430 IEEE JOURNAL A CMOS Four-Quadrant KLAAS BULT AND HANS OF SOLID-STATE Analog WALLINGA, first swing has a linearity of 36 percent 1 MHz. an better than 0.14 percent of the supply current The second version has floating output current bandwidth from swing of for an orrtpnt and a bandwidth inputs, a linearity 40 percent of the supply current L+- a Fig. F INTRODUCTION OUR-QUADRANT building filters, pliers blocks many frequency-shifters, have received circuits technology, are very useful such and modulators. severe attention [1]. Even in CMOS Analog in bipolar multipliers K=p as adaptive multipliers Their circuit have been reported bipolar circuit paper we report approach concept is based described in [3] and [4]. In by Gilbert on a new approach characteristics [1]. In W= channel (Section analysis is presented. III). Then Section of MOS in Section V describes of the multiplier with and Consider the circuit of Fig. 1. The gate–source voltages of the two identical MOS transistors Ml and M2 are, respectively, Vg,l and P’&2. The sum of the gate–source voltages is kept at a constant voltage V2: transistors Furthermore ldl = K(Vg,l – ~)2 operlinear two of IV a distortion the design of a second version floating inputs Section VI shows the results of the measurements. (2) Vg,l + vg,2 = V2. and circuits results in a two-quadrant multiplier, and duplicating this circuit results in the four-quadrant multiplier width, per unit area, L = channel length. this for a four-quadrant ated in saturation. First a novel voltage-controlled V– 1 convertor is explained (Section II). Combining these again mobility, on the well-known analog multiplier which has been realized in CMOS technology. This multiplier relies on the quadratic drain-current/gate-voltage The basic circuit. COX= gate oxide capacitance technology using (lateral) [5] and [6] four-quadrant multipliers using switched-capacitor techniques have been described. A continuous-time CMOS multiplier has been presented by Soo and Meyer [7]. 1. W/L, COX p = carrier multi- bipolar transistors have been reported [2]. Until now only a few CMOS multiplier designs have been published. Singlequadrant V2 with analog multipliers in 1986 t- M1 dc to above 4.5 MHz. I. 3, JUNE M2 at and NO. l&2 idl dc to of 0.4 percent SC-21, MEMBER, IEEE current from VOL. Multiplier ,4Mrad —A new circuit configuration for an MOS four-quadrant analog multiplier circuit is presented. It is based on the square-law characteristics of the MOS transistor. Two versions have been realized. The CIRCUITS, 1~2 = K(V’,2 Applying output A2 – B2 = (A + B)(A current difference (3) – @2. – B) ( 1~1 – IJ to (2) and (3), the may be written as and ldl–1d2= K(V2–2~)(Vg,l –Vg,J). (4) Because II. THE BASIC VOLTAGE-CONTROLLED V– In this section I V-8.1– V’&= CONVERTOR all devices have the same geometry operate in the saturation characteristic is assumed Id= region. The simple and square-law we may, for constant (Idl – 1d2) is linearly V2, conclude that the output current dependent on P’g,l or V,,, (only one of the two parameters K(vg, –~)2 (1) Manuscript received December 2, 1985: revised March 11, 1986. This work 1spart of a researchprogram of the Dutch Foundation for Fundamental Researchon Matter (FOM). The authors are with the Department of Electrical Engineering, IC Technology and Electronics Group, Twente University of Technology, 7500 AE Enschede,The Netherlands. IEEE Log Number 8608520. 0018 -9200/86/0600-0430$01 tension transistor of the (5) V2 – 2V3.2 = 2vg.1 – V2 can be chosen independently). circuit in Fig. 1 with another Ex- identical M3 as shown in Fig. 2 enables us to control V~,2 via F(..,3.Because M2 and M3 have the same drain current and both devices have the same geometry, the gate–source voltages Vg,2 and Vg,j are equal: vg,2 = vgJ3 = Vin. .00 01986 IEEE (6) BULT AND CMOS WALLINGA: FOUR-QUADRANT Idl ANALOG 431 “MULTIPLIER !&j Itjz M M2 V2 t--- Ml M3 V,n t-- Fig. 2. The voltage-controlled M21 V– I convertor. m Ml~ M31 IR iL t Substitution from the relationship factor term ( Vz – 2 ~)V2, be controlled it is required the saturation square-law tion and mobility (7) (7) shows proximation, region, by means of proper channel-length from the modula- reduction. modulation causes the drain current to the drain voltage. In first-order apby h,,,.,)) ~(bs - (12) with operate in I d,sat i.e., = K(vg. – ~)2 vd,,,,,= (Vg,- U) 1 A=z/a. and v2>2~n–~. (8) Substitution III. Equation THE MULTIPLIER (7) may be rewritten 1~1 _ Id2 = K(VJ Id=zqvg, –~)2+AKvd. (vg,–F02 a one-quadrant tion. The first term, however, is a nonlinear The multiplica- function 3 in which terminals. the same voltage The input respectively. Now circuit voltages the of the IL–lR=2K(v2 This represents to both V2 Vi. are terlrned VI and V{, output may be written is applied current difference of the (lo) –2~)(v(–17J. multiplier. Note the disap- pearance of the nonlinear quadratic term (of V2 and of the this offset term for the VI input. By again duplicating circuit and cross coupling the output currents (Fig. 4), a four-quadrant multiplier is obtained. Current mirrors have been added to obtain a single-ended output. The output is now given by term for the V2 input term is the well-known drain (11) VI). has disappeared too. and wanted (13) quadratic output current. The second term is quadratic in (Vg, – ~) but also depends cm Vd~. The effect of channel-length by using long-channel the effect of of the modulation MOS transistors, channel-length multiplier can be reduced Before modulation we will going into on the perfor- consider the mobility reduction. b) Mobility modeled by reduction p in =%/(1+ an MOS transistor w,. -0) with p ~ = zero field mobility, O= 1.”, = 2K(V2 –v;)(v/– The offset first - Pj’. term. The last term is a third-order term which will cause first and third harmonics of the input gate voltage in the mance as a two-quadrant - y(vg, (9) terminal voltage Vz and the second and third term turn up as offset terms. Duplication of the circuit of Fig. 2 and cross coupling of the output currents results in the circuit of Fig. of these terms in (12) yields as _ 2~V2 + 4~Vin _ 2V2Vin) . The last term of (9) represents current of (l): Id= L,.,(I+ Vin> J( overall effects causing deviations behavior this may be modeled a linear Vz,, For that all three transistors multiplier SECOND-ORDER EFFECTS a) Channel-length be dependent on _21~in). Four-quadrant are two major ideal ( Idl – Idz) and Vi.. The conversion between can operation There multiplier Idz = K(V2 –2~)(Vz 4, IV. of (6) and (5) into (4) yields Idl– Apart Two-quadrant I Fig. Vi 3. y’ I w Fig. I l/(dOx” Ec,), dOx = oxide thickness, EC, = critical field. and may be (14) 432 IEEE The mobility and may means reduction have a deviation ranging from the of use Id= ranging from 1 to (14), Ko(vg, parameter values 20 (1) the –~)2[1– be 0.01 for 1-V V-1. This of ~ change in V,,.. into a Taylor –fi)+e’(vg, OF SOLID-STATE dependent 0.25 value developed e(vg, to nominal percent may d is process from JOURNAL in CIRCUITS, VOL. SC-21, NO. 3, JUNE 1986 Q M2 t-- (1) Ml With series V* -~)2 -@(vg. -@3.] (15) Fig. 5. The voltage-controlled V– I convertor with independent of the dc levels of both inputs. control with KO = PO”COX.W/L. For 6( Vg, – F() <1, portant. higher order terms As r3 is a process-dependent be made small by optimizing The following uration of Fig. this analysis, analysis 1 the geometries matching I 1 ‘Vdd less imit cannot of the devices. shows that in the circuit 4 some of the distortion ideal become parameter r 1 config- terms cancel. of the transistors In lout is assumed of the gate–source and Id is supposed to be a function voltage only. The second term in (13) is made small by p_*r ,Y( using long devices. Irrespective of the origins of the deviations from the ideal square–law characteristic, one can develop a Taylor series for the expression of the gate–source Id= of the drain current II ,A - as a function I Fig. 6. Four-quadrant –~)+a2(V~, above, channel–length –~)2 +a3(v~, the following -@3+ ]. (16) independent common-mode and differential If mobility of distortion, reduction by comparison a2=l Vld{2a2 that with current the aforemen- 10Ut of the circuit This means purely voltages differential VIC and input –/33 (20) etc. important distortion terms indicates the order of magnitude in to of the distor- V1C)3) V. THE MULTIPLIER WITH FLOATING INPUTS (V2C– VIC)} –VIC)}]. voltages V2C are constant (18) the common-mode and the terms between braces are constant. In that for IOU, may be abbreviated to 1.”, = the most (j2 tion. VI,) V1C)2+20a5(V2C– that A disadvantage of the circuit of common-mode voltage of the inputs bias voltages. For 0,1, ..0 ) in (16) can be (19), i.e., C2. V~~. V2d and C3oV~~. Vl~, are proportional 92, which +6a3(V2C– = as= up to the fifth-order as +V~~. V2~. {a4+5a,(V2C a4 (17) calculation {a4+5a5. is geometry a3=—(j (V2 – vJ)/2. the output of Fig. 4 can be written +V2j-V1~. ai (i= v2c=(v2+v’’-2~2/2 of Id it can be shown however, serious cause of distor- with (15). This results in aO=al=O assumptions, +12a4(V2C– inputs. is assumed to be the only origin the constants vlc=(vl+v(–2~)/2 a straightforward 10U,= KO[V2d. .ss can be reduced by using reduction, and is a much more determined V,d= tioned with floating modulation Vld = (Vl – v;)/2 expansion multiplier long devices. The mobility tion. With I voltage KO[aO+al(V~$ We define voltages: L I in (18) case the expression c1v2d.vld+ C,.v:d.vld + c3.v:d.v2d. (19) From (18) it becomes clear that only fourth and @gher order terms in (16) give rise to distortion. As mentioned duced A way to circumvent in this section. three transistors Fig. 4 is that the are simultaneously this problem is intro- Fig. 5 shows again the sqbcircuit of as shown in Fig. 2, but with one modifica- tion: the sources of Ml and M3 are disconnected. .This does not infh.ience the function of the circuit: (2)-(9) still hold for this version. The result, however, is independent control over the common-mode levels of both inputs. The next step is to quadruple this circuit in the same way as in the circuit of Fig. 4 and to connect the common sources to BULT AND WALLINGA Fig. CMOS : 7. FOUR-QUADRANT Die photograph of the circuit current sources mirrors have been added to obtain of Fig. 4. Fig. 8. with Die photograph of the circuit of Fig. 6 current a single-ended difference of the transistors 433 MULTIPLIER as shown in Fig. 6. Furthermore, Fig. 6 shows another 4: the drains ANALOG output. the circuit of Fig. at the Vz input are con- nected to Vdd instead of to the output current mirrors. As is seen in Fig. 4, the branches with M31 and .M32 conduct the same current equal. because their However, the currents they are connected holds for currents the the drained multiplier current to the final of noise. with is one restriction: voltages which We As these signal they is advantageous now independently conditions The same M34. output are cancel as mirrors. i1433 and to the supply, discrimination quadrant There with do not contribute are directly for to opposite branches gate–source in these branches have a four- floating inputs. Fig. 9, Multiplication of two sine waves of the same frequency of Fig. 4). (circuit (8) have to be fulfilled for each of the basic subcircuits of three transistors. Unfortunately, for this second version of the multiplier, [8], [9]. As this process has isolated n-wells, both circuits have been realized with p-channel transistors because the the terms between distortion analysis body effect may be reduced by connecting the well substrates to the sources of the p-channel MOST’S. N-channel braces in (18) are not constant and the becomes much more complicated. This is due to the fact that now V2C and VIC are not referenced to ground distortion but to the common-source nodes. A detailed analysis is beyond the scope of this paper and we refer to the experimental results in the next section. transistors have only been used as current obtain a single-ended output current. The circuit of Fig. 4 was processed with voltage oxide VI. Both versions realized. circuits in the Figs. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS of the multiplier (Figs. 4 and 6) have been 7 and 8 show the die photographs of the of Figs. 4 and 6. These IC’S have been fabricated IC processing facility of Twentc TJniversity of Technology using a retrograde twin-well CMOS process of – 0.6 V for thickness the p-channel of 50 nm. All mirrors to a threshold transistors and an devices of this design have W= 120 pm, L =10 pm. The activp the same geometry: area, including current mirrors, is about 86400 pm2. Fig. 9 shows the performance of the multiplier as a frequency doubler; the input signals are two in-phase l-kHz sine waves of 3.5 Vp _P. The output is a sine wave of twice the input signal frequency mVP _ ~ measured and has a magnitude of 44 over a 100-0 load resistor, i.e., an output 434 IEEE JOURNAL OF SOLID-STATE % CIRCUITS, VOL. “SC-21, NO. 3, JUNE 1986 J THD .5. .4. / ,3. i .2 /; I /“ “Iz_w!?@’”pp’, 50 Fig. Fig. Modulated 10. triangle wave (circuit 12. The efficiency 100% total harmonic distortion as a function of the current IOUt,P_ ~ /I,~PPIY (circuit of Fig. 4). l,UPPIY = 1.65 mA. of Fig. 4). . .6. .50/ .4/ .3- ./” %...,.”’ .2. “’t--_!3’-s/’s. f’ply 10 Fig. Fig. 11. Spectral contents of a sine wave at the output of Fig. 4. of the multiplier 13. The efficiency of 0.44 mA ~_ ~. The total supply current was 2.0 mA. Fig. 10 shows the multiplier tor. A 3.5-VP_P triangle performance wave was applied and a 3.8-VP_ ~ sine wave was applied shows the spectrum current of the output of magnitude was second and fundamental. The total third harmonics to the Vz input. signal with a l-kHz harmonic distortion are both circuit of Fig. load The sine output resistor. 60 dB below was measured 6 was realized as a function of the current of Fig. 6). I,UPPIY= 1.88 mA. of this circuit distortion was from dc to as a function of is shown in Fig. 13. A dc voltage to the VI input magnitude The The the as a func- tion of the current efficiency 10Ut,P_P/l,uPPIY by varying the magnitude of a l-kHz sine wave applied to the Vz input. Fig. 12 shows the result. The bandwidth of this circuit measured with a load resistor of 100 Q and a load capacitor of 50 pF is from dc to above 1 MHz. The % and a l-kHz of sine wave to the V2 input. was applied as a modula- 1.7 VP_P at the input. 0.6 mA ~_ ~ m a 100-0 50 to the VI inputs output current amplitude measured in a 100-0 load resistor was 0.9 mAP_P. The total supply current was 1.0 mA. With a 3-V dc voltage applied to the VI input, the multiplier was used as a linear control circuit. Fig. 11 wave (circuit harmonic efficiency 5.3 V was applied of variable 40 distortion bandwidth The total the current current 30 total harmonic IOut,P_ ~ /1,.,,1, The measured 4.5 MHz. 20 with a threshold voltage of – 0.2 V for the p-channel transistors and an oxide thickness of 25 nm. The transistors used in the core of the multiplier all have the same geometry: W = 40 pm, used in the current mirrors L = 20 pm. The transistors have been designed much larger: W= 130 ~m, L =10 pm. The active area including current mirrors is about 76000 pm2. VII. The experimental for both versions harmonic distortion than the total (Figs. DISCUSSION results show an excellent performance of the multiplier. However, the total of the first version is essentially lower harmonic distortion 12 and 13), even though of the second version the channel devices in the second version was larger. pointed out that the circuits have been length of the First, it has to be fabricated with different oxide thicknesses. The oxide thickness of the first version was twice as large as that of the second version. Referring to (14) we note that the mobility reduction parameter 6 in the second version is twice as large as in the first version. Moreover, as mentioned in Section V, the common-mode voltages V2C and VI, in the distortion analysis of Section IV are not constant for the second version. It can be shown that for this version lIT (21) Now (18) predicts distortion terms caused by third-order terms in (16) and according to (20) this means that these terms are proportional to O instead of d 2. BULT AND WALLINGA : The dominant the nodes input. CMOS poles in both were typically Measured less than be performed 435 MULTIPLIER designs are (determined devices can be improved in these branches. could ANALOG at the sources of the input The bandwidth current FOUR-QUADRANT 15 mV. because No offset the analysis devices [6] VIII. [7] CONCLUSIONS An extremely simple and compact design for a CMOS four-quadrant multiplier circuit has been presented. The design is based on the square-law characteristics of the transistor realized in of which The first version of 0.14 percent percent, [5] were available. MOS [4] voltages statistical a few [3] of the V2 by increasing input only by saturation. Two versions the second version has a measured at a current a bandwidth, has floating total harmonic efficiency measured 100 Q and a load capacitor have been inputs. 10Ut,P_.~,l,UPPIY of 36 with a load resistor of of 50 pF, frc)m dc to 1 MHz, second of 0.3 percent at a current efficiency of 40 percent, a bandwidth, measured with a load resistor of 100 $2 and a load capacidc to 4.5 MHz, [9] distortion and a supply current I,UPPIY of 1.65 mA. The version has a measured total harmonic distortion tor of 50 pf, from [8] P. B. Denyer, J. Mavor, and J. W. Arthur, “Miniature programmable transversal filter using CCD\MOS technology,” Proc. IEEE, vol. 67, pp. 42-50, Jan. 1979. D. Brodarac. D. Herbst. B. J. Hosticka, and B. Hbfflirmer, “Novel sampled-data MOS multiplier,” Electrori Letf., vol. 18, p:. 229-230, Mar. 1982. M.-A. Yasumoto, T. Enomoto, K. Watanabe, and T. Ishihara, “Single-chip adaptive transversal filter IC employing i.witched capacitor technology,” IEEE J. Selected Areas Conrmun., vol. SAC-2, pp. 324-333, Mar. 1984. Z, Hong and H, Melchior, “Four-quadrant CMOS analogue multiNov. 1984. plier;’ Electron Lett., vol. 20, pp. 1015-1016, D. C. Soo and R. G. Meyer, “A four-quadrant NMOS anafog multiplier,” IEEE J. Solid-S~ate Circuils, vol. SC-17, pp. 1174-1178, Dec. 1982. A. Stolmeijer, “The development of a CMOS process using high energy ion implantation,” Ph.D. dissertation, Twente Univ. of Technology, Enschede, The Netherlands, Jan. 1986. A. Stolmeijer, “A twin-well CMOS process using high energy ion implantation,” IEEE Trans. Electron Devices, vol. ED-33, no. 4, Apr. 1986. and a supply current of 1.88 mA. Kfaas Bult was born in Marii%berg, The Netherlands, on June 26, 1959. He received the M.S. degree in electrical engineering from Tsvente University of Technology, Enschede, The Netherlands, in 1984, on the subject of a design method for CMOS op amps, He is now working towards the Ph.D. degree on the subject of analog computational circuits for applications in anafog adaptive filters. ACKNOWLEDGMENT The authors are grateful to A. Kooy and G. Boom of the IC-processing facility at Twente University of Technology for processing Wassenaar, the circuits. O. W. Memelink, They also thank R. F. and E. Seevinlck for fruitful discussions. REFERENCES [1] B. multiplier Circuitf, [2] multiplier core with lateral Electron. Lett., vol.’ 21, pp. Gilbert,”A precision four-quadrant second response,” IEEE J. Solid-State 365-373, Dec. 1968. Z. Hong and H. Melchior~’Four-quadrant bipolar transistor in CMOS technology: 72-73, Jan. 1985. with subnanovol. SC-3, pp. Hans Wallinga (M81) received the M, S. degree in physics from the State University of Utrecht, The Netherlarsds, in 1967 and the Ph.D. degree in technicaf sciences from Twente University of Technology, Enschede, The Netherlands, in 1980. In 1967 he joined Twente University of Technology, where he initially was involved in device physics and device characterization of MOST’s and CCDS. Since 1975 he has been working on CCD filters and electrically filters. His present interest programmable CCD is mainfy in the de-