CIS133 – Installation – OpenSuse 13.1 OpenSUSE Install. Login using the web vSphere client and create a virtual machine in which you will install the operating system. 1) Open the VMware vSphere Client. https://srvvcenter-cis:9443/vsphere-client. (There should be a shortcut to this url on the desktop of all K-building computers.) Enter your AccessBCC credentials and click on Login OR Select the option to “use Windows session authentication” and click on Login 2) From the Home / Home screen, select “VMs and Templates”. 3) If necessary, expand the srvvcenter-cis.bcc.local and CIS Department nodes and navigate to the CIS133 folder. You should find a folder within this folder assigned to you; the folder name will include your name. 4) Either right-click on the folder and select “New Virtual Machine” or select the “Create new virtual machine” link in the middle pane. 5) Select Create a new virtual machine and click Next. 6) Enter a name for the Virtual Machine. Use your initials followed by 133-SRV2008. (i.e,: if your initials are JMT then your virtual machine’s name would be: JMT-133-SRV2008 . 7) Select a location for the virtual machine: Select your CIS133 folder as the Location for the virtual machine. 8) Click Next 9) Expand the CIS Department /K-building node and select the vmconsole host that was assigned to you. (If you’re unsure – ask!) Click Next 10) Select EQL-CIS-Volume1 for the destination storage and click Next 11) Select ESX1 5.1 or later as the Compatible with setting and click Next. 12) Select Linux as the Guest Operating System and select SUSE Linux Enterprise 12 (32-bit). 13) Click Next. 14) At the Customize Virtual hardware screen use the drop-down arrow near the Client Device box to select Datastore ISO File 15) Expand EQL-CIS-Images / Image Files in the Datastores Box. 16) Select Linux / OpenSuse / openSUSE-13.1-DVD-i586 from the Datastores box and click OK. 17) You should now be back at the Customize Virtual Hardware screen. Check the “connect” box near the CD/DVD setting. 18) While still at the Customize Hardware screen, expand “New Hard disk” and select Thin Provision 19) Click on Next and then click on Finish Install OpenSuse 13.1 1) Right-Click on the Virtual Machine that you just created and select Power On 2) Right-Click on the Virtual Machine again and select Open Console 3) You should see a see a window like the one displayed below. If you see this window, use the down arrow key to move to Installation and press Enter. 4) Accept English as the language and keyboard layout and, if desired, read through the license agreement (yeah, right!) and then click Next. 5) At the Installation Mode screen, select New Installation and uncheck all three check boxes and then click Next. 6) At the Clock and Time Zone screen, confirm that the Region is set to USA and the Time Zone is set to Eastern (New York). If necessary, click on the Change button to adjust the clock’s time. After you confirm that all is appropriately configured, click Next. 7) At the Desktop Selection screen, select Kde and click Next. 8) At the Suggested Partitioning screen: Select Edit Partition Setup Double-click on the last partion /dev/sda3 Select Delete and select Yes to confirm the deletion . Double-click on /dev/sda2 partition Select Resize, select Custom Size and enter 10 GB as the size and click OK If you are back at the list of partitions, select Add. If you are not back at the list of partitions, select sda in the left pane and then select Add. Accept Primary partition as the partition type and click Next Accept the size presented by clicking Next If necessary, change the Mount Point to /home. Leave all other settings as is and click Finish Click Accept This should bring you back to the Suggested Partitioning screen. Confirm the following settings and then click Next. - Create swap volume /dev/sda1(1.47GB) - Create root volume /dev/sda2 (10 GB) - Create volume /dev/sda3 (4.53 GB) for /home 9) At the Create a New User screen fill in the following: User’s Full Name: cis133 student Username: cis133 Password: novell Confirm Password: novell Confirm the Use this password for system administrator is selected (it should already be selected) Confirm the Receive System Mail is NOT selected (it should already be de-selected) Confirm the Automatic Login is NOT selected (this will, by default, be selected – be sure that you deselect this option. Leave the authentication and password encryption methods as-is and click Next. 10) Click Yes at the message indicating that the password is too simple. 11) At the Installation Settings screen, click Change and then click Software: Under Graphical Environment, select: Gnome Desktop Environment and select XFCE Desktop Environment. Under Development, select: C/C++ and Linux Kernel Development (You’ll have to scroll down for the Development Section) Click OK 12) Click Install 13) At the Confirm Installation prompt, click Install. 14) The installer will now install OpenSUSE. Several progress bars will come and go and you’ll eventually see an Installation Slideshow. During the installation you’ll notice 3 tabs along the top of the screen: Slide Show, Details, and Release Notes. The Slide Show is where the installation will place you, by default. If you’d like a more detailed view of what’s happening, select the Details tab. When the installation is complete, the computer will automatically reboot 15) At the Hostname and Domain Name screen, enter the following: Hostname: YourInitials-SuseServer Domain Name: cis133.bcc Uncheck Change Hostname via DHCP Check off Apply Hostname to Loopback IP Click Next 16) At the Network Configuration screen, click Next. 17) At the Test Internet Connection screen, select Yes, Test Connection and click Next. 18) The test should be successful. Click Next 19) SKIP the online Update (this will take too long – you can do this outside of class). Click Next. 20) Click Next at the Release Notes screen. 21) Click Next at the Hardware Configuration screen. Click Finish at the Installation Completed screen. After the system reboots, login using the cis133 student account. Confirm to me that you’re able to get online.