Ponto Pro scores best in independent test Over the last year, bone anchored hearing systems have developed considerably. The benefits of this development were put to test in an independent crossover study initiated and conducted by Rigshospitalet in Copenhagen, Denmark. The two devices being compared were Cochlear’s BP100 and Oticon Medical’s Ponto Pro. The statistically significant results of the study are presented inside. 8 out of 12 preferred Ponto Pro Compared to the BP100, Ponto Pro excelled on a number of key parameters, including speech intelligibility and ease of use. Out of 12 subjects new to bone anchored devices, 8 declared a preference for Ponto Pro. Result highlights Significantly better ratings of speech perception Based upon trials in daily environments, subjects rated Ponto Pro significantly better than the BP100 when conversing with one person in a car and when listening to the TV or radio. NSH F: Speech perception N=11 subjects F) Nordic Cooporation on Disability, 1999 10 * 9 * Mean rating 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 Ponto Pro (mean) TV gr o y N oi s /R ad i r ca in rs on pe O ne O ne pe rs on in a no is qu ie t in rs on pe O ne o 0 up BP100 (mean) e 1 Improved speech intelligibility In an objective speech in noise test, measurements of speech reception thresholds (SRT) showed a statistically significant improvement of about 3 dB in Ponto Pro’s full-directionality mode compared to its omni-directional setting. This is equivalent to an improvement in speech intelligibility of about 30%. The speech was presented from a front loudspeaker and the noise presented from loudspeakers placed at an angle of 90 and 180 degrees. Dantale II outcome N=10 subjects Group mean SRT (dB S/N) Increased speech intelligibility 0,0 -1,0 -2,0 -3,0 -4,0 -5,0 -6,0 -7,0 -8,0 Omni directional -9,0 Directional BP100 Ponto Pro Easier to use In terms of handling, subjects found changing the battery and adjusting the controls significantly easier with Ponto Pro than with the BP100. NSH: Ease of handling N=11 subjects 12 * 6 4 0 Ponto Pro (mean) About the study 12 first-time users of bone anchored hearing systems tested, in random order, Cochlear’s BP100 and Oticon Medical’s Ponto Pro sound processors. The subjects tested each device on average for 34 days in their daily environment. The sound processors were fitted according to the manufactures’ fitting guidelines, and no fine tuning was performed. The processors were then rated at the end of each test period. The study was conducted by Steen Østergaard Olsen, Henrik Glad and Lars Holme Nielsen, Research Laboratory, Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Head & Neck Surgery, University Hospital, Rigshospitalet, Copenhagen, Denmark. The study was conducted with no outside funding or grants. Publication The highlights presented here are taken from presentations held by Steen Østergaard Olsen, Audiologist M. Sc., University Hospital, Rigshospitalet. The results were presented on July 1st 2010 at the 11th International Conference on Cochlear Implants and Other Implantable Auditory Technologies in O ve ra ll im pr es si o ea ra nc e pp A A dj us tin g co nt on ce de vi e ng a h ry te t ba n BP100 (mean) ro ls 2 P C * 8 ut tin g Mean rating 10 ­ tockholm, Sweden (N=10), and on September S 10th 2010 at the DTAS (Dansk Teknisk Audiologisk ­Sel­skab/ Danish Technical Audiological Society) Conference in Vejle, Denmark (N=12). More information The full presentation can be found at www.dtas.info – click ‘Årsmøde 2010’ and use the link ‘Bone anchored hearing instruments’. For more information please contact Steen Østergaard Olsen [steen.olsen@rh.regionh.dk] Rigshospitalet Rigshospitalet is a highly specialised hospital which is organised under the Capital Region of Denmark. With a few exceptions, Rigshospitalet covers all medical specialist areas. M50850 / 2015.05 Oticon Medical AB Datavägen 37B SE-436 32 Askim Sweden Phone: +46 31 748 61 00 Fax: +46 31 68 77 56 info@oticonmedical.com www.oticonmedical.com