Applying Power MOSFETs in an Unclamped Inductive Switching Environment Understanding the Importance of Unclamped Inductive Switching • The vast number of loads driven today are inductive in nature such as solenoids, transformers, inductors, etc. • Power MOSFET failure due to Unclamped Inductive Switching conditions is one of the most prevalent failure modes encountered • Proper MOSFET specification and proper application of the MOSFET within the circuit is one of the easiest ways a designer can improve the reliability of their power MOSFET components • This tutorial will discuss the UIS failure mechanism and explore how a designer can properly specify a MOSFET component to avoid UIS failures 2 1 Terminology and Definitions • “Avalanche” – A condition when the drain-source voltage exceeds the bulk break down of the Power MOSFET • “Ruggedness” – A term that signifies that a Power MOSFET has the ability to withstand energy dissipation in the breakdown mode of operation • “UIS” – Unclamped Inductive Switching; A context sensitive term used to describe a Power MOSFET’s ability to sustain energy in the avalanche mode of operation or it can be used to describe a circuit which is driving an inductive load without a drain clamp 3 Terminology and Definitions • “IAS” – Current (I) Avalanche Single Pulse; The magnitude of IDS that a part can sustain in the avalanche mode for a single non-repetitive pulse • “EAS” – Energy Avalanche Single Pulse; the level of energy that a part can dissipate in the avalanche mode for a single non-repetitive pulse • “tAV” – Time in Avalanche; A term used in specifying UIS capability that signifies the amount of time that the device is in the avalanche mode of operation 4 2 Terminology and Definitions • “EAR” – Energy Avalanche Repetitive Pulse; same as a single pulse but for a repetitive pulse sequence • “IAR” – Current (I) Avalanche Repetitive Pulse; same as a single pulse but for a repetitive pulse sequence VBR ≅ (1.3 * BVDSS) BVDSS EAR VDD IAR tAV 5 Power MOSFET Structure SOURCE GATE N+ RBE2 N+ P+ 2 μm RBE1 CCB 2 μm N- N+ 288 μm N+ DRAIN Power MOSFET Chip Structure Power MOSFET Structure With Parasitic Transistor 6 3 The Parasitic Bipolar Transistor D IC (IDS) Body-Drain PN Junction CCB VCEO VCBO (BVDSS) RBE1 G Decreasing RBE VCER RBE2 VCEO(SUS) S VCE (VDS) Breakdown Characteristics of the Parasitic Bipolar Transistor Schematic of the MOSFET with the Parasitic Bipolar Transistor 7 UIS Test Circuit and Idealized Waveforms L Current Measuring Transformer E = 10% BVDSS UIS Test Circuit DC RGS Single Pulse VDS / IDS VBR ≅ (1.3 * BVDSS) W = ½ * I DS(PEAK) 2 * (1.3 * BVDSS/(1.3 * BVDSS-E)) BVDSS tAV = L * IDS(PEAK) / (1.3 * BVDSS-E) Idealized UIS Test Waveforms t = L * IDS(PEAK) / E IDS(PEAK) E (VDS) VGS t tAV 8 4 UIS Testing – Actual Waveforms A few points of observation 1. The observed BVDSS is higher then the datasheet rated value 2. At low avalanche currents the BVDSS is nearly flat indicating a low temperature rise 3. At higher avalanche currents the BVDSS rises to higher levels due to the effects of the bulk resistance and the increase in the PN junction bulk breakdown caused by the Typical IDS & VDS UIS waveforms 10us/div., 10V/div., 10A/div. Curve I1 IDS(PK)=14A Curve I2 IDS(PK)=42A Curve I3 IDS(PK)=48A substantial increase in the junction temperature 4. Failure of the device occurs roughly at 1/3 to 1/2 of the expected tAV 9 Actual Measured HUFA76645P3 UIS Capability o S t a r t in g T J = 2 5 C o S t a r t in g T J = 1 0 0 C S t a r t in g T J = 1 7 5 o C S ta r tin g T J = 2 0 0 o C 10 S t a r t in g T J = 2 2 5 o C AS I , Avalanche Current - Amps 100 1 0 .0 1 0 .1 T AV 1 10 , T im e in A v a la n c h e - m s e c This graph is meant to depict the device capability and the failure due to IAS as a consequence of different starting junction temperatures. The user must adhere to design principles that ensures the maximum operating junction temperature is kept within the data sheet limits. 10 5 UIS Capability vs Starting Junction Temperature for the HUFA76645P3 Across Varying Values of Inductance 140 Ias, Avalanche Current - Amps 120 100 80 Intrinsic Temperature TJ(FAILURE) 60 40 20 0 0 100 200 300 T J , In itia l J u n c tio n T e m p e r a tu re - o C This graph is meant to depict the device capability and the failure due to IAS as a consequence of different starting junction temperatures. The user must adhere to design principles that ensures the maximum operating junction temperature is kept within the data sheet limits. 11 Intrinsic carrier concentration for Si as a function of (T) ni = 3.88E16(T1.5)exp(-7000/T) cm-3 (T is in Kelvin) From experimental data on the HUFA76645P3 a 100V 75A MOSFET Fails when the Tj = 320oC = 593oK From the above equation ni(593(K))=4.19E15 cm-3@ T=593K Examples of some doping concentrations for some different MOSFET designed for different breakdown voltages. Nd 30V~2.7E16 cm-3 75V~6.5E15 cm-3 100V~4E15 cm-3 150V~2.2E15 cm-3 When ni = Nd the intrinsic temperature is reached. Blocking capability is compromised and you get high leakage caused by thermally generated carriers. If an electric field in present the this causes “Hot electrons” to smash into lattice atoms. This causes a higher lattice temperature which in turn causes more thermally generated carriers. This is “second break down”. 12 6 Only one relationship is true KENERGY=LI2 or KUIS=tAV*I2 Failure Loci for 25 HUF76645P3 MOSFETs at 25oC The graph shows that KENERGY=LI2 Is not true and that KUIS=tAV*I2 is. 1000 Slope ~-1/3 I Fail (A) 25C 100 Slope ~-1/2 IAS 10 I Fail (A) 25C 1 0.1 0.01 0.1 1 L in mH, 10 100 tav in ms 13 Observations on the UIS Capability Tests Results • When the starting junction temperature exceeds the rated TJ(MAX) a significant avalanche current capability exists That is IAS α TJ(FAILURE) – TJ(START) • The avalanche capability as a function of L shows the following relationship: IAS3.2 α 1/L This result does not agree with the concept of constant energy which would have the relationship - IAS2 α 1/L • The results obtained on Power MOSFETs, once the parasitic bipolar turn-on mechanism is suppressed, are similar to those obtained on rectifiers That is the Power MOSFET capability is the capability of a single PN junction device, that is the drain body PN diode 14 7 Fairchild Standard UIS Rating Curve H U F A 7 5 3 4 4 P 3 _ S 3 U IS C a p a b ility 400 IAS, Avalanche Current (A) 200 4000 3000 2000 100 1000 90 80 900 800 70 700 60 600 50 500 40 400 30 300 20 200 S ta rtin g T J = 1 5 0 o C 10 0 .0 1 0 .1 0 EAS, Avalanche Energy (mj) 300 If R = 0 t A V = (L *I A S )/(1 .3 *R a te d B V D S S -V D D ) If R > 0 t A V = (L /R )ln [(I A S *R )/(1 .3 *R a te d B V D S S -V D D )+ 1 ] S ta rtin g T J = 2 5 o C 100 1 0 .0 0 1 .0 0 t A V , T im e in A v a la n c h e (m s e c ) H U F A 7 5 3 4 4 P 3 _ S 3 _ Ia s -ta v .jn b 15 The UIS Rating Graph The UIS Rating Graph shows: 1.IAS α 1/tAV1/2 2.Two starting junction temperature ratings are given. Ratings at other TJ(START) levels can be calculated using a linear curve fit The rating curve as published is guard banded from the measured capability Criteria to Safe Use If the circuit’s peak load current and tAV is plotted on the graph and it is below and to the left of the appropriate TJ(START) line the part is being used within its rating The tAV equations are given to assist the circuit designer in determining the tAV from known circuit and device information. The equations use the effective device breakdown voltage during the avalanche condition and is listed as 1.3 x Rated BVDSS 16 8 Calculating TJ(AVG) TJ(AVG) = TA + PD * RΘJ-A RΘJ-A = RΘJ-C + RΘC-S + RΘS-A Where TA is the highest operating ambient temperature expected RΘJ-A = The junction-to-ambient thermal resistance RΘJ-C = The junction-to-case thermal resistance RΘC-S = The case-to-sink thermal resistance RΘS-A = The sink-to-ambient thermal resistance PD = PCOND + PAV Where PCOND= on-state conduction losses taking into account the worst case RDS(ON) and its value at TJ(AVG) PAV is the avalanche losses and is equal to EAS * frequency If the avalanche energy cannot be obtained from direct observation, the EAS can be estimated by the following equation: EAS = ½ * 1.3 * Rated BVDSS * IAS * tAV 17 Single Pulse UIS Design Example Problem: A circuit contains a HUFA75344P3 MOSFET which drives a solenoid (inductive load) load of 1.7mh with a dc resistance of 2.1Ω from a supply voltage of 24V. A gate signal of VGS = 10V is applied to the MOSFET gate and the solenoid is energized for the first time. After some considerable time (greater than 5 L/R time constants). The gate voltage is returned to zero volts, VGS = 0V The system uses as heat sink and interface material described as follows: Heat sink data and interface material from Aavid Thermalloy: Heat sink part number 6109PBG o RΘJ-A = 17.0 C / W Interface isolation material In-Sil-8: Isolation material part number 1898 o RΘC-S = 1.25 C / W 18 Determine if the HUFA75344P3 avalanche energy rating is exceeded and determine if this device can be used reliably in the application. Calculate the energy absorbed during the avalanche pulse 9 Single Pulse UIS Design Example (con’t) Step 1 Calculate TJ(START) TJ or TJ(START) = TA + (PD x RΘJ-A) RΘJ-A = RΘJ-C + RΘC-S + RΘS-A Given in the problem: TA = 80oC RL = 2.1Ω L = 1.7mh VDD = 24V o TJ(MAX) = 175 C Rated BVDSS = 55V (HUFA75344P3 data sheet) RθJ-C = 0.52oC / W (HUFA75344P3 data sheet) RθC-S = 1.25oC /W (Aavidthermalloy data sheet) RθS-A = 17.0oC / W (Aavidthermalloy data sheet) rDS(on) @ 25oC = 0.008Ω (HUFA75344P3 data sheet) rDS(on) @ 80oC = 0.008Ω * 1.25 [est HUFA75344P3 data sheet] = 0.010Ω (Actually the rDS(on) temperature multiplier is a function of TJ, but we will use TA for our first iteration) 19 Single Pulse UIS Design Example (con’t) Calculating RΘJ-A: o o o o RΘJ-A = 0.52 C / W + 17.0 C / W + 1.25 C / W = 18.77 C / W Determining PD: PD = I AS2 * rDS(on) Determining RTotal: RTotal = RL + rDS(on) @ 80oC = 2.1Ω + 0.010Ω = 2.11Ω Calculating the peak avalanche current: Since the on-time of the MOSFET is > 5 * L/R (99.3+% of its peak value), we can approximate IAS(PEAK) to be 100% of V/R to simplify our calculations IAS(PEAK) = VDD / RTotal = 24V / 2.11Ω = 11.37A Applying the rDS(on) value and peak current value to calculate power: PD = I AS2 * rDS(on) = (11.37A)2 * 0.010Ω = 1.29W o o o TJ or TJ(START) = TA + (PD x RΘJ-A) = 80 C + (1.29W * 18.77 C / W) = 104.2 C 20 10 Single Pulse UIS Design Example (con’t) Re-calculating the rDS(on) based upon the 104.2oC calculated junction temperature: rDS(on) @ 104.2oC = 0.008Ω * 1.375 [est HUFA75344P3 data sheet] = 0.011Ω (This results in a 3 mΩ change) Re-calculating the temperature based upon the new rDS(on) value results in a junction temperature that is ≅ 2.5oC higher Several iterations can be made to drive the solution closer to its final value Each successive iteration will result in a smaller delta to the previously attained value We will use the rDS(on) value calculated at 80oC to simplify our calculations 21 Single Pulse UIS Design Example (con’t) Using the time in avalanche equation contained on our Single Pulse UIS curve: tAV = (L/RTotal) * ln[(IAS * RTotal)/(1.3 * Rated BVDSS – VDD) + 1] = (0.0017H / 2.11Ω) * ln[(11.37A * 2.11Ω) / (71.5V – 24V) + 1] = 0.00081 * ln[(24) / (47.5) + 1] = 0.00081 * ln[0.505 + 1] = 0.00081 * ln[1.505] = 0.00081 * 0.409 = 331μs tAV = 331μs Calculate the Energy Absorbed by the MOSFET during Avalanche: EAS = ½ * 1.3 * Rated BVDSS * IAS * tAV = (1.3 * 55V * 11.37A * 0.000331) / 2 = 135mJ 22 11 Single Pulse UIS Design Example (con’t) HUFA75344P3_S3 UIS Capability 400 IAS, Avalanche Current (A) 200 4000 3000 2000 100 1000 90 80 900 800 70 700 60 50 40 30 20 EAS, Avalanche Energy (mj) 300 If R=0 tAV=(L*IAS)/(1.3*Rated BVDSS-VDD) If R>0 tAV=(L/R)ln[(IAS*R)/(1.3*Rated BVDSS-VDD)+1] Starting TJ=25oC 600 500 The calculated data point resides below the IAS curve, therefore this product is acceptable to use in this application 10 0.01 400 300 200 Starting TJ=150oC 0.10 1.00 tAV, Time in Avalanche (msec) 100 10.00 HUFA75344P3_S3_Ias-tav.jnb 23 7 different ~60V MOSFETs with relatively close RDS(ON) compared on a UIS perspective. 100 UIS comparison of similar RDS(ON) and BVDSS devices IAS 10 45mohm 60V comp A 32mohm 60V comp B 39mohm 60V comp C 39mohm 60V comp A 60mohm 60V comp A 43mohm 55V comp A 1 1.00E-05 24 37mohm 55V comp A 1.00E-04 1.00E-03 1.00E-02 tAV 12 Repetitive Pulse UIS Scenario Start-up Increase / Decrease in rDS(on) Due to Die Temperature Resulting in an increase / decrease in rDS(on) Losses in the Next Cycle • • • • rDS(on) Losses PAV Losses PSWITCH Losses Body Diode Losses MOSFET TJ reaches steady state TJ(START) • • • • Starting TA MOSFET RΘJC System’s RΘCA Airflow Losses = Power Dissipation = HEAT 25 Multiple or Repetitive UIS Usage The Single Pulse UIS rating graph can be used for Repetitive Pulse with the following considerations: 1) By using the technique of superposition in which each UIS pulse is considered a separate event and the resulting TJ is evaluated as if no other pulse existed 2) Determine the IAS, tAV, & TJ(START) just as in the single pulse case 3) Usually the last pulse in a series occurs at the highest junction temperature and is therefore the severest stress. If the stress for the last pulse is within the rating then any previous pulse is also since it occurred at a lower temperature 4) Usually the junction temperature variation of a device over the full repetitive period is small. The device’s thermal capacitance does not permit an instantaneous change in the average junction temperature. Therefore using the average junction temperature for TJ(START) does not result in appreciable error 5) In the majority of applications the tAV is typically < 5% of the repetition period 26 13 Repetitive Pulse UIS Design Example Problem: A circuit contains a HUFA75344P3 MOSFET which drives a solenoid (inductive load) load of 1.7mh with a dc resistance of 2.1Ω from a supply voltage of 24V. A gate signal of VGS = 10V is applied to the MOSFET gate and the solenoid is energized at frequency of 50HZ with a 75% duty cycle The system uses as heat sink and interface material described as follows: Heat sink data and interface material from Aavidthermalloy: Heat sink part number 6109PBG o RΘJ-A = 17.0 C / W Interface isolation material In-Sil-8: Isolation material part number 1898 o RΘC-S = 1.25 C / W Determine if the HUFA75344P3 avalanche energy rating is exceeded and determine if this device can be used reliably in the application Calculate TJ(START) 27 TJ or TJ(START) = TA + (PD x RΘJ-A) RΘJ-A = RΘJ-C + RΘC-S + RΘS-A Repetitive Pulse UIS Design Example (con’t) Given in the problem: Frequency = 50Hz (new operating condition) Duty Cycle = 75% (new operating condition) TA = 80oC RL = 2.1Ω L = 1.7mh VDD = 24V TJ(MAX) = 175oC Rated BVDSS = 55V (HUFA75344P3 data sheet) (HUFA75344P3 data sheet) RθJ-C = 0.52oC / W (Aavid Thermalloy data sheet) RθC-S = 1.25oC / W (Aavid Thermalloy data sheet) RθS-A = 17.0oC / W o rDS(on) @ 25 C = 0.008Ω (HUFA75344P3 data sheet) rDS(on) @ 80oC = 0.008Ω * 1.25[est HUFA75344P3 data sheet] = 0.010Ω. Actually the rDS(on) temperature multiplier is a function of TJ, but we will use TA for our first iteration) RθJ-A = 18.77oC / W (calculated in the single pulse example) 28 14 Repetitive Pulse UIS Design Example (con’t) Determining PD: PD = PCOND + PAV PD = IAS2 * rDS(on) * Duty Cycle + EAS * Frequency PCOND PAV Determine IAS(PEAK): L/R = 0.0017H/2.11Ω = 0.000806s On time = (1/Frequency) * Duty Cycle = (1/50Hz) * 0. 75 = 0.015s 0.015s / 0.000806s > 18 Since the on-time of the MOSFET is > 18 * L/R (99.9+% of its peak value), we can approximate IAS(PEAK) to be 100% of V/R to simplify our calculations IAS(PEAK) = 11.37A (Calculated in the single pulse example) Calculating PCOND: PCOND = IAS2 * rDS(on) * Duty Cycle = (11.37A)2 * 0.010Ω * 0.75 = 0.97W 29 Repetitive Pulse UIS Design Example (con’t) EAS = 135mj (Calculated in the single pulse example) Calculating PAV: PAV = EAS * Frequency = 135mj * 50Hz = 6.75W Calculating PTOTAL PTOTAL = PCOND + PAV = 0.97W + 6.73W =7.7W TJ or TJ(START) = TA + (PD x RΘJ-A) = 80oC + (7.7*18.77oC/W) = 80oC+144.5oC = 224oC TJ(START) > 175oC This part cannot be used in this application since TJ(START) exceeds TJ(MAX) of 175oC Since PCOND is a small percentage, ≅ 12%, of PTOTAL, it is recommended to choose a heat sink with an RθS-A such that: TA + (PD x RΘJ-A) ≤175oC 30 15 Repetitive Pulse UIS Design Example (con’t) Recalculating TJ(START) with a more efficient heat sink: Recalculating the rDS(on) @ 175oC: o rDS(on) @ 175 C = 0.008Ω *2.0 [est HUFA75344P3 data sheet ] = 0.016Ω This results in a 8 milliohm change PCOND = IAS2 * rDS(on) * Duty Cycle = (11.37A)2 * 0. 016Ω * 0.75 = 1.55W Recalculating PTOTAL: PTOTAL = PCOND + PAV = 1.55W + 6.75W =8.3W RΘJ-A = RΘJ-C + RΘC-S + RΘS-A = 0.52oC + 1.25oC + 8oC = 9.77oC / W TJ or TJ(START) = TA + (PD x RθJ-A) = 80oC + (8.3 * 9.77oC / W) = 80oC + 81.1oC = 161.1oC o The TJ of the MOSFET now resides below the 175 C maximum operating temperature 31 Conclusions • A Power MOSFET’s UIS capability has a IAS2 * tAV = constant relationship • A Power MOSFET’s avalanche energy is not a constant, but varies as a function of the time in avalanche • A simple single pulse UIS Rating system has been defined. By plotting the device’s operating point of IAS and tAV on the rating graph, one can easily determine if the device is being operated safely • A simple rating system for repetitive pulses has been presented. Using the single pulse information and TJ(AVG) the repetitive pulse operation can be quickly analyzed • Significant, usable avalanche energy capability exists in a Power MOSFET as long as TJ(START) ≤ TJ(MAX) 32 16 Articles on Unclamped Inductive Switching 1. “Single Pulse Unclamped Inductive Switching: A Rating System”, Fairchild Application Note AN-7514 2. “A combined Single Pulse and Repetitive UIS Rating System”, Fairchild Application Note AN-7515 3. “Boundary of Power MOSFET Unclamped Inductive (UIS) Avalanche Current Capability”, Rodney R. Stoltenburg, Proc. 1989 Applied Power Electronics Conference, pp 359-364, March 1989 4. “Rating System Compares Single Pulse Unclamped Inductive Switching for MOSFETs”, Harold Ronan, PCIM magazine, pp 32-40, Sept. 1991 5. “Power Rectifier UIS Capability”, Harold Ronan, John Worman 33 Related Links The pdf version of the Power Seminar presentations are available on the our external website. To access or download the pdfs, please visit To access the Power Seminar 2004 archived webcasts, please visit For product datasheets, please visit For application notes, please visit For application block diagrams, please visit For design tools, please visit the design center at 34 17