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Commercial Vehicle Policy
Features and Benefits
Purpose of Document Statement
This document is a summary of the cover available under our Commercial
Vehicle Policy. The document outlines the main features, benefits and
restrictions that will apply to your policy should you choose to place your
insurance with FBD.
It is not meant to replace the full policy terms and conditions found under our
Commercial Vehicle Policy. These terms and conditions are included in our
Commercial Vehicle Policy Document and should be read in conjunction with
your Certificate of Insurance and Policy Schedule issued following completion
of the purchase process. Please also review our Terms of Business as it contains
important information on how we will provide insurance to you.
The extent to which the features, benefits and restrictions apply to you
depends on the level of cover you purchase. The primary cover options are
summarised in this document.
Throughout this document, “we”, “us” or “our” refers to FBD Insurance plc,
while “you” or “your” refers to you the policyholder.
Summary of Primary Covers
Third Party Cover
This is the minimum level of cover required on all commercial vehicles used on
public roads. Third Party Cover will provide you with legal protection should a
claim be brought against you for injury or property damage to others arising
from the use of your vehicle.
Third Party, Fire and Theft Cover
In addition to Third Party Cover (outlined above), Third Party Fire and Theft
will provide cover for loss or damage to your vehicle arising from fire, theft or
damage caused during an attempted theft.
Comprehensive Cover is the most extensive cover available for commercial
vehicle owners. In addition to the protection provided under Third Party
Cover and Third Party, Fire and Theft Cover, Comprehensive includes cover for
accidental damage to your vehicle. In addition, Comprehensive Cover includes
a number of additional cover features as standard including Breakdown
Assistance (for small commercials) and Windscreen cover.
Optional Extras
If they are not already included as part of our standard package, you
can choose to include the following optional extras on your policy:
• Windscreen (Optional with Fire and Theft; included as standard under
Comprehensive Cover)
• Detached Trailer Cover
• Specified Trailer Cover
Specific limits and restrictions apply to the Primary Covers outlined
above. These limits and restrictions are summarised in the Policy
Features, Benefits and Restrictions table contained in this document.
Driving Under Your Policy
Various driving choices are available under our Commercial Vehicle Policy.
These include:
• Driving confined to you only
• You plus one named driver
• Open Drive - This allows any driver between the ages of 25 and 71 years
with a full clean driving licence drive your vehicle with your consent
• Additional named drivers such as those with provisional licences or
outside the normal 25 to 71 age category can generally be included on
your policy at an additional premium and subject to agreement by FBD.
Named Drivers Only.
Your Certificate of Insurance will set out the drivers covered to drive under
your policy. Please read this document carefully as FBD will not be liable for
any injury, loss or damage while your vehicle is being driven by a person not
covered by your Certificate of Insurance.
Limitations as to Use
The Commercial Vehicle Policy can be extended to include use in respect of
business, farm or other work activities- in addition to the social, domestic and
pleasure use provided as standard. Use for motor trade purposes or use for hire
or reward is excluded.
Always check your Certificate of Insurance to see what level of use is covered
under your policy.
Important Notes on our Commercial Vehicle
General Policy Exclusions
Some general exclusions apply to your policy. These exclusions exclude all
liability, loss or damage arising from Radioactivity, War, Terrorism and Date
Related Electrical or Electronic Breakdowns.
Policy Excess
The excess amount on your policy is the amount of money which you must
pay should you have a valid claim. Your policy will only provide cover above
this amount.
Our standard accidental damage excess is €250 for each and every claim.
Higher excesses will apply for drivers with provisional licences or those outside
the standard 25 to 71 age category (where they are included on the policy). No
excess applies for fire, theft or windscreen claims.
No Claims Discount
All claims (except for fire, theft and windscreen claims) will result in the
deletion of your No Claims Discount. Exceptions will apply in respect of certain
types where no No Claims Discount applies.
Basis of Claims Settlement
FBD may choose to make a payment, repair (through a nominated repairer),
replace or reinstate losses where a claim is payable. The maximum amount
payable in all circumstances will be the amount specified in the Policy
In the event of your vehicle being damaged beyond repair, the maximum
amount payable by FBD in respect of loss or damage to your vehicle is the
market value of the vehicle immediately prior to such loss or damage less any
residual salvage value.
Territorial Limits
Your standard policy cover applies in the Republic of Ireland and Northern
Ireland. The Policy also extends to give the minimum RTA cover required
throughout the EU and EEA Designated Countries. In order for full cover to
operate outside the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland, you must advise
us to extend the policy cover accordingly.
Policy Conditions
A number of conditions apply to your policy. These are detailed in full in the
Policy Document and include the requirement to take all reasonable steps to
safeguard you, your vehicle and all other people from loss or damage and the
condition to notify us promptly of any claims or incidents that may give rise to
For certain types such as articulated or HGVs, driving may be confined to
CMV FAB 2012 06 v1.0
FBD Insurance plc is regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland
Summary of Policy Features, Benefits and Restrictions
Third Party,
Fire and Theft
Third Party
Covers your legal liability for damage to
The limit of liability applicable under
third party property arising from the use
this item is €1.3m
of your vehicle
Third Party
Trailer Cover
Cover to tow a trailer attached to your
vehicle (Third Party Only Cover)
Damage to the trailer or to goods
carried on/in the trailer is not covered
Covers the cost of removal of your
vehicle to the nearest repairer following
loss or damage and the cost of delivery
of your vehicle once the loss/damage is
We will only pay the reasonable costs of
removal and delivery
Once repaired we will only deliver your
vehicle to your address in Ireland
Fire and
Damage to your vehicle as a result of
fire, self ignition, lightning or explosion
or by theft or attempted theft
Excluding deliberate acts by you
Fire Brigade
Cover for fire brigade charges levied
following a claim involving your vehicle
The limit in respect of this item is
Covers loss or damage to your vehicle
and its accessories and spare parts
whilst on the vehicle
Excluding depreciation, wear, tear,
mechanical or electrical breakdown
or failures, damage to tyres by the
application of brakes or punctures
Cover for accidental damage to
windscreens and windows on your
Monetary limits apply where an FBD
approved windscreen supplier is not
Roadside assistance including
provisions to tow your vehicle to the
nearest competent repairer and to
provide alternative accommodation
or alternative transport in order to
complete your journey
The following number must be used to
avail of this service - 1800 323 888
The cost of parts used in the repair is
excluded. Please refer to the Policy
Document for full list of exceptions and
conditions applicable
Cover only applies in respect of small
standard commercials up to 2 ton
carrying capacity
Trailer Cover
Third Party cover on specified detached
Damage to the trailer or goods carried
on/in the trailer is not covered
Trailer Cover
Fire & Theft or Comprehensive Cover on Cover on the trailer cannot be greater
specified trailers
than the vehicle itself
Third Party Personal
Covers your legal liability for death or
injury to third parties arising from the
use of your vehicle
The limit of liability for injury under this
item is unlimited in amount
Third Party
- Property
Important Notice
Duty of Disclosure
You have a duty to disclose to us all material facts. A material fact is any information likely to influence our acceptance of your insurance, our calculation
of your premium or the terms and conditions we apply to your policy. If you fail to disclose to us any such material fact we may cancel or invalidate your
insurance policy.
Consequences of Non Disclosure
If we cancel or invalidate your policy due to non disclosure the potential consequences for you include: non payment of claims under the policy, difficulty in
purchasing insurance elsewhere, breach of contract with your mortgage provider or lender. If you are in any doubt as to whether or not any information is
important in respect of your insurance, please disclose it to us.
All covers are subject to the terms, conditions, exceptions and excesses set out in detail in your Policy Documentation.
Always check your Policy Documentation (Certificate of Insurance, Policy Schedule, Policy Document, Quotation Letter or Proposal Form) to see
what cover applies to your policy or quotation.
FBD Insurance plc
T: 1890 617 617
FBD House, Bluebell
Dublin 12, Ireland
Our Policy
is You
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