4x), set of fixation belts, patient cable 2x, pen pointer, power cord, manual and user's guide C C / C V - Whereas constant current is suitable for electrodes that are firmly connected to the patient's body, the use of the current voltage mode is particularly recommended when the therapist moves with the electrode, such as when using the point electrode. It is also useful for motor stimulation of muscles and combined electro/ultrasound therapy. BTL-5000 Triple This electrotherapy unit (type BTL-5630 Puls) has 3 independent outputs that can be used simultaneously. It features the same wide range of low and medium frequency currents as the BTL-5000 Double. S t a n d a r d a c c e s s o r i e s f o r B T L - 5 0 0 0 T r i p l e : flat rubber electrodes 5x7cm (6x), sponge covers 5x7cm (6x), set of fixation belts, patient cable 3x, power cord, manual and user's guide Electrotherapy 19 S t a n d a r d a c c e s s o r i e s f o r B T L - 5 0 0 0 S i n g l e : flat rubber electrodes 5x7cm (2x), sponge covers 5x7cm (2x), set of fixation belts, patient cable, pen pointer, power cord, manual and user's guide The 2-channel electrotherapy unit BTL-5000 (type BTL-5620 Puls) is an advanced electrotherapy unit with 2 outputs for simultaneous treatment of two patients or for application of 4-pole interference. The BTL-5000 Double unit features the following waveforms: Galvanic (Iontophoresis), Diadynamics, Traebert 2-5, Faradic, Neofaradic, Russian stimulation, stimulation pulses, rectangular pulses, TENS - symmetric, asymmetric, alternating, 2-pole interference, 4-pole interference, triangular pulses, exponential pulses, exponential pulses with rise, combined pulses, and programmable sequences of diadynamic currents, TENSes and other selected currents. BTL-5000 Double Plus BTL-5000 Triple Plus Similar in its performance to the BTL-5000 Double, the BTL-5000 Double Plus (type BTL-5625 Puls) features, in addition, electrodiagnostics and an extended number of waveforms: isoplanar vector field, dipole vector field, interrupted pulses, Leduc current, H-waves, and microcurrents. Similar to the BTL-5000 Triple, the unit has an extended therapeutical use, featuring electrodiagnostics and a number of additional waveforms: isoplanar vector field, dipole vector field, interrupted pulses, Leduc current, H-waves, and microcurrents. S t a n d a r d a c c e s s o r i e s f o r B T L - 5 0 0 0 D o u b l e P l u s : flat rubber electrodes 5x7cm (4x), sponge covers 5x7cm (4x), point electrode, set of fixation belts, patient cable 2x, pen pointer, power cord, manual and user's guide. S t a n d a r d a c c e s s o r i e s f o r B T L - 5 0 0 0 T r i p l e P l u s : flat rubber electrodes 5x7cm (6x), sponge covers 5x7cm (6x), point electrode, set of fixation belts, patient cable 3x, pen pointer, power cord, manual and user's guide I s o p l a n a r v e c t o r f i e l d - This special form of 4-pole interference enables to reach a 100% modulation depth in all positions. The placing of electrodes is much easier - they do not need to form a perfect cross anymore. D i p o l e v e c t o r f i e l d - The original shape of 4-pole interference is changed to a 'dipole' line, on which the depth of modulation reaches 100% while 0% in all other directions. The manual or automatic rotation enables an extremely precise direction of electrotherapy effect into the treated tissue. The electrodiagnostics (in BTL-5000 Double Plus, Triple Plus, Quad, and Hexad) includes: • Measuring of I/t curves in user-defined number of points • Up to 50 free program positions for I/t curve storing • Determination of the motor point • Calculation of rheobasis and chronaxie • Measuring of the accommodation coefficient O p t i o n a l a c c e s s o r i e s f o r B T L - 5 0 0 0 P u l s : bipole rectal electrode, bipole vaginal electrode, ball point electrodes 2mm or 6mm in diameter, self-adhesive electrodes, flat electrodes 8x12cm, sponge covers 8x12cm, cable for connection with ultrasound, HVT module, cart, vacuum unit, PC and print connection Overview of waveforms and other parameters Electrotherapy unit Number of electrotherapy outputs Single Double Triple Quad Hexad 1 2 3 Double Plus Triple Plus 2 3 4 6 1 2 3 2 3 4 6 x Number of therapies that can be performed simultaneously 20 Electrotherapy Types of currents: x Galvanic x x x x x x x Diadynamic x x x x x x x x Programmable sequences 50 50 50 50 50 50 x Traebert, Ultra-Reiz 2-5 x x x x x x x x Faradic x x x x x x x x Neofaradic x x x x x x x x Russian stimulation x x x x x x x x Stimulation pulses x x x x x x x x Rectangular pulses x x x x x x x x TENS symmetric, asymmetric, alternating x x x x x x x x 2-pole interference x x x x x x x x 4-pole interference x x x x x x x Triangular pulses x x x x x x x Exponential pulses x x x x x x x Exponential pulses with rise x x x x x x x Combined pulses x x x x x x x Isoplanar field x x x x x Dipole vector (hand and auto) x x x x x Interrupted pulses x x x x x Leduc current x x x x x H-wave x x x x x Microcurrents x x x x x Medium frequency currents x x x Spastic currents x x x Electrodiagnostics x High Volt therapy (HVT) optional optional optional x x x x optional optional optional optional BTL-5000 Quad BTL-5000 Hexad This unit's 4 electrotherapy outputs can generate the following waveforms: Galvanic (Iontophoresis), Diadynamics, Traebert 2-5, Faradic, Neofaradic, Russian stimulation, stimulation pulses, rectangular pulses, TENS - symmetric, asymmetric, alternating, 2-pole interference, 4-pole interference, triangular pulses, exponential pulses, exponential pulses with rise, combined pulses, isoplanar vector field, dipole vector field, interrupted pulses, Leduc current, H-waves, microcurrents, medium frequency waveforms, and spastic currents (according to Hufschmidt). This electrotherapy unit covers the same range of waveforms as the BTL-5000 Quad, but it is equipped with 6 outputs. S t a n d a r d a c c e s s o r i e s f o r B T L - 5 0 0 0 H e x a d : flat rubber electrodes 5x7cm (12x), sponge covers 5x7cm (12x), point electrode, set of fixation belts (2x), dual patient cable (3x), pen pointer, power cord, manual and user's guide H - w a v e s - This bipolar waveform (with both positive and negative elements) uses 'low' (2Hz) frequency for muscle stimulation and 'high' (60Hz) frequency for effective pain control. The increase in blood and lymph drainage accelerates removal of toxins and reduces oedema ('low' frequency), whereas the application of 'high' frequency for pain management is usually well tolerated even by sensitive patients. S t a n d a r d a c c e s s o r i e s f o r B T L - 5 0 0 0 Q u a d : flat rubber electrodes 5x7cm (8x), sponge covers 5x7cm (8x), point electrode, set of fixation belts (2x), dual patient cable (2x), pen pointer, power cord, manual and user's guide Electrotherapy 21 Interrupted pulses type: rectangular, triangular, exponential (monophasic, symmetric, alternating), frequency of interruption: 8000Hz, duty factor 95%, pulse: 1-30ms, pause: 1-60ms*, frequency: 11.1-500Hz* (* parameters depend on form of pulse) Parameters of selected waveforms G a l v a n i c c u r r e n t ( I o n t o p h o r e s i s ) - type: interrupted 8000Hz with duty factor 95% continual, L e d u c c u r r e n t - type: monophasic, pulse: 1ms, pause: 9ms, frequency: 100Hz D i a d y n a m i c c u r r e n t s - type: DF, MF, CP, LP, RS, CP-ISO, base: 0-0.5-1-2-5-10%, basic frequency: 50 or 60Hz, interruption of pulses: 8000Hz, duty factor 95% H - w a v e - type: symmetric, pulse: 2 x 5.6ms, pause: 0.2210000ms, frequency: 0.1-87.7Hz Traebert, Ultra-Reiz 2-5 Faradic, Neofaradic currents R u s s i a n s t i m u l a t i o n - carrier frequency: 2500-10000Hz, pulse frequency: 40-150Hz, duty cycle: from 1:1 - 1:8 Stimulaton pulses (for stimulation according to e l e c t r o d i a g n o s t i c s ) - type: rectangular, triangular (monophasic), pulse: 0.1-1000ms, pause: 0.5-10s M i c r o c u r r e n t s - type: rectangular, triangular, exponential (monophasic, symmetric, alternating), combined (only in current mode), pulse: 0.2-1000ms*, pause: 0.1-10000ms*, frequency: 0.1-1000Hz* (*parameters depend on forms of pulses) Medium frequency waveforms (with amplitude m o d u l a t i o n ) - carrier frequency: 2500-10000Hz, pulse: 0.1-50ms, pulse frequency: 9.8-1000Hz S p a s t i c s t i m u l a t i o n ( a c c o r d i n g t o H u f s c h m i d t ) - pulse: 0.125ms, delay between channels: 10-3000ms, frequency: 0.1-50Hz (according to pre-set pulse length and delay) Rectangular pulses Triangular pulses, exponential pulses, and exponential pulses with rise C o m b i n e d p u l s e s - type: monophasic, symmetric, alternating; asymmetric (combined pulses), pulse: 0.2-1000ms*, pause: 0.1-10000ms*, frequency: 0.1-1000Hz* (* parameters depend on waveform and form of pulse) 22 Electrotherapy Tens type: symmetric, alternating, asymmetric, pulse: 10-500µs, pause: 0.15-2500ms, frequency: 0.2-1000Hz H i g h V o l t a g e T h e r a p y ( H V T ) - t y p e : single pike, double pike, triple pike, symmetric, alternating (only in current mode), pulse: 20µs (single pike, symmetric, alternating), 30µs (double pike), 40µs (triple pike), frequency: 0.1-500Hz M o d u l a t i o n - constant frequency, random frequency: ± 30% burst - number of pulses in burst: 3-10, burst frequency: 0.1-100Hz (according to pulse length and frequency) sinusoidal surge - surge length: 0.15-35s, pause length: 0.02-70s 2-pole interference, 4-pole i n t e r f e r e n c e , i s o p l a n a r f i e l d , D i p o l e v e c t o r - c a r r i e r f r e q u e n c y : 360010000Hz, AMF: 0-200Hz, spectrum: 0-200Hz, isoplanar field rotation: 0.5-70s, dipole rotation: from 3 cycles per sec to 1 cycle per 30 secs (auto rotation) trapezoidal surge - surge rise and fall: 1-35s, stimulation time, pause, between surges: 1-35s Electrotherapy options and accessories Electrodes Colour display Purchasing the optional large 7.5'' colour touch screen with any of the units will give you the benefit of an even more comfortable operation, as well as several additional functions: • Increased memory capacity (up to 500 free lots for patient database; increased space for usercreated protocols; up to 50 free lots for storing I/t curves) • Continuous setting of all parameters • Symmetrical surges and sweep High Voltage Therapy (HVT) Make your electrotherapy unit even more powerful with the High Voltage Therapy. This pulsed waveform with very short impulses, low intensity and higher voltage has good myorelaxation and analgesic effects, and is often indicated for hypertonic muscles and reflexive muscle changes. symmetric surge - sweep time: 1-35s, contour: 1-99% The flat rubber electrodes are inserted into sponge covers that should be moistened by water or, during Iontophoresis, by a special therapeutic solution. The flexible rubber electrodes and sponge covers are supplied in 2 standard sizes: 5x7cm and 12x8cm. Also available are: self-adhesive electrodes, ball point electrodes 2mm or 6mm in diameter, and bipole vaginal and rectal electrodes. F r e q u e n c y s w e e p ( i n t e r f e r e n c e ) - random frequency option: yes, no, continual sweep - frequency rise and fall: 1-35s, frequency hold: 0-35s, sweep in steps - frequency hold: 1-35s, symmetric sweep - sweep time: 1-35s, contour: 1-99% I n t e n s i t y - Constant current: 0-140mA (max. value can be limited in some waveforms), Current voltage: 0-100V (max. value can be limited in some waveforms), High Voltage: 0-400V, Microcurrents:0-999µA S i z e , w e i g h t a n d m a i n s s u p p l y - Dimensions: 230 x 390 x 260mm, Weight (less accessories): 4.7-5.3kg, Mains Supply: 230V/50-60Hz, 115V/50-60Hz Electrotherapy 23 Vacuum unit You can combine any BTL-5000 Puls or Combi unit with the vacuum unit BTL Vac to apply electrotherapy currents by means of suction cup electrodes. Adjustable vacuum pressure ensures simple and convenient attachment of patient electrodes, especially on the parts of body hard to reach with flat rubber electrodes. Moreover, the pulse mode provides mechanical massage of the tissue, improves body metabolism and increases blood supply. • • • • • Compact design 2 independent outputs Continuous and pulse mode 4 pre-set programs for pulsation Pulse frequency 15, 30, 45, and 60 pulses per minute • Professionally designed suction cup electrodes with bio-compatible foam sponges that prevent skin irritation • Quiet and easy operation Standard and optional accessories Standard: suction cup electrodes 65mm (4x), sponges 65mm (4x), patient cables (4x), connecting cables (2x) power cord, manual Optional: suction cup electrodes 95mm, 30mm, sponges 95mm, 30mm, cart 24 Electrotherapy The BTL Vac has 2 independent outputs and operates in both pulse and continuous mode. The unit has 4 pre-defined programs to combine various pulse frequencies. The summary of main features Technical specifications Dimensions (mm) 320 x 115 x 305 Weight (less accessories) 6.8kg Mains Supply 230V/50-60Hz, 115V/50-60Hz