DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICS “Physics is a basis of technology.“ C T U in Pr ague, Facul t y o f Mechanic al Engineer ing Depar t men t o f Physic s Technická 4, 166 07 Pr ague 6, C zech Republic Phone: +420 224 352 429 E - mail: Pe t r.V lc ak@ f s.c v u t.c z h t tp://f y zika.f s.c v u t.c z / Ing. Petr Vlčák, Ph.D. Head of the Department Exceptional Performance The Department of Physics is the smallest department of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering.. The department, however, has one of the largest scientific and research outputs per staff member. Members of the department staff occupy the first four places in the allfaculty assessment according to the h-factor, significantly ahead of other members of the faculty staff. The Department of Physics intensely cooperates in scientific and research issues with the biggest international nuclear research institutes in Geneva (CERN) and Dubna (Russia). Education The department provides letures on subjects based on physics in the bachelor, master and doctoral study programmes. All student must attend a basic course which comprises also laboratory training and is completed with a seminar on training problems which are contained in the written part of the exam. This course is accredited also in English and can be attended both by Czech and foreign exchange or self-paid students. The equipment of the laboratory is continuously modernized in order to enable the students to get acquainted with state of the art technical methods and procedures. The department also provides lectures on a number of optional subjects which are a continuation of the basic course and extend the knowledge gained there with practical applications. The department offers interesting topics for doctoral study and has already educated a number of experts who are active both in research and practical work experience. Students of the doctoral study programme are involved in research at the department and achieve herein excellent results. Practice in physics in a laboratory Semiconductor Detectors and Nuclear Physics The Department of Physics cooperates with the United Institute of Nuclear Physics in Dubna (Russia) on detectors for the “Hypercore“ experiment, which should contribute to a more profound understanding of nuclear forces acting between nucleons. The picture shows a chamber developed at the department for a scintillation detector of particle paths after hypercore decay. The department cooperated intensely in the ATLAS project at CERN aimed at fundamental study of the nature of mass. Silicon avalanch photodiodes (SPAD) developed in cooperation with faculties of the Czech Technical University in Prague are used in the design of sensors for detecting individual photons. Such detectors are used in applications where their exceptional properties, above all picosecond temporal resolution and higher resistance to ionizing radiation, are utilized. Such an application is namely the laser measurement of the distance between satellites and displacement of continents. These detectors are used in several tens of rangefinder stations all over the world. The global network of laser rangefinders together with special geodetic satellites continously provide data for cosmic geodesy. The picture shows the measured vectors of motion of individual measuring stations with respect to the geocentric reference framework. The diodes and detectors in which they are used work in several orbital and planetary missions. The picture shows a satellite of the Chinese navigation system Compass. The arrow points to the place where the SPAD can be found on board the satellite where it serves for laser synchronizing of the on-board clock. The system is in orbit since 2011. The staff members of the department also developed dosemeters of charges of fast electrons designed namely for checking devices for personal anti-radiation protection. DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICS Methods of Modification of Surface Layers of Materials The Department of Physics develops methods of modification of surface layers of materials with ion and electron beams. Concerned are namely methods of ion implantation and ion beam assisted deposition (IBAD). These methods have a number of variants, e.g LE IBAD (Low-Energy IBAD with ions with an energy of the order of hundreds of eV, and HE IBAD (HighEnergy IBAD with ions with an energy of tens of keV). The IBAD method comprises a number of partial processes or accompanying effects. The basic partial processes are deposition of atoms (most often by sputtering or evaporation by an electron beam) and ion bombardment. The bombarding ions can be backscatterd from the deposited atoms or atoms of the original material back into the vacuum chamber. During collisions the accelerated ions can transfer sufficient energy to enable them to penetrate into the surface layer of the modified material (recoil implantation). The collision cascades of the acclerated ions with the deposited ions and atoms of the original material can also lead to ion sputtering. If the bombarding ions are not backscattered into the vacuum chamber they are builtin (implanted) in the deposited layer or in the original material. The fundamental process parameter of the IBAD method is the ratio of the density of flow of bombarding ions and that of the deposited atoms. Thermophysical Properties and Special Cooling Systems for Electronics In relation with research in the thermophysical properties of fluids the department is engaged in the issue of special cooling systems for electronics with a high degree of integration of partial elements. Included in the research is also comprehensive measurement of the speed of sound in gases and modification of the sonar experimental appliance into an equipment which in addition would enable to perform analyses of the composition of gas mixtures and possibly also of flow. The quality of data is compared with that gained from simulation calculations of thermodynamic properties based on Monte Carlo methods and molecular dynamics. Tests with RP-type detector at CERN The department was involved in the investigation of a number of projects namely focused on detectors of elementary particles for the LHC accelerator at CERN. The department successfully participated in a programme dealing with the creation of a concept and construction of the cooling system for an internal detector within the scope of the ATLAS project. Another successful project was a fully materialized system for the TOTEM project for RP (Roman Pots)-type detectors. Roman Pots as installed in sector 8-1 of the LHC tunnel, 240 metres from the ATLAS Interaction Point. Device for ion implanation and HE IBAD method The Department of Physisc participated in the implementation of the above methods in the successful investigation of an extensive Framework Programme of the EU in which 25 institutions from Europe and Israel were involved. A number of universities, scientific and research institutions and large supranational companies such as Siemens, Saint-Gobain and Edwards participated in the investigation of this project. The project was coordinated by the multinational steel producing corporation Arcelor. Device for LE IBAD method Recently the department has to considerable extent contributed to implementations within the scope of the ALICE and LHCb ptojects. During the last three years the department has developed a mobile system in a uniquely modified version with whirl tubes using air as the cooling medium. Due to a significant share of experimental work in the projects the department designs and develops automated systems for data collection including special sensorics (measuring detectors/sensors) and control systems. Detail of compressor unit with Sonar-type flowmeter (ATLAS)