Name: Page2 1. Using a dip needle, it is determined that the Earth's magnetic field makes an angle a with respect to the horizontal plane. Then using a horizontal compass, a circular coil with N turns and radius R is aligned with its plane vertical and its axis perpendicular to the horizontal component of the Earth's magnetic field. The compass is placed at the center of the coil. Passing a current I through the coil produces a deflection e in the direction of the compass needle. a) Express the strength BEofthe Earth's magnetic field in terms of the current I, the angles a and e, and the properties of the coil. (lOpts) ~ ~-tL ~ -::JU + B~; ~ ~ ~ ~ f£ ~ ~. ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ 12 ~> b.r-~ ~ t< ~ ~ Be::= 8~ B~:;: :;:; 6'-1-"- A/.J(V '" .. - B,/£.- f 9" Ck)t-iL - fiiP /D f< -- ~ 2- ~ -;:::::. b) Compute BE assumingN =10, R=10cm, I3E ~~~t%> or; Oc tlI ~ -- /1i> ;;2R I=0.3A, uYff) .:.--- u-o Ol. B=4Y, a=60' (lOpts) -'-I g£ Physics 263 ~ D.377 ~ =8~~# ~ IV'! f5£ d& 1. ~ /36 ~o() ~ iL - ~k,. e> t;.,..B~ -- ~-Vt/ v~ ~ ~ ~L 1J--dY~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~ BE== 8,x.x J- C- Exam 1 L~ I? =--Jv \ TJ Prof JJ Kelly Name: ~ Page 3 2. Recall the can-crusher demonstration in which the charge stored by a large capacitor is rapidly discharged through a conducting band around the middle of a soda can. Suppose that the current flows in a counterclockwise direction within the plane of this page. a) Sketch the discharge current and indicate the direction of the magnetic field it produces. ~ . ~ /. .L.J /v-- ~ ~ <'1 . --/--J -1-, (5pts) 1\/\ . ~~ I ~ -'; F B ~ ~ @ V> ~tL~~t0 h CC-lJ) i£- q/;: - ?/() ~~ ~ & £ I ~% Q ~~ @ <9 b) In what direction is the current induced within the can? ~ ~ ~ (5pts) , , ~ 1;; ;;£~~. / ~ ~ a~ 1L~ I ~ h ,,/B,!4.,I~ ~ ~~) ~ / I--?- 7i5 ~1. (10 pts) c) Explain why the can is crushed. ~ d+ ~ ~///Llt3=fl. /:21-73 ~~ ~ ~O! ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ :;2Lc- ~~. ~ ~ ~. ~ ~~. ~ -1--'2--=:> ~ Physics 263 ~ ...L2,- ~ i£. VrL c.-- ~ atC;~> ;t;- ~~~£f ~ (~~) ~ ~ ~ .J.2. .-J-2.- ~z@Z/~ .:1=, =-:> /:i,.x {{2Z- ~4 Exam 1 ~ -L, -;::, ~--L~ ~-= q->.- Prof JJ Kelly Name: Page 4 3. A thick metal bar of mass m, length L, and resistance R slides without friction on a pair of parallel metal rails with negligible resistance. The rod is initially at rest and the switch is closed at t = O. The rails are connected to a battery that provides constant electromotive force &. A uniform magnetic field B is directed perpendicular to the plane of the circuit formed by the rod and rails. Show that the velocity Ofthe rod as a function of time takes the form v = v"" (1- e-t/r) and determine v"" and T. (20 pts) I [= ($)8 IR L ~ F L~ 1 . V :J~ ~~~~~ pt.J 4Uu4 ~ F-== TEfL ~~~~ ~ ~. t;L ~J - 13:- vEL - --- T f}L -(; ~ R - IJ-:=/32-,[2 )v yY1 -It r!!.~ -::;::::: -C -'> f ~ c:z> ~ V -:::= V-'> l. (- Physics 263 ) ) e /1: - c/r: c-- t! Vob 0 ~ / V ~::::- tit 1: 1:: - #t: Exam 1 v~ ::::: :::: . g L :;::;= jv Voa ~ --- -'7 --- :--. dv rJ'7R. ) ~: ) =,..; mR tic l/-c:.- ~ ~'6~~ I j J/ -t-- _-t/-z: ~ V--'??0 0 ~/ ~ 8'- 6L.q V---'?~ ~ '::-> -/ :. ~) f.- v:::: ~~~: /0 1/ f!,BL tBL ::...---n1R.. ~~1 oft/ _-I-/. -'L e /t' v ~ fi+i"'"-,2~ V ~ h? +- . Prof JJ Kelly . Name: Page 5 4a) Two long perpendicular wires carrying equal currents cross, as shown, but do not quite touch. Indicate on the diagram the locus of points at which the net magnetic field vanishes and explain your reasoning. (10pts) ~ -IL (Iv /4/L - -~ -r;;-~ .~/Vvvv;:~ ~ ~ ~) ~ ~- ) - , -' d~/ . 1-~; t/u ~ ~ '0 ~/ . .;el, '2. ~~~~ ~ /I~~ 2. 1 x -j C -:;:> 0:='j ~~C?- :;-- 2 +.or -:0> ~< ~~~ ~ ~ J - V "'. "'" ~u> "'" ~ .~ '" :J-':::::-"'-j ~=O Ltc ."'" .rt~. r 'f5{) " "'" ..:::. "~1! (3-=-0 ;J:- b) A particle with mass m, charge q, and velocity v is subject to uniform static electric and magnetic fields, E and B. (i) Under what conditions, if any, will the particle remain stationary? (ii) Under what conditions will v remain constant? (10pts) ...... .> ~ F /J ~ ~ ;;r; / :>.--"- 1,(£-+-1/@13) ~.~ £ ~ (t:~o\ ~) ~ tZ .-::> ~~J~ cuJ -== D "~ ...L.J~ -> E J.-. :::::-- --'- \!J- ~ £ = J.. iJ c t/ .L B 7/,<.<. . ~ ~ e~°.J --">. ~ z=; ' ~ . 7'.;.,.. ~.~ p ~ :-' Tt- " @B. tv-< ~ ~.-=/Jf) B ICY =- dt/ - 0 0 11" + B. .7'"J- --tIvc ~v~ .-?oiC ~ 1/1. if' ~ ' vL~~ ~ F;, ~.. .> B vJ.. ~ Exam 1 . -'>. -- Physics 263 ~ V" ~ ;¥£ ( /f7- b:=.1 Prof JJ Kelly h =() Name: Page 6 5. A long cylindrical shell with inner radius a and outer radius b carries total current] along its length. a) Find expressions for the magnetic field in the regions (i) r < a, (ii) a < r < b, and (iii) r > b . Sketch the function B(r) . ~1I - .AD I. Q P. ¥ -- t - , ~ (10pts) B~ /D I le-hdoseJ) r -==- L! ;?11 I'" r - -- r r< L. ) a 2 J £'-a""'- .1 a. r I CA- .zr f <b j,<..r) 1 \ \ I ~ ~ - _'~.~ \ I \ rb) Evaluate the pressure assuming that the shell is thin, such that a ::::; b ::::; R. Is the pressure inward or outward? [Hint: consider the force upon a narrow strip of current rmming the length of the cylinder.] Ad :2-rr~ 8rj:=:/° elF = - ~ =:>!Sf = I I ~TTR de :r;L ;;- ;4 -;; .;(;r R L ==> r :5.rr R. (5pts) yzL /b F-=:: ;;2.7TR ~~ 2- .. ~ ~'I.L P c) Compute the pressure for R P Physics 263 :;:- 0, ~).£ 0= ~D = 0.3 em ~ (J L (!;R) and] = 8 A . (5pts) -;;2 Exam J Prof JJ Kelly