MARKETING PRACTICES SYLLABUS Instructor: Professor Office: Rasmusen Hall_ Office Hrs: M/W 5:30-7:00, T/R 4:00-5:30 p.m. BA A260 Section 601 RH Room 315 M/W 4:00-5:15 p.m. Fall, 2009 and by appointment Phone: 786-_ Email : TEXT: Lamb, Hair, McDaniel, MKTG,3'o edition -@uaa'alaska'edu RECOMMENDED: Hacker, A Pocket Style Manual OBJECTMS: This course will provide you with a broad overuiew of marketing principles and practices. principles domestic marketing to You will learn how marketing works and what marketers do by applying and international examples. You will have the opportunity to develop communication, analytical, problem solving, and teamwork skills. Furthermore, you will explore marketing career oppoftunities and the latest innovations in marketing. Most impoftantly, you will learn marketing strategy planning that will help you figure out how to do a superior job of satisfying customers. COURSE REOUIREMENTS: ,^. each (Comprehensive) 3 Tests @ 100 points Final Exam 5 Online Quizzes @ 10 points (drop 300 150 lowest) 40 points 20 2 Contemporary MKTG Updates @ 10 Participation Total points 20 530 EXTRA CREDIT ASSIGNMENTS: Choose one assiqnment for UP TO 1O POINTS. Choose one of the following: -Write a book repoft -Attend an American Marketing Association (AMA) professional meeting and write a shoft summary. (The AMA meets on the second Thursday of the month at the Dena'ina Center at 11:45 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. -Join the UM Marketing Club and get 2 points for each club meeting you attend. (Maximum 10 points-attendance must be verified). -Take a leadership position in the UM Marketing Club. GRADING SCALE: A=477-530 Honor grade; indicates comprehensive mastery of work 8=424-476 Indicates high level of peformance C=37t-423 Indicates satisfactory level of performance D=318-370 Indicates lowest passing grade F=below 318 Indicates failure When you send me e-mail PLEASE input your name, section number' and subject into the subject line. For example: Elvis Presley, tsA 260, MKTG lJpdate 1 TIPS ON USING BLACKBOARD: You'll use a number of features of Blackboard (Bb) this semester. I recommend that you access Bb early in the semester. You can access Bb from the CBPP computer labs, your home and your office. If you don't have a computer at home, you have plenty to choose from at UAA. Because a few components of this course will be run on Blackboard, it's important that you know how to perform the following tasks in Blackboard before moving on with the course: r . . read announcements (even ones past 7 days old) open folders and documents access your own private online grade book 1. If you're comfortable with computers, and if you're a self-motivated learner, then you might want to learn Blackboard by poking around in this course and trying things out on your own (don't worry, you won't break anything). Blackboard is a very simple program and very easy to learn with little guidance. 2. If you think you would be more comfodable learning Blackboard through a tutorial (either online or in a face-to-face setting), you can check out numerous opportunities at the Bb Web site. You can access Blackboard at htto:/ / You1l find the Login along with links to other resources at the Bb home page. You can also find out your User Name by inputting the required information at the bottom, left side of the home page. 3. Forwarding / Managing Your UAA E-mail: You may have an e-mail address that you prefer to use other than your UM e-mail address (for example a Hotmail account or a GCI account). Be sure to forward your UAA e-mail to your personal account if you don't plan to check your UAA Web mail account. Every student at UAA has a UAA e-mail account. htto: / / . You are not required to use the Bb email or UAA webmail. . . . . 4. 5. Forward your UAA email to your personal account. Check your e-mail accounts daily Empty your trash regularly: Full mail boxes will cause your e-mail to bounce back to the senoer. You1l find a link to instructions on how to forward your UAA e-mail at the Bb home page. I suggest you start at http: / /technoloqv.uaa,alaska.edulDlaekboard . Once you know how to log on to Blackboard, look under My Courses for CRZOO9-r"-BA A260-601. when you get to the Announcements page in Bb, look on the left side of the page. You1l find the Course Content Areas. Click through each button and find out how Bb works. Have fun! 6. Log into Blackboard regularly to check Announcements. I'll post reminders and other course information. I may also send e-mail to the whole class to let you know about impoftant events. 7. Make sure to click on the Logout button ff)at the top of the page when you're through NOTE: I've used Microsoft Word to produce files for Bb. So, if you don't have Microsoft programs on your computer at home, go to: http: / /office, Input the words "free downloads" into the search box at the top of the page. Find and download the free software that you need. 2 OUIZZES: Five quizzes will be made available to you. I will drop your lowest score. Quiz deadlines are posted on the schedule. Each one is due by midnight on the due date. Grades will automatically be entered into your grade list. You'll be able to see the results of your attempt. I'm hoping that taking these quizzes will help you prepare for upcoming tests. CONTEMPORARY MARKETING UPDATES: These are short writing assignments that will help familiarize you with some current marketing events. You'll find specific directions for each exercise on Bb under Assignments. Note that the directions for MKTG Update 1 and MKTG Update 2 are different so be sure that follow the correct set of directions. Submit your work by email by midnight of the due date shown on the syllabus. PARTICIPATION: Cooperation with colleagues in a business setting is very important to your success on the job. In the same light, if we are to have a successful semester, we must all cooperate. I assume each of you is a coufteous and competent adult. Therefore, I also believe each of you is capable of taking responsibility for your own conduct. Class attendance is not required nor noted. However, if you do attend, I expect you to be on time and to remain for the entire period. Leaving the classroom during class for other than emergencies is unacceptable. If you cannot stay for the entire period, I expect you to notifl/ me in advance. Casual chit-chat, eating during class, shouting out answers without being acknowledged and using offensive language are inconsiderate behaviors which are disruptive and disrespectful. Do not talk while I'm talking. Please treat the building and classroom facilities with respect. Turn off your cell phones. Do not text message. Remove your ear buds. If you bring a computer, do not surf the Net or play computer games during class. Keep your feet off of the furniture. You can help make our semester a good one by contributing to a positive, cooperative classroom environment, . . . . o Every student who registers for this class starts with a "C" (14 points) for padicipation. I adjust your pafticipation points based on how well you meet my expectations for courteous and active padicipation. Simply attending class does not equate to a higher grade in pafticipation. These points are discretionary based on my perception of your interaction with others and with me and/ therefore, are indisputable and unarguable. EXTRA CREDIT BOOK REPORT (UP TO 1O POINTS): The book you choose MUST pertain specifically to marketang. If you're unsure of your choice, check with me. Your report must be a least one typed page and no longer than two pages long. Discuss the author's major points and any conclusions the author makes. Describe how you could apply some of your new knowledge. Also include a critique. (What do you think about what the author had to say? What do you think about the style of presentation?) Include bibliographical information at the toD of the page. Be sure to use a standard method of citation. ^r SPECIAL RESOURCES AVAILABLE: You may find a lower-priced textbook at: htto:/ / WOOOsbvZlOOmZbooks and find the 3.0 edition of MfiG by Lamb, Hair, and McDanie,. If you prefer downloading your textbooks go to: httD: / / ichaDters'com. GENERAL POLICY 1. Deadlines: You are responsible for turning in assignments on or before the due date whether or not vou atteno class that day. r will collect assignments at the beginning of class, Assignments turned in after cljsses are penalw). If you must turn in assionments when I,m not in mv office. turn them into nr!, secret-ary in RH 302. Have her note the date and time and sion your oaper. I will accept any paper early. If you turn work in early enough, you may use your firct aftempt as a first draft' However, unless there are extenuating circumstances, assignments tuined in late will be downgraded 2oolo for every lggingg day beyond the posted deadline. 2' Attendance and Particioation: As per UAA'S policy, regular attendance and active participation is expected. Every student is expected to have read all assigned readings b€fore class, and to participate in discussions and exercises. 3. Withdrawal: It is your responsibiiity to withdraw yourself from the course. Students who stop coming to class and neglect to officially withdraw from the course (submit Add-Drop Form to Admissions and Records) will receive a failing grade. 4. Written Assionments: If spelling and/or typographical errors severely intefere with communicating your ideas, I will return your paper to you for correction. Papers returned for correction will be assessid late penalties as described above. I expect you to follow MLA or APA guidelines described in Hacker's style manual. Written assignments must be typed. Your submissions must follow format requirements if specified. Grades on assignments will be based on format, style, content, accuracy, and application of proper English mechanics. See Grading Scale for Written Work under Course Information in Bb. *Do NOT use text messaging in any assignment or when sending email to me. x'Please write your name, course and section number on all assignments and email messages. *Check your spelling and grammar in every document and email message. Most softurare can help you meet these requirements. *Submit your work by email-NoT the digital drop box. 5. Exams: Exams will cover all material assigned whether we discuss it in class or not and includes reading material, class discussions, class exercises, written assignments, audiovisuals, and guest speakers. The format may consist of multiple choice, true-false, matching, shoft answer questions, and case analyses. l f qrade Speciat Incentive: If you do better on your final exam than on any of your tests, I'll replace your lowest test with the higher score that you earn on your final exam. 6. Make-Up Tests: Under normal circumstances/ i will NOT give make-up tests. You musttakethefinal exam. Only in cases of unique hardship (e.9., illness, death in your family, unanticipated change in work schedule) will I allow make-up tests, Students must be pre-authorized to take a make-up test. All make-up tests will be given on a special make-up exam day, See your class schedule. 7. Missed Assionmentsr You're responsible for getting class notes, handouts, and announcements from your I encourage you to form study groups early in the semester. classmates. .a 8. Honestv: Honesty is a requirement. All work must be original. Do not copy my examples. They are available to you only to serve as "roadmaps." Papers prepared for other classes may not be used in this class nor should you use papers prepared for this class to fulfill requirements for other courses. Papers must be tailored to the courses you're taking. Direct downloads from the Net are not acceptable. If you plagiarize or cheat on an assignment you will get no credit for the assignment. Students who cheat will be referred to University authorities for further disciplinary action, In addition, you may receive a failing grade for the course. Review UAA'S Student Code of Conduct. For information on how to avoid plagiarism, go to: http: / / /-wts/pamphlets/plaoiarism.shtml MARKETING PRACTICES Section 601 TENTATIVE COURSE SCHEDULEX M Aug. 24 WAug. 26 Chapter 1 Overview of l4arketing M Aug. 31 Chapter 2 Strategic Planning W Sept. 2 DUE: Ouiz 1 Chapter 3 Social Responsibility, Ethics, Mktg. Environment M Sept.7 NO W Sept. 9 DUE: Ouiz 2 Chapter 4 Developing a Global Vision 4 Chapter 5 Consumer Decision Making 16 Test 1 Chapters 1-4 M Sept.21 Chapter 6 Business Marketing W Sept. 23 DUE: Ouiz 3 Chapter 7 Segmenting and Targeting Markets M Sept. 28 Chapter 7 Segmenting and Targeting Markets W Sept. 30 Chapter 8 Decision Support Systems & Research M (enf 'l W Sept. , Course Orientation CTASS UAA Holiday Chapter 8 DUE: Contemporarv MKTG Update 1 Decision Support Systems & Research W Oct. 7 Chapter 9 Product Concepts M Oct. 12 Test 2 Chapters 5-8 W Oct. 14 Chapter 10 Developing and Managing Products Chapter 10 Developing and Managing Products M Oct. 5 19 a@Q@ M Oct. 21 M Oct. 26 W Oct. 11 Chapter 12 Chapter Services and Nonprofit Organization Marketing Marketing Channels and Supply Chain Management DUE: Contemporary MKTG Update 2 ^ M Nov. 2 13 Chapter 14 Integrated Marketing Communications W Nov, 4 Test 3 Chapters 9-13 M Nov. 9 Chapter W Oct. 28 W Nov. 11 Chapter 15 Chapter 16 Retailing Advertising and Public Relations Sales Promotion and Personal Selling Due: Ouiz 4 M Nov. 16 W Nov. 18 F Nov. 20 M Nov. 23 17 Chapter 18 Chapter Pricing Concepts Setting the Right Price MAKE-UP EXAM DAY 9 a,m. - 12 p.m. Room TBA Only for rtudenB prc-authorized to bke make-up ffi Chapter 18 Guest presenter Due: Extra Credit W Nov. 25 NO CLASS 19 M Nov. 30 Chapter W Dec. 2 Wrap Up and Review M Dec. 9 FINAL EXAM THANKSGIVING HOLIDAY Customer Relationship Management (CRM) 4:00 - 6:45 p.m. IYote: Regular classes are not held during final exam week. CREDIT TO AUDIT DEADLINE: November 16 WITHDRAWAL DEADLINE: November 16 .-- xThis schedule is subject to change based on the needs of the class and at the discretion of the instructor.